How to sit on a male twine. Why do men need stretching (exercises for each part of the body)? How do the splits. Instructions from Chinese wushu champions


Perhaps every woman wants to be slim and flexible. Modern twine mania covers everything more people. However, not everyone manages to quickly and painlessly achieve the necessary stretching. Almost any woman can sit on the twine if desired. The main thing is to follow all the precautions if you are doing this at home.

Each woman is given twine differently. Someone sits on it in just a few days or weeks, while others suffer for months without achieving any result. The whole reason is in the ligaments and muscles that can hold back the stretch. Cross twine is considered the most difficult, but very beautiful in execution. In this case, the pelvis is turned forward, the socks look in opposite directions, and the buttocks are located on the floor. The lower limbs in this case form one straight line.

Cross twine is the most difficult to perform

Longitudinal twine is easier to perform. It involves straightening the knees of both limbs. At the same time, the pelvis is turned in one direction with the leading leg. The foot of the other limb is turned with the heel up, the knee rests on the floor. Depending on which foot is in front, the left and right are conventionally distinguished.

Longitudinal twine is easier to perform than transverse

It is more difficult to perform, of course, transverse twine. The whole difficulty lies in the simultaneous strong stretching of the ligaments of the legs. In this case, the load falls equally on both joints. In the longitudinal version, the stretching is uneven. The main load falls on the leading leg.

With age, sitting on the twine becomes more difficult. This is due to a decrease in the elasticity of the ligaments and less mobile joints.

How long can you sit on the twine at home

How long it takes for a beginner to achieve results depends on age, weight and health status. The older the person, the more difficult it will be to get a quick effect. The most elastic ligaments in children and adolescents from 3 to 16 years. During this period, you can achieve the goal in just a week with regular training.

At the age of 17 and up to 25 years, you can get a positive result in 10-14 days. Women from 30 to 40 years old will have to work for two weeks or more, since the ligaments are already quite tight. At 40-45 years old, attempts to sit on the twine will succeed if you stretch gradually over two months. At 50, there is also a chance to get a decent result, provided there are no contraindications. However, to sit on the twine at this age, it will take at least six months.

Ligaments during twine are stretched so intensely that you can get injured with any sudden movement.

Of course, the speed of achieving the result depends on physical training women. If she has never worked out before and by nature she has a bad stretch, then she will have to work hard for more than one month. Increased body weight, according to doctors, also plays an important role. The more extra pounds, the more difficult it is to sit on the twine.

Contraindications and precautions

Destructive processes in the joints can slow down progress. At the same time, chronic arthrosis can turn into acute if you immediately start stretching without additional preparation. In case of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it is necessary to act extremely carefully and only with the permission of the doctor advising you.

Contraindications to intense stretching for twine:

  • obesity;
  • pregnancy;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system, occurring in an acute form;
  • injuries of the joints or ligaments that were or are currently;
  • inflammation of the sciatic nerve;
  • acute sciatica.

Precautionary measures:

  1. You should not start exercising if there is pain in the spine.
  2. It is not recommended to stretch the ligaments, overcoming pain, otherwise micro-ruptures of the fibers can be provoked.
  3. Do not start exercising immediately after waking up. Ligaments become more elastic in the afternoon.
  4. You should always start with a longitudinal twine, smoothly moving to a transverse one.

Get result harder topics who do strength training. When pumping with dumbbells, the muscles clog up, holding back the sprain. It is not recommended to combine this type of stretching and bodybuilding on the same day.

Stretching methods for girls from 14 to 25 years old

At this age, you can get results in a week or less if you regularly perform just a few exercises. Next complex it is recommended to repeat 3 times a day for 5-10 minutes. You need to start with a warm-up. It could be walking in place easy run, tilting to the sides and forward, as well as jumping in place. After a short warm-up, you can proceed to the main exercises.

From a standing position, stretch one leg forward, bending it at the knee. The second limb is laid back and rests with the toe on the floor. The leg that is located in front should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees. The knee does not extend beyond the shin. Hands up or on the belt. In this position, you need to stay as long as possible. For beginners, 30-60 seconds is enough. Then repeat the same, but on the other leg. This exercise allows you to stretch for a longitudinal twine.

Warrior Pose is a Great Tendon Stretch

There is a prejudice that supposedly when not correct execution twine exercises can lose your virginity. It has no medical basis: stretch to your health!

The following pose will help prepare the tendons for the transverse version. To do this, you need to kneel and rest your palms on the floor. Legs are bent. Then you need to spread your knees to the sides as much as possible, feeling the tension. Rest should be on outstretched arms or elbows. It is not recommended to round the back. Stay in this position for a minute. For beginners, you can put soft pillows under your knees so that it does not hurt.

The Frog Pose for the Split Stretch should be done with care.

Next exercise will also help to stretch for the transverse twine. You need to squat down with your knees wide apart. Elbows should rest against them, palms are joined together. The buttocks look down, the pelvis gradually opens. Stay in this position for 30-60 seconds.

The pelvic opening position allows you to prepare for the transverse split

This exercise is effective for stretching the hamstrings. You need to sit straight, stretch your legs forward. Socks should be pulled towards you. Bend over, trying to touch your stomach and sternum to your knees. Hold for 30 seconds. Take a short break and repeat.

Leaning towards extended legs helps stretch the hamstrings

Video for beginners from Iya Zorina

How to stretch for splits after 30

At the age of 30, the ligaments are less elastic than in younger girls, so you need to be patient. To warm up the muscles, it is advisable to jump rope for a minute or run in place. Then you can move on to the main complex. The first exercise is a dynamic stretching of the ligaments. It is necessary to lie on one side, resting your palm on the floor. The upper leg should be raised as high as possible and towards you. You can't bend your knees. Do such swings 15-20 times with each leg.

Swinging legs on the side should be done smoothly, without sudden movements

The second exercise is performed from the same position. It is necessary to raise the leg as high as possible and take it with the palm of the toe. If stretching does not allow, then a belt should be used, gradually pulling the limb to the ear. At the maximum accessible point, it is recommended to stay for one minute. Then repeat the same thing, but only turning over on your back.

Stretching for the legs with a belt is effective and safe

The following exercise will maximize the stretch in the hamstrings. To do this, you need to sit down, bending your knees and connecting your feet. Hands need to gently press on the hips. In this case, you should try to lower your knees as close to the floor as possible. You should stay in this position for at least a minute.

Butterfly pose helps to maximize the opening of the pelvis

Such a short complex should be repeated 3-4 times a day. In order to sit on the twine as soon as possible, you should not take breaks even for a day, otherwise the result will return to the original.

Useful exercises for proper preparation: video

Effective stretching after 40

After 40 years, it is even more difficult to quickly sit on the twine. However, with regular training, nothing is impossible. A very effective exercise with legs wide apart. In this case, you need to bend over and rest your hands on the floor. Feet should not be torn off. It takes about a minute to be in this position. This will help warm up the ligaments.

Tilt with legs wide apart and with emphasis on hands

Next, you should sit down and again spread your legs as wide as possible. It is necessary to alternately bend over to one or the other limb, stretching your back and arms. This exercise is effective for both transverse and longitudinal twine. A total of 15 times in each direction. At the end of the exercise, you should lean in the middle, pulling your arms forward along the floor.

Seated leg stretch with knees straight and bent over

And finally, the third exercise must also be performed while sitting. Bend one leg at the knee and stretch the other forward. Try to bend as low as possible to the limb. The knee of the extended leg cannot be bent. At the maximum point, be on 20 accounts, then change your leg.

Sitting stretch, one leg bent

Performing any of the above actions, you can not round the back. This is very important rule. If there is pain in the knee joints, you can additionally use a small pillow.

Leg stretching exercises - video

Why do men stretch?

  1. The main thing is warming up!
  2. "Hurry up slowly"!
  3. Don't break the technique!
  4. Practice regularly!

When is the best time to stretch?

  • with a feeling of muscle numbness;

  1. Passive stretch
  2. Active stretch
  3. Ballistic stretch

Technique: what and how to pull?

Neck (head tilt)

Arms, shoulders and biceps




Upper back

How do we stretch?

  1. Starting position - standing.


  1. We fix in the lower position for 20-30 seconds.

Horizontal bar

The ability to sit on a twine develops flexibility. You can learn this exercise at any age, not only in youth. Stretching - part training process muscles. That is why it is easy to develop the ability to sit on the twine.

This is real, even if a woman has not been involved in sports before. Regular training works wonders, as the splits benefit primarily the muscles, but also the body as a whole. Learn more about the benefits of this exercise.

What gives the ability to sit on a twine?

In addition to the opportunity to develop flexibility, you can get other bonuses, as well as solve some health problems. Twine reveals the following possibilities for the body:

  • It helps to increase the protective functions of the body. As a result, a woman is less susceptible to diseases.
  • The body becomes more resilient.
  • Exercise trains the muscles and at the same time allows you to relax, tidy up the nervous system.
  • Improves concentration.
  • If you previously had problems with pressure, blood vessels, you can normalize your condition if you regularly sit on the twine. This is due to the fact that during training, vessels are involved that were not previously involved in the work of the circulatory system.
  • The exercise has an effect on the sacral spine, the pelvis becomes more mobile, which in the future may facilitate the process of childbirth.
  • It is interesting to know that this method is used as a prevention of arthrosis, arthritis.
  • Due to the normalization of the circulatory system and the improvement of the functioning of the joints, the impaired blood circulation in the pelvic organs is restored. As a result, a woman gets the opportunity to recover from diseases of the genital area and diseases of the urinary system. Recovering menstrual cycle.
  • Even the intestines work better, due to the restoration of the circulatory system in different areas and organs.
  • If you exercise regularly, it becomes possible to alleviate the condition of the legs with varicose veins. Twine is also used to prevent this disease.

How to train correctly?

You can not try to immediately sit on the twine. Untrained muscles may not withstand such stress. The desired result is achieved gradually. On average, with regular training, preparation usually takes 2-3 weeks. It is recommended to eat foods that increase muscle elasticity. Meat, on the contrary, should not be eaten for this very reason.

Before training, you can take a hot shower. At first, stretching should be short and rare, gradually its frequency increases. To sit on the twine after 2 weeks of classes, it is recommended to stretch from 4 p. a week or more. best result can be achieved with daily practice. It is enough to spend 30 minutes on one approach.


Twine has a lot of advantages. Briefly, here they are.

  • The twine removes the stiffness of the joints and thereby allows nutrients, blood and fluids to flow to all places without difficulty.
  • For women, it is very important as preparation for childbirth.
  • For men, it's just cool and beautiful looking. But in fact, it is still very useful and important for the reproductive system.
  • Fighters need splits so that their legs can be elastic and strong for kicks.
  • When the fluid in the joints dries up, then one of the most necessary exercises is the twine. And in passive stretching mode.
  • With varicose veins and various stagnant processes, you can’t imagine better. Because varicose veins are a swamp. Twine makes a river.
  • Cool pictures get a lot of likes, twine is no exception☺
  • Twine helps to even out the length of the legs. This is very important when there are distortions of the pelvis or hip joints.
  • Pumping and working muscles, tendons and fascial tissue is a matter of course.
  • Legs are a bank of all the unexperienced events of your life. When you are stressed or nervous, then all the clamps go into the body. Usually in the shoulders and legs. When you pull your legs, various blocks and clamps are removed. Thus, you sort of digest events from the past. A little esoteric, but reflect on this topic and track the real result.

The list of twine benefits is endless. Let's stop there. Good luck with your training and see you soon.

Igor "Fresh" Kovalev, founder of the community of healthy people. Video:

Photo: mikiashyoga/

Due to certain historically established customs, many activities in our lives are usually divided into “male” and “female”. Fitness is no exception in this regard - and therefore guys prefer to do boxing or iron pulling, and girls sign up for stretching and Pilates. Meanwhile, stretching for men is no less important than for women. Since the complexes of exercises for stretching muscles and ligaments not only help to keep yourself in shape, but are also directly related to male potency.

In this regard, it makes sense to figure out whether men need to perform flexibility exercises if they are engaged in power types sports? And if so, how quickly, starting almost from scratch, can you achieve more or less tangible results? What goals should you set for yourself - just not to let the muscles “turn sour”, or to create a program that will allow you to learn how to sit in the longitudinal and transverse splits? Is it possible to do without going to the gym and do stretching at home? Let's try to answer the questions.

Why do men stretch?

For men, there is a direct relationship between sexual health and the development of body flexibility. There are at least three reasons for this.

  1. Stretching for men promotes active blood circulation in the pelvic region. As a result, the vessels receive enough blood - and an erection, in essence, occurs due to its sharp rush to the male genital organ.
  2. Developed muscles best protection from nerve injury. After all, the source of this problem is the compaction and compression of the vertebrae, which occurs due to poor support. spinal column back muscles.
  3. The health of the body directly affects the psycho-emotional state - and after all, many problems of men in bed are connected precisely with the psyche. Moreover, the very first failure often causes an avalanche-like process of increasing fear before each subsequent sexual intercourse. And the transition to the use of drugs that enhance potency is definitely not the best way out of the situation, and the harm from this will be much more than good.

How to do this or that type of stretching if you are a beginner? And do you need to immediately worry that without the ability to professionally sit on the splits and arch the bridge, your classes cannot be considered full-fledged? Of course, the benefits of twine for men are undeniable - however, this is far from the first and not the main step in the art of creating a flexible and strong body. It is much more important to start with basic tasks– improving blood circulation in the pelvic region and relieving stress from the spinal column.

This will be achieved by doing special gymnastics for beginners, the first lessons of which can be obtained in the fitness center from experienced instructors, or you can immediately start exercising at home (the benefit of photos and videos of all useful exercises easy to find online).

What tips should not be neglected when starting to stretch at home, in the gym or at the stadium?

  1. The main thing is warming up! You can not start to strain the "cold" muscles. The best option- Light cardio workout gymnastic exercises for joints for 10-15 minutes.
  2. "Hurry up slowly"! This catchphrase is the best suited to our task. Sharp movements during stretching are contraindicated - but slow and smooth, on the contrary, ideally help strengthen muscles and make ligaments elastic.
  3. Don't break the technique! Otherwise, pain and even injuries will begin to haunt you, and the effect of the classes will be much lower than we would like.
  4. Don't make it a competition! Your workouts are for you, not for the audience. No need to try to get ahead of someone or someone to prove something.
  5. Practice regularly! At least three times a week. And combine classes with proper nutrition, light jogging, cycling, swimming, or any other form of light cardio. If you add moderate power loads to this, the result will not be long in coming!

Remember one more important thing - ANYONE can do stretching (with the exception of those to whom it is contraindicated due to serious violations of the body). The main thing is to increase the load gradually and do it with pleasure!

When is the best time to stretch?

In principle, you can perform exercises almost anywhere and at any time. And not only in an apartment, park or on the beach - but even while waiting for a tram or stuck in your own car in a traffic jam. There would be an opportunity and a little time!

Of course, some moments and places are more convenient for this, and experts recommend:

  • give preference to the morning hours, before leaving for work;
  • do exercises during breaks throughout the working day;
  • periodically, about once every few hours, - subject to a sedentary lifestyle;
  • with a feeling of muscle numbness;
  • just like that, if you are still sitting, reading or watching TV.

Three Types of Stretches to Develop Flexibility

There are different types of stretch marks - and each of them has its own purpose.

  1. Passive stretch. The slowest type, suggesting complete control over the muscles. To do this, the application of force must be long-term and external - that is, provided by a simulator, a training partner, or some kind of load. Its purpose is to stretch the ligaments as much as possible and muscle fibers but almost pain free.
  2. Active stretch. With it, the effort is achieved due to its own movement. At the same time, the muscles contract more actively, and the tension is at the limit for the athlete.
  3. Ballistic stretch. Ballistics is aimed at accelerated movements, and therefore requires experience and utmost attention (otherwise, you can tear muscle fibers and damage joints). However, it is also necessary, since the types of loads on the muscles should not only be static.

Technique: what and how to pull?

Neck (head tilt)

  1. Starting position - standing. The back is straight, look forward. Slowly tilt your head down as far as possible. At the end point, fix the position for 10 seconds. We return to the starting position.
  2. We repeat the same steps, but with the head tilted back. The mouth is not opened.
  3. Now we tilt our head to the left - and we help to press it to the shoulder with our left hand (the shoulder itself does not rise). The same fixation - but for 20 seconds. We return to the starting position.
  4. We repeat the same steps, tilting the head to the right.
  5. We begin slow rotations of the head clockwise. Then the same thing - counterclockwise (10 turns in each direction).

Arms, shoulders and biceps

The exercise is done at the Swedish wall or other vertical support.

  1. Starting position - standing sideways to the support at arm's length.
  2. We lean on the wall with our hand and begin to unfold the body. Do this until you can keep your balance, do not move your legs and feel tension in your shoulder and biceps (but without pain).
  3. At the end point, fix the position for 30 seconds. We return to the starting position.
  4. We turn to the support with the other side and do the same with the other hand.


How to stretch triceps?

  1. Starting position - standing, one arm is bent, her palm falls on the opposite shoulder.
  2. With the palm of the second hand, we take the elbow of the first from below and slowly pull it as far as possible, trying to bring the elbow almost to the opposite shoulder.
  3. We fix the position for 30 seconds, return to starting position and change hands. We repeat 10-15 times.


For this we need bars.

  1. Starting position - standing, hands resting on the bars from the elbow and above.
  2. Slowly bend the legs, lowering the body down to the maximum possible (it is easy to determine by the increase in pain).
  3. We fix the position for 30 seconds, return to the starting position. We repeat 10-15 times.


The easiest way, because it does not require any devices.

  1. Starting position - lying on your stomach. Hands in the same position as before push-ups.
  2. Slowly straighten your arms, lifting only upper part body, bending back the spine.
  3. We fix the position for 30 seconds, return to the starting position. We repeat 10-15 times.

Upper back

How do we stretch?

Starting position - standing, chest slightly arched, breathing even.

  1. We round the back, sticking out the chest, at the same time, for balance, stretching the arms down and forward along with the shoulders (the chin also tilts a little).
  2. Having reached the limit point - just as slowly, we straighten up.

Fixing the end position is not needed here, but maximum load should be felt in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. If tension occurs in the wrong place, we try to correct movements until we reach desired result. We repeat 10-15 times.

Loin and back of thighs

The most difficult exercise for beginners (subject to the desire for its correct implementation).

  1. Starting position - standing.
  2. As you exhale, WITHOUT BENDING THE KNEES (this is important!) we lean forward and reach for the floor with our fingertips. In the absence of flexibility in the muscles, this will not be possible at first. But you need to repeat the exercise (again and again, day after day) until you can touch the floor with open palms when you bend over.
  3. On the exhale - take the starting position.

Important! When performing the exercise, the back should remain straight, not arched. Otherwise, the muscles of the back, not the back, will stretch, and the effectiveness of the exercise will greatly decrease.


How can a man sit on a twine? As a rule, they do not manage to do this as quickly as women. However, it is necessary to strive for this.

The first step in this will be the following exercise:

  1. Starting position - sitting on the floor. We bend the legs at the knees, spread them apart and pull the heels as close to the buttocks as possible, shifting the feet.
  2. We put our hands on our knees and begin smoothly, but with effort, to spread them to the sides and down in such a way as to try to press them to the floor.
  3. It does not matter to what level you can lower your knees from the first, second and so on. The main thing is to fix at the lowest point where you can endure moderate pain, and hold out in this position for up to half a minute.

Legs, in perspective - twine (transverse)

The second step will be an exercise that is performed immediately after the previous one.

  1. Starting position - standing, hands holding on to a support (for example, Swedish wall or the back of a high and heavy chair), the legs are set as wide as possible (as far as possible).
  2. Slowly we begin to spread our legs even wider, moving our feet. Each time we will go lower and lower - and even if we do not reach the level of sitting on a full twine, we can be satisfied with the result, at which about 10 cm will remain to the floor.
  3. We fix in the lower position for 20-30 seconds.
  4. Just as slowly and carefully return to the starting position.

Legs back and forth, in perspective - twine (longitudinal)

  1. Starting position - standing, hands holding on to the supports on both sides (left and right).
  2. Without bending your knees, put one leg forward as far as possible.
  3. Slowly we begin to spread our legs even further back and forth.
  4. Satisfactory, as in the first case, can be considered lowering the pelvis to a height of 10 cm from the floor.
  5. We fix in the lower position for 20-30 seconds.
  6. We repeat as much as we can.

Horizontal bar

It's easy enough to hang on. Often, at any time and without restrictions. Such a vis unloads the spine perfectly, and at the same time trains the strength of the hands.

To maintain good spirits and well-being regular class exercise is simply a necessity. After all, it contributes to the healing of the whole organism, keeps it in good shape. One of the most useful exercises is the twine, because during its implementation almost all muscles are involved.

The benefits of twine

Twine increases the mobility of the pelvis and sacral region, improves the functioning of the joints and is an excellent prevention of arthrosis and arthritis.

During this exercise, blood circulation in the pelvic organs improves, abdominal cavity. This is an excellent prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system in both men and women.

Twine normalizes the work of the intestines, and the good work of this organ is the key to the health of the whole organism. It also brings great benefits to the spine, stretching it and thus improves posture and prevents scoliosis.


To lose weight in 30 days, you need to apply 3 important processes: preparation..

For women, twine is useful in that it helps to normalize the menstrual cycle. This is all thanks to improved blood circulation. With the help of twine, you can improve the condition of patients with varicose veins and even normalize the function respiratory system person.

Twine has no contraindications during pregnancy. In a milder form, it can be performed before childbirth to greatly facilitate this process for both mother and child.

In addition to this, people who regularly perform this exercise can get rid of fat deposits on the inner and outer thighs, abdomen and back. The legs acquire a beautiful relief shape, the press becomes strong, and the back is strong. The benefit of stretching for the figure is that, by increasing the flexibility of your body with the help of this exercise, a person becomes more energetic, mobile.

Twine harm

The benefits and harms of twine for women and men depend on the presence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. As such, this exercise has no contraindications, but it should be performed with caution for those who suffer from severe diseases of the spine or joints, hypertension, or have recently suffered bruises and fractures of the pelvis and legs.

10 reasons why you need to have a good stretch

From a large list of benefits of a good stretch, we highlight exactly 10:

  • If you don't remember when you stretched last time Don't worry, with time everything will work out. Start today and you will feel the influx of strength and energy. One small workout improves blood flow in the muscles, maintaining the effect for almost 2 hours.
  • Good stretch and flexibility can improve general state muscles, make them strong enough and hardy. During exercise, a person experiences pain. This kind of tension has a very positive effect on the whole body.
  • Stretching helps to develop the body, which in the future will play an important role during strength training. If the muscles are not sufficiently stretched and not warmed up, the likelihood of injury is high.
  • Tendons and ligaments acquire elasticity, joints move much easier, and the amplitude is greater. This effect is achieved during a period of regular exercise.
  • A good stretch will undoubtedly translate into more beautiful posture and gait, which is especially important for women. flexible man more self-confident, does not feel constrained, is not afraid to take the wrong step or a sharp turn. Stretching allows you to get rid of many problems associated with joints and muscles.
  • If you pay due attention to stretching, do not miss workouts, especially if you sit on the twine, this is a huge plus. Since the sexual function is enhanced, which will favorably affect the personal (sexual) life.
  • Regular stretching over time will improve metabolism, speed up metabolic processes. The blood supply to all organs will be normal.
  • After stretching, the muscles will be in good shape, which means that the load on the spine will significantly decrease. This fact is very important for pregnant women.
  • The benefits after stretching will be visible only if the exercises were performed correctly.
  • Stretching is recommended before or after the main workout.

A flexible body means a beautiful and healthy body. This will undoubtedly add self-confidence and psychological calmness.

Stretching is necessary at any age: whether it is a child of 8-10 years old or a pensioner at the age of 65 years.

To maintain excellent good spirits and excellent well-being, various physical exercises. This certainly contributes to the global improvement of the whole organism in women and men. Every muscle is in good shape and functions properly.

Twine is very useful and effective, since at the time of its execution almost all inactive muscle fibers are involved. You will be able to quickly bring your body into perfect shape, normalize your global state of the whole organism, which will work actively and much better.

If a true and strong desire arises, you regularly train, it is quite possible to sit on the twine at 30, and at 40, and at 50 years old. How to achieve amazing body flexibility at absolutely any age? Why is it worth paying attention to the longitudinal and transverse twine?

What does regular stretching do?

It is very important for women and men to be able to sit on the twine. Of course, you will need to determine for yourself the pros and cons of this type of training. This exercise is important because:

  • Significantly improves the entire work of the trainee's unstable immune system.
  • Significantly and greatly increases the endurance necessary for life.
  • Perfectly normalizes the shaken mental state, improves the function of human attention.
  • Makes each muscle involved more elongated and does not allow it to actively grow in breadth - very important for women who like to perform various strength exercises.
  • Helps speedy and effective muscle recovery.
  • Stabilizes pressure. The blood flow begins to be properly directed to the vessels, to distribute oxygen to all organs.
  • Prevents dangerous injury.
  • Twine improves the menstrual cycle in women, which is a very important problem at a later age.
  • Significantly prevents health hazards varicose veins veins, which can cause blood clots that are dangerous to human health and life.
  • Helps in natural childbirth. Increases the flexibility of each hip joint.

Benefits of Standard Twine: Additional Benefits

Twine significantly increases the natural mobility of the pelvis in men and women. Joint mobility is noticeably improved, which is also an excellent prevention of dangerous and very unpleasant diseases - arthritis and, of course, arthrosis.

During the immediate execution this exercise significantly improves blood flow in the abdominal region. It is also an excellent preventive measure against diseases of the genitourinary system in girls and boys.

Any twine noticeably normalizes the natural work of the intestines, but the good activity of this particular organ is an indisputable guarantee of the health of the entire organism. It also brings a huge and noticeable benefit to the constantly loaded spine, stretches it so that the set posture improves, acute and chronic scoliosis is prevented.

It is also surprising that the twine does not have contraindications during pregnancy, if performed in the easiest possible way. You can do it even before the birth itself, to greatly facilitate the process itself for mom and baby.

In addition to this basic exercise, people who exercise regularly can get rid of unwanted fat deposits on the outer and inside hips, back and abdomen. The legs acquire a truly beautiful and embossed shape, the abdominal muscles become very strong, and the back is hardy and strong.

The benefit of active stretching for the figure is that by increasing the natural flexibility of your body, a person becomes energetic in any case.

This type of training increases not only activity, but also improves mood. Indeed, during the period of such classes, hormones are produced that affect the well-being and emotional background of the trainee. If you do the exercise regularly, you will see the result not only in the physical direction, but also in the emotional direction. Each time the training will end with the desired effect, a joyful smile and energy for the whole day.

You need to sit on the twine correctly: professional recommendations

If you have seriously decided to sit on the twine, you should follow certain tips:

  • No matter how much you want to immediately sit on the twine, an unprepared woman or man should spend at least a few weeks on the exercise. Hurrying in such a matter can lead to dangerous injuries, so stock up on a sufficient amount of patience.
  • Completely eliminate the use of meat in the diet during thorough training. Ligaments simply lose their elasticity because of it.
  • Before stretching, you should take a hot enough shower, which makes the ligaments as pliable as possible.
  • Workouts thought out to the smallest detail should be started gradually, over time, increase the direct amount effective stretch marks per day. It is important to sit on the desired twine in the morning and evening. An obligatory aspect of such classes is regularity.
  • Your classes should take place at least 4 times a week, and preferably daily. The duration of each home workout should be approximately 30 minutes.

Remember that professional advice is never superfluous. Only with proper exercise and balanced diet you will see the long-awaited results and be surprised that now splitting has become so easy for you

Is there any harm from ordinary twine?

Of course, the benefits and direct harm of this exercise directly depend on the indispensable presence of ailments of the support function. As such, training of this type has no explicit and clearly marked prohibitions, but nevertheless it should be done with extreme caution for those who suffer severely from severe diseases of the joints and the spine itself.

You should not sit on any twine and those who have hypertension. If the patient has recently suffered a severe bruise or fracture of the pelvic bones, it is not necessary to perform such an exercise.

The benefits and harms of twine

In fitness, as in many areas of life, there is an unspoken division into “male” and “female”. For example, boxing and crossfit are more “for boys”, while Pilates and stretching are more for girls. Men sometimes go to stretching groups, but rarely. And it’s even more difficult to find those men who do home stretching. Although exercises to relax and maintain flexibility, among other things, affect male potency.

fitness manager, Fit.Space studio trainer

Stretching for men is the key to sexual health. One of the main aspects of erection is the vascular reflex, which causes expansion and relaxation of the walls of the arteries of the penis. It is accompanied by an increased inflow of arterial blood. The condition of the vessels is adversely affected by the increased pelvis. It also interferes with the inflow of arterial and outflow of venous blood to the genitals, which negatively affects the ability to have an erection.

Due to the increased load on the lumbar vertebrae, compression often occurs, which can lead to a deterioration in the innervation of the spinal nerves that control the functioning of the reproductive system and the prostate gland. Stretching is important for potency. And this applies to both athletes who are actively involved in sports and fitness, and not at all, who spend most of their time in a sitting position. In this case, it is important to engage in stretching and relaxation exercises.

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How to stretch a man? Do not be afraid and think that in order to maintain sexual health, you need to be able to sit on all kinds and freely do a gymnastic bridge. We are talking about stretching exercises for men, which help to open the pelvis, improve blood circulation in the pelvic floor area, as well as relieve tension in the chest and lumbar regions spine. Such a complex can be found in special classes in fitness clubs, or you can master stretching for men at home on your own.

  • Don't forget to warm up! Before stretching, do articular gymnastics and a light cardio warm-up (10-15 minutes). Feel the muscles "warm up".
  • Do not hurry! Stretching exercises do not tolerate fuss, they must be performed calmly. Avoid springy and abrupt movements.
  • Save your tech! What matters in stretching is not the range of motion, but how carefully you do it.
  • Don't compete! Remember that you are not in a circus competition, do not try to surpass your neighbor or immediately achieve what the instructor shows you.

On this topic:

Here are some stretching exercises for men that you can include in your morning exercises, or perform after your main workout:

  • Lying leg abduction

Lie on your back, straighten up left leg along the floor, and bend the right knee, resting the foot on the floor. Lower your knee towards the floor 10 times, trying to keep your left buttock pressed to the floor. Repeat with the other leg.

  • Frog lying

Lie on your back, straighten your legs. Bend the right leg at the knee and pull the knee in the direction of the right shoulder, grabbing the leg with your hands, while pulling the left leg along the floor. Change. Repeat the exercise 16 times, alternating legs.

  • Butterfly sitting

Sit on the floor, lean back against the wall. Connect the feet together, spread the knees to the sides as far as possible. First, relax your legs, until the moment when your knees drop a little lower, and then, using a little effort, press first on the right and then on the left knee.

  • Lightweight dove

Place a chair in front of you, put your right leg on it, bending it at the knee and directing the knee to the side. Grasp the back of the chair with your hands and lean forward.

  • Pigeon

Sit on the floor, bend the right leg at the knee, putting it in front of you, and straighten the left leg back, trying to press the front surface of the left thigh to the floor. If you manage to do this, gently lean towards the front leg, extending your arms forward.

  • sleeping dog

Sit on your knees, bring your feet together, knees slightly apart. Lower your pelvis onto your heels and lean towards the floor, extending your arms forward. Relax your back, trying to lengthen the line of the spine, directing the tailbone to the floor. Breathe calmly.

Muscle stretching exercises affect sexual health in several ways:

  • improved blood circulation in the pelvic area;
  • prof and lactic;
  • improvement of the psycho-emotional state (and emotional stress).

Stretch at least twice a week. Combined with healthy eating, regular cardio training and moderate power loads, this will allow you to maintain health and provide good potency.

The ability to sit on a twine is an indicator of good joint flexibility and muscle stretching. Few people know how to do this, but almost any person who does not have problems with the musculoskeletal system can learn this gymnastic element in 1-2 months. To do this, you need to systematically perform a certain set of exercises that do not require too much time and effort. Consider how to sit on the twine at home, how to acquire this skill without injury and consolidate it for a long time.

Having set yourself such a goal, do not strive to meet the minimum deadlines. The development of the plasticity of muscles and ligaments is a purely individual process, if you force it, you can get injured, thereby postponing the achievement of the desired goal for an indefinite period. The main principle of training should be the desire for unhurried, gradual progress.

general information

The word "twine" is of Italian origin, it is formed from the verb "split" and implies the separation of the feet to the maximum possible distance from each other. Both legs should be extended in one straight line. Depending on how you are oriented lower limbs relative to the body, there are longitudinal and transverse twine.

With a longitudinal twine, the legs are bred in the plane of symmetry of the body - forward and backward. There can be two such positions - with the left or right limb in front. Accordingly, the longitudinal twine can be left or right. When mastering it, it is necessary to pay equal attention to the development of both options. With transverse twine, the legs are bred in the frontal plane - in both directions. As a rule, it is more difficult to make transverse twine, it takes more time to master it.

The easiest way is to perform longitudinal or transverse twine while sitting on the floor. In this case, body weight and floor partially help to fix the muscles and ligaments in a stretched state. More complex options, available only to the most trained and flexible - standing, jumping, hanging, relying on hands, standing on hands. But the biggest "split achievement" is the transverse split, in which the hips are parted more than 180 °. It is performed on supports under the feet and is called royal.

Confident split performance is a requirement in many sports and dance disciplines. Those who do not master this skill may be denied admission to advanced sport sections and dance groups. An excellent way out for such people, as well as for everyone who would like to master this spectacular gymnastic element, is training at home.

Basic Rules

Before you start doing stretching exercises for the twine, familiarize yourself with the basic rules for stretching training. It is impossible to neglect these rules, it is fraught not only with wasted time, but also with the danger of injury.

  • In principle, by systematically performing stretching exercises, you can sit on the twine at any physical form- and with a significant excess of weight, and with insufficiently developed muscles. However, the ability to do splits will not add much points to your image if your form leaves much to be desired. Therefore, it is recommended that priority be given to achieving normal weight and other physical parameters, and after that mastering the twine.
  • Stretching is not power load, after it you do not need to give the muscles time to recover. The more often you practice, the sooner you can sit on the twine. The ideal workout regimen to aim for is two 20-minute stretches daily, morning and evening. Remember that a day without training is a step back.
  • Only warm muscles can be stretched, so a 10-minute warm-up is necessary before each workout - jumping, squatting, running with high knees. Or, do stretching exercises immediately after a strength or cardio workout.
  • If you warm up the bottom with a hot shower or bath before stretching, then the process will go much faster, and the goal of doing splits in a month may be quite achievable.
  • Perform exercises smoothly, without jerks and the appearance of sharp pain. Pain will be felt inevitably, but it must be tolerable.
  • In order to avoid injuries, it is better to do without the help of a partner, or at least agree that he immediately stops the force at your first request.
  • Stretched muscles should be as relaxed as possible, breathing is calm.
  • It is most convenient to practice on a bare smooth floor in socks, which ensures good glide.
  • Having reached the maximum stretch, it is advisable not to freeze in a static position, but to make oscillatory movements with a small amplitude, increasing and weakening the muscle tension.

Contraindications to the development of twine are injuries of the joints and spine, arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, thrombosis, groin hernia and abdominal wall, arterial hypertension.

A set of exercises

In order to sit on the twine, you need to achieve a good stretch of muscle groups:

  • hips;
  • shins;
  • buttocks;
  • lower back;
  • groin.

Consider which exercises are most effective for working out all these zones. For each exercise, do 3-4 repetitions, holding the stretch for 30-40 seconds. Do not forget about the need for a preliminary warm-up.

For those who have begun to practice, a logical question arises: how long can you sit on the twine. This will depend both on the initial data: age, gender, physical fitness, and on the intensity of training. On average, for those who are not gifted with natural flexibility, this period is 2 months. Those who are more flexible in their strength can sit on a twine in 1 month, representatives of the older generation may need six months for this. Transverse twine, as a rule, is more difficult to master than longitudinal twine, it will take longer to work on it.

Anterior thigh

Lying on your side and resting your head on an arm extended in line with the body, bend the knee of the upper leg, clasping top hand ankle. Keep your knees together, the lower leg and body do not change position, the back does not arch, the buttocks do not rise. Bring the heel of the relaxed upper leg closer to the buttock with your hand until you feel a strong stretch in the quadriceps. Hold this position for 30-40 seconds. Do the same while lying on the other side.

Back of the thigh

Lying on your back, lift one straight leg up and grab it with your hands around the ankle. The second leg is bent and rests on the floor. If you can’t reach the ankle, you can grab the shin or use a towel, belt, throwing it over the foot. Keep your foot perpendicular to your lower leg. Pull the relaxed leg, as if trying to throw it behind the head. The muscles of the back of the thigh should be strongly stretched. Freeze at the point of maximum stretch. Do the same for the other limb.

Inner thighs

Sitting on the floor, spread your straight legs wider. Lean forward, feeling your muscles tighten inner surface hips. Lock the pose at the point of maximum stretch.


Lying on your back, bending your knees, place the ankle of one limb on the reed of the other. Wrap your arms around the thigh of your lower leg and pull it toward your chest along with the ankle of the other leg resting on it. Do not lift your buttocks off the floor. You should feel how the muscles of the buttocks, lower back and outer surface thighs of the upper leg. Freeze in the position of maximum stretch. Change the position of the legs and repeat the exercise.

Small of the back

Getting on all fours, arch your back as much as possible, raising your head up, and then round your spine, tucking your buttocks and head down. At the end of the exercise, sit on your heels with your head on the floor and arms extended forward.


Approach the closed door within walking distance and grasp the handle. Rest the toes of one foot on the door, raising them as high as possible, the heel rests on the floor. Holding the handle, bring the straight body closer to the door. Calf muscle the front leg is greatly stretched. Freeze at the point of maximum stretch. Repeat the exercise by changing the position of the feet.

Muscles of the groin

Sitting on the floor, spread bent knees on the sides, connect the soles of the feet and bring them as close as possible to the buttocks. Holding your hands on the connected feet, press your elbows on the relaxed hips until the maximum tension of the muscles of their inner surface. Stay in this position.

Half twine

As the name implies, this position is an inferior version of the longitudinal twine. One leg in it is stretched back, and the one that should be stretched forward is bent at the knee. The half-twine lacks the most difficult part - one straightened leg - to a full split. But, despite the simplicity of this exercise, not everyone succeeds in sitting beautifully on a half-twine right away. To achieve this, you need to pull back your socks, straighten your back, turn your shoulders and raise your chin. You can maintain balance by leaning on your hands, lowered along the sides of the body. Hold this pose for 30-60 seconds. Perform 3-4 half twines on both sides.

The final part of the workout

Having worked out all the muscle groups with the help of the above exercises (3-4 repetitions on each side), you can actually start sitting on the twine. It is most convenient to do this on a smooth floor in socks. Slide your feet on the floor, spreading them to the sides - for transverse, or back and forth - for longitudinal twine. To perform the correct longitudinal twine, you must observe important condition- Knees should be fully extended.

In the first workouts, most likely, your posture will resemble a twine very remotely. The distance from the buttocks to the floor can be half a meter or more, especially when it comes to transverse twine. But every day you will sink lower and lower, approaching your goal.

Some fitness trainers recommend using a stack of books when working out the longitudinal twine. It is necessary to sit on it, spreading straight legs to the sides, and then pull one book out from under you, making sure that the knees and body remain straight. With each workout, the stack of books will decrease, and when it disappears completely, you will finally be able to sit on the splits. How soon this happens will largely depend on your perseverance and patience.

To keep the acquired skill, do not quit training, do stretching exercises and try to sit on the twine at least once a week.

There are no easy achievements in any sport. To achieve even a small progress, you need to conduct hard training. And nothing can be learned in a week or two.

But most people, having set themselves the task of sitting on the splits, do not realize this and are not ready to go to the end to achieve their goal.

This approach will not lead to success. Split is a position that requires a certain elasticity of the ligaments, joints and tissues, which is not so easy to achieve.

In order to achieve results, you need to find 20-30 minutes of free time for training every day. If you can't exercise every day, try exercising every other day. But in this case, the ability to quickly sit on the twine is reduced.

You need to understand that a clear goal and awareness of the necessary path that you need to go through is the key to success. In this article you will find great exercise helping to quickly sit on the twine. But no one but you can force your body to train and get better. Before starting each session, close your eyes for 5 minutes and imagine the result you want to achieve. You must regularly set clear goals for yourself and follow them step by step.

The following image shows useful exercises to increase the elasticity of the ligaments and the body as a whole:

Correct assessment of your capabilities

The mistake of many beginners is that they look at professionals and try to repeat after them. This, of course, is good when there is a desire to learn from experienced people. But in the matter of physical training, such training methods are unacceptable. You need to soberly assess your strengths and the state of the body.

Don't do it right away difficult exercises because they can do you more harm than good. During training, you yourself will understand what is easy for you, and what else you need to work on.

Many fail to sit on the twine even after several months of hard work. This is bad? Not at all. Everyone has their own genetics and body constitution.

Horizontal and longitudinal - which is easier to do?

For most people, longitudinal twine is much easier. There is a simple explanation for this - such a movement is natural for the body, similar to a stretched step. This is how people move when they run fast.

Evolutionarily, we are worse adapted to setting the leg far to the side, and even more so to spreading the two legs wide apart. Namely, such a movement involves transverse twine. Longitudinal twine is given to most better due to the structural features of both joints and muscles.

But there are always exceptions, and for some, due to the individual characteristics of the body, the longitudinal stretching of the legs is given, on the contrary, more difficult. But much depends on desire. If you really want to do transverse twine and practice systematically and diligently, then you will not notice how you will achieve your goal.

Stretching steps

Good training program, which will help you sit on the twine should consist of successive steps:

  • warm-up;
  • exercises that warm up the muscles and ligaments of the legs;
  • stretching exercises;
  • recovery measures, hitch.

A warm-up should be done at the very beginning of a workout in order to prepare the body for stress. If you throw it out of class or move this stage to another position, then injuries will not take long.

To warm up the muscles means to bring them into a state of combat readiness. This is the only way you can achieve maximum results in stretching. You need to use different exercise options - in this case, constant progress will be observed.

Always remember that any workout is stressful for the body. Especially when you force him to make unnatural movements. After maximum stretching, it is necessary to very slowly return the legs to their original position.

Description of home workout

Warm-up should be done for at least 10 minutes. Follow the rule that used to be written in some Soviet gyms: "A warm-up is considered good only if you have sweat on your forehead!"

We warm up the muscles. This process usually lasts from 5 to 10 minutes and may even depend on the temperature of the house or hall. The main thing is to feel that your body is ready to work.

You can start by rubbing the leg muscles. Then you need to make a few rhythmic movements, you can remember some elements from the dances. Squats or leg swings are also great for warming up muscles and ligaments before stretching them.

The first attempts to sit on the twine. Spread your legs as far as possible, try to reach the level you can. This will be the starting point that you can navigate to at the end of your workout to track your results.

In this position, place your hands on the floor in front of you. Imagine that you are a pendulum and you are swinging from left to right, also in the opposite direction. With these movements, swing from side to side.

Lower your elbows to the floor. If you can't do it right away, don't worry. In this case, just try to press them to the floor as much as possible. Then start moving forward and backward.

Freeze in this position for 5-7 minutes. During this time, try to relax and think about something other than stretching. This approach will help you ignore the pain and allow your legs to move apart.

We return to the starting position. When you feel that the ligaments do not stretch further, gradually, helping yourself with your hands, begin to bring your legs together. This must be done very slowly.

After you fully stand up, press your legs together and do 10-15 rotational movements in a clockwise and wise direction. Repeat this in the opposite direction as well. Thus, you will give the opportunity to calmly return to the ligaments and joints in their places.

Other exercises

Forward bends from a seated position

Sit on the floor, stretch your straight legs, socks should look up. Lean forward and grab your feet with your hands. Lower the body below, try to put it on your knees.

Forward bends with legs apart

Starting position - as in the previous exercise, but the legs need to be spread apart wider. Stretch your arms, lean forward. Try to put your chest on the floor - when your stretch reaches a good level, you will certainly succeed. As a rule, the exercise is difficult, especially when it comes to beginners. There is no need to be afraid of it, since when it is performed, the inner and back surfaces of the thigh, hamstrings are perfectly stretched.

Rolling from foot to foot

Spread your legs wide, keep your back straight, look forward. Move the body to the right, bend the right leg and lower yourself onto it, the left should remain straight. Stay in this position, transfer the weight to the left leg. The wider you spread your legs before starting the exercise, the more effective it will be.


Sit on the floor, bend your legs, and connect your feet. Start pressing your hands on your knees, lowering them. As a result, you need to stretch the muscles to such an extent that you can freely put both knees on the floor.

The second phase of the movement is the lowering of the body. When you spread your knees as wide as possible to the sides, wrap your hands around your feet and tilt your body forward, putting it between your legs. Keep your back straight, chest, shoulders straightened, keep a slight deflection in the lower back. Ideally, you should stretch to the point where you can easily place your chest on the floor.

In addition to these, there are many more useful exercises. But the ones listed above are the simplest and you need to start with them.

Gradually add to your program the Turkish twine, alternately throwing the pelvis (longitudinal twine - transverse twine - longitudinal twine), various lunges. Also watch the video attached to the article. In it you will find a wide variety of exercises.

Those few but very effective exercises and the recommendations given in the article carry a very important function. They will help your body "remember" flexibility and plasticity. With each workout, you will sink lower and lower. The main thing is not to give up classes, but to persistently move towards your goal.

Useful yoga exercises

The traditional yoga approach involves stretching the body without sudden movements and unnecessary haste. It is customary for the body to develop gradually, step by step, slowly and attentively listening to the sensations. This approach brings good results, the likelihood of injury is minimized. Many of the classic asanas are suitable for those who want to sit on the twine.

Runner Pose

Lunge with your foot, placing it in front of you and bending at the knee at an angle of 90 degrees. Take the other leg back, leaning on your toes. Drop your shoulders and straighten your chest, look forward. Take the back leg as far as possible, pull the heel away from you.

Deflection in a lunge

Move from the previous asana: lower the knee of the back leg to the floor, tilt the body towards it. Put your hands on your lower back, look up at the ceiling. The knee of the front leg should be bent at an acute angle.

Forward bend in lunge

Straighten your front leg, placing your heel on the floor, and bend down with your hands, grasping her fingers with your palms. Try to lower your palms to the floor, placing them in front of your foot. Remember to keep your back straight, do not round it, your shoulders should be straight. If this posture is easy, try leaning lower with your torso on your front leg and your forearms on the floor.

Deep lunge

Raise the pelvis, the front leg should stand with the foot on the floor and be bent at the knee at an angle of 90 degrees, the back leg should be kept straight, leaning on the fingers. Put your hands on the sides of the body at the level of the foot located in front of the leg. Hold the position, try to lower the body down. With a good stretch in this position, you can put your chest on the floor.

Irek Letfullin- a chiropractor who studied in detail the principles of the functioning of the body, and on the basis of this developed a unique set of exercises for the development of flexibility, joint mobility. This method is outlined in his book "How to quickly sit on the splits." Of all the techniques that exist today, this is one of the most powerful and effective.

This technique should become the main and most important part of the training for your classes, and this manual itself should be a reference book. In it you will find all the necessary and important exercises in order to achieve your goal - to sit on the twine at home.

Each exercise is accompanied by a photograph with clear instructions for breathing, the location of arms and legs in stretching poses, as this should not be allowed to go wrong.

There are over a hundred exercises in this book. You don't have to do everything at once, don't worry! The author has developed a whole system where each type of exercise has its own place and they alternate with each other. This book is also a guide to anatomical structure human body, the functioning of all systems - nervous, muscular, digestive and others. It will also help you understand the process from the inside.

The author developed his method through the study of all ongoing processes in the body. His book can be downloaded on the Internet via Torrent or purchased in a store - it is small and inexpensive. But the benefits will be incredible.

Typical beginner mistakes

There are mistakes made by most beginners who want to sit on the splits. They complicate the process of training, interfere with achieving results.

Stretching with tension

When a person performs stretching exercises, he feels pain, muscles tense up. This is a natural reaction of the body, occurring reflexively. It not only deprives you of the pleasure of the stretching process, but also does not allow you to achieve good results - muscles in a state of tension prevent you from working in full amplitude.

Thus, it is important to relax during the exercise, and first of all, you need to relax the stretched part of the body. To achieve this, it is more convenient and much more effective to work out with a trainer or partner who will “bend” you while you give your muscles a rest, getting rid of any tension.

hump back

When performing any stretching exercises, you should try to keep your back straight. The chest and shoulders should be straightened, in the lower back it is necessary to maintain a slight deflection. Muscles will stretch in the best possible way. With a straight back, it is possible to maintain deep and even breathing.

Springy movements

Stretching with springy movements is a common mistake. This type of exercise is ineffective and increases the risk of injury. You need to stretch without sudden movements, slowly and smoothly, being careful.

Focusing on stretching one muscle group

As a rule, everyone who wants to sit on the splits focuses on working on the legs. This is the wrong approach - the body is a single whole, it needs to be stretched as a whole. To exercises on the legs, add movements to stretch the back, abdomen and arms. In this case, the whole body will be developed harmoniously, and the twine will be easier.

Work on one leg for the longitudinal split

A serious mistake is to focus all or most of your attention in preparation for the longitudinal split on stretching one leg - the one that is carried forward. The rear remains underdeveloped. In this case, when doing the twine, you will have to turn the pelvis, and this is wrong and looks unattractive.

Act harmoniously, set reasonable goals and you will definitely succeed. Good luck!