Athletes from the North Caucasus are the richest Olympians in Russia. Why are many in Russia not happy with the gold medals of Caucasian wrestlers? Caucasian athletes

The recent Summer Olympic Games in Beijing were the most significant event for the North Caucasus in 2008 (except, of course, for the five-day war between Georgia and South Ossetia, which began on the opening day of the Olympics).

Natives of the Caucasus, which seems to be, at least formally, Russian, since the collapse of the great and indestructible Union, firmly and, it seems, for a long time received the label "LKN" and wear it like their cross. According to the touchingly impartial stories of the federal media, especially TV, over the past 20 years, any average Russian, including children and adolescents, knows that:

Most of the crimes in Moscow and large cities of Russia are committed by visitors, mainly from the North Caucasus;
- it was they who filled and littered the capital;
- it is they who represent a potential danger to the purity of the Russian race ...
Etc., etc., in a word, people of Caucasian nationality are extremely harmful to Russia.

But it is these children of the mountains, who do not take perseverance, determination and professionalism, in fact proved that they are above all this. They defended the sporting honor of Russia and won seven of the twenty-three gold medals for the Russian team at the Beijing Olympics.

In anticipation of summer Olympic Games 2012 in London, Russian officials are trying to analyze serious miscalculations in the performance of the Russian team in Vancouver, where, of course, athletes from the Caucasus were not represented, because there, due to climatic conditions, winter Games are not particularly popular. Dagestan, Chechnya, Ingushetia, Ossetia, Kabardino-Balkaria have always been leaders in power types sports.

How is the situation today with the preparation for the Olympic Games of athletes from Kabardino-Balkaria? We are talking about this with the Minister of Sports and Tourism of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic Afaunov Aslan Martynovich.


I will be responsible for Kabardino-Balkaria. Throughout Russia, I have no idea what is going on. Honestly, I imagine, but I would not like to discuss. In Kabardino-Balkaria, we have identified 4 support sports that bring results all the time, where our guys achieve the greatest success: these are freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling, judo and weightlifting. Today we have 20 people in these sports - the circle of applicants for participation in the Olympic Games has been determined. Of the 20 people preparing for the Olympic Games, we expect that at least 5-6 people in these four sports will get into the national team. And today, we provide everything possible to ensure that these people prepare thoroughly for the Olympic Games.

RFI: Who is a contender for a trip to the Olympic Games?

By Greco-Roman wrestling Aslambek Khushtov, the Olympic champion of Beijing, really claims. He is preparing very seriously. I think that Zaur Kuramagomedov will really qualify for participation in the Olympic Games as part of the Russian team. Kazbek Kilov will play for Belarus. And we expect that two more guys - Zaur Karezhev and Oleg Shokalov - can get into the Russian national team in the weight category up to 84 kg. In freestyle wrestling, this is, of course, the three-time world champion Bilyal Makhov. In the weight category up to 84 kg, Anzor Urishev has a great chance, and also in the weight category up to 74 kg, we are considering the candidacy of Aniuar Giduev very seriously.

RFI: Do you have any obstacles in the formation of your candidates for the Russian team?

You know you won't believe it, but absolutely not. If, of course, the guys will perform on the same level as representatives of other regions, then, perhaps, some questions will arise. But usually our guys perform better by one head, and we don’t have any special problems with them. And in weightlifting, we have two guys who are also preparing. We are counting on the experienced Khadzhimurat Akkaev and the young Eduard Mezhgikhov. And in judo we have several candidates: Beslan Mudranov, Alim Gadanov, Murat Khabachirov, Aslan Kambiev and Murat Kodzokov. Man 5 is also really applying for participation in the Olympic Games.


RFI: Does the material base of Kabardino-Balkaria contribute to preparing athletes at the level required for Olympic champions?

Undoubtedly. We have a good material base. All these guys that I just talked about are all preparing in Kabardino-Balkaria. With the exception of only Bilyal Makhov. Since they spend most of their time at training camps, all the more so, in the Elbrus region we have an excellent base for stationary training of our athletes in mid-mountain conditions at an altitude of 1800 m - we have a magnificent sports complex. Therefore, our guys have all the conditions. Yes, maybe medicine is a little late, but, nevertheless, we are ready to show what we are capable of at the Olympic Games.

RFI: Aslan Martynovich, a question that cannot be ignored - it is not news to you that a high-profile crime has occurred in Dagestan. On the evening of December 3, unknown criminals shot Dzhabrail Barkalaev, vice-president of the Dagestan Judo Federation, in a park in Makhachkala, not far from the stadium. Could this crime be related to his sports activities?

In particular, as regards the vice-president of the Dagestan Judo Federation... We know that there are problems in the North Caucasus and are not going to remain silent. This problem is quite serious and we are trying to influence this situation. We try to create conditions for the development of sports, we try to provide people who want to play sports with all the conditions. In addition, the special services of foreign states are certainly working here. There is serious funding, serious replenishment here. I think that sooner or later we will get out of this situation. I would not want a civil war to start, and people living in the Caucasus are at war with each other. Because a person wears one uniform and another wears another, this is not a reason to kill each other. We try to explain, explain, but the situation is quite serious.

RFI: By analogy with the 90s, when athletes were involved in crime, racketeering, today the caste of athletes is becoming a deadly strike force in the Caucasus. I will give only a few facts with a tragic outcome, where not amateur athletes appear, but European champions, World champions :


in March 2009 martial arts master Muslim Uchakaev was killed in Makhachkala.
In April 2009, in Ingushetia, FSB officers shot dead 21-year-old high-class athlete Adam Aushev, who was accused of involvement in illegal armed groups.
Artur Duzgaev - freestyle wrestler, champion of Azerbaijan, was killed while providing armed resistance to Russian FSB officers.
Nariman Satiev - 19 years old, three-time world champion in Thai boxing, was killed during a special operation in the Khasavyurt district of Dagestan.


World Champion combat sambo Murat Ristov - killed in May 2009 during a special operation against militants.

This youth who has reached the highest sports victories was a national pride. They went on the warpath. What could have them, or who could have brought them there?

This is a question to which we do not have an answer today. This is the question we are all thinking about. This is a tragedy for our people, and not only for Kabardino-Balkaria, but for all the peoples of the North Caucasus. This is our common tragedy. And the sooner we understand that every person has the right to live the way he sees it, and each person will answer for his sins himself, until we understand this ... There is no need to impose anything on anyone. There is no need to impose a lifestyle, a way of thinking on anyone.

RFI: What could make these very successful guys take the path of confrontation?

This is a very difficult question, and so, right off the bat...

RFI: Let's try to think. You are responsible for these young people.

I am responsible for these young people who live and train in Kabardino-Balkaria. In each specific case, how they get into this situation - it is necessary to know the history, to know these people. I know these people only by sports performances, sports achievements. I can guess, guess. I do not want to hurt the feelings of those relatives, those living guys, friends, relatives. I don't know... can't judge.

RFI: Knowing full well that they took the side of the confrontation, we must all look for a way out together.

We must look for a way out of the situation. No one is allowed to shoot and kill people, no matter which side a person fights on.

An interesting picture is emerging - against the backdrop of a shortage of Olympic gold medals in the Russian team, Russian society is very coolly happy for the success of wrestlers of Caucasian origin. Dual feelings overcome - like well done sportsmen, but there seems to be no joy somehow. Rather fears ... Do not think that I sucked this topic out of my finger. It really is. And in my circle of friends and recently on the RCH there was a transfer. Let's talk about it and we (s)...

Well, first of all, who rejoices wholeheartedly and to the maximum victories of the Caucasian wrestlers? Well, the pepper is clear, the fighters themselves, their families, clans, the Caucasus and ... that's all. There are exceptions, of course (and even very wide ones :), where without them. But the problem is obvious, the main part of Russian society reacts very coolly to victories. And for good reason. After reflecting on this, I drew a risky parallel. Imagine those damned 90s. An ordinary person lives between the reforms of Chubais, barely manages to earn money to be immediately eaten by inflation, there are no special prospects. And next to it, bandits with a sports past, and even the present, thrive. They have more and more trouble. The strength of the fists and pleasant facial features with a crumpled nose and crumpled ears, broken fists - all this affects the layman so much that they don’t really need a weapon for their “exploits”. They need weapons more for showdowns with their own - when dividing the clearing. These tough guys really great athletes. But what is the joy of this for ordinary citizens? Yes, none. By the way, by PERSONAL EXPERIENCE 90s - almost all the athletes I knew somehow took part in the underworld. And this is understandable. This is logical. Where else will a person go, whose only resource is strong fists, and whose opportunities for self-realization in society are low? Either in the security forces, or in crime. This is true for the vast majority of cases.

Exactly the same thing is happening now. In the Caucasus, power and martial arts. No one wants to do pole vaulting, and even swimming is not held in high esteem - although the sea is nearby! No - them fighting techniques give it up! All those who are in business and at draft age are intensively pumping everything that is possible under the mentorship of sensei. In fact, this is one of the very few ways to break into the people today in the Caucasus. Won't work in professional sports- welcome to the numerous armies of local princes, guards, or even just a criminal element that lives in the Caucasus, but often works much further north ... Well, so what emotions should a law-abiding citizen of Russia experience when he sees another well-trained fighter, who serves his master like a faithful dog, and sleeps and sees himself, in order to become the next prince himself? Only concerns. Money, glory and honor fall upon well-doing fighters. And what does a little-known Caucasian with strong fists and a torso do yesterday? Goes to Moscow. The family, the clans who are simply not indifferent to success in the struggle will pump him up with money and .. welcome to the capital! And now another Porsche-Panamera, Maserati or Ferrari is driving around Moscow, in which a guy with strong fists is full of pride and vanity. This is how it usually works out. At least, this is how Russian society sees it. And this, of course, cannot please any of the normal people.

MKAD. Two Porsche-Panamers with the number region 95 (Chechnya) KRA - apparently the coolest series there, because is an abbreviation of Kadyrov Ramzan Akhmatovich

Meanwhile, in middle lane Russia, the governor of the Kaluga region, Anatoly Artamonov, made a sensational statement that freestyle wrestling instills aggression in people, so it is necessary to develop table tennis, volleyball and general sports.

“Look,” the governor exclaimed, “Russia is only ahead in this struggle, and does not develop other sports.

Many considered this statement as a ban on Russian wrestling. Naturally, this is not what the governor had in mind. His thoughts are generally correct. Only they should be projected not on the Kaluga region, but on Russia as a whole, and also actively change the existing imbalance in the development of martial arts to the detriment of game types sports. For the Caucasus, that disproportion is obvious! However, Artamonov also drew attention to the Caucasians ... however, to deprive the Russians of the opportunity to study wrestling while intensively studying it in the Caucasus ... this smacks of a conspiracy. I understand that the governor is pursuing small-scale goals, but the question is actually acute. Not without reason, many martial arts for free study were banned in the USSR. This is of course too much, but what is boxing, karate or wrestling? This is a WEAPON! And of course, it is very, very dangerous to pump teenagers, especially from dysfunctional families, to the 80th level of skill. Not all trainers are wise sensei who can instill into every cell of a fighter's consciousness that his skills are only for defense and defense. Moreover - as a rule, everything happens the other way around - a complex of superiority over others develops, supported by a robust physical training. This is fraught with various consequences.

What I see today in Russia I do not like. In the Caucasus, a territory closed from the whole of Russia is gradually being obtained with sickly funding, which only in Chechnya brings visible results (and it seems that the superiority of the Kadyrov clan is so great there that there are no other serious forces anymore + more funding). For local residents there is nowhere to find a decent job - they bring down to Russia. Young people are pumped into power martial arts in en masse. And who do we get as a result? Thirsty for a place under the sun of people, brought up in the cult of their clan and disregard for the rest, who know little in life except how to fight well ... who consider only one thing to be the law - their tribal customs with a veil of Islam thrown over. They are not guided by Islam, but on the contrary, they seek out everything in the Koran to justify their customs. But I must say that religion is such a thing that if you wish, you can find everything in general ... What is in Islam, what is in Christianity ... What can this lead to? Well, to what we are seeing in Russia:

Today, the will of fate turned out to be in the evening near metro station Kuzminki. I must say that I live more in the center .. but then it skidded. I got out of the car to buy cigarettes. This is tin! There are only non-Russians around! Russian speech is not heard AT ALL, only Caucasian and Arabic, occasionally diluted with French from some Russo-Africans who are on a spree. Many are quite aggressive. They cling to their eyes, rubbing something together. Moreover, dofiga of people with beards, like Wahhabists, who ATTENTION rub something with Arabs and blacks !!! They even consider them closer than Russians! The point of contact is clear - tinder on Islamic topics ... In general, it’s not bad that I myself am brown-eyed and with dark blond hair, in the dark there was no particularly racial "imperfection" visible, but people with a purely Slavic appearance really need to be careful there. In general, everything has changed a lot there. Naturally, there wasn’t 5th Avenue there before, but it wasn’t like that. I lived in that area about 10 years ago, so I can say for sure. Well, it’s especially “pleasant” that there is NOT A SINGLE POLICEMAN in sight. Although the situation there, frankly, ... sparkles with hostility.

What is happening in Russia and Moscow- UNACCEPTABLE. The authorities and the corrupt police are to blame for this. Corruption and slovenliness leads our country to huge problems. Moreover, the authorities, not wanting to restore order LEGAL means, for obvious reasons, began to cultivate the ROC, apparently hoping that the Black Hundreds are better than the Mujahideen. I do not argue, as a Russian, even the most terry Black Hundreds is closer to me than a moderate Mujahideen. Governor Tkachev (to say the least) for the federal state's statements. WHY DO THESE PROBLEMS BE SOLVED? It's not too late to bring everything with ordinary police measures !!! But very soon it will be too late. We have come to the last line. The authorities are demonstrating their inability or unwillingness to solve serious problems that are rapidly growing from criminal into national and inter-confessional ones... Thanks to Putin for this. He got everything off his knees...

To all the rascals who will be accused of fomenting I state bluntly. All nationalities are dear to me. As the detective Puchkov D.Yu. aka Goblin - I hate everyone equally :) But there are gross violations of the natural course of migration and assimilation of visitors. It's not about nationality! In Russia, Russians treat everyone quite normally. Until they start behaving like masters in our house. Who might like it? Nobody! That is why I am not particularly pleased with the success of wrestlers from the Caucasus at the Olympics. I fear that their skills will turn against us. Today's medalists may be wonderful guys - I don't know them and I can't say anything. They appear to be adequate. But imagining the mass from which they got out ... I am horrified.

Recommended for study. Despite the fact that all Caucasians are GENERALLY less than the population of Moscow alone ... Interesting proportions in the power types of struggle, their share is from 50% MINIMUM. In non-power 0% almost everywhere, with very rare exceptions. What conclusions can be drawn? Where are these "very good schools"Peter, Ryazan, Tyumen? Why are Caucasians only engaged in martial arts? But this is just the tip of the iceberg. Behind each champion there are thousands of less skilled wrestlers. But they are less skilled for the sport of high achievements, for ordinary life - they are all super-fighters.

Hayrapetyan David Valerievich ZMS 26.09.1983
Aloyan Misha Surenovich ZMS 08/23/1988
Beterbiev Artur Asilbekovich ZMS 01/21/1985
Vodopyanov Sergey Vladimirovich ZMS 09/20/1987
Zamkovoy Andrey Viktorovich MSMK 07/04/1987
Mehontsev Egor Leonidovich ZMS 11/14/1984
Omarov Magomed Shakhbanovich MSMK 06.10.1989
~60% Caucasians

Gadisov Abdusalam Mamatkhanovich MSMK 03/26/1989
Gogaev Alan Kazbekovich MS 03/08/1990
Kudukhov Besik Serodinovich ZMS 15.08.1986
Makhov Bilyal Valerievich ZMS 09/20/1987
Otarsultanov Jamal Sultanovich MSMK 04/14/1987
Urishev Anzor Suadinovich MSMK 01/23/1987
Tsargush Denis Igorevich ZMS 09/01/1987
~70% Caucasians

Baroev Khasan Makharbekovich ZMS 01.12.1982
Vlasov Roman Andreevich MS 06.10.1990
Kuramagomedov Zaur Ismatulaevich MSMK 30.03.1988
Semenov Mingiyan Arturovich MS 06/11/1990
Totrov Rustam Stanislavovich MS 07/15/1984
Khugaev Alan Anatolyevich MS 04/27/1989
~70% Caucasians

Galstyan Arsen Zhoraevich MSMK 19.02.1989
Denisov Kirill Georgievich MS 01/25/1988
Isaev Mansur Mustafaevich MSMK 09/23/1986
Mikhailin Alexander Vyacheslavovich ZMS 08/18/1979
Mogushkov Musa Khozh-Akhmatovich MS 06.02.1988
Nifontov Ivan Vitalievich MSMK 06/05/1987
Khaibulaev Tagir Kamaludinovich MSMK 07/24/1984
~50% Caucasians

Here are the other sports:

Vasiliev Anton Aleksandrovich MSMK 10/13/1983
Dyachenko Alexander Igorevich MSMK 01/24/1990
Zhestkov Oleg Aleksandrovich MSMK 01/20/1987
Korovashkov Alexey Igorevich MSMK 04/01/1992
Medvedev Ilya Leonidovich MSMK 11/18/1983
Nikolaev Pavel Sergeevich MSMK 11/14/1984
Pervukhin Ilya Alekseevich MS 07/06/1991
Trim Yuri Viktorovich MS 08/31/1988
Ryakhov Anton Petrovich ZMS 05/29/1980
Salakhov Evgeny Aleksandrovich MSMK 01/25/1979
Shtokalov Ilya Anatolyevich MSMK 09/01/1986
Shtyl Ivan Alexandrovich MSMK 06/08/1986
0% Caucasian

Skachkov Kirill Sergeevich MSMK 08/06/1987
Smirnov Alexey Grigorievich MSMK 09.10.1977
Shibaev Alexander Igorevich MSMK 09.09.1990
0% Caucasian

Anchin Anton Pavlovich MSMK 01/30/1990
Vyatchanin Arkady Arkadievich ZMS 04/04/1984
Grechin Andrey Vladimirovich ZMS 21.10.1987
Degtyarev Egor Andreevich MSMK 25.02.1992
Izotov Danila Sergeevich ZMS 02.10.1991
Korotyshkin Evgeny Evgenievich ZMS 04/30/1983
Lagunov Evgeny Aleksandrovich ZMS 12/14/1985
Lobintsev Nikita Konstantinovich ZMS 11/21/1988
Lobuzov Artyom Yurievich MSMK 01/24/1991
Morozov Vladimir Viktorovich MSMK 06/16/1992
Polishchuk Mikhail Mikhailovich ZMS 01/10/1989
Sinkevich Vyacheslav Igorevich MSMK 11/29/1991
Skvortsov Nikolai Valerievich ZMS 03/28/1984
Sludnov Roman Andreevich ZMS 24.02.1980
Sukhorukov Alexander Nikolaevich ZMS 22.02.1988
Tikhonov Alexander Andreevich MSMK 05/04/1988
Fesikov Sergey Vasilievich ZMS 01/21/1989
0% Caucasian

Isaichev Vladimir Evgenievich MS 04/21/1986
Kolobnev Alexander Vasilyevich MSMK 05/04/1981
Menshov Denis Nikolaevich MSMK 01/25/1978
0% Caucasian

Naturally, these are not lists for lustration :) These guys lustrate whoever you want :)) And again, these apparently worthy people who defend the honor of Russia at the Olympics are not to complain about. I draw attention to the fact that there has been a clear imbalance on the scale of Russia. The best of the best got into the Russian national team, but how many are left overboard? What does the picture in the list of participants in the Olympics indicate? That power sports predominate in the Caucasus in the most significant way. For the most part, while the non-Caucasus is diligently rowing kayaks, jumping with a pole, pedaling and playing ping-pong ..., they LEARN en masse martial arts! As they say, dual-purpose skills... For one Olympic champion from the Caucasus, there are thousands of well-trained fighters with a lower level of skill (but quite enough for ordinary life to feel like a superman). It is quite obvious that in the Caucasus there are problems with work and other ways of self-realization. Where will these fighters go? That is why I am very anxious about the victories of Caucasian athletes in power sports ...

I don't think this is a conspiracy theory, don't get me wrong. This is a complete neglect of the authorities in the national issue, the balanced development of sports, etc. But this situation cannot but give very bad consequences. This is an objective trend. Caucasians are not the reason, but the situation. In an economically depressed area, where all sorts of Wackhabi movements roam, there are a lot of athletes with fighting skills. Well, you have to be an idiot not to understand how this will end. Everywhere. If there was such a situation in Ryazan, it would be the same there. But in this moment is in the Caucasus.

At the World Cup in freestyle wrestling held on February 17 in Iran Russian team in the final classification took 5th place among 8 world teams. Almost all the athletes who represented Russia at this competition come from the North Caucasus. The composition of the Greco-Roman wrestling team of our country has the same national trend.

This dominance is largely due to the fact that national wrestling in the North Caucasus, this is not just a centuries-old tradition, but part of the way of life of the peoples living there.

"Tutush", "bane" and "chidaoba"

Boys in the Caucasus started wrestling at the age of seven or eight. In many villages there were special grounds where young wrestlers competed in strength and dexterity. In these fights, character traits were developed that are characteristic of Caucasians and valued by them - contempt for pain and fear, composure, cunning and ingenuity. Crying people were despised, when an older and stronger boy challenged a younger one, it was considered a great shame. In general terms, the national struggle had two forms - when you yourself had to stand on your feet, and lay the enemy on the ground - either on the stomach or "on the shoulder blades". In the first case, they fought with their hands, it was not allowed to grab the head and legs. It was possible to grab the opponent's hand with both hands, throwing him over himself. The second variant of the struggle was to capture the enemy with both hands (such a power "hug"), the hands on the back were locked with a "lock". It was allowed to use a belt or grab the floor of the clothes. Similar martial arts were encountered on the territory of the entire Caucasus - among the Circassians it was the fight "bane", among the Georgians - "chidaoba", among the Karachays - "tutush". The Russians called it "in the fight."

It all started with Kazbek-Gora

North Ossetian wrestler Temirbolat Kanukov can be considered the first professional who became famous at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century outside his homeland. The giant, nicknamed "Kazbek-Gora", was born in an ordinary family and learned hard physical labor from childhood. If it were not for the circus managers, who accidentally drew attention to the giant, he would have remained in his village of Koban. However, the circus career made the more than two-meter Bolu famous - he won in international competitions, overcoming titled wrestlers. Honoring national traditions, Kanukov always fought in clothes.

Rasul Gamzatov and strongman Osman

The most famous Dagestan poet and prose writer Rasul Gamzatov in his book “My Dagestan” described the story that happened to another “man-mountain”, a famous circus and film artist, strongman and wrestler, Avar Osman Abdurakhmanov. Visiting scientists have a car stuck in a mountain stream. They fumbled for a long time, unsuccessfully trying to pull out the car. Osman meanwhile watched what was happening from the roof of his sakli. Then he came up, took the car like an insect, and moved it to a dry place. Amazed scientists mistook the huge Avar for Bigfoot. Osman answered them that the highlanders were created from fire, not from snow, otherwise he would not have pulled out the car. And he laughed so hard at his joke that the guests almost went deaf.

Rise of professional wrestling

Since the beginning of the 50s of the twentieth century, professional freestyle wrestling began to develop in the USSR. Even then, the official point of view was established that Caucasian athletes were unrivaled in this sport: people from places where a similar national wrestling had been cultivated for centuries did not need to comprehend its basics. Pretty soon, wrestlers from the North Caucasus began to win all conceivable awards at world championships and the Olympics, they became the elite of Soviet sports and enjoyed all the relevant benefits of that time - they dressed expensively, had good cars, they could travel abroad. Good schools appeared in the USSR, where boys and girls were taught the basics of freestyle wrestling, judo and sambo. The state did not spare money for sports, and this childhood hobby subsequently gave a start to life to many.

Crisis in the "dashing 90s"

With the collapse of the USSR collapsed and Soviet system training of professional athletes. In addition, war broke out in the North Caucasus. Many fighters went into crime or became members of radical jamaats. Some of them, like, for example, Sagid Murtazaliev, the former head of the Dagestan branch of the Pension Fund of Russia and a titled freestyle wrestler, are still on the wanted list. Honored Master of Sports of Russia, Sagid Magomedovich, now accused of organizing murders and financing terrorism, was the Champion of the Olympic Games, the champion of the world, Europe and Russia, had many other sports titles ...

They're back in line

Modern Russian sport is experiencing a rebirth, and Caucasians in this process play an important role. They are applauded by the best venues in the world - freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling, sambo and judo, classical and Thai boxing, other martial arts - everywhere they achieve high results. Moreover, the ascent to the podium of the winners of European and world championships often begins with conquering the heights of a regional scale - in every provincial city that has a good wrestling school, there will definitely be leaders of non-Slavic nationality, whose families, for one reason or another, moved to permanent residence from the North Caucasus region .


Greco-Roman wrestling.

Nazir won the first for Russia gold medal Beijing. In the final, the Ingush wrestler in a difficult duel was able to defeat an inconvenient opponent for himself, Azerbaijani Rovshan Bayramov. According to Alexander Karelin, Mankiev's wrestling became the highlight of the Olympic tournament. Nazir's victory is all the more significant because the medals the highest standard in this weight category, Russia has not had since the Olympics-80 in Moscow. For the victory, Mankiev will receive $500,000 in prize money from billionaire Suleiman Kerimov, an apartment in Magas from Ingush President Murat Zyazikov, and Krasnoyarsk from the local administration.

Islambek ALBIEV

Greco-Roman wrestling.

Islambek became the youngest Olympic champion in the history of Greco-Roman wrestling. He was not even 20 years old, but Albiev's struggle was noted by Alexander Karelin himself, calling it "beautiful and recognizable." For the victory, Islambek will receive 500 thousand dollars in prize money from the Federation wrestling Russia and Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov. In addition, Kadyrov awarded Albiev the title of honorary citizen of the Chechen Republic and presented him with a four-room apartment in Grozny.

Buvaysar SAITIEV

Freestyle wrestling.

Buvaysar Saitiev became the first three-time Olympic champion in freestyle wrestling after the legendary Alexander Medved. For this unique achievement Olympic Committee Russia will petition the president to award the Chechen wrestler the title of Hero of Russia. In the meantime, Saitiev returned to Grozny, where he and Islambek Albiev were greeted as national heroes. Thousands of people gathered at the local airport, and then at the stadium where the celebration took place, vigorously celebrating the success of their fellow countrymen. The President of Chechnya presented Saitiev with a four-room apartment in Grozny, half a million dollars and awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of the Chechen Republic.

Aslanbek Khushtov

Greco-Roman wrestling.

He brought Russia the third gold medal of the Olympics, in a brilliant style, winning the final against the German Englich. This is the debut Olympics for the 28-year-old native of Nalchik. Khushtov connects his success with the birth of his daughter Salima. After her birth, Khushtov did not lose a single fight. Now Aslambek is resting at home in Terek and together with his family decides where to spend half a million dollars in prize money. Upon his return to Krasnoyarsk, Khushtov is promised an apartment by the local authorities.


He won the first gold medal for our country in the boxing ring. Chakhkiev's victory came as a surprise - on the eve of the Olympics, few believed that Rakhim would be able to win a gold medal. But Chakhkiev showed perfect boxing, becoming the first in Russian history Olympic champion in weight up to 91 kg. For his shock work, Chakhkiev, in addition to the Olympic prize money (100 thousand euros), will receive an apartment in Magas from the President of Ingushetia.


"Gold" in team competition

Shanaeva won the first "gold" of the Olympics for herself and her republic in this sport. True, in the individual championship, Aida lost to the experienced Olympic champion from Italy to Giovanna Trillini. The military conflict in South Ossetia prevented her from setting up for a duel with the Italian Shanaeva. She had relatives there, for whom she was very worried. But in the team competition she managed to pull herself together and win the “gold”.


Athletics (javelin throw)

The coaches of the national team called the performance of the Stavropol javelin thrower sensational, although before the start of the Games they predicted a maximum “bronze” for her. Masha broke her personal record three times, set new record Russia and was a minute away from the "gold". Only in the last attempt she was surpassed by the world record holder Barbora Shpotakova. But the second place is also an outstanding achievement of the Stavropol light schools athletics. We had the last medal in this sport eight years ago. In addition to the Olympic prize money -

60 thousand euros - Masha should receive a monetary reward from the Stavropol Sports Committee. By law, she is entitled to 480 thousand rubles, but only if she has a Stavropol residence permit. In the meantime, Masha lives in Krasnodar, most likely they will not give her money.


Greco-Roman wrestling.

Unfortunately for the entire North Ossetia, the wrestler Khasan Baroev could not become a two-time Olympic champion. Our heavyweight brought the Beijing silver medal to the national team, losing in the final of the Olympic tournament in Greco-Roman wrestling to his eternal rival Cuban Lopez. Baroev's silver medal was the last award of the "classics" in Beijing and brought disappointment to its owner. After the fight, Baroev did not hide his annoyance and complained about the new rules of wrestling, which he did not have time to get used to. But the second place of the Russian heavyweight is a worthy contribution to the country's Olympic piggy bank. And 60 thousand euros in prize money will serve Baroev, though weak, but still a consolation.

Khadzhimurat AKKAEV


The silver medalist of the Athens Olympics Khadzhimurat Akkaev in Beijing was content with only the “bronze”, but this result, after a two-year doping disqualification, should be recognized as successful. Akkaev did not reach the “silver” only a kilogram, and many, including the athlete himself, attributed his failure to the error of the coaches. They sent Akkaev to group "B" and thus turned him off from the real fight, forcing him to compete in absentia. Nevertheless, Akkaev returned to his homeland a winner and a hero. For Kabardino-Balkaria, not spoiled Olympic medals, even "bronze" is worth its weight in gold. By the way, the Russian Olympic Committee will pay Akkaev 40,000 euros for the bronze medal. How the local authorities will encourage the athlete will be decided after August 30.


Freestyle wrestling

The champion of Europe and the world in 2007, a pupil of the Vladikavkaz wrestling school, Besik Kudukhov, won the bronze medal of the Olympics, which was terribly upset, saying that this was not his medal and he was only going for the “gold”. According to Kudukhov, excessive self-confidence let him down in the semi-finals and now he is embarrassed to return to North Ossetia, where there are many champion wrestlers, with "bronze". Besik is determined to win the London Olympics. In the meantime, he will gain weight - in a figurative and literal sense of the word. Kudukhov is going to move to weight class 60 kg and continue the winning path.

Caucasians are strong, and it's hard to disagree with that. They are more than others characterized by brute force and aggression. Maybe that's why Caucasians are more prone to combat sports than, for example, Russians and many other peoples. Why is that? After all, science has long proven that physical ability a person does not depend on his nationality. Let's try to figure it out.


The Caucasus is a predominantly mountainous region, with clean air and natural products. Life in the mountains is many times more difficult than in the plains. In addition, infrastructure is poorly developed in the Caucasus. But in order to survive in these difficult mountain conditions, you have to do everything on your own. Naturally, this allows Caucasians to be in better physical shape.


The history of the Caucasus is a history of continuous wars. The territory of the Caucasus throughout history has served as an arena for the struggle of the leading world powers. Caucasians themselves also often found themselves drawn into these conflicts. There are many cases in history when a few parties of highlanders smashed many times superior enemy forces. Since such wars often occur, the people become militant involuntarily. Under such conditions, a special "hot" mentality of Caucasians developed, recognizing only brute force and despising weakness in all its manifestations.


Unemployment in the Caucasus is higher than in other regions of the country, so young people go into sports in the hope of finding their place in the sun. Because of high level youth unemployment simply has nothing to do, so many devote all their time to sports. Sport for them is the only chance to achieve something in life. After all, many Caucasian athletes after completing their careers successfully find themselves in politics and business.

Combat sports in the Caucasus are also popular because of their accessibility, unlike, for example, the same football or hockey. On every corner there are various sections of martial arts, where training is conducted in almost Spartan conditions. Such pleasure is quite cheap, so only the worst parent does not send his child there.

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