Individual training. Technical and tactical training Exercises for table tennis at home

Table tennis whether training or a professional match, is an extremely exciting sports game. With the load that players receive during classes, only the most intense fitness can be compared. This sport is accessible to a wide range of people, as a special table can be placed in the house, on the street, on the beach, in the office or in the gym. How to learn to play this popular type of tennis?

Fundamental rules

Regular tennis or table tennis, training for beginners should be devoted to learning the rules. The first thing that novice tennis and healthy lifestyle fans should do is draw lots. It is necessary to throw the ball on the table so that it comes into contact with both halves of it, bouncing twice. Next, the players must hit the ball until one of them makes a mistake by missing the serve, sending the ball into the net or on his part of the table. The right to make the first serve during the match goes to the winner.

In order for a person to master table tennis, training must include several types of parties. The first type is the long game, in which the game continues to twenty-one points. The short game stops when the winner scores eleven points. Points are credited to the player's account one at a time in case of winning the draw.

The first serve is carried out according to the principle similar to the draw. The thrown ball must touch both halves of the table. When hit in the net, the player is given a second chance to serve. If he fails a second time, the right to serve passes to the opponent, who also receives a bonus point.

Exercises for beginners

Anyone who wants to learn how to play table tennis needs not only to learn the rules of the game, but also to put correct technique. To fill your hand, you should regularly perform simple exercises that develop your reaction and eye.

First you need to take a racket and put a tennis ball on its horizontal surface. It is necessary to keep the projectile on the surface of the racket, not allowing it to roll to the floor. It is especially useful to perform this exercise on the go.

The second exercise will help the athlete understand how the ball behaves after being hit with a racket. It takes a long time to fill the ball, making blows down so that the projectile bounces off the floor. It is also useful to stuff the ball from the bottom up. Beginners can do this exercise while standing still, but in the future you should learn how to fill the ball while moving around the room.

For next exercise need to fold tennis table so that its halves become perpendicular to each other. Acting as a kind of wall, the vertical surface will help to work out the usual strikes and other tricks.

One of the sports that attracts with instantaneous speed of movement around the court, fast rotation of the ball, virtuoso serves and variety tactics protection, this is table tennis. Training is accompanied by power loads, which provide lightness and excellent reaction during the game.

Video training "Table tennis"

requirements for an athlete

The main stance of a table tennis player is on toes, in a half-crouching position and legs slightly bent at the knees. The ease in movements observed by the spectators from the stands is given thanks to the huge power loads. In the position of the main stance, an athlete sometimes has to move at the table from one to two kilometers for, for example, seven sets. Calculate how much you have to run for several, or even 5-7 meetings!

How are potential team members selected?

Anyone can play table tennis. But the selection of team players is made, as in any other sport, according to its own criteria. Coaching practice has shown that only one out of five of the guys aged six to nine continues training. Of those who are engaged at the age of 10 or 12 years, two can withstand the load. Therefore, throughout the year, standards are adopted for physical training. This usually happens in spring and autumn. Moreover, they look not so much at the result itself, but at how the athlete is gaining momentum.

Stages of mastering the technique of the game

  1. Formation motor abilities, as well as a visual image, working out liberated movements and removing stiffness in movements, mastering smoothness and accuracy.
  2. Mastering the technique in the development of motor skills. Errors, unnecessary movements are identified and removed, coordination is “polished”. A set of techniques is being worked out.
  3. Organization of games with partners on the account, involvement in competitions and, thus, the formation of the skills of the athlete's concentration on the game without responding to distractions.
  4. Improvement of technique, development of the individual "handwriting" of the game and tactical techniques of the athlete with an analysis of successful, recommended techniques and mistakes. Determination of technical and tactical combinations and tactical variants of the game, bringing the most successful techniques to automaticity. The accumulation of skill and experience of the player.

The basis of training

Sport loves stubborn and purposeful. Only such he makes strong and heroes. No wonder they say that everything in sports and in life is achieved through hard training. To achieve results in table tennis, you need to learn how to follow the correctness and accuracy of actions on the game table during the game. The basics of the game technique can be worked out and consolidated only under the condition of constant training with repeated practice of first exercises with imitation of the movements of hitting the ball, opponent's attack techniques, etc. The rest is added due to the reaction, coordination of movements, speed of movement at the table and, of course, the stock of endurance and perseverance, determination and efficiency.

When starting training, one of the main tasks should be set - to learn to “feel” the ball, racket and table, navigate and predetermine the possible direction of the ball after hitting the table surface.

Remember the most the main task- to keep the ball on the table, to achieve a result with a thoughtful and insidious kick of the ball towards the opponent.

We wish you to reach the cherished heights and always occupy the most high places on a pedestal to the national anthem.

Hello! With you Zhdanov Ivan - table tennis coach.

In this table tennis lesson, I made a great selection of effective exercises, which I myself constantly use in training. The exercises are divided into classes and have detailed description and a drawn schematic picture for self-training. All exercises are divided into three classes:

Warm-up exercises at the beginning of the workout.
Exercises to improve the accuracy of the game.
Exercises for the development of movement at the table.

Warm-up exercises for table tennis

Classic table tennis exercises to start any table tennis lesson. Great for warming up muscles shoulder girdle and corps.
1. Playing coasting from the left along the left diagonal
A classic exercise for working out the reception technique on the left. It is performed in an even rhythm with the same force of impact and rotation. Each of the players plays for stability, that is, for the maximum number of times.

2. Playing coasting on the right on the right diagonal
A similar exercise for practicing the technique of rolling on the right. The rhythm is even and the task is to keep the ball on the table as much as possible. I like to start my table tennis lesson with this exercise because the forehand engages a lot of muscles and is a great warm-up exercise.

3. Playing coasting from the left in a straight line
You are coasting on the left and your partner is coasting on the right. I like this exercise because the straight play has a shorter ball flight, resulting in a shorter and more precise movement. Great exercise for a workout.

4. Right coasting in a straight line
You are coasting on the right and your partner is coasting on the left. Attention should be paid to the clarity of movement and the position of the legs for more short stroke. I advise you to get up at a sharper angle to roll forward in a straight line.

5. Playing overrun and smash.
It is played by coasting to the right diagonally, one of the players throws the fourth ball in the form of a "blow" on the center of the table. The bounce of the ball must be significant > 1 meter. The second player hits this ball with a smash. This exercise is performed both on the left and on the right. An important nuance is that the smash is always played with a right hand, even if the ball falls into the left square, it is necessary to turn around so as to hit with a right hand. This is because the ball is in the air for a very long time, and the right hand is the strongest and most powerful.

Table tennis exercises for precision training

After the warm-up exercises the next block of exercises in the table tennis lesson are tasks to improve the accuracy of the hit. Their main feature is that when performing a task there is a leader and a follower.

6. "Triangle coasting on the right
Fundamental table tennis exercise. I think that it should be done as much as possible, because it involves both left and right rolls and movement along the table. To perform it, you should correctly go out with your feet both on the left and on the right. Your partner scatters the balls to you in the left and right squares. Before you make a strike, you should take the correct position with your feet, and only then roll forward. It's also a great training for your partner's exact footing, because you have to play exactly on the squares, then you should switch roles. It is important to clearly divide who is now the leader, and who is the follower - performing the exercise. If you scatter the ball to the left and right not with a stand, but with a hard blow, then you won’t have to talk about the stability of the task. If you are the leader, make sure that your partner completes this task 100%!

7. "Triangle coasting on the left"
Fundamental exercise for training the left side stand and spreading around the corners of the table. It is performed similarly to the "triangle coasting on the right", but only from the left corner. Let me remind you once again clearly divide who is the leader and who is the follower in this exercise!

8. "Small triangle coasting on the right"
The exercise is performed by both partners on the coast to the right. The leading player scatters the ball in the right square at two points: the right corner and the center. The follower plays in turns always coasting to the right at these points. I noticed that the main mistake when executing this exercise is: incorrect positioning of the feet for a comfortable hit and “sticking” to the table, which does not allow the ball to be played correctly in the center. When playing in the center, you can turn the corner of the legs more than when playing from the corner. After the game 5-10 minutes there is a change in the role of the leader and follower.

9. "Small triangle coasting on the left"
The game is coasting to the left by both players. The leading player scatters the ball in the left square: to the center and the left corner in turn. Follower works out the game coasting on the left with movement. Rolling on the left is more difficult than on the right, because the racket is received with the closed side and the first phase of receiving the ball is especially important for a successful hit. The optimal backhand range is from the left thigh to the middle of the abdomen. Here is a small window for good reception left. Elsewhere, the hand is tighter and the ball is much harder to grab. Therefore, do not forget about the movement of the legs!

10. "Eight"
It is played in table tennis in two versions. Option number 1. You play only in a straight line with rollovers, and your partner always plays diagonally. And option number 2. You play only diagonally, and your partner in a straight line. A superb exercise for moving around the table, properly turning the body for a right hand and alternately coasting left and right. This exercise is a kind of "cleansing" of all the player's mistakes. When playing it, you can immediately see that you change your grip when hitting the left and right, fall over, stick to the table, underturn the body, etc.

11. "Jump in the left corner"
It can be said unequivocally a super exercise! The emphasis is on the jump from the left corner. The leading player always plays on the left, while the follower takes turns jumping with his feet in the left corner and plays the ball either by coasting to the left or to the right. This is important exercise, because on the basis of it the first combination of table tennis is already appearing: a jump in the left corner and a power hit with a right coasting along the left diagonal.

Complex table tennis exercises for the development of movement

Exercises of increased complexity, as a rule, are used at the end of the lesson and require variable movement around the table.

12. "Fan coasting on the right"
The most effective exercise in table tennis, involving both movement and hits from the left and right. The leading player makes a spread in three points: the right corner, the center and the left corner. The follower needs to play all three points in turn, where the first two are played by coasting on the right, and the third coasting on the left. The exercise perfectly trains the movement along the table and the game from a variety of points.

13. "Fan coasting on the left"
A less common exercise in tennis, but effective in training. Its plus is that the leader learns to accurately scatter at three points (right corner, center and left corner). From this, the defensive technique of playing on the left sharply increases.

14. "Fan coasting on the left with a jump"
A complex complex exercise, consisting of a “fan coasting on the left” and a “jump on the left”. The leading player always plays with the base on the left in the left square. The follower plays from four points: from the right corner, from the center, to the left and again to the left. And again a series of four blows is repeated. The biggest difficulty in my experience is getting back to the right corner for a right side after a right side overrun from the left corner. A long distance complicates this task, and for this you can take the ball not in the near zone, but release it to the middle distance. Gaining time will allow you to play successfully.

15. "Fan with the game only on the right"
A modification of the standard "fan" exercise, where the leader plays three points from the right corner: the right corner, the center and the left corner. The difference lies in the play of the wingman, who always plays on the right! Perfectly loads and pumps movement at the table and roll and topspin on the right! I advise everyone. If you decide to drop excess weight then do it as often as possible.

16. "Double Fan"
A difficult exercise for attention and movement around the table! The leading player always plays on the right in three points, but twice. The points of the game are standard - this is the right corner, center and left corner. First, the follower plays twice with the right coast from the right corner, then plays in the center, first with the right, then with the left coast (a “crossover” is made in the center), then in the left corner plays twice with the left coast. The figure shows a diagram of this exercise.

Lesson Summary

In this lesson, we have analyzed the basic exercises in table tennis, which are the main ones for playing coasting on the left and right. Here are the main points for doing the exercises:

  • Play for stability to improve your technique.
  • Clearly divide who is the leader and who is the follower in the selected exercise.
  • Use compound, variation exercises to develop precision and strength.
  • Train constantly, 2-3 times a week, otherwise growth will not be noticeable.
  • Play these exercises with different players in terms of technique and strength, this will help you quickly adapt to new opponents in the game.
  • Video your exercise once a week. This will help to see from the side of the error and feel the improvement in the technique of performing elements.
  • Experiment and add own exercises and tasks in the lesson.

In the following articles, we will look at other exercises and game combinations including undercuts, folds and topspins.

Thank you for your attention, Ivan Zhdanov was with you.
Play and enjoy!

From this article you will learn how in a sport such as table tennis going on workout. You will also learn about the key mistakes that table tennis fans make in their training.

The fact is that the training process has a certain structure, which most amateurs do not know about. About this structure and how to improve the quality of the elements through proper organization training process will be discussed in this article.

The principle of building training in table tennis

There was a great video on this topic on our blog, from which you can see how I plan a training session and a training week in my table tennis group.

From this video you will learn:

  • Why a week is the best period for planning the training process
  • How long should a training block be?
  • Do I need a break during training?
  • How many training blocks should be planned for one week
  • How to distribute in a balanced way training exercises in a week

And now more about the training blocks during one workout for table tennis fans.

In almost 100% of cases, the first 2 blocks are standard - these are physical warm-up, for which 10-15 minutes are allocated and the game warm-up following it.

I will dwell on the game warm-up in more detail.

It is needed in order to get involved in the game, to feel the ball, to warm up additionally. In general, prepare your mind and body for the main part of the workout.

For professionals, the warm-up takes 10-15 minutes and is of a standard nature.

  1. First, during the 1st minute, rolls are performed from right to right
  2. Then one of the athletes begins to perform a top spin on the right diagonally, and the second performs a block. Top spin is performed in one rhythm for stability for 2-4 minutes.
  3. After that, the athletes change roles.
  4. After that, the athletes change the diagonal and begin to warm up on the left side of the table. The warm-up on the right diagonal takes a total of 5 to 8 minutes.
  5. The same thing happens on the left diagonal. First, 1 minute of the game in rolls, then one tennis player performs a stable top spin, after 2-4 minutes they change.

The same type of warm-up is suitable for experienced and technical amateurs, only in my opinion for amateurs each part of such a warm-up should take 1.5-2 times longer, since two amateurs need more time to gain stability at the beginning of each table tennis session, than professionals.

For amateurs who play relatively recently, this type of training warm-up is not suitable, since the pros keep everything on enough high level possession of elements of table tennis.

How can an amateur warm up during a table tennis workout?

First 5-7 minutes roll from right to right diagonally, then 5-7 minutes roll from left to left diagonally.

At the same time, the task is to keep the ball on the table as long as possible and do it in the same rhythm.

One of the biggest mistakes table tennis players make when training is that they play the same way during the warm-up as they do during the score game. How many times have I seen how, playing diagonally from right to right, 2 amateurs, without agreeing with each other, begin to suddenly make finishing blows, cuts, serve, counterattack, etc.

Dear table tennis fans, remember that this approach is WRONG!

It's not that it can't be done. Can. But only you get absolutely NO BENEFITS from such a game. Roughly speaking, just waste your training time, during which you could improve your elements daily.

After all, 99 amateurs out of 100 want to make at least a little progress in table tennis technique in training and results in competitions. And this can not be done without improving the quality of the game. And the quality of the game begins with the elementary quality of the game by rolling from right to right diagonally.

So remember. 5-7 minutes with smooth rolls along the right diagonal without any amplification and mixing with other elements. Maximum attention to technique, stability and uniformity of rhythm.

Similarly on the left diagonal.

After a physical and game warm-up at a table tennis training, 2 working blocks are performed.

As a rule, each of them is devoted to the development of one aspect.

For example, one 1st working block can be devoted to movement, and the 2nd to playing some kind of bundle.

For table tennis professionals, training often includes 3 or even 4 working blocks, but this method is not suitable for amateurs, since professionals spend 20-25 minutes on each block. The lovers,

  • first, exercise less
  • secondly, as in the warm-up, they need more time to work out one or another aspect of table tennis

After 2 working hours, as a rule, there is a block of games on the score, or training innings and receiving innings in table tennis.

Thus, training for a table tennis fan should be built on average from 5 blocks:

  1. General warm-up
  2. Game warm-up
  3. Working block No. 1
  4. Working block №2
  5. Score game

Naturally, this rough plan. In each separate workout maybe a slightly different structure. For example, there may be only one working block, and the game on the score will take longer, or the last block will be devoted not to matches, but to training innings.

I also want to focus a little on the working blocks.

Each of them is divided into 2 parts.

  • 1st part you are doing some kind of training task
  • 2nd part some task is performed by your partner

Table tennis training this is exactly what happens - tennis players constantly change roles. First, one trains something, and the second acts as a sparring partner, then the roles change.

This is very important point which lovers miss. Due to a misunderstanding of this moment during training, both amateurs simply exchange blows. Everyone is trying to train something different. Remember that this approach does not work, and you will not achieve any progress through this approach.

If you are at the stages of the formation of technology, namely at this stage the majority of amateurs are, then I will give you a few recommendations.

Never mix a large number of elements in one training session. If you are not yet very successful with the top spin on the right, then you need to concentrate on its execution, and therefore one of the working blocks should be dedicated to it.

  • Focus on technique and stability
  • Perform a top spin to the right diagonally in the same rhythm. Your partner should try to take your top spin steadily, with one strength and without trying to counterattack.
  • There is no need to try to perform a top spin on the right while moving, if you cannot consistently, confidently and in the same rhythm perform a top spin 10-15 times.
  • The top spin should be completed with 50-70% effort. With more effort, you will not be able to perform a top spin consistently.

Remember that at the stage of a beginner and even an average table tennis fan, the main task is to set a certain level of quality of play in training, which will contribute to the implementation of your arsenal in games on the score. And the quality of the game in a sport like table tennis is achieved only through such training, aimed at increasing stability, rhythm and possession of the ball.

Read the last 2 sentences again!

And to make it more clear to you how to implement this in practice, I suggest you watch one of our videos dedicated to the topic of top spin stability in table tennis in training.

That's all I have for today.

Write in the comments about how you build your table tennis workout and what ideas from this article you will use first.

P.S. February 26 at 18:00 Moscow time I will spend a new free online seminar "3 Proven Techniques for Table Tennis Lovers".
At this event we will talk about:

  • About innings
  • About receiving submissions
  • About one strategic trick that allows you to beat stronger opponents more often

And of course, the answers to the accumulated questions!

Individual training table tennis How to learn to play table tennis well? How not only to play, but also to win? These questions are asked not only by a novice athlete, but also by someone who has little experience in playing table tennis. Of course, in order to hone your skills to a shine, you have to train a lot. And individual or group table tennis training will help in this, which should be carried out by experienced athletes who have won various competitions. Unfortunately, reality is not perfect. In order to carry out individual coaching related to training, it is not required to present any documents confirming the skill of the teacher. Therefore, it is dangerous to turn to unknown coaches: personal training table tennis should only be professional coaches cooperating with trustworthy sports clubs or schools.

Qualification matters

Not without reason, unlike individual “entrepreneurs” who provide training services, but sometimes do not have special education, all trainers working in sports schools are at least masters of sports or have a pedagogical, physical education. Only an experienced athlete who conducts individual or group table tennis training can teach the basic movements.

Personal trainer

A personal trainer will help you master the technique and tell you about the basic techniques of the game. Individual table tennis training is a great opportunity to learn all the intricacies of the game. Interest in sports is only growing from year to year. Many of those who yesterday did not know how to hold tennis racket, today they actively train either on their own or under the guidance of an experienced athlete. However, not all table tennis fans have found "their" coach. Of course, group table tennis lessons are cheaper. But for those who want to really engage in this sport, it is still recommended to choose individual table tennis training. For everyone who wants to learn the basics of the game or wants to hone their skills, our table tennis club is happy to offer its services. Turning to our trainers, you will enjoy every workout.

We are professionals

We employ only masters of sports who are winners of both Russian and international competitions. At the same time, each of our coaches has a pedagogical talent. Having assessed your capabilities, correctly dosing the load, we will select the exercises that are necessary for you. If you are new to this sport, then a professional coach will teach you the basics of table tennis, show you how to properly hold the racket and move during the game. Already having a certain playing skill, under the guidance of an experienced athlete, you will work out and bring the basic technical techniques to automaticity.

Result and flexible approach

Conducting personal training in table tennis with athletes who have at least an average level of training, the coach will help to consolidate the technique, while eliminating all the mistakes, learn a whole bunch of different techniques. Individual table tennis trainings are held on the territory of our club. But if necessary, you can agree on classes that will take place on your territory.

Where to begin

Just come to our gym, see with your own eyes how the process works, then choose which training format you need.