Control work fishing tourism. Hunting and fishing tourism Fishing tourism

Fishing tourism
Definition of the type and type of tourism
Tourism classification
Fishing tourism destinations
Modern trends in the development of fishing tourism
Development of fishing tourism in Russian Federation
Conditions for the development of fishing tourism in the Tver region
Tourism product of fishing tourism
Features of organizing fishing tours
Tourism product of fishing tourism
Bibliographic list

Russia is a large and varied territory with about 2 million rivers and rivulets (their total length is more than 6 million kilometers). No less lakes, ponds and water reservoirs. It is difficult to imagine how many fish are in such a volume of water. Therefore, the Russian people love fishing so much. And if we add to this the passion of our fellow citizens for travel. Based on this, Russia is rapidly developing fishing tourism.
Nowadays, the fishing industry in Russia is experiencing an unprecedented rise, as is fishing tourism. The number of fishing shops is hardly calculable, huge shopping centers vying with each other offer goods for fishing and, oddly enough, all this finds its consumer. Fishing has become an occupation not only popular, but also prestigious.
The tourism industry and the related hotel industry play an important role in the development of the economy of the Tver region. Due to natural conditions, richness and diversity of fauna, this region is today the center of hunting, fishing and ecological tourism. In the Tver region there is Lake Seliger, which is a place of rest for many tourists.
In total, there are 760 rivers in the region with a length of more than 10 km. Of these, 21 rivers have a length of more than 100 km. These are: Darkness, Bear, Tvertsa, Mologa, Shosha, etc. But, of course, the Volga remains the main river not only of the Tver land, but also of Russia. And the source of the Volga is a unique natural, historical and cultural monument of world significance. The Volga runs its first 685 km along the Tver land, taking 150 tributaries on its way. More than two thirds of the area of ​​the region belongs to the Volga basin.
There are about 1,700 lakes in the Tver region, the largest and most famous of which is the pearl of central Russia - Lake Seliger. In addition to natural reservoirs, many rivers have reservoirs: Ivankovskoye, Rybinskoye, Uglichskoye on the Volga; Vazuza on Vazuza; Vyshnevolotskoe on Tsna.
A promising place for the development of water tourism is the city of Konakovo and the Konakovo district. Such an abundance of reservoirs allows the region to have significant not only water, but also fish resources. In the reservoirs of the region there are more than 30 species of fish, including such valuable ones as: eel, pike perch, asp, pike, grayling, bream. All this suggests that the Tver region is very promising for the development of tourism, both domestic and inbound, including foreign, related to the organization of fishing.

1 Fishing tourism
Around the world, tourist fishing is an exciting hobby for rich people. In some protected areas, the organization of an exclusive fishing tour for a client is estimated at several thousand dollars. This price is determined by the need to solve many different problems in the organization of fishing. As a rule, specialized services are offered at fishing bases in the form of purchasing licenses for catching valuable fish species, delivery to hard-to-reach fishing spots, rental of fishing equipment (boat, spinning rod), as well as fishing in ponds with fish specially bred for this purpose.
The flow of foreign fishing tourists is increasing, eager to visit certain "fishing places" in Russia. Among the problems faced by the tourism industry, which is oriented towards the reception, and fishing tourism in particular, the most acute problems are the implementation of the law "On Fishing and the Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources", in terms of fees for the use of fishing grounds and granting users quotas for catching valuable fish species. . The second most important and so far insoluble problem is the problem of admitting foreign tourists to regulated zones 1 .
Fishing tourism is very popular. There are river, lake and sea fishing tourism. In fresh waters, popular and prestigious fishing objects are fish that live in clean and fast rivers - trout, grayling, lenok, taimen. Fishing for them (especially for taimen) attracts not only the local population, but also foreign tourists. Organization fishing tours for foreigners is usually more environmentally friendly. Because the caught fish, after weighing, measuring, and photographing a successful fisherman with prey, is most often released back into the reservoir. Often, the same fish is pulled out of the water several times. Of course, in order not to harm the fish, special fishing hooks are used.
In local fishing tourism, the list of commercial fish is very wide and is determined by the fishing area - crucian carp, carp, carp, pike, catfish, etc. The objects of fishing in sea fishing tourism are a variety of species composition and the size of fish, even small sharks.

      Definition of the type and type of tourism
Tourism - temporary departures (travels) of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons (hereinafter referred to as persons) from a permanent place of residence for medical, recreational, educational, physical culture and sports, professional business, religious and other purposes without engaging in activities related to receiving income from sources in the country (place) of temporary residence 2 .
Fishing tourism refers to an adventure type of tourism - tourism associated with the organization of non-standard tours to exotic and environmentally friendly natural reservations, with unusual non-traditional vehicles. Adventure tourism includes hiking expeditions, safari tours (hunting, fishing, photography, etc.), circumnavigation (yachting).
In accordance with the WTO recommendations for a particular country, the following types of tourism are distinguished:
- domestic tourism - travel of citizens within the state borders of their own country;
- inbound tourism - travel of non-residents within the state borders of any country;
- outbound tourism - travel of residents of one country to any other country.
These types of tourism are combined in different ways, forming the following categories of tourism:
- tourism within the country includes domestic and inbound tourism;
- national tourism includes domestic and outbound tourism;
- international tourism includes inbound and outbound tourism.
These categories can be used for a single country, for a region within a given country, or for a region that includes several countries.
Fishing tourism is an active type of tourism.
Fishing tourism can be classified according to the following criteria.
By goals:
Sports - trips to participate in sports events. In this case, both the leaders of sports teams and associations of fans resort to the services of travel companies; both competition organizers and individual citizens.
Adventure - related tourism physical activity and sometimes life threatening. When organizing such tours, the “package” of adventures can be specially prepared and provided with all possible means of ensuring safety.
Rural - temporary movement of tourists to the countryside. Tourists live in villages or near them in specially prepared settlements. Often they stop at traditional villages and get to know the local way of life. In some cases, the village is a base for tourists to explore nearby areas.
Water - trips on board a motor ship, yacht and other river and sea vessels along rivers, canals, lakes, seas. Geographically and in time, this type of tourism is very diverse: from hourly and one-day routes mainly for local residents along nearby water bodies to multi-week cruises on the seas and oceans.
In terms of timing:
According to temporal characteristics, tourism can be classified in various ways. The most significant features are seasonality, binding to events and the time allotted by the client for the trip.
Seasonality? a very important indicator in the tourism business, which means the uneven saturation of tourist flows throughout the year. At the same time, two main criteria for the intensity of tourist flows can be distinguished: the binding of tourists to certain travel purposes (resorts, vacation spots) and the seasonality of tourist activity in a given region (for example, peaks and valleys of vacations or business activity).
According to territorial characteristics:
Suburban - trips of citizens during the holidays or on weekends. There are a huge number of modifications of this type of tourism in accordance with the purpose and duration of the trip.
Intra-regional - includes travel within a region. A region can be both a region and a territorial community of a complex of regions, united by common cultural-historical, natural-climatic, economic or other features.
Intrastate - travel limited by state borders. This type of tourism used to be very developed.
International - a journey beyond the national borders of the state.
Depending on the method of organization, organized and unorganized tourism are distinguished.
Organized tourism involves a travel program for the tourist / tourists, developed and organized in advance by a travel company, according to their wishes and budget. The travel company pre-books and pays for all tourist services along the entire route, draws up all the necessary travel documents.
Unorganized tourism assumes that tourists themselves, without the participation and / or mediation of a travel company, organize their trip. They independently develop a trip itinerary, determine objects of excursion visits, plan places for overnight stays, draw up travel documents, etc. 3
The following types of tourism are distinguished by duration:
Short-term - "weekend" tours, trips for up to 7 days.
Medium-term - tours lasting from 9 to 12 days.
Long-term - tours for a period of 15 to 30 days.
According to the use of vehicles involved in the course of the trip, the following types of tourism can be distinguished:
- railway;
- aviation;
- motor ship / water (sea and river);
- automobile;
- bus;
- bicycle;
- using other means of transportation.
The categories and number of special types of tourism are not set once and for all. As the needs of tourists change, new special types of tourism may appear, and at the same time, a number of special types of tourism can gradually move into the category of ordinary and familiar 4 .
      Fishing tourism destinations
Fishing is not only recreation, hobby, fishing, but also a sport. Fishing competitions, including world championships, are held in many parts of the world. The world record was set in the waters of the island of Mauritius - 550 kg blue marlin was caught. The richest places for sea fishing are coral reefs (the Great Barrier Reef, the islands of Oceania, the Caribbean Sea, sung by Hemingway). Ice fishing is very popular in high latitudes. For example, ice fishing championships are held annually in Canada.
In some cases, fishing tourism takes unusual forms. For example, in Chinese cities, you can go fishing for a fee in pools and aquariums located in parks or even in buildings.

Astrakhan region. Fishing in the Volga Delta

The Volga Delta is one of the largest river deltas in the world, formed by the confluence of the longest river in Europe into the largest lake in the world - the Caspian Sea. A huge number of rivers, channels, banks, eriks; rice fields, watermelon melons, reed beds and willow forests; large and small islands with blackberry bushes; thickets of flowering lotus and water chestnut chilim; endless expanses of peals and seaside; flocks of ducks and geese circling overhead; numerous types of fish - the nature of the southern part of the Astrakhan region provides an opportunity to relax for everyone who loves fishing, hunting and just outdoor activities.
More than 50 species of fish live in the Volga delta, of which the most common are pike, perch, roach, rudd, asp, pike perch, roach, bream, crucian carp, carp, tench, catfish and others. Species diversity is successfully complemented by a variety of fishing methods: spinning from ultralight to heavy jig, bottom and float rods, spearfishing. So in the pits in the middle part, a carp is caught on a float rod with boilies or corn; bream, carp and catfish are caught on bottom fishing rod; on small peals they catch pike, pike perch and perch for spinning; roach, bream and rudd are caught from the shore; underwater hunters feel great on the peals and seaside on clear water; finally, winter fishermen catch on a winter bait with a mormyshka and a zherlitsa.

Fishing in Yakutia

Fishing on the Adycha and its tributaries Tuostaakh, Charki and Nelnesi
Excellent fishing for taimen, grayling and lenok on completely wild rivers just 45-60 minutes by helicopter from Batagay airport. Fishing is carried out from rafting to inflatable boats, overnight stays in tent camps. When rafting down the Tuostakh river, at the end of the trip, accommodation at the base is possible.
Spring ice fishing on lakes Inderkoy and Lybaly
Unique fishing with the use of An-2 aircraft, which has the ability to land directly on the ice, which allows anglers to quickly reach lakes that are difficult to access at other times. The maximum group size is 6 fishermen with two guides. The program includes 2-3 days ice fishing on the lake Inderkey and further flight to the lake. Lybalakh, fishing for one day and return to Yakutsk. An abbreviated version of the program with fishing only on Lake Inderkey is possible.
Floating fishing on the river Lyampushka
Fishing on one of the tributaries of the Lena without being dropped by a helicopter. From the river port of Yakutsk, fishermen on a meteor get to the village of Sangar. From Yakutsk to the mouth of the mountain river Lyampushka, where there is a boat with an outboard motor - 400 km down the Lena. First, 3 days ascent along the river and then 3 days of rafting. On the sixth day, guests have a rest at the base with a bath. Fishing is carried out by rafting on a PVC boat (length 340, 380, 400).
Individual rafting on the rivers Dyanyshka, Undyulung, Menkere, Sikty, Olenyok
Depending on the wishes of the trophies and the fishing location, an individual tour can be organized, the cost of which depends on the size of the group, the duration of the fishing and the required number of helicopter flight hours.

Evenkia. Fishing for taimen and lenok

Fishing in one of the most sparsely populated areas of the Earth for lenok, whitefish, grayling, lake char, brown trout, pike, perch, burbot and, of course, trophy taimen. Held in different areas:
    rivers in the north of Evenkia in the region of the Putorana plateau: Kotuy, Moyero, Kureika;
    the most interesting in terms of trophy fishing;
    lakes in the north of Evenkia (fishing for char) Dyupkun, Sebyaki;
    rivers northwest of Tura: Vivi, Tutonchana, Khuringda;
    rivers of the Podkamennaya Tunguska basin with delivery to motor boat: Kataramba, Taimura, Nidym, Angelica.
Fishing in Kamchatka
The abundance of species and quantity of fish in the Kamchatka rivers is amazing. Year after year, salmon species of fish rush from the sea to spawning grounds in the upper reaches of fast and shallow rivers and, obeying instinct, return to those rivers where they hatched from their eggs some time ago. Luxurious fishing with spinning and fly fishing gear, combined with other riches of the peninsula (bears, volcanoes, geysers, the Pacific Ocean) makes Kamchatka one of the most interesting destinations for anglers.
Fishing on the Rybinsk reservoir 5
The Rybinsk reservoir was formed in 1941 after the construction of the Rybinsk hydroelectric complex and the flooding of the Volga-Mologo-Sheksna interfluve. The structures of the Rybinsk hydroelectric complex block the bed of the Volga River above the mouth of the Sheksna River and the Sheksna River itself in the immediate vicinity of its mouth.
Stumps, remains of destroyed buildings and hydraulic structures lie at the bottom in some places. Several ship passages have been laid along the Rybinsk reservoir. Here live: pike, perch, pike perch, bersh, catfish, asp, bream, roach, silver bream, blue bream, crucian carp, tench, carp, carp, burbot, among exotic inhabitants there are freshwater flounder and Caspian sprat. The fish feels great in the beds of flooded rivers with stones, snags and sharp falls. A good forage base leads to the appearance of large, trophy specimens - pike up to 20 kg, pike perch up to 10 kg, perch up to 3 kg.
Fishing on the Kola Peninsula
The Kola Peninsula, with the characteristic tail of a Scandinavian cat protruding into the Arctic Ocean, is almost completely located north of the Arctic Circle. The presence of mountainous and flat terrain and excessive moisture due to the warm air masses of the North Atlantic lead to the emergence of thousands of rivers and lakes. An extensive water network, combined with the harsh northern nature of the peninsula, the absence of people, the speed of getting to the reservoir and, most importantly, excellent salmon fishing, make this region one of the most unusual and interesting for sport and trophy fishing. Of all the numerous rivers of the peninsula, the rivers in the northeast stand out especially, such as: Rynda, Kharlovka, Varzina and Yokanga, flowing into the Barents Sea. In terms of the quantitative and qualitative state of salmon herds, the untouched nature, the level of protection of rivers, they have no equal in the entire Kola. The rivers are only accessible by helicopter, eliminating the possibility of poaching. All the same epithets can be said about the lower reaches of the largest river in the region. good fishing on grayling, trout and pike is possible in the western part of the Murmansk region on the rivers Tuloma, Vuva, Notta, Yavr, Lotta and their tributaries. This area is interesting for its very beautiful nature and accessibility by car.
Sea fishing on the Kola
The sea, due to the influence of the Gulf Stream, is deprived permanent ice, the waters are rich in plankton, and this attracts a huge variety of fish, which in turn attracts predators, whales, killer whales, seals and seals.

Fishing beyond the Arctic Circle in the Nenets Tundra

August and September in the Arctic - best time a year for traveling and fishing in the land of amazingly transparent rivers, boundless expanses of tundra, fantastic beauty of landscapes of river valleys.
There are 40 species of anadromous and freshwater fish in the rivers of the Barents Sea basin, and about 64 species of marine fish in the Barents Sea itself. Of these, the most interesting and accessible for fishing are: European grayling (common), salmon (Atlantic salmon), pike, perch, brown trout (or freshwater form - trout), arctic char, saffron cod, polar flounder. Other, less common types freshwater fish you can also note: pizhyan (Pechora whitefish), whitefish, peled, Pechora vendace, ide, roach, burbot, golden carp, bream.
The most interesting and beautiful area for fishing are the rivers flowing from the Timan Ridge (west of Naryan-Mar) to the Czech Bay and the Pomor Strait of the Barents Sea, such as Gusinets (char, large pike), Volonga (salmon, trout, trout, grayling, pink salmon, river flounder), Grass (salmon), Great (salmon, char, trout, grayling, pink salmon), Black (salmon, char, grayling, ide), Indiga (whitefish, pike, flounder), White (salmon, pink salmon, brown trout, grayling), Indiga whiskey and Indiga lakes (large pike, grayling, nelma, ide, whitefish), Big and Small Light (greying - a lot, char), Sula (pike, grayling), Right and Middle Ievka.

Khabarovsk region. Fishing on the rivers Yudoma, Urak, Ulya

The northern part of the Khabarovsk Territory is a heap of several large mountain ranges at once - Dzhugdzhur, Yudomsky and Suntar-Khayata. The broken earth surface on the slopes and watersheds is almost entirely covered with elfin cedar, and in the intermountain river valleys with forests. Rivers are the only roads that cut through this uninhabited and hard-to-reach territory. The beauty of the landscape is complemented by an abundance of wildlife (bears, elk, wild reindeer, bighorn sheep) and, of course, a huge amount of fish, especially salmon.

Krasnoyarsk region. Fishing for taimen on the tributaries of the Yenisei (without a helicopter)

The Bakhta River, a tributary of the Podkamennaya Tunguska, flows in a valley in the wild taiga. Fishing is offered in numerous tributaries of the Bakhta: Malaya Bakhtinka, Tynep, Dry Bakhta, Khuringda, Deltula, Goldaikta, etc. The base camp is located at the mouth of the Ayakhta River - a tributary of the Tynep. Thanks to the fact that the region is sparsely populated and there are practically no poachers, amateurs fishing there is an opportunity to catch taimen, lenok, grayling, whitefish, burbot, pike of impressive size.
Fishing tourism continues in the Tver region all year round. The area's clean waters, rich in fish, offer unlimited opportunities for fishing enthusiasts. More than 30 species of fish are found in the waters of the Volga, Lake Seliger and Valdai lakes, Ivankovsky, Rybinsk and Vazu reservoirs. Here you can catch, for example, zander, perch, pike, bream, ide, chub, roach, crucian carp, sterlet, burbot, trout, grayling, bleak, rudd, minnow, carp, carp, silver carp, tench, catfish and, of course, eel.
In the spring-summer season, any fish is well caught, and in the winter (under-ice) season - perch, pike perch, pike, bream, roach. Freezing on the lakes is established in November, small lakes freeze earlier, large and deep ones - later. The maximum thickness - 50-60 cm - reaches the ice in mid-March. The opening of the lakes takes place in the second half of April 6 .

2 Current trends in the development of fishing tourism
2.1 Development of fishing tourism in the Russian Federation
Fishing sport has been cultivated in the Rosokhotrybolovsoyuz Association for several decades. He received official recognition from the Goskomsport of Russia (now Rossport) in February 1997.
Today, fishing is one of the official sports in the Russian Federation. Every year Rosokhotrybolovsoyuz holds about 3,000 competitions of various levels, in which more than 55,000 athletes take part. Every year, All-Russian competitions are held in various disciplines of fishing sports: fishing with a float rod, spinning fishing, lure from ice, mormyshka from ice, carp fishing.
Anyone can become a participant in entry-level competitions - for this, it is enough to contact the local branch of the regional public organization of hunters and fishermen. Fishing is one of the most “peaceful” and non-aggressive sports, besides, it promotes outdoor activities, healthy lifestyle life and respect for the environment 7 .
Past international fishing competitions:
6th Ice Fishing World Championship (Poland, 14.02.2009)
15th European Championship in summer fishing rod (Slovenia, 27.06.2009)
56th World Fishing Championship (Netherlands, 30.08.2009)
2nd World Championship in catching predatory fish (Kazakhstan, 9.10.2009)
The results of the performances of Russian athletes in 2009
7th Ice Mormyshka World Championship (USA, 2010)
World Championship in catching predatory fish from the shore (Croatia, 05/24/2010)
12th World Carp Fishing Championship (England, 3.10.2010) More
3rd World Fishing Championship predatory fish boat spinning (Latvia, 10/12/2010)
7th Bass World Championship (Portugal, November 2010)
8th World Jig Fishing Championship (Kharkiv, 2011)
17th European Championship in float fishing (Poland, 20.06.2011)
3rd World Fishing Games (Italy, 27.08.2011).
All-Russian competitions 2012:
Championship of Russia (mormyshka, Saratov region, January 10, 2012)
Cup of Russia (lure from ice, Nizhny Novgorod region, January 26, 2012)
Educational trainer. gathering (mormyshka, Yaroslavl region, January 5, 2012)
13th Russian Championship (mormyshka from ice, Krasny Yar, March 1, 2012)
Cup of Russia (carp, Glebovka, April 26, 2012)
Championship of Russia (carp, Nizhny Novgorod region, July 5, 2012)
Cup of Russia ( float rod, Desnogorsk, May 31, 2012)
Amateur fishing.
More than 10 million people are engaged in recreational fishing in Russia. That part of them, which are members of the Rosokhotrybolovsoyuz, has sufficient advantages over "unorganized" fishermen. At the service of members of public associations - fishing bases, equipment rental, fishing trips with discounts. But the bases and reservoirs assigned to the societies of hunters and fishermen of the Rosokhotrybolovsoyuz are open to all anglers, subject to the terms of use 8 .
Fishing tourism in Russia is developing very quickly and everywhere. For example, in the Astrakhan region alone, as of autumn 2011, more than three hundred fishing bases operate. Against the backdrop of ever-increasing competition, the need to improve the quality of services as part of the tourist product, professional advertising and competent promotion in the market is obvious. And many companies, with many years of experience, offer comprehensive and targeted services.
The search and development of new routes does not stop for a minute. The geography of fishing tours offered by travel companies is expanding every day. Fishing has recently become not only popular, but also prestigious. And "advanced" anglers spend a lot of money on gear, boats, motors for them. With this approach, a decent reservoir is necessary for guaranteed fishing success, and this is important for both amateur and sport fishing. And most often "all in one" can be obtained by choosing the right tour.
Today, fans of fishing tourism can choose a fishing tour in the jungles of the Volga-Caspian delta, on Lower Volga and Akhtuba, to Karelia and the Kola Peninsula, to Baikal, and to Tuva, to Kamchatka and the Far East, to Yakutia, and of course to Siberia, the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Evenkia, as well as to Central Russia, to the Volga region, to Tverskaya, Smolensk, Ryazan regions, in the Moscow region. Fishing trips are offered for every taste - from rafting tours along wild rivers and tents on the uninhabited shores of taiga lakes to modern fishing hotels with a European level of service.
Around the world, tourist fishing is an exciting hobby for rich people. In some protected areas, the organization of an exclusive fishing tour for a client is estimated at several thousand dollars. This price is determined by the need to solve many different problems in the organization of fishing. As a rule, specialized services are offered at fishing bases in the form of purchasing licenses for catching valuable fish species, delivery to hard-to-reach fishing spots, rental of fishing equipment (boat, spinning rod), as well as fishing in ponds with fish specially bred for this purpose.
The flow of foreign fishing tourists is increasing, eager to visit certain "fishing places" in Russia. Among the problems faced by the tourism industry, which is oriented towards the reception, and fishing tourism in particular, the most acute problems are the implementation of the law "On Fishing and the Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources", in terms of fees for the use of fishing grounds and granting users quotas for catching valuable fish species. . The second most important and so far insoluble problem is the problem of admitting foreign tourists to regulated zones 9 .

2.2 Conditions for the development of fishing tourism in the Tver region
Over the past year, the development of tourism infrastructure has been one of the priority areas for the region. Therefore, the authorities provided substantial financial support to improve the tourism infrastructure. Therefore, today favorable conditions have been created in the region for travelers to relax and comfortable accommodation in modern hotels. Currently, there are 173 accommodation facilities operating in the region with a total room stock of more than 18,000 beds. At the same time, the development and construction of new projects does not stop. In 2012, it is planned to open a modern complex for 230 people with an equipped conference hall and other amenities in the Konakovo district of the region. By 2025, the development of hotel and tourism infrastructure will lead to the fact that about 350 accommodation facilities for 45 thousand places will operate in the region. Today, the Tver region has good prospects to become one of the main tourist centers in Russia 10 .
Tourism in the Tver region in 2012 became one of the most popular types of recreation for Muscovites and residents of the Central and North-Western regions of Russia. The geographical position and climate of the Tver region fully allow us to judge the typical Russian nature. The temperate continental climate, favorable for life and management, dominates on the Tver land. Dangerous meteorological phenomena on the Tver land are, fortunately, a rarity.
The water resources of the Tver region have a special place in the development of a tourism development strategy in the region. In total, there are 760 rivers in the region with a length of more than 10 km. Of these, 21 rivers have a length of more than 100 km. These are: Darkness, Bear, Tvertsa, Mologa, Shosha, etc. But, of course, the Volga remains the main river not only of the Tver land, but also of Russia. And the source of the Volga is a unique natural, historical and cultural monument of world significance. The Volga runs its first 685 km along the Tver land, taking 150 tributaries on its way. More than two thirds of the area of ​​the region belongs to the Volga basin. There are about 1,700 lakes in the region, the largest and most famous of which is the pearl of central Russia - Lake Seliger. In addition to natural reservoirs, many rivers have reservoirs: Ivankovskoye, Rybinskoye, Uglichskoye on the Volga; Vazuza on Vazuza; Vyshnevolotskoe on Tsna 11.
A promising place for the development of water tourism is the city of Konakovo and the Konakovo district.
Such an abundance of reservoirs allows the region to have significant not only water, but also fish resources. In the reservoirs of the region there are more than 30 species of fish, including such valuable ones as: eel, pike perch, asp, pike, grayling, bream. All this suggests that the Tver region is very promising for the development of tourism, both domestic and inbound, including foreign, related to the organization of fishing.

3 Tourism product of fishing tourism
3. 1 Features of the organization of fishing tours
A tour is a complex tourist service that can be sold to a consumer (tourist). The tour includes services for accommodation, transportation, meals, excursion services, services of guides - interpreters and other necessary services in accordance with the purpose of the trip.

/ Fishing tourism in Siberia - an overview


Fishing tourism in Siberia can be described quite accurately in one word - wild. Moreover, tourism is wild in many senses of the word and almost without any negative connotation. But in order to draw a more reliable and, most importantly, clearer picture of the development of fishing tourism in Siberia, we need to make a small digression and talk about fishing in Siberia in general.

Siberia is not just a huge sparsely populated territory, it is completely different natural and climatic conditions. The size of many Siberian regions is measured by European countries: “one France”, “two France and one Germany”, etc. Almost every region of Siberia is almost a different country: Baikal, Altai, Yamal, Evenkia, Yugra, Vasyugan swamps… Siberia is not only a sharply continental climate with sweltering heat in summer and bitter cold in winter, but also mountain ranges, swamps, endless forests and tundra .

In each region, depending on natural conditions, certain types of fish live. The original species of Siberian fish in the 70s of the last century were populated with such species that Siberians previously knew only from literature: pike perch, bream, carp, carp. At present, all these fish have taken root and have spread quite seriously, and the bream has become a disaster for many reservoirs. In addition, in the last 10-15 years in Siberia, the Far Eastern guests white carp and silver carp have become increasingly common in catches, and weedy fish rotan and verkhovka short term have occupied their niches and are already familiar almost everywhere in the south of Siberia.

Weed fish, of course, no one settled on purpose, most likely this is the "merit" of individual fishermen or organizations. But what can we say about the fish of our continent, when in recent years the fishermen have managed to catch even a few Amazonian piranhas irresponsibly set free by someone in Siberian waters more than once. Of course, most likely, these fish are not able to survive our harsh winters, but what if? What will happen to the fauna of our rivers then?

So Siberia (especially the southern part), in terms of the diversity of fish species, is now not much different from middle lane Russia. It remains to launch only asp, catfish and chub, and here you are, please, the entire “periodic table” ... latitudes of Siberia.

Unlike fish, which settles farther and farther, civilization in recent years has not yet reached many abandoned corners of Siberia. The indigenous peoples of Siberia still live in the old way and trade with ancient fishing tools, and in many taiga villages the inhabitants still fish with antediluvian fishing rods with a sinker-washer and a float - a cork from a wine bottle. But "the iron horse is in a hurry to replace the peasant horse" and more and more often you can see how many residents of the outback have inexpensive spinning rods with inertial coils.

The advancement of civilization in Siberia directly depends on construction highways. If you look at the map of Siberia, you will see that all settlements are located along the main roads, which in turn run next to large and medium rivers. It is enough to go deep for 30-50 km. away from the highways and here it is - wilderness and taiga. And since there have been practically no new roads built in Siberia in recent years, and some old roads have become overgrown with forests or gone into swamps, the boundaries of human civilization have even narrowed somewhat.

As for the notorious saying that bears walk the streets in Siberia, this is not fiction. Of course, these are isolated cases, but the exits of bears to the city limits, and even more so to the outskirts of villages, are a common thing. The number of bears has increased markedly in recent years. So, for example, in the Tomsk region, there are about 8,000 bears per 1 million people, and this is one bear per 125 people. Even not far from civilization, you can often meet a bear than a person. So adrenaline is guaranteed for tourists.

Well, in the cities of Siberia there is a real fishing boom: fishing clubs, sections are being created, seminars are being held, and more and more often you can see modernly equipped fishermen on the reservoirs. Boats, boats, snowmobiles and other equipment are being bought more and more actively. There are several reasons for this boom. Firstly, as they say, God himself ordered that if you live in Siberia, you fish, and secondly, after the dashing nineties, men realized that sitting in restaurants and bowling alleys is far from the most useful view rest for the Siberian.

Naturally, by acquiring necessary equipment and equipment, anglers have a desire to visit the most reserved places. First, the anglers go fishing as "savages", then they go to visit someone's place, and then a group of fishermen decides it's time to build something of their own. And since it is not enough to build a well-maintained base - it still needs to be maintained, then sooner or later the decision comes that you need to invite other fishermen on a reimbursable basis.

This is approximately how fishing tourism develops in Siberia. But this is only one of the ways in which new fishing routes appear. There are quite a lot of varieties of fishing tourism in Siberia, despite the overall small number of proposals.

Fishing for taimen

Fishing for taimen is the most famous type of Siberian fishing tourism, which every angler in the European part of Russia probably knows about. Fishing (and sometimes it is also called hunting) for taimen is wild by definition, since this fish is not caught like roach from one baited place. To catch taimen, you have to travel a lot, go on weekly rafting trips and there is no need to talk about civilized rest here. In search of taimen, you need to travel long distances, spend the night in tents and feed on a camp kitchen.

This type of tourism is quite in demand, but many who have been in such alloys are beginning to think about whether it is worth paying a lot of money to "tour operators" when you can arrange for helicopter delivery to cherished places and thereby save quite decent money on symbolic tourist attractions. services. But some “grown-up” tourists are being replaced by others, although I think that the limit of visits for this type of tourism will soon be reached.

There are not many air transport companies, and demand cannot exceed transport capacity. For taimen, one has to climb farther and farther into the wilderness, and taimen is becoming less and less, since this fish is caught quite easily and not all anglers release it back into the water element.

Fishing for grayling (lenka)

Fishing for grayling (lenka) is another popular fishing option in Siberia. For these fish, in principle, you can not go on long rafting trips, but catch them at a stationary base and in its vicinity. But there are many pitfalls here as well. There are very few or almost none of these bases with quality services. Basically, the base serves as a resting place for the fisherman, and he does fishing on his own, as best he can.

Such bases guarantee only the presence of grayling in this reservoir, and everything else falls on the shoulders of the fisherman. And not only is the fish caught by an unprepared angler badly, but there are also many “savages” who catch in the same places as you, but for free and most often with nets.

The angler should be alerted from traveling to such bases by the fact that fishing places can be reached by car or motor boat. Wherever a person can easily reach the grayling, it is quickly caught. The only exception here, perhaps, is Baikal, but you also need to know what time and where it is better to fish on it.

Therefore, if you really want to catch grayling, contact those tour operators who take you to the treasured places by helicopters, all-terrain vehicles or snowmobiles that allow you to climb into the upper reaches of the rivers, bypassing small rapids impassable for ordinary boats. It is such bases that can guarantee a catch, but, however, also in a certain period of time.

In fairness, it must be said that there are a number of fish other than grayling and lenok, for which many tourists go to Siberia - these are whitefish, muksun, nelma and other fish of the whitefish families. The habitat of these fish is located mainly in the northern part of Siberia.

wild tourism

Frankly wild tourism is a fairly numerous and popular type of fishing tourism, which has existed for probably the entire history of Siberia. From time immemorial, people gathered and went on hikes and rafting, relying solely on their own strength. Such tourists are able to overcome during the rafting not even hundreds, but thousands of kilometers. Fortunately, the population of Siberia is mostly respectable and sincere. The farther into the wilderness, the more they will enter into a position and help as much as they can, because they know in their own skin what it is to get into trouble and be left without help.

Private tourism

Perhaps, another type of wild tourism is developing the fastest - the so-called "carriage". Residents of rural settlements invite townspeople to their fishing places with an overnight stay in taiga huts, and sometimes just in dugouts. They don’t take much money, but they don’t promise anything, except for a warm overnight stay in the most different conditions comfort. Chic is electricity from a gas generator and a bath. This type of tourism is affordable for many people, and even the “tour operators” themselves make it possible to earn an extra penny in our difficult time, especially for the villagers.

Legal fishing bases

There are literally a few legal fishing bases in Siberia that are engaged in fishing tourism officially and in accordance with the charter.

These bases were formed in two ways: either it is a series of state bases and bases left over from large factories or organizations that were taken over immediately after perestroika, or these are bases currently built by businessmen or officials different levels, which are used both for personal purposes or to bring guests of honor, and are rented out in their free time to the “owner” to everyone else. The level of service at such bases can be very different, but for the most part everything looks "Soviet" with all the ensuing costs.

Paid ponds

Number of stocked ponds with the possibility paid fishing increases in Siberia every year, but their total number is still very small. For the whole of Siberia, there will hardly be up to fifty. The culture of fishing on paid reservoirs is still known to few Siberians, and most importantly, it is not understood, and the service on the “payers” is still at a weak level. Practically on all paysites there are no houses for spending the night and fishermen who come to fish with bait for two or three days spend the night in cars or tents.

Summing up the foregoing, it should be noted that recently tour operators have appeared, which began to conclude agreements with all kinds of bases, both legal and illegal, and even with private "carrying" and thereby offer anglers a fairly wide choice of fishing routes with at least some guarantees and documents. .

As you can see, the characteristic - wild - quite accurately reflects the current state of fishing tourism in Siberia. But Siberians owe this state of affairs largely to themselves. Siberia is a huge and free territory, and the majority of Siberians at the level of mentality do not fit into their heads the concept of what kind of good and comfortable fishing need to pay. And the owners of the bases, in turn, are still doing little to prove that for a reasonable price it is possible to live in warmth and comfort and have a much larger catch.

As for the conditions of life and fishing, the work of experienced rangers-fishermen and other services that have become commonplace for many bases on the European territory of Russia, in Siberia all this is still for the most part at a primitive level. The whole “lure” rests mainly either on the presence of large or rare fish, or on the charm of the reservoir. What kind of service can we talk about if a warm toilet is a rarity and luxury by Siberian standards.

I'm not talking about the fact that most of the owners of the bases describe the beauty of their lands, the size of the fish, but almost none of them care about the environment. Dirty water is drained from the territory of the base into a reservoir, problems with waste and landscaping are not solved, two-stroke engines are installed on boats, which pollute the water several times more than four-stroke ones.

But all these shortcomings, probably, are not being corrected also because a spoiled and competent tourist did not come to Siberia to teach and force the owners of fishing bases to adjust to the standards, if not world, but at least the best Russian ones. I think that if fishermen of the middle zone pay attention to Siberia in the near future, and calculate that it will not be possible to go fishing in Siberia (even with air travel), even if not for taimen and grayling, but for large pike, perch, pike perch and other fish more expensive than, say, the same Lower Volga, then the process will go.

It's hard to say what stops anglers from visiting Siberia now - distances, mosquitoes, services and the number of fishing bases. Most likely, another disadvantage of fishing tourism in Siberia is also working - only a few advertise themselves throughout the country. Is there a chance for Siberian fishing tourism to compete with, say, the Volga fishing bases? Of course, there is, because no matter what we say, but the most important thing for an angler is the presence of fish.

Of course, there is not enough taimen and grayling for everyone, and the prices bite. But the presence of a large number of large pikes, perches and other fish is an absolute fact. And if at first they are not on highest level living conditions and fishing service, then in many respects it can pay off with peace and quiet, clean water and air, and most importantly - with trophies.

And in conclusion, I would like to say that I undertook to study and talk about fishing tourism in Siberia, not only as a fisherman, but also because I have not just an idle interest in fishing tourism, but a serious desire to make my own fishing base. And to start a business without taking into account other people's mistakes, you see, is pointless.

Fishing tourism is becoming increasingly popular in our country. A pastime that ideally combines sports, recreation and inherent in everything predatory, and therefore masculine - satisfaction of the instinct of the getter - fishing. It is not always possible and the desire to independently go to unexplored, deaf places. And it is quite a different matter when this happens in a society of specialists.

Quantity fisheries in the vastness of our country is steadily growing every year. Gradually, more and more attention begins to deserve fishing tourism among tour operators, which brings this type of recreation to a definitely new level. Competition is growing rapidly, which forces market representatives to both reduce prices and resort to various marketing tricks, which cannot but affect the improvement of the quality of this service.

So, the range of services of such tourist and fishing bases on the Volga River near Astrakhan includes accommodation, meals, rental of fishing equipment, boats and motors for them, echo sounders. Experienced huntsmen will help beginners in fishing to get up to speed, and experienced fishermen to navigate in unfamiliar waters.

Many bases provide the services of full-time taxidermists, which allows you to save the largest specimens of the catch. This service will appeal to lovers of trophy fishing.

It is worth noting that spending a week's vacation at such a fishing camp, both within our country and in the expanses of the former USSR, is also economically beneficial. The cost of such tours is much lower than the cost of similar tours to Egypt, Tunisia, Greece, and even more so to the countries of Western Europe.

For those who are ready to fork out, travel agencies offer to spend time at long-established fishing resorts.

So, among tourists who choose tours to the Maldives (Male), such as, catching the Blue Merlin in the equatorial waters of the Indian Ocean is very popular, which is distinguished by exciting hunting and getting a lot of impressions from hunting for him and playing large specimens of this fish.

Fans of spearfishing, a rather young type of fishing for our country, are simply obliged to visit the coastal waters of Australia, which have become famous throughout the world thanks to spearfishing for sharks. This holiday can cost around 5500 Euros.

Tours to Cuba are somewhat cheaper. A week's blue marlin fishing will cost around 4,000 Euros. The prices of fishing tours to Africa and Asia fluctuate approximately in the same range. Somewhat smaller amounts will be required for fishing tourism in Finland and Norway.

The high level of prices is due, first of all, to the need to acquire fishing licenses. In any case, whether it is a vacation in the middle latitudes on fresh water or on a yacht in the salty ocean waters, an abundance of unforgettable experiences are guaranteed for any tourist fisherman. And, it is doubly pleasant to experience such a journey in the company of rangers who love and know their job.

Number of impressions: 2746

Fishing tourism, as a type of tourism, originated not long ago, but is already very popular among the people. Many tourists visit fishing destinations with great pleasure in order to have a nice rest. This type of tourism attracts with unusual sensations, new impressions and, of course, the opportunity to get in touch with the virginity of nature and engage in an exciting business - fishing. But fishing is not only an exciting hobby, but also a sport. Fishing is a very popular sport. Anglers from around the world unite in clubs, create fishing bases and different communities. In almost all countries of the world, massive fishing competitions are organized, thanks to which many people are introduced to this sport. There are also international competitions on fishing. Such directions as fishing safari to exotic fishing places have appeared on the tourist services market, whether it is sea fishing for marlin and swordfish or a trip to salmon rivers in remote northern regions.

There is no clear term for what fishing tourism is, but I will try to formulate it: "Fishing tourism is temporary trips (travels) to the territory of fishing grounds for the purpose of fishing, organized by specialized enterprises that provide a range of specific paid services"

Basically, fishing tourism can be afforded by people with an average income. Because fishing tourism is an expensive form of entertainment. The high price is determined by the solution of many important problems: Purchase of licenses for catching valuable species of fish, delivery to hard-to-reach places, equipment rental, as well as fishing in special fish breeding areas (Ponds).

It is also worth noting one aspect of fishing tourism - this is the aspect of ethics. It lies in the fact that due to the increased catching of fish, many breeds are on the verge of extinction and soon in many natural reservoirs fish resources will be completely depleted and this will cause big damage the entire ecological system. Ethnic problems rest on two factors: 1) The first factor is the reduction of natural resources. This process is moving forward at an accelerating pace. In this case, more and more necessary are the rules or a set of laws that limit the thoughtless catching of fish. 2) The second factor is the development of fishing on a colossal scale. Everyone is getting into fishing. more people with different ideas about ethics, and since many fishing grounds are far from settlements, it becomes almost impossible to monitor the catch of fish.

At present, the tourism industry is of great importance in the economy of many countries; the state treasury is replenished significantly at its expense. According to statistics, tourism accounts for about ten percent of the world's gross national product, world investment, all jobs and world consumer spending. And fishing tourism occupies a significant niche in this system.

We must not forget that fishing tourism contributes to the development of an ethical attitude towards natural resources. Fishing gives an idea that it is necessary to be more careful with natural components, that many types of fish can die out, that it is necessary to maintain cleanliness in fishing distances. Based on this, we can say that fishing tourism is very close to the ecological type of tourism.

Can be distinguished basic principles fishing tourism:

  • 1) Fishing tourism contributes to the preservation of the ecological system as a result of strict rules and laws prohibiting thoughtless fishing.
  • 2) Fishing tourism helps to enrich the state treasury and provides jobs for people involved in this area.
  • 3) Fishing tourism gives people emotional recovery, getting rid of "urban" stress.
  • 4) Fishing tourism develops crafts and helps people find new hobbies.
  • 5) Fishing tourism helps to develop tourists' worldviews by forming their ecological culture, which includes new value orientations and behavior that are important for the sustainable development of society, and that are adequate to the ecological imperative.