The strongest blow in the world. The strongest kick in football

Do you want to know who has the most swipe in football? Then you've definitely come to the right place.

The main feature of football has always been and remains a strong kick. This sport has so many fans, precisely because of the beautiful goals that are scored after verified, accurate and very strong blows. Each footballer, in fact, is the strongest athlete who simply must be able to deliver strong and accurate shots at the opponent's goal. But even among the best there are real champions, whose blows have become a real sensation.

Which player has the strongest shot?

Below we will talk about several football players who, in different years of their stellar career, managed to distinguish themselves with incredibly strong shots on the ball, which also reached its goal and hit the goal. But it is worth remembering that among football statistics there are no official data on the impact force, all data on the impact gets into the press by chance, only if the impact is truly strong and sensational. We can say that the force of impact will be determined by eye, so we are not chasing serious objectivity and analytics. Therefore, everyone will decide for himself which player has the strongest shot, and we will only provide a few significant examples. So let's get started.

David Beckham

The owner of one of the most powerful blows in world football is a wonderful football player and one of the most handsome men in the world - . Back in 1997, David set a personal record by scoring a goal against football club Chelsea. The ball after impact flew at a speed of approximately 156 km / h. The Chelsea goalkeeper, after such a powerful blow to his goal, could only shrug. It is worth noting that Beckham during his career was famous just the same for his masterful execution of free kicks.

Cristiano Ronaldo

Not only is it one of the most the best football players in a world with hundreds of goals scored, he also managed to score the biggest shot in football history. According to rough data, after the most powerful blow from Ronaldo, the ball flew at a speed of 185 km / h.

Such an indicator did not come as a surprise, because Ronaldo is one of the most hardworking footballers who worked very carefully on his shot. Ronaldo himself chose the perfect acceleration for himself and even the stance during the impact. What is there to say? A real expert in his field.

Roberto Carlos

For this player long time held the title of player with the hardest shot in football history. But after the end of his sports career, one of the best defenders in the world still lost his lead. But even so, his free kick in the Confederations Cup against France in 1997 remembered the entire football world.

Then Carlos from a distance of 35 meters dealt a powerful blow to the opponent's goal at a speed of 198 km / h. This hit even baffled some scientists who were trying to unravel the secret of the Brazilian defender's hit and calculate the unusual trajectory of the ball after it hit.

Lukas Podolsky

This football player just took away all the laurels from Roberto Carlos, because his blow surpassed everyone at once in strength at times. Lucas set a world record in a match against the Australian team at the South African World Cup. Then the football player hit the ball, the speed of which in flight was 202 km / h. Then Lucas scored a goal in the upper left corner of the gate. The blow was so strong and accurate that the goalkeeper of the Australian team did not even have time to react.

Stephen Reid

This Ireland-based defender who plays for Blackburn doesn't stand out very often. goals scored. But if he already manages to hit the ball, then he does it really hard. In 2005, Reed managed to score his best goal at the gates of Wigan Football Club. Then the ball seemed to fly out of a cannon and pierced the “nine” of the goalkeeper at a speed of 189 km / h. It is worth noting that the match was held in 2005, on December 31, just before the celebration of the New Year. Reid managed to make a great gift to his coach, fans and teammates.

Ronnie Eberson

On the this moment this talented brazilian soccer player continues his sports career in the German club Hertha. But earlier, Eberson played for the Portuguese Porto, where he managed to score the ball into the goal of the Naval football club with incredible force. The ball has developed a speed of 210 km / h. It is quite obvious that the goalkeeper of the opponents will not be able to help his team in any way, because the ball flew into his goal at the speed of a sports car.


Well, the most powerful blow in the history of football at the moment was delivered to the incredibly popular football player of the Brazilian national team - Hulk. This attacking midfielder almost tore the net during the match against FC Shakhtar during group stage Champions League. Then the Hulk managed to score the ball at a flight speed of 214 km / h. Unconditionally, this is a new world record that no one has yet broken.

Martial artists have different strengths and striking techniques. Improving their skills to perfection, they turn their body into a crushing machine that can work on the principle of "One hit - one dead." Well, how to determine which blow is the most powerful?

How is impact strength measured?

Objective assessment has been implemented so far only in professional boxing, which takes into account the impact force, its speed and effectiveness. Professional leagues use a computerized scoring and scoring system called "CompuBox". In Olympic non-professional boxing, the “Cross” (the name translates as “cross”) is counted as the strongest blow. This is one of the straight punches that is thrown with the dominant hand, in most cases the far hand in the athlete's stance. If you strike directly, then the hand will pass over the opponent's hand. Hence the name of the blow.

By the way, simultaneously with this blow, the athlete performs a push with the back leg, after which the body is transferred to the front leg, and the body moves forward. All together quite a lot increases the force of impact.

Which kick is the most effective?

Strikes are divided into two categories: pushing and sharp. Both can have the same strength indicator, but the essence can be completely different. In fact, the force of impact is not so important, the main thing is the knockout component. However, specifics can still be made.

The impact force of a man ranges from 200 to 1000 kilograms. 200 kilograms is a pretty good punch for a boxer who weighs 60-70 kilograms. Well, a thousand is already the limit of a heavyweight. You can “knock out” an opponent with a blow of 150 newtons (this is about 15 kilograms). But you need to aim at the chin area. To measure the impact force in boxing on international competitions often use a special value psi (pounds per square inch).

The strongest punch in taekwondo

The master of modern sports taekwondo Choi Hong Gi conducted research on the power, effectiveness and strength of individual blows of the best fighters. He cited the results in a book, where it was mentioned that from a physical point of view, the kinetic force and momentum of movement have a direct punching blow if it is applied with a hand far from the “victim”.

The general made such conclusions based on his experience and biomechanical studies of strikes. In addition, he watched the application of various blows in slow motion video. It turns out that we are talking about the "eastern" version of the boxing "cross". The same power, coupled with a huge mass, amount of muscles and strength, was attributed by the master to a direct kick.

Record-breaking punch

There is no absolute dynamometer to measure the strength of a boxer's punches. But there is an opinion that Mike Tyson has the strongest blow. It is located around the 800 kilogram mark. The blow is so powerful that it can kill the enemy.

However, the boxer is the author of not only this record. At 20, he became the youngest world heavyweight champion. A year later, he was already the youngest undisputed heavyweight champion of the world. Mike Tyson will spend a minimum of time to win world titles and absolute champion. It took him a year and 8.5 months, and 2.5 years, respectively. Surprisingly, an athlete involved in such an aggressive sport refused meat, proving that with a full physical activity it is quite possible to do without it.

The strongest kicks in football

Kicking is almost the main component of the game of football. Otherwise, no goals. And this is the apotheosis of the number one sport in the world. Beautiful shots cause admiration, experts do not get tired of studying the technique and manner of performance of football players. Moreover, each athlete has his own unique theory of impact. For example, Cristiano Ronaldo spreads his legs shoulder-width apart, David Beckham arches his body, and Roberta Carlos rapidly minces his feet before touching the ball.

9 hardest shots in football

Beautiful shots by Roberto Carlos da Silva Rocha

Roberto Carlos da Silva Rocha will remain in the history of football as a speedy full-back, as well as the author of fantastic shots from long and medium distances. Playing for different teams and with different opponents, the undersized football player constantly hit the opponents' gates with crushing blows.

Carlos' calling card is branded free kicks. After them, the ball flies straight into the opponent's goal along an unpredictable trajectory. While working at Real Madrid, every second such blow Roberto hit the target. Before hitting, the Brazilian made a long run, approached the ball with mincing steps and hit the ball.

Scientists tried to understand the theory of his goals, the French deduced an equation that explains the goals of Roberto Carlos. In their opinion, the football player minimized the effect of the attraction of the earth and air turbulence. The ball needs to be given energy coupled with torque. The curvature here increases as you move.

The best goals of Robert Carlos

For a decade and a half, Carlos' punches were closely watched. The statistics show the real numbers of the "shot" of the player. Once the Brazilian hit the gates of the French national team with a free kick - the ball flew at a speed of 136 kilometers per hour. But it's not the most impressive hit. Once the trick in terms of strength and speed was equal to 198 kilometers per hour. According to these results, Roberto Carlos was the holder of the title of the strongest kick in the history of football.

Lukas Podolski's record blow

German striker Lukas Podolski in 2010 set new record at the World Cup in South Africa in the first match of the German national team against Austria.

One of the most important components for a sport like football is the strength and accuracy of the strike. Without this, it is impossible to achieve the main goal - goals scored. Each player, especially the popular one, creates for himself his own unique manner of performing it. For example, the owner of the last Ballon d'Or, Cristiano Ronaldo, spreads his legs wide before the run, one of the most famous football players of all time, David Beckham, arches his body in a special way, and Roberto Carlos is remembered for all his swift mincing legs. In fact, measuring how much has been applied is not so simple. Moreover, such information is not always collected and systematized. However, further such skills of different players will be analyzed.

Roberto Carlos

IN football history Brazilian Roberto Carlos entered not only as a good defender, but also as the owner of an incredible strike from long and medium distances. Despite his short height (160 centimeters), he managed to hit the opponents' gates, playing for a variety of teams: Palmeiras, Inter, Real and others. Do not forget about the Brazilian national team.

The so-called visiting card of this football player was his free kicks. According to statistics, during the performances for Real Madrid, almost half of these "shots" ended in a goal. struck such a strong blow that the ball flew along an unpredictable trajectory, so there was no point in blaming the goalkeepers for the goals conceded. The player's run-up became a trademark, during which he minced his feet heavily. At the same time, it should be noted that the legendary Brazilian managed to hit equally well both from the bottom and through the air.

The phenomenon of Carlos from the point of view of scientists

Many researchers have repeatedly tried to explain such strong kicks in football from a scientific point of view. Most of them agreed that in order to repeat this, it is necessary to give the necessary torque and appropriate energy to the ball. Moreover, a footballer who wants to hit like that must take into account even such nuances as air turbulence and gravity. At the same time, the incredible trajectory of the ball's flight occurs purely according to the laws of increasing curvature. In other words, if it were not for the goal net, in many cases the ball would spin further. As for the speed of the ball, this player had an average of about 136 km / h.

Lukasz Podolski

It is not a secret for anyone that it was Roberto Carlos who for a long time bore the title of "footballer with the strongest blow." However, in 2010 he was replaced by a German of Polish origin, Lukasz Podolski. It should be noted that he did not immediately discover such a skill in himself. Previously, his main skill was considered good technique and high speed. During the World Cup match between the national teams of Germany and Australia, he sent the ball into the opponent's goal at a speed of 201 km / h. At the same time, the projectile accelerated to a record mark at a distance of only sixteen meters. Currently, the footballer with the strongest blow is in the London Arsenal.

Ranking according to the Guardian

As noted above, official statistics on the strength of blows are not particularly kept. Moreover, football came under scrutiny by extras only at the beginning of this century, when special computers appeared that calculate various indicators during matches. The well-known British edition of the Guardian compiled a rating of players, which is now considered to be as close to reality as possible. Its main disadvantage can be called a narrow profile, because the list includes only those football players with a strong blow who play in British clubs.

David Beckham

During his speeches on professional level David Beckham has become one of the most popular players in the world. He is the only player to have been ranked twice by the Guardian. His trademark free kicks were his signature trick. As a rule, he performed them for accuracy. However, if necessary, the English midfielder easily punched so powerfully that the opponent's goalkeeper had practically no chance to avoid a goal into his own net. David Beckham hit his hardest punch in 1997. Then the ball flew at a speed of 156 km / h and ended up at the gates of London Chelsea.

Ritchie John Hamreis

Another British representative of the rating of footballers who had a strong blow was Ritchie John Hamreis. Throughout almost his entire career, he played for his native club - Sheffield Wednesday. Interesting fact that the hit that made history came against Aston Villa in Birmingham on his Premier League debut. Then, before hitting the net, the ball flew at a speed of 154 km / h.

Alan Shearer

The legendary football player of Newcastle and the England national team was also remembered by millions of fans for his powerful "shot". This happened in the 77th minute of his team's match against Leicester City. Then he shot from a distance of 23 meters, after which the ball hit the opponent's goal at a speed of 136 km / h.

Cristiano Ronaldo

The Portuguese winger of Real Madrid Cristiano Ronaldo is considered one of the best football players of our time. A vivid confirmation of this is the Golden Ball received at the end of 2013, which four years before in a row went to Lionel Messi. He possesses not only phenomenal technique and high speed, but also boasts a powerful punch.

At present, there is no clear information regarding the power of his strike. At the same time, it is reliably known that, starting from a young age, he worked out all the important components good hit, which include force, aiming, takeoff and trajectory football projectile. Thanks to this, the player successfully punches both from free kicks and during the game. Moreover, Ronaldo takes only two or three seconds to handle the ball, which often confuses the goalkeeper and the defenders of the opposing team.

Modern rating

One of the latest ratings of players who have included ten players. It looks like this: Lukasz Podolski (Germany), Roberto Carlos (Brazil), Cristiano Ronaldo (Portugal), (England), (England), Alex (Brazil), David Beckham (England), Steven Gerrard (England), Jon- Arne Riise (Norway), Hamit Altintop (Turkey). This list can be continued for a long time, because there are many representatives of different countries and clubs who are remembered by the fans for their incredible, powerful blows.

Strong hit practice

Many young football players are interested in the question of how to make the shot stronger. In fact, it has long been proven that a number of factors influence this. First of all, it is the speed of the takeoff. Studies show that the larger it is, the faster the ball itself will fly. Another important aspect is the swing of the kicking leg. This is due to the fact that the farther from the ball it is retracted, the stronger the blow will be. The next parameter that has its influence is the stiffness and hardness of the impact surface. In this case, first of all, there is in addition, the ball will fly from hard soil much faster than from loose and soft ground. Well, the last important factor is the elasticity of the football projectile itself. The fact is that the surface of the ball is deformed when it is hit. In the case when it is elastic and solid, the rebound speed increases, and hence the flight. At the same time, if the ball is pumped, it is very difficult to accept it.

Football players participate in one of the most grueling sports in the world and strong legs are one of the prerequisites for the success of their careers. All famous football players can boast of a fairly powerful kick, but some of them can hit the ball so hard that it will fly at the speed of a car rushing along the track - 150 kilometers per hour or even faster.

Get comfortable with your feet and we'll tell you who owns the biggest shot in football.

The strongest kicker in football

When the Brazilian coach was asked what striker Hulk is adding to the team, he answered briefly and succinctly: “ Strength».  « He gives us more strength”, Mano Menezes added with a grin about the man named after the comic book superhero. Although 31-year-old Givanildo Vieira de Souza is not among the most popular Brazilian football stars, he continues to work hard to silence his critics and prove his worth to fans.

He was nicknamed "The Hulk" when he was a child. As the football player explains, he really liked this superhero, and his father still calls him by this nickname.

« I am big and strong”, says the Hulk himself, who looks more like a rugby player or an NFL defender. " And I use this power when I'm on the field to help my team.».

The strongest kick in the history of football Hulk committed while playing for the Portuguese club Porto against the Donetsk team Shakhtar. In September 2011, during a Champions League match, the Brazilian hit the ball so hard that at some point it flew at a speed of 214 km/h. And all this from a distance of just 34 meters.

Shakhtar's goal was defended by Ukrainian national team goalkeeper Andriy Pyatov. But what could he do against such a shot, which almost knocked out the goal net?

Another cosmic goal the incredible Hulk scored while playing for Russian club"Zenith". In the match against Amkar, the ball sent by the Brazilian into the opponents' goal accelerated to 176 km/h.

The Brazilian currently plays for Chinese team"Shanghai SIPG" and earns about 21.4 million dollars a year. The amount of his transfer from Zenit to chinese club amounted to 55.8 million euros. This is a record for the Russian Premier League.

Football players with the most powerful shot

  1. Hulk (Shanghai SIPG Club) - 214 km / h.
  2. Ronnie Eberson (Fortaleza) - 210 km/h
  3. Lukasz Podolski (retired) - 202 km / h.
  4. Roberto Carlos (retired) - 198 km / h.
  5. Stephen Reed (retired) - 189 km / h
  6. Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid) - 186 km / h.
  7. Wayne Rooney (Everton) - 180 km / h.
  8. Lionel Messi (Barcelona) - 179 km / h.
  9. Paul Scholes (retired) - 170 km / h.
  10. Alex Rodrigo Diaz da Costa (retired) - 165 km / h.

Although the most powerful kick in football so far belongs to the Hulk, the most long-range strike not a mighty Brazilian scored in football. This achievement belongs to Stoke City goalkeeper Asmir Begovic. During the match English Premier League(season 2013-2014) the ball sent by Asmir Begovic covered a distance of 91.9 meters and flew into the Southampton goal.

And the most spectacular and beautiful blows were made by Roberto Carlos. His free kick, at the 1997 World Cup, in the Brazil-France match, became one of the legends of the sport. Fabien Barthez, the goalkeeper of the French national team, just stood there and watched the ball fly in an unthinkable arc into his goal.

People have always wanted to be famous, popular and recognized. Someone achieves this through acting, others through the talent to earn money.

But there are those who have physical abilities do incredible things that are impossible or very difficult to repeat. They set all sorts of records that glorify their skills throughout the world.

The Guinness Book of Records collects and records such achievements throughout the planet Earth, bringing considerable pleasure to its readers. But many do not like the fact that there are such records that cannot be attributed to competitive or sports - they are just crazy or meaningless so that no one even wants to repeat them.

Also, the Guinness Book of Records does not record the force of impact in a particular sport. Often this is due to the impossibility of instantly determining the force of impact, as this forces a bunch of sensors to be connected, which can be dangerous to the life of an athlete during a fight.

But do not be upset, in this article you can find answers to such questions and understand who has the strongest blow in history.

hard to judge

As already mentioned, it is very difficult to determine the force of impact. For example, in football it is impossible to run all the time with a football player and measure the speed of the ball, or in boxing it is impossible to stand in the ring with athletes and record the power of each blow.

But sports fans, as well as experts and observers, often make their own ratings in which they note the achievements in strength of certain athletes.

Answering the question of who has the strongest blow, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer, since strength depends on many factors. Quite a few important point is which limb is struck and under what circumstances.

In addition, an important point is the ratio of the weight of the athlete to the force of his blow. Of course, the outgoing force is affected by the ejected mass and impact velocity. But it often happens when an athlete weighs 50 kg less, and his impact force approaches heavyweights over 120 kilograms.

Who owns the strongest punch?

There are many varieties of martial arts in the world where they teach to hit hard. But, in order to measure the force of impact during a fight, you must have special equipment. In this matter, only boxing and kickboxing are progressing.

Boxers have always been considered athletes who can throw powerful blows hands. The most famous representative of the boxing world is Mike Tyson, whom absolutely everyone knows, despite the fact that he ended his professional career a long time ago.

Powerful Mike

It was believed that he has the strongest hand punch. On many rides where you need to hit a special bag to test the force of the blow, there is a photo of Mike. It is written on them that the force of his hand strike is 800 kg.

Such an indicator is truly outstanding, and we can say that he has the strongest punch in boxing. Considering the fact that to knock out another person it is enough to have a blow with a force of about 15 kilograms, but you need to hit the jaw clearly with a sharp throw of the arm along a circular trajectory - this is really amazing power.

David Tua

Answering the question of who has the strongest punch in boxing, many people name David Tua, a Samoan boxer. Experts believe that with his left hand he struck with a power of 1024 kilograms.

You will not envy his rivals. If today he was in the same shape as in his best years, then perhaps he would be a good opponent for Wladimir Klitschko, otherwise he comes across weak opponents too often.

Who owns the strongest kick?

No less worried about the issue of incredibly strong kicks. Initially, it was believed that the owners of such blows lower limbs become only karate and taekwondo.

But lately, thanks to mixed tournaments, to the martial arts in which they kick the most, Muay Thai and fights without rules were added.

From time to time, various TV shows are shown with popular fighters in which they compare the strength of their punches. But the results of such experiments are often subjective. After all, each of them has his own technique of performance, and this greatly affects the outgoing power.

So, for example, a kick performed by a heavy league fighter of mixed style Mirko Cro Cop reaches a power of 2703 kg! Let's compare the strength of this strike with the capabilities of Mike Zambidis, who, with a weight of 70 kilograms, manages to hit with his right foot with a force of 1870 kg.

Of course, it is not clear how and where the strength of the blows of the fighters is measured, but it is difficult to deny that it is better not to pester them in a dark alley.

Elbow and knee strikes

Muay Thai style fighters are considered to be true masters of striking with knees and elbows. In competitions, very often with such blows they literally cut the opponent's skin.

Because of this, it is very often possible to observe a bloody spectacle, and not a duel. Some people like it, and some don't. Of course, because of the smaller leverage, the blow is more powerful.

But can everything be measured in kilograms per square centimeter? Impact strength is a relative indicator that must be matched with efficiency. Thais prove that with a weight of 40-50 kilograms it is possible to inflict such blows that are capable of knocking out the enemy the first time.

What have the players been able to do

Football bears the title of the game of millions. Indeed, watching football matches millions of viewers gather, not to mention tens of thousands of fans on the football fields.

Football is the most popular game. Football players must have a strong and accurate blow kick the ball to score a goal.

And in this field very often football experts, journalists note players who inflict simply incredible blows.

To date, the Brazilian midfielder Zhivanildo Vieira de Souza is the holder of the title "The strongest blow of a football player". He is known to everyone as the Hulk.

Incredibly, while playing against the Shakhtar-Donetsk team, he was able to score a goal with a ball that flew into the net at a speed of 214 km/h. The goalkeeper, of course, could not do anything.

For example, the legendary football player Roberto Carlos, who was also at one time a football player from the national team from Brazil, was able to hit the ball at a speed of 198 kilometers per hour. Since then, he has long been considered the player with the most powerful shot in the history of football.

Of course, such records of football players are not included in the Guinness Book of Records, but it is simply impossible not to talk about them.


New records are set every day in the world. Thanks to Guinness for inventing great way to inform people about someone's interesting achievements.

Not all records of people can be entered in one book. Such a nomination as the strongest blow cannot be found there. But for this there are sports experts who somehow manage to record more and more records of champions. And although such figures can be criticized and doubted in their correctness, they make one think about the physical capabilities of a person.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the people who have set and continue to set such records. And it doesn't matter if you have the strongest punch or can jump the highest - you will always inspire people to overcome impassable obstacles and become better.