Why do I have strong legs. Powerful legs are the hallmark of a true bodybuilder. Feet in the spotlight

Hi all. In this issue on the agenda we have the largest and strongest muscle group - LEGS. Today we will discuss how to quickly pump up your legs, how to avoid injuries, what to pay more attention to: we will analyze the anatomy, exercises, their technique and performance features, various secrets, chips gained over the years of training, and finally, I will write you specific training programs based on this course . Well, let's go!

Friends, of course I understand the laziness to read, etc. but in order to know how to swing legs correctly, you need to figure out how they are arranged, how they work. This applies not only to the legs, but also to other muscle groups, moreover, everything that interests you in life!

In short, LEGS are conventionally divided into three heads:

  1. QUADRICEPS (located in front, function - to unbend the leg at the knee).
  2. BICEPS THIGH (located at the back, the function is to bend the leg at the knee).
  3. SHIN (located behind the legs, under the knee).

This is what interests us. It is these 3 heads that we will train. This is what is called a leg workout!

QUADRICEPS - (the word QUADRO means - four, so you can also find the name of the quadriceps muscle of the reed). This muscle group is located on the front of the thigh. As you probably guessed, the quadriceps consists of 4 HEADS! That's why the LEGS ARE THE BIGGEST MUSCLE GROUP! Main function: extension of the legs at the knee joint.

BICEPS THIGH - ( biceps thighs) it is located behind (under the buttocks) as you probably guessed, it consists of 2 HEADS!


  1. Flexion of the leg at the knee joint
  2. Trunk extension with lower leg fixed during movement

CONCLUSION: In order to develop large biceps of the thighs, it is important to perform not only bending the legs while lying in the simulator, but also extending the body (but the shins are fixed at the same time), i.e. this is deadlift, deadlift).

SHINS - are located behind the knee, consist of two muscles: the calf muscles (calves) and soleus muscles (these are the muscles that are located under the calves). Main function: extension of the foot relative to the lower leg. But here it is also worth considering the fact that the calves work only when the legs are straightened at the knee joint, and the soleus muscles work only when the legs are bent at the knees.

CONCLUSION: The lower leg should be trained both sitting and standing in simulators. It is impossible either there or there, without fail, both there and there!

Now another equally important issue that I would like to address in this topic. Some bodybuilding gurus, beachgoers and other people claim or just simply DO NOT do leg training, they say I’m not interested in legs, or I’ve fallen into swinging legs, etc. in this spirit.

To swing or not to swing legs?

I suggest dividing leg training into PLUSES and MINUSES. Then analyze and put the final DIAGNOSIS.


First, with proper leg (i.e. lower body) training, you will have a strong bottom (i.e. strong legs), which means your upper body will strive for the same. Those. this is a kind of full-fledged aesthetic appearance of an athlete, because both the top and bottom are developed.

Since we are now discussing bodybuilding, this is one of the most important pluses. There are many others that are just as useful for other sports (especially martial arts), but now we will not talk about this. Enough of this!


Visual effect, because when your legs are pumped up, the upper body (width of arms, shoulders) seems to be smaller.

Risk of joint injury, i.e. there are exercises, such as squats, which, with proper working weights, can contribute to the destruction of cartilage tissue. Therefore, it is important to properly approach the training of the legs, do a warm-up jog for 5-10 minutes, then warm up (pre-tire, etc.). Still, there is a risk.

There is also a chance to miss the growth of bones in length. Basically, this minus is for young people, up to 20-25 years old. As a rule, it is up to this age that the bones can grow in length. And if a youngster overdoes it with heavy weights in squats (which often happens in order to show how tough I am in front of girls), then this can slow down your growth in length.

CONCLUSIONS: In my opinion, it is necessary to train the legs! But this must be done with extreme caution (as I said, warm up, do preliminary fatigue of the knee joint, perform the exercises skillfully and smoothly, without sharp jerks, etc. and all in order not to damage the joints). In addition, you need to train your legs evenly, i.e. all THREE HEADS (quads, hamstrings and calves) to make it look athletic and not have to catch up in the future.

The most effective leg exercises

  1. Barbell Squats
  2. Leg press in the simulator
  3. Sitting leg extension
  4. Lying leg curls
  5. Deadlift
  6. Standing calf raises
  7. Rises on socks sitting

All the technique for performing the above exercises was already described in another article, see below.

But today we will go through a new one, because a number of new nuances have appeared, chips that you must know about!


The main exercise for building leg muscles, and not only for the legs, but for the whole body! This is the basic heavy powerful exercise involves many large muscles of our body. No other exercise can compare with this exercise in terms of strength gains and muscle mass.

However, barbell squats are not the most useful exercise for the knee joint. Too much weight, improper exercise technique, poor-quality warm-up, jerks, and much more can lead to inflammation, pain in the knee joints. Therefore, as I said, you need to warm up very carefully: do a jog for 5-10 minutes, perhaps make a preliminary fatigue (more on that later) and then start doing squats. And then pay attention to how you need to perform them:

First you need to squat with own weight about 20-30 repetitions (or with an empty neck), after throwing 2 pancakes of 10-20 kg each (either 40 or 60 kg will come out), it depends on what your working weight is. So they threw it on, did about 15-20 repetitions. (It was a warm-up). Then throw more weights and do 8-12 repetitions (this is a kind of lead-in). After that, you can perform working approaches. Always like this! Remember, these numbers are just a guideline for you, adapt to yourself. It is better to do more warm-up and lead-in, and then 2-3 workers. Why not warm up, as expected, and get a serious knee injury and forget about sports for a long time!

Okay, we got the most important thing out of the way. What's next, how to squat at all?

There are bodybuilder and powerlifter squats. Those. they differ significantly from each other in terms of execution mechanics.

  1. Bodybuilding - most of all involve the quadriceps (let's conditionally call them isolating).
  2. But powerlifting - on the contrary, they are more powerful, they involve a lot of muscles (let's call them basic).

So what are the differences? And the differences are in small details that are unlikely to be noticed by an ordinary person, but that’s all: the setting of the legs, the depth of the squat and the position of the barbell on the shoulders.

We will not consider powerlifting squats in a particularly deep way, because. we are interested in bodybuilding.

In general, the main difference here is that the enforcer who performs the squat strives to take prohibitively big weight, therefore, he lowers the WEIGHT of the bar below (on the shoulder blades) in order to lower the center of gravity, after which he puts his legs wide in order to include gluteal muscles. After that, he slightly bends forward, and prepares to remove the barbell from the racks, and begins to squat. Ultimately, all this technique allows him to take a lot of weight, in bodybuilding this cannot be done.

bodybuilding squats

Now we will discuss in order the important points of bodybuilding squats, namely:

  1. How will the barbell rest on your shoulders?
  2. What is the position of the feet?
  3. What is the depth of the squat?
  4. What should be the position of the hands (when squatting)?
  5. What should be the position of the heels (when squatting)?
  6. How to breathe properly while squatting?

1. The bar should lie high straight on the trapezoid. So that you don't lean too far forward. The look is strictly straight (forward to the mirror or whatever) in no case up and down, clearly straight! This will stabilize the body, simplify your movement mechanics. And if you look down and up, you will easily lose your balance and die.

2. The setting of the legs here is also special. The legs do not need to be placed wide (as in powerlifting) here the legs should be set relatively narrow. Landmark - shoulder width. Turn your toes about 45 degrees. (there should be some kind of right angle, because the socks look at each other).

3. Squat depth - parallel. I do not advise you to lower the parallel below, because the risk of injury to the knee joint is higher than with parallel.

4. The position of the hands should be as you like. Usually a little wider than shoulder width. In general, not narrow, but not wide, choose for yourself, so that you feel comfortable holding and controlling the neck.

5. The position of the heels. Your feet should rest firmly on the floor so that your position is stable. There are a number of nuances and chips here. Let's talk about it.

If people who have poor flexibility in the ankle. It is not convenient for them to push off the floor with their heels, so they lean forward slightly and push with their toes. This is a gross mistake. In no case should you do this, your knees should not go beyond your socks. Now I will explain everything. You may have seen people who put pancakes under their heels (or some kind of surface) - THIS IS WHAT THE CASE IS. They do not have enough flexibility, they put some kind of surface under the heels of the pair, and began to perform correctly and comfortably (this is a kind of TREATMENT). So if you are one of these people, now you know how to deal with it.

6. Breathing as in almost all exercises - exhale on effort. Those. for example, in a squat, when we sit down, we inhale, and when we get up, we exhale.

Secrets of the load vector (stop position)

Loudly said, secrets. However, these chips will help you focus on a particular area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe muscles of the legs when squatting. Namely, the chips are in the position of your feet:

  1. The more you turn the socks to the sides, the more the buttocks are included in the work.
  2. The wider you put your legs, the more the adductors of the legs + buttocks turn on.
  3. The narrower you place your feet, the more emphasis on the quadriceps.


The next thing that comes after the squat is the leg press. It is also a basic exercise. The exercise is not as effective as squats, but still it is very effective and therefore ranks 2nd in the ranking. In this exercise, one joint (knee) works, and the hip joint also works, but very passively due to the fact that our body is in a supine position. That is why this fixation allows us to perform complete isolation on the quadriceps.

By this I want to say, if before that you did squats with large weights, and nothing but your ass grew, then you should think about this exercise. Because the main focus is on quadriceps. And that's exactly what we need.

Now we will discuss in order the important points of the leg press, namely:

  1. What is the position of the feet on the platform?
  2. What is the position of the body in the supine position?
  3. What is the position of the heels on the platform?
  4. Straighten your legs to the end or keep bending at the knee at the top?
  5. How to breathe correctly?

1. Setting feet shoulder width apart. There are a number of nuances that we will now discuss:

  • The more you turn your socks to the sides, the more adductors and buttocks will be involved.
  • The closer you put your socks, the more it will work outer part quadriceps.
  • The higher you put your feet on the platform, the more the quadriceps will work and the less the buttocks.
  • The lower you put your feet on the platform, the more the buttocks will work.

2.Hull position important point, pay attention to your body should be firmly pressed against the back of the simulator throughout the exercise. Your buttocks should also be pressed tightly against the back, pay attention to the lower you lower the platform, the more the buttocks come off, the greater the danger to the joints and the more the buttocks work.

3. The position of the heels, as in squats. Push with your heels, not your toes. You can’t tear off the heels, because you will not load the quadriceps, but the buttocks and joints.

4. Do not fully straighten your legs at the top point, keep a slight bend in your knees. Especially in order not to load the knee joints, but rather to keep the load in the quadriceps.

5. Breathing as always, we exhale with effort. Those. lower the platform down - inhale, raise its top - exhale.


This exercise is isolated. Because loads one joint (knee). This is the last exercise in our arsenal that emphasizes loading the quadriceps.

This exercise can be used:

  1. Before training (at the very beginning in order to warm up the knee joint, before heavy exercises, such as squats, leg presses).
  2. At the end of a workout (to finish off tired muscles)

In terms of technique, it is quite simple. Nothing to even tell. Unless, try sometime to perform a superset: seated leg extension + leg press. I guarantee you will understand what I'm talking about, your quadriceps will explode into the trash, which means they will grow! There are some other tricks, such as peak reduction. Those. linger at the top for a couple of seconds, then many repetitions will not work, and your quadriceps will burn! Also in this simulator You can do drop sets and partial reps. Here, in general, and all.

Lying Leg Curls

It is an isolating exercise, since only one joint (knee) works. The hip and ankle are not included in the work! This exercise develops the back of the thigh well (those at the bottom of the buttocks). Usually, with this exercise, tired hamstrings are already finished off at the end of the workout! Again, there is nothing special to say, the main thing is not to make any jerks, pushes and other things like that. Because isolated exercise, do not chase the weight (do not cheat) raised the handle up, lower it smoothly, everything is under control.


I don't know why I put this exercise after bending the legs lying down. Probably already signed up, but this exercise is basic. It is many times more effective than lying leg curls. It doesn't really matter, fuck it. If you are interested in powerful hamstrings, your arsenal is the deadlift and lying leg curls. All point.

The main mistake when performing this exercise is the work of the back muscles, and not the hamstrings. It is vital to learn to turn off your back, and turn on your hamstrings. If you don’t learn how to do this, the exercise can be excluded from the list!

How to learn to do it?

This is primarily a technique. Start from the right position, grab the bar with your hands, bend slightly at the waist. Start the movement by dropping your hips and buttocks slightly back, while slowly lowering the bar along the legs below the knees. (hands are just like hooks, hold the neck no more, do not strain them). In the final position, it should turn out that the bar has stopped below the knees, the pelvis is laid back. Feel the stretch in your hamstrings in this position by holding for a couple of seconds. Then smoothly, without jerks and jerks, return to starting position. VOILA! Heh.


These are TWO BASIC exercises for developing the muscles of the lower leg.

LIFTING ON SOCKS, STANDING - performed while standing in the simulator. It predominantly develops the CALF MUSCLES (these are the muscles that are on the outside).

The position of the toes and heels is parallel. This is the best option, no need to be smart. Maybe in the future try something new for yourself, but not now. Parallel is considered a classic! Next, start descending as low as possible (stretch your calves as much as possible at the lowest point of the range of motion) in no case reduce the range of motion, because. the whole point of this exercise is lost.

Use big weights and reps to the maximum! The weights are big because the calves work in Everyday life we walk on the floor, they work, etc. the load on them is constant, because only big weights can shock them. And don’t count repetitions at all, use until complete failure.

But lifting on socks while sitting is the second important exercise for the muscles of the leg. IT develops the soleus muscle (which is located under the calf). And as you know, one cannot exist without the other. If there is a gastrocnemius, but not a soleus, then the shape will not be so impressionable. Therefore, it is important to train both. The soleus only works when the knee joint is in a bent position (which means sitting in the simulator). The execution technique and tips are the same as in standing calf raises!

Leg workout programs

Rest between squats - 2 minutes, in other exercises no more than 1 minute!

At the initial stage

  1. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders 2x15-20 (warm-up) + 1-2 supply (10-15) + 3-4 workers X6-12

More for Beginners

  1. Squats with a barbell (warm-up + lead-in) and only then workers 4x6-12
  2. Leg press 1-2x10-15 (warm-up) + 4x6-12 workers

For the average level of training

  1. Squats with a barbell (warm-up, bringing) and only then working 4x6-12
  2. Leg press 1-2x10-15, 3-4x6-12
  3. Sitting leg extension 4x10-15

For intermediate and advanced level

  1. Squats (warm-up, lead-in) then workers 4x6-12
  2. Leg press 1-2x10-15, 4x6-12
  3. Sitting leg extension 4x10-20
  4. Lying leg curls 4x6-15
  5. Calves, standing in the simulator 4x10-20
  6. Calves sitting in the simulator 4x10-20

For experienced

  1. squat
  2. leg press
  3. Sitting leg extension
  4. Deadlift
  5. Lying leg curls
  6. standing calves
  7. Calves sitting

Or you can try this chip for experienced

  1. Do preliminary exhaustion leg extension sitting 4x15-30
  2. Squats
  3. leg press
  4. Deadlift
  5. Lying leg curls
  6. standing calves
  7. Calves sitting

Or even such shnyagka for experienced

  1. Seated leg extension + leg press (superset)
  2. Squats
  3. Deadlift
  4. Lying leg curls
  5. standing calves
  6. Calves sitting

In general, you can think of a lot of things. I gave you clear programs, use your health. If you don’t like something, make it up for yourself, now you know how to do it!

Sincerely, administrator.

Strong, cast, she often pleases women's views and provides its owner with strength, speed and success in society. It's just that you need to take better care of her. In this case, your bad head will help you a lot: it will definitely not give your legs rest.



The quads, or quadriceps femoris, determine your jump height, your running speed, and the look of your lower body - whether you're wearing shorts or swimming trunks. You understand, such important muscle cannot be given heightened attention. If earlier you loaded the quadriceps only with isolated leg extensions, today go to basic movements like squats. Squats also work the hamstrings, glutes, calves, and back muscles. Therefore, it would be wise to supplement leg training with exercises for these muscle groups. Hit the quads first, then the hamstrings, and finally the calves.

Basic movement

The barbell squat is an unrivaled, time-tested exercise that allows you to develop all the muscles of the thigh, especially the quadriceps.


Position the barbell on racks at the height of the top of your chest. Grasp the bar with a slightly wider than shoulder-width grip, about the same as a bench press grip. Duck under the bar and place the bar on top of the trapezium, just below the seventh cervical vertebrae. Take the bar off the racks and take a step back. Putting your feet shoulder-width apart, gently sit down to a position in which the hip joints are just below the knees. Keeping your back straight, return to the starting position.


Do not stay on the same place

Vary the width of the rack. If you want to load the gluteal and hamstring muscles more - put your feet wider than your shoulders. Interested in quadriceps - put your feet already.

Position matters

Positioning the bar below level rear deltas, you transfer the main load to the gluteal and hamstring muscles. Put the bar closer to the base of your neck if you want to train specifically the quadriceps.

Down with maximalism

It is not necessary to squat below the parallel if it is difficult for you. Half squats are just as effective for building strong quads as full squats.


More speed

Do you love cycling? Accelerating or riding uphill require considerable strength of the thigh muscles. Strong quads and hamstrings will help you get close to supersonic speed.

More mobility

Many sports, such as tennis, squash, and basketball, require constant, fast left and right movements. Doing such movements often and in large quantities is very traumatic. With strong legs, you will reduce the risk of knee injury to zero and be able to move faster than your competitors.

More power

The main function of the quadriceps is to extend the leg at the knee. Strong quadriceps do this job perfectly. You will still remember this when you push your car to the nearest gas station.

More health

Constant training of quadriceps along the way strengthens the ligaments and tendons of the knee joint. This makes him more resilient gym or on the football field.


In order to develop truly strong quads, you have to load them from different angles. After all, you can unbend your knees in different ways - squat, putting your socks apart or turning them inward, position your legs narrower or wider, etc. We offer you an explosive mixture of six exercises, including both basic and isolating ones, which they just won't let you miss or underload something. After you complete the required number of sets of the barbell squat, choose one exercise from each section: A (quads), B (hamstrings), and C (calves). Then draw up a training program using the table below. The result in the form of a pair of strong legs will not keep you waiting.

Top Row Exercises

A Leg Press

Sit on the machine, legs shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, toes slightly turned outward. After removing the weight from the clamps, gently lower it down, bending your legs at an angle of about 90 °. Do not tear your lower back off the bench of the simulator. Exhaling, straighten your legs powerfully, returning to the starting position. Do not straighten your knees to the end!

Note: each approach, put your feet a little lower. The lower they are on the platform, the more the quadriceps work. The higher - the more the gluteal and hamstrings work.

B Diagonal lunges with dumbbells

Grabbing a pair of heavy dumbbells, stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a step forward and left with your left foot, do not take your right foot off the floor. Bending left leg to the parallel of the thigh with the floor, smoothly return to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg, lunging forward to the right.

Note: for a thrill after each repetition, return to the starting position - feet shoulder-width apart - and do one squat. Then continue with the next repetition of lunges.

C One-legged calf raises

Place your right foot with the base of your fingers on a fixed platform - a view of 20 centimeters. Take a heavy dumbbell in your right hand. Holding onto a wall or a nearby machine with your free hand, lower and rise up and down, keeping your weight on the base of the big toe of the working foot. After completing the desired number of repetitions, change legs.

Note: try to stand with both feet on the edge of the platform and work both feet at the same time. At the same time, you will train your balance.

Lower Row Exercises

A Leg extension on the simulator

Sit on the leg extension machine, press firmly against the back, bring the lower leg under the roller of the moving part of the machine. As you exhale, gently straighten your legs, almost completely turning off your knees. Hold for a split second and return to the starting position.

Note: your muscles will become much stronger if you use light weights in long workouts. Raise them with both legs, and lower them with only one.

In forward lunges with a barbell

Put the barbell on your shoulders, as if you were going to do squats, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Keeping your back straight, do big step forward, bending the front leg to a right angle. Without stopping, push off with a bent leg and return to the starting position. Take a step with the other foot.

Note: try to combine two types of lunges - after each repetition of forward lunges, lunge to the side.

C Sitting on toes

Sit on the edge of the bench, place the base of your toes on a support, and a pair of dumbbells on your lap. Gently raise and lower your heels, tensing your calf muscles. Maintain an even rhythm of movement.

Note: Vary the position of the feet - this will help to load the calf muscles from different angles. In order to increase efficiency, also try to do this exercise without shoes, in just socks, if, of course, they look decent on you.


Squats with dumbbells

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, take a pair of dumbbells and straighten your back. Gently sit down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Exhaling, return to the starting position. Squats with dumbbells develop well not only the legs, but also the grip strength. In addition, squatting with dumbbells is easier than with a barbell. This exercise is good for beginners.

Front Squats

Take the barbell to the chest, placing it on the front deltas, the grip is slightly wider than the shoulders. Squat as usual, but try not to drop the barbell on your leg. Front Squats better load the front surface of the thigh, weakening the load on the hamstrings and buttocks, although they do not allow you to work with really large weights.

sumo squats

Spread your legs as wide as possible, holding a heavy dumbbell in your hands. Keeping your back straight, bend your legs, pointing your knees towards your toes. As soon as the dumbbell touches the floor, return to the starting position. This exercise is especially loved by women, because it perfectly develops inner surface hips and constantly attracts the attention of men when performing it.

Squats on one leg

Stand sideways against a wall or any other reliable support, lean on it right hand by straightening the right leg in front of you. Squat on the remaining leg until you drop, then switch limbs.

In this article, you will learn how feet affect squats and deadlift how strengthening the feet affects leg strength, important tips and recommendations.

Arriving at the gym, especially at rush hour, you can see the gym boars, which are 180kg each, and it comes out about 200kg., Their main attention is paid to correct technique and, but to increase the strength of the feet, attention, if any, is very minimal, but in vain - strong feet for strong legs, strengthening them will get a better result.

The whole path to achieving new heights begins from the floor, from the very foundation of the body, which is the feet, pay attention to them, and do not throw them aside, considering this a trifle and unnecessary thing that you should pay attention to.

Below we will talk about how the feet affect the strength of your legs, what is the best position to take, some basic skills for foot stability will be told. When you read everything, you will understand why the feet are so important.

Feet are a powerful foundation

Our feet are the starting point of support in movement, it is from them that the whole complex process of the musculoskeletal system begins. Of course, many people pay attention to the correct position of the feet, but they do not fully understand what is the connection between the feet and legs in the complex biomechanics of movement.

The foot is a flat bone base, just think about it, it contains about 26 bones, and this is not much, not less than almost ¼ of all the bones of the body! It also has a large number of muscles that just stabilize the foot on the surface. When there is a load on the foot, the distance between the toes increases, but the muscles at this time are intensively contracted.

When there is a contraction of the muscles in the feet, an impulse is sent to the brain, and from there a command comes in the form of nerve impulses to trigger muscle reactions, as a result of which all the muscles of the legs contract.

The stronger the foot, the more powerful the impulse to contract the muscles of the legs, all this will be reflected in the increase in training.

Feet as one

In addition to participating in muscle contraction, our feet regulate the position of the hips, legs, knees and coordinate the movement of the whole body. This is especially important in squatting and different, therefore feet should be slightly turned outward by 20-30 degrees, this will additionally include in the work the external muscles of the legs, the biceps of the thighs (back part) and the external pelvic muscles, and the more muscles are turned on, the more weight can be lifted and this is a direct path to increasing strength and increasing volume.

To create a solid base, first press firmly into the floor thumb, then the little finger and lastly the heel, usually everyone tries to firmly put the heel on the floor and pay attention so that it does not come off the floor, additionally make sure that the toes are also connected to the surface with a death grip.

All this will allow you to coordinate the joint work of the feet - knees - hip joints, so keep the correct position of the feet from A to Z of the exercise. Before taking the barbell, first pay special attention to the feet and only then to the initial position of the torso and proper technique.

Foot massage

The feet are actively involved in the movement of the whole organism, they are the first to take a hit on themselves and all the time puff for where we are.
we walk and jump, whether they like it or not, they are faithful companions and helpers. So let's thank them periodically for this and deliver a holiday and rest.

To do this, use a foot massage, using, in addition to the usual kneading with your fingers, put a ball on the floor to tennis or for golf, step on it and just swing and roll your foot on it. Efforts should be constantly increased, but do not allow pain, the massage should last for each foot for about 1 minute.

Rolling the ball excites nerves that are abundant in the foot, the effect after that is like warming up a car engine before driving. Therefore, massage is effective to do after sleep or while performing and muscles before exercise.

Foot strengthening

massage is not the only way help the feet, so that strong feet for strong legs are not only by hearsay, they need to be strengthened. To do this, stand on a step or other hill, firmly focusing on your thumb, while lifting the other 4 as much as possible.

Having risen up, linger for 10 seconds, then do everything exactly the opposite, focusing on 4 fingers, and the big one remains on weight. You can then rest for 1-2 minutes and do the exercise again, and if you can withstand the load, then do it immediately without rest on each side 2-3 times.

Make it a rule and start your morning with this simple but very effective exercise, strong feet for strong legs, will never be a hindrance in life.

Place your feet correctly at the beginning of the exercise, play rolling the ball in the morning on your feet, train your feet by rising on your toes and you will definitely do stronger body from the very tips of your fingers. Hopefully now you know that strong feet are a big plus for strong legs.

Become a true squat and deadlift expert by developing foot strength and proper foot placement. Here's a technique to help you shift your weight onto your strong leg!

Our feet rarely become the subject of our pride. Bodybuilders are skilled with heavy barbells, but rarely pay attention to the lower extremities. You are more likely to hear "Count how many times I squat!" or “Man, I squeezed 225 kilograms!”

The harsh truth, however, is that a firm step is a necessary condition for conquering sky-high power heights. Unfortunately, most bodybuilders do not pay enough attention to the foundation of their body during training. And this is a big mistake.

Instead of looking down on the feet, I propose to put them on the highest step of the pedestal, which they deserve. We will analyze their effect on leg strength, find out which foot position leads to improved strength, and discuss some of the basic skills needed to control their position. After reading this material about the feet, you will understand why everything starts on the floor.

Feet in the spotlight

In addition to providing the feet with a secure foothold, the feet are an integral part of the biomechanics of power movement. Of course, most bodybuilders think about the position of the feet during training, but they rarely take into account their interaction with other parts of the body during exercise. Meanwhile, it is the muscles of the foot that set the tone for others. muscle contractions, and when we turn them on at full power, the whole body benefits.

Each foot is made up of 26 bones, which is a quarter of the bones human body. The bones of the metatarsus, which determine the length of the foot, are distinguished by an elongated shape; between these bones are muscles that help control the movement of the feet and their stability. When the center of the foot hits the ground, the metatarsus flattens and the distance between the metatarsal bones increases, which automatically causes the muscles to contract.

When the muscles in the foot contract when the foot contacts the ground, they trigger a cascade of muscle responses: the muscles in the back of the legs (glutes, hamstrings, calves) contract reflexively, automatically, creating a strong connection between the feet and the ground. This strong connection becomes a signal for the brain to generate effort. The nervous system sends more impulses to the muscles when the feet - and their reflex contractions - tell the brain it's safe. The reflex response from the muscles of the foot increases the strength of the legs. Strong feet give impetus to strong legs.

When the muscles in the foot contract when the foot contacts the ground, the muscles in the back of the legs contract reflexively, automatically, creating a strong connection between the feet and the ground. This strong connection becomes a signal to the brain

Connecting with the feet

In addition to participating in the reflex contraction of skeletal muscles, the feet coordinate the movements of the legs and hips. This is especially important when performing complex multi-joint exercises, such as those in which the feet are firmly on the ground. In this case, it is best to place the feet slightly outward, about 30°. This position creates optimal conditions for a small turn in hip joint and allows you to include in the work the lateral (external) muscles of the thigh, the muscles of the back surface and the external muscles of the pelvis.

To make the most of this position, you need to "connect" with the stops. To do this, hit the ground thumb, then the little finger, and, last of all, the heel. After taking these three steps, turn your knees outward. This will create a stable triangle that is optimal for knee and hip movement. In a simple way, this is what is called - "build a triangle."

Proper foot position creates a channel for power generation by doing two things: it allows the foot muscles to stretch automatically and creates optimal conditions for the coordinated work of the knee and hip joints.

Any strength exercise for the lower body, start with proper foot placement. The philosophy of "coordinating the feet first, everything else is secondary" will prepare the body to work from the very bottom - and this will raise the strength indicators. Maintain correct foot position throughout the exercise.

We often assign functions to certain parts of the body that go beyond their original mandate. For example, our ears must hold glasses. Golf balls can also be adapted for practical purposes: they are good not only for fun, but also for foot massage.

Shoeed feet hit the pavement a million times a day, after which we ask them to support our body during squats and deadlifts, as if they belonged to a primitive person. We don't give them anything in return. Foot massage is an easy way to relax the muscles in your feet and restore their function.

How and when to do self-massage

Place a golf ball (or whatever) on the floor, place your foot on it, and gently roll the ball forward, backward, and sideways with your foot. Increase pressure on the ball, avoiding pain. Roll the ball for 30-60 seconds with each foot.

There are many nerve endings on the surface of the foot that only start working when we try to understand what we stepped on there. For this reason, rolling the ball promotes arousal. nervous system. This self-massage of the feet is best used in the morning immediately after waking up and during the warm-up.

We have already developed a plan to actively include stops in basic exercises and found a way to take care of them. It's time to think about a strategy for developing their power.

Raising the toes

The plan is simple: use isometric contractions to develop the muscles of the foot. To do this, we rest our thumb on the ground, and raise the remaining four fingers as much as possible above the floor. We hold the contraction for 10 seconds, then we change the fingers in places: four fingers rest on the floor, and we raise the thumb above the surface. We repeat the exercise 4-5 times, straining and raising the fingers as much as you can.

Although sometimes we ask too much from the feet, neglecting such exercises throws the muscles of the feet far back in comparison with other muscle groups. To catch up, they need to pay enough attention.

Because directly in strength training feet are not involved, toe raises should become a daily routine. Do them while sitting at your desk or watching TV. Add them to your workout and start your morning with this exercise.

Comprehensive stop strategy

Our activities in the gym require our feet to be able to deal with a variety of stressors. Our moral duty to the feet is conscious action for their effective use and appropriate care for their health!

Form a triangle before each exercise, roll the ball in the morning and during the warm-up, and do finger raises throughout the day. Integrate these elements into a comprehensive foot strategy and you'll build a solid body from the toes.

Looking at photographs of contemporary athletes and bodybuilders, have you paid attention to which part of the body receives the least load compared to the rest? Quite right, this legs! Legs the vast majority of athletes require very serious work. Why? Because exactly thighs and shins determine the power of the whole body. Without a solid foundation, it is impossible to build the second floor of a building. And the correct leg work requires such a huge amount of mental and physical energy and brings pain like you can't imagine.

Legs for a bodybuilder- very main part body. It is in them that power and strength are concentrated. as show latest research, legs are also the most eye-catching part of the body, after abdominal muscles. Who would have thought? But indeed, a well-developed pair of legs is a truly grandiose sight!

Anyone can relatively easily "build" breast or press but the legs require a lot more diligence. This muscle group has the most massive musculature, which contains the largest number of fibers. To give it shape, relief and separation, strong stimulation, good stretching and low level subcutaneous fat.

It doesn’t matter who says what, but if you don’t work on your legs, you are not an athlete, and it will be better if you give up your seat in the gym to real men. So, now you know how important the foundation is in bodybuilding, and why do many bodybuilders have such weak legs. Now let's see what exercises we need for proper processing leg muscles.

  • Development of strong and powerful legs

What absolutely all bodybuilders hate, and where does the training of absolutely any real athlete begin? Right with squats! Squats- this is the basis of any training program for legs. Even the most "hopeless" hardgainer, due to squats alone, can add five kilograms of pure muscle to his mass in just a few months! Just don't talk about the need additional exercises. If you put maximum effort with extreme intensity into squats, then you can safely forget about any other leg exercises.

Of course, it’s a pity that not everyone, for one reason or another, can do squats, so we still need to include a few additional exercises for them in training program, so that they do not feel flawed next to us, who have worked their muscles with the hardest sets. Yes, squats cause a lot of pain and discomfort, but those who understand the importance and significance of this exercises, must tune in to it in advance, so that, upon entering the hall, to engage in a fight with a barbell not for life, but for death.

So, if you have lower back or knee problems, then leg press on the simulator will be an alternative replacement for squats for you. In addition, the simulator allows you to work with large weights. But remember never to sacrifice correct technique for more weight!

The next exercise that you should definitely include in your complex is shoulder lunges. Great is all I can say about this exercise. The results you will get will surely make up for the pain you will have to endure. This exercise affects the gluteal muscles, flexors hips and quadriceps. Lunges will really lift you up. high level but above all you have to watch your technique. Many elite athletes are avid adherents of this exercise, and if you once include it in your athletic arsenal, you will find that your muscles are growing right before our eyes.

And finally, the last two exercises. Flexion and extension of the legs on the simulator, alternating every week. Why alternate them? To allow the muscles to recover well before it's time to put them under increased stress again. Forget isolation exercises, focus on building up. muscle mass. You can never change the shape of your muscles, you can only increase the volume. So, give the muscle some extra time to rest, and then come back and shake it up with heavier weights.

And in conclusion about leg muscles. Three key exercises for this muscle group, that's all you need. For the first week, do standing calf raises (always do the exercise to failure). Next week, replace it with toe press on the trainer. After another week, do calf raises while sitting. These are the basic exercises for the lower leg. Standing calf raises develop upper part calf muscles, calf presses, and seated calf raises create a V-shape in the lower part of your calf, which, as it expands, smoothly merges into muscle mass . Many athletes have calf problems until they include the last two exercises in their workout.