Hockey school of CSKA. Hockey school CSKA Hockey lessons for children from 3 years old

Our junior hockey school in Moscow "HoсkeyChance" helps hockey fans to improve their skills, skating technique and test their skills in competitions. The "HockeyChance" team, assembled from the students of our school, plays in the RTHL championship in the KBCh division. Any student of our sports school of hockey can get into the team and take part in the competition.

Hockey lessons and training of team members are conducted by highly qualified coaches with many years of experience. We pay attention to both the individual and the team game of the athlete, which allows us to achieve maximum results. Individual hockey lessons with students help to hone the technique and work out thoroughly technical elements, while group sessions allow you to identify strengths each player and form well-coordinated game groups.

Moscow school of hockey

The coaches of our Moscow hockey school HockeyChance have developed individual training methods for practicing throws, passes, feints, tackles and other techniques that allow us to turn our students into professional defenders and forwards. Riding technique is constantly improving young hockey player. The high results of our students and teams prove the effectiveness of the classes and the high professionalism of the coaches. Hockey lessons bring results in the long run.

This year, the children's sports school of hockey "HockeyChance" is recruiting children in hockey team to participate in the tournament. Learn more about the terms of participation in hockey tournament you can have our trainers at a personal meeting at school.

In addition, our hockey training center invites children from four years old to ice hockey classes. Hockey for a child of 4 years old is a normal age for learning hockey skills. Children's education preschool age is carried out according to special program for beginners, developed by our coaches based on their many years of training experience and recommendations from leading hockey coaches.

Recruitment to the hockey section

Enroll the child in the hockey section in Moscow, agree on individual trainer and find out the schedule of training and classes sports sections for hockey, you can call: 8 903 180-15-05

On our site you will find not only contacts for communication, our hockey sports schools are located in many parts of Moscow. You can see photos from the place of training, videos of training and competitions. This will allow you to make sure that our Russian hockey school is one of the best. Find out which Sport halls trainers are available.

Have you signed up for our classes? Then see what paraphernalia you or your child will need. To save time and money, you can buy directly from us. Attributes will be needed not only for friendly matches on ice. The students of our hockey school participate in the championships that take place in different countries. So your children will be able to visit outside of our country. We are not limited to coaches from our school. The leaders of HockeyChace periodically invite well-known coaches and hockey players from other countries. This allows students of the hockey school to get helpful tips from experienced hockey players.

As for the prices for training in our hockey school, a pleasant surprise has also been prepared for you. In a special section on the site you can see the rates. We offer not only competitive rates, but also discounts on tuition. Find out now how you can save on classes. Such advantageous offers are valid for regular school visitors. If you have questions about prices, visiting times, buying uniforms or other paraphernalia, you can call the school and get all the answers.

Still undecided on the choice of a hockey school for your child?
Come join us for a FREE trial lesson!
Booking by phone 8-925-465-45-00

On the trial lesson you and your child:

  • Meet the trainer and the group
  • See how the class goes
  • Give a child vivid impressions and a storm of positive emotions!
  • We will be happy to answer all your questions and select the optimal level and mode of training.

Why is the children's school "Hockey Academy" one of the best in Moscow?

We have advantages that distinguish us from other sections:

  • qualified coaching staff Our coaches are masters of sports, winners of Russian and world championships. Head of the school - Honored Coach of Russia Viryasov A.S.
  • convenient training time 4 ice rinks and a team of professional trainers allows you to choose a schedule and training regimen that is right for you.
  • individual approach to the child. Each child has individual traits: features of character, temperament, physical layer preparation. We try to unlock the potential of each child, strengthen his self-confidence and choose the optimal pace of learning.
  • training from 3 years For the youngest children, the school has developed a special training program. The first acquaintance with ice and learning the technique of skating, classes in game form will allow your child to easily get used to the ice and instill an interest in hockey.
  • innovative teaching methodology We cooperate only with professional hockey coaches who have great experience work with children different ages. The school has developed and successfully put into practice its own teaching methodology, which allows achieving optimal results on the ice.
  • modern playgrounds Morozovo Ice Complex is a modern sports complex that includes 4 ice arenas, as well as comfortable locker rooms, dryers for sports uniforms, halls for training and physical training, dry cleaning and skate sharpening services. In our sports complex adults won't be bored either. While the children are training on the ice, at your disposal: a cozy LED cafe.
  • permanent recruitment to the hockey section. Didn't have time to sign up with us before September 1st? It's OK! You can start learning at any time. Come, and we will select for you a convenient schedule and training regimen.

Section tasks:

  • basic training
  • sports improvement
  • increase in general physical condition
  • formation of individual and group programs
  • additional game practice
  • conducting training camps
  • master classes with professionals

Enrollment in the Academy is carried out by phone:
8-925-465-45-00 or online.

What are the trainings for children at the Hockey Academy?

The children's hockey section of our complex conducts training for children with any level of training, including training from scratch. If you want to send your child to sports, then you should start with our school. Skating and throwing techniques are practiced on the ice, and general physical training classes are held in the gym.

Professional coaches will help both take the first steps in the sport and work out the existing mistakes. An individual approach is selected for each child. The coach definitely focuses on the moments that are more difficult for the young athlete than the rest, and helps him master the technique.

As part of the lessons at the hockey school:

  • children have been playing hockey since the age of 3;
  • the technique of skating and throws is being worked out;
  • OPT and SPT classes are held.
  • children participate in training camps and competitions.

Please note that in order to enroll in the "Academy of Hockey" you need permission from a doctor for classes physical education! Certificate of admission must be provided within 2 weeks from the start of training.

Hockey for kids is becoming incredibly popular. No wonder with today in Russia everyone is engaged in it - from a schoolboy to the president. The start of your boy in the career of a professional athlete can be shinny with puck. Skating training under the guidance of an experienced mentor is offered by the children's ice hockey section "ice Day".

Our school, despite the collective nature of the game, practices an individual approach to each child, depending on his physical condition and available skills.

Individual and group hockey training sports school for children are gradually involved in the game, make the child dexterous and strong, educate him volitional qualities and striving for excellence. For a child, this is primarily a game, a fun activity, communication with peers. Hockey is not perceived by children aged 3-6 as a style and way of life, for them it is a game within a game, which undoubtedly captivates them doubly. This is how the future world names in sports are born.

Thanks to effective hockey training, our students were selected to the best hockey clubs Moscow: CSKA, Dynamo, Spartak, Wings of the Soviets, Rus.

Ice Day School organizes ice hockey sessions for children on high quality ice rinks in different areas of Moscow, and your child will be able to play their favorite sport close to home.

Children's hockey coaches are ready to accept a kid with any level of training, and bring him up as a master of sports. Great for kids physical training, skating skills, stick handling and basic tactical thinking. Even if he doesn't famous hockey player, then it will acquire many useful characteristics of the future real man.

Personal skating training with a trainer

Purpose: to learn how to skate correctly and develop maneuverable skating

Trial lesson - 2 000 ₽
One-time lesson - 2 800 ₽
4 lessons - 10 500 ₽

Complex 2 students - 4 200 ₽

For children from 3 years old

Children's hockey in Moscow is developing every day. Additional classes for the children's hockey school "ice Day" are carried out systematically with a personal approach to each of their wards. The sooner you put your baby on the ice, the better and easier it will be for him in the future. If you are ready to take your child to hockey, then we are ready to accept children from 3-4 years old and guarantee them good health, vivid impressions, friendly communication and good mood.

by the most effective way workouts are individual sessions where the coach aims to transfer knowledge and experience to each student, taking into account his abilities and shortcomings in technique, regardless of the level of training, age or physical indicators. Individual training with personal trainer are carried out according to personal programs, which are constantly improved and adjusted when the results are obtained. You choose the components of the classes yourself from general physical training, training and strength training. Roll-ups for hockey players contribute proper fit, strong push, long slide, and powerful starting speed. Throwing workouts include: Wrist Shot, Flick from the spot and on the move, with amplitude and from either side of the hook. Personal skills are honed in dribbling and feints.

Without collective training there can be no team play, strategy and tactics, so they practice working out regular situations and behavior at different points in the game. Practicing passing and receiving the puck, skating with obstacles facing and back forward are all elements of collective hockey training.

Those who wish to master and consolidate special wrestling techniques, overcome the fears of contact play, a flying puck and attacking opponents can undergo professional hockey training in full program or to carry out hockey tackles, consisting of individual elements of the program, necessary for children.

For kids, ice Day has everything you need to play hockey, including first-class ice arenas, the best facilities and equipment, as well as a wonderful team of coaches and instructors who will help you achieve the desired results, acquire the skill of hockey and reach a high sports level.

Hockey for children has a lot of controversy and disagreement among parents. Many people think that there is an excessive risk of injury in hockey and children need to be softer. We want to note that we will provide the child with maximum safety and control. The matter of choosing a sport for aunts is, of course, purely individual, but in hockey all muscle groups develop, if we talk about physical development children. And the reaction, coordination and development of thinking, which is called "on the fly" - a huge plus for the general condition.

And all this is acquired by a child like in no other sport. Some will talk about cruelty. Allegedly brutal hockey players only fight and cripple each other on the ice. In turn, we say that there are many examples, or rather stars and legends of this sport, who were distinguished not by brute force, but by virtuosity and skill. They seemed to flutter among rivals and simply avoided the use of rudeness and force. If they sometimes had to face the inevitable aggression, they could boldly stand up for themselves. We think it is unlikely that any of the parents will be against the education of such qualities for children.

Hockey training for children from 3 years old at the hockey school site

Hockey from 3 years old- this is unique opportunity develop endurance, strength and dexterity, instill in the child a sense of responsibility, mutual assistance and duty to the team. Ice skating training for children at the AT HOCKEY ice training center is an opportunity to educate a real man, strengthen the baby physically and mentally. During training, children learn not only to skate and handle with a stick, but also to run, jump, perform power moves and dodge opponent's attacks. We have group and individual training where children become good skaters, athletes and acrobats, find a purpose in life and surround themselves with real friends.

If you dream that a real man will grow out of your son, a strong and courageous person who is familiar with such important concepts as friendship, mutual assistance and duty, then send him to the section.

The sooner you bring your baby to our center, the better. Hockey for children from 3 years old is a normal practice that allows you to teach your baby to skate and work in a team. After all, hockey is a game where “one for all and all for one”, where mutual assistance and support prevail, where true male friendship is most valued.

Hockey from 3 years old in Moscow and St. Petersburg is:

  • Increasing the level of general and special physical training.
  • Interesting educational exercises and exciting games.
  • High level of intellectual and physical development.
  • High professional level coaching staff.
  • love for sports and healthy lifestyle adult life.
  • Ice skating and play equipment training.
  • No more than 5 pupils in one group.
  • Individual lessons and rides.
  • Training on the ice and in the gym.
  • Convenient training schedule.
  • Unique techniques.

Hockey for kids is the first step in a brilliant sports career, because all the efforts of the AT HOCKEY coaching team are aimed at educating young athletes from 3 to 7 years old, not yet familiar with hockey. The employees of our center are the authors of special methods of putting children on the ice and teaching the basics of the game. We develop individual program training for each individual child and bring him to a high professional level with subsequent enrollment in one of the leading teams in the capital, where children from 5 years old are accepted.

Our center trains athletes for professional KHL clubs:


Benefits of our center

Instructors and trainers
the highest qualification

Do you dream about your son becoming a true man, hardy, disciplined and courageous? Just take him to the professional center "On hockey!".

Hockey training for kids are conducted in ideal and safe conditions by highly professional trainers with extensive experience in teaching, according to the unique methodology of our school.

Hockey for kids has practically no age restrictions, so our school is open for kids 3-4 years old, and for teenagers. The sooner a child starts playing hockey, the sooner this sport will become clearer and closer to him. Three years is considered the ideal age to start training. It has been proven that hockey is much easier for children than for adults.

During our training, children learn not only to confidently skate, but also to jump and run on ice, apply power throws, attack and dodge attacks from rivals. The quality of our work is best evidenced by the numerous enthusiastic reviews of our pupils and their parents!

The first step to a worthy sports career is skating, teaching the basics and tricks of hockey skills, honing turns, sliding and braking. Our instructors are armed with a lot of author's effective methods of putting children on the ice and teaching the basics of the game.

The children's school on the basis of our training center offers not only group, but also individual lessons. Physical and psychological preparation also not critical to start learning. The main thing is that the child does not have medical contraindications.

Shinny, if we consider it as a set of exercises and loads, it is very effective because:

    develops and improves the coordination of the baby's movements, as well as the speed of reactions;

    helps to strengthen the cardiovascular, skeletal systems and all muscle groups, which is very important in childhood;

    forms the correct posture, and skating can save the child from early flat feet;

    lowers blood cholesterol levels and stabilizes blood pressure;

    tempers not only the body in general, but also the spirit, because training requires endurance;

    develops such qualities as purposefulness, organization and discipline.

Besides, hockey from 3 years old- it is still an unsurpassed charge of vivacity and energy, educating with early age in a small person, an understanding of what duty and mutual assistance are. It is also the pleasure of spending time in the company of like-minded people who have become real and devoted friends.