Tennis. Hockey school CSKA Hockey for girls from 3 years old

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How are our hockey practices going?

High results in any sport are only a small fraction of natural data, multiplied by hard work under the guidance of a professional and caring coach. For success in hockey, it is important to be physically well developed, have technical skills of the game, have endurance, quick reaction and be strong morally and volitionally. Hockey training in our Center is conducted by experienced coaches who have practical skills and are able to convey theory in an accessible way.

We have developed individual and group training programs. Each of them includes directions: teaching the ability to skate, and possession of a stick, honing the skills of receiving, holding, passing, throwing, power techniques, developing a game role.

A visit to the "Magic of Hockey" Center is an opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of the game and become its direct participant, feeling more confident with every lesson. Hockey training in Moscow, held at our base, allows you to gradually unlock the potential of an athlete, timely identifying mistakes and working on correcting them. In addition, the training program includes a diagnostic package that allows you to determine the level of physical fitness and the initial skills of the athlete.

Individual and group hockey training

The plan of such classes is designed for both children and adults. Individual training plan compiled personally in each case, taking into account the data of the athlete, focusing on his physical form and level of training. By training at the Magic Hockey Center, you can significantly improve your skating technique, increase your speed, acquire and improve your playing skills.

Hockey training in Moscow, held in groups, has different directions. This includes classes for attackers and defenders, goalkeepers, etc. Combined workouts allow you to immediately set up for a team game.

Hockey training - start your journey together with the Magic of Hockey

Professional sports always inextricably linked with huge force will, new challenges and work on the verge of their capabilities. To achieve results, each athlete invests a lot of strength and energy, receiving in return incredible pleasure, a charge of positive and cheerfulness for accomplishments in other areas. The main thing is that the mentors are competent and have everything necessary equipment that will contribute to your success. Hockey trainings held in our Center are a great opportunity to start your way to conquer sports peaks or just an opportunity to fulfill an old dream. The main thing is to have a desire, but otherwise we will definitely help!

Our youth hockey school in Moscow "HoсkeyChance" helps hockey fans to improve their skills, skating technique and test their skills in competitions. The "HockeyChance" team, assembled from the students of our school, plays in the RTHL championship in the KBCh division. Any student of our sports school of hockey can get into the team and take part in the competition.

Hockey lessons and training of team members are conducted by highly qualified coaches with many years of experience. We pay attention to both the individual and the team game of the athlete, which allows us to achieve maximum results. Individual sessions in hockey with students help to hone the technique and work out thoroughly technical elements, while group sessions allow you to identify strengths each player and form well-coordinated game groups.

Moscow school of hockey

Coaches of our Moscow hockey school HockeyChance have developed methods individual training, to practice throws, passes, feints, tackles and other tricks that allow us to make professional defenders and attackers out of students. Riding technique is constantly improving young hockey player. The high results of our students and teams prove the effectiveness of the classes and the high professionalism of the coaches. Hockey lessons bring results in the long run.

This year, the children's sports school of hockey "HockeyChance" is recruiting children in hockey team to participate in the tournament. Learn more about the terms of participation in hockey tournament you can have our trainers at a personal meeting at school.

In addition, our hockey training center invites children from four years old to ice hockey classes. Hockey for a child of 4 years old is a normal age for learning hockey skills. Children's education preschool age is carried out according to special program for beginners, developed by our coaches based on their many years of training experience and recommendations from leading hockey coaches.

Recruitment to the hockey section

Enroll the child in the hockey section in Moscow, agree on individual trainer and find out the schedule of training and classes sports sections for hockey, you can call: 8 903 180-15-05

On our site you will find not only contacts for communication, our hockey sports schools are located in many parts of Moscow. You can see photos from the place of training, videos of training and competitions. This will allow you to make sure that our Russian hockey school is one of the best. Find out which Sport halls trainers are available.

Have you signed up for our classes? Then see what paraphernalia you or your child will need. To save time and money, you can buy directly from us. Attributes will be needed not only for friendly matches on ice. The students of our hockey school participate in the championships that take place in different countries. So your children will be able to visit outside of our country. We are not limited to coaches from our school. The leaders of HockeyChace periodically invite well-known coaches and hockey players from other countries. This allows students of the hockey school to get helpful tips from experienced hockey players.

As for the prices for training in our hockey school, a pleasant surprise has also been prepared for you. In a special section on the site you can see the rates. We offer not only competitive rates, but also discounts on tuition. Find out now how you can save on classes. Such advantageous offers are valid for regular school visitors. If you have questions regarding prices, visiting hours, purchasing uniforms or other paraphernalia, you can call the school and get all the answers.

hockey school PHC CSKA LLC is a structural subdivision of the professional hockey club CSKA. School education - free.

The training process of the school takes place at the home arena of the CSKA hockey club - in Ledovoy sports complex CSKA them. V. M. Bobrov. Workout young athletes are held in 12 groups for children 5-16 years old. The duration of training for children is 60-90 minutes. Trainings are held four to six times a week from September to May (depending on the age group).

Starting from the age of 8, the student's parents conclude a junior contract with the school and are fully supported by the hockey club, and at the age of 17, a professional contract is signed with the best pupils. Sports camp and trips to various tournaments are carried out at the expense of PHC CSKA LLC.

Classes are held at two sites (Canadian and large sites). also in training process gym and games rooms are used. Twice a year, students undergo a free medical examination at the CSKA medical and sports dispensary.

  • The junior team takes part in Open Championship Moscow among juniors;
  • teams born in 2003-2007 - in the Open Championship of Moscow;
  • teams born in 2008-2010 - in the Cups of Moscow;
  • team born in 2011 - in the Moscow Ice Hockey Federation Cup.

Matches are played on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays from September to April.

The students of our school are members of the national teams of Russia of their age. After graduation, the most promising students are invited to youth team"Red Army".

Organization of selection at the Hockey School