Swimming personal trainer. Training in the pool. Programs for women and men. Longer stroke

Thanks to our website, you can use the services of a private swimming coach in Moscow without any problems - swimming popular sport and there are many experts on it. Many students also note: Swimming is a rather pleasant sport. And, often, there is an erroneous opinion that it is easy to cut through the water surface. However, it is worth trying to do it yourself, as the realization comes that free swimming requires special efforts and preparation. We recommend hiring an experienced swimming instructor to help you become a professional swimmer.

According to experts: Swimming - great sport to strengthen the muscles of the arms and back. Also, due to classes in water, the general physical and emotional state improves, therefore, patients are often prescribed water procedures. A swimming instructor in Moscow, which you can find on our website, will be an excellent solution for organizing classes in the pool, where you can not only learn how to stay on the water, but also master several popular techniques.

Of course, you can try to learn how to swim on your own, but with the help of a swimming teacher, the process is more efficient and faster. In addition, it is an individual instructor who is able to point out errors in technique in time or answer any questions that arise regarding the next exercise.

Thus, thanks to a private teacher, everyone will be able to:

  • Learn a variety of swimming techniques and styles;
  • Take part in various competitions, in case of huge progress;
  • Feel free in the water. It doesn't matter if it's a pool or the open sea.

More often than others, they prefer to look for individual swimming instructors for beginners, since they are the ones who mostly need the help of a personal trainer. It is not only difficult for beginners to stay on the water. In principle, they feel uncomfortable in the pool if they do not know how to swim. Thanks to individual swimming lessons for beginners, the ward gains self-confidence, he begins to actively use his arms and legs, staying on the surface of the water. In addition, it is worth noting that the training program for beginners is considered quite easy and simple, as it is aimed at relieving a person from embarrassment and teaching him not to drown.

  • Trainer experience in the field.
  • The cost of one lesson. Thus, you can calculate how much you need for several workouts. In turn, we want to note that the quality of the result directly depends on the number of classes attended.
  • Age category. Some site visitors are looking for swimming instructors for children.

It should be additionally noted that classes with a child require a more responsible approach, so it is recommended to look for a true professional in this matter. Individual swimming lessons for children must be carried out taking into account all safety requirements.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to find the time to search for the right instructor. If you have no time to read profiles or study reviews, we are ready to offer our services in choosing a suitable candidate. Absolutely free of charge, our employees will find a personal swimming coach for children, adults, girls, men or just beginners in swimming. short time. You just have to contact the instructor and hire him if you like the candidacy.

"Olympic" is a legendary sports facility, one of the main sights of Moscow. The sports complex has a history of four decades. It was built to Olympic Games 1980 and for a long time was the largest indoor sports facility in Europe.

At the end of 2017, the object was acquired by the group of companies " Kyiv area» God Nisanov and Zarakh Iliev. Currently, the holding is reconstructing the complex, which is scheduled to be completed in 2023.

The new Olimpiyskiy will be equipped with a multifunctional arena designed for concerts, sports and circus events, a space for exhibitions and conferences, a multiplex cinema, a children's entertainment center, electronic library, a medical diagnostic center, the project also provides for a planetarium. Moving panoramic restaurants will start working on its roof.

After the reconstruction, the Olimpiyskiy will retain its sports function. In the renovated "Olympic" the swimming and jumping pools will again work, indoor ice rink, gymnasiums, as well as a water park, a diving center, tennis courts, spa and fitness areas, etc. In addition, parking will be expanded, which will make visiting the Olimpiyskiy more comfortable.

I think it doesn't make sense because even children know about it. It is swimming that helps to solve many problems, from the formation of the correct posture and the improvement of the body, ending with weight loss.

Why do many of those who seem to regularly go to the pool, adhere to certain rules of being in it and practice several times a week for a long time, do not get the cherished results and the effect that they would like to achieve? Perhaps this happens because there is no one to control your classes?

Why you need a coach in the pool

Independent attempts to cope with a problem (losing weight, strengthening muscles, restoring skin tone) may not be successful just because you are doing it alone, besides, monotonous exercises are very tiring. That is why, if you want to get both moral and physical satisfaction from swimming in the pool, you need to seek the help of a professional trainer.

Do not save on the services of a coach, because with his help you will achieve what you so passionately desire much faster, and it will be much more interesting to study than to swim alone. The trainer will select an interesting and varied program especially for you., corresponding to your goals, will teach and control the correctness of the exercises.

What do coaching sessions provide?

The duties of a coach include not only teaching swimming, but also recommendations, for example, on what sports equipment will help you get closer to your cherished goal as soon as possible, how to use them correctly.

In addition, while studying on your own, you will not be able to evaluate your mistakes and achievements, and the coach sees everything from the outside and can point to them, give advice and provide moral support. No novice will be able to immediately perform the right exercises right, especially, to pick up those that are necessary for him. Usually people who are just starting classes feel somewhat uncomfortable in the water, and in order to start exercising properly and not wasting time and money, a coach is needed.

What can a coach offer you?

So, having decided what exactly you want to get as a result of going to the pool, tell your coach about it, who will offer the shortest path to achieving your goals. These can be completely different programs and classes, because on your own you are unlikely to be able to understand what exactly will be the shortest path for you.

Sports swimming lessons

As you yourself understand, you can just come to the pool and flop there endlessly, but you won’t move a millimeter forward without knowing, understanding and applying certain rules of swimming. The benefits, of course, will be both for the body and for moral pleasure, but if you set yourself the goal of strengthening muscles, pumping up, learning new swimming techniques or losing weight, then you probably cannot do without a coach.

The ability to stay on the water, to swim is not the main thing. The most important thing is to master the technique correct breathing, compliance with certain standards and vigilant control of actions and results.

Aqua aerobics

I think that water aerobics for weight loss is one of the better ways getting rid of overweight, you know. But could you do it on your own? Hardly. It is necessary not only to know which exercises are suitable for this, but also how to do it correctly and how much, what devices to use, what should be the intensity and load.

But it is water aerobics that will help not only lose weight, but also increase muscle tone, strengthen the body, and adjust the figure. In fact, this is an analogue of fitness, only in the water, and not in the gym, and since the load is slightly higher during the exercises in the pool, the results will be noticeable faster.

Classes for pregnant women

Pregnancy is not a reason to become a formless being, sorry. Rather, on the contrary, you must make every effort to stay in good shape, otherwise later, after giving birth, it will be very difficult to return to the previous figure. In addition, exercising in the water will benefit not only you, but also your baby.

Water aerobics for pregnant women does not tolerate independence and heavy loads. An indispensable condition in this case is the control of the coach and the selection of a special individual program.

What conclusion can be drawn? You definitely need a coach, but for what - you already know. The decision is yours!

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Personal swimming lessons for adults and children follows an individual program.

Classes with personal trainer will allow you to achieve maximum results, master the necessary skills, overcome the fear of water and other stereotypes that prevent you from confidently staying on the water.

We offer individual sessions for swimming:

  • for non-swimmers, for those who want to learn how to swim correctly, not be afraid of water
  • for those who float and wants to learn different swimming styles
  • for those who can swim and those who want to improve their swimming technique
  • for athletes - preparation for competitions on open water, professional training to improve personal results.

Classes are taught by qualified coaches with extensive experience in teaching swimming.

Learn to swim at any age! You will increase not only the tone of your body, but the quality of your daily life.

Price individual training for swimming:

  • one-time lesson (45 minutes) - 2100 rubles.
  • subscription for 5 individual trainings in the pool (valid for 30 calendar days from the date of sale) - 9500 rubles.

Individual training with a swimming coach is the most effective method swimming lessons for all ages and skill levels.

Personal swimming training for adults and children takes place in the 50-meter Dynamo swimming pool on water stadium at the address: Moscow, Leningradskoe shosse, 39, building 53.

Instructors of the Dynamo pool at the Water Stadium:

    Elena Kishishyan (Monday, Thursday)
    Coach-teacher of physical culture and sports. Candidate for Master of Sports in
    Education: Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports,
    Experience: over 30 years.

    Ilya Romashov (Monday, Thursday)
    Education: Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (RGUFKSiT).
    Experience: more than 8 years.

    Stanislav Rodionov (Tuesday, Friday)
    Swimming instructor. Master of Sports of the USSR in swimming, champion of the USSR in swimming.
    Education: Azerbaijan State Institute of Physical Culture named after S.M. Kirov.
    Experience: over 25 years.

    Alexandra Rodionova (Tuesday, Friday)
    Swimming instructor. Candidate master of sports in swimming.
    Education: Institute of Education and Science (Specialization: management in the field of physical culture and sports)
    Experience: since 2013.

  • Sergei Rimsky (Wednesday, Saturday)
    Trainer-teacher for physical education and sports. Candidate master of sports in swimming.
    Education: Moscow State Pedagogical University (Department of Physical Education).
    Experience: more than 15 years.
  • Lyudmila Belchenko (Wednesday, Saturday)
    Coach-teacher of physical culture and sports. Master of sports in swimming.
    Education: Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports,
    youth and tourism (GTSOLIFK).
    Experience: over 30 years.

On Sunday, instructors work on a staggered schedule.

Required to visit the pool.

    You can send an REQUEST to personal training in the pool using the application form below.

This page was created in order to explain to people the difference between the concept of "Coach" and the concept of "Instructor". Unfortunately, many people here simply do not understand what is the difference between them, while, for some reason, believing that it is “Instructors” who are engaged in training people. This is not so at all - “Trainers” are engaged in training in our pools, and “Instructors” only keep order in the pool. By the way, we also have the so-called. “Baby Instructors” (aqua-sectarians) are unskilled swindlers who appropriated this fake qualification, which they themselves invented, but this is a completely separate topic, which is devoted to a separate page of our Coaching Site, and now everything in order:

Question: What is the difference between a swimming coach and a swimming instructor?

Answer: You need to understand that there are such POSITIONS (read about it) and there are such QUALIFICATIONS. First about qualifications: and - they are two different qualifications, the main difference between which is that the “Coach” has the right to train people, and the “Instructor” (officially) does NOT have such a right. In fact, a Trainer differs from an Instructor in the same way that a Certified Music Teacher differs from a Gnesinka student or a Certified Doctor from a nurse or a sophomore of a medical university.

Legally, an Instructor's Certificate is given to those who

What is a FAKE "Coaching Qualification"

Qualifications and Positions in the Basin

  • Pay attention to the fact that above we talked about the difference between QUALIFICATIONS, and besides this, in pools, as in any other organization, there are also POSTS, and, of course, as a position for someone who teaches swimming skills to adults and children (t .i.e. for a coaching position), and for the position of someone who should keep order (i.e., for an instructor position), the Pool Administration can put just anyone, including even a person without any profile qualification at all .
  • This is very convenient for the Administration of the pools, because. most people, of course, simply do not know all these nuances and, therefore, as they say: "It's just a sin not to deceive these fools!"
  • That is why, on almost no site (even if these are sites of super-VIP fitness clubs) offering you certain Services, you will never see ANY state documents that speak specifically about the QUALIFICATION of the specialists offered to you! - Everywhere only unfounded: "We have very experienced Coaches / Instructors"
  • You can understand their logic - well, why lay out state-recognized documents that speak of the education received and the qualifications assigned, if it is (financially) much more profitable for the Administration (because this is what makes it possible to deceive Clients and make money on "re-grading"), and " People still hawala "(C)
  • That is why all this is happening, according to such a scheme - for example, a certain Vasya Pupkin is taken "from the street", for example, to the position of "masseur". Vasya is explained that because he does not have specialized qualifications, then, therefore, they will not pay him much, but, of course, Clients are told: "Here is our Vasya for you, he is a very experienced massage therapist and, therefore, he costs $ 50 per hour."
  • Clients do not ask: “Did this Vasya study to be a masseur?”, “Does he have a masseur qualification and state documents confirming its receipt?”
  • - Clients, naively believing that only those who really have such qualifications can work as a "masseur", just stupidly go to the cashier and pay for a supposedly qualified massage, and do not ask any questions. And those units who ask "uncomfortable" questions and try to accurately establish the qualifications of the proposed specialist, demanding the opportunity to look at the documents talking about the received special training (where the qualifications are indicated) - they are simply told: "Why are you insulting us with your distrust, demanding show you Vasya's documents? We took offense at you and therefore we refuse to provide our services to you now! - Get out of here! We don't need scandalous clients! Will you leave yourself or call the guards?"
  • Actually, everything happens in the pools in the same way, with the exception, of course, sports schools DYUSSH / SDUSHOR, because there the state, financing the "production of athletes", after all, exercises control over the quality of the coaching and teaching staff, and in all other places there is no control over this (there is no control at all!), and how the Administration uses the absence of such control - guess It's not difficult at all, if, of course, you think a little about this topic ;-)
  • Actually, that is why we have placed so much information on the site and practical advice- just so that you, knowing the various nuances and typical options for deception, are not deceived when buying services.
  • * Because for different age categories of trainees (and different learning formats) their own specifics, you will find all these tips in the articles of the relevant sections - see the menu items "Adults" and "Children", or the menu item "Articles".
  • So, be vigilant, comrades, and do not let yourself be deceived by crooks, who, alas, are not few in our service sector, who flourish, first of all, precisely because, at a time when there is a material interest on their part (significant financial benefit from deception, which consists in banally passing off unskilled or low-skilled people as highly qualified), with yours - sheer illiteracy, disorder, infantilism and childish gullibility. So, as if the folk wisdom "Trust, but verify" does not concern you at all :-(
  • - Or do you (as "naive Chukchi children") really think that someone now, to the detriment of their income, will comply with the qualification requirements, despite the fact that the consumer (when ordering services) never asks to show education documents ? ;-)

Comparative quality of different groups of teachers

  • Summing up what has been said, I would like to somehow structure the above information and somehow divide (even if very relatively) those involved in training in our pools into some main groups so that the reader understands the ratio of different ones that affect the final result. , factors.
  • 1. First Group- these are the Teachers who have specialized qualifications and work according to the Standard Methodology as they were taught in the specialized university + personal coaching experience.
  • This group is the backbone of the country's coaching corps and, according to the Head Coach of the Russian Swimming Team (since November 2008) Andrey Vorontsov, the situation with this group is as follows - it is poorly replenished:
  • This group of qualified teachers is divided into the following subgroups:
  • a) Group 1-A
  • To this group we will include those who have a decent experience (more than 10 years) and work with maximum efficiency, as they say (in the good sense of the word). Such people give the maximum result, regardless of how much they are paid for it - even if they are not paid at all.
  • The result of their work consistently has grades 5 and 5+, depending on the God-given talent.
  • b) Group 1-B
  • This group should include colleagues with a long work experience (more than 10 years), but "not particularly tearing veins at work."
  • The result of their work, as a rule, in the range from 4 to 5
  • c) Group 1-C
  • This group should include young colleagues (less than 10 years of experience) "tearing the veins" (i.e. the same focus and the same moral qualities as their colleagues from Group 1A), but not yet having a significant work experience (i.e. n. "young specialists").
  • The result of their work usually has grades in the range from 4- to 4+ (depending on the God-given talent)
  • d) Group 1-D
  • This group should include unscrupulous and / or overly commercialized colleagues who work openly carelessly - for example: according to scientifically unfounded methods, unreasonably using swimming facilities to facilitate their work and / or according to the principle "gave the task and went to the smoking room, spitting on how trainees perform this task there. He returned - gave a new task and left again, "etc. options.
  • The result of their work usually has grades in the range from 3- to 3+ (depending on the degree of hack work), and their experience does not play any role.
  • * There is an opinion that the first group (qualified teachers) can also include those who, although they do not have any specialized qualifications, but, for that, have in the past personal sports achivments(in our sport!) level "Master of Sports" and above, because titles "Master of Sports" and above mean enough high level sportsmanship.
  • However, this is officially prohibited. At least, it was definitely forbidden by the old Federal Law No. 80-FZ, and it is unlikely that this provision has now been canceled by the new Federal Law No. 329-FZ.
  • Now repealed, Federal Law No. 80 of April 29, 1999 "On physical culture and sports in Russian Federation"He directly said that the right to coaching and teaching activities on the territory of the Russian Federation gives only professional education received on the territory of the Russian Federation in the field of physical culture and sports, and that no sports qualification (including MS or MSMK) and, therefore moreover, the presence of some kind of certificates or certificates from private schools or clubs (which do not have an official state license for teaching with the official assignment of specialized qualifications to trained students), as well as the possession of coaching or instructor certificates or certificates from clubs or firms of any other country (foreign state) - does not give any right to teach in the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • To replace the old Federal Law No. 80-FZ, the new Federal Law of December 4, 2007 No. 329-FZ "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation", to be honest, is even too lazy to read, because. it is unlikely that something fundamentally changed in this regard ...
  • ================================================================
  • 2. Second Group- these are those who are still only studying at a specialized university at a specialized faculty and at a specialized department (and, accordingly, in the past, have personal achievements not lower than the CMS level in our sport), who work according to the Standard Methodology in the way that they they managed to teach this during their studies and, as a rule, they still have only an instructor qualification.
  • The result of the work of such "potential colleagues" is usually lower by 1 - 1.5 points than that of the corresponding representatives of the First Group.
  • 3. Third Group- these are those who do not have any profile qualifications, but have personal achievements in the past ~ level 1st rank / CMS and teach according to the Standard Method the way they were once taught it themselves - as far as he remembers all this.
  • The result of the work of such "non-colleagues" is usually lower by 1.5 - 2 points than that of the corresponding representatives of the First Group.
  • 4. Fourth Group- these are those who not only do not have any profile qualifications, but also do not have at least some more or less significant personal achievements in the past (~ level 1st category / CCM)
  • - these, in general, it is not clear what they can teach, i.e. Here the result is guaranteed to be "horror-horror".

We hope that you will avoid poor quality training

  • We very much hope that the above information provided by us will help you to better understand the "concepts" and "layouts" that exist in our pools and, thus, avoid the deception that the Administration of almost all pools (and, especially, the Administration of Fitness Clubs swimming pools!), and the "trainers" themselves who do not have the proper qualifications - and, as a result, receive high-quality Training Services, i.e. not unskilled (from impostors), not low-skilled (i.e. instructors), but highly qualified, i.e. coaching!
  • We wish all visitors of the Site only high-quality training and the speedy mastery of the "correct" Technique as a result of receiving high-quality coaching services!
  • * When ordering services, pay special attention to the applied Training Methodology, because it can be either "correct", or extremely doubtful, - as well as the obligatory presence of the following "formal parameters" in the proposed specialist (here, never take a word for it, but only trust government-issued documents!):
  • 1. A specialized Coaching Diploma, which is qualified after 5 years of study at a university (and not an instructor's certificate or certificate!)
  • 2. Documents confirming personal achievements in sports swimming, and not in synchronized swimming or diving - this is relevant, because. jumpers and synchronized swimmers have exactly the same Coaching Diplomas as swimmers! Athletics" or "swimming", because now they simply write: "Specialist in Sports", without explicitly indicating which sport exactly :-(
  • 3. Significant coaching experience (more than 10 years of experience is highly desirable)
  • ** What points you need to pay attention to when ordering coaching services, you can read more in our article How to choose a Coach, which gives people a number of important practical advice.
  • *** See also the recommendations below and the Section "Pests / Board of Honor", where the Video examples show, including both high-quality and hacky coaching work.

REMINDER TO THE CONSUMER: What makes up the quality of Coaching Services

  • The quality of Swimming Education Services consists of the presence of a combination of the following necessary conditions:
  • 1. Classes should be conducted according to a scientifically based methodology (and not according to some pseudo-scientific)
  • - and, even more so, not according to some someone's "notion" from the series "That's how the voices whispered to me in my head", issued by the authors for the Method of teaching the ability to swim - for example: from "Mavis-1", Firsov or Levchuk , etc.
  • * Science-based methodology - this is the method by which future Trainers are taught to work at a university for 5 years.
  • 2. Classes must be conducted, i.e. a coach who:
  • a) at first, he himself was once professionally engaged sports swimming(and not by jumping into the water and not synchronized swimming, for example - although they have exactly the same Diplomas!) and achieved the results of the CCM / Master of Sports level in it,
  • b) then studied at a university for 5 years to teach others the ability to swim using a scientifically based methodology and, based on the results of the training received, received a profile coaching qualification and a University Diploma confirming its receipt:
  • c) after graduating from the university and receiving a specialized coaching qualification, the Coach has worked in the profession for many years and now has a long experience of coaching (at least 10 years of experience is highly desirable) - moreover, he has it in the field of Primary Education, and not in the Sport of High Achievements , where the specifics are completely different, because there is a completely different contingent of trainees who are at the level of the highest sportsmanship - and, accordingly, the Coaches there have completely different tasks, in contrast to the Coaches of Initial Training, who teach basic swimming skills "from scratch" - and up to the level of "1st adult category / KMS".
  • It should be understood that the main way to deceive people when providing them with coaching services, due to the fact that the responsibility for this is purely symbolic, is Deception on the "quality of a Coach", i.e. when a Client is offered a person who does not have a profile qualification, but, at the same time, he is cynically told that he will receive coaching services, allegedly from.
  • * Such crooks are very easy to recognize, because, when offering their Training Services to people, they never show the Clients “Documents for the offered Goods” (i.e. Coaching Diplomas - which indicate the qualifications) in advance - just like we do this in the Coaches resume, for example, in order to separate ourselves from the crowds of swindlers who are now massively impersonating our colleagues.
  • Thus, if you are offered Services, but, at the same time, they do not show the Coaching Diploma of the proposed Teacher, then you should know: in 90% of cases, this means a guaranteed deception (you are offered a person who does not have a profile coaching qualification), and in 10% of cases (when There are diplomas, but for some reason they are not shown) - this simply means banal Russian rudeness, when Clients are treated disrespectfully, believing: “If they really need to make sure that they have real coaching qualifications and they don’t want to take our word for it, then let them they ask to show them coaching documents - maybe we will show them.
  • Remember that when choosing coaching services, you should prefer those where you are shown documents on the qualifications of the Coaches offered to you (ie their university diplomas) and they are “clean”. And that's the first thing!
  • 3. Also, you need to know that the scientifically based methodology, at the stage of initial training, does not provide for any other swimming facilities, except for the swimming board -. And the lessons themselves (with those who cannot swim) must necessarily be carried out in a "shallow place", i.e. where the trainee can stand confidently and the depth is "up to the chest" -.
  • The presence of a combination of the above necessary conditions (Methodology + a Specialist trained to work according to it + proper conditions for classes) - invariably gives the maximum final result in the form of good (maximum possible) swimming skills for trainees obtained by them in the shortest possible time.

Coach Alexander Gennadievich Chirkunov - Children's sports school "Youth", Apatity

Vorobyov (Mavis-1)