Olympics. Methodical development "District Olympiad in ecology" Student Olympiad in task ecology

On April 20-21, 2017, according to the plan of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the XV All-Russian Student Olympiad in Ecology and Nature Management was held at the Faculty of Geography, Geoecology and Tourism of Voronezh State University. The main goal of the Olympiad, held by the faculty annually for 15 years, is to identify gifted students, to intensify the cognitive and scientific activities of students in the field of fundamental and applied environmental sciences, as well as to improve the professional skills of students studying in the direction of "Ecology and Nature Management" in the field of practical solution of regional environmental problems, preparation for future work in environmental scientific and practical organizations, complex and sectoral environmental departments, in the field of environmental and geographical education.

47 students from 16 regions took part in the 2017 Olympiad Russian Federation, including federal, classical and pedagogical state universities in such cities as Moscow / MGIMO, RUDN University /, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Tver, Kursk, Tambov, Volgograd, Belgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Dubna Moskovskaya region, the republics of Mari El, Udmurtia, Chechnya and, of course, the city of Voronezh, which was represented by teams from Voronezh universities: engineering technology, technical, VSU (teams of the faculties of biomedical, as well as geography, geoecology and tourism) and the Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

The program of the Olympiad included a variety of theoretical and practical competitions in general ecology, environmental climatology, remote sensing and geoinformation technologies, ecogeochemistry, geobotany and biodiversity protection, human ecology, as well as the intellectual game "Ecological Brain Ring". The organizing committee was headed by the Dean of the Faculty of Geography, Geoecology and Tourism of the Voronezh State University, Chairman of the Voronezh Regional Branch of the Russian Geographical Society, Professor IN AND. Fedotov , and the jury included well-known environmental scientists of Voronezh: professors S.A. Kurolap And AND I. Grigorievskaya ; docents T.I. Prozhorina, M.A. Klevtsova, O.V. Prokhorova, S.A. Yeprintsev; Art. teacher P.M. Vinogradov; teachers D.R. Vladimirov, M.V. Derevyagin, M.O. Maslova; undergraduate O.V. Yakimenko and E.A. Mazurova.

The first place (the winner of the Olympiad) was taken by our student-geoecologist VSU Bykova Daria , in second place - a student Shkolnykh Dmitry from Volgograd State University, and in third place student Reshetnyak Viktor from the Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don). In the team standings, our students of VSU also won, and among other universities, the teams of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Volgograd, St. Petersburg State Universities, MGIMO of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation took the leading positions. Among the non-core /technical/ universities, the team Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies .

The Olympiad successfully ended with a tour of the historical and cultural places of the city of Voronezh.

The material was prepared by Doctor of Geological Sciences, Professor S. Kurolap

Photo materials provided by S. Ilyin


Municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in Ecology

for students in grades 7-8


1. The shell of the Earth inhabited by living organisms is called:

a) the biosphere;

b) troposphere;

c) biogeocenosis;

d) the ecosphere.

2. The totality of plants, animals, fungi and microorganisms that jointly inhabit a relatively homogeneous space is called:

a) an ecosystem;

b) the biosphere;

c) biocenosis;

d) population.

3. In most industrialized countries, emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere have decreased or stabilized due to the fact that the basis for environmental policy planning was the principle:

a) "everything is connected with everything";

b) "nature knows best";

c) “everything has to go somewhere”;

d) “the one who pollutes pays”.

4. Which type of dust from the listed is the most dangerous for human health?

a) cement;

b) washing powder;

c) asbestos;

d) sandy.

5. Specify the most complete definition of a specially protected natural area adopted in the Russian Federation:

a) a piece of land where natural complexes and objects of special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health significance are located;

b) a piece of land, water surface and airspace above them, where natural complexes and objects of special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health significance are located, which are completely or partially withdrawn from economic use by decisions of state authorities and for which a special protection regime has been established;

c) a section of the water surface and air space above it, where natural complexes and objects are located that have special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health significance;

6. The recreational value of forests lies in the fact that:

a) forests are used as places of recreation for people;

b) forests serve to accumulate building material;

c) forests are used for grazing;

d) forests are used as protective areas in relation to the surrounding fields.

7. Name the substance that makes the greatest contribution to the formation of acid precipitation:

a) sulfur dioxide;

b) carbon monoxide;

c) carbon dioxide;

d) freons.

8. Choose the longest succession (in all cases it ends with a forest stage):

a) overgrowing of abandoned arable land;

b) overgrowing of a forest fire;

c) overgrowing of clearing;

d) overgrowing of dumps of soil during the extraction of minerals.

9. Soil fertility is determined by the amount of:

a) minerals;

b) humus;

c) living organisms;

d) water.

10. The habitat of halophyte plants is:

a) swamp

b) the coastal strip flooded during the spill of the reservoir zone;

c) a freshwater body of water with running water;

d) dry steppe with saline soils.

11. The position of the population in the biocenosis is called:

a) life form

b) ecological niche;

c) ecotope;

d) area.

12. The effect of the factor is least related to the population size:

b) accumulation of waste products;

c) predation;

d) severe winter.

13. A white hare and a hare living in the same forest are:

a) one population of one species;

b) two populations of the same species;

c) two populations of two species;

d) one population of two species.

14. Plants, the above-ground organs of which freeze, but at the same time remain viable, belong to the ecological group:

a) not cold-resistant;

b) frost-resistant;

c) heat-resistant;

d) frost-resistant.

15. The limiting factors limiting the spread of living organisms in the tundra are:

a) lack of heat;

b) lack of moisture and heat;

c) lack of food and moisture;

d) excess moisture and lack of food.

16. Specially protected natural areas in our country do not include:

a) a national park;

b) natural park;

c) dendrological park;

d) zoological park.

17. The field of ecology that studies the mechanisms of destruction of the biosphere by man, ways to prevent this process and the development of principles for rational environmental management, is called

a) population ecology;

b) applied ecology;

c) medical ecology;

d) engineering ecology.

18. The process of soil acidification is observed in ecosystems:

a) deciduous forests;

b) pine forests;

c) steppes;

d) spruce forests.

19. Arable land on our planet is concentrated mainly:

a) in the forest-steppe and steppe zones;

b) in the zone of tropical rainforests;

c) in subtropical and tropical zones;

d) in the zone of boreal forests.

20. Transpiration is:

a) evaporation of water from the surface of the oceans;

b) biological evaporation of water by plants;

c) the formation of organic substances;

d) circulation of biogenic elements.

21. Among fish, the most fertile are those in which caviar:

a) is large;

b) guarded by the female;

c) floats in the water column;

d) buried in the sand.

22. Irrigation carried out without proper control, primarily causes:

a) an increase in the proportion of ruderal vegetation;

b) secondary soil salinization;

c) decrease in soil fertility;

d) changes in the soil diversity of soil inhabitants.

23. Specify the most effective process for the disposal of household waste:

a) composting;

b) incineration;

c) use as a fuel;

d) burial in pits.

24. In forest ecosystems, the main biomass is produced by:

a) herbs;

b) shrubs;

c) trees;

d) mosses and lichens.

25. Mark an aquatic plant that can be used as a reservoir bioindicator:

a) a water lily;

b) pondweed;

c) duckweed;

d) hornwort.

26. To improve the efficiency of separate collection of household waste in a number of foreign countries, containers are painted:

a) in green, symbolizing wildlife;

b) in different colors corresponding to one or another type of waste;

c) in any bright colors that attract the eye;

d) in a gray color that does not attract the attention of birds pulling waste from the container.

27. What is the name of the ability of natural systems to give without damage to themselves necessary for a person products?

a) economic potential;

b) economic potential;

c) natural resource potential;

d) biological potential.

28. What is the name of degeneration, the deterioration of the properties of an organism from generation to generation as a result of adverse environmental conditions?

a) regression;

b) degeneration;

c) degradation;

d) there is no correct answer.

29. The number of foggy days in the center of a large industrial city:

a) more in winter than in summer;

b) more in summer than in winter;

c) in winter and summer it increases in the same proportion;

d) decreases in the same proportion in winter and summer.

30. In what case is the complete extinction of one of the few species or a small population most likely?

b) an increase in the number of victims;

c) increase in the number of predators;

d) there is no correct answer.

31. From the list of species of conifers growing on the territory of the Nizhny Novgorod region, select a rare species listed in the Red Book of the Nizhny Novgorod region, for which key habitats are subject to special protection:

a) Scotch pine;

b) European spruce;

c) Siberian larch;

d) Siberian fir.

32. Pollution of the natural environment by living organisms that cause in humans various diseases, is called:

a) radioactive;

b) biological;

c) chemical;

d) noisy.

33. Characteristic for the spruce taiga is:

a) continuous moss cover;

b) dense thickets of heather;

c) white cover of lichens;

d) thickets of hairy sedge.

34. The bulk of the living matter of the biosphere are:

a) animals;

b) bacteria;

c) plants;

d) plankton.

35. What disease makes a person most susceptible to air pollution?

a) silicosis;

b) hepatitis;

c) asthma;

d) dermatitis.

36. An environmental problem can be solved if we act in the following order:

a) locally, regionally and then globally;

b) at the regional, local, and then global levels;

c) at the global, regional and then local levels;

d) at all levels simultaneously.

37. At the edge and clearings in the forest among the bushes of hawthorn, wild rose, currants and gooseberries are sometimes found. How could these plants get into the forest?

38. Name the animal according to its description. Specify to what environmental conditions it is adapted.

The body is squared without a pronounced neck. The end of the muzzle is pointed in the form of a proboscis. The front legs are short and wide. The eyes are very small, hidden under thick velvety fur. There are no auricles.

39. With the onset of winter, some species of bats fly away, while others remain for the winter, falling into hibernation. What is the significance of migration and hibernation for bats?

40. aquarium fish, purchased at a pet store and released into the aquarium, died after a few hours. What could be the reason for the death of the fish?


theoretical tour municipal stage All-Russian

Olympiads for schoolchildren in ecology

7 - 8 class



Registration for the Olympiad of schoolchildren "Lomonosov" on the profile of Ecology (Ecology and nature management, Soil science) is open. Details in the attached file.

On March 02, 2019, the final stage of the Olympiad for schoolchildren "Lomonosov" in Ecology took place. In the Lomonosov building of Moscow State University, the task was performed by 206 schoolchildren: 107 students in grades 10-11, 66 students in grades 8-9 and 33 students in grades 5-7. In parallel, three regional sites worked - in Krasnoyarsk (20 schoolchildren), St. Petersburg (7 schoolchildren) and Astana (in the Kazakhstan branch of Moscow State University - 1 schoolchildren). TOTAL - 234 students participated in the final stage.

Many thanks to the members of the Organizing Committee of the Olympiad, students and graduate students who assisted in organizing and holding final stage!!

The jury is currently working. The results of the Olympiad will be summed up in two weeks.

The lecture is held on November 8, 2018 at 18.30 in the room M-2 (second floor) of the biology and soil building of Moscow State University (Leninskiye Gory, Moscow State University, building 1, building 12).




On March 10, 2018, the final stage of the Olympiad for schoolchildren "Lomonosov" in ecology took place. In the Lomonosov building of Moscow State University, the task was performed by 179 schoolchildren: 87 students in grades 10-11, 62 students in grades 8-9 and 30 students in grades 5-7. In parallel, four regional sites worked - in Barnaul, Belgorod, Surgut and Tyumen. Many thanks to the members of the Organizing Committee of the Olympiad, students and graduate students who assisted in the final stage!!

Dear schoolchildren and teachers living in Moscow and the Moscow region!

The Organizing Committee of the Olympiad "Lomonosov" on ecology invites you to a lecture-consultation on the peculiarities of the Olympiad.

The lecture is held on November 9, 2017 at 18.30 in the room M-2 (second floor) of the biology and soil building of Moscow State University (Leninskiye Gory, Moscow State University, building 1, building 12).

All consultation lectures on various subjects are organized with the support of the Moscow Department of Education.

At the lecture, teachers will introduce you to the features of the tasks of the Lomonosov Olympiad in the profile "Ecology", talk about organizational issues and approaches to completing assignments. Students in grades 5-11 are invited.

To participate in the lecture, students must register.

Up-to-date registration information is available on the Olympiad portal at: https://olymp.msu.ru/rus/event/4580/

Registration (namely for the lecture, and not for taking part in the Olympiad itself) ends one working day before the start .


Sincerely, Organizing Committee of the Olympiad "Lomonosov" in the profile "Ecology"

Dear students!

September 19, 2017 at 17-30 at the Faculty of Soil Science will take place "Round table" on Problems in the field of Ecology.

The objectives of the Round Table are as follows:

1. Discuss in which areas of environmental science it is possible to carry out research work at the Faculty of Soil Science;

2. Discuss possible topics scientific research in the theoretical stage of the final rounds of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in ecology 2017-2018.

Researchers, lecturers and graduate students of the Faculty of Soil Science will take part in the work of the "Round Table".

To participate in the Round Table, please necessarily report before September 18 inclusive your - first name, last name, grade and school number so that you can prepare a pass to enter the building of the Faculty of Soil Science.

Dear participants final (full-time) stage of the Olympiad Lomonosov-2017 on Ecology! Display of works and appeal will be held at the Faculty of Soil Science of Moscow State University (Biology and Soil Corps) March 27 (Monday) from 14-00 to 17-00 in the recreation area in front of the audience M-2 Faculty of Soil Science. To enter the building, you must have a passport with you (who already has it) or a pass that was issued during registration.

Important information for future winners and prize-winners!!

In the year of ecology in Russia, the Faculty of Biology of Moscow University conducts an educational program "Ecological School of Moscow State University" at the International children's center"Artek", Kiparisny camp, Republic of Crimea, from May 28 to June 17, 2017.

According to the regulations on the competitive selection for participation in the thematic program "Ecological School of Moscow State University" in Artek, students in grades 5-10 who received the status of the winner or prize-winner of the Olympiads of Moscow State University "Lomonosov" in biology and ecology in the 2016-17 academic year are awarded with a ticket.

Contact phones. +79680023178, 84959392749

On March 4, 2017, the final stage of the Olympiad for schoolchildren "Lomonosov" in ecology took place.
In the Shuvalov Corps, the task was performed by 136 schoolchildren, 80 students of grades 10-11, 30 students of grades 8-9 and 26 students of grades 5-7. Two regional sites worked in parallel - in Vladivostok and Ufa. Many thanks to the students, graduate students and staff of the faculty who assisted in the final stage!!

The jury is currently working. The results of the Olympiad will be summed up at the end of March.

Dear winners and prize-winners of the qualifying round of the Lomonosov Olympiad in ecology in the 2016-2017 academic year!

We are pleased to invite you to the final (face-to-face) stage, which will take place March 04, 2017 at 11 am by Moscow time. In Moscow, the final stage will pass at Moscow State University, in the building "Shuvalovsky". The possibility of holding the Olympiad at regional venues is being specified.

To participate in the internal stage are allowed:

- Winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the 2014/2015 academic year. To participate in the on-site stage, in addition to the documents required during registration, they must provide a copy of the winner's (prize-winner's) diploma or a printed version of its electronic version.

registration participants of the final stage of the Olympiad for schoolchildren "Lomonosov" in ecology will be held at the Faculty of Soil Science of Moscow State University, located in the biological and soil building at Leninskiye Gory 1, building 12. How to get to the biological and soil building from the Universitet metro station: trolleybus 34, bus 47, 67, 103, 113, 130, 187, 260 to the stop "Mendeleevskaya street".


Registration schedule for the final stage of the Lomonosov Olympiad in ecology

Moscow region

and other regions

registration of participants from Moscow,

Moscow region

and other regions

registration of participants from Moscow,

Moscow region and

other regions

registration ONLY participants

from other regions

For non-resident participants there is the possibility of settling in a hostel of Moscow State University.

Hostel provided by appointment only. Limited number of seats. The hostel is provided to participants who have permanent registration outside the fifth zone of the Moscow railway. If you have any questions, please contact by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.

For registration, the participant personally submits the following documents:

- original passport and its photocopy(no need to certify a copy) if the participant has reached the age of majority (14 years). For participants under the age of 14, an identity document is a certificate with a photo certified by the seal of a secondary educational institution (the seal must cover the corner of the photo);

- original a certificate from a secondary general educational institution confirming the status of a student;

- three matte photos 3x4, made within the last three months ( paper photocopies of photos will not be accepted) ;

- participant's statement(to be completed upon registration);

The consent of the adult participants, as well as the consent of the parents ( legal representatives) minors who have declared their participation in the Olympiad, for the collection, storage, use, distribution (transfer) and publication of personal data of their minor children, as well as their Olympiad works, including on the Internet (in free written form). The document form can be downloaded below. Without this document, signed by the parents of minor participants in the final stage, we will not be able to register them! from November 2 to December 11, 2015. The Lomonosov Ecology Olympiad was attended by 1409 schoolchildren from grades 2 to 11 from 76 regions of the Russian Federation, as well as students from Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine and Mt. Everest Academy (San Diego, USA). The task for grades 10-11 was completed by 678 students, tasks for grades 5-7 and grades 8-9 - 731 students. The list of winners and prize-winners of the qualifying stage will soon appear on

Participants of the final stage of the Olympiad can receive diplomas at the Faculty of Soil Science of Moscow State University from June 27 to July 10, 2015, during its opening hours.

Non-resident participants of the full-time stage of the diploma will be sent by mail.

This Olympiad is available to everyone!

We offer pupils of 10-11 grades and students of I-II courses of the secondary school to plunge into fascinating world ecology during the international subject Olympiad. Tasks with illustrations and graphs are ideal for systematizing the material covered.

How ecology is taught at the Mega-Talent center: participants solve tasks drawn up according to the school curriculum. Test questions are written by methodologists in such a fascinating way that it will be interesting to a wide range of students.

What themes are being repeated this season:

  • Anthropogenic impact on the environment and ways to minimize it
  • Habitats, food chains, biocenoses
  • Environmental problems

15 participants are waiting test questions various types:

  • Questions with one or two correct answers.
  • Tasks for correlating two data series and comparison.
  • Tasks requiring work with illustrative sources.

The tasks of the Olympiad correspond to the Federal State Educational Standard and help:

  • Establish patterns of influence of the most important objects and types of economic activity on the natural environment and population.
  • To form knowledge about the ecological rehabilitation of disturbed natural geosystems.
  • Acquire reliable environmental information.

Separate awards await the organizer and parents

We will also send a special thank-you
to your educational institution

Also you will receive

Gifts for all participants All participants receive a special "Table of Achievements", in which you can enter information about the results of participation in our events and personal achievements.

infographics Teachers who apply for 10 or more participants will be able to receive a personalized class ranking in the form of an infographic

info poster announcement With the info poster, you can easily start organizing our event at your educational institution. Download info poster

  1. Register on the website.
  2. Submit an application for participation, indicating the number of participants.
  3. Confirm the application by paying for it in a convenient way for you.
  4. In one application, only one name of the curator of the Olympiad and one name of the educational institution can be indicated, which will be reflected in the award materials of the participants and the curator. You can submit multiple entries for an event if required.
  5. Use the received teaching materials for the Olympiad (guidelines, tasks for each category of participants, answer forms).
  6. Upload student work before debriefing begins.
  7. Download award materials from your completed application after the day of publication of the results.
  1. Students must solve all tasks on their own, without outside help.
  2. Take responsibility for filling out the answer table - the result of the participant may depend on it!
  3. Correctly fill in all required fields. Time to change the entered data is limited.
  4. Remember that the registration fee is not returned for the participants' works that were not added in a timely manner!

Who can win the Olympics?

Our methodologists make tasks that correspond to the school curriculum. They are easier than regional olympiads, but more interesting and varied than on school tests. Our tasks are handled by excellent students and students who know the material at a sufficient level. However, the experience of participating in Olympiads is also interesting for students with a satisfactory level of knowledge.

We participated in the Olympiad last season. Are the tasks the same in this Olympiad?

No, we prepare new tasks for each season. Tasks of different seasons are based on different sections of the curriculum. You can re-take part in the Olympiad.

What does the set of tasks for the Olympiad look like?

On the day the assignments are issued, all teachers who have paid for participation can download a set of materials for the Olympiad, which includes:

  • Guidelines for the Olympics.
  • Motivation letter to the participant from the director of the CTC "Mega-Talent".
  • A set of 15 tasks of various types.
  • Calendar of upcoming events.

How are the results of the Olympiad evaluated?

After you enter the answers in a special table on the site, they will be submitted for verification. For each correct answer, the student receives 2 points. If the test question has two possible answers and the student has only one correct answer, he will receive 1 point.

How are the rewards distributed?

  • The participant of the Olympiad who received 30 points is awarded the highest award- Diploma of the winner.
  • Participants who receive 26–29 points are awarded 2nd and 3rd places and are awarded diplomas of winners.
  • All other participants receive nominal certificates.

Rewards can be downloaded on the day of summing up.

How to pay for participation in the Olympiad?

To pay, use one of the following methods:

  • Bank card VISA/MasterCard/Maestro
  • QIWI Wallet
  • Wallet Yandex.Money
  • Transfer through a bank or branch of the Russian Post
  • Cash at self-service terminals

In order not to pay for each event separately and not to fill in all the data for payment again each time, you can replenish your personal balance.

How can you save money on participation in the Olympiads?

We compensate for the costs of the Olympiad. The more students indicated in the application, the higher the percentage of compensation for expenses to the teacher.

You can also save money by topping up the balance on the site. When replenishing the balance, you will receive a bonus of 7-20%, depending on the amount of replenishment.

Why do teachers choose Mega-Talent Olympiads?

  • simple form filing an application
  • Convenient access to teaching materials and awards
  • Independent input of answers and work on errors
  • Reimbursement for printing assignments and award materials
  • Unique and varied tasks

Photos of participants

Over 1000 testimonials from satisfied teachers

Took part in the Olympiad with students of the 7th grade. The questions are interesting, the students liked it. We plan to participate in the future.

Tatyana Folimonova

MBOU Nagibinskaya secondary school

Took part in such an Olympiad for the first time. The questions are interesting, the students liked it. We plan to participate in the future.

Fedosia Atastyrova

Thanks for the good news for the new year! We participated in the Geography Olympiad for the first time and immediately got a good result. Thanks for the interesting tasks, the guys did the Olympiad with pleasure. Thanks org...

E.A. Panteleiko

Very good, clear, prompt, informative

Sergey Kuznetsov

MBOU Gymnasium No. 3

It was the first time we participated in the event and we were satisfied. The assignments were interesting and the kids had a lot of fun. Thank you for your hard work. We will continue to participate.

Natalya Zharkova

For the first time they took part, the tasks for the students were well chosen.

Natalya Kurzeneva

Branch of MAOU "Velizhanskaya secondary school" - "secondary school with. Bukhtal"

This is our first time participating in such an event and we were not disappointed. Many thanks to the organizers of the Olympiad "Mega-Talent". Interesting and feasible tasks, convenient form of conducting. kids, parents, and...

Irina Sonina

We participate in the Olympiads for the first time, it was very interesting. Convenient task formats, and there is an opportunity to make them a working motivational environment and check the levels of our guys. Thanks organizer...

Botirjon Abdurakhmonov

Participated in the Olympiad 1 time. The children really enjoyed it. It was convenient that you could choose the time of the event yourself (the participants were children on delivery from neighboring villages). I think we'll take...

Galina Epifantseva

Thank you very much for an exciting journey into the world in English. Thank you for the fact that the guys once again realized that the apparent ease of tasks has many secrets that need to be worked on to reveal...

Galina Ananyeva

NOU secondary school "Light Mountains"

I really liked the tasks of the Olympiad, the high-quality and beautiful design and the tasks themselves are interesting!!! We will definitely participate again!

Yana Klimova

Thanks. It was interesting and informative. We plan to continue participating in the future.

Svetlana Nevodnichkova

MKOU "Andryushinskaya secondary school"

We participate in the Olympiads not for the first time, we like it very much. The format of tasks is interesting, as well as the opportunity to do them in a comfortable environment and check your level. The students really like it. Thanks...

Olga Ruzhina

MAOU "School №56"

Thank you very much for the free art competition "Autumn Symphony". Children of the 1st grade enjoyed preparing crafts with their own hands. I liked diplomas very much.

Irina Romanova

FGKOU "Secondary school No. 140"

For the first time we took part in the event with students of the 1st grade and were very satisfied. Thanks to the organizers for the opportunity for children to feel mega talented!

Olga Kusakina

MOU "Secondary School No. 64 named after B. Ruchyov" of the city of Magnitogorsk

Dear colleagues, thank you for organizing this competition! The tasks are selected in a very interesting way with notes of folk culture (outside world). The children and I were very pleased with the competition, and most importantly...

Irina Obrezkova

MOU Ignatovskaya secondary school

Dear colleagues! I really like the Mega-talent Olympiad, the tasks are interesting, the guys participate with pleasure. Teachers of the event are assisted in preparing for certification. Thanks....

Natalya Podkina

GAPOU SO Technical School of Food Industry and Services "Culinary"

We thank the organizers for holding the Olympiad. The assignments were interesting and educational. My students enjoyed doing them.

Tatyana Myasnikova

Thanks a lot to the organizers of the Olympiad. We participated for the first time. The children were very interested in testing their knowledge. We wish you continued success!!! Excuse me for one question - students...


Thank you very much for organizing olympiads for children. Daughter with great pleasure solves your problems!!!

Daria Novikova

FTS Lyceum

Remote all-Russian and international olympiads on ecology from MDG "Mega-Talent" is unique opportunity participate in a high-class educational event in a comfortable environment. We reward teachers and participants with diplomas, certificates and certificates. Exciting and interesting assignments in ecology are waiting for you, which will be a worthy test for students in grades 10-11 and students of I-II courses of secondary secondary schools.

Achievements of the MDG "Mega-Talent" for the last year:

  • More than 400 Olympiads were held in 47 subjects.
  • more than 6,000 schoolchildren from 12 countries have already declared themselves in ecology olympiads.
  • More than 2.5 million rubles were paid in compensation for organizational expenses.
  • 98% of teachers continue to cooperate with us on an ongoing basis.

Together with the teacher towards a common goal:

We want to work productively with teachers. To do this, MDG Mega-Talent follows 5 simple principles:

  1. Sets of tasks for all classes are available to the organizers.
  2. Awarded with certificates and thanks
  3. We compensate for organizational expenses
  4. We reward teachers with valuable prizes
  5. Always available to answer all your questions.

Advantages of Distance Olympiads

Distance Olympiads from the MDG "Mega-Talent" erase distances and borders between countries. You can participate in an educational event of an all-Russian and even international scale, and your students can compare their knowledge with students from all over the world without leaving the walls of their educational institution.

Olympiad tasks are compiled by professional methodologists. They match the material perfectly. school curriculum and meet the requirements of the FGOS.

The set of tasks for each category of participants consists of 15 test questions of various types:

  • Questions with one or more correct answers.
  • Questions on the analytical sequence.
  • Tasks for correlating several data series.
  • Tasks for working with illustrative sources.
  • Tasks for text analysis.

The cost of participation in the Olympiad in Ecology

The amount of the registration fee that must be paid for participation is indicated on the page of the selected Olympiad. Up to 30% of the registration fee is reimbursed to cover organizational costs. The percentage of compensation dynamically changes in a direction that is beneficial for you with an increase in the number of participants in the application. You can learn more about how it is calculated after registration.

We have created a specialteacher rating , on the basis of which we award the most active teachers-organizers of Olympiads with valuable prizes.

How often are Ecology Olympiads held?

We do All-Russian Olympiads on ecology once a season (in winter, spring and autumn), and international in the intervals between them. Olympiad tasks are dynamically changing to correspond to those sections of the curriculum that students have already mastered at the time of the Olympiad.

How do we process results?

A lot of work has been done to get rid of the routine and automate the process of processing the results. All that is required from the organizer is to enter the answers of the participants in a special table in their personal account and download ready-made personalized award materials for yourself and your students during the debriefing period.

How to organize an Ecology Olympiad?

  1. Register on the website of the MDG project "Mega-Talent".
  2. Apply for participation in the Ecology Olympiad.
  3. Confirm the application by paying the registration fee, taking into account the compensation of organizational expenses.
  4. Print out sets of tasks along with methodological recommendations and hold an Olympiad.
  5. Enter the answers of the participants in a special table in your personal account.
  6. Download award materials for yourself and your students and print them out.

How to pay the registration fee?

The following payment methods are available:

  • Payment by bank card (online);
  • Payment by receipt, at the Russian Post office;
  • Payment using electronic payment systems (online).

Participation in the event for schoolchildren and students not from Russia?

Access to participation in all our educational activities is open to everyone, if you and your students are fluent in Russian, since all assignments are made in Russian. Do you have any questions? Surely there will be an answer

One of the most important areas for improving the comprehensively developed personality of the child at the present stage is environmental education, designed not only to expand the factual knowledge base, but also to implement the moral, value orientation of students. It is aimed at changing a person's attitude to health, the environment, at the formation of an ecological culture as an important characteristic of a person.

Knowledge about nature is an important basis for the development of a sense of kinship with nature, the formation of the moral qualities of a person, the ability to think on a large scale and foresee the possible consequences of human activity for the environment, health, and life of the people themselves. They are the starting point for developing the ability to use environmental principles in all areas of human activity in the interests of the rational development of society, as well as for educating ethical values ​​associated with the inevitability of a qualitatively new look at the needs and opportunities for the further development of civilization in accordance with Agenda 21 (Rio -de Janeiro, 1992).

In the concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2001 No. 1716-r, the most important tasks for the formation of schoolchildren are formulated:

  • civil liability;
  • initiative;
  • independence;
  • social and communicative competence;
  • active adaptation in the labor market.

The upbringing of the above qualities in environmental education is facilitated by such a form of work as a regional olympiad in ecology. The importance of holding a district Olympiad is also due to the fact that the level of the urban environmental Olympiad in St. Petersburg is very high, and students can get their first experience of participating in the Olympiad at the district level.

The requirements of the Olympiad include conducting research (practical or literary) on an environmental problem and substantiating proposals for its solution. This contributes to the search for knowledge by students together with the teacher (teacher) and the formation of the ability to apply the knowledge gained from the field of fundamental and applied ecology in new situations. Research work helps to realize the possibility of changing something in one's life to reduce the anthropogenic load on the environment and to assess the risk of rash actions.

The purpose of the Olympiad is to develop schoolchildren's interest in scientific activities to solve environmental problems, increase creative activity, and promote environmental knowledge.

About holding the regional Olympiad in ecology
200_-200_ academic year

General provisions

The traditional regional ecology Olympiad is held with the aim of cultivating a culture of a healthy lifestyle, developing schoolchildren's interest in nature, their habitat, and the ecological situation in the region; involving them in research activities; for professional orientation in environmental specialties.

Organizes the Olympics parole(environmental section), which, in accordance with the order of the Education Committee No. 146 dated 03/18/1999 and the order of the District Education Department No. ___ dated “__”._______.” 200_, determined by the basic UDO in the area in the environmental direction.

Schoolchildren of 5-11 grades with the following creative works can participate in the Olympiad:

  • research work;
  • abstract research papers:
  • abstracts

Requirements for the Olympiad works and their design

Both in the abstract and in the research work, the subject of research should be clearly indicated:

  • an organism or community in relation to its environment;
  • ecosystem and relationships, its elements;
  • ecological problem of technogenic society and ways to solve it.

The abstract and research work must contain in the text references to sources of information, and in conclusion - the conclusions of the author on the issue under consideration. The list of used literature (at least 5 sources) should contain: author, title, publisher, year of publication, number of pages and be arranged in alphabetical order.

IN research work the purpose of the work, research methods should be substantiated, the results obtained should be described, conclusions should be drawn describing how the goal has been achieved.

Works must be submitted in printed form, handwritten will be accepted as an exception, provided legible handwriting.

The order of the Olympiad

The first round is the implementation of creative work.

Works are accepted from “__” to “__” ______ 200_ g in UDO from 10 to 17 hours daily, lunch break from 13 to 14 hours at the address: _______________

The second round consists of several stages: theoretical stage - testing; practical stage - identification of a plant and animal and characterization of their ecological relationships (a list of species is given in Appendix 2); project defense - interview on creative work.

The second round is held in the premises of UDO "__" ______ 200_ at 12 o'clock.

Jury of the Olympiad.

The jury of the Olympiad includes teachers of ecology of the first and highest category, specialists from research institutes, public environmental organizations in the region.

Winner's reward ceremony. The winners of the Olympiad will be awarded diplomas of the Education Department of the administrative district

Additional information can be obtained by phone __________ from the methodologist, full name.

The day of consultations is Monday from 14:00 to 17:00 in the parole office.

Methodist ______________________

Requirements for the performance of creative works submitted to the regional Olympiad in ecology

The volume is not more than 15 pages of typewritten text (computer printout), not counting figures, tables, graphs and other applications.
  • Title page. It indicates the following data: the name of the educational institution, the topic of the work, its author, supervisor and year of execution.
  • The table of contents lists all sections of the work.
  • At the beginning of the work, the goal should be formulated, the environmental problem, situation, process or phenomenon that the literary analysis or research is devoted to is indicated.
  • At the end of the work, conclusions are drawn in accordance with the goal.
  • In the list of references, it is necessary to indicate for each literary source: author, title, place, year of publication and number of pages. Arrange articles and books in alphabetical order by authors' surnames.
  • Criteria for evaluating creative works

    1. The relevance of the topic and the validity of its choice.
    2. Practical value*.
    3. Correctness of applied methods*.
    4. Objectivity of results*.
    5. The completeness and quality of the study or literature analysis performed.
    6. Argumentation of conclusions.
    7. Originality.
    8. The degree of independence.
    9. Complexity.
    10. Design quality.

    *- only for research works.

    Each item is evaluated on a 10-point scale and an average score is derived according to the number of criteria used.

    Criteria for evaluating the protection of creative works

    1. Clarity and brevity of presentation of the essence of creative work (report).
    2. Ownership of the material.
    3. Argumentation of answers to questions.
    4. The quality of the illustrative material for the report (visibility).

    Each item is evaluated on a 10-point scale and an average score is displayed.

    Guidelines for organizing the theoretical stage of the face-to-face round


    Students are given test tasks in accordance with the age group: 5-6-7th grade, 8-9th grade, 10-11th grade.

    You have 25 minutes to complete the task.

    The participant of the Olympiad marks in the test the answers that he considers correct (this can be a circle, a tick or +), if the participant corrects the answer, then the wrong answer must be crossed out and another answer marked.

    A member of the jury of the Olympiad collects test tasks.

    At the end of the theoretical stage, the correctness of the test task is checked in accordance with the form of answers to test tasks.

    For each correct answer, 1 point is awarded, the total score is divided by the possible number of correct answers, the result is multiplied by 10. The maximum number of points is 10, provided that all answers are correct.

    At the end of the stage, all participants fill out a list of marks received by each participant, if the work was performed by two or more participants, then their scores are summed up and the average score is determined, which is then entered into the summary protocol

    Guidelines for organizing the practical stage of the face-to-face tour


    Each participant chooses one number from two proposed options:

    • 1-30 (10 for students in grades 5-6, marked * in the list of plants),
    • 1-30 (10 for students in grades 5-6, marked * in the list of animals).

    The numbers are printed on paper in different colors.

    Each participant is given two exhibits: a herbarium specimen of a plant and a picture of an animal, and two verbal response cards (plants and animals).

    In the oral answer card, students write their last name and first name, the registration number of the Olympiad work, enter the numbers of the plant and animal received by lot. They begin to fill out an oral answer card for all the proposed items: systematic characteristics, habitat, possible food chain, usefulness, toxicity and other information.

    The completed form is submitted and checked by the jury members, points are given.

    Answers for 4 items for each type.

    Systematic affiliation is estimated as much as possible - 2 points, the rest of the information is 1 point each, if the answers are complete and correct.

    The total maximum score for each type is 5 points. The total maximum score for the entire stage is 10 points.

    At the end of the stage, all participants fill out a list of marks received by each participant, if the work was performed by two or more participants, then their scores are summed up and the average score is determined, which is then entered into the summary protocol.


    1. Preparatory stage.

    Preparation of a package of documents:

    • protocols for evaluating creative works by the number of works and for defending creative works by the number of jury members, one consolidated protocol;
    • tests on the number of participants in the Olympiad in accordance with age groups;
    • answers to test tasks;
    • lists of plant and animal species that will be offered at the practical stage (issued to participants when collecting Olympiad works);
    • verbal answer cards for identifying plants and animals by the number of participants in the Olympiad;
    • selection and preparation in accordance with the lists of plants and animals of pictures, photographs, living specimens (parts of plants), collection specimens, if possible;
    • individual card of the participant of the Olympiad;
    • plates to indicate the stages of the full-time round of the Olympiad.

    2. Collecting creative works and compiling a list of submitted works and participants in the Olympiad.

    3. Checking creative work and evaluation.

    Each work is evaluated according to 10 criteria (abstracts according to 7 criteria) out of 10 points by one member of the jury. Determination of the average score, which is divided by 10 (maximum 10 points) for creative work, the result is recorded in the summary protocol.

    4. Conducting a full-time round of the Olympiad.

    10.00 Preparation of premises for the stages of the full-time round: a place for a general gathering of participants in the Olympiad, premises for an interview on creative work, testing and a practical stage for identifying plants and animals. Arranging furniture, completing the premises with all the necessary documentation: individual cards of participants, protocols, tests, answers for checking tests, manuals for conducting the practical stage, in accordance with the purpose of the premises.

    Meeting of the jury members during the full-time round of the Olympiad (distribution of jury members by stages and discussion of work at the stages)

    12.00 Opening of the Olympiad. The chairman of the jury announces the order of the stages, explains the requirements at each stage, distributes cards for the participants of the Olympiad, in which the jury members will mark the passage of the stages by each participant, and upon completion of all stages, the card is handed over to the jury, then the Olympiad for the participant can be considered completed.

    Until 15.00 the passage of the stages by the participants.

    At the stages of defending the creative work and the practical stage, the assessments are put up respectively in the protocols and oral answer cards. At the testing stage, verification is carried out after passing the stage by all participants.

    5. Final stage.

    At the end of the stages, the participants' assessments for all stages are recorded in the consolidated protocol, summarized and the winners are determined, the jury's decision is drawn up.

    The report is written by the chairman of the jury, signed by the director of the UDOD and submitted to the education department of the TUAR.

    Informing schools and UODOD and awarding the winners with diplomas or certificates is carried out by the department of education.

    The documentation and didactic materials required for the Olympiad are presented in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2, respectively.


    1. Information letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated April 2, 2002 No. 13-51-28/13.
    2. Beryukhova E.K., Gruzdeva N.V. The world. Natural History, Ecology: Information and Developmental Tasks for Primary School Students. - St. Petersburg: SPGUPM, 2001. - 120 s, illustration.
    3. Kriksunov E.A. Pasechnik V.V. Ecology Tests 10(11) class: Teaching aid. -2 ed. - M.: Bustard, 2001.- 48 p.
    4. Ninburg E.A. Scientific research technology. Guidelines. St. Petersburg: GOU “SPbGDTYU”, 2000, 28 p.
    5. Ninburg E.A. Scientific research technology. Course program. St. Petersburg: GOU “SPbGDTYU”, 2001, 20 p.
    6. Materials for the preparation of the final certification of secondary graduates
    7. educational institutions on ecology / Ed.-comp. V.N. Kuznetsov. - 2nd ed., stereotype. - M.: Drofa, 2002. - 64 p.
    8. Petersburg School - 2004 “Education for the sake of a better life". Program for the development of the education system of St. Petersburg for 2000-2004, part 2. St. Petersburg, 2000, pp. 90-91.
    9. Rezanov A.G., Kolesova E.V., Titov E.V., Rezanov A.A. Ecology. Tests-M. “Publishing School 2000”, 1999 -112 p.
    10. Test tasks of the II Ecological Olympiad / ed. Alekseeva S.V. St. Petersburg, JSC "Chrismas +", 1996, 112 p.
    11. Ecological Olympiad for schoolchildren of St. Petersburg 2001. Authors-compilers: Alekseev S.V., Gushchina E.V., Osipov G.K. St. Petersburg: SMIO Press, 2001, 150 p.