Organizing competitions. Obligations of the organizer and organization conducting the competition. The composition of the panel of judges and the main duties of judges

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Organization and holding of volleyball competitions

In a general sense of understanding competition- these are specially organized events of various types of activity, scale, goals, the participants of which, in accordance with the established regulations, fight among themselves for superiority or achievement of a certain result in any sport.

The apogee of the sports training of volleyball teams is the competition, which is a rather complex set of various events.

Their preparation, organization and conduct require knowledge, skills and abilities. They are held according to the uniform rules established by the volleyball federation. These rules are mandatory guidelines for the conduct of competitions. They determine the quantitative composition of the team, the duration of the game, the size of the site, equipment and inventory. In addition, the actions of the participants in the competition are largely regulated.

Competitions as a type of sports activity are held in order to educate athletes in the will and desire for victory, collectivism, the ability to endure extreme physical stress, as well as develop skills to perform a variety of physical exercise, playing tricks and action.

Volleyball competitions contribute to:

- increasing the functional capabilities of the body to perform intense physical work in conditions of high mental stress;

- identifying the level of moral-volitional, mental, physical, technical and tactical readiness of teams and individual players;

- improving the sportsmanship of those involved and determining the best players and teams;

- popularization of volleyball among people of different ages;

– organization of healthy, cultural and active rest younger generation.

Competitions in various types sports are divided into team, personal and personal-team. In sports games, including volleyball, team competitions are organized.

According to their purpose, organizational form and tasks, these competitions are divided into the following types: championships or championships; cup competitions, reduced (accelerated, shortened), handicap (equalizing), qualifying, qualifying, match and friendly matches.

Championships or championships are the most responsible competitions, as a result of which the honorary title of “champion” is awarded. Such competitions are held once a year. Championship winners are awarded with gold, silver and bronze medals.

Cup competitions are usually played on a "loser out" basis. They do not require much time and allow you to cover a large number of teams or participants.

Reduced (accelerated, shortened) competitions are held at a reduced time. Shortened volleyball competitions can be held up to the count of "fifteen" in each set, etc.

Shortened competitions, as a rule, are timed to coincide with some solemn day or holiday, the opening or closing of the sports season.

Handicap competitions (equalization competitions) are organized between teams or individual participants of different levels of preparedness. Handicap- competitive advantage given to a weaker opponent in order to balance the chances of success.

In order for such competitions to be of sporting interest, both for the strongest teams, and for the weakest and created conditions for a tense, athletic struggle, the forces of the teams are artificially equalized. In this case, the weaker teams are given a handicap (a determined number of points) even before the start of the competition. Such competitions are held as follows. An organizing committee (3-7 people) is elected from among qualified judges, public and coaching activists, which not only organizes the competition, but also determines the odds. At the meeting of the committee, the opinions of the coaches and captains of the playing teams are heard, the sports results of the participating teams, the level of their skills, the moral and volleyball training of both individual players and the team as a whole are analyzed. After that, a certain handicap is set for the participating teams for each game. The established handicap is recorded on a sheet of paper, which is put into an envelope and sealed. Only members of the organizing committee know about it. The handicap envelope is opened after the end of the game, and the referee, taking into account the form, announces the final result of the match.

Handicap competitions are of great pedagogical importance, as they contribute to the fact that the junior team plays games with senior teams at a higher moral-volitional, technical and tactical level. This makes the athletes of the junior team, as it were, “pull up” to their rivals in order to lose it with a minimum score.

Classification competitions are held in order to determine the level sports preparedness athletes or teams and their fulfillment of the discharge requirements.

Qualifiers help to identify the most prepared teams for their participation in larger competitions.

Match meetings are provided in advance by the plan of sports work and are of a traditional nature. They usually involve a small number of teams. Such competitions contribute to the development of friendly relations between various sports teams.

Friendly matches are held between the teams of individual educational institutions, teaching staff and students in order to develop sports rivalry, organize active leisure, as well as check the readiness of athletes for upcoming competitions, maintain and improve sports form, and strengthen sports ties.

Competitions of any rank and target orientation include the following interrelated components: rules, regulations, calendars, regulatory qualification requirements.

Competition Rules- a document that clearly defines the conditions for the competitive struggle of volleyball players under the control of sports judges.

Regulations on competitions- a document regulating the conditions, procedure, timing and venue of the competition, as well as determining and awarding the winners.

The regulation of the competition defines the main characteristics of the competition and must have the following clearly articulated points.

1. Goals and objectives (improving the class of teams, popularizing volleyball, summing up, identifying the strongest teams and players for completing national teams, etc.).

2. Dates and venues for the competition.

3. Management of the competition (it is indicated who conducts the competition and the composition panel of judges).

4. Competitors (indicate the number and names of teams allowed to compete; the number of players, coaches, representatives of the medical staff, members of the AMG; age requirements for participants and their qualifications).

5. Conditions for holding competitions (indicates the methods of drawing, evaluation of results, determination of the winner, requirements for competition venues, sportswear).

6. Rewarding teams and participants (types of rewards for team winners are indicated).

7. Conditions for accepting and paying expenses (expenses of the organization conducting the competition; sending organizations; procedure for paying refereeing).

8. Disciplinary offenses (measures are given for actions and violations committed by players and coaches).

9. The procedure for filing a protest (terms for filing and consideration and the body to which the protest is submitted).

10. The procedure, deadlines for filing applications for participation in competitions and the timing of the meeting of team representatives.

Competition calendars are closely related to the rules and regulations of the competition. The structure of the calendar determines the nature of the competition. Competitions can be dispersed in time (with teams traveling): playing at home, then on the opponent's field and concentrated (rounds when teams compete in one place).

In the practice of volleyball, the following methods of competitions take place:

– circular (all participating teams play each other);

- with elimination (after losing the match, the team is eliminated from the competition);

- mixed (the first part of the competition is held with a knockout, the second - in a round-robin way).

The choice of any of them depends on the objectives of the competition, the number of participating teams, sports base. The level of sports and technical readiness of participants.

Each draw method has certain types of scheduling meetings of competing teams. Before drawing up the calendar of games, a lottery of the participating teams is held. According to the results of the draw, each of the teams receives a certain number. Based on these numbers, a calendar of competitions is compiled.

Round robin . The essence of these competitions is that the participants meet each other. The round-robin system of the competition allows not only to identify the winner most accurately, but also to determine the places of all other participants, gives an accurate idea of ​​the state of moral-volitional, mental, physical, technical and tactical training of the competing teams.

The main disadvantage of the round robin competition system is that it requires a lot of time. Round robin competitions are usually played in one or two rounds to create a level playing field for the competing teams. In this case, the teams meet each other 2 times: on the opponent's field and on their own field.

To determine the amount game days and the games required to conduct round robin competitions in one round, there are certain formulas.

So, when determining the number of game days, you should know the total number of teams participating in the competition. If it is even, then the number of game days will be one less than the number of playing teams. In the event that it is odd, then the number of game days will be equal to the number of teams participating in the competition, i.e. X = A - 1 (with an even number of teams) and X = A (with an odd number of teams), where: X - the number of playing days of the competition; A is the number of teams participating in the competition.

The number of games in a round robin competition in one round is determined by the following formula:

where X is the number of games during round robin competitions in one round;

A - the total number of teams participating in the competition;

(A - 1) - the number of games that each team must play during the competition;

2 - an indicator that two teams are participating in the game at the same time.

If round-robin competitions are held not in one, but in two, three or four rounds, then the number of game days and games, respectively, increases by two, three or four times.

The round robin calendar is compiled in two ways.

The first method, which is most common in competitions in sports games, provides for the alternation of fields, i.e. all participating teams have their own field, and each of them plays part of the games on its own field, part - on the opponent's field. This method is called "snake". Game calendar by this method with the help of auxiliary schemes, it is always compiled for an odd number of teams, i.e. if there are eight teams, then for seven teams, if there are five, then for five.

Thus, the draw table is always compiled for the number of calendar days, regardless of whether an even or odd number of teams participate in the competition.

The second way of drawing up a calendar is much simpler. It is used when the change of fields during the competition does not play any role, i.e. competitions are held in one place, on one field for all participating teams. With this method, the order of games is compiled directly by calendar days.

When conducting round robin competitions with a large number participating teams, when each of them needs to determine a place in the draw, and the time for holding the competition is limited, apply the system of holding competitions in one round with preliminary and final games. So, if the number of teams is 18, then they are first divided into subgroups, for example, into 6 subgroups of 3 teams.

In each subgroup, the competitions are held in one round and the results determine the places of the teams (from 1st to 3rd). Then the teams that took the first places in the subgroups are combined into the first final group, where places from 1st to 6th are played; those who took second places - to the second final group, where they compete for places from 7th to 12th; those who took third places go to the third final group, where they compete for places from 13th to 18th.

Based on the number of participating teams, the number of teams in the subgroups where preliminary games are held can be increased, for example, 18 teams are divided into 3 preliminary subgroups (6 teams in each subgroup). After the competition in subgroups, the teams that took the 1st and 2nd places in the subgroups can be combined into the first final group; in the second - teams that took 3rd and 4th places in subgroups; in the third - the teams that took the 5th and
6th places, etc.

Thus, each of the eighteen teams participating in the competition will be assigned a place in the competition. Moreover, in order not to repeatedly hold meetings in the final groups between teams that entered the same final group from one preliminary subgroup, the result of the meeting held in the preliminary subgroup is counted in the final.

The round robin system with preliminary and final games significantly reduces the time of the competition. When distributing teams into preliminary subgroups by strength, one should proceed from last year's or any other results of the competition, and if there are none, then distribute the teams into subgroups according to the lot.

In cases where teams are not divided into subgroups, since there are few teams and they will all play together in one subgroup, a general draw is held. If there are many teams, and the timing of the competition is limited, they are divided into subgroups using dispersion, which creates the opportunity to form subgroups of approximately equal strength.
Currently, two methods of scattering are used: by lot and by "snake". Usually, teams are dispersed into subgroups based on the results of the previous year, previous or preliminary competitions.

Scattering by lot is done as follows. After determining the principle of dispersion of teams, the number of which corresponds to the number of subgroups, a draw is made for distribution into subgroups. For example, if there are three subgroups, then the teams that took 1st, 2nd and 3rd places last year are scattered by lot among these subgroups, then the teams that took 4th, 5th last year are distributed in the same way. -th and 6th places, etc. All commands or a part of them can be scattered. So, for example, at first, the teams - winners of last year's competitions - are dispersed into subgroups. For all the rest, a general draw is carried out, while attention is drawn to the fact that, depending on the drawn number, the teams fall into a certain subgroup.

Scattering according to the "snake" method is carried out in this order. All teams are assigned numbers according to the place they took in last year's or previous competitions, after which they are distributed into subgroups.

After the teams are dispersed into subgroups by lot or by the “snake” method, an additional draw is held in them. The method of dispersal of teams into subgroups and the number of teams subject to dispersal are provided for by the Competition Regulations.

The places of the teams as a result of the competitions are determined by the sum of points scored by them in the games of all calendar days. Points are awarded to teams during the competition in accordance with the evaluation scale, which provides for the accrual of a certain number of points for the victory, defeat and absence of the team in the competition in accordance with the Regulations on the competition.

Elimination system . The essence of holding competitions according to the system with the elimination is that the team after losing (the first, second or third defeat) is eliminated from the competition. Currently, the most common system of holding competitions is with a knockout after the first defeat, according to which cups are played. This system makes it possible, with a large number of teams, to hold competitions in more short time than a circular system. Its main disadvantage is that it does not give a complete picture of the strength of the teams, does not allow determining the places for all teams participating in the competition. When holding competitions according to this system, an element of chance is possible, i.e. a weak team can even become the winner of the competition.

When compiling the calendar of games according to this system, first of all, a grid is drawn up for the distribution of games for the declared number of teams participating in the competition, and then a draw is made.

For an even number of commands, they are written in a column from top to bottom in ascending order, starting with the 1st and ending with the last. Then, starting from the top, the numbers are connected in pairs, forming game pairs of the first day of the competition. The winners are united in the same order in the game pairs of the second day of the competition, forming the final pair, the winner of which will be the owner of the Cup.

If the number of teams is not even, then on the first day of the competition games are played for a certain number of teams from the total number of teams participating in the competition. During these games, the losing teams are eliminated from the competition, and the remaining teams form an even number of teams with all the others.

To determine the number of teams playing on the first day, use the formula

X \u003d (A - 2 n) 2,

where X is the number of teams participating in the games on the first day of the competition;

A is the total number of teams;

2 n is a number that is a power of 2 out of the total number of commands;

2 is an indicator that two teams are playing at the same time.

In accordance with the generally accepted provisions, teams with average numbers according to the drawing of lots participate in the games of the first day of the competition. Teams not playing on the first day of the competition are distributed equally at the top and bottom of the bracket (if the total number of teams is even).

To determine the number of game days and games during the competitions in the system with a knockout, the following formula is used: X = n, where X is the number of days required for holding competitions in the system with a knockout after the first defeat, n is the power of an even number of the total number of participating teams. For example, if the number of teams is 8, then the number of game days will be 3, since 8 is the third power of 2, i.e. X \u003d n \u003d 3.

If the number of teams is not a power of 2, then use the formula:

X \u003d n + 1, where X is the number of days of competitions in the system with elimination after the first defeat, n + 1 is the power of 2 plus one. For example, if the number of teams is 10, then the number of game days will be 3 + 1, since out of 10 the number 8 is the third power of the number 2, and one day is needed in order for 2 teams to drop out of the competition on the first day and the number of teams left is equal to 8, i.e. X \u003d n + 1 \u003d 3 + 1 \u003d 4.

The number of games for holding competitions according to the system with a knockout is determined by the formula: X = (A - 1) n, where X is the number of games for holding competitions according to the system with a knockout, A is the number of teams participating in the competition, n is the number of defeats, after which the team is eliminated from the competition.

For example, if the number of teams is 12 and the competition is held with a knockout after the first defeat, then the number of games will be equal to X = A - 1 = 12 - 1 = 11. If the competition is held with a knockout after the second defeat, then the number of games will be equal to X = (A - 1) 2 \u003d (12 - 1) 2 \u003d 22.

With this system of holding competitions, the two strongest teams can get into one half of the distribution grid of games (an element of chance), and therefore one of them, even before the final, naturally, must drop out of the competition. Teams from different halves of the grids, completely unequal in strength, go to the final. To prevent this from happening, when conducting competitions in a system with a knockout after the first defeat, artificial dispersion of the two strongest teams in different halves of the distribution grid of games is often used. For this purpose, a draw is held between the two strongest teams (taking into account the results of last year or previous competitions), as a result of which it is determined who of them will get the first and last number of the total number of teams participating in the competition. For the rest of the teams, after that, a draw is held from the 2nd to the penultimate number inclusive. Thus, the two strongest teams, if, of course, they do not lose to anyone before the final, will meet each other only in the final. According to this system, 1st and 2nd places are determined.

The owners of the site during the competitions on the system with elimination on the first day are teams with odd numbers, on the second day - the teams that played on the first day on the opponent's field.

If both teams played on the opponents' field or on their own field, then a draw is held between them, revealing the place of their meeting. All subsequent meetings are determined in the same way. The exception is the final game, which may be scheduled in advance at a specific location.

Mixed competitions. The mixed competition system is a combination of two draw systems: round-robin and elimination. With this system, part of the competition (preliminary or final) is held in a round robin system, and the other part is in a knockout system.

Sometimes the elimination system is used in the preliminary part of the draw among teams divided into subgroups, and the remaining teams form the groups of the strongest, meeting in the final part of the competition in a round robin system. Sometimes, depending on the number of participating teams or on any other conditions, mixed system competitions are held as follows. Teams are divided into two subgroups, in each of which there are round-robin competitions in one round. After the end of the competition in the subgroups and the determination of the places occupied by the teams, butt games are held (according to the elimination system) between the teams that took first places in the subgroups, as a result of which the 1st and 2nd places are determined among all the teams participating in the competition. All subsequent places are determined in the same way.

The advantage of the mixed system is that it allows, with a large number of participating teams, to hold competitions in a relatively short time and quite accurately determine the balance of forces of the participating teams. At present, the largest international competitions, for example, Olympic Games or championships (championships) of the world.

The planning of sports competitions (depending on the rank) is carried out by the relevant federations, sports committees, sports clubs and other organizations.

A calendar plan of the competition is developed, taking into account the timing of the competition and the system of conduct, a regulation is drawn up, documentation is developed (tables, protocols, reports, etc.), the chief judge, the chief secretary are appointed and the composition of judges directly conducting the competition is determined. The composition of the referee teams is formed before the start of the competition.

To prepare large-scale competitions, an organizing committee is created, responsible performers and commissions are appointed to perform a certain type of work:

1. Certification of sports facilities.

2. Preparation of placements and training sites.

3. Catering and transport support.

4. Ensuring law and order at sports facilities.

Holding sports holidays in Moscow

(We work with any budget and will always give good advice)

Dear friends, we are pleased with your desire to organize a sporting event in Moscow. Our specialists and consultants will think over the concept of a sports event, the timing of such an event and calculate the cost.

You ask why, this should be done with us? We will be happy to answer:

  • We have complete information about the possibilities sports facilities and stadiums in Moscow and have “special” conditions for many of them.
  • The company employs professional athletes and coaches.
  • We have our own creative team, catering (off-site catering at events), presenters, DJs and a large database of proven artists and teams for organizing sports and entertainment events. We are professional organizers of sports events.
  • We can afford to be the most accessible in organizing sports events in Moscow thanks to our experience and we are ready to prove it by participating in the tender.
  • The high level of service and our impeccable business reputation have brought us many well-known clients.
  • We have close ties with various sports federations countries, and we can invite real judges and “stars” to the sports tournament.
  • We do charity work and hold sports tournaments for orphanages in Moscow.
  • We are market leaders in organizing family sports events in Moscow.
  • When working with us, any form of payment is possible.

For your convenience, we have developed special service packages for organizing sports events:

Economy (cost 6000 rubles):

  1. referee
  2. Prizes (3 cups + certificates)

Basic (cost 25,000 rubles):

  1. referee
  2. Prizes (3 cups + certificates)

(120 minutes. Depending on the chosen sport and the format of the event, the host conducts quizzes and entertainment competitions for participants and spectators)

Prestige (cost 40,000 rubles):

  1. Chief Judge and Assistant
  2. Prizes (3 cups + certificates)
  3. DJ with full set of sound equipment
  4. Help and advice in choosing a site
  5. Reportage photography (50 edited photos)

(120 minutes. Depending on the chosen sport and the format of the event, the host conducts quizzes and entertainment competitions for participants and spectators)

VIP (cost from 150,000 rubles).

  1. Chief Judge and Assistant
  2. Prizes (3 cups + certificates)
  3. DJ with full set of sound equipment
  4. Help and advice in choosing a site
  5. Development of the concept of the tournament and the timing of the event
  6. Reportage photography (100 edited photos)
  7. Video filming of the event (a music video covering all the main events at the holiday)
  8. Ordering and preparing uniforms for teams
  9. Order and preparation of artists for the holiday
  10. Organization of catering (off-site meals)
  11. Organization of the award ceremony and fireworks.

(Opening hours vary depending on the type of event)

The cost of this service package is calculated upon request.

The agency commission is 10%.

For a more accurate calculation of the cost of a sporting event, write to us by mail [email protected] website or call

One of the main conditions for the quality of the competition is the successful work of public bodies, whether it be a factory tourist section or a republican orienteering federation. Naturally, the fruitful activity of the public is unthinkable without the support of sports and tourism organizations - councils of physical education teams, DSOs, sports committees, tourism and excursion councils, and tourist clubs.

The basis for the success of any sporting event is laid as early as during the preparation of the annual calendar plan of competitions, the development of which takes into account the plan of sporting events of the parent organization. Completing the calendar and coordinating the dates for holding competitions in the city, region, republic are assigned to the corresponding orienteering section. Thus, regional events are planned taking into account the timing of all-Union and republican competitions, championships of the central and republican councils of the DSO. The regional (city) orienteering section allocates a certain period of time for competitions of regional (city) DSOs, city and district clubs of tourists and communicates its decision to them in a timely manner. As a result of such work, a consolidated calendar plan is drawn up, which indicates: the name of the competition, the date of the event, the name of the chief judge. Worthy of imitation is the example of some councils for tourism and excursions, which annually publish collections containing not only the calendar plan, but also the Regulations on regional and city competitions.

According to the instructions, get sports cards is possible only through republican, regional, regional councils for tourism and excursions. In order to provide all organizations holding competitions on the territory of the republic (krai, region) with cards, it is necessary to have an extensive card fund maintained in an exemplary manner. The distribution of competition areas is entrusted to the sports and technical commission (STK) of the orienteering section, which carries out this work, taking into account the scale of the upcoming competitions and the qualifications of the participants, in accordance with the "Instruction on the simultaneous and reuse of distances and sports cards".

As you know, the Rules provide for holding competitions on an unfamiliar terrain for athletes. It is impossible, for example, to organize city competitions on a site where orienteers of any sports society or region recently competed. At the same time, the same site can be used by different physical culture teams an unlimited number of times. STK is recommended to keep an album with samples of all sports cards and reference data on their use (name, date and class of the competition, composition of the distance service). The distances of the competitions are plotted on the maps. The orienteering section should take care of the continuous replenishment of the card fund.

Acquaintance with new areas will allow to determine the most interesting areas for future major competitions - international, all-Union, republican. At the same time, the conditions for using the new site are being carefully developed. For example, a new area is proposed first for the republican competitions in orienteering in a given direction for masters of sports. Then, competitions are held here on a marked track, after which the card can be used twice for competitions of candidates for the master of sports (championships of republican councils of the DSO, match meetings). In the future, competitions of athletes of the 1st category and below are held in this area.

A large number of sporting events has led to the emergence of a problem of refereeing personnel. The specificity of orienteering lies in the fact that most of the judges are active athletes who are ready to take part in competitions, but are reluctant to take on their organization. It seems to us that the painstaking work of the collegium of judges in training and accounting for judicial personnel, timely drawing up a refereeing schedule, various forms encouragement of judges for good work (awarding with diplomas, certificates, medals, prizes, secondment to all-Union and republican competitions, assignment of judicial titles, inclusion of the best judges in the ranking table).

The preparation of any competition included in the calendar of a sports or tourist organization is carried out at the expense of the funds and forces of this organization. The central councils of the DSO entrust the preparation and holding of competitions to the regional or city council of the DSO. Competitions of all-Union rank are prepared by republican, regional, regional sports and tourist organizations.

Competition regulations. The preparation of the competitions begins with the development of the Regulations, which, according to the Rules, must be sent to the relevant organizations no later than a month before their start (for competitions of the all-Union and republican scale, 3 months in advance). The delay in sending out the Regulations indicates the unfavorable preparation of the event.

The Regulations may more clearly and concisely formulate the conditions for the competition. You should not place detailed explanations of the conditions available in the Rules. This is allowed only in the Regulations on competitions in physical education teams, where athletes are not always familiar with the intricacies of the Rules. In the Regulations on competitions on a city scale and below, the place of their holding is usually not indicated. Team representatives receive this information at a meeting 3-5 days before the start of the competition. It is also not recommended to write down the length of the distance and the number of CPs in the Regulations, because at the time of the preparation of this document the distance is usually not yet planned. Moreover, in the Rules there are route parameters for each age group. Since the age of a participant is determined by the year of his birth, it is incorrect, for example, to write in the Regulations: "Participants who have reached Helmet on the day of the competition are allowed to compete." The year of birth of eligible athletes should be indicated.

It is important to dwell on the conditions for determining the winners in the team fight. The main instructions on this issue are given in the Rules, however, mistakes are made here, in particular when holding open championships. Often, teams of physical education teams, regional councils of the DSO, teams of cities, regions and union republics. In such cases, it is necessary to carry out an offset in different groups: teams of cities, regions and republics compete in one group, teams of enterprises, institutions and educational institutions compete in the other.

Only the organization that approved it (or a representative of this organization at these competitions) has the right to make changes and additions to the Regulations, and no later than before the start of the first draw. In exceptional cases, the chief referee may make changes to the program (for example, if skiing competitions cannot be held due to melted snow, the chief judge has the right to replace them with orienteering).

Costings. Its main articles do not differ from those established for other sports * and include: payment for judges' travel to and from the competition site, food for judges, payment for medical workers (including the rental of an ambulance car), rental of tourist and sports equipment, purchase of prizes, stationery, medicines, printing costs, typist's fees. At competitions of a regional scale and above, the cost estimate includes payment for food and accommodation for participants, payment for transport for delivering athletes to the competition site, and renting a radio machine. Members of the judiciary from other cities are provided with daily allowance, housing allowance, and salaries.

* (In accordance with the orders of the Sports Committee of the USSR No. 285 of March 21, 1975 and No. 947 of September 29, 1975.)

The cost estimate is compiled no earlier than the competition area is selected and the conditions for the accommodation of participants are determined. This affects the cost of travel for judges, transportation of participants, payment for a hotel (or rental of tourist equipment for placement in the field). When drawing up an estimate, it is necessary to take into account the plan for preparing the competition, including the dispatch of judges to select the competition area, map adjustment, distance planning, cutting through a marked track in winter, and inspection of distances.

For this purpose, it is planned to pay for travel to judges and pay for the work of distance chiefs (up to 6 days at the rate of the senior instructor of the organization conducting the competition) and their assistants (according to the rate of the instructor of the organization). The number of judges on the course is determined by the Rules. The number of working days for course preparation may be reduced if the competition is held on terrain for which a corrected map is already available. Then the estimate should include only the costs of reproducing cards (according to the price list of a photo factory or printing house). If the map is drawn up again, it is necessary to include in the estimate the costs of making the original (no more than 20 rubles per copy).

Organizing Committee. The organization of competitions of various scales in many ways is different. All-Union and republican competitions, championships of the central and republican councils of the DSO, match meetings with the participation of teams from other cities require the solution of complex issues: reception, accommodation and meals for athletes and judges, their delivery to the competition site and back to their place of residence, preparation of sports cards and distances, acquisition of a referee and sports equipment, decoration of competitions, organization of cultural services for participants. Regional and city organizations are involved in the preparation of the event, significant funds are spent. Such a set of issues can be successfully solved only by an organization with broad powers, authority and a sufficient number of qualified employees.

The preparation and holding of all-Union and republican competitions are entrusted to the organizing committee, which includes representatives of regional (city) organizations: trade unions, the Council for Tourism and Excursions, the Sports Committee, DSO, DOSAAF, VLKSM, medical and sports dispensary. The composition of the organizing committee and the plan of its work are approved by the presidium of the regional council of trade unions. The organizing committee, depending on the scale of the competition, may consist of 7-15 people. It starts working 3-5 months before the competition and operates according to a plan that includes a list of events, deadlines for their implementation and the names of responsible persons, at whose disposal working groups of 2-3 people are allocated. The organizing committee meets at least 2 times a month to sum up the work for the past period. A common mistake, in which the solution of many issues is postponed until the last week before the competition, leads to violation of deadlines and storming: on the eve of the competition, with the arrival of teams, a lot of unforeseen problems appear, and there is no time left to solve the whole complex of accumulated issues.

When distributing responsibilities among the members of the organizing committee, it is necessary to keep in mind the amount of work associated with the implementation of one or another item of the plan, as well as the timing of this work. Issues such as providing maps, preparing the design of competitions, purchasing prizes, inventory, stationery should be resolved long before the competition. At the same time, the accommodation and meals of the participants, as well as the provision of transport, require not only preliminary preparation, but also unremitting control on the days of the competition. Members of the organizing committee, who are entrusted with these events, are mandatory exempted from other matters.

Approximate work plan of the organizing committee

General issues

1. Distribute responsibilities among the members of the organizing committee.

2. Approve the composition of the working groups.

3. Obtain permission to hold competitions in the area.

4. Prepare a draft cost estimate and send it to a higher organization.

5. Approve the composition of the credentials committee.

6. Develop a script for the opening and closing of the competition. Approve the commander of the parade.

7. Prepare prizes, diplomas and medals for awarding the winners, certificates for the organizers and judges.

8. Develop competition regulations.

9 Ensure that the convoy is escorted by traffic police.

10. Prepare souvenirs, commemorative badges for participants.

11. Hold meetings of the organizing committee.

Service for competitors

1. Provide accommodation for participants and judges.

2. Organize meals for participants and judges, ensure the work of the buffet in the competition center.

3. Draw up a transport schedule and ensure its implementation.

4. Arrange medical care.

5. Book tickets for the return journey of participants and judges.

7. Appoint the teams responsible for the meeting.

8. Allocate patronage teams for each team.

9. Develop a program of cultural services for participants.

10. Ensure the sale of magazines, newspapers, souvenirs at the venues and at the competition center.

Logistics of the competition

1. Appoint the commandant of the competition.

2. Make a list of the necessary inventory and equipment, purchase or order it.

3. Buy stationery.

4. Prepare blank documentation.

5. Rent a radio car.

6. Provide radio and telephone communications at a distance.

7. Provide competitions with multiplying equipment.

The work of the judiciary

1. Prepare and approve the composition of the main panel of judges.

3. Prepare and conduct a referee seminar.

4. Prepare premises for the credentials committee, secretariat, referee teams, press center.

5. Provide conditions for updating maps and inspecting distances.

6. Obtain permission to produce sports cards and order them at the card factory (photocombine, printing house).

1. Provide artistic design for the accommodation of participants and the competition center.

2. Order the production of a poster, program, participant tickets, invitation cards, service, referee and commemorative signs, emblems, sleeve patches, pennants.

3. Organize a press conference and ensure the work of the press center during the competition.

4. Organize operational photo information about the course of the competition.

It happens that, despite the complete or partial insecurity of the competition, the panel of judges does its best to hold them. Even at all-Union competitions, one can see how the chief judge is closely involved in organizational issues, thereby replacing the organizing committee. Such a situation cannot be considered normal. Judges should not be distracted from their direct duties, because this leads to omissions in judicial work.

Deficiencies in the organization of competitions most often occur due to untimely development and distribution of Regulations and calls, approval of cost estimates, production of maps, hotel and transport rentals, preparation of prizes, applications for medical care, orders for printing work. Another reason is the low qualification of the components of the Regulations and cost estimates. To avoid mistakes, these important documents should be prepared together with the Bureau of the Orienteering Section or with the Chief Judge. The chief referee must promptly inform the organization about the location of the competition area and the course preparation plan, so that funds are provided for the travel of judges, the rental of transport, the dispatch of course chiefs and inspectors, and the production of maps.

Serious difficulties for judges arise if the organization conducting the competition does not have the necessary equipment and blank documentation. Employees sports organizations Organizations that regularly hold orienteering competitions must have a once and for all established plan for the preparation and conduct of the event, the necessary equipment and documentation, sample Regulations and cost estimates.

Reception of participants. Having received the Regulations on the competitions, the organizations admitted to them must confirm their participation within the period specified in the Regulations. I would like to emphasize the importance of this moment, from which the contacts of the organizers with the participants begin. The solution of many issues depends on how clearly organized the connection between them is. Often, the organizers on the eve of the competition do not have information about most teams (neither the date of arrival, nor the number of participants), which puts them in a difficult position: it is impossible to book a hotel, order transport, arrange meals for athletes, book return tickets. Without timely confirmation of participation, the teams, of course, receive a call to the competition with a delay. As a result, the representatives do not have enough time to issue a travel certificate and a personalized application, prepare and verify the documents of athletes, receive money - and the sports form of the release of participants from work or study.

Having received confirmation of participation in the competition, the organizers send a letter of challenge to the relevant teams. It indicates the place of arrival of the teams, the exact address of the credentials committee, the terms of its work, the documents for passing the credentials committee. If the participants are planned to be accommodated in the field, they must warn about this by indicating the required equipment and inventory in the letter, as well as attaching a detailed diagram of the entrance to the camp site. If the organizers of the competition have the opportunity to meet the teams at the station or at the airport and deliver them to the credentials committee or to the camp in chartered buses, the letter should ask for the exact time of arrival of the teams.

The organizing committee must take care of the timely sending of participants to their place of residence after the end of the competition, which is usually associated with difficulties, especially during vacations and holidays. To this end, the letter contains a request to indicate the type of transport by which the athletes will return home, and the required number of tickets (the date of departure is determined by the Competition Regulations). Having received the necessary information, the organizing committee reserves tickets, which are redeemed by team representatives on the day of the work of the credentials committee.

In letters addressed to the winning teams of last year's competitions, you need to be reminded to bring the challenge prizes.

Accommodation and meals for participants. Participants in major competitions are usually accommodated in city hotels, dormitories, boarding schools, sometimes at camp sites, in pioneer or tourist camps. In these cases, the nutrition of athletes is easy to organize. The duties of the food officer include monitoring the timely transfer of money to the current account of the canteen, transferring samples of coupons, menus and meal schedules by the hour to the canteen, issuing coupons to participants and compiling reporting documents. The meal schedule must be agreed with the chief judge, and the menu is compiled with the participation of the competition doctor, who, in addition, controls the quality of the food on a daily basis.

The operational organization of breakfast plays a big role in the exact implementation of the competition schedule. In order not to violate the deadlines for the departure of athletes and the start time of the competition, a single menu for all participants is set for breakfast. In this case, the cashier does not have to calculate the cost of breakfast for each participant, and the service process is fast. To supervise the preparation of the canteen for breakfast, the food officer and the doctor must arrive at least one hour before it opens. On competition days, lunch is usually replaced by dry rations, which are prepared in advance and handed over to the participants during breakfast.

It is advisable to organize a buffet in the competition center. On hot summer days, kvass, lemonade, mineral water, kefir, milk. In the cold season, the buffet must provide participants with hot dishes (sausages, coffee, etc.). If possible, you should do without dry rations and organize service for athletes in the buffet on the basis of coupons. For dinner, a single menu for all is not required.

In summer, participants can be accommodated in the field. Athletes live either in camp-type tents (beds) or in four-seater tourist tents (sleeping bags). The choice of the camp site is regulated, on the one hand, by the presence of a convenient meadow, drinking water, firewood for cooking, and, on the other hand, by the proximity to the start and finish. In the latter case, there is no need for transport for transportation to the start and delivery from the finish. Teams can get to the camp by regular transport or by specially ordered buses.

When setting up camp, the tents of the participants should not be scattered throughout the forest. Signs with team names should be placed in front of the tents. Pointers placed in several places show the locations of the judiciary, secretariat, organizing committee, doctor, toilets, garbage pits. During the hours of the competition, duty officers remain in the camp.

Meals in the camp can be organized in several ways. It is better if the food is prepared centrally in camp kitchens (they can be rented at the city canteen or in military organizations). If the camp is far from the city, food is prepared by cooks seconded for all days of the competition. When the camp is close, the kitchens are refueled in the dining room and food is transported every time for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In order not to waste a lot of time on issuing food, it is recommended to have a set of pots or buckets for each team.

In this case, the representative of the team receives food for all his athletes at once.

Participants may cook their own meals. In this case, they are informed what hiking equipment they should take with them. The organizing committee must provide the athletes with a variety of products. In addition, a food stall should operate in the camp, where participants can buy food for cash. It is also desirable to organize the sale of all kinds of little things: soap, toothpaste, souvenirs, etc.

If non-resident athletes participate in competitions, you should take care of a bath or a hot shower for them. The need for a bath is dictated not only by hygienic purposes, but also by its ability to restore strength. In rainy weather or in winter competitions, a dryer should be provided, where orienteers can clean up and prepare their sports uniform for the start. You should also consider the issue of storage and repair of ski equipment; set a ski storage schedule that is convenient for athletes. It is not superfluous to take care of the minimum tool: an electric drill, drills, screwdrivers, files.

Transport. A decisive role in the clear conduct of the competition belongs to transport. This issue should be entrusted to a sufficiently operational worker, who in his activities is guided by the transport schedule drawn up together with the chief judge. Individual points of the schedule may change during the competition or immediately before their start. To avoid confusion, all changes should only go through the person responsible for the transport, who is the main dispatcher. It is necessary to strictly warn the drivers of cars and buses so that they follow the orders of only one person - the dispatcher.

The following are commonly used to service competitions: buses for transporting participants, judges and radio operators, a truck for delivering equipment and a buffet, a GAZ-69 or a RAF minibus for distance service, a radio car, an ambulance. Buses for participants are equipped with signs with the names of the teams.

The dispatcher must have 2-3 assistants who know the route to the competition center, start and finish. If the path passes through dirt roads, you need to review the route in advance and outline options in case the weather changes. It would be good if we could come to an agreement with the district road section on the allocation, if necessary, of a bulldozer to clear the road or a tractor to accompany the convoy. On the days of the competition, buses with participants, a radio car and an ambulance go to the start in one column, always accompanied by traffic police officers. The dispatcher must notify the organizations from which the transport is rented of the time and place of collection. If the route is short, participants can be sent on several flights to save money.

Commandant. The role of the commandant in the preparation and conduct of the competition is great: he, together with assistants, prepares equipment, gives it to the senior judges and takes it back, helps the judges in equipping and decorating the competition center, places for the parade of participants, start, finish, maintains order in the competition center, organizes accommodation and nutrition of judges in the field. The commandant, appointed from among financially responsible persons, begins his work 1-2 months before the competition, when the organizing committee receives the list of necessary equipment compiled by the chief judge and chief secretary (Appendices 1 and 2). Organizations holding competitions usually do not have a complete set of equipment, and it is rented from tourist and sports organizations. In his work, the commandant must be guided by the rule that the basis for success is a clear and timely agreement with the relevant organizations. All problems of providing the competition with equipment must be resolved before the arrival of the main judging panel.

Upon arrival, the chief judge clarifies and supplements the inventory list, and the commandant has new worries. To streamline the work, the commandant distributes duties among his assistants. These include those responsible for renting equipment, acquiring materials, meals and accommodation for judges in the field. The commandant concludes contracts with artists for the design of competitions: the production of posters, banners, slogans, information boards, bulletin boards.

Competition program. It should be a small, tastefully designed book. It contains the composition of the organizing committee and the main panel of judges, the results of previous competitions and the regulations of the current ones, the table of results (individual and team), filled in by the participants during the competition. The program should contain information of a reference nature: train and plane schedules, addresses and telephone numbers of the organizing committee, the main panel of judges, the secretariat, post office, telegraph, hairdressing salons, and bathhouses.

There are examples of successful programs issued by individual organizing committees of all-Union competitions. In addition to the above information, such a program contains information about distances, their parameters, CP legends, start order and intervals for all age groups. Attention is paid to the interaction between the organizers and team representatives, information is provided on the procedure for placing athletes, the meal schedule, the issuance of travel certificates, the purchase of return tickets, badges, souvenirs, and the schedule for the shower.

Competition medical care. The legislation in force in the USSR and the Competition Rules establish the responsibility of the organizers and referees of sports events for accidents that occur to participants due to non-compliance with the Rules, the requirements of medical supervision and the lack of first aid. By order of the Minister of Health of the USSR dated November 9, 1966, the provision of medical care for sports events was entrusted to the relevant medical and physical education dispensaries, which may involve other medical and preventive institutions.

The organization conducting the competition must apply to the dispensary in advance with an application for medical care of the competition. The doctor is a member of the main panel of judges as a deputy chief judge and must be present at the competition. The chief judge has no right to start the competition without making sure that the medical staff is in place and ready to perform their duties.

The doctor of the competition checks the correctness of registration of application documents, controls the observance of sanitary and hygienic standards in the places of accommodation and meals for participants, in the areas of start and finish. Together with assistants, it provides first aid and transportation of injured athletes.

At difficult distances, by the decision of the chief referee, first aid stations or individual dressing packages at the checkpoint may be provided. The route service and the participants must be informed about the locations of the points. A radio or telephone connection is established between the points of medical care and the doctor's place of residence.

At the end of the competition, the doctor submits a report on the work done to the chief judge.

Ensuring the safety of orienteers. The rules provide for measures to prevent accidents, the implementation of which is mandatory for the organization conducting the competition, the judiciary, team representatives, and the participants themselves. During the preparation of the event, the organization conducting it is obliged to coordinate the competition area with local authorities, find out the location of the nearest settlement with a telephone connection and a hospital or any other medical institution. During the competition, the leadership of the search for participants who did not come to the finish line, and the delivery of injured athletes from the distance, is assigned to the deputy chief referee for distances.

The difficulty of the terrain should be appropriate to the level of preparedness of the participants and their age. In winter, you can not lay distances through poorly frozen rivers, lakes and swamps. It is desirable that the competition area is not crossed by roads with heavy traffic. If this cannot be avoided, it is necessary, with the permission of the traffic police, to install warning signs or to place judges on sections of roads with low visibility. Distances for night competitions are planned to be simpler than for daytime ones. All dangerous (and forbidden) areas are highlighted on the map with red shading. If necessary, the route to bypass such places is indicated by bright markings. In winter competitions, the ski track on dangerous slopes must be carefully prepared, and orienteers warned by special signs installed before the descent. At competitions for beginners and junior athletes, special attention should be paid to clear landmarks that limit the area of ​​​​competition (highway and railways, rivers and characteristic streams, large open spaces - fields, meadows). In the absence of such landmarks, if necessary, the boundaries of the area are marked. This information is communicated to the participants through an easy-to-remember scheme posted at the start. It also indicates the direction of the most convenient way from anywhere in the area to the finish line (the athlete can pass through it if he loses orientation). If there is a reservoir in the finish area that can be used for washing, the competition doctor must make sure that it is safe and set up a duty post on the shore.

Let us remind you once again that the panel of judges is obliged to: 1) not allow athletes who do not have a doctor's permission to compete; 2) strictly observe the rules for admission to competitions of athletes of younger age groups; 3) not to allow the participation of schoolchildren in night and marathon competitions, as well as in cross-country skiing with orientation in a given direction, carried out outside the city limits.

Certain duties are imposed on the representative of the team. He has no right to leave the venue of the competition if at least one member of his team has not returned from the race. At the end of the competition, the representative must notify the Chief Judge that all his athletes have finished and receive permission to leave. If the athlete has left the race, the representative is obliged to personally notify the senior judge of the finish line.

A difficult situation arises when an athlete does not appear at the finish line after the control time has expired. The reasons for the delay may be: 1) complete loss of orientation; 2) getting into a dangerous place (impassable swamp, polynya, landslide, sinkhole); 3) a serious injury or the occurrence of a condition dangerous to health (shock, heart attack, frostbite, appendicitis attack), preventing movement; 4) an injury that does not allow walking at the speed of a pedestrian (stretching, bruising, injury), a slight loss of orientation, incorrect timing for returning to the deadline, breakage of skis; 5) the exit of the athlete to the settlement and unauthorized departure home; 6) sudden sharp deterioration in the weather, etc.

Most often, the reasons for the delay of orienteers are the cases described in paragraph 4. However, when analyzing the situation and developing a search plan, one must first of all proceed from the assumption that an accident has happened to a person. First you need to make sure that the athlete is on the course. This can be confirmed by a representative or teammates. If there are dangerous places in the competition area, 2-3 people are sent there, led by the head of the distance. If there are walkie-talkies at the checkpoint, the last (in time) point where the athlete was registered is first clarified. The same goal can be achieved by interviewing participants. At the same time, all controllers and radio operators are ordered to remain in their places, keep the radios on constant reception and regularly give sound signals. Search groups or individual athletes and judges are sent to the search area; they must patrol along the designated roads and clearings and give sound signals. Search groups are assigned a deadline for returning or reporting information by radio. In this case, a list of participants in the search is necessarily compiled.

The search plan must also include the possibility that the athlete has left the competition area and gone home. It is necessary to consult with the comrades of the missing person and find out how high such a probability is, judging by his sports qualifications, character traits, and previous actions. If necessary, you need to send a messenger to the nearest settlement and try to find out by phone through your parents, acquaintances, neighbors or through the police. It is possible that the contact will have to leave for the place of residence of the missing person.

If the actions of the search groups turned out to be ineffective, it is necessary to organize a combing of individual sections of the forest, at the same time reporting the incident to the head of the organization conducting the competition and to the police.

Measures for the protection of nature. Organizers of competitions should pay serious attention to nature protection. During the preparation of the event, it is necessary to establish contact with the forestry authorities, obtain permission to hold competitions in this forest area and for the passage of vehicles, agree on the choice of a competition center, clarify places for making fires and setting up tents. If the participants are placed in the field, they must be pointed out to them to strictly follow the fire safety rules in the forests of the USSR, to take care of the country's natural resources, and to prevent unauthorized felling and pollution of water bodies. Garbage pits, toilets are equipped in the camp, appropriate signs are installed. At the end of the competition, the teams must clean up the accommodation and obtain permission from the commandant to leave.

Competition rules forbid participants to cross areas with field crops and young forest plantations. In case of violation of this rule, as well as the requirements of the forestry authorities, the panel of judges is obliged to remove the perpetrators from the competition and report the incident to the organization represented by the violators.

The meaning of the competition

Football competitions are of great health significance, increase the interest of young people in playing football and to a large extent contribute to the development of its mass character and further popularization in the country. They stimulate systematic training work, serve as a means of checking its quality and direction, allow revealing the level of physical, technical-tactical, moral-volitional preparedness of football players and generally contribute to the growth of their sportsmanship.

The significance of competitions is also determined by the fact that they accustom football players to wrestling, to the manifestation of strong-willed efforts in stressful situations. In training, it is not always possible to create an environment close to the competitive one. In the competition, the working potentials of the body of football players are used more fully (competitive emotions and their impact, the burden of responsibility, etc.), therefore, especially effective incentives for adaptation to high and maximum loads arise here more often.

Only in competition can one fully develop the ability to optimally defeat the enemy, mobilize one's own forces to the end and use them expediently, cope with one's emotions and rise, as it were, above one's capabilities.

Participation in competitions allows you to compare your strengths with the strengths and training of other players and teams, to find the most promising players for various national teams.

Football competitions have educational and promotional value. They contribute to the education of the players discipline, organization, a sense of responsibility and collectivism, the will to win and patriotism.

Rice. 85. Classification of football competitions

Football competitions are a bright, emotionally rich spectacle. They are a wonderful pastime for a multimillion-strong army of fans who are attracted by the bold and decisive actions of athletes, beauty, high intensity and unpredictability of wrestling.

Competition planning and types

Taking into account the existing structure of the physical culture movement in the country, a system of football competitions has been developed, covering all contingents involved - from children's teams to teams of the highest sports categories. The main organizational principle of this system is the stage-by-stage, sequence and alternation of competitions of various ranks, taking into account the territorial and departmental principle. This refers to the range of competitions - from mass, at the place of residence, to all-Russian and international. The classification of football competitions is shown in fig. 85.

This allows avoiding duplication of competitions, excessive employment of teams, frequent trips and creates conditions for full-fledged educational and training work.

A single consolidated calendar plan includes all issues related to the holding of territorial and departmental competitions. It is advisable to draw up a consolidated calendar plan for regional and city competitions for a five-year period, taking into account the competitions planned by higher organizations. After making the necessary changes, the unified consolidated plan for football competitions is included in the plan of mass sports events of the relevant state committees for physical culture and sports and becomes mandatory for all sports organizations.

As already noted, competitions are a logical continuation of educational, training and educational work. They are planned based on the sequence, continuity and the optimal number of calendar games for each age group. At the same time, the need for a gradual increase in the competitive load is also taken into account.

Depending on the tasks solved by football competitions, they can be divided into main and auxiliary.

The main ones include the types of competitions that are organized in accordance with the requirements of the Unified Sports Classification and, based on the results of which, sports qualifications are determined and the titles of winners or champions are awarded.

The main types of competitions are calendar ones, which are provided for by a single calendar plan of sports events and are held in accordance with the approved regulation.

The main types of competitions are:

leagues or championships

cup competition,

official qualifying competition.

Championships or Championships- the most responsible competitions, according to the results of which the winning team is awarded the title of champion. This type of organization of competitions allows the most objective comparison of the strengths of the teams, to assess the quality of the training work being carried out.

Cup competition are carried out with the aim of attracting the maximum number of teams to the competition and identifying the winner in a relatively short time according to the principle of successive selection of the best.

Official Qualifiers are carried out in order to identify the strongest teams to participate in the next stage of the competition.

Auxiliary competitions include:

control games,

friendly games,

display games,

blitz tournaments.

control games are carried out in order to prepare and check the readiness of teams for the upcoming competitions.

Friendly games are carried out for educational and training purposes or in terms of traditional competitions.

demonstration games serve the purpose of popularizing football and demonstrating sportsmanship.

Blitz tournaments are held for several hours. They are usually planned for holidays and for the opening or closing days of the sports season. to speed up the holding of such competitions, the time of the games is reduced.




in the disciplines of fishing with a float rod, fishing with a spinning rod, fishing with a lure from ice, fishing with a jig from ice.

General provisions

1.1. Compliance with these Regulations is mandatory in the preparation and holding of official sports competitions included in the Unified calendar plans for physical culture and sports events of executive authorities in the region. physical culture and sports of Russia, subjects Russian Federation, municipalities and sports organizations that have the right to assign sports categories.

1.2. Types of competitions:

Competitions can be held in one round (one competition) or in several rounds, stages (several competitions under the same name).

Competitions are held personal, and personally-team. In individual competitions, the results are counted for each athlete. At individual-team competitions - for each athlete individually and for the team as a whole, according to the totality of the results of the team's athletes.

1.3. Competitions are divided into the following statuses:

a) all-Russian- championships, cups, championships and other all-Russian sport competitions;

b) interregional- championships and championships federal district Russian Federation, zonal competitions;

in) regional- championships, cups, championships and other competitions of the subjects of the Russian Federation;

d) m municipal- championships, championships and other competitions of the municipality;

e) competitions of sports organizations having the right to assign the 1st and other mass categories.

1.4. Competitions are held by the relevant executive authorities in the field of physical culture and sports, fishing federations and fishing and sports organizations in accordance with the Regulations on the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification, these Regulations, the Rules and Regulations for the relevant competitions.

1.5. The main concepts used in these Regulations:

a) Other competitions - competitions of the All-Russian and regional fishing federations, ministries, departments, FSO and fishing and sports organizations included in the calendar plans of the relevant executive authorities in the field of physical culture and sports.

b) Organizer of the competition - an organization declared in this capacity in the Regulations on the competition.

c) Organization conducting the competition - an organization that has been granted the right to directly conduct the competition (under an agreement or other document).

d) Competitors:

1. Sports delegation: athletes, including substitutes, coaches, representatives, judges and other persons, in accordance with the Competition Regulations.

2. Panel of judges: the main panel of judges (GJK) and others sports judges(including judges of sports delegations), working under an employment agreement or seconded from sports organizations.

3. Representatives of the organizer of the competition, seconded or appointed by order of the organizer of the competition.

4. Representatives of accredited media.

e) Inspector of the competition - a representative of the organizer of the competition and / or the All-Russian Fishing Federation, who has the appropriate written authority to control the work of the main panel of judges and the compliance of the competition with the established rules, regulations and regulations on competitions.

f) Failure to appear at the start - the case when the athletes passed the registration, the draw in the established order and did not take their sector (zone) for any reason before the “Start” signal.

g) incapacity - the inability to fully fulfill their official duties for various reasons.

Obligations of the organizer and organization conducting the competition.

2.1. The organizer of the competition determines the conditions for their holding, is responsible for their organization and conduct.

The organizer of the competition is obliged, in accordance with the rules of the competition and these regulations, as well as the rules of recreational and sport fishing in force in the region where the competition is held, to develop and approve the regulations and regulations for specific competitions and inform the participating organizations in advance (no later than one month before the start of the competition, and for inter-regional and all-Russian competitions, publish at least 2 months in advance). The regulations indicate: the type of competition (individual-team, personal), the number of athletes and other persons in the delegation, the main organizational issues, the characteristics of the reservoir, the types of fish accepted for weighing and prohibited for catching, as well as their minimum sizes, the definition of winners, rewarding, financial conditions of participation.

The regulation on all-Russian and interregional competitions is drawn up in accordance with the recommendations of the federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports.

The scheme of the competition area is attached to the regulation on all-Russian and interregional competitions. The diagram posted at the competition site must be signed by the chief referee.

Only the organization that approved it and no later than one hour before the start of the draw can make changes to the regulations established by the competition regulations.

The organizer of the competition appoints the technical and credentials commissions, the main panel of judges, the inspecting (inspecting) competitions, provides team members with award paraphernalia in the amount determined by the regulation on the competition; resolves all issues of logistical support for the work of the main panel of judges and the inspector; after the end of the competition publishes their results in the media and sends to its participants a copy of the protocol of technical results of the competition or an extract from it within a period of not more than 2 weeks.

The organizer of the competition shall notify those who submitted a preliminary application for participation in the competition at least 15 days before the planned event about the cancellation of the competition, the postponement of the date or place of their holding,

2.2. The inspector of competitions performs his duties without interfering with the actions of the judging panel and without interfering with the competitors. In case of urgent need, the inspector expresses his recommendations only to the representative of the organizer of the competition and / or the chief judge of the competition without the presence of other persons. If necessary, the inspector has the right to enter the zone or sector of the athlete.

2.3. Organization conducting the competition:

a) by the deadline, provides the organizer of the competition with the information necessary for inclusion in the regulations and regulations of the upcoming competitions;

b) resolves all issues of their material and technical support, ensuring security measures, staffing the judiciary and its support;

c) appoints the commandant of the competitions, ensures their safety and medical care; provides conditions for the meeting of representatives (captains), the draw and the work of the secretariat;

d) provides the most equal performance conditions for all athletes;

e) provides athletes with start numbers, and the panel of judges with floating equipment (if necessary), equipped with safety and rescue equipment on the water, as well as walkie-talkies, electronic or mechanical scales of the same type, bags and equipment for uniform weighing;

f) organizes the access to the sector of the participants of the competition, or, if this is not possible, the delivery of equipment and participants in another way;

g) after the end of the competition, within a week, submits to the organizer of the competition all the materials of the competition;

2.4. The commandant of the competition organizes the preparation, equipment and design of the places where the participants of the competition are built, the breakdown of zones and sectors for the competition, prepares the premises and places the participants in the competition and judges, organizes the timely issuance of equipment and the necessary inventory to the participants of the competition and judges against signature and collection, is responsible for maintaining order at place of the competition, follow the instructions of the organizer and chief referee of the competition.

2.5. The doctor of the competition provides medical support for the competition, provides, if necessary, medical assistance to the injured, on behalf of the representative of the organization conducting the competition or the chief referee of the competition, examines the participant in the competition and gives an opinion on the possibility of admitting the athlete to the competition due to his health.

3. Technical and mandate commissions.

3.1. Inspection of the venue of the upcoming competitions is carried out by the technical commission . The technical commission, consisting of at least 3 people, is appointed by the organizer of the competition. The commission includes specialists in the discipline of the upcoming competitions , a qualified sports judge and an authorized representative of the administration of the reservoir, who owns the situation on the reservoir.

The commission may include a representative of the organizer of the competition and members of the judging panel.

The commission examines the reservoir for its compliance with the rules of the competition, the planned number of participants and the supply of sports equipment to the sectors, determines the fishing area and the location of the sectors based on the equality of fishing conditions, the depth and indentation of the coastal relief, the availability of places for the location of the sectors. Determines the main parameters of the reservoir in the competition area (width, depth, current, bottom characteristics, presence of vegetation), species composition fish and the estimated weight of the catch, ensures the preparation of a diagram of the reservoir at the competition site, gives recommendations on the elimination of natural and artificial obstacles at the competition site. If necessary, taking into account the characteristics of the reservoir (width, depth, current), gives recommendations on the introduction of additional restrictions (placement of zones competitions, places of start and finish, the number of bait mixtures.)

Report in writing on the results of the work of the commission, for decision-making , transfers to the organizers of the competition no later than 2.5 months before the start of this competition.

The report of the technical commission, after making a decision, is transferred to the organization conducting the competition and the chief judge of the competition for review and further work. Responsibility for the location of zones and sectors, as well as for the delivery of sports equipment and athletes to hard-to-reach sectors, after making a decision on the report, lies with the organization conducting the competition.

3.2. Credentials Commission is appointed by the organizer of the competition from among qualified judges and members of the organizing committee. The number of members of the credentials committee cannot be less than three, including its chairman . At competitions of inter-regional and lower statuses, the functions of the credentials committee may be entrusted to the main panel of judges of the competition.

3.3. The work of the credentials committee is headed by its chairman.

The Credentials Commission checks the availability of the documents of the participants of the competitions provided for by these Regulations, the rules and regulations on competitions and, according to the documents, their compliance with the regulations on these competitions; gives an opinion on the admission of athletes, coaches, team representatives and judges to participate in competitions. The credentials committee draws up its conclusion in a protocol. Protest against the decisions of the credentials committee on exclusion from competitions, in accordance with paragraph 8.1. competition rules, may be considered at a joint meeting of the credentials committee and the main panel of judges.

4 . Competitors

4.1. In personal-team and personal all-Russian competitions national teams and athletes of the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg and other subjects of the Russian Federation participate in accordance with the Regulations on competitions and the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification (EVSK).

Teams of the Federal Security Service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation can take part in competitions with the consent (upon request) of the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of physical culture and sports

The number of teams and athletes, as well as the procedure for their selection for the finals of the competition, is determined by the regulation on the competition in accordance with the requirements of the EJSC.

Athletes are allowed to compete:

a) for all-Russian competitions - not lower than 1st sports category;

b) athletes are allowed to compete in other statuses in accordance with the regulations on the competition by decision of their organizers.

4.2. Competitors as an athlete can be men, women and youths. The age for young men is established by the regulation on competitions.

Women have the right to compete in men's competitions. At the same time, they have equal rights and opportunities with men. Men are not eligible to participate as an athlete in competitions held for women.

4.3. Teams consisting of 3 to 5 athletes participate in individual-team competitions. . Only a full team can be admitted to the All-Russian team competition. Athletes of the team that arrived not in full force are allowed to compete only for the individual championship. Substitute athletes included in the application can replace the main one at the request of the representative (captain) of the team in accordance with the conditions set forth in section 7 of these Regulations.

A team or an athlete who does not appear at the start is removed from the competition.

According to the decision of the organizer of the competition, if it is reflected in the Regulations on the competition, athletes of organizations that do not take part in team competitions can be admitted to competitions with an individual-team classification of all statuses. This condition must be reflected in the Competition Regulations. Such athletes are evenly distributed in zones by drawing lots. An unequal number of athletes is allowed in the zones with a difference of no more than one athlete.

4.4. Transfers of athletes at all-Russian competitions, in one sports discipline, from a team of one subject of the Russian Federation to a team of another subject of the Russian Federation during one sports season are prohibited.

4.5. At all-Russian competitions, an athlete must have documents proving his identity (passport, military ID, identity card , driver's license) confirming his sports qualification, compulsory medical insurance policy, original accident, life and health insurance contract, as well as a written conclusion on admission to competitions for health reasons in the form of an entry in the application, in the qualification book or in the form of a separate document .

At competitions in fishing by spinning from motor boats, the athlete must have the documents provided for by the Rules for the Use of Small Vessels.

At ceremonial events, the athlete is obliged to perform in a sports uniform that is the same for the whole team. . During the round of the competition, an athlete can compete in free form with a neatly attached start number, obtained by lot; treat the participants with restraint and respect, do not allow cases of appearance at the events provided for by the competition regulations, in a state of intoxication or in a state of drug intoxication

4.6. An athlete participating in the competition is subordinate to the representative and coach (in their absence, the captain) of his team, the representative of the organizer of the competition, the chief judge of the competition, and during the round of the competition - to the senior judge and the judge-controller of his zone.

4.7. An athlete participating in a competition must:

Know the Rules, Regulations, Regulations on competitions and strictly comply with their requirements;

Personally attend all constructions and meetings convened by the representative of the organizer of the competition and the chief referee of the competition;

During the round of the competition, have identification marks and start numbers that are clearly distinguishable for the judges and do not remove them until the end of the weighing (delivery to the judges) of the catch for all athletes of the zone.

An athlete participating in the competition has the right to:

Participate in all competitions for which it is admitted by the credentials committee;

Be present when weighing your catch;

Submit protests in accordance with the established procedure to the main panel of judges;

Invite the senior referee of the zone to the competition site, in case of disagreement with the sanction or interpretation of the competition rules by the controller judge.

4.8. The team (athlete in individual competitions) must be present at the general formation at the opening and closing of the competition or obtain permission from the chief judge and the organizer of the competition in advance to be absent from these events.

4.9. All participants in the competition are required to know and comply with safety measures, know and comply with the rules of sports and recreational fishing, regulations, rules and regulations of the competition. During the competition, do not make noise and do not interfere with other participants, arrive at the start in a timely manner, do not leave garbage on the pond, as well as pieces of fishing line and equipment that has become unusable; protect property received for temporary use from the organizers of the competition.

For violation of the competition rules, athletes are liable in accordance with the sanctions of section 8 of the competition rules and section 16 of these Regulations, as well as financial responsibility for the property received from the organizers of the competition.

4.10. All participants in the competition during the tournament are required to comply with the rules of the competition and moral and ethical standards of conduct, not to commit actions that offend public morality and degrade human dignity.

4.11. Only representatives of the mass media (media) officially accredited by the organizer and / or the organization conducting the competition are allowed as participants in the competition, who, upon accreditation, are issued a document confirming their accreditation.

Media representatives are obliged to follow the instructions of the chief judge, his deputies and senior judges of the zones in terms of observing security measures, regulations, the main requirements of the competition rules and to comply with them, as well as to treat the participants with restraint and respect, not to allow cases of appearance at events provided for by the competition regulations. while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs. During the competition, do not make noise or interfere with other participants.

Media representatives enter the area and / or sector of the athlete with the permission and in the presence of the judge and only during daylight hours, without approaching the athlete closer than the distance established in each discipline. They should be located in the sector in such a way as not to interfere with the athletes. Media representatives are not allowed to fish in the competition area.

To be on the competition site, determined by the chief judge, in dark time media representatives are not allowed to travel during the daytime, they receive permission to move vehicles during daylight hours from the chief judge of the competition.

On the third signal (5 minutes before the end of the competition), media representatives are required to leave sectors, fishing zones and neutral stripes

Representative and trainer.

5.1. The official representative, being the head of the team, is responsible for the organization, behavior and discipline of the team members.

5.2. The representative and coach of the team must know and follow the rules, regulations, competition regulations and security measures during the competition. The coach directs the actions of the athletes of his team during the rounds of the competition, has the right to give his athlete verbal advice and instructions without interfering with other participants in the competition.

5.3. The representative and the coach must not interfere with the work of the panel of judges. They receive all the necessary information from the Chief Judge.

5.4. A representative or coach must be present at the meetings of the main panel of judges when considering issues related to the athletes of their team, and have the right to participate in the draw.

5.5. The representative, and in his absence the captain, submits written applications for the participation of athletes in competitions in accordance with clause 4.3. and section 6 of these Regulations, submit applications for the replacement of athletes during the competition, and, if necessary, file protests regarding the conduct of competitions and their refereeing.

5.6. The representative and the coach must have an armband or a badge provided by the organizing organization of the competition. During the competition, the coach, having previously notified the controller-judge, has the right to:

When fishing with a float rod, be in the sector of the athlete of your team and give him verbal advice and instructions.

When fishing with spinning from the shore, be in the sector of the athlete of your team and give him verbal advice and instructions.

When fishing with a mormyshka, be in a neutral zone and give verbal advice and instructions. With the notification of the senior judge (control judge) of the zone, call his athlete to the border of the zone to give him verbal advice and instructions, as well as to replace a faulty ice screw. In this case, the coach and the athlete are not allowed to cross the border of the zone.

At lure fishing competitions, the coach is not allowed to be in the competition area.

5.7. In teams that arrived at the competition without a representative and a coach, any member of the declared delegation who does not participate in the competition round can be allowed to perform the duties of a coach during the round of competition.

5.8. A representative or coach of a team who violates the requirements of the regulations and rules of the competition, by decision of the main panel of judges, is warned or suspended from participating in the competition as a representative or coach without the right to replace.

5.9. In the absence of a representative and a coach in the team, their duties

The entire period of the competition is performed by the team captain in compliance with the requirements of Articles 11.6. and 11.7. of these Regulations if he takes part in a round of competitions as an athlete.