World Student Sports Games (Universiade). Countries where the Universiade was held How often the World University Games are held

The international student conference, which met after the end of the First World War on the initiative of the French sports figure Jean Petitjean, for the first time established the holding of the World Student Sports Games.

The first competitions were held in 1924 in Warsaw in three sports: athletics, swimming, fencing. Further student sports competitions were held in 1927 in Rome; 1930 in Dortmund; in 1933 in Turin; in 1937 in Paris; in 1939 in Monte Carlo.

Second World War interrupted the World University Sports Games. In the period before the Second World War, Soviet athletes did not participate in these competitions, since, through the efforts of the imperialist states, Soviet student sports organizations were not allowed to participate in the work of the International University Sports Federation (FISU).

For the first time, Soviet athletes competed at student competitions in 1957 in Paris, when, in honor of the 100th anniversary of the French university organization, World Student sport games. Soviet athletes participated in these competitions without being members of FISU.

In 1959, the assembly of the International University Sports Federation, which met in Turin (Italy), accepted into its ranks student organizations: Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, the USSR and Czechoslovakia, and subsequently other socialist countries.

By decision of the FISU General Assembly, the World University Sports Games are held once every two years: every odd year - summer and every even year - winter. The games were given the name "Universiade".

During the Universiade, FISU consistently adheres to the Olympic ideals, competitions are held as holidays for the student youth of our planet. They serve to expand international sports relations, strengthen international friendship, mutual understanding between students from all over the world.

6. Main features in sports and physical education.

1. Sports activities are aimed at developing special features of a person, identifying his reserve capabilities, physical education is aimed at strengthening health, harmonious development of the individual.

2. Sports activity - goal: - achievement of record results. Physical education - the goal - the optimal level of results necessary for the implementation of labor activity.

3. Sports activity - an obligatory and main component - competition. Competition contributes to the effectiveness of physical education classes, but is not mandatory, it acts as a method, and not as a component of activity.

4. Sports activity requires maximum physical and mental stress not only in competitions, but also in a number of training sessions. Physical education requires rather high, but not maximum physical and psychological efforts.

5. Sports activities are voluntary. Efficiency largely depends on interest, dedication. Physical education in the system of secondary specialized and higher education is mandatory, in the system of mass physical culture- voluntary.

Characteristics of the main physical qualities.

Strength- this is the ability of a person to perform actions with certain muscle tensions. This is one of the most important physical qualities for the vast majority of sports. Most often, force is manifested in movement, i.e. in dynamic mode - dynamic strength. But not always the efforts of the athlete are accompanied by movement, in this case they speak of a static mode of operation - static force.

Rapidity- this is the ability of a person to perform motor actions in the minimum period of time for given conditions.

Endurance is the ability of a person to perform work for a long time without reducing its efficiency. The development of endurance is carried out in the process of performing exercises that cause fatigue and fatigue.

Agility- this is the ability of a person to quickly master new movements and quickly rebuild motor activity in accordance with the requirements of a changing environment. The object of knowledge in the manifestation of dexterity is movements and actions performed with the utmost accuracy, taking into account spatial, temporal and power parameters.

Perception of physical qualities with motor skills.

All the physical qualities of an athlete are organically interconnected and are in constant interaction. This mechanism is based on the principle of the integrity of manifestations of the human psyche.

The relationship of physical qualities is characteristic of any sport, however, the proportion of their manifestation in different sports is different. For example, in running, swimming, speed, endurance dominate, in weightlifting - strength. At the same time, it should be noted that the highest indicators of the development of one quality can be achieved only at a certain level of development of the others. Therefore, the process of training athletes should ensure the development of physical qualities in the required ratio. In people with a low level of physical fitness, performing an exercise that requires the predominant manifestation of any one physical quality makes significant demands on others. For example, for beginners, running 100 meters is a test not only of speed, but also to a large extent of endurance, strength, and agility. Therefore, at the initial stages of training, the education of any quality leads to the development and improvement of others. However, in the future, such parallel growth stops, and negative relationships between individual qualities may even appear.

The interaction of physical qualities can act as their transfer. For example, the development of dynamic strength contributes to a better manifestation speed qualities, while the development of strength in static exercises can inhibit the improvement of speed. A high level of conscious control over manifestations of strength and speed contributes to the formation and improvement of dexterity, etc.

Successful solution of the problems of physical training should include not only the education of physical qualities, but also the formation of a specialized perception of their manifestation.


The education of physical qualities is based on a constant desire to do beyond what is possible for oneself, to surprise others with one's capabilities. But for this, from the time of birth, you need to constantly and regularly follow the rules of correct physical education.

The main stage in the education of these qualities is the educational period in a person's life, during which the necessary educational material for its further application in life.

The purpose of physical education in universities is to promote the training of harmoniously developed, highly qualified specialists.

In the process of studying at a university in the course of physical education, the following tasks are envisaged: educating students of high moral, strong-willed and physical qualities, readiness for highly productive work; maintaining and strengthening the health of students, promoting the correct formation and comprehensive development of the body, maintaining high performance throughout the entire period of study; comprehensive physical training students; professional-applied physical training of students, taking into account the peculiarities of their future work; acquisition by students of the necessary knowledge on the basics of the theory, methodology and organization of physical education and sports training, preparation for work as public instructors, coaches and judges; improvement of sportsmanship of students-athletes; educating students of the belief in the need to regularly engage in physical culture and sports.

The learning process is organized depending on the state of health, the level of physical development and readiness of students, their sports qualifications, as well as taking into account the conditions and nature of the work of their future professional activity.

One of the main tasks of higher educational institutions is the physical training of students.

In a higher educational institution, the general management of physical education and mass sports work among students, as well as the organization of monitoring the state of their health, is entrusted to the rector.


    Ter–Ovanesyan A. A. Pedagogical foundations of physical education. M., "Physical culture and sport", 1980.

    Ashmarin B. A., Vilevskiy M. Ya., Grantyn K. Kh. Theory and methods of physical education. M., Enlightenment, 1996

    Korobkov A.V., Golovin V.A., Maslyakov V.A. Physical education. M. 1983.

    Kots Ya.M. Physical culture and sport, 1986.

Not such a young competition. If you do not take into account the student world championships, the world university games and many other tournaments that determined the path of development student sports, it should be noted that the competition of young athletes studying in various universities around the world has existed for more than half a century. The general unification and holding of the first Universiade was hindered by the Second World War and the ensuing feuds between the countries of the socialist and capitalist camps. However, by 1959, all conflicts were finally settled and the first competitions took place, the format is very close to those that are held to this day.

Assisted by Primo Nebiolo And Angelo Scarpelo- prominent figures of Italian sports - Turin was chosen as the venue for the first Universiade. On this sports festival for the first time, such symbols as the Universiade flag appeared - a white cloth with the English letter U, and in honor of the winners they began to perform national anthems countries, but Gaudeamus. However, this did not cancel the competition between the countries participating in the competition, and everyone still tried to perform as best as possible. In Turin, the hosts - the Italians - excelled. The Soviet youth also performed remarkably - they received 11 gold medals and took second place in team standings. Perhaps such a performance can be recognized as an exemplary debut, the athletes of the USSR immediately declared their claims to the most high places. If we talk about the variety of sports at the first Universiade, then it is worth noting that medals were awarded only in basketball, volleyball, water polo, swimming, fencing, athletics and tennis.

It was decided to diversify the sports program with winter sports, of course, separating them from summer ones. The first winter took place a year later - in 1960 in the city that hosted the first winter Olympic Games - the French Chamonix. In five sports, only 13 sets of awards were played, but the national team

The USSR managed to take second place in these competitions. And victory in overall standings the hosts again won - this time the French.

The organizers liked the experience of alternating winter and summer Universiades so much that until 1968 the competitions were held every year. The number of sports gradually increased, for example, already in the second Summer Universiade added jumping into the water and gymnastics. By the way, at the competitions in Bulgaria, the Soviet team simply did not leave a single chance for competitors, having received 21 gold medal and took first place in the team standings. Since then, a place below the first in the USSR was no longer regarded as a success.

In the following years, however, there were two misfires: at the 1965 Universiade in Hungary, the Soviet team again lost to the hosts. And the following, Japanese competitions, which took place two years later, were boycotted by the USSR team for completely understandable political reasons. However, when in 1970 student games returned to Turin, the national team of our country was fully armed, performed remarkably and in a fierce struggle snatched first place from their main rivals - the Americans. And then, three years later, Moscow hosted the Universiade. And it is worth dwelling on this in more detail.

Soviet Union at that time did not accept such large international competitions in several sports. And in order not to lose face in front of his political and ideological opponents, he decided to hit them with everything that was possible. Everything was done to draw people's attention to the future sporting event: from massive construction of new sports arenas to accommodate more spectators, to the release of special collections of stamps and badges dedicated to a significant event. But if buildings can collapse and badges get lost, then the results of Soviet athletes at home arenas will remain in history forever. Athletes from the USSR team did something incredible, breathtaking and amazing: out of 111 gold medals, they won 69. In fencing, volleyball, water polo and tennis, our rivals did not receive a single gold medal at all - Soviet athletes were so strong.

Since 1981, the calendar of the Summer and Winter Universiades has finally stabilized. They are held in the same odd-numbered year - as opposed to the Olympics, which, as you know, have staked out even-numbered years. The number of sports today is very different from what it was in the beginning. Variety, of course, is less than Olympic competitions, but there are also interesting types, such as golf or chess. The geography of student sports has also undergone major changes- both in terms of the division of medals, and in the issue of venues for the Universiade. The organizers are trying to increase the number of countries hosting student games in order to involve more and more people in youth sports. And for some reason, they are drawn to Asia: out of the last ten summer Universiades, exactly half were held in Asian states.

Despite the collapse of the USSR, the power of our sport has not gone away, and, unlike Olympic Games, we are still fighting for first place in the team standings. And if in Belgrade in 2009 we managed to bypass Chinese team, then two years later in Shenzhen, the hosts were head and shoulders above everyone else. However, the story about what didn’t work out for us, but the Chinese did at the previous Universiade, deserves much more space than one paragraph, so this will be discussed in more detail in the next article.

Collegiate sports have almost as long a history as Olympic movement. Already in 1905, the first International student competitions were held in the USA. In 1919, the International Confederation of Students was created by the Frenchman Jean Ptijean, and its creator negotiated with the International Olympic Committee(IOC) on holding special student Olympiads.

Own road

The IOC did not go for it. As a result, in 1923, the World Student Games were born in Paris. They changed their name several times: Student World Championship, International Student Sports Week, World University Games. At first they were exclusively summer, with time they began to be held in winter. Even in Nazi Germany there was an alternative in the form of sports program World Festival of Youth and Students. By the way, the Soviet Union supported the idea of ​​the festival, not the championships. In 1953 the Festival was held in Moscow.

After the Second World War (in 1949) a unified International Federation student (university) sports (FISU). She set as her goal the organization of a single world competition for students, and the strengthening of relations with the IOC and higher educational institutions around the world.

By 1959, it was possible to create a truly first world student Olympiad. She was given a name made up of two keywords- University and Olympiad.

In 1960, the first Winter Universiade took place in the capital of the first French Chamonix.

Since then, 28 winter competitions have taken place. They were accepted mainly by small towns in mountainous areas where there are good conditions for winter sports. Most often these were towns in the Italian Alps, but the capitals also hosted competitions.

In general, Soviet and Russian students dominated the Universiade. Indigenous sports from the very beginning were ski jumping, Nordic combined, figure skating, ski race, skiing. Then they added hockey skating and biathlon. In modern times, curling, snowboarding, short track and freestyle, popular among the youth, have been added.

A short list of Winter Universiades can be found below.


Year A place Sports Medal leader Leaders in 3+2+1* Heroes (medals). Ice hockey champion (men)
I 1960 Chamonix (France) Ski jumping, Nordic combined, figure skating, cross-country skiing, alpine skiing Austria (8) France (17 points) Marie-Jose Dusonchet (France, alpine skiing) - 3 each (2, 1.0).
II 1962 Vignard-sur-Olonne (Switzerland) Added hockey Germany and France (7) Germany (18) Barbie Henneberger (Germany, alpine skiing) - 4 (3, 1, 0). Czechoslovakia.
III 1964 Removed hockey USSR (8) USSR (18) Fritz Wagnerberger (Germany, alpine skiing) - 4 (3, 0, 1).
IV 1966 Sestriere (Italy) Added hockey USSR (12) USSR (26) Nobody took more than two medals. THE USSR.
V 1968 Innsbruck (Austria) Added speed skating USSR (19) USSR (35) Kathy Nagel (USA, alpine skiing), Alexander Zhekulyaev (USSR, skates) - 3 each (3, 0, 0). THE USSR.
VI 1970 Rovaniemi (Finland) The same USSR (37) USSR (79) Rose Fortna (USA, alpine skiing), Nina Stankevich (USSR, skates) - 3 (3, 0, 0). Czechoslovakia.
VII 1972 Lake Placid (USA) The same USSR (29) USSR (62) THE USSR.
VIII 1975 Livigno (Italy) Alpine skiing, cross-country skiing Italy (12) Italy (31) Bruno Confortola (Italy, alpine skiing), Yuri Vakhrushev, Valery Isaev (both - USSR, cross-country skiing) - 3 (2, 1, 0).
IX 1978 Splinderuv Mlyn (Czechoslovakia) The same USSR (14) USSR (31) -
X 1981 Jaca (Spain) The same USSR (18) USSR (40) -
XI 1983 Sofia (Bulgaria) Added biathlon, Nordic combined, ski jumping, figure skating, hockey USSR (24) USSR (53) THE USSR.
XII 1985 Belluno (Italy) Added short track Canada (19) Canada (36) (USSR, cross-country skiing) - 3 (3, 0, 0). THE USSR.
XIII 1987 Strbske Pleso (Czechoslovakia) The same Czechoslovakia (29) Czechoslovakia (70) Vladimir Nikitin (USSR, cross-country skiing) - 3 (3, 0, 0). Czechoslovakia.
XIV 1989 Sofia (Bulgaria) The same USSR (30) USSR (60) THE USSR.
XV 1991 Sapporo (Japan) The same Japan (30) Japan (61) Canada.
XVI 1993 Zakopane (Poland) The same Japan and USA (30) Japan (32) Russia.
XVII 1995 Jaca (Spain) The same South Korea (14) South Korea (28) Kazakhstan.
XVIII 1997 Muju (South Korea) The same Japan (25) Japan (52) Czech.
XIX 1999 Poprad (Slovakia) Added snowboard Russia (30) Russia (77) Ukraine.
XX 2001 Zakopane (Poland) The same Russia (31) Russia (59) Slovakia.
XXI 2003 Tarvisio (Italy) Added curling Russia (32) Russia (66) Russia.
XXII 2005 Innsbruck (Austria) Freestyle added, curling removed South Korea (23) Austria and South Korea (50) Russia.
XXIII 2007 Turin (Italy) Added curling Russia (35) Russia (67) Canada.
XXIV 2009 Harbin (China) The same Russia (51) China (102) Canada.
XXV 2011 Erzurum (Turkey) The same Russia (39) Russia (81) Alena Prokhazkova (Slovakia, cross-country skiing) - 4 (4, 0, 0). Russia.
XXVI 2013 Trentino (Italy) The same Russia (50) Russia (96) Veronika Nowakowska-Zimnyak (Poland, biathlon), Bo Reum Kim (South Korea, short track) - 4 each (2, 2, 0). Canada.
XXVII 2015 Granada (Spain), Strbske Pleso (Slovakia) The same Russia (56) Russia (114) Anastasia Slonova (Kazakhstan, cross-country skiing) - 4 (2, 2, 0). Russia.
XXVIII 2017 Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan) The same Russia (71) Russia (156) Dmitry Rostovtsev, Lilia Vasilyeva (both - Russia, cross-country skiing) - 4 (3, 1, 0). Russia.

* For gold - 3 points, for silver - 2, for bronze - 1.

Krasnoyarsk - the new capital

The second largest city in Siberia has a special mission in connection with such a significant event.

Firstly, big international events are a rarity for Siberia. One can only recall the biathlon starts in the Tyumen region, the student world chess championship in Novokuznetsk, the world bandy championships in Khabarovsk, Kemerovo and Irkutsk, as well as international tournaments for the same game in Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Abakan, Irkutsk, Khabarovsk. Thus, the Universiade symbolizes new stage in the development of large region Russia.

Secondly, Krasnoyarsk is a city of great industrial and, therefore, defensive significance. Therefore, the access of foreigners to this city was previously very limited. The Universiade in Krasnoyarsk, therefore, will become a symbol of Russia's openness and peacefulness.

Thirdly, the Winter Universiade in Russia will pass for the first time.


At the Winter Universiade in Krasnoyarsk, for the first time, two sports will debut in the program: bandy, which is beloved in Siberia, as well as orienteering by ski.

Some people started training at the age of 4

It is worth noting that some young athletes begin to prepare for the Universiade from a young age. Don't underestimate the popularity winter sports!

Build a city of sports

To host the World Winter Universiade in the city, a complete reconstruction of sports facilities is already being completed, including:

  • academy winter views sports. It includes the Sopka sports complex, the Snezhny sports block, the half-pipe of ski slopes and freestyle trails, the Freestyle block, the Raduga sports complex, the Ski block, the ski stadium, and the Gorny block. It will host freestyle, snowboarding, cross-country skiing and orienteering.
  • Park of sports and recreation "Beaver Log". Alpine skiing competitions will be held here.

  • Sports complex "Platinum Arena". The opening ceremony and competitions are planned here.
  • Ice Arena"Crystal". will take hockey tournaments.
  • Biathlon Academy complex. The name speaks for itself.
  • The Arena-North complex will host a short track.
  • The famous wrestling Palace of Sports named after Ivan Yarygin will be equipped with an ice hall for curling.
  • The Yenisei Stadium after reconstruction (a large ice field will be covered with a roof and stands will be re-equipped) will host bandy matches.
  • indoor ice rink Pervomaisky will be waiting for ice hockey matches.
  • The Ice Palace "Dawn" also appears as a reserve and training for puckers.

In a word, the World Winter Universiade in Krasnoyarsk will be fully armed.

In the organization and conduct of educational and training work and sports competitions students during extracurricular time, both public student sports and non-sports organizations and associations take an active part. From the activity of an intra-university public organization - sports club University in many respects depends on the sports life of students in an educational institution. The rector's office and the department of physical education provide him with possible material, methodological and practical assistance both in the work of individual sports sections and groups, and in the organization and conduct of competitions. A significant role in the organization of interuniversity sports competitions is played by the public association of students and employees of higher educational institutions - Russian student sports union (established at the end of 1993) and its regional organizations. Its Charter states that the main goal of the Union is to consolidate the efforts of all interested organizations in the development of physical culture and health work, student sports, harmonize physical and spiritual education, improve the health of students in higher educational institutions and prepare athletes for participation in competitions at various levels. It is on the basis of the results of student sports competitions held by the Union that the composition of the student team for Russian and international sports competitions is determined. The Russian Student Sports Union carries out international student sports relations. He is a collective member International University Sports Federation(FISU), which aims to promote:

    development of student sports at all levels;

    physical and spiritual education of students;

    rapprochement of students from all countries and their cooperation in the interests of the unity of international university sports.

One of the tasks of FISU is the organization of international student sports competitions in various types sports. According to the FISU Student Sports Commission, at the beginning of the 90s. among students of all countries the most popular sports were: football, volleyball, Athletics, basketball and swimming. However, the programs of the FISU Universiades, held every two years, the FISU Championships include a much larger number of sports and periodically undergo some changes. After the collapse of the USSR, a period of protracted reorganization of the student body followed. sports movement. With the organization of the Russian Sports Union at the end of 1993, Russian students take their first independent steps in the international student sports movement on a completely different organizational basis and other material and technical support.

8.Olympic Games and Universiades

The Olympic Games and the Universiade are the two largest multi-sport competitions, which symbolize the concepts of "fair play" and "true sportsmanship". The World Student Games are an analogue of the Olympics at the student level. In terms of the number of participating countries and the number of athletes, the Universiade is comparable to the Olympic Games. The Olympic Games and the Universiade are inextricably linked. It can be said that the World Student Games serve as a forge of personnel for the Olympics, because more than 60% of the participants of the Universiade perform at the Olympic Games in the future. Many famous athletes have achieved success both at the Olympic Games and at the Universiade, including basketball player Sergei Belov, discus thrower Tamara Press, high jumper Valery Brummel, volleyball player Vyacheslav Zaitsev. Separately in the list of champions is Nikolai Andrianov. The great Soviet gymnast became the six-time champion of the Universiade and 15 times climbed the podium of the three Summer Olympic Games in Munich, Montreal and Moscow. The last athlete to achieve a gold double was rhythmic gymnast Evgenia Kanaeva, who won Olympic and Universiade gold in 2008 and 2009, respectively. The Universiade is the second largest and most representative international complex sporting event after the Olympic Games. The Universiade is held every two years, undergraduate and graduate students aged 17 to 28 take part in it. For the first time, the World Student Games were organized in Paris in May 1923 by Jean Petitjean (Jean Petitjean intended to call them "University Olympic Games", but Pierre de Coubertin convinced him to give the games a different name). The games were organized under the auspices of the International Students Confederation (ICS), formed in 1924 in Warsaw.

In 1959, the joint (ICS and FISU) World Student Games were organized for the first time in Turin.

The Italian delegation proposed a new name for the Games - "Universiade", meaning: "universality", "unity", "university". In the same place, a decision was made in honor of the winners of the Games to perform not the national anthems, but the student anthem "Gaudeamus" ("Gaudeamus Igitur"). Since 1960, the World Winter Universiade has been held. The games mascot first appeared at the 1981 Winter Universiade. Currently, every student games must have their own mascot. In the USSR, the Universiade was held only once - in 1973 in Moscow. 23rd Winter Universiade was held from 17 to 27 January 2007 in Turin (Italy). 24th Winter Universiade was held from February 19 to March 1, 2009 in Harbin (People's Republic of China). The youth hockey team of Russia, mainly consisting of hockey players from Tatarstan, took first place. 25th Winter Universiade will be held in the city of Erzurum (Turkey) from 12 to 22 February 2011, 26th- in the city of Maribor (Slovenia) in January 2013 of the year. 24th Summer Universiade took place from 8 to 18 August 2007 in Bangkok (Thailand). 25th Summer Universiade took place from July 1 to July 12, 2009 in the city of Belgrade (Serbia). 26th Summer Universiade will be held in Shenzhen (China), 27th - in the city of Kazan (Russia). The record for the number of participants at the Summer Universiade - 7,805 people was set at the 22nd Summer Universiade in August 2005 in Izmir (Turkey), and the record for the number of countries represented - 174 countries - in 2003 in Daegu (South Korea). Soviet students have been performing at the Universiade since 1957. The champions of the Universiade were world record holders V. Brumel, I. Ter-Ovanesyan, I. Press, T. Press and others. In 1957, the All-Union DSO "Petrel" was created in the USSR, which in 1959 became part of FISU. Since 1994, the Russian Student Sports Union (RSSU) has been the legal successor of the DSO Burevestnik. At present, the RSSS is headed by Oleg Vasilyevich Matytsin. In August 2005, for the first time in the history of the Summer Universiade, Russian team took 1st place in the unofficial team standings. The team of 415 athletes won 65 medals, 26 of them were gold.

History of the international student movement. Conducting world championships among students. The current state of the international sports student movement. Attracting young people to physical culture and sports. Success in competition.

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