How to practice table tennis when you are alone. Technical and tactical training Exercises for a table tennis player

One of the sports that attracts with instantaneous speed of movement around the court, fast rotation of the ball, virtuoso serves and a variety of defensive tactics is table tennis. Training is accompanied by power loads, which provide lightness and excellent reaction during the game.

Video training "Table tennis"

requirements for an athlete

The main stance of a table tennis player is on toes, in a half-crouching position and legs slightly bent at the knees. The ease in movements observed by the spectators from the stands is given thanks to the huge power loads. In the position of the main stance, an athlete sometimes has to move at the table from one to two kilometers for, for example, seven sets. Calculate how much you have to run for several, or even 5-7 meetings!

How are potential team members selected?

Anyone can play table tennis. But the selection of team players is made, as in any other sport, according to its own criteria. Coaching practice has shown that only one out of five of the guys aged six to nine continues training. Of those who are engaged at the age of 10 or 12 years, two can withstand the load. Therefore, throughout the year, standards are adopted for physical training. This usually happens in spring and autumn. Moreover, they look not so much at the result itself, but at how the athlete is gaining momentum.

Stages of mastering the technique of the game

  1. Formation motor abilities, as well as a visual image, working out liberated movements and removing stiffness in movements, mastering smoothness and accuracy.
  2. Mastering the technique in the development of motor skills. Errors, unnecessary movements are identified and removed, coordination is “polished”. A set of techniques is being worked out.
  3. Organization of games with partners on the account, involvement in competitions and, thus, the formation of the skills of the athlete's concentration on the game without responding to distractions.
  4. Improvement of technique, development of the individual "handwriting" of the game and tactical techniques of the athlete with an analysis of successful, recommended techniques and mistakes. Determination of technical and tactical combinations and tactical variants of the game, bringing the most successful techniques to automaticity. The accumulation of skill and experience of the player.

The basis of training

Sport loves stubborn and purposeful. Only such he makes strong and heroes. No wonder they say that everything in sports and in life is achieved through hard training. To achieve results in table tennis, you need to learn how to follow the correctness and accuracy of actions on the game table during the game. The basics of the game technique can be worked out and consolidated only under the condition of constant training with repeated practice of first exercises with imitation of the movements of hitting the ball, opponent's attack techniques, etc. The rest is added due to the reaction, coordination of movements, speed of movement at the table and, of course, the stock of endurance and perseverance, determination and efficiency.

When starting training, one of the main tasks should be set - to learn to “feel” the ball, racket and table, navigate and predetermine the possible direction of the ball after hitting the table surface.

Remember, the most important task is to keep the ball on the table, to achieve a result with a thoughtful and insidious kick of the ball towards the opponent.

We wish you to reach the cherished heights and always occupy the most high places on a pedestal to the national anthem.

A great opportunity to meet friends and have a productive time. Yes, it's all about our table tennis club, where you can not only find a great physical form but also get a lot of positive emotions!

Table tennis club

Today, sport is not only achievements, victories, awards, but also an association of people according to their interests, mental and physical abilities. Smash, a table tennis club located in Moscow, fits perfectly into the rhythm of the metropolis and understands the priorities of customers. Schedule training process adapted to the big city, thanks to this, anyone can easily get to the hall and plunge into their favorite game. There are many racket centers in Moscow and each table tennis club is replete with a variety of training programs and techniques, but few provide a full range of sports improvement services. We invite each client to actively participate in the life of the table tennis club! Namely:

  • Team matches
  • Sports corporate parties

All these events lead to an increase in skills, an improvement in the microclimate of the team, the next club event is a mass of positive emotions with a charge of energy for the week ahead.

Table tennis in Moscow

It has long been difficult to imagine life without fitness, many people understand that they need to move more and develop physically. Therefore, in Moscow, table tennis has firmly entered the life of many fans of racket sports. Smash Table Tennis Center is a confirmation of this, people love ping pong, they are happy to learn this difficult coordination game. Many want to hone their skills, compete in tournaments, become winners. There are a lot of table tennis competitions in Moscow, according to the regulations they are divided according to the level of training, which reflects the rating. Anyone, besides a beginner, will be able to pick up the championship under their own strength. Our table tennis center is no exception either, we periodically host competitions.

Table tennis hall

If you are a fan of ping pong or have always wanted to learn, then you should definitely come to our table tennis club. Here are some of the benefits of our gym:

  • Stiga professional tables
  • Ceiling height 7 meters
  • - master of sports
  • From metro 500 meters

Group classes are held under the strict guidance of a coach, in a pleasant friendly atmosphere. Also, the table tennis club organizes, we have many wonderful coaches, each of whom is able to discover the talents of students.

The club has several halls, all of which are equipped with professional equipment with enough space for productive classes.

Where to play table tennis in Moscow

Smashclub is a place where everyone can play table tennis.

What options are there?

one. . You can train with a master of sports, hone your skills, or learn how to play ping pong from scratch;

2. . You can come to them with your partner and become a member of the club;

3. Table tennis table rental. Everyone can come with their own company, renting as many tables as you need.

When choosing where to play table tennis in Moscow, pay attention to the equipment and conditions. We have all table tennis tables High Quality they are professional. The hall is optimally lit, without unnecessary glare, and the help of a professional trainer is also at your service (if you need it and want to use this service).

Answering the question, where are good table tennis tables in Moscow, we answer: "We have." Yes, we are not the only ones, but our specialization is precisely game types sports. The main ones are badminton and table tennis. The section helps to develop the abilities of everyone. Also thanks to the table tennis table rental service to play.

We have a very friendly atmosphere that everyone works on every day. All members of the club - as one big family with shared values. We regularly hold championships that motivate for further development. With us you can not only use the table tennis table rental service, but also engage the whole family! For there are separate sections, for adults too.

Smashclub works according to a new, special format: we create a healthy environment for the development of each athlete. Therefore, we always support any interesting ideas. So, we are ready to organize table tennis at our base within the company. All this within the framework of the table tennis table rental service. Such team building activities are becoming more and more frequent. Then we will provide both judges and excellent conditions.

Families who want to teach children to an active lifestyle from childhood often decide to play table tennis. Of course, we also rent a table tennis table on weekends, so that anyone can play enough without haste.

Play ping pong in Moscow

The cost of renting a table for playing ping pong is quite low, definitely lower than that of competitors. In addition, we have recently been working on new equipment, which is approved by all our trainers. Playing table tennis in Moscow is one of the most popular events for groups of friends who want to organize a mini-tournament or coaches who are looking for a good place with excellent conditions for personal training. If you ever wonder where to play table tennis in Moscow, remember our club and come.

Benefits of playing table tennis

It is difficult to convey emotional admiration at the sight of the game of professionals, as they delicately throw the ball from one side of the table to the other. But this is happening on high speeds, a very small ball and a small racket. Anyone who has ever seen such matches definitely thought and dreamed of learning the same way. Professional sports is always associated with injuries, it is difficult to say that there are health benefits in it, if only it is an amateur business! Table tennis very mass game and everyone, at least once in it, many tried to go to group training. As soon as you start to disassemble the elements with the technique, it immediately becomes clear that this is far from an easy sport and it can take years to comprehend it.

Ping pong fans who have been practicing for some time will agree that the buzz comes when you have studied the rolls and already manage to keep the ball on the table steadily. Just at this moment, there is a tightening in table tennis, I want to study it more and more. The huge benefits of such training are not only in physical exertion, but also in the emotional state. The sound of the ball, a certain monotony, on the one hand, soothe, on the other hand, they teach you to concentrate on the subject. Table tennis teaches you to think, analyze moves, it is called “chess on the table” for a reason. This game is also very affordable, the family can devote one day off to ping pong, thereby there will be benefits and joyful moments.

What are the health benefits of the sport of table tennis?

Table tennis is a sport that develops endurance, coordination and reaction. The ball reaches tremendous speeds, to have time to see its movement and react is a special skill. Because many tennis players are excellent drivers. During classes, the vestibular apparatus is strengthened, vision gradually improves. The health benefits are tangible, don't forget that.

Our personal experience: for six months of training, a six-year-old boy in ours improved his vision from 30% to 85%! All this thanks to the right training methodology.

Only professionals, masters of sports, winners of various all-Russian competitions, who have rich playing and coaching experience in their arsenal, work in our table tennis. Let's train together with health benefits and great mood.

How to choose a table tennis racket

We know a lot about sports equipment. The founders of the club are athletes and coaches with vast experience, therefore, with the choice of tables, pads and bases for the racket, we are also as competent as possible. You have been training for some time, your old equipment does not allow you to develop, the question has arisen: how to choose a table tennis racket? clubs provide assistance with this issue, we will help to distinguish a fake from the original, we will tell you which rubbers are better to buy for your playing style and potential. All the world's leading equipment manufacturers are represented in our store: Butterfly, Donic, Stiga.

Many amateurs thoroughly approach this issue, before choosing a table tennis racket, they study what top athletes play, such as: Timo Boll, Fang Zhendong or Belarusian Vladimir Samsonov. Definitely, this helpful information, world stars will not play with bad equipment, but let's not forget about their level, talent and experience. Many amateurs simply will not fit most of these rackets, which is why it is so important to consult a professional in order to choose the best option.

For some, a coach may recommend buying a professional Butterfly racket. The latter is a Japanese brand that is not without reason the number one in the table tennis market. Since the 83rd year of the last century, he has been creating goods in a special research center. Its products are tested the best coaches and athletes of the world boldly recommend it. The company is constantly releasing new bases, as well as overlays, so all athletes follow the news.

Table tennis pads

Choose pads for a racket, whatever one may say, the most important stage! Judge for yourself, the linings are: fast / slow, soft / hard, sticky / smooth, with spikes / without spikes. It is very difficult for a novice athlete to guess right away what will suit him. There will come a time when you will definitely want to buy new pads with a base. A personal racket is a must for any athlete. Your coach will individually approach this issue and help you choose the best option, depending on your requirements and budget. So, it is far from always worth it for a beginner table tennis player to buy a professional racket, even if his finances are not limited. In a simpler version, the student will be able to get a different experience, hone his playing skills, and improvise in something. You can always have time to switch to better overlays and table tennis blades.

Base for table tennis racket

Table tennis is the most specific among racket sports, no one has such a variety when collecting a racket: base, lining, glue. The base for the racket, as well as the pads, has a number of characteristics: fast / slow, defensive / attacking, in the shape of the handles (grip), there are also three differences. Like it or not, a novice athlete cannot cope on his own, and if there is no way to try all the options, you need to consult with more experienced comrades or coaches. If you are a complete beginner, you need to choose a blade that is slow, it is easier to learn the basic elements with it, and after grasping the technique, you will be able to choose another blade for yourself, based on the playing style with perspective.

Table tennis balls

There is a huge assortment on the market, there are different table tennis balls. Still official, permitted international federation table tennis ITTF is a 40+ plastic ball. This suggests that all competitions are held only with these balls, and therefore they need to train. This innovation was made in 2014, for environmental reasons. The new balls are significantly different from the old ones, they are slower and slightly larger, as a result, athletes have to rebuild their technique and adapt to new conditions. In group trainings, our club uses only new 40+ balls. The club's management is following the changes and understands which tables should not be trained on, especially for beginners, and which balls should never be bought.

Having chosen all the best that is on the market for our game, we are ready to provide this inventory for your game.

All training takes place on excellent table tennis tables, which you can also take at. We issue high-quality rackets and buy only balls that meet all accepted standards.

If you want to purchase excellent table tennis equipment, please contact us. You can try the professional Butterfly racket and feel how it differs from the simpler options. Often the difference is comparable, like a Mercedes E-class next to the Nine. Feelings are unique, it is difficult to describe them, and we are ready to advise you, help you in choosing and buying table tennis equipment.

Table tennis tournaments in Moscow

On this page you will find reports about all table tennis tournaments that took place in our hall in Moscow. Here you can also find photos of the halls, training sessions, a video about how the table tennis competitions were held.

SmashClub is a place that was created primarily as a . We create a special, pleasant atmosphere inside, you support it. We are always comfortable, each member of the club is polite to others and strives for his own development. Table tennis tournaments held in our club are always an event, we strive to make it as high quality as possible.

To see your progress, you need to shoot videos and photos from ordinary ones. Everyone can see how it has changed for recent months, how much it has grown, how much the pitches have improved. Sometimes that skill that you think is not given all the time improves dramatically in just weeks. All this is captured by table tennis photos and video materials. Having drawn conclusions based on these records, you will already come to the tournament more prepared.

We try to regularly update this section, add videos so that customers can look at themselves from the outside. In addition, watching videos of opponents in action will help you identify them. weak sides. This is a strategic move that athletes can take advantage of.

Table tennis competition

Table tennis is all the same, and I want to win it. To win, you need to grow, table tennis competitions are just the opportunity where anyone can show their maximum level, including surpassing the opponent in tactical considerations.

We hope that you will enjoy visiting this section and seeing yourself in photos and videos. Try to look at yourself without evaluation, as from the outside, then you will have the opportunity to work on your mistakes, or vice versa, to praise yourself for the successes you have achieved!

Table tennis tournaments in Moscow have long acquired the status of an everyday event, there are a lot of them and they have a variety of motivations. Someone arranges a tournament for cash prizes, someone plays for the club, for others the increase in rating becomes paramount. Our club tried to collect all important aspects, all our table tennis tournaments are covered on the site and, of course, the rating is calculated.

5. Give the ball rotation with the palm or back of the racket in various directions: from the body to the right or left side.

6. Beat the ball with a racket to different heights alternately - high rebound, low rebound.

7. Crouching and getting up, hit the ball: hit - sit down, hit again - stand up.

Keep the following in mind when doing these exercises:

Hold the racket so that the ball hits perpendicular to its surface;

Try to keep the racket at waist level and hit the ball no higher than eye level, while carefully watching the flight of the ball (only with your eyes);

When hitting the ball, do not pull your hand towards it, move all the time, approach it.

If you have mastered these exercises and can accurately perform 100 hits, then you can arrange a competition - who will score more, who will carry the ball faster on a racket, etc.

Then you can use these exercises.

1. Hitting the ball against the wall with the palm or back of the racket, and then you can and alternately, after bouncing off the floor.

2. Hitting the ball against the wall with the palm or back of the racket from the fly, preventing it from falling to the floor.

3. Playing in pairs - the ball must bounce off the floor through a line drawn on it or a corridor, through a side or a gymnastic bench.

Once you have practiced simple hits without spinning the ball, you can try the same exercises against the wall and in pairs, giving it top and bottom spin, respectively, with a rolling or undercutting movement.

If the previous exercises have already been mastered and you can hit the ball against the wall at least 50 times in a row, we advise you to move on to training the motor reaction, the ability to control the flight of the ball and the racket in space, as well as mastering the technique of movement. For this we recommend using the following exercises.

1. Alternately hitting the ball with the playing surface and the edge of the racket. 10-15 times in one series (Fig. 43, 1).

2. Throw the ball high up with the racket (above the head), and then gently take it to the racket without rebound, extinguishing the kinetic energy of the falling ball by guiding the racket behind the ball. The exercise can be performed with the palm and back of the racket in place and in motion. 10-15 times in one series.

3. Playing in pairs on the floor: partners, standing at a distance of 3-4 meters from each other, interrupt the ball at shoulder height in different directions. If you do not have time for the balls, then increase the distance, if you want to complicate the task, then come closer (Fig. 43, 2).

4. Exercises at the training wall. They can be performed by moving along the wall, with one blow to the right, to the left, or by hitting the ball in turn: once to the right, the other to the left (Fig. 43, 3, 4). For example, a cut on the left alternately into two or three squares drawn on the wall with chalk at the level of the player’s shoulders, or alternate rolls on the right and left of the target on the table. Exercises for a combination of rolling and trimming are much more difficult: on the right, perform a roll once, the other - trimming, or on the right roll, on the left trim, and vice versa.

The listed exercises can be performed both independently and in pairs, four of them. If there are more participants, then you can arrange a competition or relay races.

What would you like to advise? Carefully monitor the correctness of the racks, movements, hitting the ball with the racket, the height, speed and direction of the ball, the correct movement towards the ball.

Once you've mastered the basics, you can use the drills to improve your technique on the table, and if you're good at it, in counting games as well.

When playing on the table, pay attention to the correct movements. You can correctly master and consolidate the basics of technique only by repeatedly repeating technical elements in game conditions on the table, and this should be preceded by practicing technique with the help of simulation exercises.

In the future, much depends on the coordination of movements, musculoskeletal sensitivity, on your attentiveness, reaction speed, as well as on the level of development of such qualities as endurance, perseverance, focus and efficiency.

Starting to train on the table, your main task is to improve the "feeling" of the ball, racket and table, orientation in space, taking into account the direction of the ball's flight.

While practicing the technique, perform the first blows without giving the ball a spin. Your task is to keep the ball on the table for as long as possible.

And only when you have achieved this, you can proceed to working out the main types of feeds, rolls, cuts. Strive for fast, precise movements so that you move correctly at the table.

Pay close attention to whether you are performing blows correctly, because improperly mastered technique is a brake on the further growth of your success.

In order to master the basic game actions, to consistently master strikes on the table, we recommend training with a partner or against the wall. The partner, throwing the balls, can adjust the speed, length and direction of their flight.

Playing on a table with an inclined backboard allows you to train all kinds of strikes and significantly increases the effectiveness of the lesson.

To improve your strokes and movements, set yourself the tasks that you want to solve in each specific lesson. This will help you more accurately select the means to solve problems and organize your actions and the actions of your partners more efficiently and purposefully.

To master and improve the technique of playing on the table, we recommend the following exercises (Fig. 44): playing along straight lines (Fig. 44, 1, 14), along diagonals (right, left) (Fig. 44.2), "triangle" (right , left) (Fig. 44, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 13), “eight” (along straight lines, along diagonals) (Fig. 44, 5, 6), “fan” (Fig. 44, 7 , 8, 9, 15, 16). The names of these exercises - "triangle" and "eight" received from the pattern that the ball performs during the flight, if you look at the table from above.

When mastering the technique of the gameIn table tennis, try to follow the following sequence:

Istage- learning the grip, juggling the ball, imitation of cuts to the left and right, rolls to the right and left, working out these elements at the training wall;

IIstage- improvement of cuts and rolls on the table in various directions and combinations, mastering the serves on the right and left without rotation;

IIIstage- mastering undercuts on the left and right, serves with complex rotation, learning technical and tactical combinations, improving rolls on the right and left along the undercut;

IVstage- development of the top spin on the right and left, "candles", further improvement of previously mastered techniques and technical and tactical combinations;

Vstage- consolidation and further improvement of the technique and tactics of playing game exercises, games on the account, competitions. Each technique is recommended to be studied in the following order:

Familiarization with the movement without the ball (in general terms without details);

Studying the movement of a hand with a racket on the simulators "Wheel" or "Ball on the spoke", where you get an idea of ​​​​the interaction of the racket with the ball, the work of the legs and torso during the strike; - the study of movement in a game environment on a moving ball.

This is various exercises with the ball at the training wall, on the table with a reflective shield, with a partner throwing balls under the blow, etc. It is imperative to include elements of movement here. In these exercises, try to combine the performance technical reception with simultaneous work of the legs, torso and arms with a racket.

Consolidating the mastered and improving the basic techniques, constantly control your main position, the work of the torso, the transfer of the center of gravity of the body in the direction of impact, the work of the arm, legs, etc.

Mastering the technical elements will require you to repeat them many times. And do not forget to monitor the correct execution, mark successful strikes, analyze your actions and immediately correct mistakes.

As we said above, the study of technology should begin with the basic techniques: left hand, serve, right hand. First, one technique is studied, for example, a left hand strike, and only then, when it is simply mastered, it is necessary to move on to studying another technique, improving the already mastered technique at each lesson. A variety of techniques should be developed from the very first lessons, paying special attention to poorly digestible techniques. During the lesson, you must first work on one technique, then move on to studying another. You should not start learning techniques in a two-way game setting.

Beginners should take their first steps in table tennis under simplified conditions: learn to perform stroke movements without the ball, then with the ball, sending it against the wall with the racket. It is necessary that a public instructor (coach) or just a friend more experienced in table tennis first briefly describe to the beginner the stroke that he has to perform. Next, at the table, the strike being studied should be demonstrated to the beginner, first at a normal pace, then at a slightly slower pace, so that the student can notice some details of the movement during the strike. Then again you need to show the blow at the usual pace. The demonstration must be technically competent, clear. It should be accompanied by a brief explanation. The purpose of such a demonstration is to give the beginner a complete understanding of the blow, which will allow him to quickly and better master this technique.

Then the movement of the strike is demonstrated without the ball in such conditions in which the practitioner will begin to perform it. After explanation and demonstration, beginners are given the opportunity to perform first of all the stroke movement without the ball. During their execution of this movement, the social instructor (coach) corrects the beginner's movements as briefly and clearly as possible. It will be very useful if the instructor (coach), standing behind his student, supporting his hand, armed with a racket, helps the student to correctly execute the first hits.

When the elementary mastery of a hit without a ball is achieved, you can move on to performing the same hit with the ball, sending it against the wall with a racket.

Pick up a racket (do not forget to check the grip), the ball, stand at a distance of 2.5-3.5 m from the wall. Turn to the wall with your right side, put your right foot slightly in front of your left. The body should be free from any muscular tension, the legs should be slightly bent at the knees. Throw the ball up to the height of your head, carefully follow the ball with your eyes and do not let it out of sight until it hits the floor. After doing this exercise several times, having learned to look at the ball carefully, try to hit the ball as it falls, with a backhand so that the ball flies into the wall. Do not immediately try to hit the ball reflected by the wall; better think about how hard you need to hit the ball so that it flies off the wall just where you are standing. After a few attempts, you'll obviously succeed more or less. Now try hitting the ball again, sending it to the wall again. Do not forget; that you will do it much more successfully if you look at the ball and not at the wall. When the ball bounces off the wall, try to hit it again. Do not pay attention to what kind of blow you get - cut, twisted or flat: for now, the main thing for you is to learn how to look at the ball, get used to the rebound of the ball from the racket, “feel” how the ball falls on the racket, start learning a little movement in preparation for a strike, develop coordination of movements.

You should not hit too hard, you need to measure the strength and direction of your hits so that the reflected ball returns to the same place.

It will take a little time, and you will begin to coordinate your movements with the flight of the ball, learn to "keep" the ball in play, bouncing it off the wall several times in a row.

Once beginners are somewhat accustomed to bouncing the ball off the racquet and gaining some skill in hitting, they should move on to exchanging learned strokes directly at the table. It is very useful if the leader of the classes, having taken a place at one half of the table, will not be strong himself, but accurate blows send the ball to the student. If students play on the table among themselves, they should try to direct the ball to each other so that it is convenient to deliver the stroke being studied.

The leader of the lesson is not recommended at the very beginning of training to draw the attention of his students to all the details of the movement; should focus only on the main elements of the movement. However, it is his duty to see to it that gradually, from lesson to lesson, the movements of the student during the execution of blows are more and more improved, so that blows from any position are executed technically correctly. The task of the trainees is to consciously approach the development of strikes, learn to analyze the technique of their execution, be able to find and eliminate their mistakes. Only on the basis of a critical assessment of the merits and demerits of one's technique can high mastery be achieved. In order for the trainee to develop the ability to notice and reveal certain technical defects in the performance of strikes, it is recommended that a public instructor (coach) during classes instruct one of the players to monitor the quality of the exercises, the game of comrades and give this player the opportunity to speak at the analysis lesson, and then adjust his performance yourself.

Over time, as a result of repeated repetitions, techniques should become motor skills.

The study of technique is closely connected with the study of tactics. When teaching a player to each individual technique, a public instructor (coach) is obliged to explain the tactical purpose, the advantages and disadvantages of this technique, to demonstrate a tactical combination using this technique, to ensure that during and after performing a particular technique, the player takes a tactically advantageous position. position.

In order to develop in beginners such important skills as the ability to carefully look at the ball, hold the racket correctly, move around the table, and strike the ball with a racket, it is useful to include special group exercises in the training program.

Here is a table of some group exercises for table tennis students. A number of exercises, after the student does them correctly in the classroom under the supervision of an instructor (trainer), can be successfully performed independently at home.

Table of some group exercises for table tennis students

Ball catching exercises
1. The student throws the ball straight in front of him to a height of 50-70 cm and catches it with his right hand, palm up.

2. The same exercise, complicated by the fact that the ball is thrown from behind the back, from under the elbow of the left hand, or is directed somewhat to the side, etc.

3. The trainee tosses the ball with an open palm with his left hand (palm position, as when serving) and catches the ball with his right hand.

4. The trainee tosses the ball with an open palm with his left hand, as when serving, and catches the ball from the side with his right hand, moving from right to left (elements of serving movements).

5. Throwing the ball with hands between partners. Two students stand facing each other at a distance of 3-4 m and alternately throw the ball to each other, directing it under the right arm at a height from the waist to the shoulders.

6. Throwing two balls. The same exercise with a different theme. that each partner throws the ball to the other at the same time.

7. Juggling with two balls.

8. Juggling with three balls.

9. Juggling two balls with one hand.

Ball catching exercises are aimed at developing the ability to look at the ball.

In all exercises with the ball, trainees must carefully look at the ball.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the correctness of the game movements in exercises 3 and 4.

Racket exercises
1. The student holds the racket by the head in his left hand and takes it with his right hand, observing the correct grip.

2. The same exercise is performed by students without looking at the racket (with closed eyes); the correctness of the grip is determined by touch.

3. The trainee takes the racket with the correct grip, after which all the fingers of the right hand, except for the thumb and forefinger, move away from the handle of the racket and make several sharp swings with the racket (for example, fanning it like a fan, hitting an imaginary ball, etc.) .

Racket exercises are aimed at strengthening the skill of holding the racket correctly.

The exercise aims to consolidate the skill of a strong, but relaxed holding of the racket with the thumb and forefinger.

Study of game movements by element m
1. From the starting position, the practitioners make a turn to the right with a step forward with their left foot and take a position for a right strike.

2. From the starting position, the trainees make a turn to the right with a step with the right foot back and take a position for a strike from the right.

3. From the starting position, the trainees make a turn to the left with a step forward with their right foot and take a position for a left strike.

4. From the starting position, the trainees make a turn to the left with a step with their left foot back and take a position for a left strike.

5. Continuation of exercise 1 - moving forward-right while maintaining the correct position for a right hand strike.

6. Continuation of exercise 2 - moving back-to the right while maintaining the correct position for a right hand strike.

7. Continuation of exercise 3 - moving forward-left while maintaining the correct position for a left hand strike.

8. Continuation of exercise 4 - moving back-left while maintaining the correct position for a left-hand strike.

9. Throws to the right.

10. Throws to the left.

11. Throws forward.

12. Throws back.

13. Students line up at the back of each other's heads at a distance. 3-4 steps in the starting position for the game. Then, at the command of the instructor, they lunge forward on the right leg, simultaneously sending the right hand forward, armed with a racket, and the left hand back, after which they return to their original position (elements of movements hard hit left).

14. Moves of a push to the left;
15. Movements of a twisted right hand.

16. Movements of a cut blow on the right.

17. Movements of a twisted left hand.

18. Movements of the cut blow from the left.

The instructor must monitor the relaxed position of the body, controlling the correctness of all elements of the movement (transferring body weight to the supporting leg, turning on its toe, turning the body, bending the push leg during throws, etc.).

Exercises are first performed in slow motion. You should not move on to the next element of the movement until the previous element is correctly performed (for example, you should not take a step until the student learns how to bend the supporting leg correctly and transfer body weight to it).

In exercises 5, 6, 7 and 8, the student is given the final point or landmark for movement.

Throws are performed by those engaged on a visual signal.

Movements are performed from a place, a blow is applied to an imaginary ball.

In the future, the exercises are complicated by introducing elements of the player's movement (turns, steps).

In all exercises for mastering the technique of movements, the instructor must monitor the coordination of movements and the correct return to the starting playing position.

Exercises for hitting the ball with a racket
1. Multiple tossing of the ball to a height of 25-30 cm with the palm side of the racket.

2. Multiple tossing of the ball to a height of 25-30 cm with the back of the racket.

3. Multiple tossing of the ball to a height of 25-30 cm alternately with the palm and back of the racket (movements of turning the brush for a right hand and a left hand).

4. Multiple tossing of the ball to a height of 25-30 cm with the palm side of the racket with a cut blow.

5. Multiple tossing of the ball to a height of 25-30 cm with the back of the racket with a cut blow.

6. Throwing the ball with a left hand push between partners. In the hall, a rope or net is stretched at a height of 80 cm, and the trainees stand in pairs on both sides of the net at a distance of 3-4 m from each other and at a distance of 1.5-2 m from the net. Throwing the ball to each other at the height of the belt, they strive to keep it in the game as long as possible.

7. The same exercise, but the throwing is carried out with cut blows from the left.

8. The same exercise, but the throw is carried out with cut blows from the right.

9. Hitting targets. Two targets are drawn on the floor with chalk or otherwise marked - circles with a diameter of 0.5-0.7 m, the centers of the circles are at a distance of 1.5 m. him the ball to the designated target.

10. The same exercise performed from a distance of 4 m with a twisted left hand.

11. The same exercise, performed with a cut blow to the left.

12. The same exercise, performed with a cut blow to the right.

13. Partners stand opposite each other at a distance of 5-6 m. One of the partners directs the ball from the flight with twisted blows, the other reflects them with cuts, then the players change roles.

14. Exercise "goalkeeper". A gate 3 m wide is conventionally marked on the wall. One of the students (“goalkeeper”) stands at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the wall with his back to the gate he is protecting and reflects the balls thrown into the gate with a racket.

15. Students (5-6 people or more) form a circle with a diameter of 5-6 m. The instructor or one of the more experienced players stands in the center and sends the ball to each student in turn. The latter must send the ball back to the center with a certain stroke indicated by the instructor.

16. The same exercise, but the player standing in the center sends the balls not one by one, but into a breakdown, forcing them to receive them unexpectedly.

17. Playing against the wall.

Playing against the wall allows for a variety of exercises in complexity, ranging from learning to kick at the first stage of training and ending with practicing some simple tactical combinations on a table moved up to the wall or on a table with a special training board installed close to the net.

Exercises for hitting the ball with a racket are intended to teach students to rebound the ball from the racket during various strikes.

The blow is made at chest height from the fly, and not after the ball bounces off the floor.

The blow is made at the level of the abdomen.

The speed of the ball thrown into the goal is gradually increased. The width of the goal is subsequently brought to 5 m. The balls are sent into the goal at a height from the knees to the chest. The instructor must ensure that the throwing technique is correct.

Of course the list training exercises is by no means limited to those listed. The class leader can develop and apply a large number of similar exercises. However, public instructors and trainers should be warned against excessive abuse of group exercises, which in no case can replace a personal demonstration and individual study of individual techniques. In addition, a large number of group exercises can reduce interest and reduce attention to classes.

We present sample summary lesson with beginners on the study of the left hand push.

The main objectives of the lesson are teaching how to hold the racket, learning to hit the left with a push, getting to know the starting position and the main playing area at the table.

Sample outline of a lesson with beginners on learning the backhand push
Lesson content Dosage of exercise Guidelines
Introductory part of the lesson - 5 min.
Building a group, report of the headman, familiarization with the content of the lesson
Slow run alternating with walking
100-120 m Hand movements are free; the foot is gently placed on the ground (floor).
Preparatory part of the lesson - 7 min.
Exercises for the arms, torso, legs, for the development of attention, circling the arms on the side of the body
Retracting arms to the sides, back
Torso twists to the sides with arms outstretched to the sides
Circular rotation of the body
Pair exercises in catching a ball that bounced off the floor
Exercise for the development of brushes (circular rotation of the brush)
Jumps in place
Running at a slow pace

10-12 times
8-10 times

10-12 times
12 times

25 times
50 times
60-70 m

Those involved stand in open formation. The demonstration of each exercise is carried out by the leader.

Partners become facing each other at a distance of 3-4 m.

The main part of the lesson - 120 min.

Racquet training

Push left hand training:
a) the movement of the backhand push is performed with a racket without a ball

B) a left hand push on the ball that bounced off the wall to the floor

B) a left hand push on the ball sent by a partner

D) familiarization with the starting position and the main playing area of ​​the player at the table

E) push from the left in the game at the table

10 minutes.

15-20 min. for every pair

Students form a semicircle, the leader shows The right way holding the racket, then checks how correctly each of the beginners holds the racket, and corrects them.

The leader explains and shows the kick in play with a partner at the table, and then shows the movements of the same kick without the ball. Then those engaged in an open formation perform a strike movement. The class leader makes comments about their mistakes.

The leader shows the exercise, then the students, standing in front of the wall, throw the ball in front of them on the floor with their left hand and hit the ball against the wall, etc.

Those involved, having broken in pairs, stand facing each other at a distance of 3-4 m and exchange blows from the air.

Public instructor (trainer) demonstrates starting position player at the table. The practitioners then take turns in this position. Next comes the introduction to the main gaming area.

Players take turns playing in pairs at the table, with each trying to direct the ball to the opponent under a left-handed blow. From time to time, a public instructor (coach) takes a place at the table, conveniently, accurately directing the ball under a left kick to his student.

The final part of the lesson - 10 min.
Slow running and walking with relaxation exercises. Brief final remarks on the lesson

In subsequent lessons, students, repeating and consolidating the blows they already know, learn other techniques. An approximate sequence of learning techniques is given in the table on page 118.

It is necessary, after an elementary acquaintance with all the main strokes, to improve them at each lesson, in the game according to the schemes and in the free transfer of the ball, and subsequently in the game with a score.

An approximate table of the sequence of studying technical, table tennis techniques
1. Left hand push.

2. Serve from the left with a push.

3. Right hand twisted on a high and semi-high ball.

4. Kick to the left twisted suggestive ("roll").

5. Kick to the right twisted suggestive ("roll").

6. Left hand cut.

7. Feed left cut.

8. Serve on the right is twisted.

9. Feed on the right is cut.

10. Right hand cut.

11. Left hand twisted (final)
12. The feed on the left is twisted.

13. Serve on the right is highly twisted.

14. The feed on the left is very twisted.

15. Shortened blow, left.

16. Short right hand.

17. Twisted candle on the right.

18. Twisted candle on the left.

19. Slashed finishing blow to the high candle on the right.

20. Slashed finishing blow to a high candle on the left.

In order to increase the accuracy of strikes along with the improvement of the technique of each strike, it is advisable to introduce exercises for accuracy in further training when working out the strike technique.

The best exercise for accuracy is the so-called target game. For this purpose, squares 30 X 30 cm - targets - are outlined in chalk in the corners of the table. Those involved, practicing, for example, a left hand, i.e., sending the ball to each other under a left hand, should try to direct it not just under left hand partner, but at the same time hitting a certain target is a target.

At first, beginners will hit targets quite rarely, but this should not confuse either them or the leaders of the classes. After some time, through training on targets, players will acquire a certain accuracy of the game. With the help of targets, not only the accuracy of various strikes is practiced, but also the delivery. A perfectly accurate serve is especially valuable in a doubles game.

It is necessary to observe the game of strong, technical players and analyze their shots. It is necessary not only to admire the game, but to carefully study what is the way of holding the racket, at what height the blow is made, on what part of the ball it is applied; it is necessary to evaluate the nature and duration of contact between the racket and the ball when various types rotations, which rotation the ball receives depending on one or another technique. It is especially important to follow the movement of the brush. What measures does the player take to neutralize the effect of rotation when receiving the ball, etc. First, one must analyze one technique, and then, having mastered it, move on to careful observation of another element of technique.

As you master the elements of technology, you need to observe again and again good shots strong players, noticing more and more new details in their performance of one or another technique. This will help you quickly understand the essence of modern table tennis technique, help you master this technique faster.

Along with teaching the technique of the game, a public instructor (coach) must, on theoretical and practical exercises, on viewing performances the strongest players and subsequent analysis of their game to acquaint those involved in the most general terms with the elementary provisions of table tennis tactics. Each table tennis player should clearly understand the tactical purpose of a particular stroke in the game, for example, a serve, a twisted and cut strike, a long and oblique strike, etc. He must be familiar with the basic tactical combinations and learn to use tactically correctly in the game mastered by him tactics. Finally, the player needs to learn to carefully observe the actions of the opponent and to predict his answers, to occupy, in accordance with this, the most advantageous positions near or at some distance from the table.

Knowledge of the basics of tactics, of course, contributes to the technical improvement of a novice player, greatly increases his combat effectiveness in games with a score, in performances at competitions.

When the athlete studied the blow from the left, right, learned to serve, the most effective techniques defense, familiarized himself with the main provisions of tactics and knows how to play with a score, the first stage of training can be considered completed.

Individual training table tennis How to learn to play table tennis well? How not only to play, but also to win? These questions are asked not only by a novice athlete, but also by someone who has little experience in playing table tennis. Of course, in order to hone your skills to a shine, you have to train a lot. And individual or group table tennis training will help in this, which should be carried out by experienced athletes who have won various competitions. Unfortunately, reality is not perfect. In order to carry out individual coaching related to training, it is not required to present any documents confirming the skill of the teacher. Therefore, it is dangerous to turn to unknown coaches: personal training table tennis should only be professional coaches cooperating with trustworthy sports clubs or schools.

Qualification matters

Not without reason, unlike individual “entrepreneurs” who provide training services, but sometimes do not have special education, all trainers working in sports schools are at least masters of sports or have a pedagogical, physical education. Only an experienced athlete who conducts individual or group table tennis training can teach the basic movements.

Personal trainer

A personal trainer will help you master the technique and tell you about the basic techniques of the game. Individual table tennis training is a great opportunity to learn all the intricacies of the game. Interest in sports is only growing from year to year. Many of those who yesterday did not know how to hold tennis racket, today they actively train either on their own or under the guidance of an experienced athlete. However, not all table tennis fans have found "their" coach. Of course, group table tennis lessons are cheaper. But for those who want to really engage in this sport, it is still recommended to choose individual table tennis training. For everyone who wants to learn the basics of the game or wants to hone their skills, our table tennis club is happy to offer its services. Turning to our trainers, you will enjoy every workout.

We are professionals

We employ only masters of sports who are winners of both Russian and international competitions. At the same time, each of our coaches has a pedagogical talent. Having assessed your capabilities, correctly dosing the load, we will select the exercises that are necessary for you. If you are new to this sport, then a professional coach will teach you the basics of table tennis, show you how to properly hold the racket and move during the game. Already having a certain playing skill, under the guidance of an experienced athlete, you will work out and bring the basic technical techniques to automaticity.

Result and flexible approach

Conducting personal training in table tennis with athletes who have at least an average level of training, the coach will help to consolidate the technique, while eliminating all the mistakes, learn a whole bunch of different techniques. Individual table tennis trainings are held on the territory of our club. But if necessary, you can agree on classes that will take place on your territory.

Where to begin

Just come to our gym, see with your own eyes how the process works, then choose which training format you need.