Block behind the head which muscles work. Thrust for the head of the upper block. We study all the subtleties and secrets. The benefits of exercise and working muscles

The back is a fundamental part human body, so athletes put a lot of effort into its development. Developed spinal muscles not only play an aesthetic role, they also affect the slim figure, strengthen the spine, and health. internal organs.

The vertical pull of the upper block, namely behind the head, is widely used not only among professional bodybuilders, but also among fitness enthusiasts, girls and guys.

The pull of the upper block behind the head is a basic strength exercise in gym, which effectively works out several groups of muscles and joints, mainly the back (to a lesser extent the arms):

  • the broadest (the so-called "wings");
  • large round;
  • trapezoidal (its lower part);
  • shoulder;
  • biceps;
  • diamond-shaped;
  • brachioradial;

The technique is performed only in the gym on a special simulator

The pull for the head of the upper block is suitable for expanding the size of the torso due to the growth (hypertrophy) of the latissimus dorsi. Simulates standard pull-ups, as it engages a large number of muscles. However, it has its advantages in contrast to pull-ups.

On the simulator, you can adjust the weight and engage in a descending pattern even for beginners, that is, gradually increase the load. This allows you to make a greater range of motion and, accordingly, better work out the torso.


  • Increasing the width of the back.
  • V-shaped torso and thin waist.
  • Straight posture.
  • Muscular and sculpted torso.
  • Availability and ease of implementation.
  • Suitable for those who cannot pull up.
  • Suitable for beginners.
  • Suitable for men and women.

Unlike the front pull, which works the rhomboids and makes them thicker, the head pull makes the muscles wider.

How to start classes the right way

Weight is determined by the level physical training and the goals of the bodybuilder (to lose weight, pump up muscle mass, to "dry" the body). Beginners first need to work out the technique correctly, so it is better to start training with a minimum weight.

It is necessary to start with 10 repetitions of 2-3 sets with weights of 25-30 kg for men and 15-20 kg for women. For athletes with little experience, it is advisable to do 12 times in 4 sets, for athletes with experience - 15 times in 4 sets.

The main thing when performing an exercise is to adhere to the quality of the exercises, and not their quantity. For "drying" gradually increase the mass of weights or the number of repetitions.

Before each session, be sure to warm up.(cardio on a stationary bike, squats, bends, exercises with dumbbells) to warm up the muscles and prepare them for a safe and effective training. At the end of the session, you need to relax the working muscles with stretching.

Before training, it is recommended to drink a glass of water (green tea), during training, drink a little every 15-20 minutes. For growth muscle mass it is necessary to eat in the first 20 minutes after training protein (protein powder drinks, lean poultry or fish, egg whites) and carbohydrate foods (rice, oatmeal, wholemeal bread, freshly squeezed fruit juices diluted with water).

Almost eliminate fat from the diet. It is not recommended to eat food 1-2 hours before training.

Classic upper pulldown

The main steps for correct execution:

The thrust of the upper block behind the head for a harmonious physique and athletic torso is recommended to be systematically performed 2-3 times a week.

Technology features:

  1. If, with poor mobility of the shoulder joints, it is impossible to perform this exercise without slouching, it is better to abandon it.
  2. When moving the arms down, it is necessary to lean forward slightly and bring the shoulder blades together.
  3. You need to pull the neck to the middle of the back of the head. To reduce the extra load on the forearms, you can fasten the brushes to the neck with straps.
  4. Keep your head straight and look ahead. The back is straight.

Complicated options and trajectories

The difference in the grip of the handle distributes the load on different muscles.

The grip of the neck is performed in three ways:

Traction straight and wide grip Works out the latissimus dorsi, large round muscles, while simultaneously stretching the ligaments and connective tissues. With more narrow grip, the load falls on the trapezius, on the biceps, the lower part of the latissimus dorsi and the posterior bundles of the deltoid muscle. Narrow grip rows can be done in reverse or forward.

When pulling the block reverse grip biceps are worked out more. The parallel grip is a simplified version of the overhead pull and is best for beginners. If all the options for exercises with the upper block are mastered and easily performed, then you can move on to pull-ups on the crossbar.

Program for comprehensive muscle strengthening

For effective and high-quality study of all three groups of spinal muscles, the thrust of the upper block behind the head is combined in combination with other basic strength exercises:

It is not necessary to perform all the exercises at once, it is enough to alternate several of them 2-3 times a week.

Female representatives, depending on the goals set, can work both on strength indicators for the relief of the body, and on “drying” the upper back and shoulder girdle. Since the classic pull-ups on the crossbar are difficult for girls, this exercise will help to achieve a beautiful back relief.

Basic rules for completing a workout

To prevent soreness caused by the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles after exercise, the following recommendations must be followed:

  1. Each time before training, do a warm-up, and after - stretching: standing straight, bend your chest forward, take your pelvis back. Bend your back at the chest, then arch back as far as you can. Bring your shoulders forward, stretch your arms forward and down. Move the chin along with the hands. Extend your arms as far as possible and return to initial position. Tension should be felt in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades.
  2. End each workout with an aerobic load (10 minutes on an exercise bike or treadmill).
  3. After each approach, take a break for 30 seconds.

Contraindications and restrictions for training

There are practically no contraindications for traction of the upper block, with the exception of:

  1. trauma;
  2. pain in the body, due to the accumulation of lactic acid;
  3. inefficiency spinal muscles and hypertrophy of the arms, not the back.

To speed up the excretion of lactic acid after exercise, you can do a relaxing massage, take a warm bath.

The thrust of the upper block behind the head is included in basic complex workouts for almost all bodybuilders. Besides, it's easy strength exercise widely used by beginners. The main thing in the formation beautiful figure be systematic and correct technique execution.

Video: traction of the upper block behind the head

Proper execution traction of the upper block behind the head:

The pull of the upper block behind the head for girls:

Upper pulldowns can be performed to the chest and behind the head, but which version is best? According to research, one version of the exercise is much more effective and safer!

The pulldown is a fundamental exercise for the latissimus dorsi, especially for those who do not have enough strength to pull themselves up. For years, fitness writers and personal trainers have urged athletes to do chest pulls instead of head pulls. They argue that the first option is not as effective and increases the risk of injury.

So why do we see people in almost every gym performing the pull of the upper block behind the head? Some people prefer this option because it creates a specific load on the trapezium, which they think leads to better results. Others generally use the deadlift as a trapeze exercise, which is fundamentally wrong, since there is a mass special exercises for the trapezius muscles, which are much more effective.

Instead of blindly following the lead of your fellow gym mates, do your own research to make sure your lat pulldown is effective and safe.

The right choice in terms of muscle activity

Several studies have been devoted to the subject of our discussion. In 2002, the Journal of Strength and Functional Training published a paper in which the effect of different hand positions on muscle activity was studied using electromyography (EMG) during the traction of the upper block. The following techniques were used: narrow grip, supinated (lower) grip, .

The scientists concluded that the wide-grip row to the chest provided better activation of the latissimus dorsi muscle than any other exercise option. This discovery confirmed that the pull of the upper block to the chest contributes to the maximum study of the latissimus dorsi.

The pull of the upper block behind the head

Another study, published in the Journal of Strength and Functional Training in 2009, examined the participation of major muscle groups using EMG ( big muscles chest, lats, rear deltoid, biceps) in three versions of the pull of the upper block. The options were: pull to the chest, behind the head and (narrow grip).

The activity of the latissimus dorsi in all three variants was almost the same, but the participation of a large chest muscle was maximal with traction to the stomach. Accordingly, the rear deltas and biceps of the shoulder showed maximum activity during the pull behind the head. Given the main goals of the exercise, the authors concluded that the row of the upper block to the chest is the optimal choice.

Load on the shoulder joints and rotator cuff

Muscle activity is not the only criterion for assessing the pull of the upper block; stress on shoulder joints and the rotator cuff is also a critical factor. According to a study published in the Journal of Strength and Functional Training, when the shoulder joints are placed in horizontal abduction in combination with external rotation (as we see with the overhead pulldown), the load on the rotator cuff increases. In order to stabilize the head of the humerus, the rotator cuff muscles have to exert more force, which makes them vulnerable and increases the risk of injury, in particular tendinitis and pain.

Pulldown of the upper block to the chest

Another study published in the Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery showed that holding the elbows about 30° forward of the plane of the shoulder girdle reduced stress on the anterior shoulder joint capsule. This is possible only during the thrust of the upper block to the chest.

Pulling the upper block behind the head can lead to pain for other reasons. One report reported that the combination of external rotation, horizontal shoulder abduction, and marked hip flexion cervical region of the spine during the pull of the block behind the head can lead to temporary paralysis of the upper limbs due to damage to the brachial plexus.

Worse, with too zealous traction behind the head in the lower phase of the movement, you can hit the cervical vertebrae with a bar, which is fraught with bruising and even fracture. Good is not enough.

And the winner is...

Given the overwhelming evidence, the upper pulldown to the chest is the clear winner. By doing chest rows, you not only get similar or better muscle activity, but you also reduce the risk of injury to your shoulder, neck, or nerves.

Furthermore, practical use from the thrust of the upper block behind the head is very small; this movement is unlikely to be useful for any sports or household tasks. Therefore, the critics are right: there is no good reason to pull the top block by the head, but there are quite a few arguments in favor of not doing it!

The pull of the vertical block behind the head is one of the basic exercises that everyone needs to master. It is practiced by professionals and beginners, it is versatile and easy to perform. As a rule, the vertical block is pulled by the head on a special machine, which is available in each rocking chair. This exercise is useful for the spinal muscles and contributes to their active strengthening and development. It is also useful for general maintenance of shape - it is practiced not only by bodybuilders or powerlifters.

Vertical traction in different versions is included in the category of weight loss exercises in the gym, it is often recommended not only for men, but also for women. The effect largely depends on the load, on the frequency of repetitions and the duration of the series - an exercise can give a variety of effects, in any case positive, if it is performed correctly.

What muscles work on a vertical block?

The load when performing such exercises falls primarily on the latissimus dorsi muscle. Since the arms are pulled back, the muscles of the back can be worked out in a separate order. In order to master this exercise and perform it perfectly, with maximum benefit for the body and muscles, you should spend some time studying it, starting from big weight new load. Over time, the skill of loading different groups of back muscles will come due to variations in performance.

The ability to feel the load of the muscles and understanding which of them work in this case will help to eliminate injuries and achieve maximum effect from each approach. Exercises in the block behind the head are an unusual, even stressful load on the muscles, because in everyday life, and even when training without machines, it is difficult to get it. But stress loads are useful, they have the best effect on the state of the muscles and contribute to its rapid growth, and therefore this type of exercise is recommended for everyone.

In any case, a set of exercises in the gym for the back on top pull allows you to work out the large round muscle and the lower part of the latissimus dorsi muscle. The deltoid muscle and biceps are also partially loaded. There is also the possibility of working out the trapezius muscle, it depends on the grip.

If you are working in a block behind the head with a wide grip, the trapezoid will not work. It turns on only on a narrow grip, and this is worth bearing in mind. It is advisable to perform this exercise on different grips, alternating them from approach to approach. But the position of the arms, shoulder blades, the direction of the elbows must be carefully monitored in order to work correctly and avoid mistakes that are fraught with injuries and inefficiency of the work being done. If it is the hands that get tired, the exercise is performed incorrectly, since the entire load should be felt in the back. It makes sense to pay attention to how the shoulder blades work.

Technique for performing the exercise traction of the vertical block behind the head

In general, pulling the vertical block behind the head does not create problems and is quite easy to do once you learn how to do it correctly. Following the algorithm, you can learn to do everything right and eliminate errors. So, you need to act as follows:

  1. It is necessary to sit down at the simulator facing it in order to see the blocks for setting the loads. Initially, it is worth choosing a small load in order to learn how to work correctly.
  2. The legs on the simulator are fixed with rollers, it is necessary to adjust them and achieve a comfortable position. The thigh, lower leg should be at a 90-degree angle from each other, while the foot should stand firmly on the floor, and not just touch it.
  3. You need to make sure that you sit straight and natural. It is impossible to hunch over, the back should remain in a natural position, with a slight deflection of the lower back. You need to look straight ahead - only in this case it will be possible to talk about the correct position of the body.
  4. The bar of the simulator must be taken with a wide grip, it must have notches in the right place. After you have fixed it well in your hands, gently pull it down and bring it over your head, towards your shoulders. Then it is necessary to return to the initial state with the same rhythm. When working with significant weights at the time of completion, you may need the help of a friend, insurance.
  5. Further, these movements are repeated the required number of times - the person starts the neck behind the head, and then returns it to its original position.

These exercises for weight loss in the gym are practiced quite widely. Someone resets with their help excess weight and dries out upper body muscles, other people use them directly to gain muscle mass. Therefore, you can easily observe how they are performed, or ask more experienced athletes to show you how to do it correctly.

How many reps should you do?

If we are talking about such an exercise as vertical traction behind the head, then it is advisable to start with 4 sets, each of which will have 10-12 repetitions. In this case, the weight is chosen small. If it is necessary to dry the muscles, choose a large number of repetitions, about 15-20, relying on 4 or 5 sets. Weight from one series to another may increase.

To build muscle, use heavier weights, fewer reps, to create stress that promotes muscle building.

Grip width and nuances

When performing a vertical pull behind the head, attention must be paid to various nuances. And the main one will be the width of the grip. You can work with different grips, considering at the same time that will be loaded various muscles. You can perform the exercise in a forward and reverse grip, with a narrow, medium or wide grip of the neck. But in any case, the execution algorithm will remain exactly the same.

In the reverse grip, the hands are placed not in a straight line, but in the opposite position, thumbs while being outside. Using a reverse grip with a narrow position of the hands, you can work out that part of the latissimus dorsi, where there are bundles extending to the spine. This will give you a sculpted back. In this case, the study will be carried out for the posterior bundles of the delta, as well as for the trapezius muscle. If a girl wants to get a beautiful transition from the back to the waist, it is necessary to perform the exercises on the reverse medium or narrow grip.

Pulling on a wide grip allows you to work out the lateral dorsal muscles. This grip loads almost the entire large muscles of the back, providing it with development.

Indications and contraindications

Despite the relative simplicity, this exercise is not recommended for all athletes without exception. It requires a sufficiently mobile shoulder joint, as it is still unnatural. Some individuals simply cannot physically perform it correctly, and in this case, it is necessary to bet on other exercises designed to develop the spinal muscles.

In the presence of injuries due to which the neck, shoulder joints, and back were injured, it is contraindicated to do it - it is worth refusing at least for a while, until complete recovery. Also, when performing it, everything possible must be done in order to avoid possible injuries.

The exercise requires a preliminary warm-up, you should not start it on the move. It is necessary to warm up the back, arms, neck. Also, you can’t overload yourself, it’s advisable to work only with the weight with which you can really do it. Feats and attempts to impress others can be costly.

It is not necessary to carry the projectile too far, it should not fall below the level of the base of the skull. It is necessary to work only smoothly, jerks, a sharp release of the neck are unacceptable, this is fraught with injuries and equipment damage.

Errors that are reported most often

To learn how to work correctly, at first it is worth avoiding overload and carefully observing yourself and your work. Do not lower the handles too low, this is fraught with injury. But flaws are also bad. The neck should reach the desired level, not higher and not lower.

Also, you can not bend your back, it should be straight with a slight natural bend in the waist. You cannot change the position of the body when you pull the projectile towards you. If you can't bring it to the desired position behind the head without the efforts of the whole body, then you have chosen too much weight. And you can’t overload either, it’s contraindicated for everyone.

You do not need to extend your arms completely. It is necessary to ensure that not only the back, but also the legs, the whole body is on the simulator in the required position. If the exercise fails, or if it seems too heavy, this means that the back muscles of the person are not sufficiently developed.

In this situation, you must first bring the muscles into tone and develop it more simple exercises, and only then go to this option. In this case, you can avoid overload and injury, achieving the desired without harm to health, and with full pleasure from active pastime.

To pump up the back muscles, especially the wings (lats), you need to do various traction: to the chest, lower back, behind the head, pull-ups and other exercises. The pull of the upper block is one of the main exercises to achieve this goal.

Why Include Exercise in Your Workout

The vertical block pull is the main exercise that imitates pull-ups. Therefore, it is important to perform it to strengthen the muscles of the back. Naturally, working on the horizontal bar without weights, the athlete will achieve little. In order for there to be growth (hypertrophy) of the muscles, good progressive loads are needed.

The pull of the upper block allows you to use weights that exceed the person's own body weight. At the same time, there is no danger of falling down and falling - because you are sitting. Block pull is very important, and now you know why.

Exercise Options

You probably noticed that there is only one handle on the top block - long and slightly curved at the edges. In fact, there are other options, but the pull of the vertical block is done with this one.

To fully engage the entire area of ​​​​the latissimus dorsi, you need to pull the weight with various grips: behind the head, to the bottom or top of the chest, to the neck. There are options for wide grip, narrow, forward and reverse, and their combinations.

Each nuance can significantly change the exercise. Most often, one complements the other, which we will discuss further. For example, a wide grip vertical row can be complemented with a narrow grip.


The pull of the upper block with a narrow or wide grip, behind the head or to chest sitting - variants of the same exercise. Each of them has its own characteristics that every athlete simply needs to know. This knowledge will give a tangible advantage when using block simulator.

narrow grip

This is a vertical pull with a reverse grip. Set the weight to 10-15 kg for a warm-up in a block simulator. Adjust the seat so that your feet fit snugly into the space between it and the leg support bolsters. If the bolsters are too low, you won't be able to sit properly. And if it’s high, a large weight will lift you up during a session in a block simulator. Pulling the vertical block in the wrong technique is a bad idea. In this case, the position of the hands should be parallel.

  1. Stand up, take the handle with a narrow reverse grip. The distance between the hands is 10–15 cm.
  2. Sit with your arms straightened with the weight up, feel the burden.
  3. With the power of the latissimus dorsi, bring your elbows down. At the same time, the handle (bar) of the simulator is attracted to your chin.
  4. Raise your head slightly up so that your face does not interfere with the trajectory of the weight.
  5. Pull the handle down to the neck while sitting, trying after that to shorten the wings as much as possible: the weight should drop to the chest.
  6. You don’t need to lean back, otherwise it will be another traction option. We do everything while sitting, do not raise the pelvis from the seat.
  7. Hold the weight at the bottom for 1-2 seconds, then return to the starting position. Practice technique with light weights. The warm-up is 10-15 reps.

Set your working weight to do 3 sets of 10 reps. If you can't pull over the last reps, or you need to do them with snatches, reduce the weight by 5 kg (usually a step in a block simulator is just 5 kg).

This version of the exercise, along with the broadest, actively involves the biceps, but the amplitude of movement is maximum.

Wide grip

Option 1: Reverse Grip and Chest Row

This is also a vertical pull with a reverse grip. Put a weight of 10-15 kg and adjust the seat of the simulator as described just above.

  1. Stand up, grab the handle with a moderately wide grip. Your arms should be slightly wider than your shoulders.
  2. Sit down, stretch your arms up. Lean back a little so that the cable of the block simulator stretches under the weight of the weights you have installed. Your body is the counterweight.
  3. Pull the weight down with the force of the wings so that the elbows are pointing 45 degrees down.
  4. Bring the bar of the machine to the top of your chest, maintaining the angle of deviation of your body.
  5. Put the weight back on. Do 10-15 warm-up reps.

Place a working weight and do 3 sets of 12 reps. Such a pull of the upper block to the chest pumps the bottom of the wings.

Option 2: direct grip on the head

This is a vertical pull with a wide grip on the head:

  1. Grab your hands with a straight grip on the bends of the neck. Such a grip is considered wide.
  2. Sit down. The body must be located strictly vertically, deviations back or forward in this case are impractical.
  3. We tilt our head slightly down so that the back of the head does not interfere with the movement of the neck.
  4. With the power of the wings, we pull the weight down behind the head, touching the neck.
  5. Hold the weight in the lower position for 1-2 seconds and return to the starting position.
  6. We do 10-15 warm-up approaches.

Next, set the working weight and perform sitting 3 sets of 10 repetitions. This version of the exercise will be more difficult and traumatic than the rest, so it is better for experienced athletes to use it. It is believed that it best engages the large round muscle.

Option 3: straight wide grip to the chest

This is a vertical block pull to the chest or vertical pull with a wide grip to the chest:

  1. We take the neck in exactly the same way as in the previous exercise.
  2. The body is tilted back a little, the head is also thrown back a little.
  3. With the power of the wings, sitting, we pull the weight to the top or bottom of the chest. In this case, due to the deviation of the body, we achieve the desired angle for the correct work of the muscles. traction horizontal block such an effect cannot be achieved.

Such a thrust of the upper block to the chest shakes the top of the latissimus dorsi. In addition, there are handles for doing parallel grip rows. This is acceptable, but it is better to pull the horizontal block with a parallel grip.

The top pull is an exercise for the back muscles. No wonder we each time focus on the phrase "the power of the wings." This means that you need to clearly feel what you are working on, what muscles are involved in the process.

The fact is that a significant part of the load from this thrust can be taken due to the strength of the biceps, and the rest can be brought with the wings. In this case, the meaning of the exercise is lost. And it will be the biceps that will get tired. Usually in humans they are much stronger than the wings. Therefore, when the weight goes to the latissimus dorsi, they immediately begin to experience discomfort, sometimes even hurt and “fail”. The weight immediately becomes heavy.

When you're pulling a lot of weight and it feels light to you, consider if you're doing the exercise with your biceps. There are a wide range of specific exercises for them, but here they just help, but do not prevail, as most beginner athletes often do.

Elbow position

Raise your hands up in front of the mirror. Pay attention to your wings, turn your elbows in different directions - what do you see? The wings are moving. Therefore, the position of the elbows during any pull decides which part of the latissimus dorsi will work.

That is why there are different hand positions. It is necessary in each grip option to keep the elbows in a strictly defined way. This will ensure the work of the necessary sections of the spinal muscles. During the exercise, the elbows must be fixed so that they do not “float” from side to side.

Also watch your shoulders. In any case, the course of the arms will be parallel, but one shoulder may be higher than the second.

Jerks, cheating, injuries

If you are doing jerks, then you have taken a lot of weight. Turn it down and do everything smoothly.

Some people pull the bar down with weight. own body, giving the movement an initial acceleration, and then the force of the muscles returns it back. This is dangerous, you risk damaging the ligaments.

The exercise involves the back beams deltoid muscles. They are very vulnerable, for the sake of them we do a warm-up to properly warm up. If pulling the latissimus dorsi is not so easy, then the shoulders are elementary. It is enough to make a sharp jerk on the “cold” muscle. The easiest way is to pull the upper block with a reverse grip, it is most often used to injure the shoulders. Be careful and the pull of the vertical block will serve you well!

Fizkult-hello, my dear! Wednesday on the calendar 12 April, which means it's time for a technical note on . And today we’ll talk about the upper block head pull exercise.

After reading, you will learn all about the muscle atlas, the benefits and technique of performing the exercise, and we will also find out how effective it is and whether it is advisable to include it in your training program.

So, if everything is in the collection, let's start, perhaps.

Thrust for the head of the upper block. What, why and why?

Believe it or not, but this article was written at the request of the working people, namely, several brisk girls who (almost simultaneously) wrote to the project mail and shared their situation regarding the pull for the head of the upper block. And the situation was that the young ladies wanted to try this exercise in my room. But as soon as they tuned in to perform, the local coach categorically forbade her / them to do this. Of course, without explaining anything to the ladies. They still had questions: what, in fact ... We will try to shed light on the voiced attacks on this craving and find out if this is a taboo exercise, but first we will say a few words about prohibitions.

If you are not aware, then all people, with all their similarities, are unique in their musculoskeletal structure. This should tell us that the chosen base of exercises when drawing up a training program should be individual for each specific case. And no personal trainer not able to conduct such a selection for you better than yourself. Moreover, it is often non-standard exercises / variations that give a better feeling of muscle work. For example, a lady cannot feel the muscles of the buttocks, performing, however, by adding some touch - placing small pancakes under her heels, she achieves a feeling of the work of the buttocks. This can be the case with absolutely any exercise, i.e. you need to modify it for yourself. And often these pieces or movement variations can be your ideal option.

And in the spirit of what has been said, we will consider one of the variations of the pull of the upper block, behind the head.

For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Muscular atlas

The exercise belongs to the class of basic / conditionally basic with the type of pull force (pull) and is aimed at working out the muscles of the back.

The muscle ensemble includes the following units:

  • targeted - the broadest;
  • synergists - brachialis, brachioradialis, biceps, large round, large pectoral (sternal head), small pectoral, rhomboid, levator of the scapula, bottom of the trapezium;
  • dynamic stabilizers - triceps (long head).

Full muscle atlas is such a picture.


By performing the pull-up for the head of the upper block, you can count on receiving the following benefits:

  • creating a V-shaped torso;
  • an increase in the width of the back;
  • increase in strength;
  • development of detail/relief of the back;
  • visual narrowing of the waist;
  • the formation of an even posture.

Execution technique

The pull for the head of the upper block refers to exercises of an average level of complexity. Step by step technique execution looks like this.

Step #0.

Go to the “upper block” simulator and set the bar straight. Then choose the height of the rollers that is optimal for your height, placing your legs / knees under the latter. Take a sitting position in the simulator, slightly shifting the body forward. Stretch your arms up and grab the bar (in places of its fold) overhand grip wider than shoulder width. Arch your back and tighten your abs statically. This is your starting position.

Step #1.

As you exhale, begin to pull the bar down behind your head. As soon as you lightly touch the back of your neck with it, linger in this position, squeezing your shoulder blades together as much as possible. After that, while inhaling, straighten your arms and return them to the PI. Repeat the specified number of times.

In the picture version, all this disgrace looks like this.

On the move so...


In addition to the classic version, there are several variations of the exercise, in particular:

  • thrust to the chest with a triangular handle;
  • thrust to the chest with a reverse narrow grip;
  • pull to the chest with a wide grip.

Secrets and subtleties

To get the most out of the exercise, follow these guidelines:

  • slightly tilt the body and head forward when lowering the bar by the neck;
  • do not hold the neck too low, bring it only to the middle of the back of the neck;
  • move in one plane, moving your elbows back and down;
  • at the bottom of the trajectory, bring the shoulder blades together and linger for 1-2 accounts;
  • at the top point of the trajectory, do not straighten your arms to the end, maintaining tension in the widest;
  • lower the bar up slowly and under control and pull it down explosively;
  • sit firmly in the simulator and do not fidget in it in the course of the movement;
  • do not use heavy weights;
  • before exercise, warm up the rotator cuff;
  • breathing technique: exhale - when lowering the neck down, inhale - when lifting up;
  • numerical training parameters: number of sets 3 , repetitions 10-15 .

With the theoretical side finished, now let's look at some practical points.

Pulling the block behind the head causes a shoulder injury?

Many athletes do not use this exercise due to the compromise of their deltas. However, all people are different, and subject to the following 2nd conditions will be ok: 1) the neck should not be driven too low, 2) the grip should not be much wider than shoulder width, it can be used in the PT.

The most effective way to train your back is to this simulator in superset mode, combining two variations of traction - the first to hold to the chest, and the second after (without rest) behind the head.

How to turn on the lats as much as possible on the block pull?

Researchers from the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (USA, 2014 ) found that chest thrust leads to maximum activation of the latissimus dorsi muscles, while in head thrust, higher electrical activity (EMG) is shown rear delta and biceps. Moreover, the grip width does not significantly affect the activity of the “wings” and it must be selected based on comfort for the shoulders. As for the handles themselves, the greatest activity of the lats was shown when using the upper wide and narrow (triangular) ones.

General conclusion: before throwing the exercise out of your arsenal, try it live in the gym ..


Today we got acquainted with the thrust behind the head of the upper block. I propose to reinforce the virtual mode with the real one, i.e. put theory into practice. How are you, for? Then we blow into the hall, success!

PS: Do you do prohibited exercises? which?

PPS: did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network- plus 100 Karma points guaranteed :)

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.