Artistic gymnastics teacher. How to find a good rhythmic gymnastics coach. What to look for when choosing a coach

One of the most popular sports is, combining elegance and grace. It is not surprising that this beautiful sport is increasingly attracting girls from the very beginning. early age. Having made a decision, you should seriously think about choosing the right one. sports school and coach.

What to look for when choosing a coach

Select good coach on rhythmic gymnastics not easy. He must be a professional in his field and at the same time easily find a common language with children.

Girls come to gymnastics from the age of five or six, and sometimes even earlier. At this age, children are very mobile and flexible, and with the strict guidance of a trainer, they can easily perform the necessary exercises.

Before choosing a coach, you need to decide for what purpose the baby will attend rhythmic gymnastics lessons.

Most often, the main goal is the full physical development of children. Proper regular training contributes to the harmonious development of the child. In girls, the correct posture is formed, the figure becomes slim and toned, the movements become light, graceful and graceful.

Regular exercise can form good habits, as well as help develop confidence, cultivate patience and willpower.

For this purpose, the nearest sports school may be suitable. The trainer here will help the child get comfortable and select the necessary load for him.

When the main goal is to achieve great results in sports, it is necessary to approach the choice of a good mentor with all responsibility. For this, it is best to choose individual trainer who will carry out with the child individual . It is necessary to pay attention to a private experienced master who has achieved high success in sports and is now ready to pass on his experience to beginners.

A teacher who knows his business will be able to instill a love for sports and help the kid believe in himself.

Very often, after the first lesson, parents want to hear whether their child will be successful in sports, whether she will eventually become a champion. Not a single coach will give an answer to these questions, since it is not possible to immediately establish further sports development baby. Only after a year of constant training, it will be seen what the girl is capable of.

What qualities should a coach have?

The profession of a rhythmic gymnastics coach requires certain knowledge and skills. It is best to choose a teacher who has a higher or secondary vocational education related to physical education and sports. Great option there will be a coach with the title of Master of Sports of Russia, who will help the future athlete reach a high level in rhythmic gymnastics.

A good trainer should have various professional qualities necessary for his successful work.

First of all, you should pay attention to:

  • Personal experience and coaching experience.

personal success in sports career the coach himself, his victories and awards can say a lot about him. The experience of coaching assumes how many years the teacher has been successfully working as a coach and what results his pupils have been able to achieve over the course of several years.

  • Development and progress of coaching.

The results of the coach's work, first of all, depend on the successful performances of his students and the awards they receive.

  • Proper attitude towards students

A real coach should be strict and fair, but not devoid of kindness and understanding. He will competently point out all the inaccuracies, will be able to interest and motivate the gymnast for further work, and will also direct her to achieve better results. If necessary, a good mentor will support and comfort his ward.

  • He knows and knows how to find a common language with his students.

The girls are in training for a long time, where there is constant communication with the teacher. Therefore, it is very important to choose a good coach who will be able to find mutual understanding with your child from the first minutes of meeting. In the future, this is what plays a big role in the development of athletes.

It's not all about the mentor

Much depends on the mentor, he is of great importance in the development of an athlete, helps, guides and supports. But growth sports achievements only possible if they work together. A gymnast must have a great desire and perseverance, work hard for the result. She is required to give full dedication during training, only in this case she can achieve great success.

The athlete should strive to develop the qualities she needs, such as:

Thanks to incredible efforts and the cultivation of the most important qualities in herself, the success of the girl will be guaranteed. At the same time, great opportunities may open up in the future, she may be noticed and offered to train with outstanding athletes, honored coaches of Russia in rhythmic gymnastics.

How to choose the right sports school

The choice of a sports school plays an important role in the development of a future athlete. The hall for conducting lessons and performances in rhythmic gymnastics must comply with the technical conditions and standards.

  • The gym should be spacious enough with a high ceiling, the floor should be flat and carpeted.
  • The hall for sports training should be equipped with choreography machines, mirrors, ladders that help master exercises that are complex in technique.
  • The hall should be ventilated, have good lighting and optimum temperature rooms for comfortable training of gymnasts.

At the beginning of sports activities, it is not always possible to engage in well-equipped gyms. Therefore, you can choose a territory for training in a gym not equipped for gymnastics. There are many cases when future gymnasts started training in such halls and achieved high victories by actively participating in various competitions and tournaments.

Even visiting the best school in rhythmic gymnastics, high results cannot be achieved without an experienced coach.

Therefore, the main decisive factor will be the choice of a competent coach, who has many successful students behind him who have ever participated in the World Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships.

Before making a responsible choice sports club for rhythmic gymnastics classes, it is important for the girl's parents to personally communicate with the future coach. It would be best if the child first goes to trial lesson and decide whether it is comfortable for him to study with this particular teacher and, taking into account the opinion of the child, jointly make a choice.

And who knows, maybe this step is the beginning of a successful sports career for your child and it will become the future one. Olympic champion Russia in rhythmic gymnastics.

One of the secrets of the success of the pupils of the SC "Kometa" is the best coaches in the field of rhythmic gymnastics.

I would like to emphasize that it is not easy to earn the definition of "best": it is not enough for a mentor to be a brilliant professional capable of preparing a child for a difficult tournament in a short time. A good rhythmic gymnastics teacher must be not only an excellent athlete, but also a talented teacher, mentor, subtle psychologist and older friend.

Choosing a Mentor

The importance of a coach in the life of a child who is seriously passionate about gymnastics is enormous - a mentor should be an example in everything, a person who will inspire and support in difficult situation, energize, correct mistakes and help to cope with difficulties.

When choosing a coach, one should be guided not only by his athletic training and the number of Olympic stars nurtured by a mentor. No less important is the ability of the teacher to find an approach to the child. The coaching work combines exactingness and softness, rigor and the ability to cheer. Some children need a "firm hand", with others it is necessary to behave as delicately as possible. A competent coach will be able to find an approach to any child, instill in him a love for sports and increase motivation to engage in.

It is extremely important that the gymnast fully trust her mentor and enjoy learning from him. This is a necessary condition not only for future sports achievements, but also for the beneficial effect of classes on the life of a gymnast.

Our trainers

A team works in SC "Kometa" the best coaches. Club mentors do not just teach children their art, do not just share the secrets of mastery. They treat each student of our school with understanding, know how to motivate children and support them on the difficult path to sports heights.

Naturally, the professionalism of the club's teachers is also on high level. You can be sure that your child will be taught everything necessary for success in rhythmic gymnastics. Graduates of our school have repeatedly demonstrated their skills at numerous Russian and international competitions.

Individual training

There are situations when group activities are not enough for a child. Intensive preparation for a responsible tournament or accelerated development of a certain program for performance requires individual lessons with a coach. During such classes, exclusively necessary elements are worked out, and all the attention of the mentor belongs to the young gymnast undividedly. This allows you to quickly achieve optimal results.

Does your child need private lessons? We are ready to assist you and arrange lessons especially for your gymnast.

Approach to every child

All children are different, and, accordingly, teaching methods should be different. A personalized approach allows you to succeed even if your child has a difficult character. Huge work experience allows club coaches to find a "key" to children who are distrustful of strangers and poorly making contact, to shy girls, to self-doubt.

Being good psychologists, coaches help students get rid of internal barriers, cope with shyness, become more confident, more relaxed, and more courageous. An experienced coach does not just teach to conquer sports peaks: classes have a positive effect on the development of children, temper character.

Coaches of the SC "Kometa" school are our pride. The club managed to gather really the best specialists in coaching.

Rhythmic gymnastics is one of the most beautiful sports that is very popular in our country. Russian athletes regularly take the lead at the World Championships and the Olympic Games.

If you decide to send your child to this wonderful and serious sport, then you need to take a responsible approach to choosing a school and rhythmic gymnastics coach.

How to choose the best coach?

The first important criterion for choosing a coach for beginners in rhythmic gymnastics is your goals in sports. If you want to develop plasticity, grace, develop in your child a love for sports and regular exercise, willpower and a desire to achieve a goal, then a district school or rhythmic gymnastics club is quite suitable. The trainer will help to choose the necessary level of load for the full development of the child and his health. It is important that the child is happy to go to rhythmic gymnastics classes and get the most out of them.

If the goal is to achieve great success in the world big sport, then it is worth finding a teacher who has achieved significant results in his sports career and is ready to share his experience, helping to reveal the full potential of the pupil.

What qualities should a mentor have?

The key feature to choose from is personal experience and experience as a rhythmic gymnastics coach. It is important to understand what results his pupils managed to achieve, and how high the level of their skill is.

An experienced teacher can easily point out mistakes and encourage the pupil to achieve results on time. At the same time, the teacher must be sensitive and feel where it is worth being stricter, and where softer.

Young gymnasts practice 3-6 times a week from 2 to 5 hours a day, depending on age and level of training. Therefore, for beginner athletes, it is important to choose a mentor who can find a common language with your girl. Indeed, during regular training, the gym becomes a second home, and a mentor becomes a second mother.

Before the final choice of a sports club in rhythmic gymnastics, it is worth talking individually with a potential mentor. It is even better to attend a trial lesson, and then hear the opinion of the child himself and make a decision together.

The main thing that you must realize is that not everything depends only on the coach! An experienced teacher only helps to reveal the potential of the pupil, but the main driving force is diligence, patience, endurance and determination!

Postgraduate Experience 5 years

from 500 rub / hour

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Sports and fitness tutor

I help my students to understand the subject, and not just doing “learning formulas”. After the first lesson, I form a work plan with the student. Tracking Expand progress of my student and if necessary I support him 24/7. I really like to observe the results of my students, because this is my result too. Some of my students successfully entered the Bauman school and are now studying at my native university. I will be glad to help you reach the heights you need! I graduated from school with a gold medal, participated in city and regional olympiads, won prizes and places of honor. Champion and prize-winner of Russian karate competitions. I passed the Unified State Exam: physics - 88 points, mathematics - 77 points, Russian language - 95 points. General: 260. Actively participated in the life of the university. He wrote scientific articles on economics and his specialty. Had experience in sports training children's groups of school and preschool age, now I also do individual lessons in gymnastics and martial arts. N.E. Bauman with honors.

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Schoolchildren 1-11 grades Students Adults

Lyubertsy m. Kotelniki

Ekaterina Evgenievna

Student Experience 3 years

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Sports and fitness tutor

At the tutor, at the student, remotely

At one time I wrote the exam in chemistry and biology for 100 points. I am a prize-winner and winner of Olympiads in Chemistry and Biology "Conquer Sparrow Hills", "Lomonosov", Expand "Nanotechnologies", VseSib Olympiad for schoolchildren and Higher School of Education. Member final stage Higher School of Ecology. I am also a participant in the school conference "Potential", a participant and organizer of conferences of the Moscow State Medical University. Sechenov at Lyceum No. 1535. She graduated from lyceum No. 1535 with a gold medal from the Moscow government. Now I am actively teaching and researching. I have experience as a tutor for 1.5 years, I lead private lessons, as well as groups. I am also a member of the Association of Olympiad Winners, where I teach and conduct methodological work. During my student years, I became a participant in the Lomonosov conference, a congress on regenerative medicine. I teach biology and chemistry English language(I myself have been studying biology and chemistry in English since the 10th grade of school). I teach biology and chemistry according to foreign textbooks: "Molecular Biology of the Cell" Bruce Alberts, "Priciples of Biochemistry" Leninger, Nelson, Cox and others. I study and teach foreign medical literature: "Pathophysiology" Porth, "Medical Phusiology" Boron, Boulpaep, "Basic Pathology" by Robbins, "First Aid for the USMLE" textbooks. I will be happy to share my knowledge with you and instill a love of science :)

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Evdokia Dmitrievna

Private teacher Experience 13 years

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I needed in as soon as possible learn a song and play acoustic guitar for a big celebration. The lesson was held in a comfortable environment, in an accessible environment Expand format. I am very pleased! I advise All reviews (12)

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m. Marksistskaya

Ekaterina Aleksandrovna

from 800 rub / hour

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Sports and fitness tutor

At the tutor

From the early childhood danced (choreography, ballroom dancing). She began to study Indian dances at the age of 14, having joined the Indian dance team Expand dance "Sitara" under the direction of Tagiyeva Yulia. Studied pop and folk Indian dances. As part of the team, she performed at various concerts, festivals (the 50th anniversary of Mosgaz, Gifted Children of Russia ...). classical dance Kathak and Bollywood Dance. As part of the team, she took part in festivals ("Retro-Bollywood", 3rd International Festival "Formula of the East"). She is one of the founders of the pop Indian dance group "SHERANEE" in 2013, in which she is still one of the soloists. 1997-2002 - a member of the Indian dance group "Sitara" 2008-2013 - a member of the Indian dance group "INDANCE" in the 4th International Competition Indian Dance and Music 2014 - gold medalist as part of the duet "SHERANEE" at the competition "Diferentes" 2014 - participation in the exhibition "Oriental Collection" 2014 - 5th place as part of the team "SHERANEE" at the competition "Diferentes" 2015 - 5th place as part of duet "SHERANEE" at the competition "Step forward" 2016 - participation in the show program at the festival "Diamond of Cairo" 2016 - 4th place in the duet "SHERANEE" at the competition "Step forward" 2016 - participation in the show program of the festival "Faraola" city Pushkino 2017 - participation in the festival "LAYALI RAKS" 2017 - 4th place in the group "SHERANEE" at the competition "Diferentes" special training, there are no strict requirements for the figure and height either. The most important thing is your desire to practice Indian dances, the desire to put all your soul into this activity. "Since May 2017, I have been the head of the TRINIX dance school, where I conduct group and individual classes.

Gymnastics Stretching Physical Culture Fitness instructor

Children 6-7 years old Schoolchildren 1-11 grades Students Adults

m. Ugreshskaya

Ekaterina Andreevna

Private teacher Experience 6 years

from 2 000 rub / hour

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Sports and fitness tutor

At the tutor, remotely

18 years - total sports experience in artistic and aesthetic gymnastics 4 years work experience personal trainer(mentor) Expand for gymnasts 2 years of experience as an assistant coach in rhythmic and aesthetic gymnastics With the help of training with me, 12 out of 12 children have grown from an amateur level to a professional (competitive) level , Candidate Master of Sports (CMS) in aesthetic gymnastics Trained with these coaches and now practices their methods: Marina Nikolaeva (pupil of Irina Viner, world champion in rhythmic gymnastics, now coach of the members of the Russian national team), Chaplygina Irina (Winner of the European Championship in individual and group exercises) and Ponikarova Olga (coach of the Rokset team - World Champions in 2005, Winners of the World Championship 2011-2012) Winner of the World Championship in aesthetic gymnastics (2011), winner of the World Cup in aesthetic gymnastics (2011), winner of the Russian Championship in aesthetic gymnastics (2011), member of the Russian national team in aesthetic gymnastics ( 2011), winner and prize-winner of more than 30 All-Russian and international competitions in rhythmic gymnastics (see here) English: Upper-Intermediate, I conduct training in English

Gymnastics Stretching

Pros: I want to express my sincere gratitude to the site team for choosing a coach for our kids. We were offered Gavrilova Irina Nikolaevna. This is a specialist of the highest class. Irina Nikolaevna from the first minutes of meeting our girls was able to establish contact with them and find an approach to each of them. And this is not so easy, since we have four twin girls, each with a very strong, independent character. Irina Nikolaevna worked with girls in a group and individually. She was faced with the tasks of the general physical development of children; teaching fitness for kids with elements of baby yoga. Two weeks later, a positive result became noticeable: the girls became more plastic, more physically active. IN individual lessons Irina Nikolaevna was able to pick up a key to each of them, based on their physical and psychological characteristics. And most importantly, the children went to classes with pleasure, waited for them and always worked with an emotional upsurge. But as you know, desire and aspiration are more than half the success in any business. And besides, children are the best indicators of human relationships. And our girls aspired to communicate with the coach, because they felt that Irina Nikolaevna was a wonderful person. Kind, sincere, hardworking, loving children. She does not stop at what has been achieved in working with clients and is constantly looking for ways to diversify the methods and forms of work, support the desire of children, and promote their physical and personal growth. And she regularly works on herself in order to reach even greater heights in her profession. We very much look forward to continued cooperation with Irina Nikolaevna. Children got used to it, they want to continue classes. I want classes with this coach to become a system and achieve the ultimate goal - the general physical reinforcement and child health. I am happy to recommend Gavrilova Irina Nikolaevna as a coach in rhythmic gymnastics, fitness, yoga. Her work deserves the highest rating - 5+. I thank the site team for the high professionalism and quality of the services provided. This company is results driven. Sincerely. Tsyganova Oksana Anatolyevna. We were offered Gavrilova Irina Nikolaevna. This is a specialist of the highest class. Irina Nikolaevna from the first minutes of meeting our girls was able to establish contact with them and find an approach to each of them. And this is not so easy, since we have four twin girls, each with a very strong, independent character. Irina Nikolaevna worked with girls in a group and individually. She was faced with the tasks of the general physical development of children; teaching fitness for kids with elements of baby yoga. Two weeks later, a positive result became noticeable: the girls became more plastic, more physically active. In individual lessons, Irina Nikolaevna was able to pick up a key for each of them, based on their physical and psychological characteristics. And most importantly, the children went to classes with pleasure, waited for them and always worked with an emotional upsurge. But as you know, desire and aspiration are more than half the success in any business. And besides, children are the best indicators of human relationships. And our girls aspired to communicate with the coach, because they felt that Irina Nikolaevna was a wonderful person. Kind, sincere, hardworking, loving children. She does not stop at what has been achieved in working with clients and is constantly looking for ways to diversify the methods and forms of work, support the desire of children, and promote their physical and personal growth. And she regularly works on herself in order to reach even greater heights in her profession. We very much look forward to continued cooperation with Irina Nikolaevna. Children got used to it, they want to continue classes. I would like the classes with this trainer to become a system and achieve the ultimate goal - the general physical strengthening and improvement of the kids. I am happy to recommend Gavrilova Irina Nikolaevna as a coach in rhythmic gymnastics, fitness, yoga. Her work deserves the highest rating - 5+. I thank the site team for the high professionalism and quality of the services provided. This company is results driven.