Japanese morning exercises. Junan taiso: Japanese exercises for longevity. Japanese method of weight loss: exercises "Joy of the baby" and "Closure of limbs"

Morning exercises are associated with us only with kindergarten - but in Japan morning exercises do everything without exception, and this contributes to life expectancy, scientists found out who investigated the secrets of a long and happy life Japanese. If you are also not averse to warming up in the morning, we offer two short sets of exercises - from yoga and that very morning exercises in Japanese.

According to studies that were conducted in the "blue zones" - the corners of the world where the most centenarians are - the longest live are not those who play sports seriously, but those who simply move regularly.

When we arrived in Ohimi, we found that the villagers remain active even after their 80s or 90s. They do not sit at home, looking out the window and reading newspapers. Residents of Ohimi walk a lot, get together and go to karaoke, get up early and, after having breakfast, immediately go to the garden to weed the beds. They do not practice any particular sport, but simply in their Everyday life move a lot.

“Metabolism slows down by 90% after a person sits still without getting up for half an hour. If you sit without getting up for two hours, the level of good cholesterol in the blood drops by 20%. But you just need to get up from a chair for five minutes - and everything returns to normal. Getting out of a chair is easy, not doing it is stupid," writes Gavin Bradley, director international association, which aims to give people an idea of ​​how unhealthy it is to constantly sit still.

When you live in a city, it is not always possible to move enough, but you can resort to exercises, the effectiveness of which has been proven many centuries ago. Eastern practices for achieving bodily, spiritual and intellectual balance in the West have become fashionable only recently, while in the East their history is measured in millennia.

Yoga, which was invented in India but became very popular in Japan, or Chinese practices like tai chi or qigong is often called the elixir of youth: they improve general state body and are great for older people who find it more difficult to keep fit.

Japanese scientists have proven that oriental practices prolong life: for example, tai chi helps fight osteoporosis, slows down the development of Parkinson's disease and improves blood circulation, and also increases elasticity and muscle tone. Also, this practice has a positive effect on the emotional state, protecting against stress and depression.

In almost all techniques that promote health and longevity, there are special exercises to start the day.

This morning exercise was done by the Japanese even before World War II. The word "radio" ("radzio") originally remained in the name, because before the instructions for each exercise were given by the announcer on the radio, and now people usually do them by turning on a special channel on TV. One of the main goals that daruma taiso practitioners set for themselves is to strengthen the team spirit, to feel like they are part of a team.

Daruma taisho is always practiced in a group, often in large gyms, with loudspeakers in schools before class, in offices before the work day. Nearly all of the centenarians we interviewed in Ohimi do these exercises, most in the morning. Even in the nursing home, where we also went, many, even those who are already moving around in a wheelchair, also set aside five minutes a day for daruma taiso.

The exercises themselves take from 5 to 10 minutes, depending on whether they are performed from start to finish or individual blocks. Taiso gymnastics combines elements and exercises for the joints. One of the most famous exercises is to simply raise your arms above your head, and then lower them down through the side, making semicircular movements.

Yoga, now popular both in Japan and in the West, is suitable for almost everyone. Some of her poses and elements even migrated to therapeutic gymnastics for people with disabilities and for pregnant women.

Yoga originated in India thousands of years ago, and the goal of its creators was to balance the spiritual and physical components of a person. In hatha yoga, the direction most widespread in the West and in Japan, inner harmony achieved with the help of certain asanas (postures).

One of key exercises in hatha yoga - surya-namaskar - salutation to the sun. It consists of 12 steps.

  1. Connect the feet and straighten the spine without straining it. Exhale.
  2. Connect your palms and, without separating them, raise your hands above your head. Slightly tilt the body back, without stopping breathing.
  3. As you continue to breathe, lean forward and touch the floor with your palms without bending your knees.
  4. Step one leg back, straighten it, touch the floor with your fingertips. Breathe in.
  5. Step back the other leg, keep your arms and legs straight, hold your breath.
  6. Continue to breathe, bend your elbows and stretch your chest towards the floor, resting your knees on the floor.
  7. Stretch your arms and lean back, inhale.
  8. With your palms and feet on the floor, lift your hips, straighten your legs and arms to form an L. Remember to breathe.
  9. Bring forward the leg, which in paragraph 4 was taken back and bent. Your foot and knee should be in line under your chin, between your palms. Breathe in.
  10. Touch the palms of the floor, as in pose 3. Breathe.
  11. Raise your arms with palms together above your head, while inhaling, lean back slightly, as in pose 2.
  12. Lower your arms, return to the starting position - the pose of the mountain. Keep breathing.

So, you have welcomed the sun and are ready for a new beautiful day.

Comment on the article "How to do exercises? Exercises from yoga and Japanese gymnastics"

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For me, "eye" is "yoga for the lazy" 1 step :). I won't force myself to do something more substantial. (Or maybe the energy is not enough yet). The next complex will be "surya namaskar" (aka "solar circle", aka "salutation to the sun") - 2nd stage of laziness

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Japanese gymnastics weight loss is more than just effective methods allowing you to give the body harmony and beauty. Such exercises also contribute to the improvement of the spine and the whole organism as a whole. The training is based on the technique of karate-do, the roots of which go back to the distant past. The gymnastics itself real way weight loss has been used relatively recently. This is not just one, but different, sometimes diametrically opposed methods, in which there is both a static and a dynamic component.

Features of Japanese gymnastics for weight loss

Simple at first glance, exercises require a special technique. Tonic muscle tension (sensation of trembling and vibration), the ability to listen to your body and concentrate on sensations are the basic rules and the key to the effectiveness of classes. One more important aspect- breathing. It should be uniform, deep, sometimes slightly slowed down, that is, contribute to the regulation of internal processes in the body. A highly desirable component of such training is Japanese diet, because in the land of the rising sun it is considered very important that both the spirit and the body be in harmony, and this is inextricably linked with catering.

For weight loss in Japanese, they most often use active training according to the Tabata protocol and two original methods that are perfect for those who are not ready for significant loads, but do not part with the desire to get rid of fat ballast. This is the Fukutsuji method, which offers to lose weight lying down, and a set of elementary exercises using the Imabari technique, performed with a regular towel.

Fukutsuji method - statics with a healing effect

The Fukutsuji technique is named after the author who developed the system and described it in his book. The circulation of the publication amounted to 6 million copies and was sold out in a record short time. Japanese doctor came to the conclusion that the divergence of the costal and pelvic bones cause an increase in body volume in the waist. He came up with an original exercise for the back and spine, which helps to return pelvic bones into place and restore the normal position and work internal organs. To complete the exercise you will need:

  • a flat and hard surface (floor or hard couch);
  • ordinary terry towel;
  • ribbon, lace or rope to make a roller;
  • 5 minutes of free time.

The towel must be taken in such a size that a sufficiently dense roller is obtained, corresponding to the width of the body. Before starting, you can measure your height and waist to compare before and after. For untrained people, in 5 minutes spent on a towel, the waist can decrease by 5 cm. The exercise is performed as follows:

  1. You need to sit on the floor and put the roller across the body behind your back, approximately at the place where the lower back will be.
  2. Slowly lower yourself onto your back and adjust the position of the folded towel. It should be located clearly at the level of the navel.
  3. Relax and spread your legs shoulder width apart. Give the feet such a position that the heels lie on the floor, and the thumbs touch. To avoid the temptation to change the position of the legs, you can put a small pillow on top.
  4. Stretch your arms, bring them up behind your head, turn your palms down and connect your little fingers. If you can't keep your arms straight, no big deal. Do what you can, in time everything will work out.
  5. Lie in this position for 5 minutes. You can relax, but it is important to ensure that the fingers and toes remain closed.
  6. You can not abruptly leave the prone position. First you need to turn on your side, rest a bit and only then get up.

This is the initial version of the exercise. In the future, it can be changed a little. To get a more spectacular waist - the roller is placed under the lower ribs. High chest can be obtained by placing the "sausage" under the shoulder blades. The seeming simplicity of such training captivates, but in practice it is sometimes difficult to withstand even half of the specified time. You should not make extra efforts, the duration of the lesson can be increased gradually. Be patient, because for a positive result, regular implementation is required.

It may seem that such Japanese gymnastics for weight loss is contrary to all common sense, and it is impossible to just lie down and lose weight. This is partly because Dr. Fukutsuji's formulation does not focus on traditional fat burning. There is a stretching of the spine, the pelvic bones gradually return to the anatomical position. Due to this, one can notice a decrease in body volume, especially in the waist area, and an increase in one's own height.
This method is strictly prohibited for people with any form of scoliosis. Also, various injuries of the spine, protrusions or herniated discs serve as an obstacle.

Imabari method - elementary exercise with a towel

Not popular in Japan power types sports with the use of weights - fragile Japanese women prefer to maintain their harmony with more calm and harmonious exercises. Unlike the previous method, here the towel is used in the form of an expander. If you do not know how to organize morning exercises, you can safely use the following easy exercises:

  1. Grab the edges of the towel with your hands and stretch at chest level with maximum effort. Helps strengthen arms and chest muscles.
  2. Raise your hands up and, stretching the edges of the "expander", make tilts to the right and left.
  3. Helps fight belly fat.
  4. Stretch the towel behind your back. Designed to improve posture.
  5. From a prone position, stretch for the legs, grabbing the tissue of the foot. Strengthens the muscles of the thighs and abdominals.

Other useful exercises, which will give you cheerfulness and charge you with a wonderful mood in the morning, are shown in the video:

Such Japanese gymnastics for weight loss can be adopted by untrained people and those who are recovering from illnesses, injuries, childbirth. sports man it is unlikely to help to lose weight - here a special complex for drying the body will benefit more. But for beginners, a towel as an elementary simulator can serve as an excellent incentive for further development and improvement of the figure. Moreover, Imabari gymnastics has no contraindications.

Active weight loss according to the Tabata method

This method is fundamentally different from those discussed above. It is built on the principle of interval training, which consists in a short-term alternation of intense exercise and rest. At the same time, the tissues of the body are actively saturated with oxygen, the metabolism is accelerated many times, and there is an active destruction of fat cells. The workout is very tough, although its duration is only 4 minutes. This short period of time contains 8 cycles of 30 seconds, in which 20 seconds are allotted for active work, and 10 for relaxation. To get the desired effect, you need to properly organize Tabata classes and remember about contraindications.

You don't like to go to GYM's, persistent sports training until a seventh sweat is not for you. Perhaps Japanese gymnastics for weight loss will help you. Of course, you won’t lose fat in this way, but your waist will become thinner, your chest will rise, your posture will improve, and even your height will increase by several centimeters. Static exercises for stretching the spine were developed by the Japanese doctor Fukutsuji. His book, describing this technique, quickly sold millions of copies in Asian countries. So what's so special about it?

The main idea of ​​the author was that the cause of the wide waist is the displacement of the bones of the pelvis and hypochondrium. With age, posture deteriorates, a person stoops, lumbar lordosis decreases as well as the distance between the vertebrae. All this negatively affects not only the figure, but also the condition and functioning of the internal organs.

For a daily workout, it is enough to allocate 5 minutes. Do not exercise before or immediately after a meal. Prepare a large towel and roll it into a wide roll. Please note that the width of the roller should correspond to the waist. For convenience, a folded towel can be wrapped with a thin ribbon or twine, then it will not unfold. At first, the roller can be made with a diameter of 10-12 cm, and when you get used to it a little, increase it to 15 cm. Large people need a larger projectile.

To visually see your progress, measure your height near the wall and waist circumference in a centimeter in advance. Repeat measurements after completing the exercise. Now lie down on a flat hard surface - on a hard couch or on a rug. Put the prepared roller under the lower back. Note that it should lie under the back along a line through the navel and perpendicular to the spine. We relax the back, and stretch the legs and place them shoulder-width apart. The distance between the heels resting on the floor should exceed 20 cm. We tilt the feet towards each other so that the thumbs touch. Do not be discouraged if the first time does not work out, pull your fingers with an elastic band or put them on lower part feet with a small pillow.

We stretch our hands behind our heads and put them on the floor, palms down, so that the little fingers touch. Lie in this position for 5 minutes. If discomfort does not allow you to relax, start with a couple of minutes and gradually bring the time to the desired one. Then everything will work itself out.

After you get comfortable with this exercise, you can put a roller under the lower ribs and under the shoulder blades. After the first option, the waist is better defined, and the second method improves posture and lifts the chest. Each type of exercise is also done for 5 minutes.

Remember that after the end of the workout, you can not immediately get up. This can lead to pinching of the nerve roots of the spine. First, turn on your side, lie down for a couple of minutes, then sit down and slowly get up.

This technique is not suitable for people who have at least minor problems with the spine, scoliosis, osteochondrosis and others. If you want to try this technique, it is better to first consult with an orthopedic doctor, and then experiment.

Lose weight with these static exercises stretching the spine will not work, since the fat will definitely not go anywhere, but the royal posture will appear.

Japanese Weight Loss Method by Katsuzo Nishi

He started from the postulate that a person with healthy back has no health problems. Nishi recommended sleeping on a firm mattress, without the use of springs. Under the head at the level of 3-4 cervical vertebrae, a hard roller should lie, and not a voluminous pillow. Only in this position, a back tired during the day can properly recover.

This technique includes exercises aimed not only at weight loss, but also at a comprehensive recovery - they accelerate blood circulation, stimulate metabolism, train all muscle groups, improve the functioning of the intestines, heart, liver, kidneys and other organs.

The first exercise is called "Goldfish". It normalizes metabolic processes and significantly improves blood circulation. Lie on your back on the mat and put your hands behind your head. Place your feet perpendicular to the floor and assume that your legs are a fish tail. Now make vibrating movements with your tail, passing to the whole body, like a small fish. Start with one minute, and then increase the exercise time to 4-5 minutes.

The second exercise "Joy of the Baby" is more difficult. Lie on your back with a folded towel under your head. Raise your arms and legs at a right angle to the floor and make a vibrating movement with them. Such training not only removes cellulite, but also promotes good lymph renewal.

The third exercise "Closing the palms and feet" is performed slowly, it improves the metabolic processes of the pelvic organs and normalizes blood pressure. Lie on your back and bring your fingertips together over your chest. Spread your legs, bend at the knees, and close your feet. Now, lying in this position, connect the fingertips of both hands. Repeat 5-10 compressions and relaxations. Now do the same amount of reinforced counter pressure with the fingers of both hands.

Next, join your palms and perform 5-10 vertical movements above the body and behind the head. With closed palms, make several movements down from the solar plexus to the groin, and then chopping swings from the head and down. Finally, with closed feet, move down and up to the groin. Perform all movements, if possible, more than 5 times. After exercise, rest for 5-7 minutes and restore breathing.

The fourth exercise is called " abdominal breathing". It develops the muscles that support spinal column. Throughout the gymnastics, you need to breathe with your stomach, and not chest. Get on your knees and sit with your pelvis on your heels, while straightening your spine, and keep your balance on your tailbone. First, tilt your head back and forth, left and right. Next, stretch your arms forward and hold them parallel to each other. Turn your head to the right and try to see your tailbone over your shoulder, repeat the same with the other shoulder. Do a few reps. Now raise your arms up, bend your elbows at a right angle, and clench your fingers into a fist. Tilt your head back, while the chin should look up. Take your elbows behind your back, as if you want to connect them. Keep pulling your chin up. Swing slightly to the right and left without bending the spine. The exercise is performed for 10 minutes, making leisurely meditative movements.

Charging with a towel - Japanese Imabari system

This gymnastics has no contraindications and will help women lose weight after childbirth and operations. This technique does not create strong tension, but at first it is excellent for restoring health.

As a sports equipment, you will need a towel, which is used as an expander.

Here are some easy exercises:

  1. Take the edges of the towel in your hands and stretch it at chest level. Now, with effort, pull the fabric in different directions. Exercise helps to develop the muscles of the arms and chest.
  2. Hold the towel in your hands and lift them up, stretching the expander. Make tilts left and right. The systematic implementation of the exercise fights fat collected in the waist area.
  3. Stretch a towel behind your back to improve your posture.
  4. To strengthen the muscles of the thighs and abdominals in the supine position, the towel is stretched over the feet.

Izumi Tabata technique

This weight loss method is suitable for physically strong people able to endure great physical exertion, squeezed into a small period of time. 4 min. workouts conclude 8 30-second cycles, where 20 seconds is active work, and 10 is relaxation. You will definitely lose weight if you can withstand this load.

Those who want to lose weight can find among Japanese systems recovery any methods according to their data and physical capabilities. You simultaneously lose weight, meditate, restore metabolism and the proper functioning of internal organs. To achieve a greater effect, exercise must be combined with a special diet.

The main thing is systematic classes without failures and omissions.

Then Japanese gymnastics for weight loss will give a good result, and then you can switch to a more complex system.

Hypodynamia is considered a serious problem of our time. Human body developed under conditions of serious physical activity. We inherited from our ancestors such a metabolism, which assumes that we will constantly move.

Ancient people hunted and ran away from predators, so they did not suffer from obesity. A modern person spends most of his life sitting in front of a monitor or TV screen. Therefore, the issue of weight loss has become very relevant. A strict diet can cause serious harm to the body. And the gym is not accessible to everyone, because classes take so much time!

Japanese gymnastics offers a way out of a difficult situation, the exercises of which can be performed at home without special simulators. Arm yourself with only a roller and a mat for classes.

Initially, Japanese gymnastics with a roller, authored by Dr. Fukutsuji, was developed as a set of exercises for the spine. But it turned out that by correcting posture, a person improves his figure.

First, due to the incorrect position of the vertebrae, there may be an expansion of the bones, which makes the stomach larger.

Secondly, poor posture leads to improper redistribution of the load on the muscles. In the correct position, the abdominal muscles are tightened, which means that the silhouette of the waist is thinner. Due to incorrect redistribution of weight when walking, the load goes to the lower back. The abdominal muscles become weaker and the abdomen bulges. Even very thin people can face such a problem.

Among other things, because of a sick spine, a person becomes lower. Correct your posture, and the figure will become better!

To perform the exercise, it is not necessary to buy ready-made sports equipment. You can build a roller from a regular towel. Tie the roller with tape or thread. They should not be felt on your back when you place the roller under your lower back. Start on the smallest roller. When you get used to it, take a bigger towel.

Perform the exercise on the floor or on a gym mat. Do not do it on a soft surface!

Lie down on the floor, placing the roller perpendicular to the spine, exactly under the navel. Draw a line from the navel with two fingers on both sides, your hands should touch the towel.

Spread your legs shoulder-width apart and touch thumbs each other's legs. In this case, the heels will be located apart.

Raise your hands above your head and place your palms down so that the little fingers touch each other. At first, it may be difficult for you to keep your arms straight. You can spread your elbows a little, but do not separate your little fingers. Try to stay in this position as long as possible. Start with 1-2 minutes, and increase the time to 5. In order not to get confused, you can set a timer on your phone. After the end of the exercise, lie on the floor for a few more minutes in a position convenient for you, and only then get up.

Every day you have to spend only a few minutes to maintain health and good posture. Agree, not too difficult. The result will appear only after a month of regular classes. Over time, you will get rid of muscle clamps and curvature of the spine. The Japanese claim that good posture also has a positive effect on metabolism.

Even if you do not do other exercises, the waist will become thinner. After correcting the spine, you can proceed to other workouts. Now they will be easier, because it will be easier for you to correctly distribute the load on the muscles.

Japanese gymnastics

This gymnastics is a set of exercises that arose on the basis of karate-do. All exercises at first glance seem quite simple, any traditional exercise consists of such movements. However, the exercise technique is special: the load on the muscles is created due to tonic tension and does not require any additional weights.

Depending on the difficulty, the exercises last from 10 to 90 seconds.

Japanese gymnastics allows not only to maintain muscle tone, but also relaxes, restores and heals without special massage, strengthens ligaments and tendons well.

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