The procedure for holding Russian education federal portal





I order:

Approve the attached changes that are made to the Procedure for conducting All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated November 18, 2013 N (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 21, 2014, registration N 31060), as amended by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2015 N (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 7 2015, registration N 36743).

Acting Minister




by order of the Ministry of Education

and sciences of the Russian Federation





1. Paragraph 3 shall be stated as follows:

"3. The Olympiad is held in the following general education subjects:

mathematics, Russian, foreign language (English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese, Italian), computer science and ICT, physics, chemistry, biology, ecology, geography, astronomy, literature, history, social studies, economics, law, art (world art culture), Physical Culture, technology, the basics of life safety for students educational programs basic general and secondary general education;

mathematics, Russian language for students in educational programs of primary general education.".

2. In the fourth paragraph of clause 28, after the words "educational programs" add the words "initial general,".

3. In paragraph 35, after the words "educational programs" add the words "primary general,"; the words "grades 5-11" shall be replaced by the words "grades 4-11".

4. In clause 37, the words "grades 5-11" shall be replaced by the words "grades 4-11"; after the words "educational programs" add the words "initial general,".

5. In the seventh paragraph of clause 39, after the words "educational programs" add the words "initial general,".

6. In the third paragraph of clause 40, after the words "educational programs" add the words "initial general,".

7. In the third paragraph of clause 42, after the words "educational programs" add the words "initial general,".

8. In clause 51 the words "Moscow and St. Petersburg" shall be replaced by the words "Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol".

9. Paragraph 64 shall be supplemented with the following paragraph:

"If no participant regional stage Olympiad of the current school year did not score the number of points required for participation in the final stage of the Olympiad, established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia in the general education subject and class, by decision of the organizer of the regional stage of the Olympiad, one participant in the regional stage of the Olympiad of the current academic year, who scored the most points, can be sent to the final stage of the Olympiad (but not less than 50% of the number of points established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation) in the corresponding general education subject.

10. Paragraph 70 shall be stated as follows:

"70. Scientific and methodological support of the school, municipal, regional and final stages of the Olympiad, as well as financial support for the holding final stage Olympiad (with the exception of the costs of life and health insurance of participants in the final stage of the Olympiad, travel of participants in the final stage of the Olympiad and accompanying persons to the venue of the final stage of the Olympiad and back, expenses for food, accommodation, transport and excursion services for accompanying persons) are carried out at the expense of funds federal budget.


about holding school stage

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

in 2018-2019 academic year

  1. General provisions

1.1. This provision determines the status, goals and objectives of the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren (hereinafter referred to as the Olympiad), as well as the procedure for holding the Olympiad.

1.2. The Olympiad is held with the aim of identifying and developing students educational organizations creative abilities and interest in research activities, increasing their competitiveness.

1.3. The main objectives of the Olympiad are to stimulate and motivate the intellectual development of students, support gifted students, assist in their professional self-determination, improve the quality of teaching general education subjects, and improve the methodology of working with gifted students.

1.4. The organizer of the school stage is the Committee on Education of the Administration of the Volkhov Municipal District.

1.5. The Olympics are held on the following subjects: astronomy, biology, English language, basics of life safety, art (world art culture), literature, geography, social science, economics, technology, mathematics, ecology, computer science and ICT, Russian, chemistry, history, physics, German, law, physical education.

1.6. To carry out the organization, conduct and methodological support of the Olympiad, an organizing committee of the Olympiad is created, the composition of which is approved by the order of the Committee on Education of the Administration of the Volkhov Municipal District.

1.7. The organizer of the school stage of the Olympiad approves the composition of the jury for each subject; establishes the number of points for each subject and class required for participation in the municipal stage of the Olympiad, in agreement with the municipal subject-methodological commissions.

1.8. The organizer of the school stage of the Olympiad approves the composition of the subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad for each subject, which make up the Olympiad tasks based on the content of the advanced level educational programs.

1.9. Representatives of the organizer of the Olympiad, the jury of the corresponding stage of the Olympiad, as well as persons accredited as public observers may be present at the venue of the Olympiad.

1.10. The jury of the school stage performs the following functions:

1.10.1. Checks and evaluates the performance of theoretical and experimental tasks by the participants of the Olympiad;

1.10.2. Determines the winners and prize-winners;

1.10.3. Conducts an analysis of the Olympiad tasks and their solutions with the participants;

1.10.3. Considers in-person appeals about disagreement with the points given within two days from the date of the Olympiad;

1.10.4. Submits the protocols to the organizer of the school stage within three days from the date of the Olympiad.

  1. Holding the school stage of the Olympics

2.1. Participants of the school stage of the Olympiad on a voluntary basis are students of grades 4-11.

2.2. Participants of the school stage of the Olympiad have the right to perform Olympiad tasks designed for older classes. In the case of passing to the municipal stage, these participants perform the Olympiad tasks designed for the class they chose at the school stage of the Olympiad.

2.3. The school stage is organized and conducted by general educational organizations.

2.4. The school stage of the Olympiad is held according to the tasks developed by the municipal subject-methodical commissions.

2.5. Olympiad tasks are sent to educational organizations by e-mail at 8.30 am on the day of the Olympiad.

2.6. The organizer of the school stage ensures the confidentiality of the Olympiad tasks;

2.7. The representative of the organizing committee from each educational organization ensures the collection and storage of applications from parents ( legal representatives) on consent to the collection, storage, use, dissemination of personal data of their minor children; determines the quotas of winners and prize-winners of the school stage for each general education subject.

2.8. Representatives of the organizing committee of the school stage of the Olympiad in each educational organization instruct the participants of the Olympiad - inform the participants about the duration of work, the procedure for appealing against disagreement with the points given, the procedure for familiarizing themselves with the results of the Olympiad.

2.9. All workplaces of the participants of the school stage of the Olympiad must provide the participants of the Olympiad equal conditions and comply with sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations.

2.10. During the school stage of the Olympiad, participants:

- must follow the instructions of the representatives of the organizer of the Olympiad;

- not entitled to communicate with each other, move freely around the audience;

– have the right to have reference materials, means of communication and electronic computers allowed for use during the Olympiad.

2.11. The individual results of the participants in the school stage of the Olympiad, indicating information about the participants (surname, initials, class, number of points) are entered in the protocol (rating table) of the results in a general education subject, which is a ranked list of participants arranged in descending order of their scores. Participants with the same number of points are listed in alphabetical order.

2.12. The results of the school stage are posted on the official websites of educational organizations on the Internet.

  1. Summing up the results of the Olympiad and awarding the winners

3.1. At the school stage of the Olympiad, according to the results shown by the participants of the Olympiad, the winners are determined.

3.2. The winners and prize-winners of the school and municipal stages are recognized as students who have scored more than half of the maximum possible points. The winners are the participants with the most points. If none of the participants scored more than half of the maximum possible points, then the winners and prize-winners are not revealed.

3.3. Winners and runners up municipal stage Olympiads are sent to the regional stage if, following the results of the municipal stage, they scored the number of points necessary for participation in the regional stage, determined by the organizer of the regional stage.

3.4. The winners and prize-winners of the school stage of the Olympiad are awarded with certificates (prizes) of the general educational organization.

3.5. The quota for the number of winners and prize-winners of the municipal stage of the Olympiad can be no more than 25% of the total number of participants in the stage.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 18, 2013 N 1252 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 21, 2014 Registration N 31060) approved a new procedure for holding the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren.

The All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren is held in 19 subjects, incl. in economics, law, physical education, art, ecology, astronomy and technology. The Olympiad includes school, municipal, regional and final stages.

The deadline for completing the school stage of the Olympiad is no later than October 15, the municipal stage no later than December 25, the regional stage no later than February 25, the final stage of the Olympiad no later than April 30.

The specific dates and venues for the final stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject are established by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.

Participation in the All-Russian Olympiad is free. The new order specifically stipulates that it is prohibited to collect fees from participants. The budget should provide for expenses not only for travel, accommodation and meals, but also for medical insurance and excursion services for accompanying persons.

Pupils from grades 5 to 11 can participate in the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad.

The municipal stage is held for students from grades 7 to 11. Moreover, if a student is well prepared and ready to perform more complex tasks, he can take tasks from older classes. And if such a student goes to the next stage of the Olympiad, he will be offered tasks for the class he has chosen.

The regional and final stages of the Olympiad are held according to the tasks developed by the central subject-methodological commissions, based on the content of educational programs of basic general and secondary general education of an advanced level and the corresponding focus (profile), for grades 9-11.

The share of winners and prize-winners is 30 percent of the number of participants in the final stage. At the same time, 8 percent of the winners of the Olympiad receive the right to enter a university without exams and cash prizes.

The requirements for participants are getting tougher. For example, for violating the rules at the All-Russian Olympiad, they can be removed from the audience. And the violator will no longer be able to participate in the Olympiad this year.

Employees of the central subject-methodical commission of the Olympiad have the right to selectively double-check any work of a participant in the regional stage.

The hearing of the appeal will be videotaped. Before the appeal, the organizers must tell and show the student by what criteria his work was evaluated and what does not meet the requirements in it.

The composition of the jury of the Olympiad must change at least once every five years, and be updated for at least a fifth.

Department of Education of the city of Moscow

About the order of the school,
municipal and regional
stages of the All-Russian Olympiad
schoolchildren in Moscow
in 2018/2019 academic year

In accordance with the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 18, 2013 No. 1252 “On approval of the Procedure for holding the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren”, the Department of Education of the city of Moscow dated August 29, 2014 No. 741 “On approval of the Regulations on the stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the city of Moscow".

I order:

1. Approve the composition of the City Organizing Committee of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the city of Moscow in the 2018/2019 academic year (hereinafter referred to as the Olympiad) in accordance with Appendix 1 to this order.

2. Approve the composition of the City subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad in accordance with electronic Appendix 2 to this order.

3. Approve the schedule for the school stage of the Olympiad in accordance with Appendix 3 to this order.

4. Approve the schedule for the municipal stage of the Olympiad in accordance with Appendix 4 to this order.

5. Approve the list of educational organizations for the coordination of the Olympiad (hereinafter referred to as "Basic Schools") in accordance with Appendix 5 to this order.

6. State autonomous educational institution of additional vocational education of the city of Moscow "Center of Pedagogical Excellence" (hereinafter - GAOU DPO CPM):

6.1. To carry out organizational, technical and information support for the preparation, holding and summing up the results of the stages of the Olympiad.

6.2. Ensure the development of Olympiad tasks and requirements for the school and municipal stages of the Olympiad.

6.3. Carry out, within the framework of the state task, a set of measures for continuous (during the year) preparation of:

6.3.1. Students of the city of Moscow to participate in the municipal, regional and final stages of the Olympiad;

6.3.2. Organizers and members of the jury of the stages of the Olympiad in the city of Moscow on the preparation, conduct and summing up of the school, municipal and regional stages of the Olympiad.

6.4. Ensure the transfer of the results of the participants of the regional stage of the Olympiad to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in accordance with paragraph 56 of the "Procedure for holding the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren", approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 18, 2013 No. 1252.

6.5. On time until April 1, 2019 ensure the issuance of incentive letters to the winners and prize-winners of the municipal and regional stages of the Olympiad in electronic form and posting on the official website http://website/.

6.6. To ensure participation in the final stage of the Olympiad of participants of the regional stage of the Olympiad in the city of Moscow in the 2018/2019 academic year, who scored the required number of points established by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for participation in the final stage of the Olympiad, winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the Olympiad of the previous academic year, continuing their education in educational organizations of the city of Moscow, carrying out educational activities on educational programs of basic general and secondary general education, as well as persons accompanying them.

7. SAOU DPO CPM together with the Implementation Department public policy in the field of education of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow:

7.1. Provide organizational and methodological support for the activities of the City Organizing Committee of the Olympiad;

7.2. On time until May 25, 2019 ensure the issuance of incentive letters to the winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad on paper.

8. Heads of educational organizations - chairmen of interdistrict boards of directors of educational organizations:

8.1. Ensure coordination of the school stage and holding the municipal stage of the Olympiad on time and in accordance with the requirements for holding the school and municipal stages of the Olympiad.

8.2. Ensure the operation of the "Basic School" in the relevant territory.

9. Heads of educational organizations - "Basic schools", specified in Appendix 5 to this order:

9.1. Ensure the work of "hot lines" on the organization and conduct of the school and municipal stages of the Olympiad.

9.2. Appoint a representative responsible for coordinating the school and municipal stages of the Olympiad and for interacting with the City Organizing Committee of the Olympiad and SAEI DPO CPM.

9.3. Send proposals to the City Organizing Committee of the Olympiad on the venues for the municipal stage of the Olympiad and the places for checking the Olympiad works of participants in the municipal stage of the Olympiad.

9.4. Summarize the proposals of educational organizations on the composition of the organizing committee of the school stage of the Olympiad and the jury of the school stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject and transfer it to the City Organizing Committee of the Olympiad.

9.5. Ensure that the heads of educational organizations are informed about the dates, places and procedures for holding the school and municipal stages of the Olympiad.

9.6. Summarize the proposals of educational organizations on the composition of the organizing committee of the municipal stage of the Olympiad and the jury of the municipal stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject and submit it to the City Organizing Committee of the Olympiad.

10. To the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education of the City of Moscow "Moscow Center for the Quality of Education" :

10.1. Provide scanning title pages and Olympiad works of participants of the municipal stage of the Olympiad in all general education subjects in which the Olympiad is held, except for computer science and biology:

For Olympiads held on all days of the week, except Saturday, on the next calendar day after the Olympiad (within one day);
- for Olympiads held on Saturday, the next working day after the Olympiad round (within one day).

10.2. Ensure the verification of title pages and Olympiad works of participants in the municipal stage of the Olympiad in all general education subjects in which the Olympiad is held, except for computer science and biology, no later than 8 calendar days from the date of the round.

10.3. Ensure the transfer of electronic copies of the Olympiad works of participants in the municipal stage of the Olympiad to SAEI DPO CPM in accordance with clauses 10.1 and 10.2.

10.4 Provide advice to educational organizations - venues of the Olympiad on the quality of printing of Olympiad materials and their subsequent scanning and processing in accordance with clauses 10.1 and 10.2.

11. Heads of educational organizations carrying out educational activities on educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education:

11.1. Conduct the school stage of the Olympiad on time and in accordance with the requirements for holding the school stage of the Olympiad.

11.2. Inform students and their parents (legal representatives) about the procedure for holding the stages of the Olympiad, about the place and time of the school and municipal stage for each general education subject.

11.3. Ensure the collection of applications from parents (legal representatives) of students wishing to take part in the Olympiad, about familiarization with the "Procedure for holding the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren", approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 18, 2013 No. 1252 and on consent to the publication of the Olympiad work his minor child, including in the information and telecommunications network "Internet".

11.4. Prepare and submit to the City Organizing Committee of the Olympiad proposals on the composition of the organizing committee of the school stage of the Olympiad and the jury of the school stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject.

11.5. Prepare and submit to the City Organizing Committee of the Olympiad proposals on the composition of the organizing committee of the municipal stage of the Olympiad and the jury of the municipal stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject.

11.6. Ensure the issuance of identifiers (individual registration codes) to students who have declared their desire to participate in the Olympiad.

11.7. Provide conditions for passing additional professional education courses “Development of schoolchildren's talent in subject areas. Organization and holding of stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren and other intellectual competitions" for teachers who are:

Members of the organizing committee and jury of the school stage of the Olympiad;
- members of the organizing committee and jury of the municipal stage of the Olympiad.

11.8. On time until October 10, 2018 submit to the City Organizing Committee of the Olympiad in accordance with the requirements for holding the school stage the protocols of the jury of the school stage of the Olympiad in an educational organization - for Olympiads held until October 4, 2018.

11.9. On time until November 2, 2018 submit to the City Organizing Committee of the Olympiad in accordance with the requirements for holding the school stage the protocols of the jury of the school stage of the Olympiad in an educational organization - for Olympiads held from October 15 to October 28, 2018.

11.10. On time until October 10, 2018 transfer, in accordance with the requirements for holding the school stage of the Olympiad, data on the winners and prize-winners of the municipal, regional and final stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren of the 2017/2018 academic year to the City Organizing Committee of the Olympiad.

12. The State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow of additional professional education (advanced training) of specialists, the City methodological center of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow, to ensure that the school stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject is held in the format of an Internet stage for students who have declared their desire to participate in the Olympiad and have not received opportunities to participate in the Olympiad in educational organizations that carry out educational activities on educational programs of basic general and secondary general education.

13. To the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education of the City of Moscow "Moscow Center for Technological Modernization of Education" to carry out operational interaction with educational organizations located in the city of Moscow and GAOU DPO CPM to update information about these organizations and their students who have declared their desire to participate in the Olympiad.

14. Recognize invalid the order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow dated August 24, 2017 No. 717 "On the procedure for holding the school, municipal and regional stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the city of Moscow in the 2017/2018 academic year."

15. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the deputy head of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow Vasiliev T.V.



I. General provisions

1. These Regulations determine the procedure for organizing and holding the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren (hereinafter referred to as the Olympiad), its organizational, methodological and financial support, the procedure for participating in the Olympiad and determining the winners and prize-winners.
2. The main goals and objectives of the Olympiad are to identify and develop students' creative abilities and interest in research activities, create the necessary conditions for supporting gifted children, promote scientific knowledge, attract scientists and practitioners of relevant fields to work with gifted children, select the most talented students in the national teams of the Russian Federation to participate in international olympiads in general subjects.
3. The Olympiad is attended on a voluntary basis by students of state, municipal and non-state educational organizations that implement the main general educational programs of basic general and secondary (complete) general education, including educational organizations of the Russian Federation located outside the territory of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - educational organizations).
4. The Olympiad is held in four stages: school, municipal, regional and final.
5. The organizers of the stages of the Olympiad are:
school stage - educational organizations (hereinafter - the organizer of the school stage of the Olympiad);
municipal stage - local governments of municipal districts and urban districts in the field of education (hereinafter referred to as the organizer of the municipal stage of the Olympiad);
regional stage - executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that manage in the field of education (hereinafter referred to as the organizer of the regional stage of the Olympiad);
The final stage - federal agency by education (hereinafter - Rosobrazovanie).
6. The organizers of the stages of the Olympiad ensure their holding in general education subjects, the list of which is approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia), taking into account the beginning of the study of each of these subjects.
7. The stages of the Olympiad are held according to tasks compiled on the basis of exemplary basic general education programs of basic general and secondary (complete) general education (hereinafter referred to as Olympiad tasks).
8. Quotas for participation in each stage of the Olympiad are determined by the organizer of the corresponding stage of the Olympiad. Quotas for participation in the school stage of the Olympiad are not set.
9. The winners and prize-winners of all stages of the Olympiad are determined on the basis of the results of the participants in the corresponding stages of the Olympiad, which are entered in the final table of the results of the participants in the corresponding stages of the Olympiad, which is a ranked list of participants arranged in descending order of their points (hereinafter referred to as the final table). Participants with the same number of points are listed in alphabetical order.
10. Diplomas of winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the Olympiad are approved by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science; samples of diplomas of the regional, municipal and school stages of the Olympiad are approved by the organizers of the corresponding stage of the Olympiad.
11. General management of the Olympiad and its organizational support is carried out by the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad.
At each stage of the Olympiad, an organizing committee is created, one of the tasks of which is to implement the right of students of educational organizations to participate in the Olympiad movement.
12. The composition of the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad is formed from representatives of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that manage education, local governments of municipal districts and urban districts, representatives of the central subject and methodological commissions of the Olympiad, educational, scientific and public organizations and approved by the Federal Agency for Education.
13. The Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad:
submits proposals to the Federal Education Agency on the dates of the Olympiad for each general education subject of the regional and final stages of the Olympiad; on the composition of the central subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad and the jury of the final stage of the Olympiad; by the number of participants in the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject from among the winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad;
determines the quota of winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the Olympiad;
considers, together with the central subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad, the applications of the participants in the event that during the regional or final stages of the Olympiad the organizing committee, the jury and the participant in the regional or final stages of the Olympiad could not reach a consensus on the assessment of the completed Olympiad task of the participant in the regional or final stages of the Olympiad ;
analyzes, summarizes the results of the Olympiad and submits a report on the Olympiad to the Federal Agency for Education;
considers and submits proposals to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on the improvement and further development Olympics;
approves the requirements for holding the regional and final stages of the Olympiad in the relevant general education subject;
prepares materials for coverage of the organization and conduct of the Olympiad in the media;
Submits proposals to the Federal Educational Service, in agreement with the central subject-methodological commissions, on the composition of participants in the training camps of candidates for the national teams of the Russian Federation for participation in international Olympiads in general education subjects.
14. The methodological support of the Olympiad is carried out by the central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad.
15. The composition of the central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad is formed from among scientific and pedagogical workers, graduate students and students of educational institutions of higher professional education, other highly qualified specialists who are not scientific and pedagogical workers, and is approved by the Federal Agency for Education.
16. Central subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad: develop requirements for holding the regional and final stages of the Olympiad in the relevant general education subject, establishing the form of holding, and requirements for technical support each stage, the principles of forming a set of Olympiad tasks and summing up the results of the competition, as well as the procedures for registering participants, checking and evaluating completed Olympiad tasks, reviewing Olympiad tasks with participants and considering participants' appeals;
prepare methodological recommendations for developing requirements for holding the school and municipal stages of the Olympiad and compiling Olympiad tasks for these stages of the Olympiad;
develop the texts of the Olympiad tasks, criteria and methods for evaluating the completed Olympiad tasks of the regional and final stages of the Olympiad;
form and submit to the Federal Education Agency proposals on the composition of the national teams of the Russian Federation for participation in international Olympiads in general education subjects.
17. The verification of the completed Olympiad tasks of the school, municipal, regional and final stages of the Olympiad is carried out by the jury of the corresponding stages of the Olympiad.
18. The composition of the jury is formed from among scientific and pedagogical workers, graduate students and students of educational institutions of higher professional education, other highly qualified specialists who are not scientific and pedagogical workers.
19. The jury of all stages of the Olympiad: evaluates the completed Olympiad tasks;
analyzes completed Olympiad tasks;
determines the winners and prize-winners of the corresponding stage of the Olympiad;
considers, together with the organizing committee of the corresponding stage of the Olympiad, the appeals of the participants;
submits to the organizing committees of the relevant stages of the Olympiad analytical reports on the results of the relevant stages of the Olympiad.

II. The order of the school stage of the Olympiad

20. The school stage of the Olympiad is held by the organizer of the specified stage of the Olympiad annually from October 1 to November 15. Specific dates for the school stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject are set by the organizer of the municipal stage of the Olympiad.
21. To conduct the school stage of the Olympiad, the organizer of the specified stage of the Olympiad creates the organizing committee and the jury of the school stage of the Olympiad.
The organizing committee of the school stage of the Olympiad approves the requirements for holding the specified stage of the Olympiad, developed by the subject and methodological commissions of the municipal stage of the Olympiad, taking into account guidelines central subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad.
22. The school stage of the Olympiad is held in accordance with the requirements for the specified stage of the Olympiad and according to the Olympiad tasks developed by the subject and methodological commissions of the municipal stage of the Olympiad, taking into account the methodological recommendations of the central subject and methodological commissions of the Olympiad.
23. Students of grades 5-11 of educational organizations take part in the school stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject.
24. The participants in the school stage of the Olympiad who have scored the most points are recognized as the winners of the school stage of the Olympiad, provided that the number of points they have scored exceeds half of the maximum possible points.
In the case when the winners are not determined, only prize-winners are determined in the school stage of the Olympiad.
25. The number of winners of the school stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject is determined based on the quota of winners and prize-winners established by the organizer of the municipal stage of the Olympiad.
26. The winners of the school stage of the Olympiad within the established quota of winners and prize-winners are recognized as all participants in the school stage of the Olympiad, following in final table for the winners.
In the event that a participant in the school stage of the Olympiad, determined as a winner within the established quota, has the same number of points as those following him in the final table, the decision on this participant and all participants who have an equal number of points with him, determined by the jury of the school stage of the Olympiad.
27. The list of winners and prize-winners of the school stage of the Olympiad is approved by the organizer of the school stage of the Olympiad.
28. Winners and prize-winners of the school stage of the Olympiad are awarded with diplomas.

III. The procedure for holding the municipal stage of the Olympiad

29. The municipal stage of the Olympiad is held by the organizer of the specified stage of the Olympiad annually from November 15 to December 15. Specific dates for the municipal stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject are set by the organizer of the regional stage of the Olympiad.
30. To conduct the municipal stage of the Olympiad, the organizer of the specified stage of the Olympiad creates an organizing committee, subject-methodical commissions and a jury of the municipal stage of the Olympiad.
The organizing committee of the municipal stage of the Olympiad approves the requirements for holding the specified stage of the Olympiad, developed by the subject and methodological commissions of the regional stage of the Olympiad, taking into account the methodological recommendations of the central subject and methodological commissions of the Olympiad.
31. The municipal stage of the Olympiad is held in accordance with the requirements for holding the specified stage of the Olympiad and according to the Olympiad tasks developed by the subject and methodological commissions of the regional stage of the Olympiad, taking into account the methodological recommendations of the central subject and methodological commissions of the Olympiad.
32. Students of grades 7-11 of educational organizations take part in the municipal stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject:
winners and prize-winners of the school stage of the Olympiad of the current academic year;
winners and prize-winners of the municipal stage of the Olympiad of the previous academic year, if they continue their education in educational institutions.
33. The participants of the municipal stage of the Olympiad, who scored the most points, are recognized as the winners of the municipal stage of the Olympiad, provided that the number of points scored by them exceeds half of the maximum possible.
In the case when the winners are not determined, only winners are determined at the municipal stage of the Olympiad.
34. The number of winners of the municipal stage of the Olympiad is determined based on the quota of winners and prize-winners established by the organizer of the regional stage of the Olympiad.
35. Winners of the municipal stage of the Olympiad within the established quota of winners and prize-winners are recognized as all participants of the municipal stage of the Olympiad, following the winners in the final table.
In the event that a participant in the municipal stage of the Olympiad, determined as a winner within the established quota, has the same number of points as those following him in the final table, the decision on this participant and all participants who have an equal number of points with him, determined by the jury of the municipal stage of the Olympiad.
36. The list of winners and prize-winners of the municipal stage of the Olympiad is approved by the organizer of the municipal stage of the Olympiad.
37. Winners and prize-winners of the municipal stage of the Olympiad are awarded with diplomas.
38. In the federal cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, the municipal stage of the Olympiad is held taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of local self-government established in these constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

IV. The procedure for holding the regional stage of the Olympiad

39. The regional stage of the Olympiad is held by the organizer of the specified stage of the Olympiad annually from January 10 to February 10. The specific dates for the regional stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject are set by the Federal Agency for Education.
40. To conduct the regional stage of the Olympiad, the organizer of the specified stage of the Olympiad creates an organizing committee, subject-methodological commissions and a jury of the regional stage of the Olympiad.
41. The regional stage of the Olympiad is held in accordance with the requirements for holding the specified stage of the Olympiad and according to the Olympiad tasks developed by the central subject and methodological commissions of the Olympiad.
42. Students of grades 9-11 of educational organizations take part in the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject:
winners and prize-winners of the municipal stage of the Olympiad of the current academic year;
winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad of the previous academic year, if they continue their education in educational institutions;
winners of the school stage of the Olympiad of the current academic year from among the students of educational organizations of the Russian Federation located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, in accordance with their assignment to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, determined by the Federal Agency for Education;
winners of the school stage of the Olympiad of the current academic year from among the students of educational organizations of military camps and garrisons located in hard-to-reach areas, in accordance with their assignment to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, determined by the Federal Agency for Education.
43. The winner of the regional stage of the Olympiad is the participant of the regional stage of the Olympiad, who scored the most points, which is more than half of the maximum possible.
All participants in the regional stage of the Olympiad who scored the same maximum number of points, which is more than half of the maximum possible, are recognized as winners.
In the event that none of the participants in the regional stage of the Olympiad scored more than half of the maximum possible points, only winners are determined.
44. Winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad within the established quota of winners and prize-winners are recognized as all participants of the regional stage of the Olympiad, following the winners in the final table.
In the event that a participant in the regional stage of the Olympiad, determined within the established quota of winners and prize-winners as a prize-winner, has the same number of points as those following him in the final table, the decision on this participant and all participants who have an equal score with him The number of points is determined as follows:

45. The quota of winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject is determined by the organizer of the regional stage of the Olympiad in agreement with the organizing committee of the regional stage of the Olympiad and is no more than 25 percent of the total number of participants in the regional stage of the Olympiad in the corresponding subject.
46. ​​The list of winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad is approved by the organizer of the regional stage of the Olympiad.
47. Winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad are awarded with diplomas.
48. The list of all participants in the regional stage of the Olympiad, indicating the points scored, is certified by the organizer of the regional stage of the Olympiad and sent to the Federal Agency for Education.

V. Procedure for holding the final stage of the Olympiad

49. The final stage of the Olympiad is held by Rosobrazovanie annually from March 20 to May 1 on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
50. The choice of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, on the territory of which the final stage of the Olympiad will be held, is carried out on the basis of applications submitted to the Federal Education Agency by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
51. The list of subjects of the Russian Federation, on the territory of which the final stage of the Olympiad will be held, the place and date of its holding are agreed with the state authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, on the territory of which the final stage of the Olympiad will be held, and approved by the Federal Agency for Education.
52. To conduct the final stage of the Olympiad, organizing committees and the jury of the final stage of the Olympiad are created.
53. The composition of the organizing committees of the final stage of the Olympiad is approved by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, on whose territory the final stage of the Olympiad is held, in agreement with the Federal Agency for Education.
54. The composition of the jury of the final stage of the Olympiad is approved by the Federal Agency for Education.
55. The final stage of the Olympiad is held in accordance with the requirements for holding the specified stage of the Olympiad and according to the Olympiad tasks developed by the central subject and methodological commissions of the Olympiad.
56. In the final stage of the Olympiad from each subject of the Russian Federation take part:
winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the Olympiad of the previous academic year, if they continue their education in educational institutions;
winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad of the current academic year, who have scored the number of points required to participate in the final stage of the Olympiad, determined by the Federal Agency for Education.
If not a single winner or prize-winner of the regional stage of the Olympiad held in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation has scored the number of points determined by the Rosobrazovanie required to participate in the final stage of the Olympiad, the organizer of the regional stage of the Olympiad, taking into account the decision of the jury, selects one participant to participate in the final stage of the Olympiad from among the winners or prize-winners (in the absence of winners) of the regional stage of the Olympiad, who scored the most points.
57. The winners of the final stage of the Olympiad within the established quota of winners and prize-winners are determined by the jury in accordance with the final table.
58. The winners of the final stage of the Olympiad within the established quota of winners and prize-winners are recognized as all participants in the final stage of the Olympiad, following the winners in the final table.
In the event that a participant in the final stage of the Olympiad, determined within the established quota of winners and prize-winners as a prize-winner, has the same number of points as those following him in the final table, the decision on this participant and all participants who have an equal score with him The number of points is determined as follows:
all participants are recognized as winners if their scores are more than half of the maximum possible;
all participants are not recognized as winners if their scores do not exceed half of the maximum possible.
59. The quota of winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject is determined by the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad and is no more than 45 percent of the total number of participants in the final stage of the Olympiad, while the number of winners of the final stage of the Olympiad should not exceed 8 percent of the total number of participants in the final stage of the Olympiad .
60. The final results of the final stage of the Olympiad in all general education subjects, formed on the basis of the protocols of the jury of the final stage of the Olympiad, are approved by the order of the Federal Agency for Education.
61. Winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the Olympiad are awarded with diplomas.
Winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the Olympiad are accepted without entrance examinations to state educational institutions of secondary vocational education and to state and municipal educational institutions of higher professional education for training in areas of training (specialties) corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad *.
Educational institutions of secondary vocational and higher vocational education independently determine the compliance of training areas (specialties) with the profile of the Olympiad.
62. Financial and methodological support of the final stage of the Olympiad (with the exception of the costs of travel of participants in the final stage of the Olympiad and accompanying persons to the venue of the final stage and back, the cost of food, accommodation, transport and excursion services for accompanying persons) and methodological support of the regional stage of the Olympiad funded from the federal budget.

* Clause 3 of Article 16 of the Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 N 3266-1 "On Education" (as amended by the Federal Law of January 13, 1996 N 12-FZ) (Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation , 1992, N 30, item 1797; Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, N 3, item 150; 2002, N 26, item 2517; 2004, N 35, item 3607; 2006, N 1, item 10 ; 2007, N 7, item 838; N44, item 5280; N 49, item 6070; 2008, N 30, item 3616).