What is the Mowgli program? Artistic gymnastics for boys and girls in the Mowgli Club

Children's gymnastics is health, healthy lifestyle life from childhood and springboard to any sport!

Dear Parents!

For more than 13 years, the Mowgli Club has been promoting children's health-improving gymnastics and a healthy lifestyle since childhood. Agree, it’s so easy to learn healthy habits in childhood, when a child absorbs information like a “sponge” and is pliable like plasticine. And oh, how difficult it is to do it later, when the moment is lost. And it seems that we understand this very well. But not always in our fast world we, parents, have time to get out with the child for regular jogs, walks in the woods and even do ordinary home physical education.

How to be?

Well, there is a solution, and this solution is Mowgli!

Why Mowgli?

But that's not all!

Who do we work for

"Mowgli" for their child is chosen, first of all, by three categories of parents:

  • Those who want to strengthen the health of their child and physically develop him. According to our surveys, 93% of our Clients-parents feel the positive effect of gymnastics on their child's health.
  • Those who do not see the child in professional sports, but wants to help him in emotional, psychological development, the formation of character.
  • Those who want to send their child to sports. The club is an excellent launching pad for any child, allowing you to identify the most talented from an early age and, at the request of the parents, direct them to the most suitable sport for them.

So if your kid has already hit "two", then he and you can safely visit "Mowgli" in mixed groups (child + parent). Sign up for a free training, because you have nothing to lose!

Our programs

  • health-improving gymnastics for children from 2 to 3 years old together with their parents
  • health-improving gymnastics for children from 3 to 4 years old
  • health-improving gymnastics for children from 4 to 5 years old
  • health-improving gymnastics for children from 5+ years
  • baby doll-exercises mom + baby - recreational gymnastics for children from 1 to 2 years old, together with their parents;
  • health-improving gymnastics for children from 3 to 4 years old with elements of aesthetic and rhythmic gymnastics
  • health-improving gymnastics for children from 4 to 5 years old with elements of aesthetic and rhythmic gymnastics
  • recreational gymnastics for children aged 5+ with elements of aesthetic and rhythmic gymnastics
  • health-improving gymnastics for children from 3 to 4 years old with elements of sports and applied gymnastics
  • health-improving gymnastics for children from 4 to 5 years old with elements of sports and applied gymnastics
  • recreational gymnastics for children aged 5+ with elements of sports and applied gymnastics

Experienced Mowgli administrators will always be happy to advise you on the specifics of each of the programs.

Our trainers

Do you know what is the main quality that determines whether we hire a coach or not? This is love for children. No matter how professional a person is, but if he does not like children, if he does not take pleasure in revealing their potential, then he will not work at Mowgli. The coach in "Mowgli" is responsible not only for the result, but also for the atmosphere of the game and the holiday, for which children love the Club so much.

"Mowgli's Cup"

"Mowgli" is famous for organizing competitions, not only on a republican, but also on an international scale. Some pupils of "Mowgli" demonstrate great abilities and success in gymnastics, and it is for them, as well as for pupils of others sports clubs, The Club annually holds the International Children's Artistic Gymnastics Competition "Mowgli Cup". Traditionally, about 400 children participate in the competitions.

Start with "Mowgli" - become whoever you want!

Public association " kids club recreational and artistic gymnastics "Mowgli", UNP 805003290

Additional general education program in the field of physical culture and sports "Mowgli", developed by A.V. Petrov, designed to work with children aged 3 to 11 years. The main goal of the program is to preserve and strengthen the health of children of preschool and primary school age through the implementation of a standardized set of general developmental and strength exercises, exercises for the development of jumping ability and flexibility, acrobatic exercises.

Where to send the child? Let's figure it out

The question of where to send a child at the age of three is asked by almost all parents, because right now you can lay right direction in the physical development of the child. However, despite observations and analysis of children's character, it is quite difficult to choose the right hobby for a child. In this regard, we opened a group of early physical development, which includes general physical training (GPP) based on the MOWGLI program. GPP is not a sport, but no sport can do without it. OFP provides a comprehensive and harmonious physical development person. Prepares the basis for special physical training in a particular sport, military or labor activity. In the course of the classes, the abilities of children are revealed, for specialization in a particular sport or group of sports. At school age, your child may continue to engage in special physical training on the base Karate Kyokushin or try yourself in other sports, having a good physical and functional base.

And you know that...

The basis of "MOUGLI" is the elements of gymnastics, which are taught strictly in a certain sequence. The complex consists of a warm-up, which initial stage is a self-sufficient complex, where the child learns, first of all, discipline, quick execution of commands - to walk correctly race walking, push-ups, squats, tucking, handstand, etc.

After sufficient development of the complex, when the child calmly, without tension, performs the exercises of the warm-up complex, complexes for strength, jumping ability, flexibility and acrobatics are added. The results of such training speak for themselves - after a year or two of classes, children calmly do push-ups from the floor, the most capable - more than 100 times, jump in length over 2 meters, walk in a handstand, sit in splits.

The most important condition that increases the functioning of memory is a healthy state of the nerves, for which physical exercises are necessary.

The strategic goals of the program are…

  • An increase in the number of healthy children, a decrease in childhood morbidity;
  • Raising children's interest in activities physical culture and their needs.

The program is based on the implementation of standardized complexes of strictly regulated exercise in the shape of circuit training, carried out at a fairly high pace with short breaks for rest, and includes the main complex, complexes for directed development physical qualities and a block of outdoor games:

  1. The main (warm-up) complex;
  2. Complex for the development of the muscles of the abdomen, back and shoulder girdle;
  3. Complex for the development of jumping ability;
  4. Complex for the development of flexibility;
  5. Complex "Acrobatics";
  6. Outdoor games.

“There is a close relationship between the mental and physical development of a person, which is fully revealed when studying human body and his departures. Mental growth and development require a corresponding development of the physical. — P.F. Lesgaft.

Training goals:

  1. Increasing the number of children with good physical development, good health, able to successfully cope with educational and domestic stress, leading an active healthy lifestyle;
  2. Improving the functional readiness of preschoolers and younger schoolchildren for the successful completion of the standards of the TRP complex.

Preparation tasks:

  1. On the training sessions, through the targeted implementation of standardized, strictly regulated exercises, the achievement of optimal physiological changes in the child's body for the most effective development of basic physical qualities;
  2. By performing physical exercises in the mode of manifestation of maximum muscle effort, the achievement some degree fatigue followed by a phase of supercompensation (over recovery) for the formation of long-term adaptation of organs and body systems to physical stress;
  3. Training in the technique of performing exercises;
  4. Teaching sports terminology and teams;
  5. Teaching outdoor games;
  6. Teaching the rules of conduct and safety in training, fostering discipline;
  7. Teaching the basics of hygiene knowledge.

Statistics on the implementation of the "MOUGLI" program in Russia

Since 1998, the Program has been successfully implemented in the Moscow region, since 2015 in Perm, since 2016 in the cities of the Far East. During this time, the Program has trained 50,000 children and trained more than 200 instructors.

The evaluation of the effectiveness of the Program is established by comparing the indicators physical fitness children at the beginning and at the end school year, as well as by analyzing the dynamics of these indicators over several years.

For information: in the 2016-2017 academic year in preschool educational organizations Pavlovo-Posadsky, Noginsk districts and the city of Elektrostal had a general level of physical condition:

  • at the beginning of the school year in the zones "unsatisfactory" and " dangerous zone» 48% of students, at the end of the academic year - 0%;
  • at the beginning of the academic year in the zones "good" and "satisfactory" 48% of students, at the end of the academic year - 35%;
  • at the beginning of the academic year in the zones "super" and "excellent" 4% of students, at the end of the academic year - 65%.

By the number of children involved in the program, by the duration and effectiveness of the results (records of the Spartakiad of preschoolers: push-ups lying down, boys - 150 times, girls - 170 times, average figures - 15-25 times).

The program is unique across the country. Using the principle sports training for building physical education classes with children of the starting period of life, forms of conducting classes, phasing of learning and performing exercises, cyclicity and dosing of the load, you can successfully solve the problem basic training involved, as well as to increase the effectiveness of the training process itself.

"Mowgli" is one of the largest children's centers for recreational and artistic gymnastics. More than 1,000 children from 2 to 8 years old are involved in 10 branches of the center throughout Minsk. The main specialization of the club is recreational gymnastics. If you want to send your child to the world of gymnastics, "Mowgli" will be an excellent launching pad, where any child's abilities can manifest themselves at a very early age.

A little about the club

"Mowgli" began its existence 8 years ago, and today it is not only the undisputed leader in its field, but also a renowned organizer of competitions of both republican and international significance. Every year, more than 25 young members of the club get into gymnastics, and also go to other areas of sports - football, hockey, basketball. Here they are taught discipline and coordination.

Masters of sports, titled athletes, people with a medical or physical education act as coaches.

Classes in the club "Mowgli" is an opportunity:

  • strengthen children's immunity;
  • normalize weight;
  • develop strength, flexibility (plasticity), dexterity;
  • improve posture;
  • cure flat feet;
  • improve physical form and the general well-being of the child.

Another important plus is that the first lesson in this club is completely free!

Existing programs for children

Gymnastics for boys and girls in this club will teach children to control their own breathing, keep their backs straight, walk beautifully, and accurately perform various gymnastic exercises.

On the basis of the club there is a set of 4 health programs for children:

1. Physical culture and health-improving gymnastics. Children are welcome here 3 to 7 years old. The program will help prevent scoliosis, form the correct posture, develop coordination, endurance, strength, attention, agility and flexibility.

If the child is weak and has low immunity, if he is prone to frequent seasonal illnesses, bring him here - the children experience joy in the classroom, they want to continue training process, correctly observe the regime, acquire the habit of performing any load on their own. Training takes place in the form of exciting and fun games.

2. Recreational gymnastics with parents. Here are classes for children from 2 to 3 years. Specialists have developed a set of exercises that contribute to the development fine motor skills, do not allow the development of flat feet, to form the skill of maintaining balance. Toddlers develop interest and curiosity physical activities, they learn to behave correctly in society, learn to be honest, disciplined, empathize, show a desire to help others, strive to show creative initiative.

3. Wellness program with elements of artistic and aesthetic gymnastics. This training course will help the child develop dynamics and rhythm, harmony, strength and natural grace. The first workouts are focused on strengthening general development body, performance basic exercises, developing coordination of movements, performing exercises without effort. After such a course, the child becomes strong, enduring and flexible, able to perform a butterfly, a bridge, splits, a basket and other manifestations of flexibility. Over time, choreographic elements, exercises with ribbons and balls begin to be introduced into classes.