Fitness Secrets. Simple fitness secrets. Do each exercise as quickly as possible

Fitness is not only going to the gym, it is a way of thinking and organizing your life in such a way that there is a place and time for taking care of your own health. The fitness secrets below are simple and on the surface - which is probably why they are usually forgotten when starting lifestyle changes with grueling workouts and hunger strikes. The fuse is not enough for a long time, and it begins to seem that fitness is terribly difficult, this is the lot of the elite, who have reinforced concrete willpower. In fact, everything is much simpler.

Set specific goals

This is talked about so often that this recommendation is ignored as something boring. However, in order to achieve something, you need to clearly understand what exactly you want. "I want to be slim" - what does it mean? “I want to lose weight to 60 kg, 65 cm at the waist and 95 at the hips” is a specific goal. And it is better to set, for example, such goals: swim 1 km per day and / or run 5 km per day in three months. Such goals are better because they inspire your body. He knows that jogging is good for your health, and a weight loss mindset, especially if you're not overweight, only tells him that you want to reduce his size.

The goals you set for yourself must be realistic. Losing 20 kg in a month, and even in two, is not only unlikely, but also dangerous. If you last time ran in high school, and then reluctantly, then it is unlikely that you will be running 5 km a day in two weeks. Unrealistic goals create obstacles in your own mind, and they are much more difficult to overcome than external barriers.

Write down your goals. The paper gives weight to the promise, and if you still sign, it will be very difficult to get out of going to the gym.

Build Habits

To be effective, fitness sessions must be regular. Practice strictly on certain days and hours. A habit is developed, on average, in thirty days; set a goal for yourself, for example, for a month four times a week from 7 to 8 in the morning to run in the park, swim in the pool, or work out in the gym. At first, it will be very difficult for you to get up in the morning and force yourself to move, but if you are adamant, in just a month you will wake up without an alarm clock and cheerfully go to training. So fitness will become an integral part of your lifestyle.

Put yourself first

The most common reason why many people today cannot exercise regularly is not laziness, but lack of time. In fact, there is always time. And each person manages his own time. Often we decide to spend a free hour or two on family, friends, relatives, or on work that we did not have time to finish during the day. All this can perfectly wait at least one hour while you take care of yourself. Fitness is not only about persevering with exercise, but also about realizing that many things in the world can be put aside for a while - except your health. By learning to appreciate it and follow it properly, you will learn how to make better use of your time - it will be enough for work, family, and friends. As a rule, people who put off fitness because they “have no time” paradoxically do not have enough time for other things that are important to them. Only by putting yourself in the first place - and your health, you will be able to put other significant aspects of your life in the appropriate places.

Think of food as fuel

You don't pour anything into your car, otherwise it won't go, or it will go, but not for long. You don't add too much fuel, or too little - it should be enough. Human body much more complex and perfect than any machine, but, unfortunately, its provision with "fuel" is often treated rather dismissively. meanwhile,

Secrets of a fitness trainer- these are, by and large, conclusions drawn on the basis of cones stuffed from their own experience. Some of them create difficulties, others help on the way to financial well-being and building a career. Both of them would seem obvious, but nevertheless, if you are just taking your first steps in the profession of a fitness trainer, most likely you are not aware of them. So, get ready, now we will eliminate this gap.

Secrets of a fitness trainer

Self-taught trainer. Often they are either scolded or admired. Most often they scold for mediocrity and disregard, but admire those who help people and raise the interest of the broad masses in a healthy lifestyle. A self-taught trainer commands respect only if he is an enthusiast in his field, if he grows as a specialist, studies all the time and passes this knowledge on to people. Such people often start their own blog, maintain a YouTube channel and communicate through pages on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter with their fans and subscribers. For the self-taught, the first secret of being a fitness trainer is to be completely dedicated and love the craft of coaching.

The coach must develop. A serious coach is an enthusiast in his field. Learning as a process has a beginning but no end. If you want to become an expert in your craft, you should definitely attend various industry conventions, seminars and conferences. At the same time, in order to become an expert, you do not have to take courses, pass exams and receive diplomas. That is, we return to the previous point about self-taught trainers who expand their knowledge base entirely on their own. The one who is too little engaged in his education, in a competitive environment, is the first to be eliminated from the game. This is the second secret of the work of a fitness trainer.

The coach must train. This common truth is dictated to him by the industry itself, with which he decided to connect his professional activity. Man broadcasting concept healthy lifestyle life, must be a role model for his wards. It is absolutely not necessary to weigh 100 kg and be pumped up, but at a minimum, you should have a toned figure. It's as important as serving correct example in training, nutrition, recovery, motivation and lifestyle in general. The third secret of the work of a fitness trainer lies in working on own body. The process of its improvement, as well as with mental development- must be continuous.

Qualities of a professional fitness trainer- this is charisma, positive, energy, persuasion, the ability to competently build speech to win over people. Anyone can master these skills, so if you don’t master them initially, it doesn’t threaten your career at all. Here it is important to work on yourself, communicate, get acquainted and expand the range of interests. A friendly, open, smiling and educated person is always a good conversationalist. He is a priori more likely to attract clients to him for personal training. The fourth secret of the work of a fitness trainer lies in the need to develop communication skills - communication, influence, persuasion, etc.

What they won't tell you in coaching courses

Seasonality. The fitness industry has its ups and downs. From September to November club attendance is always growing. In December, preparations for the New Year start, which leads to a decline. From January to May, there is a slight but steady increase in the flow of customers. Summer, from June to August, is a period of stagnation. In the low season, a novice trainer without clients may not earn anything, since in December, people invest in gifts, and not in fitness. In the summer, they invest in vacations, but again, not in fitness. Advice: form a customer base that will smooth out seasonal fluctuations.

Competition. Partially, we have already touched on this topic above. For a coach, clients are money. As a rule, a trainer is not so much a friend to a trainer as a competitor, and in the pursuit of clients, it sometimes happens that one trainer tries to lure a client who works with another. Such things need to be stopped as soon as you come to work in the club. If you are afraid to make a remark to another coach, you will continue to be taken away by clients, if you have the courage to go out to talk, there is a high probability that this will not happen again. Advice: show strength of character and do not be afraid to put people in their place.

Disease. If you want to make good money, you will need to conduct personal training every day, and not one or two, but up to ten. Working with each client for about an hour, you will come to work at 10 am and leave at 20 pm. And so every day. Needless to say, you will not have the opportunity to get sick, leave or take a day off. Otherwise, you will simply lose customers. Either they will go to another coach who was in the gym when you suddenly decided to get sick, or they will go to another club. Advice: watch your health, sleep, nutrition and take vitamins.

Personal life. In order to make good money, you will have to spend a lot of personal training. There are a lot of personals, it's 8-10 a day, 6 days a week. With this mode, most likely you will spend your only day off at home, just resting from a hard and busy week. It is quite natural that with such a busy schedule, you will not have time to go to cafes, clubs and cinemas to find a soul mate there. And if you have it, time will still be missed. Tip #1: increase free time by increasing the cost of personal computers and reducing their number. Tip #2: look for the other half among the clients of the club.

Lack of mood. Forget about it. At the workplace, you should be present only in high spirits. Did you oversleep? Nobody cares. Did you forget your bag with things, your foot was stepped on in transport, your wife filed for divorce, or you did not have time to pay a mortgage deposit? It doesn't matter to anyone but you. Clients are people just like you, and their lives are full of negativity. They also come to the fitness club to relax. If you complement their negative with your own, the client is likely to leave you. Advice: keep your problems to yourself.

Sales plan. In most, if not all, clubs with rare exceptions, the coach has a plan for the number of personal training per month. The plan implies a lower threshold for their number. What does it mean? What if the plan for a month for a coach is 80 personal trainings, and he spends 50 or 60, he is reprimanded. It could be a warning next month. For the third time, if the coach does not fulfill the plan, he can be fired. No hard feelings, nothing personal, just business. Advice: take the plan not as an enemy, but as an incentive to be active and not sit out your pants at work.

The difference between personals and individuals. In some clubs such a distinction exists. Personal training implies that you will spend the prescribed hour and a half with only one client. Individual training(individual) costs less (sometimes twice) than personal training and as a rule, a trainer can work with several people at the same time. From 2 or more. There is also the concept of pair training (duet), when two people can work out at the same time at the same cost. Advice: understand the services and prices of your club, otherwise you will earn crumbs.

What a coach should not do. They don’t actually teach this, but the trainer absolutely should not delve into the smartphone while working with the client, run to the smoking room at every opportunity, take strong drinks at work, use swear words, be rude and rude to clients. Selling personal computers into your pocket means exposing yourself to dismissal. In no case should you quietly sell various nutritional supplements, pharmacological preparations, including anabolic steroids. Advice: be human, save face and follow the job description.

Without experience, they will not be accepted into a prestigious club. In the previous article, we have already touched on this topic, and here it is only worth repeating that people from the training bench are not taken to an elite level club. Simply due to lack of experience. In addition, clients in such clubs are very capricious and demanding of all club staff and coaches in particular. If your level of knowledge does not suit them, they can easily complain to the administration that the club is hiring insufficiently qualified employees. Advice: gain experience in budget clubs, and then move on to prestigious ones.

Your body is not the indicator, the indicator is your tongue and mind. A common truth that is not taught in training courses for trainers. The one who trains best and earns the most is the one who has the best tongue. There were cases when people, even after graduating from prestigious coaching schools, were not hired. Why? Because they do not teach skills of communication, persuasion and communication. Even if you are a successful athlete in the past or present, this does not mean at all that you will be a good methodologist. Advice: develop not only the body, but also the mind.

First month. This is the time during which you must literally live in a club in order to become familiar with customers and increase your level of trust. As soon as you get a job, you will desperately need clients to whom you can sell personals. Sales come only through recognition. If you keep turning before your eyes, smile, communicate, help, suggest, and generally show yourself as an open and friendly person, people will be drawn to you. Advice: show the client how important he is to you, and you will become the most irreplaceable person for him.

Work on mistakes. Any problems that you encounter in your work require analysis, not superficial conclusions. If you do not have clients, analyze the situation - why this is happening, as soon as you find the reason - look for ways to fix the problem. Build a cause-and-effect relationship: no clients (why?) - little knowledge (how to fix it?) - take a training course (solution). No clients? Look for the reason. There are clients, but they do not come to you? Look for the reason. Clients come to you, but do not buy personal computers? Look for the reason. Advice: always analyze the results of your work.

Learn. Always ask yourself questions and always question your knowledge and skills. This is your own incentive for personal growth. Setting up a continuous learning process is quite easy, you need to create a closed repeating cycle. The conditions are simple, it is enough to learn that you do not know enough, this will encourage you to learn. Having learned and reached a new level of knowledge, keep in mind that this knowledge is not enough and start a new round of the learning spiral. The learning process, as I have said more than once, is a continuous process. Advice: make learning a habit.

About the tricks of the fitness trainer

Now that we have covered almost all the secrets of a fitness trainer, let's turn to the most burning topic - how to get a client. The manipulations described below are not a secret, since everyone already knows about them, but this approach can easily be called a trick. Since clients are a source of income for a coach, the struggle for them goes on at all levels, both among beginners and among more experienced employees. In order to understand what competition is, it is necessary to describe the process of obtaining a client by a coach. This topic is so relevant and occurs so often, especially in network clubs, that it deserves a separate paragraph.

So, in a classic situation, a person who enters the club goes to the reception, where smiling administrators sell season tickets, personal training and additional services of the club. A person buys a subscription to the hall and becomes a client of the club. In the case when the client himself takes the initiative to buy personal trainers, or when the administrator sells this service to him, that is, there is a need for the services of a trainer, the situation may develop as follows.

Ideally, the administrator invites the client to choose one of several trainers or go to the gym and “see everyone”. It is also possible that the administrator directs the client to the coach who this moment free, provided that the others are busy at that moment. But there is another side of the coin, which is called “fitting”. In this case, the coach negotiates with the administrator so that the clients who have bought personal computers are sent to him. This is in fact a corruption scheme, when instead of giving all coaches the same conditions for earning money, the administrator "adjusts" most of the clients to one coach. Such a pair of trainer-administrators is in collusion, and "cooperates" either due to friendship, or on the basis of financial mutual settlements, or on the basis of, let's say, a closer connection. In any case, it is quite difficult to trace and disclose such a scheme, especially since the management is not interested in this.

Why? There are two reasons for this. The first and main thing is that the management needs money to go to the club, so that, for example, 1000 personal training sessions are held per month. And the director doesn’t care whether these five thousand coaches will conduct 200 trainings, or four will conduct 100 and one 600 each. Therefore, the management usually does not interfere in such schemes, if they take place. Money goes to the cashier, so everything is in order. The second reason follows from the first - if the same five coaches work in the club, four of which are not well versed in their craft, are closed, do not make good contact with clients, almost do not sell personal trainers and, as a result, do not bring money to the club, it is quite natural that the administrator will direct clients to the trainer who has the highest sales efficiency of personal computers. In such a situation, management may even encourage such an initiative from the administrator or their joint coalition with the trainer.

In such a situation, the most important thing is not to be in the category of those who do not know how to communicate and sell, otherwise they simply will not give you customers. Left without clients, you will have nothing to do in the club and often, the coach, not delving into the essence of the situation that has arisen, relies on his inexperience and goes to advanced training courses, where he will be given even more knowledge in anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, and so on, but how and earlier, they will not learn how to communicate and sell. After the courses, he will return to work, will be surprised to find that, just as before, he cannot sell anything and will make the erroneous conclusion that the courses provided little information and that the courses were bad. In fact, the courses were simply not the same. Having found himself in this position and languishing from hopelessness and lack of clients, such a coach either quits and changes the club, or leaves the industry altogether, having become disillusioned with the profession. Often, precisely because of their own erroneous conclusions.

The secret of the work of a fitness trainer in this situation is this. In order to anticipate such a course of events, First, keep working on yourself., learn and improve secondly, always having a look at your colleagues when you come to work in the club, see who goes to the smoking room with whom, who goes to lunch with whom, who drinks coffee with whom and jokes all the time and creates the appearance of friendship. If you notice such a trend, keep in mind that this appearance of friendship is most likely based on mutual kickbacks. How to act in such a situation? See how the club will treat you. If you have tested the effect of this scheme on yourself, despite the fact that the level of your knowledge is quite high, you will most likely not be allowed to earn money in this club. And since we have already found out that it is difficult to reveal the scheme, and it is pointless to prove anything to the management, there is only one way out - the club needs to be changed. But in no case should you be disappointed in the profession.


So, let's try to summarize such an extensive topic as a profession. personal trainer. And we will repeat the main points that every potential coach should know.

People often come not for results, but just to talk. It happens that even a non-muscular and not embossed trainer can conduct a lot of personal training and at the same time make decent money. What is the secret - you already know. Ability to win over, persuade and communicate. Communicate, communicate and communicate again. You can be a three-time national, European or world champion, but if you are reserved and not sociable, your value as a coach is reduced to zero. You remember that management sees you as a person who knows how to sell. You don’t know how to sell, sorry - you are a bad coach, without regard to your sporting achievements.

Also remember the fact that success is achieved only by people with an active lifestyle, who are constantly developing and learning something new. Be that person. Develop comprehensively, read books, watch movies, listen to music, go to exhibitions, participate in conferences, travel if possible, communicate with people, show attention to them and you will become the most indispensable person for your clients, a successful coach and a personality with a capital letter. This is success for a person who plans his own coaching career in the fitness industry.

Do you want to make your figure slim, but don't have the time and energy to devote several hours a day to classes? This is not necessary, as fitness instructor Tamily Webb proves to us.

I want such a body - sets of exercises for every day

All you need for an ideal relief is 15 minutes a day, but with full dedication. “I want such a body” is a dynamic workout that includes a load on different muscle groups, each of which is given a quarter of an hour to work out.

And be sure to go to the section and jump in too. I regularly update and add information to these sections.

I want this press. Complex 1

Exercises from the series “I want such a press” are just a godsend! They are quite simple and for most women quite feasible. The effect of their implementation will be noticeable after a few weeks of classes.

I want this press. Complex 2

The study of the press continues in the second part of the course. The load becomes more complex and intense, when training, dumbbells are used for fitness.

I want those hands. Complex 1

hands are pretty problem area for many women, especially with the type of figure T. The development of the triceps should be thought out so as not to pump the muscles, but to tighten them. The “I want such hands” complex will perfectly cope with this task.

I want those hands. Complex 2

This video contains the most effective exercises, which Tamily identified based on personal experience and the latest research by physiologists. Flabby arm muscles can spoil the impression of the most beautiful figure. And vice versa, taut, graceful hands are able to focus on themselves, hide minor flaws in other areas.

I want those legs. Complex 1

Slender legs are the dream of owners of a luxurious pear-shaped figure. The “I want such legs” complex will help to emphasize natural forms and give them the desired relief.

I want those legs. Complex 2

On entry level classes, you can slightly reduce the pace and reduce the number of repetitions. It's not scary, the effect will still be. As you gain experience, you will be able to complete the “I Want Legs Like This” workout to the fullest.

I want such a body. Complex 1

A slender, strong, enduring body is not a dream, but an achievable reality. The video "I want such a body" includes the most effective exercises to help achieve this effect in the shortest possible time.

I want such a body. Complex 2

Keep in mind that the “I want such a body” complex has a fairly fast pace. If you can't keep up with Tamily, don't despair and don't quit. Just reduce the number of repetitions in the initial period. Practice with dynamic, pleasant music to create the right mood. After completing the complex, be sure to praise yourself and please yourself with something. This positive incentive will help you return to training again and again. Good luck!

Have a look also here:

Many of us dream of losing weight, in general or in certain places. The Internet is full of headlines on the topic of losing weight, getting rid of cellulite and problem areas, applying miracle diets and getting slim figure. Some really help, but not for long.

Is it possible to lose weight once and for all (preferably quickly and without straining). What should you eat to lose weight? How to keep beautiful shapes? Will it interfere with health? These and other topics will be discussed in this section.

Myths and truths about weight loss

  • Losing weight is hard, which you need to survive with clenched teeth and pre-prepared mentally.
  • You can lose weight by following a series of rules: if you are on a diet, regularly arrange fasting days, starve, do not eat after six, consume negative calorie foods or mixtures with a specially selected complex of nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
  • You can lose weight in one problem area.
  • It's easy to lose weight! Eat special programs and express diets for a vacation or “going out” (for example, if you roll from side to side on the floor, you can fit into a dress).

These are all myths and true. The truth is that it is true: losing weight is hard and easy; exist effective methods and diets; you can lose weight in a separate place (tighten muscles). The myth is that the results achieved in such ways can be saved for a long time. In fact, to maintain weight you need to do fitness.

What gives fitness?

Fitness is a combination physical activity, which allows you to change the weight, tighten the muscles and consolidate the result.

It is necessary with increased body weight and a sedentary lifestyle, as a result of which the muscles are inactive and atrophy (sag).

In addition, excess weight is accompanied by overload of cardio-vascular system, hormonal disruptions and wrong work internal organs increased stress on the joints. Fitness returns good health and a beautiful body.

Avicenna said: “Movement can replace many medicines, but no medicine in the world can replace movement!”

The main thing is the system!

Systemic errors of the wrong lifestyle that led to overweight and health problems, should also be corrected systematically. Losing weight without harm and maintaining the results can only be done on a long-term basis, which includes regular exercise and a certain diet.


It is better to choose exercises in such a way that several muscle groups are included in the work, and at the same time coordination improves, the elasticity of the ligaments increases, and the joints become stronger. Ideally, there should be 2 types of exercises: dynamic and static.

Dynamic loading allows you to create muscle corset, correct posture, tighten the muscles of the buttocks, abs, arms. By the way, there are special ones. When performing such exercises, stretching and contraction of muscles occurs. This type of load will give tone to a sluggish and weakened body, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, improve work lymphatic system, increase immunity. You can use weights, that is, exercise on simulators, with dumbbells, heavy hoop etc. you will learn on our resource.

At static exercises several muscle groups are involved at the same time. At the same time, there is practically no movement, but the muscles are constantly tense, spend a lot of energy and become very hardy.

Principles of training

  1. Availability training program compiled with the help of a professional trainer. Otherwise, classes will not bring the desired result.
  2. alternation dynamic and static loads.
  3. Regularity of training. Someone who has done 100 workouts looks like better than that who trained only 50 times.
  4. Mandatory warm-up before the main set of exercises.
  5. Proper breathing: with a dynamic load, inhale during muscle stretching, exhale during contraction; under static load, breathing cannot be held.


In order to become lighter and more elastic, it is necessary to reduce the percentage of fat in the body, for example, dry the body and increase muscle mass. In a specific place, you can only tighten the muscles, create elasticity. Tem. who is unhappy bottom body will help.

Fat loss comes at the expense of calorie reduction. To do this, it is not enough just to go on a diet, or arrange fasting days. These methods will give a short-term weight loss (sometimes due to the removal of excess water), which then “eat up” back. In addition, an unexpected sharp decrease in calories will force the body to stockpile for the “lean day”.

The most effective way to change your diet is with a set of simple and non-tiring rules that you can and should constantly follow. Here are some of them:

It's very simple - to prioritize and start thinking about the concepts of "important-not important", "urgent-non-urgent". The problem is not in the presence or absence of free time, but in elementary laziness and unwillingness to change the usual way of life.

Think about it, do we really not have half an hour of free time 3-4 times a week to work out at home, even just by shaking the press? Video exercises for the press for girls at home, and exercises for slimming the hips and buttocks. Or buy and improve your forms. Such a duration of regular dynamic and static training enough to slowly achieve the desired shape. Slowly, even preferable, as many have seen from their own experience that quickly lost weight is restored just as quickly.

Or we do not have time in the evening to visit the fitness room? What about meeting with a girlfriend in a cafe, chatting on the phone, social networks or watching TV? Can you replace TV with exercise videos? Set your priorities.

Another reason besides laziness is the inability to plan your own life schedule. Time itself will not appear from anywhere. It will have to be found or created, saving on the duration of other cases, squeezing, canceling or entrusting their execution to someone else.

As a result, there will definitely be time for fitness. Moreover, many training options have been created, including new technologies that save time. You just need not to be lazy, analyze the market and choose the best programs.

There are even workouts to strengthen the internal organs:.


The hardest thing about anything is getting started. They say it takes 2-3 weeks to develop a habit. This is a time of stress reactions, when a beginner can “break loose”. You can, of course, during this period treat yourself with gifts for fortitude, but in fitness the main thing is to act. Sport forms not only the body, it also tempers the character. While doing fitness, we overcome ourselves with each new repetition, expansion of the range of motion and an extra 5 seconds of the plank rack.

The materials posted on this page are for informational purposes and are intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your doctor! Administration is not responsible for possible Negative consequences resulting from the use of information posted on the site site

Fitness is an effective sports technology that is guaranteed to transform your appearance to match modern model standards. And this is true. Another thing is that this technology is deceptive with its external prostate. Anyone who has not achieved anything in fitness is simply poorly versed in it and does not know the secrets of fitness.

Fitness Secrets

And what are the secrets? Your appearance, among other things, is also influenced by “side” factors - nutrition, sleep quality, and even such a psychological state, which would seem to be far from the topic. No matter how much you train, with lack of sleep, unhealthy diet and stress, you are unlikely to be able to achieve your fitness goals. Plus will be multiplied by minus with a zero result.

Little go to aerobics and power training. It is necessary to reshape the whole way of life, more precisely, to improve it. This is the main practical condition for a high return on exercise. Do not ignorantly miss the chance that could radically change you for the better.


If you have to take into account age, it is only in the sense that you have accumulated more detraining. All our troubles are from a sedentary lifestyle. It is he who makes us grow old and lose strength prematurely. Usually, after 35 years, a woman manages to forget how to run, jump, play ball. So entry into fitness willy-nilly should be careful. It's like learning to walk again after a long bed-sickness.