Japanese posture for the spine with a roller. The unique gymnastics of the Japanese doctor Fukutsuji or exercises with a roller for the spine: benefits and features of execution. What does the doctor say about his brainchild

The accelerated pace of civilization makes humanity move less and eat malnourished.

The low quality of consumed products contributes to the appearance of excess weight and destroys the beauty of the body.

The Japanese have an amazing array various options, how to lose weight. One of them is weight loss with a towel roll.

The Fukutsuji method is a cheap and effective way to correct figure flaws without any extra effort.

The essence of Japanese gymnastics for weight loss with a towel roller

The Japanese body shaping technique is the brainchild of physician Toshiki Fukutsuji. The Japanese specialist worked for several years on the creation of his famous method. As a result of his many studies and experiments, a book was published. The weight loss method itself, accordingly, received the name of its founder.

The Fukutsuji method is based on the assumption that the wrong position pelvic bones leads to significant changes in the silhouette of the body: it is slightly flattened, which leads to an expansion of the waist, lower growth, and maintaining a straight posture for a person becomes a difficult test.

From the point of view of a doctor, if you change the position of the skeleton to a natural one, then the figure will align: the correct posture will appear, the spine will stretch, and the stomach will sink into the formed empty space.

Women are particularly vulnerable to various joint and bone disorders that result from pregnancy and childbirth. By performing a system of simple exercises, you can eliminate organ distortions, thereby narrowing the waist and.

Systematic exercise with a towel roll will help:

  • remove signs of degenerative disc disease;
  • get rid of clamps and blocking of the vertebrae;
  • normalize the location of the bones of the shoulder blades, ribs, pelvis;
  • tighten the chest;
  • accelerate weight loss of the upper abdomen;
  • do .

To complete the exercises you will need:

  • hard flat surface (floor or hard sofa);
  • smooth terry towel;
  • tape, rope to make a roller;
  • 5 minutes of free time.

Making a towel roll is very easy.

To do this, the bath towel is folded in half, then in two again and then tightly rolled up. It is advisable to secure it with a string. The towel must be taken in such a size that a rather dense roll is obtained, corresponding to the width of the body.

The main advantages of such a technique include:

  • simplicity and accessibility, since its application does not require any additional spending of money, nor a lot of time or space;
  • gymnastics is completely free, because towels can be found in any home;
  • security. Application Japanese technique available to a large number of people, with rare exceptions. In addition, such exercises have a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system.

In addition to the physical sensations that the exercises give, there is an effect on the emotional state, psyche and consciousness:

  • the practitioner feels harmony;
  • the psyche is balanced;
  • there is a noticeable increase in strength;
  • memory improves significantly;
  • the balance of the energy field improves.

How to lie on a towel roll?

Japanese gymnastics using a towel is one way to stretch. It was planned taking into account the fact that during training there was a stretching of the muscles, ligaments and joints of the skeleton. As a result of the exercises, the organs become in the correct positions, begin to work in the optimal mode, which contributes to weight loss.

Performing an exercise with a roller from a towel for the back occurs according to the following scheme:

  • you need to sit on a flat hard surface and place the roller behind along the lower back;
  • slowly lie on your back and adjust the position of the towel. It should be clearly located opposite the navel;
  • relax and spread your legs about 25 cm apart. Place your feet so that your heels are on the floor, and thumbs touched each other. Basically, the legs should be positioned like a triangle pointing up;
  • stretch your arms behind your head, turn your palms down and connect the little fingers. If you can’t immediately align your arms, it’s okay, you should stretch as far as possible. The body will be almost curved, like an overturned boat;
  • lie in this position for 5 minutes, but control your fingers and toes all the time;
  • you do not need to immediately get up from this position, first you should turn on your side, and then slowly rise.

This is the initial exercise. Subsequently, in order to pay more attention to the waist, you should move the roller from the towel under the lower ribs. The chest can be worked out by placing a towel between the shoulder blades. Despite the apparent simplicity of this workout, in practice it is difficult to withstand even half the specified time.

The size of the roller is chosen according to personal feelings. Performing such gymnastics, a feeling of tension is allowed, but there should be no pain. It is enough to start with a 5 cm roller and then increase it to 20 cm, and its length should not be less than 40 cm.

There are a number of contraindications for using the Japanese method:

  • the presence of scoliosis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • the first year after childbirth;
  • if pain occurs, the stretch settings should be changed.

As regards the frequency of execution this exercise, it is desirable to do it every day. At the same time, it is not recommended to increase the time over 5 minutes, since this will not bring a greater effect. Upon reaching the desired parameter, the frequency of application of the method should be reduced to once every 2 days, and after that - once every week.

When to expect results in losing weight with a back roller?

The main condition for achieving the desired result is the systematic implementation of the exercises, that is, they must be performed daily for at least one month. For best results, repeat the procedure 3 times a day.

Almost everyone notes that after two sessions, the waist circumference decreased by one centimeter, and after the first lesson, the posture is leveled and lightness is felt in the back.

Japanese weight loss with a towel roll: reviews

Katerina, Saratov

I actually spend the entire working day in a sitting position. This led not only to the fact that the waist began to blur, but also pain in the lower back began to appear in the evening. I decided to do some exercises for the back and found on the Internet an entertaining method of a Japanese doctor. Considering that there is no need to make additional purchases, I took a towel, rolled it up and decided to try it. It didn’t work out for me to lie down for 5 minutes the first time, I could barely stand 3, but the feeling that the body was stretched was distinct. After spending 2 weeks of classes (2 times a day), I noticed that the waist has become 4 cm smaller and back pain does not bother me in the evenings. I'll try to do a full course within a month.

Anastasia, Orel

I really wanted to reduce my waist, but I can't stand strict diets. My classmates advised me a new proven method - losing weight with a towel roll under my back. I initially thought it was a joke, but since it shouldn't take long, I decided to give it a try. Especially if you turn on good calm music at the same time, the process resembles meditation. Very good soothing nervous system, and my sleep has improved, especially when I do the exercise shortly before going to bed. The waist has decreased by 2 cm after 3 sessions. The overall effect of such simple exercise I really liked it.

Natalia, Stavropol

I love sports very much, I am friends with him from time to time and always my efforts are mainly aimed at the abdominal area. After the birth of children, it becomes problem area almost all women. I rocked the press a lot and stubbornly, but the stomach still did not come to the desired tone. Then the girls in the hall advised me to try this Japanese gymnastics. At home, I rolled a towel into a roll, at first I chose a small diameter so as not to arch the vertebrae too much and lay down for 5 minutes. I really liked the effect. When the hands were in the correct position above the head, the tension of all the muscles of the body began to be felt very much. A month later, I was able to notice how my stomach has changed: it has become taut, and there are no bumps, even in tight dresses. At the same time, I was able to reduce my waist by 6 cm. I liked this activity - easy, without additional costs and effective.

Losing weight is a stressful task, and there is a lot to do, from dieting to working out until you drop to shed a few extra pounds. Many people prefer to overcome the difficult task of losing weight by increasing the amount exercise and strict diet regimes.

But there are others, those who choose one of the new trends - losing weight with a towel roll.

Correct regrouping of all organs, with regular use of the technique, may take several months, but this will give an excellent result.

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Good day to all those who are losing weight, gaining mass or just taking care of their health! I am often asked questions about how to quickly lose weight in the waist without making a lot of effort, especially if there are problems with the spine and certain exercises are strictly contraindicated.

It was invented by the Japanese doctor Fukutsuji, dreaming. Studying the human skeleton, dealing with patients in rehabilitation, he came to the conclusion that with age, the pelvic bones and chest deform and diverge, and the vertebrae sag.

To solve this problem, he came up with an interesting method, the implementation of which does not take much time and is suitable even for performing at home. After 10 years of numerous experiments and studies, a general improvement in the figure was noticed, as well as an increase in height by a couple of centimeters.

The whole point of Fukutsuji gymnastics is to gently stretch the vertebrae, stretch the hypochondrium, allow the bones and internal organs to take the correct position. It is thanks to these processes that metabolism is established, weight loss occurs, and posture is evened out, the chest is lifted.

All this happens under the condition of daily performance of a statistical exercise with a roller. What does it mean? You will have to learn how to lie down properly, using, for example, a rolled up towel. The result depends on its location. During execution, the entire skeletal system of the back, pelvis and chest works, and the back muscles are also involved.

Technique and exercises

So let's get started with the exercise, shall we? There are several techniques, they all differ only in the location of the roller.

Preparation for implementation: from improvised means we twist a roller about 40 cm wide, but not less. The diameter can be adjusted, guided by your feelings, about 7-15 cm. A towel tied with a ribbon is perfect for the role of a roller.

Exercise number 1 - a roller under the lower back.

  1. We lay down on a hard surface (no, the sofa does not fit at all).
  2. The device is placed under the lower back, exactly opposite the navel.
  3. We straighten up, stretch our legs and arms.
  4. We put our feet shoulder-width apart, while we bring our thumbs together.
  5. Hands are even at the elbows, palms to the floor, little fingers touch each other.
  6. Breathing is even and deep.
  7. We are in this position for 5 minutes.

Due to alignment lumbar region there is a correct displacement of organs, the stomach is tightened, metabolic processes are accelerated.

Exercise number 2 - roller under the chest.

  1. As in the previous exercise, we lie down on the floor.
  2. We place the roller at chest level, but from below, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shoulder blades.
  3. We stretch the limbs, the head is straight, we look forward.
  4. The legs are extended, the knees are not bent, the thumbs are together.
  5. Palms down, little fingers close.
  6. We lie no more than 5 minutes.
  7. We stand up carefully, do not rush, do not make sudden movements.

This exercise is more suitable for people prone to scoliosis. Helps to keep the posture even, lifts the chest.

Despite the apparent simplicity, it is difficult to withstand 5 minutes in such a static and unnatural position. Therefore, my advice is: do not torture yourself, start with a minute, gradually adding 30 seconds each.

By the way, getting up abruptly after a workout is strictly contraindicated. I join the opinion of experts: lie on the floor for some more time, and when you get up, do not make sudden movements.

After the first classes, the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the back is the norm. This is how the skeletal system responds to your attempts to direct it into the correct position. Usually, everything goes through a couple of sessions.

It is important to follow correct technique performance and breathing. Also here, as in sports, regularity is important. Set a goal to spend a couple of minutes every day exercising.

Contraindications, as well as the benefits and harms of gymnastics with a towel

Like any other kind physical activity, the Fukutsuji method has its pros and cons, allows you to get rid of some problems, but sometimes it can have side effects. In order not to harm the body, consider contraindications:

  • Back pain that is acute, for example, exacerbation of osteochondrosis.
  • Pregnancy and postpartum period.
  • Fractures and fractures of the vertebrae.
  • Intervertebral hernia.
  • Osteoporosis, significant thinning and wear of the vertebrae.
  • High body temperature.
  • Hypertension.
  • Torn and sprained ligaments.

Gymnastics does not cure serious diseases of the skeletal system, but it is effective and has a number of advantages:

  • Increases the elasticity of ligaments.
  • Works on the muscles of the back, abdomen, arms and legs.
  • Teaches correct posture.
  • Strengthens the spine.
  • Improves respiratory processes.
  • Raises the mood.
  • Doesn't take long.
  • Does not require special equipment, shells, simulators.

Exercise can be harmful in rare cases if you neglected contraindications or performed the exercise incorrectly. To avoid negative consequences, consult your doctor.

Katsuzo Nishi Techniques

I will briefly tell you about another Japanese - a lover of rollers. This healer also developed a complex for the proper functioning of the musculoskeletal system, believing that many diseases are associated with disorders in the spine.

Katsuzo Nishi created a whole philosophy, the main principles of which are:

  • No pillows - just a special cushion under the head.
  • Perform light 15-minute exercises to strengthen your back.

Some of his gymnastics also require a roller, but here it is placed under the head (more precisely, the neck).

Japanese doctor Fukutsuji studies the problems spinal column and is taking care of it. Based on experience and knowledge, he developed a unique technique for restoring the natural position of the spine. Over time, patients began to notice that the waist began to decrease. The doctor associates this result not only with fat burning, but also with the correct location of the ribs and pelvic bones.

  • Posture straightening;
  • Slight increase in height;
  • Reducing or completely getting rid of back pain;
  • Strengthening the muscular corset;
  • Reducing the waist.

But, as with all any methods, these exercises have their contraindications. It is enough to refrain from people who have any injuries of the spinal column, with back pain, spinal hernia, at elevated temperature, various bleeding, at high pressure and when they feel unwell.

  • Read also:

Execution rules

The roller is an important item for charging. To make a roller, it is advisable to take an ordinary cotton towel and twist it. So that it does not fall apart under you, it must be tied with a rope or fastened with an elastic band. Important point- the length of the rolled towel should be predominantly the width of your back, and its height should be 10-15cm. If there are various diseases of the spinal column, then it is more correct to make the height of the towel smaller. Now you should choose the place where you will perform the exercises.

  • Useful information:

Hard surface is best. It will be better if you choose a floor or a wide couch. For convenience and comfort in performing gymnastics, do not forget to lay a fitness and yoga mat on a hard surface.

  • Read also: ?

We start to fulfill gymnastic exercises. It must be remembered that it is required to follow the sequence of movements.

  • Sit on a hard surface, stretch your legs, put a rolled towel behind your back and slowly lie down on it. The roller must be positioned correctly. It should lie strictly under the navel. To independently check whether the towel lies correctly, you need to point your index finger at the navel and draw a horizontal line along the skin of the abdomen to the sides of the abdomen. Your finger should touch the towel;
  • Position your feet shoulder-width apart and bring the spots together so that they touch each other only with your thumbs. The heels should be apart. In order not to be constantly distracted by the correct location of the feet, you can tie your thumbs together with a string or elastic band;
  • Stretch your arms up with palms facing you. Bring your little fingers together and slowly lower your hands behind your head. The posture may seem uncomfortable, but you should try to maintain it. In this position, you need to lie down for at least 5 minutes. If not, then 2-3 minutes is enough to start. Then, little by little, the duration of the exercise should be increased. In this position, the spine assumes a natural position and the spinal column is stretched and straightened;
  • After performing gymnastics, you can not quickly and abruptly get up. The bones and joints of the spine are located in a natural arrangement, and with a sharp rise, there may be small displacements of the bones, which will affect health. It is advisable to roll on your side and lie down for a bit. In this position, your body will return to its usual state. When you are ready, you can get up.

After you get used to doing the exercises of Dr. Fukutsuji, you can increase the size of the roller. But it is worth doing it gradually and not in a hurry. It is recommended to do exercises once a day. Frequent exercise can adversely affect your health.

  • Perhaps you need information:


If you want to get the effect of losing weight and a slender waist, then a rolled towel should be placed under the beginning of the ribs. To reduce the volume of the waist, it is better to perform the exercise in combination with breathing exercises. When charging, the organs in abdominal cavity are located in the correct natural position, their blood supply improves and metabolism accelerates. To tighten the chest and strengthen its muscles, the roller should be placed under the chest. This will allow her to rise and pull herself up. It is important to know about the complications that may arise during charging:

  • With an incorrectly selected towel height, pain in the lumbar region may appear;
  • tinnitus and headache;
  • Dizziness;
  • Nausea;
  • Possible darkening in the eyes and short-term loss of consciousness;
  • Acute back pain;
  • Spasms of individual muscle groups.

The Fukutsuji roller is called the “magic towel”, because its action really looks like magic. The technique bears the name of its creator - the Japanese doctor Toshiki Fukutsuji and is designed for those who dream improve the condition of the spine and musculoskeletal system, align posture, get beautiful breasts and thin waist. On our own, we decided to figure out what this technique is and what results can be obtained.

What is the popularity of the method?

The Fukutsuji method is popular, first of all, because it is not like any other way to quickly lose weight. He does not require compliance with strict dietary restrictions, does not provide for intensive sports.

Japanese gymnastics, developed by the Japanese doctor Fukutsuji, is rapidly spreading in many countries and helps girls gain a thin waist. At the same time, the so-called exercise consists of just one static exercise - lying on a towel roller for the spine for 5 minutes daily.

Exercise with a roller for the back works out the muscles of the sides and abdomen, stretches the spine, corrects the position of the pelvic bone, starts metabolic processes at the cellular level, resulting in body fat very quickly converted into energy required for cells.

The description of such gymnastics for the spine causes many skepticism, and that is why people begin to test the method. The result is not long in coming: the effect is noticeable almost immediately, so the charging principle spreads very quickly among acquaintances, girlfriends, and colleagues.

Efficiency, simplicity and safety are what make Japanese spinal exercises so popular.

Theoretical justification

Dr. Fakutsuji's method has a solid theoretical foundation. The doctor spent more than 10 years to substantiate the effectiveness of the method, conducting numerous studies, which were reflected in the specialist's monograph. A circulation of 6 million copies quickly spread throughout Asia.

The doctor studied what changes occur with age in the spine, and came to the conclusion that divergence of the hypochondria and pelvic bones and flattening of the intervertebral discs cause an expansion of the waist and a decrease in human height.

Few people wonder why people become shorter in old age. Intervertebral discs, which consist of fibrocartilaginous tissues with gelatinous contents, are subjected to significant daily load. Due to constant mechanical impacts when walking and a sedentary lifestyle, they begin to lose moisture, and they have to shrink. With age, the amount of collagen in the body decreases, therefore, the depreciation of the structures of the spine also decreases, which is why they are forced to flatten.

The Fukutsuji roller is formed in a certain way and is fixed in the spine in a certain way. Regular exercises help restore deformed intervertebral discs, stretch the spine, start the process of activation in the cartilage tissue, and the spine quickly returns to normal.

What does the exercise give?

Despite the fact that Japanese gymnastics is more common as a method of losing weight, initially it is still aimed at the health of the spine. Slenderness, thin waist and lack of sides - this is just a very pleasant " side effect" exercises.

So, what does the technique give?

  • The correct position of the bones of the skeleton is formed.
  • Posture becomes even and beautiful.
  • The internal organs fall into place.
  • Pain in the spine, back, lower back disappears.
  • Improves digestion.
  • The position of the ribs and pelvic bones is normalized.
  • The muscular apparatus comes into tone.
  • Muscle spasms and tightness in the region of various parts of the spine are removed.
  • Visually, the chest rises.
  • Breathing normalizes, gas exchange in the lungs improves.
  • Improves blood circulation in the vertebral arteries.
  • The sides disappear, the stomach tightens, a thin waist appears.

It is important to understand that when exercising belly fat doesn't go away. By stretching the spine, he only distributed in such a way that the silhouette of the female body becomes more toned, slim and feminine. We also recommend using for beauty and harmony.

In addition to visible and tangible effects on physical level, it is impossible not to say about a significant emotional upsurge. If a person has to stand all day and expose the spine to a huge load or sit in an uncomfortable position at the computer, this greatly affects the mood, performance and psycho-emotional state. A person becomes irritable, restless, sleeps poorly, often feels depressed and anxious.

We make a Fukutsuji roller from a towel, photo

As for the diameter of the roller, it is selected individually in accordance with the features of the figure and weight. For example, if a person with large dimensions and overweight will make the roller too large in diameter, the stretch and deflection will be stronger, respectively, the effect will be noticeable faster, but the discomfort after the exercise will increase. chase after quick result in this way - to the detriment of one's own health - it is not worth it, because sometimes sensations can be not only unpleasant, but also painful.

The minimum diameter (about 5 cm) at the initial stages of the exercise is shown:

  • Overweight people;
  • People with low level physical training;
  • People with diseases of the spine (curvature, osteochondrosis).

No one should start exercising immediately with a wide roller to avoid discomfort after charging.

Required inventory

In addition to the roller, you will need a gymnastic mat to provide a smooth, comfortable surface, and a comfortable sportswear.

Clothing plays a huge role in the effectiveness of the exercise. You should not choose tight, tight, tight clothes, even though there are no intense physical activity. To fully relax, you need to feel freedom and spaciousness with your whole body., so women are advised to exercise without a bra by wearing a loose T-shirt over their naked body.

It is better to replace sports leggings with loose pants or shorts, you can not wear socks and shoes. Experts who conduct exercises in groups say that when doing the exercise, you need to "relax and melt like ice cream."

Execution technique

The exercise is performed at home, at any convenient time.


After the first practice, the sensations in the back will be unpleasant - this is normal. If the discomfort is very disturbing, you can reduce the time to 2-3 minutes, and each time increase it by 10-20 seconds. Gradually, the state of health both during and after exercise will be much better.

There are also several modifications of the exercise. For thin waist the roller needs to be raised a little higher, under the lower edge of the ribs, and lie down for another 5 minutes. For the beauty of the chest, the roll is placed clearly under the chest, and the exercise is also performed for 5 minutes.

  • Practice only in the morning.
  • Try to exercise at the same time so that the body gets used to it and the risk of complications is minimal.
  • Exercise every day without missing a single workout.

There is also a special program for 3 months, which is aimed specifically for weight loss. Its essence boils down to the following: in the first month it is recommended to perform an exercise with the lumbar position of the roller. The duration of the exercise in the first week is 2 minutes, in the second - 3, in the third - 4, in the fourth - 5.

In the second month, the exercise is performed with the lumbar and subcostal position of the roller. At the same time, the duration of the exercise with a roller under the lower back is always 5 minutes, and under the ribs - 2, 3, 4, 5 minutes per week, respectively.

In the third month, the sternal position of the roller is added: in the first week, 2 minutes, then adding 1 minute per week. Exercise with a roller under the lower back and under the ribs is always performed for 5 minutes.

So, by the end of the third month, a person already performs all three types of exercise for 5 minutes and achieves significant success in the process of losing weight. If you believe the reviews, during this period it takes 5 cm at the waist, the sagging stomach disappears and the posture is completely corrected.

During these three months, it is important to adhere to proper nutrition and engage in sports from the permitted list:

These sports have a positive effect on the spine and the musculoskeletal system in general. But there are also sports that are not recommended:

  • Boxing, wrestling, martial arts;
  • Football, volleyball, basketball;
  • Tennis;
  • Latin American dances;
  • Skiing;
  • Horseback riding.

If a person visits gym, you need to find out from the trainer what kind of load this has on the joints.


Even such a simple exercise requires certain precautions so that a person does not harm himself. The safety rules include the following:

  1. If a person has ever experienced problems with the spine, he has a disease of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, scoliosis, hernia), you must first consult a doctor.
  2. On the initial stage you can not choose a thick roller: it is better to start with a minimum diameter and gradually increase it.
  3. There is no need to strive to perform the exercise for the prescribed 5 minutes, if at the same time discomfort or pain in the lower back or spine causes severe discomfort. Time is allowed to reduce and gradually increase.
  4. You can not stand up abruptly after the end of the exercise.

What feelings does a person experience after gymnastics?

Japanese gymnastics evokes different feelings and sensations in different people. Some claim that after the first practice, the waist is reduced by 2-3 cm.

The objective results of the exercise are as follows:

  • Breathing normalizes, breaths seem more full, deep, as if the volume of the lungs has increased.
  • In a sitting posture, it seems that the back has become completely even and instead of stooping there is a beautiful bend.
  • When moving and walking, the shoulders straighten.
  • Sleep improves
  • The chest is tightened, the waist is reduced.

On an emotional level, a person experiences a feeling of inspiration, high spirits, a surge of strength and energy.


Since the Fukutsuji technique affects not only appearance, but also health, it is impossible not to take into account contraindications, which include:

  1. History of spinal injuries of any age.
  2. Any internal or external bleeding.
  3. Diseases of the spine: hernia of the spinal column, disc protrusion, scoliosis, sciatica, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, myositis, sciatica, spondylosis, tumors, Bechterew's disease.
  4. Joint diseases: coxarthrosis, periarthritis, bursitis, tendonitis.
  5. Osteopathy, chondropathy.
  6. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys.
  7. Fever, any acute respiratory disease.
  8. Hypertension.
  9. Restless legs or arms syndrome (tingling, itching, goosebumps in the limbs).

Some diseases in some cases can turn from contraindications into indications, so the best solution would be to go to a neurologist or orthopedist.

Possible Complications

If you neglect the safety rules or do not take into account contraindications, various complications may arise, for example:

  • Sharp sharp pain in the spine due to compression of the nerve.
  • Loss of consciousness or semi-consciousness.
  • Dizziness, nausea.
  • Spasm of the back muscles during or after exercise.
  • Headache.
  • Discomfort in the back, lower back, which does not go away within a few hours after the exercise.

The presence of these signs is a reason to stop doing gymnastics.

Pros and cons of the technique

To the virtues Japanese technology Fukutsuji include:

  1. Ease of implementation.
  2. No requirements for physical training.
  3. No need to buy special equipment and fixtures.
  4. Short duration (only 5 minutes daily).
  5. Fast and tangible results.
  6. The ability to lose weight without grueling workouts and strict diets.
  7. Improvement of figure and posture.
  8. Improving the situation and, as a result, work internal organs, the process of digestion.
  9. The ability to work out at home without going to the gym and a trainer.
  10. Relief of pain and tension in the back.

But the technique also has disadvantages:

  1. The presence of contraindications.
  2. Possible discomfort and pain during or after exercise.
  3. Slow weight loss.

Obviously, there are much more advantages than disadvantages, which is why exercises with a roller for the spine are so popular.

Roller Fukutsuji with a pattern, photo

Recently, more and more more people practice the Japanese roller exercise, which takes only a few minutes, but brings enormous benefits. It allows you to simultaneously solve the two most common problems of the 21st century - get rid of back pain and lose weight, about 4 cm per month.

The principle of the technique

Developed japanese exercise with a roller under his back, the famous doctor Fukutsudze, after whom the training was named. Long time he studied all sorts of techniques for treating curvature of the spine, and eventually developed special training, which allowed you to become healthier with a daily five-minute exercise. According to this technique, the patient every day had to lie on a roller under his back for five minutes in certain posture, and then after a while he had an improvement in the condition of the spine. In addition, training made it possible to forget about back pain, and, best of all, daily exercise helped to lose weight and get rid of a sagging stomach. Such an amazing effect from the classes led to the fact that the book published by Fukutsudze about his method in just a couple of years scattered around the world with a circulation of more than six million copies.

How the technique helps to strengthen the back

Before we dive into the principles behind the Japanese back roll technique, let's take a look at how and why it helps to strengthen your back and relieve pain. It turns out that it is based on the theory that with age, a person has a gradual divergence of the hypochondrium and pelvic bones, which leads to stoop, compression of the spine, its curvature, impaired posture and, of course, severe back pain. Moreover, the longer the patient does not take any steps to get rid of problems with his spine, the pain will only get stronger. And with the help of the Fukutsudze technique, which involves the correct use of its own weight, the pelvic bones, vertebrae and bones of the hypochondrium return to their proper places. But do not think that such an exercise is useful only for the elderly, no, young people will also benefit from it, preventing the development of back problems, often caused by the constant presence at the computer.

How does the Japanese exercise with a roller for weight loss help?

Separately, it is worth mentioning that this technique is shown to everyone who suffers from overweight. The fact is that with age, a person has a divergence of the lower edge of the ribs, because of which the waist becomes thicker, and the figure looks completely unpresentable. This is where the exercise will help us, which will return the hypochondrium bones to their place, due to which the stomach will decrease significantly. And due to the fact that the position of the spine is normalized, the fat layer is evenly distributed over the abdominal zone, which will lead to a narrowing of the waist by about 4 cm. However, it is worth remembering that the fat itself will not go anywhere from this exercise, therefore, in order not only to become slimmer, but also to get rid of excess weight, you should combine training with proper nutrition and doing cardio strength exercises.


However, like any workout, the Japanese roller exercise has some contraindications. So, training in this way is strictly prohibited for people suffering from:

  • acute back pain;
  • intervertebral hernia or osteochondrosis;
  • thinning and significant wear of the vertebrae;
  • increased pressure;
  • sprains or ruptures of ligaments;
  • high temperature or fever, which are caused by any disease;
  • restless legs syndrome, accompanied by symptoms such as itching or tingling in the lower extremities.

Choosing a cushion for the back

The most important thing in the Japanese exercise with a roller under the back is to choose this projectile correctly. This can be a standard model of a fitness roller with a length of 90-150 cm and a diameter of 6-15 cm. Such cylindrical round shells are very convenient and make it easy to perform the exercise. You can also use a semi-cylindrical roller model, the diameter and length of which will be the same as for standard projectiles, but such a roller will be more durable, since it will not change shape even after repeated use. But it is best to make a roller with your own hands, tightly rolling a terry bath towel into a roll and tying it with twine or rope. The main advantage in this case is that you can vary the diameter of the roller yourself, choosing it for yourself and gradually increasing it to complicate the workout.

In order for the performance of the Japanese exercise for the back with a roller to be as successful as possible and not lead to undesirable results, the training should be approached very carefully. It is especially important to follow a few simple tips during training.

  1. It is best to consult with an orthopedist or neurologist before starting training, so that they confirm that you can perform the exercise without harm to your health.
  2. It is best to perform the exercise on a hard floor, after laying a blanket or rug on it.
  3. It is best to exercise immediately after sleep, even before breakfast.
  4. The exercise should be performed daily, without missing a single day of training.
  5. If during a workout you feel severe pain, it is better to stop immediately, without waiting until the prescribed five minutes have passed. You can start training from 30 seconds.

It is strictly forbidden!

If you look at the reviews of the Japanese roller exercise, you will notice that some of them are extremely negative. However, this can be easily avoided by heeding a few warnings.

  1. In no case should you perform the exercise on a bed or mattress, because this completely levels the entire workout.
  2. You should not abruptly get up from the floor immediately after a workout, it is better to lie down without a roller for a couple of minutes to rest and recover.
  3. You should not immediately take a large roller, it is better to increase its diameter gradually.
  4. In no case should you exceed the duration of the exercise in 5 minutes, even for one minute, because this threatens with a number of complications such as nausea, dizziness, back pain, headache and spasm spinal muscles.
  5. It is forbidden to stand up abruptly after the exercise. After finishing the workout and lying down for a couple of minutes, you should get up from the floor very slowly.

Exercise technique

Now let's dwell on the very technique of performing the Japanese exercise with a roller for the spine and weight loss.

  1. Before starting the exercise, you need to sit on the floor and check exactly if the roller is correctly positioned. To do this, touch the navel with your finger, and then draw a line around the body, outlining the waist, so that when it touches the back, it will be exactly in the middle of the roller.
  2. When performing the exercise, the legs should be shoulder-width apart, and the thumbs should be in contact with each other. If this position is difficult for you to hold for five minutes, you can put a small pillow on your feet or tie your thumbs with a string.
  3. head in starting position should lie flat, it does not need to be thrown back, the chin should not stick up, but almost touch the chest.
  4. During the exercise, do not strain, you should lie in a relaxed state, breathing evenly and closing your eyes.

Japanese exercise with a roller under the lower back

Now that we know about all the nuances of training, let's learn how to perform the exercise itself, which is not difficult at all.

  1. Gently sit down on the rug and put the roller so that it is directly opposite the navel.
  2. We lie down on the roller, fully straightening our legs and arms, which we stretch over our heads.
  3. We spread our legs shoulder-width apart and bring the feet from there so that the thumbs touch each other.
  4. We bring our hands above our heads so that they lie palms down, while the little fingers touch each other.
  5. We try to lie in this position for five minutes, however, if severe discomfort or back pain appears earlier, this will be a signal to stop the exercise.
  6. We lie without a roller for a couple of minutes, and then slowly rise.

Exercise with a roller under the chest

After you have been performing the Japanese exercise with a roller for which the projectile lay under the lower back for a certain time, you can proceed to the second stage of training. The signal for the beginning of this stage should be the fact that when performing the Fukutsuji exercise, you have ceased to experience even the slightest discomfort from training, which is now performed as easily and calmly as possible and lasts for five minutes without any problems.

  1. We sit on the mat and put the roller so that it is at chest level, that is, it will be located directly under your shoulder blades.
  2. We lie down on the projectile, stretching our arms above our heads and placing our legs at shoulder level.
  3. We keep our heads straight, do not throw them up, turn our hands upside down so that the little fingers touch, and bring the feet together so that the thumbs touch.
  4. We breathe evenly and lie in this position for no more than five minutes.
  5. We stop the exercise, lie down for a couple more minutes, and then slowly get up from the floor.