Riding a scooter can damage your spine. Is a scooter harmful to a child? Scooter for adults: fun or full physical activity

Riding a scooter benefit and harm

What muscles work on a scooter?

A scooter is not just great entertainment or convenient city transport, it is also very efficient. sports equipment. You sedentary work? A scooter is a great way to keep yourself in good shape!

Scooter training: what do they give?

By regularly riding a scooter, you:

The supporting leg is loaded the most during training on a scooter. All the weight of the body is on it, and on it you have to squat to push off. Thus, almost all the lower muscle groups of the leg are involved - this is very cool, but we strongly recommend changing legs in time (once every 5-15 minutes, depending on the preparation).

During training on a scooter, the push leg receives almost the same load as when running, but there is no hard impact on the ground - the joints do not suffer. In addition, when the free leg returns after the push, the abdominal muscles, triceps and biceps are involved, they support the body in the correct position.

It is due to all of the above that training on a scooter is extremely effective.

Is scooter good for health? Compare with other sports

Definitely useful, but how much? Let's try to compare with analogues:

  • Run. It gives excellent results, but can adversely affect the joints and spine: constant shock loads are bad. And the higher your weight, the higher the risk. The scooter forces the muscles to work in a similar pattern, but without risk to the joints;
  • Bike. When cycling, in fact, only the legs work. As a result, we have a "lagging" upper part body, back pain. In addition, the saddle compresses the blood flow, which also has a bad effect on well-being. So, the scooter is definitely healthier.

Training on a scooter not only strengthens the muscles, but also stimulates the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. With active movement in the air, the lungs work at 100% - this allows you to cleanse yourself of toxins, helps to harden and strengthen the immune system.

Increased blood circulation contributes to the prevention of varicose veins, as well as prostatitis and adenoma in men (improves blood flow in the pelvis). If you have vegetovascular dystonia, scooter training will help strengthen the vestibular apparatus.

Is a scooter good for weight loss?

Scooter - very effective remedy fight against overweight. For a minute of a trip at a speed of 18 km / h, you burn 0.76 kJ per kilogram of weight, and when riding a bicycle at the same speed, only 0.46 kJ! That is, to lose weight on a bike as effectively as on a scooter, you have to ride almost twice as fast.

In terms of energy consumption, losing weight on a scooter can be compared with intensive running or swimming - this is an excellent result! So, if you need a really effective and healthy sports equipment, a scooter is your choice!


What are the health benefits of a scooter for a child?

It is very difficult to overestimate the benefits of this vehicle. Regular scooter riding will bring joy to children from the age of two.
Having decided to buy a children's scooter, you can be sure that riding this transport will not be traumatic, since the principle of movement on it is quite simple, therefore, the child learns to ride a scooter easily and quickly. In most cases, the first acquaintance with a scooter ends with successful rides around the apartment or yard. The very design of the scooter is so simple that the kid does not have questions “How does it work?” or “How will I manage?” It is the elementary nature of the device that allows the parent to introduce his child to scooter sports in early age, from which he, having learned to keep his balance, can easily switch to a bicycle.
1. Muscles of the legs First of all, riding a scooter, the child strengthens the muscles of the legs. In addition, the scooter, unlike other Vehicle for children, simultaneously develops all muscle types: fascia lata hips - is activated at the moment when the child raises two legs on the scooter. Quadriceps hips - actively involved in acceleration.

All lower extensor tendons are involved in pushing the feet off the road surface. Just 1-2 hours of riding a scooter is a complete and active workout for the whole muscular system legs. Even a simple children's tricycle scooter brings 4-5 times more benefits for strengthening the muscular system of the child's legs than just walking or even running. 2. Respiratory and cardiovascular system While riding the scooter, the child breathes actively. Every minute in a calm state, the child takes about 15-18 breaths and exhalations. In order for the body to receive a sufficient amount of oxygen, it needs to do twice as many exhalations and inhalations, and this is normal natural ventilation of the lungs. Thanks to this positive property scooter riding is recommended for children who have developmental problems respiratory system including those with asthma.

3. Attention, dexterity, vestibular apparatus As in any other sport, a child, riding a scooter, focuses his attention. He constantly shifts his gaze from closer points to more distant ones, training his eyesight at this moment. Riding a scooter trains dexterity and agility. In order to stay on the scooter during the trip, the child keeps his balance, and this best workout vestibular apparatus. Buy a children's scooter - take care of the development and health of a growing organism. And if you approach the matter especially thoughtfully, then walking on a scooter will bring pleasure to parents, especially if you additionally purchase a couple of adult scooters for mom and dad.

Mariana Chornovil


Health benefits of scooter

Scooters are very popular these days. Developers are constantly improving them and adding new details. Is there any benefit to a scooter? And if so, which one?

The scooter is great! It can improve supply internal organs oxygen, pump up the muscles of the legs and back, develop the respiratory system. Especially useful will be riding a scooter for smokers, whose lungs are difficult to function at the proper level.

When skating, you mainly need to work with your feet and this is very good. It turns out that the scooter - great way prevention of varicose veins and prevention of blood clots.

Scientists have proven that riding this transport has a positive effect on the functioning of the genital organs in men. For women, the scooter also has invaluable benefits - a beautiful figure. Riding it every day for 30 minutes, you can get rid of extra centimeters at the waist.

Riding a scooter is also beneficial for vision and nervous system. You get a charge of positive, saturated with useful emotions and joy.

Rules for "useful" scooter riding

Are you used to taking advantage of everything? This is correct, but for this you must always adhere to certain rules, which also applies to the scooter:

☼ if you have eaten, then first let the food settle down and only then go outside and ride;

☼ before you ride, you need to prepare the joints. Jump, run in place, squat, in general, do a light warm-up;

☼Don't forget to take breaks between rides.


New fitness: scooter as a way to lose weight

[Beauty] [Lose weight fast]

Creator and Main coach fitness platforms "Tyanis" Anastasia Borisova tells and shows why riding a scooter not only entertains, but also helps to keep fit.

Scooter: what muscles are trained

The scooter is a practical exercise machine for the whole body, but especially for the legs and buttocks. In terms of the number of calories burned, riding a scooter can be compared to intensive running or swimming. Most of the load goes to the supporting leg, that is, to the one that stands on the deck. It bears all your weight, on it you squat slightly while riding to push off, and this effectively pumps the muscles.

In addition to the legs, with the help of a scooter, you can pump the abdominal muscles, triceps and biceps. This happens when the free leg returns. In addition, intense outdoor riding helps the lungs to work at full capacity, which means that the blood is better saturated with oxygen. This is a plus, especially for smokers.

When you ride uphill, the load increases. But again, it all depends on your goals. If you bought a scooter and urgently want to correct your figure, then ride uphill more; if " broad bone» does not scare you - enjoy the process and do not look at bumpy routes.

How to improve efficiency

Choose a scooter more often and refuse ground transport. To properly distribute the load on the muscles while skiing, do not forget to change the supporting leg every 5-7 minutes.

You can increase the effectiveness of this training by doing various exercises. For example, try to make a "swallow". During this exercise, you train the muscles of the back and legs.

The third way is good for those who are tired of the hated "ears" on their feet. When you are driving on a wide road, try swinging to the side. The main thing here is to fix the supporting leg on the scooter. It is best to put it in the center of the deck. Do not transfer body weight on your hands, otherwise the effect will decrease.

This method is suitable for those who have five minutes more than they need for the trip. Slow down against the wall and, using the scooter as a fulcrum, perform the “pistol” exercise. Why do you need a scooter for this? It will teach you to better control the balance of your body and properly distribute weight during sports exercises.

Try using the scooter handles as a barre and backswing with a back arch. This exercise not only trains your muscles, but also helps to improve stretching. And the “machine on wheels” will teach you how to masterfully balance.

Another tip: try to lift the supporting leg on the toe during the trip and lower it. Repeat the exercise several times for each leg. Such actions are good for strengthening the calf muscles.

  • Remember safety. While riding and developing exercises, I used the Razor A5 Lux scooter. This is a fairly reliable urban model with a wide deck and large wheel diameters. It seems a trifle, but these characteristics are important: on a wide deck it is convenient for the supporting leg, and large wheels help not to be distracted by road bumps.
  • Watch your nutrition. Riding a scooter equates to general physical activity, and you can help your body cope more effectively with excess fat by reviewing your daily diet. Nutrition advice is endless, but first of all, give up fast food, fried and fatty. Include more protein foods in your diet (fish, eggs, cottage cheese, meat), complex carbohydrates(cereals) and reduce the consumption of simple (flour and sweet). Drink more water and less carbonated drinks.

Riding a scooter at first glance seems absolutely childish and not a serious occupation. It is not respectable for an adult to use such a simple and strange means of transportation. But once you try to ride a modern, good and big scooter for adults - and your opinion is likely to change. In addition, a scooter is not just entertainment, but also a health benefit.

The benefits of a scooter for adults

Actively moving in the fresh air is already a useful activity in itself, but riding a scooter has its own characteristics, thanks to which you can prevent certain diseases, as well as successfully deal with existing ones.
Riding a scooter is a wonderful and uncomplicated cardiovascular workout, gentle, but effective strengthening musculoskeletal system, as well as stimulation of the respiratory system. And, of course, without a developed vestibular apparatus you will not go far.

Naturally, for girls, riding a scooter is a great opportunity to lose weight. excess weight and shape up. Moreover, the scooter trains such important and often problematic parts of the female body as legs, hips, buttocks. It's also a very good preventive measure. varicose veins veins, from which women often suffer.

But men will also be satisfied - they have a load on lower part body while riding increases the blood supply to the pelvic organs. And this is a very good prevention of prostatitis and prostate adenoma.

And another unexpected positive effect of such trips is the strengthening of the eye muscles due to the constant shifting of the gaze from near objects to distant ones and vice versa.

Of course, it is impossible not to mention the fact that riding a scooter gives people great pleasure, and the release of endorphins, the hormones of joy, is not only extremely pleasant, but also good for health.

Choosing a scooter

Modern scooters for adults are light, functional and practical. At the same time, they are very durable and can withstand weight up to one hundred kilograms, and some models even more. It is clear that the more comfortable, convenient and modern this or that thing is, the more expensive it is. You don’t buy a scooter every day, so it’s not worth saving on it. Moreover, the scooter of a good, well-known and reputable manufacturer is obviously better and will last much longer. In principle, you can buy it once and for life.

Folding models are especially practical - they take up little space and are very easy to transport to the park or square where you plan to ride.

Where and how to ride

Theoretically, you can even ride a scooter to work if your office is not far from home. But of course, greatest pleasure bring scooter rides in beautiful green parks with good paths. This is great fun for the whole family, because there are scooters even for two-year-olds.

You need to master the scooter calmly, slowly, away from busy roads. No special skills are required - balance, as a rule, is caught immediately. It is important to learn how to turn and brake. This usually depends on the design of the scooter, but as a rule, the controls are intuitive and do not cause any difficulties.

Of course, you should take care of your safety and protect yourself as much as possible from negative consequences falls. And best of all, special protection will help with this - knee pads, elbow pads and a helmet.

A scooter is easier than running and does not require large spaces and special skills, like riding a bicycle, for example. Therefore, there are more and more fans of this activity every day.

A lot has already been said about the popularity of scooters. Praises are sung to the style and technical component, their reliability, working capabilities and variety of configurations. It's time to talk about the benefits that riding a scooter brings to our body.

The benefits of a scooter

And this benefit is truly invaluable - primarily for women and children. During a walk on a scooter, the muscles of the legs and buttocks are strengthened, the activity of the respiratory, cardiovascular systems, and the musculoskeletal system improves. With active movement in the fresh air, our lungs work at full strength, which means that the blood is better saturated with oxygen, which enters all vital organs. Riding a scooter is especially useful for heavy smokers, whose lungs need constant cleansing from toxic substances. In addition, regular walks on a scooter are a great way to harden and strengthen immunity.

Scooter - very good remedy for the prevention of varicose veins, because the main load during the ride goes to the legs. This increases blood circulation, reduces the degree congestion in veins and vessels. For people suffering from vegetovascular dystonia, scootering helps to strengthen the vestibular apparatus.

Experts say that this type of transport is very useful for men as prevention of prostatitis and adenoma, because while driving, the blood supply to the small pelvis improves.

And, of course, a scooter is a universal means to keep the figure in good shape! Regular trips on a scooter are a guarantee of burning subcutaneous fat, reducing fatty tissue in problem areas. Riding every day for at least half an hour, you can easily and freely lose a few extra pounds, tighten your muscles, make them elastic.

Ophthalmologists are also in favor of scooter rides. By controlling it, we peer into distant objects, which means we train the eye muscle, reducing the risk of visual impairment.

As for the nervous system, then the benefits of riding scooters for her are also obvious. A charge of vivacity and positive emotions, the ability to relax and surrender to the will of speed, the load on the muscles undoubtedly bring nice results- stress goes away, and everyday worries no longer seem so routine.

Rules to help you succeed

In order for scooter riding to bring real benefits and pleasure, you must follow a few rules:

  • You can not go for a walk immediately after a hearty meal.
  • During skiing, you need to take small breaks, alternating the active phase with the rest phase.
  • Before you "saddle" the scooter and hit the road, you should slightly warm up the joints of the legs through the most simple exercises: squats, running in place, tilts.

The Razor company treats the consumers of its products with special care. All scooters produced under this brand are focused not only on gaining riding skills, but also on maintaining and strengthening the health of big and small adherents of an active lifestyle.

06/21/2018 articles

For the body of an adult and a child, riding a scooter brings great benefit. Mastering the technique of riding is not difficult, it is available to anyone, even a physically unprepared person.

The benefits of a scooter for the body

Prevention of varicose veins

The main load (not hard) in this case falls on the lower limbs. Walking on a scooter is indicated for the prevention and treatment of patients with varicose veins. Riding helps to activate blood circulation in the legs, reduce congestive venous and vascular negative phenomena.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia

There is a strengthening of the vestibular apparatus, stabilization of blood pressure, training of blood vessels. This is the prevention of headaches, pressure surges, sleep disorders, etc.


The scooter is useful for the prevention and treatment of prostate pathologies, including adenoma. Skating activates blood flow in the pelvic organs, eliminating congestion.

Excess weight

This is a great way to reduce excess weight. During the ride, excess body fat is burned, blood circulation improves, toxins are removed from tissues faster. It is enough to ride a scooter for half an hour every day to have a great figure. Muscles become elastic, skin is elastic.

Eye diseases

Surprisingly, during such a walk, the organs of vision are trained. Attentive peering at surrounding objects, especially distant ones, improves vision by training the muscles of the eyes.

Nervous system and mood

While skiing, a person receives a charge of vivacity and energy for many hours. Emotional relaxation, muscle work give good results and relieve stress. The main secret health is regular classes rather than riding from time to time.

Riding a scooter at first glance seems absolutely childish and not a serious occupation. It is not respectable for an adult to use such a simple and strange means of transportation. But once you try to ride a modern, good and big scooter for adults - and your opinion is likely to change. In addition, a scooter is not just entertainment, but also a health benefit.

The benefits of a scooter for adults

Actively moving in the fresh air is already a useful activity in itself, but riding a scooter has its own characteristics, thanks to which you can prevent certain diseases, as well as successfully deal with existing ones.

Riding a scooter is an excellent and simple workout for the cardiovascular system, gentle but effective strengthening of the musculoskeletal system, as well as stimulation of the respiratory system. And, of course, without a developed vestibular apparatus you will not go far.

Naturally, for girls, riding a scooter is a great opportunity to lose weight and tighten their figure. Moreover, the scooter trains such important and often problematic parts of the female body as legs, hips, buttocks. And it is also a very good prevention of varicose veins, from which women often suffer.

But men will also be satisfied - they have a load on the lower body while skiing increases the blood supply to the pelvic organs. And this is a very good prevention of prostatitis and prostate adenoma.

And another unexpected positive effect of such trips is the strengthening of the eye muscles due to the constant shifting of the gaze from near objects to distant ones and vice versa.

Of course, it is impossible not to mention the fact that riding a scooter gives people great pleasure, and the release of endorphins, the hormones of joy, is not only extremely pleasant, but also good for health.

Choosing a scooter

Modern scooters for adults are light, functional and practical. At the same time, they are very durable and can withstand weight up to one hundred kilograms, and some models even more. It is clear that the more comfortable, convenient and modern this or that thing is, the more expensive it is. You don’t buy a scooter every day, so it’s not worth saving on it. Moreover, the scooter of a good, well-known and reputable manufacturer is obviously better and will last much longer. In principle, you can buy it once and for life.

Folding models are especially practical - they take up little space and are very easy to transport to the park or square where you plan to ride.

Where and how to ride

Theoretically, you can even ride a scooter to work if your office is not far from home. But, of course, riding a scooter in beautiful green parks with good paths will bring the greatest pleasure. This is great fun for the whole family, because there are scooters even for two-year-olds.

You need to master the scooter calmly, slowly, away from busy roads. No special skills are required - balance, as a rule, is caught immediately. It is important to learn how to turn and brake. This usually depends on the design of the scooter, but as a rule, the controls are intuitive and do not cause any difficulties.

Of course, you should take care of your safety and protect yourself as much as possible from the negative consequences of falls. And best of all, special protection will help with this - knee pads, elbow pads and a helmet.

A scooter is easier than running and does not require large spaces and special skills, like riding a bicycle, for example. Therefore, there are more and more fans of this activity every day.

A scooter is a vehicle that must be propelled by pushing the foot off the road. Before buying a scooter for a child, parents think about whether it will be beneficial or more harmful. This will be discussed in this article.

Scooter advantages

  • Physical activity and development. Well trains the legs, arms, as well as the press;
  • Prevention and getting rid of excess weight;
  • Development of the vestibular apparatus;
  • An alternative to such modes of transport as metro, bus, trolleybus, tram - movement without traffic jams;
  • Affordable cost.
  • Ability to use a scooter from 3 years

Parents can choose what to buy for the child, for a mobile pastime. These can be roller skates, a bicycle, a scooter, and popular, as well as currently expensive gyro scooters and unicycles. Of the listed vehicles, the scooter will be the least traumatic. The bicycle is able to develop high speeds, which can lead not only to injury, but also lethal outcome after the fall. The rollers are no less dangerous, since they are fixed to the legs and in an emergency it will be impossible to get up, such as from a scooter.

It should be noted that the scooter is quite convenient for transportation and storage. Considering the function of most scooters, namely their folding, you can easily travel with them in public transport. Another plus is that the scooter is comfortable for any style of clothing, both men and women. In a standing position, a man will not wrinkle his pants, as can happen on a bicycle. Representatives of the weaker sex get the opportunity to ride a scooter in a skirt.

"Harm" scooter

Parents refuse to buy a scooter because of fears that the child will get injured while riding. It is difficult to deny that it is impossible to get an injury while riding a scooter. However, if certain safety rules are followed, the risk of injury can be minimized. In addition, earlier in the article it was justified that a scooter is a safer vehicle than a bicycle and roller skates.

Another misconception of parents is that the child will develop unevenly, due to the constant load on a certain leg during repulsion. When the leg gets tired, the child will independently change it. Thereby, exercise stress will be uniform. The same applies to the opinion that riding a scooter leads to a curvature of the spine. In order to earn this pathology, you need to ride an immense amount of time.

After the final decision to buy a scooter for a child, it is necessary to choose the right one. First of all, growth. The child's hands on the steering wheel should be slightly bent, and the steering wheel itself should be opposite the belt. At the same time, other characteristics of the scooter are also important. Its body must be durable, made of metal. The steering wheel of the scooter must be adjustable in height. This will allow you to properly adjust it to the growth of the child. In addition, it will definitely last more than one year and the whole family can ride on it. As for wheels, there are two-wheeled and even three-wheeled and four-wheeled scooters. Most the best option wheels - made of rubberized material.


There is no danger to the child when riding a scooter. It is more difficult to fall and get injured from it than from a bicycle, such trendy vehicles as a hoverboard and a unicycle. Due to the low location of the platform, as well as the speed, the child will be able to stop his movement at any time.

The scooter is only useful. It strengthens the body, in particular the muscles, the vestibular apparatus. The scooter is safe. Riding it hard to get severe injuries. That is why, one should not deprive a child of such an unusual personal transport as a scooter.


In a healthy body healthy mind!

A scooter is a cure for a bad mood and a number of other health troubles. The benefits of a scooter are undeniable, but is there any harm? Especially often this question is asked when buying transport for little fidgets.

A definite answer to the main question of moms

The biggest myth, which the scooter managed to acquire - it contributes to the curvature of the spine, like any other "one-sided" sport. Athletes train continuously for several hours a day. What can not be said about scooter rides. In addition, in this case, most fencers and tennis players should have a pronounced curvature of the spine. But in practice, we see a beautifully built body.

Indeed, unilateral loads contribute to scoliosis. That's just it's not about sports, but about the systematic uneven distribution of the load on the spine for a long time. The most striking example is the educational process. A heavy backpack or, even worse, a bag on its side, uncomfortable desks and sitting slumped in class bend the spine in different directions and spoil the gait. Therefore, fears that riding a scooter is good and at the same time harmful are very inflated and do not correspond to reality. Such leisure is rather a breath of fresh air and a way to stretch.

Opinion of an orthopedist!
The intensity and duration of even daily walks on a scooter is not enough to form even a hint of scoliosis.

Also, experts recommend changing the push leg. Some kids will be uncomfortable at first. And so that the baby is not capricious, it is better to come up with an interesting competition or game. But observant mothers note that children alternate legs on their own when they feel tired. The only dangerous moment may be a low-quality product. Often children's scooters are made of plastic. The kid can get hurt on sharp corners if something breaks during the fall.
At the time of buying children's scooter in our store, you can not be afraid of fakes and low-quality models. All goods are certified and are pre-tested before purchase or shipment to the customer.

Healthy childhood

Except vivid impressions, such transport produces a certain general strengthening effect:
- strengthens the heart and blood vessels - a wonderful prevention of vegetative-vascular dystonia;
- stimulates the work of the lungs;
- benefits for the eyes - while riding, the child alternately peers into the distance and focuses on points near - such exercises train the eyes, allow you to take a break from the computer and classes;
- develops and concentrates attention as much as possible.

You can start skiing as soon as the baby is firmly on his feet, from 1.5 - 2 years. Don't insist if the baby does not want to master a new vehicle.

It's also a great way strengthens the immune system during the cold season. The ease of transport allows you to ride even in outerwear. During the ride, the lungs work at full strength, the blood is saturated with oxygen as much as possible. Active movement prevents hypothermia, fresh air hardens the upper respiratory tract, actively cleanses the mucous membranes of the nose and nasopharynx, and has a general tonic effect.

When a scooter is essential

After making sure that the scooter does not cause harm, and the benefits for the child are obvious, we should dwell in more detail on the features of this type of transport.

One of the most common problems in children over the age of 2 years is undeveloped coordination of movement. With all the desire to move and learn, the child often falls and cannot stand up for a long time, does not cope well with sharp maneuvers: stopping, turning, standing on one leg, and so on. Good coordination and the ability to maintain balance are needed not only for movement without injury. They play an important role in the formation of a child's self-esteem, his social adaptation. Indeed, self-confidence and one’s own strengths when communicating with peers depend on how deftly and quickly what is conceived depends. Doctors recommend developing these skills with early childhood with help special exercises Or, with a scooter.

While riding, the baby tries to stay on one leg in motion. This is how the vestibular apparatus is trained. When the driver goes around obstacles, slows down, experiments with in reverse- Improving movement coordination skills.

The scooter does not require special skills, so there is no “awkward moment” when something does not work out. The child does not complex with other children and does not get upset.

Communication difficulties are not uncommon for children. And a joint walk on bright scooters will be a great way to make new friends. It's much easier to join a game and start chatting in the process. The scooter is not only children's transport - it is a modern trend. Bright design additions will help the baby to attract attention, join the company. Everything that develops the scooter is necessary for fun adventures and a healthy childhood.

Scooter for adults: fun or full-fledged physical activity?

Even a stranger passing by on a scooter evokes positive emotions. It seems that fans of such transport simply do not know how to be sad. It remains to consider in more detail how riding a scooter affects the health of an adult. Benefit and harm are distributed in the ratio: maximum energy and activity with a minimum opportunity to harm yourself.
So, how useful is a scooter, and what muscle groups does it develop:
- prevents varicose veins - active footwork increases blood circulation in lower limbs, the risk of blood clots is reduced, the condition of the vessels improves;
- improves men's health - intensive blood supply to the pelvic organs reduces the risk of prostate adenoma;
- helps to avoid pain in the cervical vertebrae and lower back;
- fitness for beautiful figure- a daily 30-minute walk allows you to pump up the muscles of the buttocks, abs and back; reduces thickness subcutaneous fat in problem areas.

Riding a scooter burns 30% more energy than cycling. The effect of aerobics is created.

It is impossible not to mention the democratic nature of transport. No dress code, you can ride in any clothes and look cool. A girl in a skirt or a man in a business suit look equally stylish. In addition, do not worry about wrinkling on trousers or careless appearance after close public transport. This is a way to emphasize a modern outlook on life.

A lot has already been said about the popularity of scooters. Praises of style and technical component are sung modern models, their safety and reliability, operating capabilities and variety of configurations. It's time to talk about the benefits that riding a scooter brings to our body.

The benefits of a scooter

And this benefit is truly invaluable - primarily for women and children. During a walk on a scooter, the muscles of the legs and buttocks are strengthened, the activity of the respiratory, cardiovascular systems, and the musculoskeletal system improves. With active movement in the fresh air, our lungs work at full strength, which means that the blood is better saturated with oxygen, which enters all vital organs. Riding a scooter is especially useful for heavy smokers, whose lungs need constant cleansing from toxic substances. In addition, regular walks on a scooter are a great way to harden and strengthen the immune system.

Scooter - a very good tool for the prevention of varicose veins, because the main load during the ride goes to the legs. This increases blood circulation, reduces the degree of congestion in the veins and blood vessels. For people suffering from vegetovascular dystonia, scootering helps to strengthen the vestibular apparatus.

Experts say that this type of transport is very useful for men as prevention of prostatitis and adenoma, because while driving, the blood supply to the small pelvis improves.

And, of course, the scooter is a universal means to keep the figure in good shape! Regular trips on a scooter are a guarantee of burning subcutaneous fat, reducing fatty tissue in problem areas. Riding every day for at least half an hour, you can easily and freely lose a few extra pounds, tighten your muscles, make them elastic.

Ophthalmologists are also in favor of scooter rides. By controlling it, we peer into distant objects, which means we train the eye muscle, reducing the risk of visual impairment.

As for the nervous system, then the benefits of riding scooters for her are also obvious. A charge of vivacity and positive emotions, the ability to relax and surrender to the will of speed, the load on the muscles bring undoubtedly good results - stress goes away, and everyday worries no longer seem so routine.

Rules to help you succeed

In order for scooter riding to bring real benefits and pleasure, you must follow a few rules:

  • You can not go for a walk immediately after a hearty meal.
  • During skiing, you need to take small breaks, alternating the active phase with the rest phase.
  • Before you "saddle" the scooter and hit the road, you should warm up the joints of the legs a little through the simplest exercises: squats, running in place, bending over.

The Razor company treats the consumers of its products with special care. All scooters produced under this brand are focused not only on gaining riding skills, but also on maintaining and strengthening the health of big and small adherents of an active lifestyle.