Exercise "Farmer's Walk": description, technique. Exercises for all muscle groups. Performing a farmer's walk - muscle work, technique and recommendations Farmer's walk with kettlebells

To diversify workouts and make them universal for the gym and outside it allows with a sonorous name - a farmer's walk. With its help, you can achieve a significant improvement in strength indicators while developing endurance. This exercise involves different muscle groups, so it can be used to strengthen muscle corset and maintain body tone.

With all the advantages of the exercise, before including it in training, you need to analyze its features and think about whether it is right for you or not. Therefore, in the article we will carefully consider which muscles work in a farmer's walk, and master correct technique doing the exercise. And also find out how useful such training is and whether it has contraindications.

How useful is exercise?

The farmer's walk is a core strength exercise. By including it in your workouts and doing it regularly, you can talk about creating a natural muscle corset that supports the spine. As a result, here and beautiful posture, and the possibility to withdraw training process to a more professional level.

In continuation of the conversation about the exercise, the farmer's walk, the benefits of which are undeniable, it should be noted that with the right technique, it involves various muscle groups:

  • muscles of the legs (thighs, lower legs and feet) and arms;
  • abdominal muscles (we recommend basic ones);
  • shoulder girdle.

It is also important to note that the distribution of the load on these muscle groups occurs evenly. All muscles work, strengthening, complementing each other. After completing the exercise, ordinary walking, even for long distances at a sports pace, will seem like easy entertainment to you.

In addition, walking with weights allows you to:

  1. Develop endurance, grip strength and muscle corset.
  2. Enlarge deltoid muscles.
  3. Effectively develop coordination of movements.
  4. Increase calorie expenditure and budge if you hit a training plateau.
  5. Perform the exercise in any conditions, if there are improvised means that can replace dumbbells and kettlebells.

Who should not do the farmer's walk?

Contraindications to performing a farmer's walk are:

  • Lack of common sense and overestimation of one's own capabilities. No need to immediately grab the kettlebell with a lot of weight and try to pass long distance. This exercise is important gradual buildup weight weighting and compliance with the technique (more on this later).
  • Exercise is contraindicated for those who have weak back, scoliosis and other posture disorders. In this case, it is recommended to practice walking only after a strong muscular frame has been formed.
  • Performing the exercise is contraindicated in the stage of exacerbation of any chronic diseases.
  • Like any workout, the exercise should not be practiced during acute respiratory infections and when the body is weakened. Mastering the farmer's walk is best postponed until complete recovery.

What muscles are working?

The farmer's walk with dumbbells is one of the basic exercises that includes different muscle groups. At correct execution evenly develops the muscular corset and gives a tangible load throughout the body.

Muscle hypertrophy when working with large weights allows you to achieve an athletic physique, balance the proportions of the upper and lower parts of the body. What muscles work in the farmer's walk exercise can be found in the table.

Execution technique

Proper technique for doing the Kettlebell Farmer's Walk is the key to a safe and productive workout.

How is the exercise performed?

Preparatory stage

  1. Determine how the exercise will be performed. With a small weight for a long distance or with a large burden, but for a short distance.
  2. It is necessary to prepare the burden with which the exercise will be performed. The farmer's walk is equally effective with barbells, dumbbells, or kettlebells. The recommended load weight depends on physical indicators athlete pursued during the training goals and length of the distance.
  3. Clear/prepare the passageway from obstacles and obstructions.

The workout itself

Step 1. We stand between the weights, which we first lay out in line with the feet. The farmer's walk can be done with two dumbbells or any other weight with the same weight in each hand.

Step 2 We take the projectile in hand, while watching the posture. Keep your back straight while lifting weights. Performing a squat, we bend a little and bring the shoulder blades together, raise our head and lift the weight while inhaling.

Step 3 We move along the distance in small steps, gradually increasing the pace. We make sure that during the farmer's walk with dumbbells or other weights, the shoulder blades are fixed and in starting position. Slightly raised shoulders allow to reduce the load on the shoulder joints.

When doing the farmer's walk, pay attention to the following key points:

  • Flattened shoulder blades during the entire load;
  • The head looks straight, the chin is raised;
  • All movements (from lifting weights to walking) are smooth and springy.

The main mistake during a farmer's walk is rounded shoulders and back. The reason for this may be a weak muscular corset and an incorrectly selected working weight. Performing an exercise with a violation of technique can cause injuries to the spine and shoulder joints.

When including weighted walking in your training program, always be careful about the choice of sports equipment and their weight, follow the correct technique for performing the exercise and take your time. Don't forget that any power training directly affects the functioning of the ligamentous apparatus, and this is fraught with injury. You can remove part of the load from the muscles of the press and the extensor of the spine with the help of a weightlifting belt. At the same time, careful observance of the technique of performing the exercise is not canceled.

Learn how strength athletes develop total strength and lay the foundation for maximum performance. muscle growth with the development of ultimate functionality.

The content of the article:

The topic of this article is the farmer's walk exercise. From it you can learn about the technique of performing the movement and get acquainted with various nuances. This exercise with an unusual name is familiar to most women, although they most often do not know about it. It so happened that it is women who most often visit stores, and when they carry two bags of groceries, it is here that there is a similarity with the exercise we are considering today.

Benefits of Farmer's Walk Exercise

We note right away that the farmer's walk exercise is basic, as it involves a large number of muscles. Accordingly, the body's response will be complex. The thigh is actively involved in the work, knee-joint, ankle, thoracic and lumbar spine, as well as the collarbone and shoulder blades.

Here are the main benefits of this movement:

  • Increases endurance.
  • Leg muscles develop.
  • The indicator of the strength of the muscles of the cortex increases and the muscular corset of the spinal column is strengthened.
  • The secretion of somatotropin is accelerated.
  • The amount of energy consumed increases.
  • Coordination develops.
  • Can be done everywhere.

How is the farmer's walk exercise performed correctly?

It's pretty simple with technical point vision exercise, but with some features. To perform the exercise, a barbell equipped with handles is most often used. At the same time, you can use kettlebells or dumbbells. Stand between the shells and, straining the muscles of the press, while keeping a straight back, take them in your hands. By pushing your body up with your heels, you are in the starting position.

With short but quick steps, move in a straight line, using correct breathing. The distance for one walker is most often from 25 to 50 meters. Having reached the finish line of this distance, it is necessary to lower sports equipment to the ground. Then turn around and do it all over again in the opposite direction. In one lesson, you should perform from 5 to 10 such walks, without pausing between them.

Tips for Athletes on the Farmer's Walk

Dropping down for sports equipment, you need to perform a movement similar to a squat. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the back remains straight. Use the weight of the weights, which is determined by the formula - your body weight / 4.

For example, you weigh 80 kilos, then the weight of each projectile should be 20 kilograms. Don't use wide strides, but try to mince at a moderate pace. It is also necessary to ensure that the shoulders are not rounded, and the head is always directed forward. Probably, at first the farmer's walk exercise will be quite difficult for you, and in this case, you can perform from 2 to 4 "walks" lasting 30 seconds. Gradually, you will need to increase the number of sets and increase the weight of the shells.

In the study of this exercise, scientists have found that this is one of the best complex movements that can evenly load a large number of muscles. As a result, you not only increase physical parameters, but also expend more energy. Also note that the Farmer's Walk exercise is competitive in the Strongmen discipline.

This movement can be called safe. The only exception is if the athlete has scoliosis or weak back muscles. In this case, you first need to focus on strengthening the muscular frame of the spinal column, and only after that you can begin to perform this movement.

Also remember that when using heavy weight you will be pulled forward, causing your back and shoulders to round. This can cause injury and you need to choose the right weight. We have already discussed how to do this above.

It must be admitted that most builders ignore this exercise or have not heard of it at all. They are sure that the farmer's walk exercise is completely useless and will not be able to bring the desired result. This is a serious misconception, because if you follow all the technical nuances, you can effectively work out a large number of leg muscles and, as a result, achieve a strong hormonal response of the body.

This movement engages the muscles of the legs, back and shoulder girdle that no other exercise can do. All this will lead to a powerful release of the male hormone. If you take long steps, then this can cause a strong overload of the joints and tendons. As a result, injury is possible.

If you lower your head down, then reduce the load on the trapezium, but on spinal column on the contrary - increase. Look straight ahead and don't lower your head.

Mikhail Koklyaev in the following video performs the farmer's walk exercise:

One of the universal exercises that can be done even with kettlebells, even with dumbbells, even with a sandbag or anything else, is called farmer's walk. Its fundamental difference from other exercises with weights is a constant presence in motion.

It is believed that movement under load (and the farmer's walk is one option) develops useful, applied strength of the whole body and improves overall physical condition.

Squats, bench presses, deadlifts make you stronger, but at the same time, this is not all that is needed to achieve athleticism. In addition to strength, there is also coordination and, if I may say so, "awareness of one's body." Walking a farmer helps to develop not only strength, but also these qualities.

To be honest, I haven't tried this exercise yet. I include it periodically in training, but in order to be imbued with full program, I don’t have enough free space (I work out at home) - so that I can just go forward, and not make a turn in a circle through a step. 50 meters would be a straight track.

So, before moving on to the practical part, we list the advantages of the exercise:


Work on the muscles of the core

Joint strengthening

Strengthening the grip

The ability to use a larger kettlebell in training (which you can’t use in other exercises yet)

Features of a farmer's walk with kettlebells

Unlike other implements with which the farmer's walk is performed, weights are more variable in their position in space. The basic version of the farmer's walk is performed with weights (or one) in lowered hands.

Farmer's Walk - Basic Option

Take 2 kettlebells heavy enough for you. You must be able to support correct position bodies with them. Do a suitcase deadlift, chest up, and start walking forward (or in circles if the room is small). As the movement progresses, breathing quickens, the heart works harder, and the grip weakens. At the end, there will be 2 thoughts “if only not to unclench your fingers” and “to master a couple more steps”. This is not only a training of the body, but also of mental concentration.

Walking a farmer with one kettlebell, although it seems easier, requires more muscle engagement in order to maintain correct posture and walk in a straight line.

Farmer's walk with "weights on his chest"

This option, unlike the usual farmer's walk, gives a respite to the grip. The kettlebells will tend to push your torso forward, and your hips and muscles will need to work on maintaining stability.

If you do with 2 kettlebells, then the exercise becomes more difficult, because. the weights will press on the diaphragm, which will make breathing shorter and more interrupted, muscle fatigue may come faster and you will have to strain hard to complete the distance.

Walking a farmer with a kettlebell over his head

A method for strengthening the shoulder joints and improving the endurance of the surrounding muscles. Raise 1 or 2 kettlebells to your chest, then press them over your head and step forward.

Changing the direction of movement will give an additional impetus to the work of the core muscles.

By the way, compared to dumbbells in the same position, kettlebells are safer, because. the weight is partially supported by the forearm. Because of this, the grip is trained less, but more efforts are made to stabilize the body due to the outstretched arm above the head.

Farmer's walk with a kettlebell upside down

Strengthened work on the muscles of the forearm and the press. When the kettlebells are upside down, you may not get as much stress on the heart as in other variations (because you will move more slowly), but there are other advantages.

Another potentially dangerous feature of this position is that it is easier for the kettlebell to fall out of the hand when the grip is loosened. Therefore, it is better to practice in those places where you do not feel sorry for the floor.

Weights can be placed both in the arms bent at the elbows and straightened up.

Photos from

Let's analyze the undeservedly forgotten, but no less effective complex exercise called the "farmer's walk".

What muscles work

The core muscles receive the main load:

  • press;
  • small of the back;
  • buttocks.

The quadriceps are directly involved in the movement. Indirectly involved:

  • deltoids;
  • trapezoid;
  • muscles of the forearms and hands.

Benefits and contraindications

The farmer's walk exercise is the movement of heavy projectiles from one place to another.

Due to the power nature, the main advantage of the element is the stimulation of the production of testosterone - a hormone responsible for muscle growth throughout the body, an increase in strength and a decrease in body fat.

Therefore, the farmer's walk is used by strongmen - athletes participating in power extreme sports. The exercise also has other advantages that bodybuilders and crossfitters will appreciate:

  • Strengthening the grip. The farmer's walk has a positive effect on the development of the muscles of the forearms and the power of the hands, which is useful in other strength elements, such as deadlifts.
  • Working out the central part of the body. The muscles of the cortex are involved in all movements of the athlete, helping him to overcome heavy weights. If you want to progress in basic exercises - do the farmer's walk.
  • Muscle growth. Prolonged force exposure during "farm" walking promotes hypertrophy muscle fibers. An increased hormonal background helps to restore muscles, add mass and volume to them.
  • Improved body balance. When performing the exercise, small muscles responsible for stabilization and coordination work. This develops the athlete's mobility and sense of balance.
  • Increase endurance. Exercise helps to strengthen not only the muscles, but also the ligamentous apparatus of the legs, arms, and back. The athlete becomes less susceptible to power loads.

The farmer's walk involves holding and moving heavy projectiles at the same time. This means that the exercise negatively affects the lumbar spine and knees. Therefore, the element is contraindicated for athletes with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

You should also be wary of "farm walking" when:

  • shoulder sprain;
  • disruption of the vestibular apparatus;
  • serious diseases of the cardiovascular system.


The exercise uses various projectiles:

  • special beams with handles;
  • weights;
  • unusual options: bags, buckets and even live pigs (yes, just like on a farm).

With a loaded bar on the shoulders, the farmer's walk is not performed, as this creates a dangerous compressive load on the spine and can lead to a fall.

Trained athletes sometimes walk with one dumbbell in hand. This technique allows you to accentuate the oblique muscles of the press.

  1. Each dumbbell must equal 20% of the athlete's body weight.
  2. The athlete takes such shells that he can hold while walking for 35-40 seconds.


  1. Squat down and grab the dumbbell barbells with your palms.
  2. Keeping your back straight, rise up.
  3. Take short steps forward.
  4. After walking 30–40 meters, stop, turn around and repeat the passage.
  • When squatting behind dumbbells, hold the backbend in lumbar. This will protect against injury when lifting heavy projectiles.
  • Do not lower your chin to your chest. Otherwise after some time top part back involuntarily "rounded".
  • Do not place your feet wider than your shoulders, otherwise the dumbbells will touch your hips. This will make it difficult to execute and may cause the projectile to fall.
  • Bend your legs slightly as you move. Walking a farmer on straight limbs places a dangerous strain on the knee joints.
  • Keep your back upright. Do not lean forward while moving - this may cause you to fall.
  • Avoid rocking. When moving with a "farm" step, try to minimize body tilts to the sides.

If you're working out at home, try doing the farmer's walk up the stairs. To perform, you will need light dumbbells (6–10 kg) or improvised items (for example, two two-liter water bottles or two identical backpacks filled with books). Take the load in each hand, go out to the entrance and make 5 ascents on the stairs to 3-4 floors. So you can qualitatively load the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

Training complexes

In CrossFit, the farmer's walk is basic exercise, which can replace other strength elements for the lower body: squats, lunges, leg presses. We offer two WOD programs using farm walking. The first is called "Lavie":

  • Push the bar from the chest up - 5 times (43 kg).
  • Raising the knees to the elbows in the position of hanging on the horizontal bar - 15 times.
  • Farmer's walk - 150 m (dumbbell weight - 32.5 kg each).

The program is performed in 5 circles. The task is to minimize pauses in order to complete the workout as quickly as possible.

The second version of the crossfit class is Weston:

  • Work on the rowing machine - distance 1000 m.
  • Farmer's walk - 200 m (dumbbell weight - 20 kg each).
  • Walking with a dumbbell over your head right hand- 50 m (20 kg).
  • The same walking, but with the left hand - 50 m (20 kg).

The program involves the implementation of 5 circles. As in the first case, it is necessary to complete the lesson as quickly as possible.

In bodybuilding, you need to change regularly training plan, as the muscles adapt to monotonous exercises, and stagnation occurs in the results. We suggest using farm walking to create unusual load for the muscles of the legs and buttocks. The program might look like this:

  • Working out the calves in a vertical simulator - 4x25.
  • Farmer's walk - 4x50 (dumbbell weight - 30 kg each).
  • Leg press - 3x12-15.
  • Extension in the simulator for quadriceps - 3x15.
  • Flexion in the simulator for biceps of the thigh - 3x15.
  • Twisting on the press on incline bench- 4x20.

If Gym small, perform "farm" penetration for a while. Take dumbbells in your hands, take 10 steps, turn around and repeat in the opposite direction. Continue for 40 seconds (4 sets).

Grab it and carry it! What is a farmer's walk and why everyone needs it

A guide to an ancient and super-effective exercise.

Farmer's walk, she's a "hellish walk", she's "took and drag." This exercise is able to develop the muscles of the whole body and make a person devilishly strong.

"Soviet Sport" has compiled a guide to the "farm walk" - a forgotten movement that has triumphantly returned to fitness today.

What is a farmer's walk

Events 3 and 4 from Miami's Baddest Man put on by @thebattleaxegym 265lbs per hand farmers 50ft down around a cone and back. 1st place with 32 sec. Toughest event of the day ???? 500lbs hummer tire deadlift for reps. 1st place with 12 reps Headphones - @haloneuroscience #miamisbaddestman #farmerswalk #deadlift #halosport #smile #behappy #strongman #strong #powerlifting #iifym #gains #SBD #andersonpowerlifting #bodybuilding #fitness #fit #fitspo #fitfam #lifting #earnednotgiven #workhard #motivated #crossfit #vanillagorillastrengthathletics #ironhouse_fl #bulking #tattoo #inked #tattooedathletes #guyswithtattoos

Publication from 2017 6th Strongest U80KG Man(@richyu54) Apr 8, 2018 at 5:05 am PDT

A farmer's walk is an exercise in which an athlete walks with weights in their hands for time or distance. Strongmen and CrossFitters perform the farmer's walk with barbells that have special handles. Often athletes do it with a trap reef, a car tire, or with a special platform that you can stand inside. But the value of the "farmer's walk" is that any weights can be used as a load. Weights, dumbbells, barbells will do, and if they are not there, then good option there may be buckets, canisters, or large containers of sand or water. Everything that is heavy and that can be carried in the hands is suitable for a "farmer's walk".

What effect will the "farmer's walk" give?

Brooks Kubik, US Bench Press Champion and strength training, called the "farmer's walk" one of the most effective exercises invented by man. "Its regular execution makes a person massive and devilishly strong," Kubik wrote.