Arb for 8 accounts without weapons. Hand-to-hand combat. III. Time and place of the competition

A complex of hand-to-hand combat without weapons for 8 accounts

Initial position- military stand.
1. With a step forward with the left foot, prepare for battle.
2. Execute with the forearm of the left hand, beating up and with the fist of the right hand, strike forward straight.
3. Kick with the right foot forward straight.
4. With a step to the right, perform a backhand left blow with the edge of the palm of the right hand.
5. With a step with the right foot back, beat the forearm with the left hand inward.
6. With a step with the right foot forward, strike with the fist of the right hand forward from above.
7. Perform a strike with the left foot forward straight and, without lowering the leg down, with a step with the left foot forward, take the left-sided preparation for battle.
8. With a step with your left foot back, take a combat stance.

Mistakes personal:

  • the movements of the arms and the withdrawal of the leg (step) forward during the preparation for battle are not synchronous

  • 2.
  • when performing a rebound with a hand up, the elbow is above the level of the wrist
  • no return of the left hand (to the hip) when performing a strike with the right hand (fist) forward
  • punch not marked
  • kick not marked
  • "failing" forward upon impact, is equal to setting the foot forward after the impact

  • 4.
  • backhand blow (with the edge of the palm) performed with a straight hand
  • setting the foot to the side (to the right) and the punch were not synchronized
  • full turn of the body to the right
  • beating inward with a hand and stepping back with a foot are not performed synchronously
  • not observed the width of the rack when moving back
  • punch from above and step forward with the foot are not synchronized
  • punched with a straight hand
  • not respected the width of the rack when moving forward
  • loss of balance while kicking
  • kick not marked
  • "failing" forward upon impact, is equal to setting the foot forward immediately after the impact
  • separation of the heel of the supporting leg when performing a kick
  • movements of the legs and arms during preparation for battle are not synchronous
  • the width of the stand was not observed when preparing for battle
  • when taking a combat stance, the hands are not “at the seams”
  • combat stance not completed
  • front turn "left" is not performed

    Command errors:

  • non-synchronous execution of the complex (“inconsistency”)
  • loss of orientation when performing (actions in different directions)
  • performing the complex with opposite hands (feet)
  • gap in the initial distance (in width and depth of formation)
  • leaving the site by the team members before the command of the referee

    Complex assessment (personal)

  • The mice cried, pricked, but continued to gnaw at the cactus.

    folk wisdom

    A samurai without a sword is like a samurai without a sword.

    If a person goes into battle unprepared, then it will be dishonorable in relation to the federation, in relation to brothers in arms, but worst of all - in relation to himself.
    Robert Heinlein. Star Infantry

    So, the official system of hand-to-hand combat of the Russian Army based on the Manual on Physical Training - 2009 (NFP-2009). Everything else is from the evil one.

    Hand-to-hand combat (NFP-2009)

    150. Classes in hand-to-hand combat are aimed at developing the skills necessary for destroying, disabling or capturing the enemy, self-defense from his attack, as well as cultivating courage, determination and self-confidence.
    151. Classes in hand-to-hand combat are held in military (sports) uniforms, check only in military uniforms:
    when training in combat techniques with weapons - on a special platform equipped with stationary and portable stuffed animals, targets (wickerwork), portable obstacles (walls, fences, front gardens, inconspicuous obstacles, etc.), trenches, communication passages, dugouts, landings, facades of houses with windows, in tactical fields, in guard towns and on obstacle courses;
    when teaching unarmed combat techniques - on a flat grassy area, a specially prepared pit with sand and sawdust, equipped with drainage or in gym(on a carpet of mats).
    152. The preparatory part of the lesson is carried out with and without weapons. When conducting the preparatory part of the lesson with weapons, it includes: marching techniques, walking and running at a different pace, running, crawling, performing techniques for combat and shooting offhand, actions on sudden commands and signals, hand-to-hand combat techniques with weapons, including targets (stuffed animals), complexes of hand-to-hand combat techniques with a machine gun for 8 or more accounts.
    The preparatory part of the lesson, conducted without weapons, includes: drill techniques, walking and running at a different pace, actions on sudden signals and commands, special exercises in movement, hand-to-hand combat techniques for 8 or more counts, exercises for two, hand and foot fighting techniques, self-insurance techniques, exercises in simple martial arts.
    153. The content of the main part of the classes includes (table 2):
    a set of techniques RB-N (initial) - for conscripted military personnel, during the period of improving initial military training (for university cadets - during the period of combined arms training);
    a set of techniques RB-1 (general) - for servicemen of all types and branches of the Armed Forces;
    a set of techniques RB-2 (special) - for military units and military units of the airborne troops, marines, motorized rifle units and military units, cadets and students of military educational institutions who train specialists for these units;
    a set of techniques RB-3 (special) - for military personnel of reconnaissance military units and subunits, cadets of military educational institutions that train specialists for these military units and subunits.

    table 2

    The content of hand-to-hand combat classes for various categories of military personnel

    military personnel
    Military personnel on conscription, during the period of improvement of initial military training (cadets of universities - during the period of combined arms training)All types and types of troops of the Armed Forces
    Conscripts who have served less than 6 monthsAll types and types of troops of the Armed Forces
    Conscripts who served 6 months and more All types and types of troops of the Armed Forces
    Contracted servicemen who have served less than 6 months. All types and types of troops of the Armed Forces
    Contracted military personnel who served less than 1 year (cadets of the 1st year of universities *) All types and types of troops of the Armed Forces
    Contracted military personnel who served 1 year or more (cadets of the 2nd year of universities) All types and types of troops of the Armed ForcesL / s recon. in / parts, etc.
    Contract military personnel who have served 2 years or more (cadets of 3-5 courses of universities) All types and types of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian FederationAirborne Forces, Marines, Motorized RiflesL / s recon. in / parts, etc.

    * Cadets of military educational institutions that train specialists for these units

    154. Personnel of units and military units of the Airborne Forces, Marine Corps, reconnaissance units and units special purpose along with the techniques of RB-2 and RB-3, they additionally study hand-to-hand combat techniques in special programs.
    155. The main part of the lesson is organized at one or more training places. At the end of the main part of the lesson, complex training, including in the form of training fights.
    156. In the section " hand-to-hand combat» includes the following exercises:

    Exercise 26
    It includes the following combat techniques with a machine gun:
    "Stab with a bayonet (poke with a barrel) without a lunge" - direct the machine gun with a bayonet (barrel) at the target and hit the enemy with a shock movement of the hands, pull out the bayonet and prepare for battle on the spot or continue moving (Fig. 26).

    "Stab with a bayonet (poke with a barrel) with a lunge" - direct the machine with a bayonet (barrel) at the target with a simultaneous push with the right foot and a lunge with the left with a shock movement of the hands to hit the enemy; pull out the bayonet and push with the left foot to prepare for battle on the spot or continue moving (Fig. 27).

    "Butt kick from the side" - by moving the weapon with the right hand to the left, and with the left hand - towards yourself with a simultaneous turn of the body to the left, strike with the corner of the butt. The blow can be applied from a place or with a short step behind the standing leg (Fig. 28).

    "Blow butt from below" - by moving the weapon with the right hand forward, and with the left hand - towards yourself while simultaneously turning the body to the left, strike with the corner of the butt. The blow can be applied from a place or with a short step (Fig. 29).

    "Blow with the recoil pad" - with a swing of the barrel back over the shoulder, the magazine from oneself upwards, with a lunge with the right foot forward (backward), with a quick movement of the hands, hit the target with the butt plate (Fig. 30).

    "Shop Hit" - strike with the magazine forward, with a quick movement of the arms away from you while simultaneously feeding the torso forward and straightening the standing leg behind, or with a short step (Fig. 31).

    "Protection by the machine stand" performed to the left, right, up and down under the blows of the enemy (Fig. 32).

    "Automatic rebounds" - hit the end of the barrel or bayonet on the enemy's weapon (to the right, left or down-right); following the rebound, carry out a retaliatory attack (Fig. 33).

    "Liberation from the capture of the machine gun by the enemy" - kick the enemy in the groin, turn left side to the enemy and, with a simultaneous blow to the knee with the left foot, pull out the weapon (Fig. 34).

    Exercise 27 General complex hand-to-hand combat techniques (RB-1).
    Includes techniques provided by the RB-N complex and additionally the following techniques:
    "Punches" - from the ready for battle with a push of the foot, transfer the weight of the body to the front standing foot, and with a turn of the body, strike with a fist, elbow or the base of the palm. Blows are delivered directly, from the side, from below, or from above (Fig. 35).

    "Punch protection" - perform by repulsing the forearm (inward, outward), by supporting the blow of the palm, one or two forearms, diving under the blow, leaning or stepping back. After defending, immediately retaliate to the opponent with a hand or foot in vulnerable spot(Fig. 36).

    "Kicks" - from the ready for battle, transfer the weight of the body to the front leg and, with a short swing of the other leg, strike with the toe of the shoe or knee from below, with the foot straight, with the heel on top, lifting the foot from the side, with the foot back, with the edge of the sole of the shoe to the side (Fig. 37).

    "Kick Defense" - perform a stand under the impact of the foot (heel, thigh), a stand under the impact of two forearms, beating the forearm down outward. After defending, immediately retaliate to the enemy with a hand or foot in a vulnerable place (Fig. 38).

    "Strikes with an infantry shovel" - apply from the right-handed position to the battle from above, from the side and backhand. Poke with a shovel to perform with a lunge with the right foot (Fig. 39).

    "Chippings with an infantry shovel" - execute by hitting the enemy's weapon with a shovel to the right, left, down-right, up. Following the rebound, strike back with a shovel (Fig. 40).

    "Disarming the enemy when stabbed with a bayonet with a move to the left" - with a step to the left and a turn of the torso to the right, beat off with the forearm and grab the weapon, with a step forward, grab the weapon with the other hand, with a simultaneous blow to the knee with the left foot to pull out the weapon (Fig. 41).

    - with a step to the right and a turn of the body to the left, beat off with the forearm and grab the weapon, with a step forward, grab the weapon with the other hand, with a simultaneous blow to the knee with the right foot to pull out the weapon (Fig. 42).

    "Disarming the enemy when hit by an infantry shovel from above or from the right" - with a step forward, defend yourself by placing the forearm up under the enemy’s armed hand on the backswing, with the other hand grab the handle of the shovel from the outside, strike with the foot, disarm the enemy, twisting the shovel to the side thumb, and hit the enemy with a shovel on the head (Fig. 43).

    "Disarming the enemy when hit by an infantry shovel backhand or poke" - with a step forward to the side and turning towards the enemy, defend yourself by placing both forearms under the enemy’s armed hand on the backswing and grab it, strike with the foot, grab the shovel handle from above with the right hand, disarm the enemy, twisting the shovel towards the thumb, and strike the enemy with a shovel on the head (Fig. 44).

    Exercise 28. Special set of hand-to-hand combat techniques (RB-2).
    Includes techniques provided by the RB-1 complex, and additionally the following techniques:
    "Knife Stab" - are applied from the ready for battle with a quick shock movement of the armed hand from above, below, from the side, straight, backhand (Fig. 45).

    "Cutting Knife" - are applied from the ready for battle with a quick movement of the armed hand horizontally, vertically and diagonally (Fig. 46).

    "Disarming the enemy when stabbed from below or directly" - with a step forward and to the side, defend yourself by supporting the forearm with the left (right) hand down, stop the blow and grab the armed hand by the wrist, pull it to the right (left) away from you and hit the base of the right (left) palm on the back of the opponent’s hand to knock out the knife ( Fig. 47).

    "Exemption from captures by the enemy of the neck from behind" - while crouching, grab the opponent’s hand (hands) and turn the head to the side, strike the shin with the heel, release the grip with a sharp upward movement of the hands, strike with the hand (foot) (Fig. 48).

    "Exemption from captures by the enemy of the neck (clothes) in front" - strike with the foot (knee), connecting the fists together and spreading the elbows to the side, strike from the bottom up between the opponent's hands and free from the grip, strike with the hand (foot) (Fig. 49).

    The personnel of the reconnaissance units of the Airborne Forces, along with the techniques of the RB-2, additionally study the techniques from the RB-3 complex and the techniques of hand-to-hand combat according to special programs.

    Exercise 29. Special set of hand-to-hand combat techniques (RB-3).
    Includes techniques provided by the RB-2 complex and additionally the following techniques:
    "Bend the arm behind the back" - grab the opponent’s hand with one hand, with the other hand - on top of the clothes at the elbow and strike with the foot; unbalance the opponent with a jerk towards you, bend his arm at the elbow joint, and then move it behind his back; strike with the edge of the palm on the neck, grab the collar (near the shoulder), hair or helmet, and holding it with pain, escort the enemy. To bind, throw the opponent to the ground, sit on him, strike on the head, firmly press the captured hand and bend the other hand (Fig. 50).

    "Hand lever out" - grab the opponent's hand with two hands from below, strike with the foot; raising the captured hand up, bend the hand to the forearm, and twisting the hand outward, with a jerk to the side, knock the opponent to the ground; strike with the foot, move the hand to the bend behind the back and sit on top of the enemy, hold the bend of the other hand, tie (Fig. 51).

    "Hand lever inside" - grab the forearm of the opponent’s hand with two hands from above-outside, kick in the shin or groin; twisting the arm inward with a jerk, unbalance the opponent, bring his shoulder under his shoulder and, pressing him, knock the opponent down; pressing the hand on the elbow joint, move the hand to the bend behind the back and sit on top of the opponent, hold the bend of the other hand; tie (Fig. 52).

    "Choke from behind" - sneak up on the enemy from behind, grab his head with his hand and, with a simultaneous kick in the popliteal crease, pull his head towards himself; with the forearm of the other hand, grab the neck with a grip on the forearm from above, join hands and, turning to the left (right), pile the enemy on his back, choke (Fig. 53).

    "Front kickstand" - from the starting position (right-sided preparation for battle), grab the opponent’s right hand with the clothes above the elbow with the left hand, and with the right hand, grab under left hand the enemy by the waist belt or clothing on the back; turning to the left with your back to the enemy, stand in a position so that the right leg overlaps his right leg, and the left leg is outside his left leg, transfer the weight of the body to the half-bent left leg; with a jerk of the hands, simultaneously straightening the left leg, throw the enemy to the ground, strike with the foot (Fig. 54).

    "Back Throw" - with a step forward, grab the opponent by the hand, with a jerk towards yourself, turn your back to him on bent legs and bring your shoulder under the opponent’s arm, grab it with the other hand; straightening the legs and leaning forward, knock the opponent with the pelvis under the hips, throw the hands down to the ground with a jerk, strike with the foot (Fig. 55).

    "Leg Throw and Choke" - sneak up on the enemy from behind and grab his legs below the knees with your hands; pushing him with his shoulder under the buttocks, jerk his legs upwards, throw the enemy to the ground and, without releasing his legs, strike him with the toe of his shoe in the groin or stomach. Jump to sit on the lower back of the enemy, placing the left foot on the knee, and the right foot on the ground in front of you (under the shoulder of the enemy), strike at the head, take the head back with one hand and put the forearm of the other hand on the neck in front; join hands, choke. When the opponent resists, roll onto his back, clasping his body with his legs at waist level, connect them and, straightening his legs, continue strangling with his arms and legs (Fig. 56).

    "Disarming the enemy when stabbed with a bayonet with a move to the right" - with a step or a jump, get away from the injection to the right, turning the body to the left, beat off the barrel of the enemy’s weapon with the left hand and grab it; inflict a backhand blow on the face (throat) at the same time, and with the right foot - under the foot of the opponent's front leg, pull out the weapon with a kick and strike the opponent with a butt (Fig. 57).

    "Disarming the enemy when stabbed" :
    directly- beat off the enemy’s armed arm with the forearm inside and grab it with both hands by the wrist, strike with the foot, hold the lever of the arm outward, disarm (Fig. 58);

    above- defend by standing the forearm of the left hand up under the enemy’s armed hand on the backswing, grab the enemy’s forearm from above with the other hand, strike with the foot, hold the lever of the hand inward, disarm (Fig. 59);

    from below- with a step forward, meet the enemy’s armed hand with the forearm down, grabbing the clothes at the elbow with the other hand, kick in the groin or knee; hold the bend of the arm behind the back and disarm the enemy (Fig. 60);

    backhand- with a step forward - to the side and turning towards the enemy, defend yourself by placing the forearms under the armed arm, grab the forearm from above with your hands and strike with your foot; hold the lever of the hand inside, disarm (Fig. 61).

    "Disarming the enemy when threatened with a gun":
    when trying to get a gun out of a holster (pocket) - with a step (lunge) forward, insert the hand between the forearm and the body of the enemy, with the other hand grab it from the outside (join hands in the lock), strike with the knee, bend the arm behind the back, disarm (Fig. 62);

    when trying to get a pistol from behind the belt of trousers (holsters in front) - with a step (lunge) with the foot forward, grab the opponent's hand, strike with the foot, hold the arm lever out and disarm (Fig. 63);

    point-blank in front - with a step forward to the side (leaning to the left), with the left forearm, beat off the enemy’s armed hand inward, and with a turn of the body, leave the direction of fire, grab the enemy’s armed hand, strike with the foot, hold the arm lever outward, disarm (Fig. 64);

    point-blank behind - with a turn to the right in a circle, beat off the enemy’s armed arm with the forearm and grab it with two hands from the front from above, strike with the foot, hold the lever of the arm inward, disarm (Fig. 65).

    "Liberation from captures by the enemy" :
    neck front (clothes on the chest) - strike the enemy with the right forearm from below on the arm, grab his arm with both hands (with the right hand on the wrist from above, with the left hand the forearm of the opponent’s right hand from below), strike with the foot and hold the lever of the arm inward, tie (Fig. 66);

    back neck- while crouching, grab the opponent's hand(s) and turn your head to the side; strike with a heel on the shin, with a sharp movement of the hands upwards, release from the grip; while holding the opponent's hand (arms), throw through the back, strike with the foot (Fig. 67);

    torso with arms behind - hit the enemy with a heel on the shin (foot) or with the back of the head in the face; crouching, release from the grip, grab his hand with one hand by the forearm, strike with the elbow in the stomach, grab the shoulder with the other hand, throw through the back; strike with the foot (Fig. 68);

    torso from behind - strike with a heel in the shin, grab the opponent’s hand by the wrist and elbow, turning, hold the bend of the arm behind the back (Fig. 69);

    torso front - grab the enemy by the clothes from above, kick in the groin or head in the face; with a step with the left foot back to break the grip; turning to the left with your back to the enemy, perform the front step; strike with a foot (Fig. 70);

    torso with arms in front - grab the opponent with both hands by the clothes on the back, kick in the groin or head in the face; with a step with the left foot back to break the grip; turning to the left with your back to the enemy, perform the front step; strike with a foot (Fig. 71);

    legs in front- strike from above with a hand on the head, grab the back of the head from above with one hand, and the chin from below with the other, turn the head with a step back and jerk, knock down the enemy (Fig. 72);

    legs behind- falling forward on your hands, pull one leg out of the grip and strike it at the enemy (Fig. 73).

    "Binding the Enemy" :
    rope- knock the enemy to the ground and bend your arms behind your back; put the rope on the wrist of his left hand, pass it under the neck (or the right shoulder under the chest, passing it into the elbow bend of the left hand) and tie the wrists of both hands (Fig. 74);

    trouser and waist belts - knock the enemy to the ground and bend your arms behind your back; tie the brushes with a trouser belt, pass the waist belt under the neck and tie it to the trouser belt (Fig. 75);

    trouser belt or rope - dump the enemy on the ground face down, bend and cross your legs, put your hands behind your back; connect the right hand with the left foot, and the left hand with the right foot (Fig. 76);

    stick- knock the opponent to the ground, put the stick into the sleeves of the jacket behind the back and tie the wrists to it or tie the opponent's arms and legs in front and stick the stick into the elbow and popliteal folds of the bound arms and legs (Fig. 77).

    close-up search against the wall - force the enemy to spread his legs wide, lean forward and lean against the wall or the ground with straight arms and, threatening with a weapon, conduct a search (Fig. 78).

    search at point-blank range - force the enemy to take the “bending emphasis” position (legs apart, hands together) and, threatening with a weapon, conduct a search (Fig. 79).

    search lying on the ground - force the enemy to lie face down on the ground, arms to the sides, legs together and, threatening with a weapon, (turning over on his back) to search (Fig. 80).

    "Convoy on pain hold" - make a bend of the arm behind the back, grab the helmet (hair, clothes on the opposite shoulder of the enemy), pull it towards you and, holding it, force it to follow in the right direction (Fig. 81).

    "Convoy under the threat of weapons" - threatening with firearms and, being at a distance of 2 - 5 m from the enemy, thereby depriving him of the opportunity to apply disarmament techniques, accompany him in the right direction (Fig. 82).

    "Knife throwing with a grip on the blade" - from the ready for battle, holding the knife by the blade with the edge of the blade outward from the palm, take it to swing back and up (through the bottom); feeding the weight of the body forward (with a lunge with the left foot or with a step with the right), send the knife to the target with a quick movement of the hand. Throwing a knife (bayonet-knife) at a target to produce from a distance of 1.5-3 m (Fig. 83).

    "Throwing a knife with a grip on the handle" - perform similarly - holding the knife (bayonet-knife) by the handle (blade point inward), swing the armed hand up and back over the shoulder (from below), take it back; feeding the weight of the body forward (with a lunge with the left foot or with a step with the right forward), send the knife to the target with a quick movement of the hand. Throwing a knife (bayonet-knife) at a target from a distance of 2 - 3.5 m (Fig. 84).

    "Infantry Shovel Throwing" - from the ready for battle, holding the shovel by the far third of the handle with the blade forward and upward, the handle along the axis of the forearm, after swinging, releasing the handle from the palm, send the shovel to the target (Fig. 85).

    Exercise 30 (Fig. 86).

    "Two" - Execute with the left hand hitting up and hitting with the right hand forward straight.
    "Three" - Execute a kick with the right foot forward straight or from below.
    "Four" - With a turn of 90. and with a step of the right foot, perform a blow to the side on the left backhand with the edge of the palm of the right hand.
    "Five" - ​​With a step with the right foot back, beat the left hand inward.
    "Six" - With a step with the right foot forward, perform a blow with the fist of the right hand forward from above.
    "Seven" - Execute a straight forward kick with the left foot and take a left-sided preparation for battle.
    "Eight" - With a step with your left foot and turn to the left, take a combat stance.

    Exercise 31 (Fig. 87)
    Starting position - combat stance.
    "One" - With a step with your left foot forward, get ready for battle.
    "Two" - To execute with the barrel of the machine gun, repulsing to the right and stabbing with a bayonet (poke with a barrel) with a lunge with the left foot.
    "Three" - With a step with the right foot back, strike with the butt plate back straight.
    "Four" - Turning on the left foot to the right, with a step of the right back, beat the barrel of the machine gun to the left.
    "Five" - ​​With a short step with the right foot forward, perform a side kick with the butt.
    "Six" - With a turn in a circle over the left shoulder, putting the right leg back, protect yourself from a blow from below with the machine stand.
    "Seven" - With a step with the right foot forward, perform a strike with the store forward straight and - a chopping blow with a bayonet (barrel) from the left - to the right down.
    "Eight" - With a step with the right foot back and turn to the right, take a combat stance.

    157. Injury prevention in hand-to-hand combat classes is provided by:
    observance of the established sequence of performing techniques, actions and exercises, optimal intervals and distances between those involved in the performance of combat techniques with weapons;
    correct application of insurance and self-insurance techniques;
    the use of knives (bayonets) with scabbards put on them or models of knives, infantry shovels, machine guns;
    holding tricks and throws with the support of a partner by the hand and performing them from the middle of the carpet (pit with sand) to the edge;
    smooth execution of painful holds, strangulation and disarmament, without the use of great force (at the partner’s signal with the voice “IS”, immediately stop the execution of the reception);
    strict adherence to the rules for the use of simulation tools.
    Strikes when performing techniques with a partner in the absence of protective equipment need only be indicated.

    Such an exclusively state-owned system of hand-to-hand combat based on techniques and techniques probably a century ago is the official system of hand-to-hand combat of the Russian Army - but that would be half the trouble - it’s clear that - and that’s all. The most interesting thing is that this system was developed in the depths - which has already turned 83 this year. (Moreover, I don’t think that this is exclusively a feature of the Russian Army - surely the same is true in other armies of the world?)

    And now serious people give out this - a similar “hand-to-hand combat system” in two hours will be given out not only by any coach or instructor of some kind in hand-to-hand combat - just an amateur with two years of experience - it will also turn out ten times better. (Or just a book could be handed out - "Self-Defense for Women" and then there is more benefit)

    So - and so those suffering from many and many shortcomings seem against the background of the RB-1, RB-2, RB-3 complexes, just the height of perfection.

    But meanwhile, strange as it may seem, people quite sincerely work out these so-called "RB complexes" for themselves - in various variations. Why this happens and what attracts people to these complexes is not entirely clear. It is possible that in the army they are simply ordered to learn and perform these techniques and these complexes - for example, I don’t see any other reason for learning them.

    Moreover, these complexes apparently got from the Soviet Army - and as you can see, this is such a “creative processing” of the initial Karate kata - extremely popular in the 70-80s. And apparently it occurred to someone to do something similar. But before, of course, it was better - or just the actors tried.

    Yes, they left it to this day without any special changes, and as a result, such State Army Karate came out

    But here's how these complexes look in reality - performed by adults and quite sane people.

    A complex for 16 accounts without weapons - well, why, as they say, such an execution is simply bureaucratic and formal. Just nothing.

    A complex for 8 accounts without weapons - what a funny guy - it feels like believing in these techniques. Such a serious look. Military instructor probably some kind of school.

    Or maybe some kind of physical training instructor - he looks like that - serious. Who learned all these complexes. And hammering - too serious look.

    Complex without weapons.

    Complex with weapons.

    The RB-2 complex with weapons - it's funny that there are clearly not enough equipment in the complexes - and therefore people on demonstration performances show theirs. In fact, abandoning the technology worked out in these complexes. And it looks more convincing. (The deep meaning in these complexes is the Russian meaning - people knowing much more are forced to learn some crap anyway - simply because it is written in some kind of NFP-91. As always - in fact one thing - in words another. They don’t believe they know - crap - but they do it. Order because.)

    “The 1st Complex of Special Hand-to-Hand Combat Exercises” performed by the “maroon” beret - is it still forced or is there some kind of secret? What's the point? Might be worth a try.

    Obvious - just the same standard, the most that neither eat basic technique Karate - just performed in different directions, and even somehow sluggishly or something - with some kind of reluctance.

    I read in some book - that probably the soldiers of any army are specially taught such simple and obvious tricks - which actually do not work - just to develop confidence - that they can defend themselves. And so plus, minus one soldier. But confidence. (deep meaning)

    It is clear that knowledge, for example, may well turn out to be a revelation. And such a person turns out to be very necessary - to teach the soldier how to really do it.

    Or, for example, a person clearly knows what he is talking about. What complexes are there ... For example, they would invite such a senior lieutenant - Maxim Rodionov - and I’m sure in two hours he would create a hundred times more effective hand-to-hand combat system for the army than the entire Department of overcoming obstacles and hand-to-hand combat in eighty years of work.

    hand-to-hand combat

    150. Classes in hand-to-hand combat are aimed at developing the skills necessary for destroying, disabling or capturing the enemy, self-defense from his attack, as well as cultivating courage, determination and self-confidence.

    151. Classes in hand-to-hand combat are held in military (sports) uniforms, check only in military uniforms:
    when training in combat techniques with weapons - on a special platform equipped with stationary and portable stuffed animals, targets (wickerwork), portable obstacles (walls, fences, front gardens, inconspicuous obstacles, etc.), trenches, communication passages, dugouts, landings, facades of houses with windows, in tactical fields, in guard towns and on obstacle courses;
    when teaching unarmed combat techniques - on a flat grassy area, a specially prepared pit with sand and sawdust, equipped with drainage, or in a gym (on a carpet of mats).

    152. The preparatory part of the lesson is carried out with and without weapons. When carrying out the preparatory part of the lesson with weapons, it includes: drill techniques, walking and running at a different pace, rushing, crawling, performing preparedness techniques for combat and offhand shooting, actions on sudden commands and signals, hand-to-hand combat techniques with weapons, including and on targets (stuffed animals), complexes of hand-to-hand combat techniques with a machine gun for 8 or more scores.
    The preparatory part of the lesson, conducted without weapons, includes: combat techniques, walking and running at a different pace, actions on sudden signals and commands, special exercises in movements, complexes of hand-to-hand combat techniques for 8 or more counts, exercises together, hand-to-hand combat techniques and foot, self-insurance techniques, exercises in simple martial arts.

    153. The content of the main part of the classes includes (table 2):
    - a set of techniques RB-N (initial) - for conscripted military personnel, during the period of improving initial military training (for university cadets - during the period of combined arms training);
    - a set of techniques RB-1 (general) - for servicemen of all types and branches of the Armed Forces;
    - a set of techniques RB-2 (special) - for military units and military units of the airborne troops, marines, motorized rifle units and military units, cadets and students of military educational institutions that train specialists for these units;
    - a set of techniques RB-3 (special) - for military personnel of reconnaissance military units and subunits, cadets of military educational institutions that train specialists for these military units and subunits.

    table 2

    Categories of military personnel RB-1 RB-2 RB-3
    Military personnel on conscription, during the period of improvement of initial military training (cadets of universities - during the period of combined arms training) All types and types of troops of the Armed Forces

    Conscripts who have served less than 6 months

    All types and types of troops of the Armed Forces

    Conscripts who served 6 months and more

    All types and types of troops of the Armed Forces
    Contracted servicemen who have served less than 6 months. All types and types of troops of the Armed Forces
    Contracted military personnel who served less than 1 year (cadets of the 1st year of universities *) All types and types of troops of the Armed Forces
    Contracted military personnel who served 1 year or more (cadets of the 2nd year of universities) All types and types of troops of the Armed Forces L / s recon. in / parts, etc.
    Contract military personnel who have served 2 years or more (cadets of 3-5 courses of universities) All types and types of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Airborne Forces, Marines, Motorized Rifles

    L / s recon. in / parts, etc.

    * Cadets of military educational institutions that train specialists for these units

    154. The personnel of units and military units of the Airborne Forces, Marines, reconnaissance units and special forces, along with the methods of RB-2 and RB-3, additionally study hand-to-hand combat techniques according to special programs.

    155. The main part of the lesson is organized at one or more training places. At the end of the main part of the lesson, a comprehensive training is carried out, including in the form of training bouts.

    156. The section "Hand-to-hand combat" includes the following exercises:

    Exercise 26 The initial complex of hand-to-hand combat techniques (RB-N).
    It includes the following combat techniques with a machine gun:
    "Stab with a bayonet (poke with a barrel) without a lunge" - direct the machine gun with a bayonet (barrel) at the target and hit the enemy with a shock movement of the hands, pull out the bayonet and prepare for battle on the spot or continue moving (Fig. 26).

    "Stab with a bayonet (poke with a barrel) with a lunge" - direct the machine gun with a bayonet (barrel) at the target with a simultaneous push with the right foot and a lunge with the left with a shock movement of the hands to hit the enemy; pull out the bayonet and push with the left foot to prepare for battle on the spot or continue moving (Fig. 27).

    "Strike with the butt from the side" - by moving the weapon with the right hand to the left, and with the left - towards yourself with a simultaneous turn of the torso to the left, strike with the corner of the butt. The blow can be applied from a place or with a short step behind the standing leg (Fig. 28)

    "Strike with the butt from below" - by moving the weapon with the right hand forward, and with the left - towards yourself with a simultaneous turn of the torso to the left, strike with the corner of the butt. The blow can be applied from a place or with a short step (Fig. 29)

    "Strike with the recoil pad" - with a swing of the barrel back over the shoulder, the magazine from oneself up, with a lunge with the right foot forward (backward), with a quick movement of the hands, hit the target with the recoil pad of the butt (Fig. 30).

    "Strike with the store" - strike with the store forward, with a quick movement of the arms away from you while simultaneously feeding the body forward and straightening the standing leg behind, or with a short step (Fig. 31).

    "Protection with the stand of the machine gun" is performed to the left, right, up and down under the blows of the enemy (Fig. 32)

    "Automatic rebounds" - hit the enemy's weapon with the end of the barrel or bayonet (to the right, left or down-right); following the rebound, carry out a retaliatory attack (Fig. 33).

    "Exemption from the capture of the machine gun by the enemy" - kick the enemy in the groin, turn his left side to the enemy and, with a simultaneous blow to the knee with his left foot, pull out the weapon (Fig. 34).

    Exercise 27 The general complex of hand-to-hand combat techniques (RB-1).

    Includes techniques provided by the RB-N complex and additionally the following techniques:
    "Hand strikes" - from the ready to fight with a push of the leg, transfer the weight of the body to the front leg, and with the turn of the body, strike with the fist, elbow or base of the palm. Blows are delivered directly, from the side, from below, or from above (Fig. 35).

    "Protection from blows with a hand" - perform by repulsing the forearm (inward, outward), resting under the blow of the palm, one or two forearms, diving under the blow, leaning or stepping back. After defending, immediately retaliate to the enemy with a hand or foot in a vulnerable place (Fig. 36).

    "Kicks" - from the ready for battle, transfer the weight of the body to the front leg and, with a short swing of the other leg, strike with the toe of the shoe or knee from below, with the foot straight, with the heel on top, lifting the foot from the side, with the foot back, with the edge of the sole of the shoe to the side (Fig. .37).

    "Protection from a kick" - perform a kick stand (heel, thigh), a kick stand of two forearms, beating the forearm down outward. After defending, immediately retaliate to the enemy with a hand or foot in a vulnerable place (Fig. 38)

    "Strikes with an infantry shovel" - apply from the right-handed position to the battle from above, from the side and backhand. Poke with a shovel to perform with a lunge with the right foot (Fig. 39).

    "Repulses with an infantry shovel" - execute by hitting the enemy's weapon with a shovel to the right, left, down-right, up. Following the rebound, strike back with a shovel (Fig. 40).

    "Disarming the enemy when stabbed with a bayonet leaving to the left" - with a step to the left and turning the body to the right, beat off with the forearm and grab the weapon, with a step forward, grab the weapon with the other hand, while pulling out the weapon with the left foot in the knee (Fig. 41).

    "Disarming the enemy when stabbed with a bayonet with a move to the right" - with a step to the right and turning the body to the left, beat off with the forearm and grab the weapon, with a step forward, grab the weapon with the other hand, while pulling out the weapon with the right foot in the knee (Fig. 42).

    "Disarming the enemy when hit by an infantry shovel from above or to the right" - step forward to defend yourself by holding your forearm up under the enemy’s armed hand on the backswing, with the other hand grab the handle of the shovel from the outside, strike with your foot, disarm the enemy, twisting the shovel towards the thumb, and strike shovel the enemy on the head (Fig. 43).

    "Disarming the enemy when hit with an infantry shovel backhand or poke" - with a step forward to the side and turning towards the enemy, defend yourself by placing both forearms under the enemy’s armed hand on the backswing and grab it, strike with your foot, grab the shovel handle from above with your right hand, disarm the enemy, twisting shovel towards the thumb, and hit the enemy with a shovel on the head (Fig. 44).

    Exercise 28 A special set of hand-to-hand combat techniques (RB-2).

    Includes techniques provided by the RB-1 complex, and additionally the following techniques:
    "Stabs with a knife" - are applied from the ready for battle with a quick shock movement of the armed hand from above, below, from the side, straight, backhand (Fig. 45).

    "Cutting blows with a knife" - are delivered from the ready for battle with a quick movement of the armed hand horizontally, vertically and diagonally (Fig. 46).

    "Disarming the enemy when hitting with a knife from below or directly" - with a step forward and to the side, defend yourself by holding the forearm with the left (right) hand down, stop the blow and grab the armed hand by the wrist, pull it to the right (left) away from you and strike the base with the right (left) ) palms on the back surface of the opponent's hand to knock out a knife (Fig. 47).

    "Releasing the neck from behind by the enemy" - while crouching, grab the opponent's hand (arms) and turn your head to the side, hit the shin with your heel, release the grip with a sharp upward movement of your hands, strike with your hand (foot) (Fig. 48).

    "Exemption from the grips of the neck (clothing) by the enemy in front" - strike with the foot (knee), joining the fists together and spreading the elbows to the side, strike from the bottom up between the opponent's hands and free from the grip, strike with the hand (foot) (Fig. 49 ).

    The personnel of the reconnaissance units of the Airborne Forces, along with the techniques of the RB-2, additionally study the techniques from the RB-3 complex and the techniques of hand-to-hand combat according to special programs.

    Exercise 29 Special complex of hand-to-hand combat techniques (RB-3).

    Includes techniques provided by the RB-2 complex and additionally the following techniques:

    "Bending the arm behind the back" - grab the opponent's hand with the other hand, the clothes at the elbow on top and strike with the foot; unbalance the opponent with a jerk towards yourself, bend his arm at the elbow joint, and then move it behind his back; strike with the edge of the palm on the neck, grab the collar (near the shoulder), hair or helmet, and holding it with pain, escort the enemy. To bind, throw the opponent to the ground, sit on him, strike on the head, firmly press the captured hand and bend the other hand (Fig. 50).

    "Hand lever out" - grab the opponent's hand with both hands from below, strike with the foot; raising the captured hand up, bend the hand to the forearm, and twisting the hand outward, with a jerk to the side, knock the opponent to the ground; strike with the foot, move the hand to the bend behind the back and sit on top of the enemy, hold the bend of the other hand, tie (Fig. 51).

    "Hand lever inside" - grab the forearm of the opponent's hand with two hands from above-outside, kick in the shin or groin; twisting the arm inward with a jerk, unbalance the opponent, bring his shoulder under his shoulder and, pressing him, knock the opponent down; pressing the hand on the elbow joint, move the hand to the bend behind the back and sit on top of the opponent, hold the bend of the other hand; tie (Fig. 52).

    "Suffocation from behind" - sneak up on the enemy from behind, grab his head with his hand and, with a simultaneous kick in the popliteal fold, pull his head towards himself; with the forearm of the other hand, grab the neck with a grip on the forearm from above, join hands and, turning to the left (right), pile the enemy on his back, choke (Fig. 53).

    "Front step" - from the starting position (right-sided preparation for battle) grab the opponent's right arm by the clothes above the elbow with the left hand, and with the right hand grab the opponent's left arm by the waist belt or clothes on the back; turning to the left with your back to the enemy, stand in a position so that the right leg overlaps his right leg, and the left leg is outside his left leg, transfer the weight of the body to the half-bent left leg; with a jerk of the hands, simultaneously straightening the left leg, throw the enemy to the ground, strike with the foot (Fig. 54).

    "Throw over the back" - with a step forward, grab the opponent by the hand, with a jerk towards yourself, turn your back to him on bent legs and bring your shoulder under the opponent's arm, grab it with the other hand; straightening the legs and leaning forward, knock the opponent with the pelvis under the hips, throw the hands down to the ground with a jerk, strike with the foot (Fig. 55).

    "Throw with the capture of the legs and strangulation" - sneak up on the enemy from behind and grab his legs below the knees with his hands; pushing him with his shoulder under the buttocks, jerk his legs upwards, throw the enemy to the ground and, without releasing his legs, strike him with the toe of his shoe in the groin or stomach. Jump to sit on the lower back of the enemy, placing the left leg on the knee, and the right foot on the ground in front of you (under the shoulder of the enemy), strike at the head, take the head back with one hand and put the forearm of the other hand on the neck in front; join hands, choke. When the opponent resists, roll onto his back, clasping his body with his legs at waist level, connect them and, straightening his legs, continue strangling with his arms and legs (Fig. 56).

    "Disarming the enemy when stabbed with a bayonet with a move to the right" - with a step or a jump, get away from the injection to the right, turning the body to the left, beat off the barrel of the enemy's weapon with the left hand and grab it; simultaneously inflict a backhand blow on the face (throat), and with the right foot - under the foot of the enemy's front leg, pull out the weapon with a kick and strike the enemy with a butt (Fig. 57).

    "Disarming the enemy when stabbed":
    straight - to beat off the enemy’s armed arm with the forearm and grab it with both hands by the wrist, strike with the foot, hold the lever of the arm outward, disarm (Fig. 58);

    from above - defend by standing the forearm of the left hand up under the enemy’s armed hand on the backswing, grab the enemy’s forearm from above with the other hand, strike with the foot, hold the lever of the hand inward, disarm (Fig. 59);

    from below - with a step forward, meet the enemy’s armed hand with the forearm support down, grabbing the clothing at the elbow with the other hand from above, kick in the groin or knee; hold the bend of the arm behind the back and disarm the enemy (Fig. 60);

    backhand - with a step forward - to the side and turning towards the enemy, defend yourself by holding the forearms under the armed arm, grab the forearm from above with your hands and strike with your foot; hold the lever of the hand inside, disarm (Fig. 61).

    "Disarming the enemy when threatened with a gun":
    when trying to get a pistol out of a holster (pocket) - with a step (lunge) forward, put the brush between the forearm and torso of the enemy, with the other hand grab it from the outside (join hands in a lock), strike with a knee, bend the arm behind the back, disarm (Fig. 62);

    when trying to get a pistol from behind the belt of the trousers (holster in front) - with a step (lunge) with the foot forward, grab the enemy’s hand, strike with the foot, pull the lever of the arm out and disarm (Fig. 63);

    point-blank from the front - with a step forward to the side (leaning to the left) with the left forearm, beat the enemy’s armed hand inward, and with a turn of the torso, leave the direction of fire, grab the enemy’s armed hand, strike with the foot, draw the lever of the arm outward, disarm (Fig. 64) ;

    point-blank behind - with a turn to the right in a circle, beat off the enemy’s armed hand with the forearm and grab it with two hands from the front from above, strike with the foot, hold the lever of the hand inward, disarm (Fig. 65).

    "Liberation from captures by the enemy":
    neck in front (clothing on the chest) - strike the enemy with the right forearm from below on the arm, grab his arm with both hands (with the right hand on the wrist from above, with the left hand the forearm of the opponent’s right hand from below), strike with the foot and hold the lever of the arm inward, tie (Fig. .66);

    neck from behind - while crouching, grab the opponent's arm(s) and turn your head to the side; strike with a heel on the shin, with a sharp movement of the hands upwards, release from the grip; while holding the opponent's hand (arms), throw through the back, strike with the foot (Fig. 67);

    torso with hands behind - strike the enemy with a heel on the lower leg (foot) or with the back of the head in the face; crouching, release from the grip, grab his hand with one hand by the forearm, strike with the elbow in the stomach, grab the shoulder with the other hand, throw through the back; strike with the foot (Fig. 68);

    torso from behind - strike with a heel in the shin, grab the opponent’s hand by the wrist and elbow, turning, bend the arm behind the back (Fig. 69);

    torso in front - grab the enemy by the clothes from above, kick in the groin or head in the face; with a step with the left foot back to break the grip; turning to the left with your back to the enemy, perform the front step; strike with a foot (Fig. 70);

    torso with hands in front - grab the enemy with both hands by the clothes on the back, kick in the groin or head in the face; with a step with the left foot back to break the grip; turning to the left with your back to the enemy, perform the front step; strike with a foot (Fig. 71);

    legs in front - strike from above with a hand on the head, grab the back of the head from above with one hand, and the chin from below with the other, with a step back and a jerk turn the head, knock down the enemy (Fig. 72);

    legs from behind - falling forward on your hands, pull one leg out of the grip and strike it at the enemy (Fig. 73).

    "Binding the Enemy":
    with a rope - knock the enemy to the ground and bend his arms behind his back; put the rope on the wrist of his left hand, pass it under the neck (or the right shoulder under the chest, passing it into the elbow bend of the left hand) and tie the wrists of both hands (Fig. 74);

    trouser and waist belts - knock the enemy to the ground and bend his arms behind his back; tie the brushes with a trouser belt, pass the waist belt under the neck and tie it to the trouser belt (Fig. 75);

    with a trouser belt or rope - knock the opponent down on the ground face down, bend and cross his legs, put his hands behind his back; connect the right hand with the left foot, and the left hand with the right foot (Fig. 76);

    stick - knock the opponent to the ground, put the stick into the sleeves of the jacket behind the back and tie the wrists to it or tie the opponent's arms and legs in front and stick the stick into the elbow and popliteal folds of the bound arms and legs (Fig. 77).

    search at close range against the wall - force the enemy to spread their legs wide, lean forward and lean on the wall or ground with straight arms and, threatening with a weapon, conduct a search (Fig. 78).

    search in an emphasis bent over - to force the enemy to take the position of "emphasis bent" (legs apart, hands together) and, threatening with a weapon, conduct a search (Fig. 79).

    search lying on the ground - to force the enemy to lie on the ground face down, arms to the sides, legs together and, threatening with a weapon, (turning over on his back) to search (Fig. 80).

    "convoying on a painful hold" - bend the arm behind the back, grab the helmet (hair, clothes on the opponent's opposite shoulder), pull him towards you and, while holding, force him to follow in the right direction (Fig. 81).

    "Convoy under the threat of weapons" - threatening with firearms and being at a distance of 2 - 5 m from the enemy, thereby depriving him of the opportunity to apply disarmament techniques, accompany him in the right direction (Fig. 82).

    "Throwing a knife with a grip on the blade" - from the ready for battle, holding the knife by the blade with the edge of the blade outward from the palm, take it back and up (through the bottom) for a swing; feeding the weight of the body forward (with a lunge with the left foot or with a step with the right), send the knife to the target with a quick movement of the hand. Throwing a knife (bayonet-knife) at a target to produce from a distance of 1.5-3 m (Fig. 83).

    "Throwing a knife with a grip on the handle" - perform similarly - holding the knife (bayonet-knife) by the handle (blade point inward), swing the armed arm up and back over the shoulder (from below), take it back; feeding the weight of the body forward (with a lunge with the left foot or with a step with the right forward), send the knife to the target with a quick movement of the hand. Throwing a knife (bayonet-knife) at a target from a distance of 2 - 3.5 m (Fig. 84).

    "Throwing an infantry shovel" - from the ready for battle, holding the shovel by the far third of the handle with the blade forward and upward, the handle along the axis of the forearm, after swinging, releasing the handle from the palm, send the shovel to the target (Fig. 85).

    Exercise 30.

    "Two" - Execute with the left hand beating up and right hand forward straight.
    "Three" - Execute a kick with the right foot forward straight or from below.
    "Four" - With a 90 ° turn and with a step of the right foot, perform a side kick to the left backhand with the edge of the palm of the right hand.
    "Five" - ​​With a step with the right foot back, beat the left hand inward.
    "Six" - With a step of the right foot forward, perform a punch of the right hand forward from above.
    "Seven" - Execute a straight forward kick with the left foot and take a left-sided preparation for battle.
    "Eight" - With a step with your left foot and turn to the left, take a combat stance.

    Exercise 31

    Starting position - combat stance.
    "One" - With a step with your left foot forward, get ready for battle.
    "Two" - Execute with the barrel of the machine gun hitting to the right and stabbing with a bayonet (poke with the barrel) with a lunge with the left foot.
    "Three" - With a step with the right foot back, strike with the butt plate straight back.
    "Four" - Turning on the left leg to the right, with a step of the right back, beat off the barrel of the machine gun to the left.
    "Five" - ​​With a short step with the right foot forward, perform a side kick with the butt.
    "Six" - With a turn around over the left shoulder, putting the right foot back, protect yourself from a blow from below with the machine stand.
    "Seven" - With a step with the right foot forward, perform a strike with the magazine forward straight and - a chopping blow with a bayonet (barrel) from left to right down.
    "Eight" - With a step with the right foot back and turn to the right, take a combat stance.

    157. Injury prevention in hand-to-hand combat classes is provided by:
    - observance of the established sequence of performing techniques, actions and exercises, optimal intervals and distances between those involved in the performance of combat techniques with weapons;
    - correct application of methods of insurance and self-insurance;
    - the use of knives (bayonets) with sheaths put on them or models of knives, infantry shovels, machine guns;
    - carrying out tricks and throws with the support of a partner by the hand and performing them from the middle of the carpet (pit with sand) to the edge;
    - smooth execution of painful holds, suffocation and disarmament, without the use of great force (at the signal of the partner with the voice "IS" immediately stop the execution of the reception);
    - strict observance of the rules for the use of simulation tools.

    Strikes when performing techniques with a partner in the absence of protective equipment need only be indicated.

    1. A set of morning exercises
    Contents of the 1st complex:
    1. Walk slowly. Breathing is uniform; 2-3 steps - inhale, 3-4 - exhale. Keep your head and torso straight. Hands perform free movements. (Load dosage 20-30 seconds).

    2. Sipping. From ip - the main stance, hands to the shoulders, elbows down, in 2 counts (to yourself) raise your arms up - to the sides, bend in the thoracic part of the spine and rise up - inhale. On the next 2 counts (but more slowly), lowering your hands to the starting position and tilting your head forward - exhale. (Load dosage from 5-6 to 9-10 times).

    3. Tilts to the side. I.p. - main stance, legs shoulder-width apart, arms to shoulders, elbows slightly pressed, chest forward for 2 counts, tilt the torso to the left, raise your arms up, look up - inhale, for the next 2 counts, return to ip. The same - on the other side. (Load dosage from 9-10 to 13-14 times).

    4. Squats. I.p. – o.s. Feet on the width of the foot, socks parallel. On 2 counts, slowly bending your knees and spreading your knees to the side, lower yourself into a semi-squat, relying on a full foot, arms forward, palms down. Straighten up for 2 counts. When lowering - exhale, when straightening - inhale. (Load dosage from 9-10 to 13-14 times).

    5. Walking is soothing. Relax your arms and shoulders, breathe deeply. (Load dosage 45-50 seconds).

    6. Rotation of brushes. I.p. - o.s., arms to the sides, hands clenched into a fist for 4 counts circular movement of the hands up - back - down - up. For the next 4 counts, circular movements in the opposite direction. Keep straight, arched, breathing is arbitrary. (Load dosage from 6-7 to 9-10 times. At the beginning, perform at an average pace, then more slowly and with greater effort).

    7. Touching the floor with your foot. I.p. - o.s., right leg in front on the toe, hands on the belt, torso straight. For 7 counts, alternately touch the floor with the heel and toe. Put your foot on the count of 8. The same with the left foot. Breathing is arbitrary. (Load dosage from 4-5 to 6-7 times).

    8. Run in place. (Dosage 140 steps per 1 minute, 2-3 minutes).
    Contents of the 2nd complex:
    1. Walking slowly with a gradual increase in pace. (Load dosage 40-45 seconds).

    2. Flexion and extension of the arms. I.p. - legs apart, hands in front, fingers interlaced with palms outward. 1- bend your arms by force, hand on the chest, palms inward - inhale. 2 - force straighten your arms in ip. - exhale. (Load dosage 13-14 times)

    3. Lifting on socks. I.p. stand at some object, forefoot on the edge of a plank 3-4 cm thick. 1-8 alternately raising and lowering on toes, arms forward. 9-16 - calm walking in place with deep breathing. (Load dosage from 5-6 to 7-8 times).

    4. Tilts to the sides. I.p. - o.s., legs apart, arms to the sides. 1-2 tilts to the left, left hand behind the back, right behind the head - exhale. 3-4 - i.p. - breath. The same - on the other side. When tilting to the left, bend the right leg, when tilting to the right, bend the left. (Load dosage from 10-11 to 13-14 times).

    5. Squats. I.p. - stand with your right side to the back of the chair, put your right hand on the back, your left hand on your belt. 1-2 - sit down on the right leg, left leg forward (bend or straight) - exhale dash, 3 - put the left foot to the right, 4 - stand up and turn to the chair with the other side - exhale. The same with the other leg. (Load dosage from 5-6 to 7-8 times, deep squat, swing leg straight).

    6. Walking slowly. (Load dosage 30-40 seconds)
    Contents of the 3rd complex:
    1. Walking is slow, with some acceleration towards the end. (Load dosage 1 minute)

    2. Sipping. I.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart. On 1-2 (count) - take your hands back to the sides, turning your palms up, bend tensely in the thoracic part of the spine, rise on your toes, look up, take a deep breath: on 3-4 (count) return to I.p. - relax, lower your shoulders and head slightly forward - exhale. (Load dosage from 10 to 12 times).

    3. Tilts to the sides. I.p. - Feet shoulder width apart. 1-2 - springy tilt to the left, right hand swing to the side - up above the head, left hand behind the back: 3-4 - changing the position of the hands, springy tilt to the right, breathing arbitrarily. (Load dosage 12-13 to 14-15 times in each direction, with a pause, with a large amplitude).

    4. Walking is soothing with deep breathing. (Load dosage up to 1 minute)

    5. Tense deflection. I.p. - standing with your back to the two chairs made up (seats). 1 - put the lower leg of the left leg on the seat of the chair, pull the toe, hands on the back of the nearest chair; 2-3, bending tensely, lean forward (back), move your hands to the back of a distant chair, actively helping to bend, - inhale; 4 - i.p. - exhale. The same with the right foot. (Load dosage from 4-5 to 6-7 times with both legs).

    6. Breathing exercise. I.p. - o.s., left hand on the chest, right on the stomach; 4 times - abdominal breathing, 4 times - chest breathing, 4 times - mixed breathing. (Load dosage 3-4 times)

    2. A set of physical education exercises
    1. I.p. - hands behind head. 1-2 - take your elbows back, bend over - inhale, 3-4 - sp. - exhale (8-10 repetition).

    2. I.p. - leg stance apart. 1 - arms to the sides, turn the head to the left, 2 - rise on toes, tilt the head back, hands up with palms inward, 3 - turn the head to the right, arms to the sides, 4 - i.p. (8-10 repetition).

    3. I.p. - hands behind head. 1 - turn the torso to the right, arms to the sides, 2 - ip, 3-4 - the same to the left, 5 - half squat, arms up, 6 - ip, 7 - half squat, arms forward, 8 - and. P. (4-6 repetition).

    4. I.p. - arms bent at the elbows. For each account, “shaking” with brushes (for 16-32 accounts).

    5. I.p. - hands to shoulders. 1 - half squat, left hand up, right hand forward, head turn to the right, 2 - ip, 3 - half squat, right hand up, left hand forward, head turn to the left, 4 - ip. (4-6 repetition). Take the position of correct posture and maintain it for 5-6 seconds.

    3. A set of gymnastics exercises before classes

    On command, take the position of correct posture and maintain it for 5-6 seconds.

    1. Walking in place with high legs, guarding the correct posture (for 32-48 counts).

    2. I.p. - stand legs apart with hands behind the head. 1-2 - torso tilt back, arms to the sides - inhale, 3-4 - ip - exhale (8 repetitions).

    3. I.p. - wide leg stance apart, hands on the belt. 1 - turn the body to the right, bending the right, arms to the right, 2 - the same to the left (6-8 repetition).

    4. I.p. - hands on the belt. 1 - lunge to the right, arms to the sides, 2 - ip, 3 - semi-squat, arms up, 4 - ip, 5-8 - the same to the left (4-6 repetition).

    5. I.p. - crouching emphasis. 1-2 - stand up, right back on the toe, arms up, bend over - inhale, 3-4 - ip. - exhale, 5-8 the same, left back (4-6 repetition).

    6. I.p. - walking in place, maintaining the correct posture (for 32-48 accounts). While walking in place for 4 steps - hands through the sides up - inhale, for the next 4 - hands down - exhale. (4-6 repetition).

    7. I.p. – o.s. 1 - right to the right to the toe, left hand up, right hand forward, 2 - ip, 3-4 - the same with the left hand to the other side with a change in the position of the hands. (4 repeat).

    4. A set of exercises for the formation of posture
    We offer a complex gymnastic exercises for the prevention of osteochondrosis.

    Exercises of this complex can be performed from 1 to 6 times a day, repeating each of them 4-5 times a day. slow pace, to feasible pain (if any), with the maximum possible range of motion. When performing exercises, pull your toes towards you. At the end of each movement and at the end of each exercise (where possible) you need to do a static tension. At first, the tension should be from two to four seconds, gradually bring it up to 8-10 seconds. When releasing tension, you should exhale completely with a sound.

    1. I.p .: stand legs apart, hands in front of the chest, fingers interlaced into the lock. Turn the body, head, arms to the right; then stretch your arms forward, turning your hands with your palms away from you, with a static delay to the right; exhale. The same to the left.

    2. I.p.: the same. Hands forward, then turning the torso and head to the right, take the right elbow back, twisting the hands with the palms away from you. With the left hand, press on the right hand with tension (while looking at the right elbow so that the muscles of the neck tense); exhale. The same to the left.

    3. Turning your torso to the right, raise your arms above your right shoulder, turning your hands with your palms away from you. Press with the left hand on the right; exhale. The same to the left.

    4. I.p .: stand legs apart, hands behind the head, fingers in the “lock”. Turn the body to the left, spread the elbows, bend in the SP, bring the elbows together, tilt the head down, press the back of the head with the brushes several times. The same to the right.

    5. I.p .: stand legs apart, hands down to the castle. Make a circle with your hands to the right, while turning your hands outward. The same to the left.

    6. Exercises with a gymnastic stick. I.p .: leg stand apart, gymnastic stick below. Turning the torso to the right, stretch the right arm up and to the side. Press the stick with your left hand, exhale. The same to the left.

    7. I.p .: stand legs apart, stick down, grip from above. Raise your arms up above your head, make three torso forward, three back, three to the right, three to the left, then three turns of the torso to the right and three to the left. Exhale after each series of movements.

    8. I.p .: stand legs apart, stick behind the back below. Make three turns of the torso to the right, pressing the stick on the left thigh. The same to the left.

    9. I.p .: stand legs together, stick on the shoulders. Make three torso tilts to the right, left, forward, and backward, then three turns of the torso to the right and left, while bending the legs at the knees. Exhale after each series of movements.

    10. I.p .: sitting on the heels, hands in front of you. Bring the right hand through the top behind the back, and the left through the bottom, hands in the lock. Hold the pose for 5 seconds. The same, changing the position of the hands.

    11. I.p .: sitting legs together, hands forward. Bend the right knee and cross it over the left thigh. Bring your left hand under bent knee. Bring your right hand behind your back and slowly twist the torso, trying to connect your hands. The head is turned to the right. Hold the pose for three to five seconds. Come out of the pose slowly, turning your head, then arms, torso, straighten your legs. The same on the other side. Breathing is arbitrary.

    12. I.p .: lying on your back, arms along the body. Slowly regroup, while taking a deep breath. Maintain the pose for as long as you can hold your breath. Then exhale slowly, returning to the I.P.

    13. I.p .: emphasis lying on bent arms. Take a slow, smooth breath, holding your breath. Bend in the back, slightly straightening the arms. Hold the pose for three to five seconds. Return to I.P.

    14. I.p .: sitting on the heels, hands down. Slowly lean forward, as low as possible, put your hands behind your back. Hold the pose for five to thirty seconds. Return to I.P.

    15. I.p .: lying on your back with bent legs, hands behind your head. Turn your knees to the right and touch the floor with them, head to the left. Do not lift your elbows off the floor. The same to the left.

    As a rule, with age, as a result of weakening the muscles of the legs and torso, incorrect or forced position of certain parts of the body at work or at home, posture worsens. The constant use of special selected exercises will help maintain a correct and beautiful posture for many years.

    I.p. - hands down to the castle. 1-2. Hands up - down, rise on toes, bend. 3-4. I.p.

    I.p. - standing at the support, hands on the support. 1-2. Rise on your toes, bend, spread your shoulders. 3-4. I.p.

    I.p. - hands on the belt. - 1-2. Half tilt forward, rise on your toes, look forward. 3-4. I.p.

    I.p. - a stick from behind with a grip on the ends from below. 1-2. Leaning forward, bending over, take the stick back - up. 3-4. I.p.

    I.p. - a stick on the shoulder blades with a grip on the ends. 1-2. Tilt to the left. 3-4. I.p. 5-8. The same to the right.

    I.p. - standing with your back to the wall at a distance of a step. 1-4. Tilt back, arms up and back with support against the wall, bend over, head back, look at the palms. 5-8. I.p.

    I.p. – o.s. 1-2. Sit on your toes, hands behind your back. 3-4. I.p.

    I.p. - emphasis lying on the stomach. 1-2. Straighten your arms, bend over. 3-4. I.p.

    I.p. - emphasis sitting behind. 1-2. bend over. 3-4. I.p.

    I.p. - sitting on the floor. Lie on a support (bench). 1-2. Leaning backwards. 3-4. I.p.

    I.p. - lying on the floor on the stomach in front of gymnastic wall. 1-2. Fingering the slats from the bottom up, bend over. 3-4. I.p.

    5. A set of exercises to regulate body weight
    It is possible to use any proposed set of exercises with an increase in the dosage of the load.

    6. A set of exercises for development physical quality"flexibility":
    Cervical spine.

    Exercise 1. I.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart.

    1-4 - head tilt to the right, the same in the other direction. Repeat 2 times.

    Exercise 2. I.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart.

    1-4 - tilt the head forward, trying to "curl up" as it were.

    Same back. Repeat 2 times.

    Exercise 3. I.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart.

    1-4 head turn to the right.

    Exercise 4. I.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart.

    1-4 - circular rotation of the head to the right.

    The same on the other side. Repeat 2 times.

    Shoulder joints.

    The shoulder girdle takes part in respiratory movements, the high mobility of its joints affects the amount of inhalation and exhalation. In addition, good mobility in the shoulder joints is extremely important for maintaining the correct, beautiful posture.

    Exercise 1. I.p. - standing, feet shoulder width apart, arms to the sides.

    1-7 - “hug your shoulders, trying to raise your elbows higher and move your fingers as close to the spine as possible.

    8- i.p. Repeat 8 times.

    Exercise 2. I.p. - standing at a step distance facing the back of the chair, feet shoulder-width apart.

    1-7 - leaning forward, put your hands on the back of the chair and, without bending your elbows, stretch shoulder joints to the floor;

    8 - i.p. Repeat 8 times.

    Exercise 3.I.p. - standing, bend the right arm with the elbow up so that the fingers touch the shoulder blades.

    1-7 - pressing the left hand on the right elbow, try to lower the palm lower;

    8 - change the position of the hands. Repeat 4 times.

    Exercise 4. I.p. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands forward.

    1-7 bend the right hand to the glue shoulder, take the right elbow with the left, pressing on it, try to bring the right hand closer to the left shoulder;

    The same on the other side. Repeat 4 times.

    Exercise 5. I.p. - standing with arms folded behind your back.

    1-7 - take the brush of one by the elbow of the other hand;

    8 - i.p. Repeat 8 times.

    Exercise 6. I.p. - standing, twist the hands of the lowered hands behind the back.

    1-7 - turn your shoulders, trying to bring your elbows closer to each other;

    The same with raising the intertwined hands back. Repeat 8 times.

    Exercise 7. (performed with a rope folded four times; rubber band).

    I.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, pick up the rope.

    1-4 - raise your arms up and, without bending your elbows, move back (pulling the rope)

    5-8 - the same in reverse order. Repeat 6 times. The distance between the hands can be gradually reduced.

    elbow joint.

    Its natural mobility, as a rule, is sufficient for most people and does not require special training. However, in people with highly developed muscles, full extension in the elbow joint is often impossible, which is associated with an increase in the tone of the muscles - the flexors of the forearm. On the contrary, in people with poorly developed muscles, even overextension can be observed in this case.


    The flexibility of the entire human body is largely determined by the mobility of the staves of the spine. It is the spine that is more susceptible to age-related changes associated with the limitation of its mobility. This is expressed by the beginning fusion of the vertebrae, bone "whiskers" appear between them. Negative phenomena are also intensified as a result of seated image life, when the spine experiences no less overload than when lifting excessive weights.

    Exercise 1. I.p. - standing in a horizontal inclination forward, legs apart, hands on knees;

    1-2- raise the lower back, lower the head, round the back;

    3-4-lower the lower back, raise the head, bend. Repeat 16 times.

    Exercise 2. I.p. - Sitting, legs bent knees up, press your chest to your hips, grab your heels with your hands;

    1-4- try to straighten the legs without lifting the torso from the legs;

    5-8 - return to I.p. Repeat 12 times.

    Exercise 3. I.p. - lying on your back, arms along the body.

    1-4- put your feet on the floor behind your head;

    5-8- return to sp. Repeat 12 times.

    Exercise 4. I.p. - lying on your back, arms along the body.

    1-4 - bend in the chest, leaning on the elbows and without lifting the pelvis and head from the floor;

    5-8 - return to I.p. Repeat 16 times.

    Exercise 5. I.p. - lying on the stomach, legs apart bent, hands to grasp the feet;

    1-4- try to straighten your legs, lifting upper part torso;

    5-8 return to sp. Repeat 12 times.

    Exercise 6. I.p. - lying on your back, legs slightly apart, arms along the body;

    1-2 - take the torso to the right, without lifting your back from the floor;

    3-4 - return to ip.

    Exercise 7. I.p. - sitting, legs as wide apart as possible, hands behind the head.

    1-2- tilt the torso to the right, trying to touch the elbow of the floor behind the knee of the right leg;

    The same on the other side. Repeat 16 times.

    Exercise 8. I.p. - lying on your back, hands behind your head, legs bent knees up.

    1-2 - tilt your knees to the right, trying to touch the floor with them, and your head to the left;

    The same on the other side. Repeat 16 times.

    Exercise 9. I.P. - sitting, legs bent apart, feet on the floor, arms bent in front of the chest.

    1-2- turn the body to the left, touch the left knee with the right elbow, take the left hand as far back as possible and put it on the floor;

    The same on the other side. Repeat 16 times.

    Exercise 10 - standing - legs apart.

    1-4- - circular movements of the body to the right;

    5-8 - the same in the other direction. Repeat 16 times.

    Hip joint.

    The biggest in human body. It is the site of attachment of large, well developed muscles. These muscles provide the ability to perform a variety of human movements - running, jumping and many others. Mobility hip joint also important for the development right position pelvis, and hence posture.

    Exercise 1. I.p. - Lying on your back.

      1. straighten the leg with the help of hands;

      2. bend the right leg, holding the shin with your hands;
    The same with the other leg. Repeat 16 times.

    Exercise 2. I.p. - sitting.

    1-3 - tilt forward, trying to touch the legs with the chest, arms forward, do not bend the legs at the knees;

    4 - i.p. Repeat 16 times.

    Exercise 3. I.p. - sitting on your knees and heels.

    1-3- straighten and bend, trying to bring the hips as far forward as possible;

    4 - i.p. Repeat 12 times.

    Exercise 4. I.p. - standing on the left knee, bent right leg in front, hands on the right knee.

    1-3 - move the left thigh and pelvis forward - down;

    The same with the other leg. Repeat 16 times.

    Exercise 5. I.p. - standing with your right side to the chair, holding on to the back.

    1-3 - crouching on the left, take the right as much as possible to the side, the body is vertical;

    The same in another. Repeat 12 times.

    Exercise 6. I.p. - wide stance, hands on hips.

    1-3 - semi-squat on the right, tilt forward;

    The same in another (Fig. 69). Repeat 16 times.

    Exercise 7. I.p. - gray legs apart, palms in front of you on the floor with your fingers suddenly towards your friend.

    1-3 lean forward, trying to put your elbows on the floor;

    4- i.p. Repeat 16 times.

    Exercise 8. I.p. - wide stand

    1 - tilt forward, put your palms on the floor;

    2 - spread the heels to the sides;

    3 - spread socks to the sides;

    4 - spread the heels to the sides;

    5 - move the heels inward;

    6 - move the socks inside;

    7 - move the heels inward;

    8 - i.p. Repeat 10 times.

    Exercise 9. I.p. - emphasis sitting behind, legs bent apart.

    1 - lower the right knee inward, trying to touch the floor with it;

    The same with two legs at the same time (Fig. 72) Repeat 16 times.

    Exercise 10 - sitting, legs bent, feet together, knees apart.

    1-3 - resting your hands on your knees, lower them as low as possible to the floor;

    4 - i.p. (Figure 73). Repeat 16 times.


    Its mobility in most people is usually satisfactory. At the same time, there are cases of underextension in the knee joints, as well as overextension in them. In the latter case, the knee joint becomes especially vulnerable to injury during sudden stress, unsuccessful landing after jumping. Often, without receiving sufficient loads, the joint is rebuilt. To avoid this, it is necessary to strengthen the joint by constantly exercising it. However, get carried away deep squats it is forbidden. This can lead to overload of the knee joint.

    Exercise 1. i.p. - standing, hands on the belt.

    1-2 - sit down without taking your heels off the floor (the angle between the thigh and lower leg is 90 degrees);

    Exercise 2. I.p. - standing, right foot in front, left behind.

    1-3- bending the right leg, lunge on it, hands on the knee;

    4 - i.p. The same in the other direction (Fig. 78).

    Exercise 3. I.p. - emphasis sitting behind.

    Alternately bend your legs, simulating cycling (Figure 79).

    Exercise 4. I.p. standing, hands on the belt.

    1-2-half squat, horizontal circle with knees to the right;

    3-4- i.p. The same in the other direction (Fig. 80).

    Exercise 5. I.p. - lying on your back, legs bent up, hips vertical, knees horizontal.

    1-2 - circular movement of the lower leg to the right. The same in another (Fig. 81).

    Exercise 6. I.p. narrow stance, hands on the belt.

    1 - 2 - crouching, connect your knees in front;

    3-4 i.p. (Fig. 82).

    Exercise 7. I.p. - on your knees, hands on the belt.

    1-2- sit to your right;

    3-4- ip .. The same to the other (Fig. 83).

    Exercise 8. I.p. - kneeling, socks apart, hands on the belt.

    1-2- sit on the floor between the socks;

    3-4- i.p. (Fig. 84).

    Exercise 9. I.p. - sitting, legs crossed.

    1-2- stand up without the help of hands;

    3-4- i.p. (Fig. 85).

    Ankle joint.

    To improve the mobility of the ankle joint, the elasticity of the muscles of the lower leg and foot, we perform special exercises.

    Exercise 1. I.p. - emphasis sitting behind.

    1 - "take" socks on;

    2 - return socks, trying to touch thumb gender. Repeat 16 times.

    Exercise 2. I.p. - Same.

    1. - raise the right leg straightened at the knee;
    2-3 - two circular motion foot out;

    4 - i.p. Same other. The same with the rotation of the foot inward (Fig. 90). Each rotation is 4 times one and the other.

    Exercise 3. I.p. – o.s.

    1- bend the right leg on the toe and move the heel forward (the load is distributed evenly on all toes);

    2 - ip .. The same with the other leg (Fig. 91) Repeat 16 times.

    Exercise 4. I.p. - narrow stance, hands on the belt.

    1 - rise on your toes as high as possible;

    2 - i.p. (Figure 92). Repeat 16 times.

    Exercise 5. I.p. - Sitting on heels, toes extended.

    1. leaning with the left hand on the floor, grab the left knee with the right and try to lift it;

    2. i.p. The same with the other leg (Fig. 93). Repeat 16 times.
    Exercise 6. I.p. - standing, socks on weight, hands to grasp the support.

    1 - try to lower the heels as much as possible down;

    2 - i.p. (Figure 94). Repeat 16 times.

    Exercise 7. I.p. standing facing the back of the chair in a lunge position with support from the hands.

    1 - bending the standing leg behind, stretch its knee to the floor, do not tear off the heels from the floor;

    2 - i.p. The same from the other leg (Fig. 95). Repeat 16 times.

    Exercise 8. I.p. – o.s.

    1. rising on toes, move the heels to the right;

    2. leaning on the heels, lift the socks and move them to the right. The same in another (Fig. 96). Repeat 8 times.
    Exercise 9. I.p. o.s.

    1. raising the socks, roll onto the heels, arms forward;
    2 - lowering your hands, roll from heels to toes (Fig. 97). Repeat 16 times.

    Exercise 10 - narrow stand

    Jumping on legs straightened at the knees, pushing off exactly with the foot (Fig. 98). Repeat 24 times.

    7. A set of exercises for the development of physical quality "coordination"
    I.p. - stand with legs together. 1-2. Turn the body to the right, arms to the sides. 3-4. I.p. 5-8. The same on the other side.

    I.p. - hands to shoulders. 1. Left forward on the toe. 2. I.p. 3-4 the same on the right.

    I.p. - hands on the belt. 1-2. Left leg forward on the toe (in line with the right foot), left hand to the side, head to the left. 3-4. I.p. 5-8. The same with the right leg.

    I.p. – o.s. 1-4. Balance on the right (“swallow”). 5-8. I.p. 9-16. The same on the left.

    I.p. - hands behind head. 1-2. Left foot forward. 3-4. Hold. 5-8. I.p. 9-18. From the right foot.

    I.p. - left before right (on the same line). 1-2. Tilts to the left, right arm under the armpit. 3-4. I.p. 5-8. The same to the right.

    I.p. - left in front of right, hands to shoulders. 1-2. Turn the body to the right, arms up. 3-4. I.p. 5-8. Rotate the body to the left.

    I.p. hands up, heels and toes together. 1-2. Tilt forward, to the left, touching the floor near the heel of the left foot. 3-4. I.p. 5-8. The same to the right.

    I.p. - emphasis crouching, hands holding on to the ankle joints. 1-2. Straighten your legs, head down. 3-4. I.p.

    I.p. - on my knees. 1-2. Emphasis standing (straighten your legs), rise on your toes. 3-4. I.p.

    I.p. - hands to shoulders. 1-2. Swing the right hip up, rise to the left toe. 3-4. I.p. 5-8. The same left.

    I.p. - hands on the belt. 1-2. Bend the left back - to the right, grab the sock with your right hand. 3-4. I.p. 5-8. The same with the other leg.

    I.p. - a stick with a grip on the ends from below. 1-2. Hands up, put the toe of the left foot on the knee of the right. 3-4. I.p. 5-8. The same on the other side.

    I.p. - hands up to the castle. Walking on toes with closed eyes.
    8. A set of exercises for corrective gymnastics
    9. Complex of breathing exercises

    I.p. - o.s., stick horizontally below with a grip on the ends. 1-2. Stick forward, up - a deep breath. 3-4. I.p. - exhale (4-8 times).

    I.p. – o.s. 1-2. Hands through the sides up behind the head, bend over - inhale. 3-4. Tilt to the side - exhale. 5-8. I.p. - exhale (4-8 times).

    I.p. – o.s. 1. Right to the side, arms to the sides - inhale. 2. Tilt, hands to toes - exhale. 3. Count 1 - inhale. 4. I.p. - exhale. (4-6 times)

    I.p. – o.s. 1-2. Hands up, right back, bend - exhale. 3-4. Deep squat - exhale. 5-6. Count 1-2 - inhale. 7-8. I.p. - exhale. (3-4 times)

    I.p. - Focus on your knees. 1-2. Swing left back - inhale. 3-4. I.p., head forward - exhale. 5-8. The same with the right (3-4 times with each leg).

    I.p. - sitting on the floor. 1-2. Tilt forward - exhale. 3-4. I.p. – inhale (4-6 times)

    I.p. - emphasis lying on bent arms. 1-2. Bend over, inhale. 3-4. I.p. - exhale. (4-6 times)

    I.p. - Lying on your back. 1-2. Group up - exhale. 3-4. I.p. - breath.

    Methodical instructions: exercises are performed calmly, pay attention to inhalation and exhalation in combination with movement. Between exercises, calmly walk for 20-30 seconds.

    Accelerated walking 100-150 meters, calm walking 100 meters.

    Easy run 50-80 meters.
    10. A set of exercises for the prevention of flat feet
    Exercises for flattened and flat feet

    1. walking on gymnastic stick other similar objects lying on the floor, covering them with the arch of the foot.

    2. Rolls from heels to toes and back, standing with the middle of the foot on a gymnastic stick.

    3. Picking up with your toes a rope, twine, cord lying on the floor; grasping and shifting with the toes of various objects.

    4. Walking on the heels or outer sides of the foot with the balls caught in the toes.

    5. Grab objects with the fingers of one foot, pass them with the fingers, transfer them from the hands to the floor with the fingers of the other foot.

    6. In a sitting position on a bench, grab the stop ball with the arches and raise your legs to the “corner”, hold and lower to the floor.

    7. Sitting across the bench, grab the mace with the fingers of one foot, pass it over the bench to the other leg and lower it to the other side.

    8. Sitting on a bench across, rearrange the mace with the arches of two feet from one side to the other.

    9. Sitting on a chair, place your feet parallel. Tighten your toes without lifting them off the floor. Heels are close to the floor.

    10. Without taking your heels off the floor, raise your toes as high as possible.

    11. Differentiated walking: 8 steps on the heels with high toes, then 8 steps on the toes. Steps are small, knees are straight. Mostly the hip joints work.

    12. Walking back to front: standing on the left leg, move the right leg far back and put it on the toe. Then transfer the weight of the body to it and slowly put the entire foot on the floor, transferring the weight of the body to the heel.

    13. Various jumps.
    Complexes for children with flat feet should not consist only of exercises for the muscles of the legs. They should be used in combination with ORU for the muscles of the upper limbs, shoulder girdle, torso. It is also necessary to do exercises in lying and sitting positions.

    In summer it is useful to walk on sand and gravel. In winter, you can use a box or basin with sand and gravel.

    Complexes of hand-to-hand combat techniques are designed to improve skills in delivering punches and kicks, in performing defense techniques, movements, spatial orientation in hand-to-hand combat, as well as to improve skills in combat with a machine gun.

    They are performed in the preparatory part of complex classes, classes on overcoming obstacles and hand-to-hand combat in the morning. physical exercise, during physical training and in the preparation of military personnel for service on guard.

    Complexes are performed on 8 accounts.

    Hand-to-hand combat complexes with a machine gun(fig.54)

    Starting position - combat stance, weapon to the leg

    1. With a step with the left foot forward, take the ready for battle and beat the barrel of the machine gun to the right.

    2. Perform an injection with a bayonet (poke with a barrel) with a lunge with the left foot.

    3. With a step with the right foot back, strike with the butt plate straight back.

    4. Turning on the left foot to the right, with a step of the right back, beat off the barrel of the machine gun to the left.

    5. With a short step forward with the right foot, strike with the butt from the side.

    6. With a turn in a circle over the left shoulder, putting the right leg back, protect yourself from a blow from above with the support of the machine gun.

    7. With a step with the right foot forward, perform a straight forward magazine kick.

    8. With a turn to the right, take a combat stance.


    A complex of hand-to-hand combat without weapons(fig.55)

    Starting position - combat stance.

    1. With a step forward with your left foot, get ready for battle and beat it up with your left hand.

    2. Strike with the right hand forward straight.

    3. Kick with the right foot forward straight or from below.

    4. With a step to the right, perform a backhand blow to the side with the edge of the palm of the right hand.

    5. With a step with the right foot back, beat the left hand inward.

    6. With a step with the right foot forward, strike with the fist of the right hand forward from above.

    7. Kick with the left foot forward straight, take the left-handed position for the fight.

    8. With a step with your left foot back, take a combat stance.

    Rice. 55

    Chapter III.


    Training sessions in hand-to-hand combat are the main form of training military personnel for hand-to-hand combat. They are organized and conducted with all personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    main view training sessions hand-to-hand combat - practical exercises. They are held with the aim of mastering the applied skills of successful hand-to-hand combat in single combat with the enemy, the development and improvement of physical, special and psychological qualities.

    In accordance with the requirements of the NFP, practical classes are held in sections physical training and complex. At the complex classes conducted for the purpose of general and special physical training of personnel, military personnel are also trained for hand-to-hand combat with the enemy. Their content includes training in the implementation of hand-to-hand combat techniques and actions in combination with exercises from other sections of physical training.

    Efficiency practical exercises depends on the organization and methodology of their implementation, which involves the creative application of the principles and methods of training and education of military personnel. This is expressed in increasing the interest of students in classes, in creating conditions for the effective manifestation of their physical and psychological capabilities and ensuring optimal density and physical activity in the classroom.
    The objectives of hand-to-hand combat are:

    1. Teaching techniques and tactics of hand-to-hand combat with the enemy.
    2. Development of speed in actions, dexterity and strength.

    3. Education of courage and determination, resourcefulness and initiative, self-confidence.

    4. Increasing the body's resistance to adverse factors of combat activity.

    5. Raising the ability to apply the acquired skills of hand-to-hand combat in difficult conditions.