Proper execution of the pull of the upper block. Wide top pull. Why Include Exercise in Your Workout

thrust upper block

Wide grip upper pulldown

Wide top link

The wide overhead row, or shoulder-width overhand pulldown, is one of the back exercises. It was originally invented for those who cannot perform pull-ups due to heavy weight body, or muscle weakness. Found application first in rehabilitation, then in bodybuilding. Compared to pulling up, this exercise allows you to work the muscles from a slightly different angle, eliminate the work of the hip flexors and muscles of the core of the body, and completely focus on the back.

Purpose and working muscles

The purpose of the wide grip deadlift is to work out latissimus dorsi back. At correct technique with the reduction of the shoulder blades to the spine, the diamond-shaped ones are also involved. This contributes to the correction of minor violations of posture, and helps to work more efficiently in other exercises on the back. Additional bending of the arms is carried out due to the biceps, through the grip, the muscles of the palms and forearms are involved.

Training features

Place of exercise in training plan depends on the level of the practitioner, and on whether he performs deadlifts and pull-ups.


Usually, a beginner pull-up is an exercise in a gravitron or with rubber bands. But it also causes significant fatigue. It is advisable to alternate pulling up and pulling the block with a wide grip from workout to workout. If a beginner is engaged in a full body program, pull-ups are put on day A, traction is set after 72 hours, and so on.

Average level

Usually at this level mastered and performed deadlift, and pulling up is already done as a warm-up movement. In this case, the block pull can be the second exercise of the complex on the back. This is biomechanically more comfortable than doing any version of the belt pull after the deadlift. This approach somewhat compensates for the compression load on the spine, and allows you to feel more comfortable.

Advanced level

Here, block pulls can be the first exercise in the plan, it all depends on the specialization of the athlete and the purpose of the training. On the "dry" is usually the case.

Technique and variations of the exercise

Block thrust classic

The seat on the machine must be adjusted so that the hips are free to slide under the support pads to counteract the lift. First, the desired height is selected and adjustments are made. After that, the handle of the simulator is grabbed by the hands in a position wider than the shoulders. If the trainee is small in stature, or has short arms, it makes sense to take not the notched or rubber handles, but where it is convenient, but wider than the shoulders. The grip is classic. If your hands are weak, you can cover thumb four fingers of the hand to ensure fixation. Wrist straps are sometimes used, but this is a very undesirable option.

Sitting on the bench, you need to lean back a little and take the position of the “neutral back” (push the front abdominal wall to reduce the deflection in the lower back, slightly tighten the shoulder blades so that the heads of the shoulders turn around). Next, you need to imagine that the shoulder blades are “pulled together” to the spine and begin to bring them together quite hard. This is the beginning of the movement, it is already happening extra work(“finishing”) by bending the arms at the elbow joints. At the final point of contraction, the muscles must be clamped. Next - the same controlled eccentric phase.

Beginners need to eliminate inertial movements and traction by deepening the back tilt. More advanced practitioners can use momentum if they need to work in an "explosive" style, but the starting point of the movement does not change.

Exercise variations are the traction in the Hammer lever simulator and the traction of the upper block with the MAG-handle.

Who among us does not dream of a beautiful, proudly straightened back and posture, like a ballerina? Bone Broad replies: the one who does the traction of the upper block does not dream! In addition to the obvious benefits and ease of implementation, this exercise has one more indisputable advantage: in any hall there is block simulator. A gym may not have a leg press, ellipse, or leg raise machine, but the upper block, like Lenin for a revolution, is the foundation!

If you want strong beautiful back, if you are wondering which is better: traction to the chest or behind the head, as well as how to learn how to pull up, then read the article soon!

Top block pull

Actually, what is good about the pull of the upper block is that it is “creative”, i.e. variation exercise. The most common are the following options for rods:

  • Per head;
  • in front of the chest;

The purpose of the thrust of the upper block - working out the muscles of the back. In fact, these are the same pull-ups on the crossbar, just the opposite: in this exercise, you are not pulling up, but the crossbar (the handle of the simulator) “strives” towards you. The pull of the upper block to the chest will be an excellent addition to deadlift.

What muscles are involved?

The thrust of the upper block has as its main goal the study latissimus dorsi muscles, which are also called wings. The secondary muscles are the biceps, shoulders and forearms. The long head of the triceps acts as a dynamic stabilizer.

Full list muscles involved in the movement and hooked by this exercise:

  • brachialis/brachioradialis;
  • biceps;
  • large/small round;
  • rear delta;
  • cavity;
  • diamond-shaped;
  • raising the scapula;
  • trapezoidal (lower / middle parts);
  • small chest.

Head pull refers to basic exercises, as it includes the work of several muscle groups and joints. Despite this, it is recommended to use it as additional load after execution heavy exercise, usually, as already mentioned, after the deadlift.

IMPORTANT: When performed regularly and properly combined with other exercises, the pull of the upper block both behind the head and to the chest helps to strengthen muscles and get rid of chronic pain in the shoulders and lower back. However, if you know you have back problems, without the permission of a (preferably sports) doctor, you should not do it.

What is the difference behind the head and towards the chest?

Despite popular misconception, the neck pulldown does not involve the lats better than classic traction to the chest, however, with the first option there is an increased risk for injury to the shoulders. Muscle activity in these two options is almost the same, which cannot be said about the load on the shoulder joints and the rotator cuff of the shoulder.

According to a study published in the Journal of Strength and Functional Training, when the shoulder joints are placed in horizontal abduction in combination with external rotation (as we see with the overhead pulldown), the load on the rotator cuff increases.

In order to stabilize the head of the humerus, the rotator cuff muscles have to exert more force, which makes them vulnerable and increases the risk of injury, in particular tendinitis and pain. In a word, you can injure your shoulder.

Particularly zealous individuals, when zealously performing traction behind the head in the lower phase of the movement, can beat themselves with a neck on the cervical vertebrae, which is fraught with bruising and even fracture.

Conclusion: not only do you get similar or better muscle activity by doing chest rows, but you also reduce the risk of shoulder, neck, or nerve damage, so it's best not to risk it. Although, again, with the right technique and high-quality, thoughtful execution, you are unlikely to be able to harm yourself.

Upper pulldowns or pullups?

Which exercise is better for the back: pull-ups or pull-ups? So, of course, for the width of the back, pull-ups are better, this is as obvious as the superiority of working with free weights over simulators, but not every beginner can master at least 5 pull-ups. You yourself understand that the amount of work that needs to be done in order to see the result is clearly more.

So a great way out in this situation is to do top pulleys, and then a gradual transition to pull-ups on the horizontal bar. Thus, we develop the strength that is needed to pull up our little body on the coveted horizontal bar. As an intermediate option (especially for girls) you can use pull-ups in the gravitron, and as the strength develops - transition to a lift.

Pull-ups on the bar with rubber shock absorbers

A general tip when working with an overhead deadlift machine is to include training program free weight work.

Technique of pulling the upper block behind the head

Technique to the chest

  1. Go to the simulator and install a straight handle. Sit on a bench and kneel under rollers by adjusting their height. This is necessary so that the working weight does not pull you up. Set the optimal height of the thrust rollers for the legs of the block simulator in vertical traction: they must firmly fix the hips, preventing them from coming off the bench during the exercise, otherwise you just can't do the exercise properly.

  2. Before pulling the block to the chest, lean back a little so that the angle is 70-80 degrees, arching the chest forward and arching at the waist. Grab the handle with a straight grip. Stretch your arms up while holding the bar at the selected width.
    Remember what already grip, the more work biceps(what we don't need) and more range of motion. How wider grip, the more work back(what we are trying to achieve), but less amplitude.

    So you yourself will have to look for "your" optimal grip, in which you will have greater range of motion, a biceps will not take on the entire load. Choose a grip "for yourself", i.e. According to my feelings, I follow the above rules.

  3. With all this, the pelvis must be placed on the seat so that the upper block and the neck are not in front of the chest (as many recommend), but RIGHT ABOVE YOU(above your head). This is done specifically in order to contract exactly the back muscles. Elbows should be pulled back.
  4. Inhale, as you exhale begin to pull the bar down until it touches the top of your chest. Need to pull strictly vertical(without tilting towards yourself), i.e. the handle must go up down. For this, and in order not to bang your head against the handle, you need to do deflection in the lower back(pull chest forward). Thanks to the deflection in the lower back, you kind of leaned back, and it is due to this that the handle will pass by your head (your face, chin and neck, by the way, face looking up) down to the top of the chest.

    It turns out that in this position and only in it, we pull the handle VERTICALLY DOWN. In another position we pull her ANGLE(to himself), which absolutely negates all efforts.

    Incorrect exercise. The cable does not run vertically, but at an angle!

    Make sure that top part the body remained motionless, only the arms should move. At the bottom point (compressed position), further squeeze the shoulder blades. Do not pull the bar with your hands, they are just there to hold the projectile.

  5. Movement should be calm, smooth, without jerks. At the bottom point, linger for 1-2 counts and statically squeeze the back muscles, then slowly return to the starting position (at the top point, the HANDS IN THE ELBOWS DO NOT BEND TO THE END, so that the load does not leave the back muscles).
  6. Slowly and under control, return the bar up, but the arms should not be fully extended, and the latissimus dorsi muscles are stretched. Breathe in during this part of the movement.

Advice: When doing rows and pull-ups, never extend your arms. fully. When you straighten your arms, the muscles are strongly stretched, which can lead to ruptures of the biceps and muscles. shoulder girdle. It is better to maintain constant muscle tension in order to avoid injuries, God saves the safe. Some straighten their arms to rest between reps. If you choose this option, keep in mind that when hanging from the bar, the ligaments of the shoulder are in a vulnerable position. Try to do the pull and pull in one smooth motion, without jerking.

Mistakes and how to take off to fight

BIG MISTAKE #1: the movement comes at the expense of the arms, and not at the expense of the back.

WHAT IS WHAT IT HAPPENS: Every chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

This is a great analogy for many back exercises because they involve the biceps. The problem is that our biceps are smaller and weaker than the back, and they get tired, respectively, earlier. You will have to understand how to pull the weight with your back, and not with your biceps, otherwise your back workout will end much earlier than necessary.

The rule for these (and many other) exercises - if you feel that the exercise does not work the same muscle that was supposed to, then something is wrong, you need to reconsider your views on the execution technique.

SOLUTION: part of the solution to the problem lies in the correct distribution of efforts. It is necessary that the back muscles begin the movement, moving the shoulders. At the same time, the arms are bent at the elbows only in order to allow the shoulder to move with maximum amplitude. Imagine hands are just ropes with which you cling to the handle, and your motor, locomotive, driving force is your back. Do it smoothly. There is no need to split the work of the back into separate phases.

ERROR #2: lower the handle of the block too low.

WHAT IS WHAT IT HAPPENS: It does not matter at all why you are torturing yourself so much, trying to reach the handle of the block to your feet. After all, it's none of our business. The important thing is that you are trying to work with a weight that you are not able to control, thereby reducing the effectiveness of the exercise. Below the level of the upper chest, the triceps enters the work, which no longer pulls, but pushes (without the help of the back!) The handle further, towards the hips.

HOW TO FIX: don't pull low, that's all 🙂 Control your movements! To start the pulldown of the upper block, take the handle of the block with any grip, sit straight and arch your back slightly. With force, pull the handle of the block towards the upper chest, not lower, (or behind the head), trying to bring your elbows behind your back. At the end point, hold for a second and then slowly, with full control of the weight, return to the starting position - until the arms are fully extended upwards.

ERROR #3: very often meeting - the back is too rounded.

WHAT IS WHAT IT HAPPENS: The answer is simple because it's hard.
As studies show, it's all about which muscle groups you have the most developed. When the back is arched, you rely primarily on the extensors of the back. However, if your back isn't as strong, or if your hips are much stronger than your back and can "pull" the load on you, then it's possible that you'll have a tendency to round your back when lifting heavy weights.

Most people can actually lift more weight when they round their back. This movement is to some extent "natural", since in such a position it is easier for the body to take on a complex weight. Doing this, of course, is not worth it, because it threatens with all sorts of injuries and pains.

Robert Panariello, head of the Physical Therapy Center in Bayside, New York, explains: “By rounding your back, you deprive yourself of the necessary stability margin and this is very dangerous. From the point of view of biomechanics, when performing any exercise, it is necessary to occupy the most stable position. ” If you do not provide yourself with the necessary margin of stability, then you can easily injure yourself.

HOW TO FIX: In all pulling movements, you should try to maintain the natural position of the back, without rounding it either in the upper or in lumbar regions. You need to keep your head straight and not relax for a second! Take less weight and be sure to ask someone to control your technique!

Main nuances

  1. the weight must be pulled back, and not with your hands, for this, follow the position of your hands / forearms and bring your shoulder blades together;
  2. elbows should “walk” along the body way down;
  3. do not tilt the body too much back, this is only permissible when working with large weights in the manner of cheating;
  4. use straps when working with large scales to hold the neck and not “drag” you with the weight up;
  5. pull the bar up to top pectoral muscles;
  6. don't tilt your head way down and don't look down;
  7. avoid sharp jerky movements in traction;
  8. do not stoop and do not drop your shoulders;
  9. at the bottom stay for 1-2 bills and statically contract your back muscles.

How to learn to pull up?

To begin with, let's figure out why pull-ups are so difficult for women?

female body biologically more resistant to external influences. However, some loads that are easily tolerated by men turn out to be unbearable for women. Simply put, a woman is better at long-term, low-intensity exposure, and a man is better at short-term, high-intensity tasks.
How does this relate to training?

Unlike men, it is more difficult for women to perform pull-ups, moreover, even with intense and properly organized training, not all women will be able to pull themselves up well. In push-ups, presses and pulls for superficial muscles spins results will also be, on average, lower. In addition, a relatively weak upper body often limits results in the deadlift and even in the squat. BUT this is not a reason to conclude that women should train differently. Means (exercises) and methods (load size, number of approaches and repetitions) do not differ in women and men.

According to the results of a few studies, the strength of the upper body of women is less by 43 - 63%, the lower body by 25 - 30% than that of men.


Let's spare each other the same type of advice like "swing your back / arms", "Do sports", etc. I think it's obvious. Here are the nuances that you are likely to miss.

  1. Correct grip

    The fingers should be pointing at you, and the thumb wraps around the bar from below. There are several types of grip that can be used when performing a movement, but it is worth starting with this.
    Why? Yes, because the load with a reverse grip will go more on biceps, and in its structure it is larger and withstands a more serious load than triceps.

  2. Strong wrists

    Strengthen your wrists by hanging for a minute. For pulling up, it is important to have a fairly strong wrist, which most of us do not have.
    Grasp the bar with an overhand grip and straighten your arms. Hang first as much as you can. Ideally, bring this exercise up to 60 seconds. To complicate the task, hang small weights of 1-2 kg on your legs or shoulders.

  3. Another Good Way to Develop Weak Wrists
  4. negative replays. (see picture)

    Beginners should use negative repetitions. To do this, you need to raise above the horizontal bar, using, say, a chair. If the crossbar is located on the Swedish wall, then this is easy perfect option. Place your feet on it and grab the bar from above.
    When you have taken the starting position, begin to slowly lower yourself down. After that, rise back to the starting position and perform the next repetition. Perform in this mode from 3 to 5 repetitions, 5-7 repetitions in each.

    By the way, the repetition is considered counted when the chin rises above crossbar level.

  5. Insurance

    Ask to insure you during pull-ups. As soon as you already feel the strength to fully complete this exercise, you will need an assistant in the person of the trainer, handsome man in the hall or friends.

    Grasp the bar from above, hang and try to pull yourself up to the level of the chin on your own. If at some level you do not have the strength, let the assistant will push a little up. In the process of training, you can already do without it.

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The pull of the upper block to the chest is an exercise for the development of the latissimus dorsi. It allows you to build a beautiful V-shaped figure, removes posture disorders, and serves as a prevention of scoliosis. The movement helps to correct "forward twisted" shoulders and is not only a bodybuilding exercise, but also a good accessory movement for the bench press and holding the barbell on your back while squatting. Variations of the movement depending on the width of the grip and the direction of the palms allow you to involve or exclude the biceps from the movement. The exercise serves as an affordable alternative to pulling up, which some people cannot do due to the anatomical position of the shoulders, excess weight, muscle weakness and injury. The pulldown allows you to engage one of the largest muscle groups, increase metabolism and burn fat if necessary. It is also included in mass-gaining programs as a good multi-joint exercise that builds strength and mass. The result of the training depends not only on the technique and style, but also on the program as a whole, and the nutrition of the athlete. The movement is suitable for both men and women, and can be used in general physical training teenagers and children.

Main drivers:

  • Both lats;
  • Rhomboid muscles;
  • Biceps

Movement assistants and stabilizers:

  • Large chest;
  • Press;
  • Trapezoidal;
  • Muscles of the palm and forearm;
  • Long back muscle

During the exercise, static tension in the muscles of the thighs and buttocks is possible if the athlete is used to resting his feet on the floor in order to help himself well during the training process. But this should not be considered as a training activity. Trapezoidal work (shoulder raises) is also discouraged and only performed if the lifter is advanced enough to perform the movement with a slight cheat.

The overhand pull with a wide straight grip (on the chest) is the most common option in fitness. The movement is suitable for those who cannot pull the head, pull up, or perform the movement in other variations. This exercise allows you to pump up the latissimus dorsi, even if people have problems with strength indicators and shoulder flexibility.

By exercising in the simulator, you can pump up the "width of the back", as the athletes say. This movement allows you to press the shoulder blades to the back, and correct the posture. Exercise will help prepare your body for strength work- deadlift and pull-ups.

Correct technique

  • It is necessary to choose the width of the grip so that the arms are slightly wider than the shoulders, but the shoulders can go down, and the shoulder blades can “pull” to the spine;
  • The grip is performed closed, facing the simulator;
  • Then the upper back slightly bends, the shoulders are removed from the ears, the shoulder blades are pulled together to the spine;
  • The athlete sits down on the simulator bench, the body deviates slightly back, the chest rises;
  • Shoulders need to be turned back a little;
  • The shoulder blades are drawn to the spine;
  • The broadest gather, are pulled together to the spine;
  • Then the handle of the simulator is brought to the top of the chest;
  • Peak muscle contraction is performed;
  • The reverse movement is to lower the handle back

The movement is carried out smoothly, without any pushing and jerking. It is important not to pull the biceps, not to throw the shoulders to the ears and not to pull the handle too hard. It is important to move the handle smoothly, and not to make the spread of the hands too large. Athletes think that the wider the grip, the better the back works, but this is not true. The grip should be comfortable, so that it does not interfere with the work of the muscles.

  • The most common mistake is pulling the biceps. The person bends the elbows first, and by contracting the biceps pulls the handle to the chest. This is not correct, and takes the load off the back;
  • You should not pull due to inertia, tilting the body back, and pulling the handle to the top of the back with a jerk;
  • Traction to the middle of the abdomen in the absence of deflection in the back and inclination of the body. This only allows you to pump up the biceps, and “hammer” the trapezoid, so you shouldn’t do this;
  • It is better to avoid the option when the weight is too heavy, and the person is literally “thrown” up;
  • Throwing the elbows back allows you to develop only the back beam deltoid muscle, but not the broadest and not diamond-shaped;
  • The “hump”, that is, the rounding of the back in the thoracic region, can lead to injury in the shoulder joint, and the removal of stress from the target muscles

It is important to understand that this version of the exercise is on the upper bundles of the latissimus dorsi. If the lower ones are not loaded, nothing bad happens. Is it possible to pull the block by the head? Modern fitness trainers rarely give their clients this exercise. Meanwhile, in bodybuilding and powerlifting, it is used quite often. The condition for the safe use of this movement is good mobility. shoulder joint. Thrust for the head is performed with significantly less weight than for the chest. It works more on the rhomboid muscles and helps to bring the shoulder blades together and stabilize the back in all strength exercises.

This version of the exercise works out the lower bundle of the latissimus dorsi, it does not allow you to emphasize the load on the top, this is not necessary. Many lifters choose higher weights for deadlifts. reverse grip, but this is wrong. So it turns out that the load goes to the biceps. It is better to take the average resistance or the weight of the burden, and pull the block, as if meeting the handle of the simulator with your chest.

Correct technique

  • The grip is performed at shoulder width, not narrower, more narrow setting the arm requires a special handle with double symmetrical handles to keep the shoulders healthy;
  • On an ordinary handle, they take the notch in the middle, or, if it is not there, the handle with gloved hands;
  • The palms must be directed towards the athlete's face;
  • They sit on the simulator bench when the grip is already set, and the fingers tightly wrap around the handle;
  • Then the arms, as it were, are pulled up, the shoulder blades are assembled to the spine, the body is deflected back;
  • Due to the contraction of the latissimus dorsi muscles, the athlete brings the handle of the simulator to the top of the chest;
  • In this case, the forearms move along the body, the elbows - towards the floor;
  • You should not start your elbows behind your back, as well as unnecessarily reduce your biceps;
  • The reverse movement consists in the gradual relaxation of the back, and the removal of the handle back;
  • Arms at the top of the exercise are fully extended

Technical errors

  • Grip error is holding the pen on the fingertips. This leads to an overload of the forearms and a shift in emphasis on them. The forearms "clog" and the athlete cannot complete the required number of approaches and repetitions;
  • It is technically incorrect to pull exclusively with biceps, as if taking the back out of the spectrum of work. From the side, it looks as if the athlete pulls the handle with his hands and brings it to his shoulders by bending his arms at the elbow joint;
  • You can not turn on the press too much, usually this happens due to the wrong weight of the burden, and the tendency to twist forward, as it were, and pull the lower ribs to the pelvic bones. This movement helps to unload the muscles of the back, therefore it is unacceptable

This exercise serves to build perfect symmetry. It gives the latissimus dorsi ideal contours, and helps to remove muscle imbalances. By its biomechanical nature, the movement puts more stress on the back and less on the biceps, even a beginner can isolate their back enough to make their training more effective.

To perform the movement, you will need a special handle for a parallel grip, this is a handle with two handles shoulder-width apart. The problem may lie in the fact that the handle does not fit the person in length, and anthropometrically does not allow the movement to be performed correctly and with full load. But for most body types, standard hall handles are the way to go.

Correct technique

  • It is necessary to fix the handle for a parallel grip on the simulator or in the upper block of the crossover;
  • Grip - parallel palms to each other, the palm rests on the handle of the simulator;
  • Lowering the handle of the projectile begins with the activation of the latissimus;
  • The elbows are brought to the body so as to ensure that the handle and the top of the chest touch;
  • At the bottom point - peak contraction of the back muscles;
  • Then - smooth bringing the handle of the simulator up.

Technical errors

  • Thrust due to one biceps to the top of the head, without tilting the body back;
  • Jerks with hands, and sharp tilts of the body back, work due to inertia;
  • Twisting the body forward, “finishing with a press”;
  • Huge weights, and heroic thrust of them with the whole body;
  • Breeding the elbows to the sides, leading to shoulder injuries and shifting the load on the biceps;
  • "Excessive flexion" of the arm at the wrist shifts the load to the forearms;
  • Holding the handle on the fingers also shifts the load to the forearms;
  • You can not pull the handle to the hips, then only the hands will work, and then in the wrong, anatomically unnatural plane.

There is an opinion that the parallel handle is designed to horizontal thrust(to the belt). Yes, this can be a convenient option if the goal is to work the back with the posterior deltoid bundles together. But for the “depth” of the back, beautiful relief and overall muscle mass, vertical pull with a parallel handle is a good choice. Do not forget that the variety of force application vectors is a positive moment for bodybuilding. The more variations an athlete performs, the more chances he has to make a balanced form and work out the muscles.

An option for performing block rods can be traction in a crossover with various types handles. If there is no block simulator in the gym, you can install a step platform or bench to the crossover handle and perform exercises in it.

Similar in biomechanics is the pull in the hammer, but it allows you to stretch and contract the latissimus muscles more strongly. Hammer - good trainer, but it is not available in all halls, therefore the option with a crossover is closer to most.

An option for performing vertical traction is the simultaneous or alternate traction of the crossover handles in a kneeling stand. The handles are fixed on top, the knee riser is performed on the mat, exactly in the middle of the crossover handles. Pulling the shoulder blades to the spine, you must simultaneously bring the elbows to the body along an elliptical path, and push the chest up. This movement engages the “outer” lats and allows you to create a beautiful contour of the back.

If the athlete has an imbalance between the development of the right and left halves of the back, a crossover pull is performed while kneeling with one hand. The movement mechanics are reminiscent of a regular block pull, but with an emphasis on one side.

The athlete must independently control the position of the back during the execution of all variations of the exercise. His task is not just to feel the muscles, but to imagine the biomechanics of movement in his head in order to consciously involve all the back muscles in the work. You also need to remember that there are no universal set-repeated schemes. The lifter can perform upper pulldowns in the range of 6 to 20 reps, in 3-5 working sets. The specifics depend on the purpose of the cycle, and the degree of muscle development. The only condition is that you need to gradually progress in working weights, and try to supplement vertical traction with horizontal ones. For harmonious development, you need to apply the principles of flat training, that is, to balance the number of pulls and bench presses in your training program.

Pulldowns can easily become one of the most effective lead-up exercises for a beginner who sets out to master basic technique or improve the result in pull-ups. Use a block element along with other "chips" like negative pull-ups or half-amplitude pull-ups. In the context of such goals, the work should take place in a power way - with a focus on increasing working weights in 3-6 repetitions.

If you are interested in dorsal scales, forget about the size of the weight - fight to increase the volume of the training, trying to complete as many repetitions as possible in total. The choice of weight in this case is a delicate matter. It is clear that the exercise of pulling the upper block to the chest with a wide grip should be conditionally heavy, but only to the extent that the weight can be overcome by an isolated effort of the target muscles. If you go over the load, you will have to connect the biceps to the movement. And, therefore, the significance of traction for the buildup of the widest is automatically lost.

In today's world, most people spend their time in a sitting position. And we are used to replacing walking by driving a car or using public transport.

To avoid negative consequences From such a sedentary lifestyle, you need to maintain your musculoskeletal system, and first of all, the spine and back muscles, which ensure its normal functioning. There are many different exercises for this.

In this article, we will get acquainted with one of them - the pull of the upper block to the chest: we will find out which muscles are involved in this exercise, how best to perform it, and, of course, we will analyze the technique itself, its variations and common mistakes.

The exercise is an auxiliary practice for training spinal muscles. This technique can be considered a simpler alternative to pull-ups on the bar.

Muscles involved during exercise

Exercise helps to pump up many muscle groups not only in the back, but also in the arms. And by alternating different variations of this technique, you can simultaneously keep the whole body in good shape.
Active muscles:

  • the broadest;
  • deltoid;
  • big round;
  • shoulder;
  • small chest;
  • biceps.


  • ease of implementation, therefore suitable even for beginners;
  • variability - the back muscles can be worked out at different angles and in different planes, the neck can be held with several types of grips;
  • makes posture more even;
  • effectively prepares for pull-ups on the bar.

This exercise goes well with techniques for working out the lower back. Read about one of them in our article "Slopes with a barbell on the shoulders."

Coaches consider this exercise to be easy in terms of the technique itself, but there is a small risk of making mistakes or getting injured. To avoid this, you need to correctly calculate the load and frequency of execution.

Some bodybuilding instructors refer to this exercise as a basic exercise, as it involves many muscles in different parts of the body. So don't be surprised if your trainer recommends turning on this technique at the beginning of your workout along with pull-ups and deadlifts.

Implementation options

Depending on which muscles you want to pump more, this exercise can be done in several ways.

The emphasis is on working out the muscles of the back, especially the latissimus dorsi, the muscles of the arms are less involved than in the reverse grip variation.

Pulldown of the upper block to the chest with a reverse grip

Technology increases the pressure on shoulder muscles and biceps, but reduces the effectiveness of working out the muscles of the back.

Gives intensive study of the latissimus dorsi muscles.

Gives intensive study of deltas.

Traction of the upper block to the chest while sitting - execution technique:

  • Adjust the height of the bench and the cushion-fixator of the machine. It is best to sit in such a way that pelvic bones were in the same plane with the knees, and the legs pressed tightly to the floor, but did not squeeze.
  • Grabbing the handle of the block, sit on the bench of the simulator. Depending on your goals to pump this or that muscle group, choose the grip that suits you (forward or reverse, wide or narrow). Tighten the stomach and align the body, tilting it back a little.
  • Inhale and as you exhale begin to lower the block until it touches your chest.
  • Inhale as you lift the block.

Common Mistakes

  • Performing movements not due to the spinal muscles, but due to the hands;
  • rounding of the shoulders;
  • jerks in movements;
  • use of momentum during block lifts: the upward movement must be slow and controlled.

Thrust of the upper block to the chest - video

In the video provided, an experienced trainer shows the technique for performing this practice. In addition, he points out all sorts of mistakes that beginners make, and shares recommendations to improve your results.

Now you have information about one of the most effective and accessible exercises for your back muscles. Always be aware of its variations. After all, just by changing the grip of the neck, you can pump up not only your back, but also your arms. Also, this practice is an excellent start for mastering another useful, but more difficult exercise- pull-ups on the crossbar.

Do you include this wonderful exercise in your workouts? Are you experimenting with variations of it? Share your experience in the comments. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them without hesitation.