Step to the Olympus. Fourth International Vocal Art Competition "Five Steps to Olympus Step to Olympus

Information on the implementation of the VFSK TRP standards and the benefits and opportunities in the presence of a distinction and certificate of the VFSK TRP

TRP- this is not just getting a badge of distinction, it is first of all the improvement of oneself, one's inner "I". By preparing yourself to fulfill the standards of tests (tests) of the complex, you hone your coordination, become more purposeful, mentally and physically hardened.
TRP insignia is an indicator of the active life position of a citizen Russian Federation, his desire for a healthy lifestyle.
In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 14, 2015 No. No. 1147 "On approval of the procedure for admission to study in educational programs higher education- undergraduate programs, specialist programs, master's programs "when applying for undergraduate programs, specialist programs, a higher education organization can award points for having a gold badge of distinction of the VFSK TRP and a certificate for it. Students who have a golden badge of distinction of the TRP complex can be assigned an increased state academic scholarship in the prescribed manner.
The decision on the number of additional points that will be awarded upon admission for the provision of a gold badge of distinction and a certificate to it is made by the university itself. We advise you to contact the university for questions regarding the accrual of additional points.
Given that the relevance of the test results for students educational organizations secondary education is maintained for school year and before moving to the next age level, and the assignment of marks is carried out quarterly, I ask students in grades 10-11 and their parents to pay attention to the advantage and possibilities of performing the VFSK TRP. Compliance with the TRP standards from July 1 of the previous year until the end of the 1st quarter of the current year will ensure you timely paperwork and receive insignia and certificates for it.
In addition, we inform you that certificates of the presence of the insignia of the VFSK TRP and extracts from orders for the award of insignia of the VFSK TRP are not the basis for the admissions committees of higher education organizations to accrue additional points for admission to training.
From January 1, 2018 Order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia No. 542 dated 19.07.2017 came into force. "About approval state requirements All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) for 2018-2021. See the regulations on the site

What needs to be done to comply with the standards of the TRP complex?

An application for compliance with the standards is submitted to the Zelenogorsk Testing Center at ul. Soviet 7A cab. 410 from 8.00 to 17.00, break from 13.00 to 14.00. Have an identity document with you.
Medical clearance is issued nurse school and assures the doctor.
The test schedule is agreed individually, and there is also a weekly schedule:
Wednesday, kindergarten "Neptune" 18.00, standard - swimming 50m;
Thursday, kindergarten "Fakel" 18.00, standards: running for short and long distances, long jump from a place or from a running start;
Friday, shooting range "Vityaz" 19.00, bullet shooting from pneumatic weapons;
Friday, kindergarten "Neptune" 18.15, tests for the press, push-ups, pull-ups, tilt. Phone for inquiries 3-35-38, 3-34-05.
The badge of distinction is issued after the successful completion of the required number of types of test standards (tests) within your age level. The presentation for awarding a gold badge of distinction is organized at the end of each calendar quarter by the testing center, after which an order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia “On awarding the gold badges of distinction of the VFSK TRP” is issued. If the standards are passed for a silver or bronze badge, the badge will be awarded at the end of the annual reporting period (it is possible to retake the standards to the gold badge) or when moving to the next age level. After that, an order is issued by the regional executive authority in the field of the FCC on awarding silver and bronze insignia of the TRP. The procedure for processing documents and making signs takes 2-3 months, in connection with which 4 sessions of awarding signs are provided.
On March 31, 2018, the unloading ends according to the results of the implementation of the standards in the 1st quarter of 2018, respectively, the awarding of insignia will be in June 2018. The implementation of the TRP standards from I to VI (1) stages will continue until 06/30/2018, until the end of the reporting period, respectively, the TRP insignia will be awarded later.
Please note that for participants in levels I to VI(1) this is the “annual reporting period of the school year”. The annual reporting period of the academic year is the period from July 1 of the current year to June 30 of the next year.
April 2018 there will be an official presentation of the TRP insignia following the results of the unloading of the 4th quarter of 2017.

Testing Center
in the city of Zelenogorsk.


About the competition rhythmic gymnastics

Open Tournament« Step to Olympus.


Moscow city



2.1 The organizers of the competition are:

Ministry physical education, sports and work with youth of the Moscow region (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry);

Moscow Regional Public Organization "Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics" (hereinafter referred to as the Federation);

Sports club for rhythmic gymnastics "School of Olga Kapranova".

2.2 organizational training competitions are carried out Organising Committee for the competition (hereinafter - the Organizing Committee), approved by the Sports Club "School of Olga Kapranova":

CEO- Kapranova E.S.;

Main coach SC - Kapranova O.S.

2.3 The direct conduct of the competition is entrusted to the Main panel of judges approved by the Federation of the Moscow Region:

- Chief judge - Nefedova E.Yu. (MK);

- Chief Secretary - Kapranova O.S. (MK);

- Deputy Chief Secretary - Yakovleva M.Yu. (I).


Competitions are held from 04 to 06 May 2017 years in the city Zvenigorod, by the address: st. Moscow, house 47, SC "Zvezda".

May 06– 3rd day of the competition, closing ceremony of the competition, departure of the teams after 20:00.

The teams will be accommodated in the RAS Zvenigorodsky hotel (Zvenigorod, Akademichesky proezd, vl.1). Accommodation details in Annex 2.

between the hotel and sports complex will run bus.


4.1 National teams of the regions of the Russian Federation, sports clubs and organizations, as well as teams from the SShOR, DYUSSH with a medical permit are allowed to compete.

4.2 Teams consisting of:

Gymnasts 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999 and older year of birth,

as well as 1 coach, 1 referee and 1 team representative.

A team referee is required.


9. Individual program:

Group exercises:

2001 and older MS program
2002 - 2004 CMS program (5 jump ropes, 10 clubs)
2005 - 2006 I category program (5 jump ropes, 10 clubs)
born in 2006 - 2007 II category program (2 types to choose from)
2007 - 2008 program III category(no item + view to choose from)
born in 2008 - 2009 program I Jun. rank (without item + type of choice)
2009 – 2010 program II Jun. discharge (no item)
2010 - 2011 program III Jun. discharge (no item)

10. The organizers reserve the right to shorten the competition program if circumstances so require.


6.1 Preliminary applications for participation in the competition are submitted no later than two weeks before the start of the competition by E-mail: [email protected](tel.: 8-925-543-81-23).

6.2 Official applications (see Appendix 1) with a doctor's visa for participation in sports competitions, signed by the head of the organization, must be submitted to the credentials committee on the day of official arrival.

6.3 The following documents are attached to the application for each participant:

Athlete's record book;

Passport - copy / birth certificate - copy

The original policy of life and health insurance against accidents, a policy of compulsory medical insurance.


9.1 The costs associated with the organization and holding of the competition are borne by the Sports Club "School of Olga Kapranova".

The costs associated with medical care are covered by the budget of the Sports Club "School of Olga Kapranova".

9.2 The costs of business trips and participation in competitions are borne by the sending organizations.

9.3 Security and anti-terrorist protection during the competition is provided by the Administration of the city district of Odintsovo, Moscow Region.


Nominal application

to participate in the Open Tournament« Step to Olympus" in Zvenigorod on May 04-06, 2017.

From the team ________________________________________________________________________________________

(municipal district, city district)

In total, _____________________________________________________________ people were admitted to the competition

Official representative of the delegation ______________________ (_________________________________)

contact number________________________________

Physician's signature ____________________________________

(medical and sports dispensary, office)

Head of organization, institution ______________________ (_________________________________)

(signature) (full transcript)

Annex 2

The cost of living in the hotel of the Russian Academy of Sciences Zvenigorodskaya (Zvenigorod, Akademichesky proezd, vl.1)

Double room with meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) - 1900 rubles per person per day

Triple room with meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) - 1700 rubles per person per day

Meal Schedule:

9.00-10.00 breakfast, 14.00-15.00 lunch and 19.00-20.00 dinner.

You can book a hotel by sending a request by mail [email protected] with an exact indication of the number of rooms and people, the dates of check-in and check-out.


about holding competitions in rhythmic gymnastics

Open Tournament« Step to Olympus.


Moscow city


1.1 Competition in rhythmic gymnastics Open tournament "Step to Olympus" (hereinafter referred to as the competition) is held in accordance with the Schedule of physical culture events and sports events Moscow region for 2017, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of December 29, 2014 No. 21-299-r “On approval calendar plan physical culture and sports events of the Moscow region for 2017.

1.2 The main objectives of the competition are:

Popularization and development of rhythmic gymnastics in the Moscow region;

Propaganda healthy lifestyle life, the formation of positive attitudes in the younger generation;

Identification of the strongest athletes and teams, improving sportsmanship;

Exchange of experience of sports specialists;

Fulfillment of the discharge standards of the unified all-Russian sports classification.

Fourth International competition Vocal Art

"Five Steps to Olympus"

Moscow, Russia


International Vocal Art Competition "Five Steps to Olympus 2016"

Dear friends! We are glad to invite you to our 4th International Vocal Art Competition “Five Steps to Olympus”, qualifying round which will traditionally be held in the Moscow club Dorffman.

Looking for talented performers different ages performing solo, duet, trio or quartet.

Assistance in the organization is provided by:

  • TV project "Start Up" by Mikhail Bebing
  • Irina Shatrova's recording company "VINYL RECORDS"

Information support in Russia and the CIS - newspaper "Musical Klondike"

Vocalists performing in the pop song genre take part in the Competition.

  • Baby from 5 to 7 years old
  • Juniors from 8 to 10 years old
  • Teenagers aged 11 to 13
  • middle group 14 to 16
  • Senior group from 17 to 29

Goals and objectives of the competition:

  • Search for new creative individuals, discovery of new stars and support in organizing trips to European countries to demonstrate their achievements to a wide audience;
  • Preservation and continuity of the cultural traditions of Russia;
  • Demonstration of achievements and performing skills of children and youth;
  • Strengthening mutual understanding and friendly relations between children and youth of Russia and other countries;
  • Establishing contacts for the further exchange of experience and artistic achievements;
  • Expanding the horizons and intellectual level of children and youth.


  • Pop vocals (solo singing)
  • Vocal ensembles (duet, trio, quartet)
  • The conditions for participation and the criteria for assessing the vocal skills of ensembles are the same as for solo performers, with the exception of special prizes in the final of the competition


The jury of the Five Steps to Olympus competition includes representatives of city administrations and public organizations, famous cultural figures from Russia, Turkey and European countries, representatives of the press, television, popular artists, founders and sponsors (partners) of the competition, high-ranking guests from Russia, France, Italy and other countries.

The winners are determined by the results of competitive viewing in two stages.

Conditions for participation in the competition "Five Steps to Olympus":

Everyone between the ages of 5 and 29 is allowed to participate in the competition, regardless of where they live.

Competitors must prepare individual program, consisting of 2 pieces to choose from (pop song).

After the performance of the second song, the participant receives a task from the jury members, which evaluates the ability to improvise. For example, the distribution of energy in the synthesis of vocals and choreography, the performance of a song in a duet, a cappella singing, etc.

The jury members also check the participant’s communication skills (questions will be asked in the style of an interview)

After that, the judges give an overall score on a 10-point system, which reflects the overall impression of the program, performed in two stages.

Criteria for evaluation:

  • musicality
  • technique and craftsmanship
  • purity of intonation
  • understanding of style, artistic interpretation of a musical work
  • artistry
  • costume
  • performing arts culture
  • appearance, public demeanor, confidence, charm

Up to 5 best participants from each age category go to the Final of the competition.

Competition final:

The final gala concert, which will be held in Moscow in March 2017, will be attended by the finalists of the competition and invited guests. Specialists (vocalists, choreographers, directors) will work with the contestants. The result of the joint work of participants and contestants will be new, bright numbers that will debut in the gala concert.

Competition Awards:

All contestants who did not reach the final receive a diploma of participation and souvenirs.

The participants who reached the final receive a diploma of the finalist of the competition and memorable gifts from sponsors

The Grand Prize-winner (5 Grand Prix in each age category) receives a diploma of the winner, a cup of the competition, as well as the right to free accommodation and participation in one of the following festivals held by the organizers in Europe. For senior group-contracts with producers and further joint creative activity.

The jury's decision is final and not subject to revision.

The cost of participation in the competition "Five Steps to Olympus" is:

  • For soloists - 8600 rubles, including registration of the application 860 rubles per person.
  • For duets - 7000 rubles per person, including registration of the application 700 rubles per person.
  • Trios and quartets - 6000 rubles per person, including registration of the application 600 rubles per person.

Participants performing in addition to solo in a duet or trio pay extra 1,500 rubles for participation.

The organizers provide three budget places (free participation) for participants from orphanages, boarding schools and low-income and large families (please contact the organizers for more information).

To participate in the competition, you must send an application of the established form.

On October 30, 2017, at the Faculty of Pre-University Education, a round table was held for teachers of partner schools on the topic “Problems of preparing students for Olympiads from the list of the Ministry of Education and Science”. This is the first meeting from the program of events for the development of methodological support for the Olympiad " Highest standard».

“We are interested in improving the methodological support of the Olympiad and supporting the individual support of gifted children by means of the Olympiad”, - the thesis stated at the beginning of the event by the head of the department for working with applicants N.Yu. Konasova, became the defining position of the entire round table. In their speeches, teachers of various disciplines shared their methodological developments in organizing classroom and extracurricular forms of education, technologies for developing a situation of success, and identifying talented children.

A talented, gifted child. How to find it? Where to begin?

Teacher of the Russian language and literature, secondary school No. 547 of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg O.V. Chobanu shared the visualization method she uses to work with younger students to “hook” their attention and motivate them to intellectual activity. The teacher, immersing schoolchildren in the world of cinema, analyzing in detail how the frame is built, what feelings, according to the director's intention, the characters experience, uses this approach when reading literary texts.

The step-by-step algorithm for working with talented children of this teacher includes:

Step 1 - initial analysis. The children, having looked at the work, mark those tasks that they can perform on their own.

Step 2 - search for reference material.

Step 3 - information selection.

Step 4 - building answers. If the Olympiad is a test one, then we choose the correct answer from those offered. If the Olympiad requires a complete answer, we correct the finished answer.

Step 5 - work design.

Step 6 - Submit your work

Children who like to complete the Olympiad tasks, who are not afraid of difficulties and are ready to overcome them, will be able to develop the abilities inherent in them by nature.

How to organize work with talented children, “turning it into an “intellectual” activity? Teacher of History and Social Studies, Secondary School No. 45 of the Primorsky District I.A. Luchko revealed her way of working with gifted children:

Identification of a gifted child

Formation of a system of value orientations

Creation of a circle of associates, like-minded people on the basis of emerging values

Joint intellectual activity, participation in the implementation of projects

Participation in the Olympic movement

Teacher-guide in the world of ideas

Lifetime success of a gifted child

How to organize an educational space for the preparation of gifted children at school? Methodist, teacher of mathematics, GBOU gymnasium No. 293 of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg T.V. Gromova told how to introduce economic education through the integration of the additional general developmental program "Journey to the World of Economics" (8-11 years old), the program of extracurricular activities "Fundamentals of Economics" (grades 5-6), programs additional education"Club of business people" (grades 7-10), that is, with a combination of various forms of extracurricular activities and additional education based on the students' free choice of classes in different programs. NRU HSE teacher N.V. Gross demonstrated to teachers a set of textbooks on economics, as well as a system of work on developing skills in practical solution of economic and mathematical problems.

The participants exchanged their experience in creating conditions for the development of children's abilities, the practice of achieving high results in Olympiads.

Summing up, the dean of the FDO L.V. Grekova spoke about the possibilities and features of holding the “Highest Standard” Olympiad, the conditions for entering the university and noted that “Olympiad tasks of the “Highest Standard” in 22 subjects are combined overall structure(test and creative parts), the student has a redundancy of choice, as well as independence in evaluating the results, which gives him the opportunity to make his own tests and be determined in the future professional path and self-study to him".

At the round table, the main task of the further work of the formed creative group was determined, the solution of which provides for the creation in the future of long-term individual and group programs for preparing students for the "Highest Standard" Olympiad, starting from the 7th grade.

The materials of the round table can be found on the website of the National Research University Higher School of Economics

The material was prepared by L.V. Grekova, Dean of FDO


about holding competitions in rhythmic gymnastics
Open Tournament "Step to Olympus"
04-06.05.2017, Zvenigorod


1.1 Competition in rhythmic gymnastics The open tournament "Step to Olympus" (hereinafter referred to as the competition) is held in accordance with the Schedule of physical culture and sports events of the Moscow Region for 2017, approved by the Order of the Ministry dated December 29, 2014 No. 21-299-r "On approval Calendar plan of physical culture and sports events of the Moscow region for 2017.
1.2 The main objectives of the competition are:
. popularization and development of rhythmic gymnastics in the Moscow region;
. promotion of a healthy lifestyle, the formation of positive attitudes in the younger generation;
. identifying the strongest athletes and teams, improving sportsmanship;
. exchange of experience of sports specialists;
. fulfillment of the discharge standards of the unified all-Russian sports classification.


2.1 The organizers of the competition are:
- Ministry of Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Work of the Moscow Region (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry);
- Moscow Regional Public Organization "Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics" (hereinafter referred to as the Federation);
- Sports club for rhythmic gymnastics "School of Olga Kapranova".
2.2 The organizational preparation of the competition is carried out by the Organizing Committee for the competition (hereinafter referred to as the Organizing Committee), approved by the Sports Club "School of Olga Kapranova":
- General Director - Kapranova E.S.;
- Head coach of the SC - Kapranova O.S.
2.3 The direct conduct of the competition is entrusted to the Main Jury, approved by the Federation of the Moscow Region:
- Chief judge - Nefedova E.Yu. (MK);
- Chief Secretary - Kapranova O.S. (MK);
- Deputy Chief Secretary - Yakovleva M.Yu. (I).


Competitions are held from 04 to 06 May 2017 in the city of Zvenigorod, at the address: st. Moscow, house 47, SC "Zvezda".
May 03 - day of arrival, TESTING
May 04 - 1st day of the competition, the opening ceremony of the competition
May 05 - 2nd day of competition
May 06 - 3rd day of the competition, closing ceremony of the competition, departure of the teams after 20:00.
The teams will be accommodated in the RAS Zvenigorodsky hotel (Zvenigorod, Akademichesky proezd, vl.1). Accommodation details are in Appendix 2.
A bus will run between the hotel and the sports complex.


4.1 National teams of the regions of the Russian Federation, sports clubs and organizations, as well as teams from the SShOR, DYUSSH with a medical permit are allowed to compete.
4.2 Teams consisting of:
Gymnasts 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999 and older year of birth,
as well as 1 coach, 1 referee and 1 team representative.
A team referee is required.


9. Individual program:
Group A: Group B:
born in 2012 b/n (9 e.)
born in 2011 b/n (9 e.)
born in 2010 b / p + view (9.7 e.) born in 2010 b/n (9 e.)
born in 2009 b / p + view (9.7 e.) born in 2009 b/n (9 e.)
born in 2008 b / p + 2 types (9.7 e.) born in 2008 1 view (7 emails)
Born in 2007 + 2 types (9.7 el.) Born in 2007 1 view (7 emails)
Born in 2006 - program of the 1st category b / n + 3 types 2 types (7 el.)
Born in 2005 - 1st category program - b/n + 3 types 2 types (7 el.)
born in 2004,2003,2002 - CMS program 4 types born in 2004,2003,2002 2 types
born in 2001 and older - MS program 4 species born in 2001 and older 2 types
Group exercises:
2001 and older MS program
2002 - 2004 CMS program (5 jump ropes, 10 clubs)
2005 - 2006 I category program (5 jump ropes, 10 clubs)
born in 2006 - 2007 II category program (2 types to choose from)
2007 - 2008 III category program (without a subject + type of choice)
born in 2008 - 2009 program I Jun. rank (without item + type of choice)
born in 2009 - 2010 program II Jun. discharge (no item)
born in 2010 - 2011 program III Jun. discharge (no item)
The organizers reserve the right to shorten the competition program if circumstances so require.


6.1 Preliminary applications for participation in the competition are submitted no later than two weeks before the start of the competition by E-mail: [email protected](tel.: 8-925-543-81-23).
6.2 Official applications (see Appendix 1) with a doctor's visa for participation in sports competitions, signed by the head of the organization, must be submitted to the credentials committee on the day of official arrival.
6.3 The following documents are attached to the application for each participant:
. athlete's record book;
. passport - copy / birth certificate - copy
. original life and health insurance policy against accidents, compulsory medical insurance policy.


7.1 Winners and prize-winners of competitions in the individual competition are determined by the highest total points scored in each age and category separately.
7.2 In each age category and category, 1st to 6th place is played.
7.3 The approved protocols of the competitions are provided in paper and electronic media to the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Ministry within 3 days after the end of the competition.


8.1 The winners of the individual competitions in each age and category are awarded with medals, certificates of the Sports Club "School of Olga Kapranova".
8.2 Winners of competitions in the individual competition (second and third place in each age and category) are awarded with medals, certificates and gifts from the Sports Club "School of Olga Kapranova".
8.3 Coaches who have prepared the winners in the individual competition and group exercises at each age and category are awarded with certificates of the Sports Club "School of Olga Kapranova".


9.1 The costs associated with the organization and holding of the competition are borne by the Sports Club "School of Olga Kapranova".
The costs associated with medical care are covered by the budget of the Sports Club "School of Olga Kapranova".
9.2 The costs of business trips and participation in competitions are borne by the sending organizations.
9.3 Security and anti-terrorist protection during the competition is provided by the Administration of the city district of Odintsovo, Moscow Region.


10.1 Security, anti-terrorist protection and medical care for participants in the competition and spectators are provided in accordance with the Decree of the Governor of the Moscow Region No. 63-PG dated 05.03. sports facilities in the Moscow Region” and the Order of the Governor of the Moscow Region No. 400-RG dated October 17, 2008 “On Ensuring Public Order and Security, Providing Timely Qualified Medical Assistance to Citizens During Mass Events in the Moscow Region”.
10.2 Competitions are held only at sports facilities accepted for operation by state commissions, subject to the availability of technical inspection certificates confirming the readiness of the facility for holding events.
10.3 An obligatory condition for the competition is the availability of an ambulance car with qualified medical personnel at the venues of the competition, which is provided Sports Club"School of Olga Kapranova".
10.4 Participation in regional competitions is carried out only if there is an agreement (original) on insurance: accidents, life and health, which is provided to the credentials committee for each participant.


Appendix 1 to the Regulation

Nominal application
to participate in the Open Tournament "Step to Olympus" in Zvenigorod on May 04 - 06, 2017.

From the team ________________________________________________________________________________________
(municipal district, city district)

No. Surname, name, patronymic Date of birth Sport. category, title Group A/B Sports organization, institution Full name (fully) personal trainer Athlete Eligibility to compete Doctor's signature and stamp

In total, _____________________________________________________________ people were admitted to the competition

Official representative of the delegation ______________________ (_________________________________)
contact number________________________________

Physician's signature ____________________________________
(medical and sports dispensary, office)

Head of organization, institution ______________________ (_________________________________)
(signature) (full transcript)

Annex 2

The cost of living in the hotel of the Russian Academy of Sciences Zvenigorodskaya (Zvenigorod, Akademichesky proezd, vl.1)

Double room with meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) - 1900 rubles per person per day
Triple room with meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) - 1700 rubles per person per day

Meal Schedule:
9.00-10.00 breakfast, 14.00-15.00 lunch and 19.00-20.00 dinner.

You can book a hotel by sending a request by mail [email protected] with an exact indication of the number of rooms and people, the dates of check-in and check-out.