How to train strong punch. Exercises for developing punching power. The importance of body position

The power of impact in all types of contact martial arts plays a decisive role. This gives rise to the need for its development, but everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Let's talk about this in the boxing plane and look at ways to increase punching power, what exercises contribute to this, and how training can be structured to achieve the desired result.

Who and why seeks a strong blow

Well, everything is clear with athletes. If the swimmer wants to swim fast, then the contact works on the speed and force of the blow. Everything is logical here. However, many are interested in how to develop punching power, despite the fact that these many have never been involved in contact sports. Even if they say they did.

This certainly caused a smile in someone, but it should be said that such aspirations for strength and physical capabilities seem to be due to primitive instincts. Since ancient times, a man has been a hunter, a breadwinner, he must be strong, be able to protect. And, of course, the enemies should be afraid of him. That is, it is quite normal when a modern man strives to be strong.

But the sad thing is that the concept of the norm has shifted somewhat in recent times. I would not like to analyze the details in this article, this topic is more complicated than it might seem at first glance. But the priorities of young people have changed considerably, and this has not happened in favor of sports. Unhealthy greed, drugs are the scourge of modern society, and possibly the future. In light of this, at least some desire to develop, including sports, is encouraging, so it is gratifying even when an ordinary boy is interested, how to increase punch without even boxing. Unless, of course, he has malicious intent.

But I got carried away with the lyrics. Let's get to the point.

How to increase punching power

To answer this question, it is important to understand the biomechanics of certain movements. I would not like to talk here about how to develop the power of a beginner's strike. It is nonsense. For a person who has no idea about elementary technology, the force of impact should not be an end in itself. And I really don't want to explain here that gotta hit hard, in touch, without using a push, without falling over, etc. Without understanding these common truths, there would be nothing to talk about. Unless, of course, you are a healthy developed bull weighing 150 kg, hitting an immovable target.

No matter how strong an athlete is, he will not overtake a sprinter, swimmer or cyclist. And the key lies in technology. It is not productive to work on strengthening the blow without understanding, for example, the role of the legs. Low efficiency. Therefore, in order to learn how to hit hard, you need to learn how to hit correctly. And to master one correct blow, tens, or even hundreds of thousands of blows, developments may be required. I only mean that the question of how to develop the force of impact, asked from an ignorant person, will remain unanswered. Yes, and a counter question: why does this ignorant one need the force of impact?

How to develop punching power

We decided that it was important to understand the technology. We discussed the need for experience. It seems that for a right-hander it will be easiest to consider a direct blow right hand. In order not to delve into technical subtleties here, I will refer to, which describes in detail everything related to the application of direct strikes.

We will only discuss the key points here. Arguing about how to increase the power of impact, and not just learn how to hit, we logically come to the need to strengthen some of the functional areas of our body. Let's briefly consider each of them.


The initial impulse for any strike is set by the legs. And if calf muscles are more important for moving around the ring, carrying an increased load, then when striking, they allow the hips to be well invested. It would be strange if the resource of such large muscles was not used. Here, the usual basic squats are the best fit, as well as any kind of plyometric exercises, which I have already talked about. But I will touch on them briefly again a little lower.

Core muscles, abs

It should be clarified that the core muscles already begin where the legs do not yet end. Therefore, after talking about them, we climbed up here. I once wrote that not a single complex movement is possible without the participation of the core muscles. During the strike, it is necessary to quickly and sharply turn the body, following the impulse given by the foot, and many muscles are involved here. Imagine that in this place is your weak link. Then this link will fail the entire chain, absorbing some of the energy. After all, if there is a leak in the middle of the hose with water, the pressure on its second segment will inevitably weaken. This is important to remember.


And I also wrote about their significance in the article “ Shoulders in boxing: it’s impossible to pump over”. Here, wondering how to increase the impact force, it is impossible not to remember the shoulders, since they are a key area. A weak shoulder will not send the hand along the desired trajectory, will not give the opportunity to hit hard and bitingly.

Forearms and hands

It is the fist that transfers all the energy to its target in the final phase of the blow. It should be hard, heavy and tightly compressed, and a strong hand and forearm should hold it in this state as much as possible. At the moment of impact with the target.

To understand how important this moment is, it is enough to simply imagine that you were hit on the head, for example, with a soft and hard punching bag. With the fact that both of them will have the same weight, it is the density and resistance to deformation that plays a decisive role. If, upon contact with an obstacle, the fist "plays" at least slightly relative to the hand, this is to a decent extent dampen the impact, and the impulse will be distributed between the target and the arm ligaments. By the way, this is why hands are sometimes damaged. Therefore, since we have the question of how to increase the force of a blow with a fist, and not, say, with a palm, the hand and fist at the moment of collision with the target should be as monolithic as possible. How to reach the goal?

Striking exercises

In one of the articles, I closely associated boxing with plyometrics. In fact, he is one of its manifestations, and his training arsenal consists mainly of plyometric exercises. A boxer must run, jump, be well coordinated and have a good physical condition. This makes him versatile, and a fighter should be like that.

Boxing is not built on just one punch. Here, besides him, endurance, the ability to move, evade attacks and defend themselves are important. That's why training technique suggests A complex approach, which is what I said above. But since we are talking here about how to increase the force of impact, we will consider some targeted exercises. Of course, we will rely on those key areas that take part in this, namely:

  • legs;
  • core and abs muscles;
  • shoulders;
  • forearms and hands.

I have placed emphasis on them, but this does not detract from the importance, for example, of the back, biceps and triceps. Moreover, without a good back, a good hit is absolutely impossible. Look at the boxers from behind. Therefore, in the considered exercises, not only the listed muscle groups will be involved.

Throwing a medicine ball

In the video above, you can see and hear comments regarding this exercise. It develops muscle skill explosive force and speed-strength qualities in general.

Push-ups with claps

Everything is simple here - push up and clap. The amplitude is not important - the repulsion force from the floor is important, which determines your ability to explode. And here you need the skill of rapid muscle contraction.

Deep squat jumps

This exercise develops not only the legs, but also the core muscles and the entire musculoskeletal system. Plus, this is a skill for explosive movement, and you should not talk about its role if the goal is to increase the power of the blow.

Bench press from behind the head

You can do this while holding the barbell in front of you, since the first option is quite traumatic, especially for the thoracic spine. It is important to understand that this is, first of all, strength exercise, and our goal here is to develop impact power. Therefore, 6-8 repetitions in the approach will be quite enough.

Throwing the bar in front of you

And here, contrary to the opinion of some athletes, multi-repetitive approaches should be used, at least 30 times. Weight should be selected accordingly, arm extensions should be done quickly and vigorously.

Shoulders and more shoulders

Again, emphasizing their importance, I say that the shoulders can be developed in any way possible, without fear of busting. Because they also play a big role in developing the force of impact, and you will definitely feel it.

Shot put

This exercise for the power of impact is difficult to overestimate. It develops explosive power, and imitation of the correct movements during the shot put allows you to improve your technical skill. It is good if it is possible to vary the weight of the projectile in order to accustom the muscles to different work.

wall pushing

In the boxing gym, the exercise can also be performed using a wall cushion. You simply rest your working hand against the surface of the wall and with sharp jerky movements (legs and pelvis) press it into the wall. Repetitions should be frequent, in large numbers, preferably if this element will “finish off” the previous exercise. The fist (you can also rest with your fingers, if they are strong enough) should not be torn off the wall.

Working on a heavy bag or wall cushion

Here, in fact, an accented strike is practiced, taking into account the available technology. Do not forget to insert the leg, turn the body, “let go” of the hand and wrap the fist in contact with the work surface. The latter is important, because we are talking about how to increase the power of a punch, and it should not become our weak link.

Any ab exercise

And I spoke about the functional purpose of the press in boxing in one of the articles, citing some exercises for its development as examples. The abdominal muscles play the role of a kind of twisting spring when striking, and they must be adapted for this task.


Here it would be possible to list a lot more exercises for the power of impact. But I have outlined the main ones. And in combination with an understanding of priority muscle zones, it will be easy to build your own training process accordingly. The modern Internet is full of advisers who certainly know how to develop punching power, but the methods they offer often have no connection with reality.

If we approach the issue from a scientific point of view, it is necessary to take into account the anthropometric characteristics of each athlete, correlating with each other the size and level of development of certain muscle groups. Here, a special technique should be developed individually, including strength training and individual elements of the SPT. Moreover, such directed training should be built according to a certain algorithm, using a clear sequence and intensity of exercises, as well as a schedule for varying the nature of the loads.

But, since we are speaking here in a simpler and more understandable language, pursuing much more mundane goals and wondering how to increase the force of impact, in general terms, I think we have dealt with this topic quite well.

Practice and you will be happy.

Hello dear men. Finally, it's time for our next workout. During our close communication, which parts of the body, muscle groups were not trained: arms, legs, chest, shoulders, back - in general, the whole body. You and I gained weight and were engaged in fat burning, were on diets and much, much more. But every self-respecting man is simply obliged to have an iron blow. Do you agree? And for this, training the impact force is the best fit.

You must remember that you and I have already performed exercises for training technique. Well, there will be a reason to repeat them. But how to make sure that the blow is truly crushing, and the fist is iron - our today's training will be devoted to this.


How to develop punching power? Naturally, only by training. And how to train - right now.

Let's first take a look at what the impact force generally depends on. There are two components here:

1. Body weight;
2. Impact speed.

So if you're light, work on speed, if you're a heavyweight, then take advantage of your punch mass.

If you have at home heavy ball, such as boxers train, or at least basketball, then this exercise, by the way, like most today, you can perform at home. Simply lift the ball over your head with outstretched arms, hit it with all your might on the floor, and immediately catch it after the first bounce. Naturally, it is necessary to repeat this training from time to time, making several approaches of at least 15-20 repetitions.

Since legs are important to us for a strong blow, we cannot do without their training. Here, the well-known “jumping squat” is suitable for us. I recommend doing it with dumbbells so that the load is bigger.

But we also can’t do without training our hands. What muscles primarily affect the force of impact? That's right: triceps, shoulders and back. Accordingly, strength training will consist of exercises aimed at these muscle groups.

The first number we will have pull-ups, best of all, again, with weights.

Next, push-ups on fists - you perfectly understand that not a single training for fists can do without this exercise. You can periodically replace it, only with a small weight. Whichever option you choose, the intensity of the training should be maximum.

For triceps, reverse push-ups are great. Do you know how they are made? Take a stool, turn your back to it, sit down a little and rest your palms on it. Lower your body up/down. By the way, put a weight on your stomach so that push-ups do not seem too easy for you.

When you're done, don't take the weight away. Better yet, bring a second one, because almost any exercise with them will suit our business like nothing else.

Do a variety of arm lifts, as they strengthen the hands, develop the delta, increase strength and endurance - all this is of great importance for the correct, strong blow. Try lifting weights while standing, sitting and lying down - in general, any workout will be what you need.

Acquire carpal expander- for the development of the strength of the hand and fingers, for the forearm this is an irreplaceable thing. And the sledgehammer exercise! Yes, this is training for almost anyone. professional fighter no rules. Just remember P. Emelianenko - how in the village he hit a tractor wheel with a huge heavy sledgehammer!

By the way, today such a simulator, if you can call it that, is present at many public sports grounds. So if you know such a place, by all means practice there in this way.

Correct hit

To truly have swipe, in addition to the sharpness and speed that we developed by practicing punching technique, it is very important to put all your weight into it. What is needed for that?

While striking, watch your feet - they should be slightly wider than the width of your shoulders. When you hit, after the hand, in the course of its movement, the foot should also turn around, and it is correct to lift the leg from the heel. That is, if you, for example, hit with your left hand, then the right foot should stand still, while the left follows the hand.

Watch your knees - they should be slightly bent so that it is easier to transfer your weight forward when striking. The torso should not reach for the hand - it should turn as sharply as possible. Naturally, the fist should be clenched as tightly as possible, literally digging the nails into the palm. And you need to beat only on the exhale. Yes, and if you don’t want to warn your opponent in advance about your intentions to hit him properly, swinging, in no case take your hand back.

But how to strike? You have to start with . Let's start with the handstand. Just take the same position as the original before push-ups. It will be right to try to put the main emphasis on the knuckles of the index and middle fingers, since it is they who, first of all, will “touch” the opponent’s face or torso. Performing the exercise, stand on one hand, then on the other. Gradually move on to push-ups on the fingers, which, by the way, are also desirable to do extremely intensively.

Valuable training will be throwing an empty neck from the barbell in front of you.

A huge role in setting up a strike will be practicing technique in front of a mirror, shadow boxing, again, bench press at an explosive pace.

These are all exercises you and I worked on when we worked on technique, so add them to your workout.

However, it is extremely important to have a truly iron fist.

iron fist

What exercises for fists can best be made as hard and insensitive to pain as possible?
All the same push-ups, rack. But most the best training, I believe, is the "diamond fist" exercise, which came to us from karate.

You will need two planks of approximately 20x20cm, although a wooden floor will also work. Accept starting position like before push-ups. Now, pushing off the floor a little with your hands, land with your fists on the boards placed under them, well, or on the floor.

This exercise strengthens the knuckles so much that you can't even imagine! Try at first to make 20-30 such "jumps". In fact, already trained athletes do no more than 80 repetitions. In the process of jumping, you can rotate your wrist, thus changing the position of your fist.

If you decide to seriously deal with the power of impact. Then you need to first of all acquire such a minimum as a punching bag and gloves.

That, in fact, is all. Watch another video that I prepared specifically for our today's workout. I will say for sure: train in this way for at least 2-3 months, honestly trying to complete all the exercises, and after this time your strength and iron fist will be able to cope with almost any opponent. On this I say goodbye to you until the next workout.

Almost every boxing athlete sets himself the task of developing a good punch. But it's not that easy. To achieve this, you need to work long and hard in training. The constant practice of hitting the punching bag, as well as working with the punching paw, are the most effective methods hitting practice.

At each training session, you should “stuff your fists”, which will make the blow harder. developed rather poorly, so this procedure is quite important for every fighter. Most often in the classroom, the wrist suffers and thumb arms. The strongest hand blow should not cause pain, and even more so lead to injury.

In order to prevent injury, it is necessary to periodically “stuff” your hands. The fastest and most effective way to develop underdeveloped muscles is to do this on a soft, rubberized surface. Later, when the hands adapt, it will be possible to move to a wooden surface. A good training for the fists was, is and will be a direct punch to the punching bag. A training bag can be either purchased or homemade. The downside of the first is that they are intended for training with gloves. It’s impossible to “fill your hand” on such bags normally. Therefore, it is better to do it yourself.

Weight should be from 60 kilograms and above, the outer layer should be made of leatherette or tarpaulin. Its length is usually about half a meter. Placed inside the cylinder regular bag, which will be filled with millet or barley. It is precisely due to the fact that the pear is stuffed with grain that its density turns out to be similar to this. This will help develop the most hand during training.

In addition to speed, strength plays an important role in improvement. To improve it, there are many wonderful exercises that will help not only improve strength, but also overall fitness and endurance. First of all, you need to perform a bench press from the chest. Suitable and (24-32 kg). Pear punches - also very effective exercise which increase strength and stamina. Almost all experienced coaches say that the goal should be to punch through the bag, and not to beat on its surface. For working out strength, single punches are best suited.

However, the boxing paw remains one of the most unique training methods for developing the most powerful punch. Here are some exercises:

1) the partner who holds the paw is constantly moving, keeping his hands at a certain level, while the trainee should try to produce a strong beat from the most advantageous position;

2) the partner holds his paw in one place, and in his other hand is a whip. The task of the trainee is to produce a blow to the paw.

There are many ways to put the strongest, but these exercises are very effective. The main thing is to constantly train and you will master a good defense tool.

A quick and strong punch is the basic skill needed to become a good boxer. Mastering such a blow begins with improving the physical form and learning how to execute the blow in such a way that not only the hand, but the whole body serves as a source of strength. By learning how to properly aim and shoot within striking range, you will be able to give your punches more speed, and by using training techniques that help you instantly increase muscle mass you can build up strength. If you're ready to take your punching skill to the next level, then move on to the first step.


Work on the physical form

    Take the right stance. For good hit with a fist, the position of the feet and legs is of great importance, since such a blow requires the work of the whole body. Position your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart so that you can easily turn towards your target and direct your weight behind the punch.

    Don't take your eyes off the target. Your concentration should not leave the target. Never close your eyes or look away; in order to aim correctly and execute the strike with power and accuracy, stay focused. Slightly retract the chin so that during the blow it is protected by the striking hand.

    Generate strength through your hips and core. Starting the punch, rotate your hips and body in the direction of the target. Try to position yourself so that the rotation is as full as possible, even if you are very close to the target. Your punch will be stronger if you can turn all the way instead of just shifting slightly. When you strike, you should really feel the weight of your body.

    • When practicing punching, pay attention to your hips. Rotate them quickly and forcefully in the direction of the target, as if you were going to hit it with your hips instead of your fist. This will help you build the strength you need to hit hard and fast.
    • During the rotation, you should not have to lean forward or try to reach the target. If you have to reach for a target in order to hit it, you will lose power.
  1. Throw your hand forward. Your shoulders should be free until you are ready to strike. When ready, throw your hand forward to easily reach the person you are hitting. As long as your hand doesn't move, keep it relaxed, and then close it into a fist to make it hit hard.

    • When making a fist, squeeze all four fingers except the thumb and wrap them last. Make sure that the thumb is bent behind, otherwise it will get under your blow.
    • Pre-bandaging your hand will allow you to avoid injury and make the blow stronger.
    • Don't plan on punching before you punch, or your opponent will figure out your plan before you try to punch. This is called "wiring" and results in lost matches.
  2. Make contact and exhale. After making contact with the target, exhale. It will probably take some practice for you to time your breath so that you exhale with each beat, but getting into the right breathing rhythm is worth the effort. Inhale before the blow and exhale at the moment of its application, putting every particle of your energy into the blow.

    • After landing a blow, jump back to the starting position to prepare for the next blow.
    • Remember to pull your chin in to be ready for a counter-punch if one comes.

    Increase in speed and strength

    1. When striking with your fist, consider the distance. You should only execute a punch if you are at the ideal distance to deliver it with maximum force. This means being close enough to hit without deflecting or leaning forward. You should be able to deliver with your arm outstretched, but not too outstretched.

      • If you have to lean forward to execute a punch, much of the power of your punch will be lost.
      • Practice on the bag until you understand how far you need to stand from the target during the punch. This distance depends on the length of your arm and your range of motion.
    2. Move your whole body. The importance of using your entire body, not just your arm, to strike cannot be overemphasized. Even if you can move your arm quickly, without rotating your whole body, your punch by moving just your arm will be less powerful.

      • Using the muscles in your legs will allow you to develop power and speed when you strike. Leg muscles are the largest and strong muscles bodies, and they must stand behind every punch.
      • Remember not to take your feet off the floor during the kick, as this knocks you off balance and takes away some of your strength. Keep your feet fast, but keep them close to the floor.
    3. Hit from different angles. In combat, you won't hit the same way every time. Learn to determine which type of punch will be the strongest in any given situation. To improve your fighting prowess, work on mastering punches from the following basic angles:

      Choose the right moment. Because distance is important when you want to hit with the most power, it's important to understand that not every punch will be the strongest. If you are a little out of the optimal distance, then the blow will be a little weaker due to the fact that you will try to take correct position for a more powerful hit. good moment to deliver the strongest blow occurs when the following conditions are met:

      • If your opponent is in the process of striking, as he will be less focused on what you are doing.
      • If he lost his vigilance. You can create this situation by throwing unrhythmic strikes or attacking from unexpected angles.
      • If he is stunned by the previous blow. To prepare for a powerful right cross, try starting with a quick jab.

    Training to improve punching

    1. Practice hitting slowly. The strongest punches are not really the fastest. Your arm can move faster than the rest of your body, so waiting for your body to catch up with your arm slows you down. Even though a hard punch is usually slow, there will be times when you have just the right amount of time to land a slow but exceptionally powerful punch. It is worth practicing to strike at a slow speed so that you can feel the power that comes when you give your body time to support your fist.

      • In training, try hitting twice as slowly. Force yourself to slow down and focus on using your leg and core muscles to maximize your punching power.
      • When you hit at full speed, don't forget where the power comes from to hit. Although you won't be punching at half your usual speed in the ring, you can still focus on using your legs and core to generate the most power possible.
    2. Train on a pneumatic bag. Speed ​​is just as important as strength - if you're too slow, your opponent will have time to throw a lot more punches. Train with a pneumatic bag and pay attention to how fast your hands move. Stick to proper training form and don't forget to take your thumb away from your knuckles as you hit.

      Do strength training. A little strength training great way keep your body in the best possible shape, but it alone will not make you a stronger or faster boxer. You need to train your muscles for punches, hitting rather than lifting weights. Therefore, a great idea would be the mode strength training, which strengthens your legs and core in order to strike with maximum force.

      Do cardio. Top Types cardio loads that are needed to acquire the necessary good boxer forms are swimming and jumping rope. When you need to take a break from regular exercise, consider these types of loads as an alternative. Running, cycling, and other types of cardio are helpful, but they don't provide the strength gains that purposefully help your body hit hard in the boxing ring.

    3. Do not train in casual shoes. Ordinary casual shoes will chafe your feet.
    4. Try a left-right combination.
    5. Do not forget about protection, otherwise you may be hit.
    6. Hide thumbs in fists, you don't want to break them.
    7. Warnings

    • Never train in front of people - you can injure them or yourself.
    • Don't beat the pear with bare hands, or you risk injuring your wrists and knuckles. If you injure your hands, they will need to heal before you can resume exercising.
    • Always consider the height difference between you and your opponent.
    • Don't hit people for no good reason. Beating is not a productive solution to any problem.


In most cases, the impact force depends on the impact technique, the state of the muscles, and genes. The first step is to at least learn the basics of technique, striking, so that it makes sense to increase the speed and force of the blow. So, let's start with a warm-up. We stretch our arms, shoulders, muscles of the chest, back, legs. As you know, the power of a direct strike comes from the triceps. But depending on how the impact changes, other muscles are also involved. Let's take a side kick as an example - a hook: it mainly involves the triceps and chest muscles. And, let's say, in the lower blow - - biceps, triceps, chest muscles, as well as back muscles and are involved. The whole impact force depends on the legs, and only then the arm muscles are involved.

After this little digression into theory, we can go directly to the exercises. Let's start the first exercise for a direct strike - push-ups on the palms, narrow setting. This exercise engages the triceps muscles, which are part of the core muscle group for speed and punching power. You need to put your palms in such a way that a triangle forms between them. In this case, the palms should be parallel to the chin. When we touch the forehead to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe triangle.

Now let's move on to the second exercise - push-ups on fists, narrow setting. In this exercise, we again work triceps. We put our fists together, parallel to the middle of the chest area. In this way we do push-ups, while spreading our legs shoulder-width apart.

Next, we perform push-ups on the fists in a wide position. In this exercise, in addition to the muscles of the arms, the muscles of the chest are also involved. Pumping the muscles of the chest, respectively, we increase the strength and speed of the side impact. We spread our hands as wide as possible, put them on our fists and start. Push-ups need to be as deep as possible so that the muscles work optimally. The best way perform deep push-ups - using three chairs. We put 2 chairs parallel to each other for arms and 1 for legs. And thus we do push-ups, lowering the torso as deep as possible.

Now we take dumbbells weighing 2-3 kilograms. To begin with, you do not need to take more weight so as not to damage the joints. And we fight with a shadow, 200 straight, side and uppercuts each.

Then we take the rope and start jumping as quickly as possible, preferably at least 3 minutes. Performing this exercise, we pump the calves and feet, from which the impact force directly comes. If you do not have, you can jump without it, steps forward, backward, right and left.

Push-ups should be performed smoothly, at an even pace and to the limit, until the hands shake from overload. As you know, in all forms, doing something beyond their capabilities, thereby they expand. So we did a few sets of push-ups plus jump rope. After that, be sure to spend 20-25 minutes hitting the pear. Moreover, work with a pear should also be smooth. Hitting it with all your might and as quickly as possible is not worth it. To relax the worked muscles, you need to spend a couple of rounds with a pear.


  • boxing blog
  • boxing power punches

Protect your ligaments during training fist but from sprains at using strips of cotton fabric. These wraps are sold in sports shops. Each such bandage is about 2.5 meters long and 3 cm thick. You can also at change to fix elastic bandage. This will allow your fist we are in the right and much less dangerous position at striking. In the end you will at to how your hands are set and in the future learn to automatically squeeze and hold fist and right.

Strength a legs- an important quality for martial artists and football players. It depends on several factors: body weight, speed strike, correct technique and ability to concentrate on impact. The complex development of all physical characteristics will help increase force strike legs.


Strength building strike start by learning the right technique. The more economical and thoughtful the blow will be along the trajectory, the more forces you can put into it. The right one is not earned in one lesson. Professional athletes hone their technical skills constantly, year after year. How to check the effectiveness of technology? By hitting with the same force, but with different trajectories, see how far the ball went or how much it wobbled after strike. Engage your entire body, not just legs and. Master the technique in ordinary, without the use of weights and additional legs about projectile resistance.

In the second step, increase the speed strike. According to the laws of physics, force strike equals mass times acceleration. Excessive increase in mass makes the athlete less mobile. With a large mass, sharpness may also decrease. strike, so the speed should be developed on a par with power abilities. Speed strike can be increased by legs okrat legs about repeating one legs about the same movement with maximum acceleration. To achieve good sharpness strike The ability to strain and relax the muscles in a timely manner is important, so it is useful to perform relaxation exercises.

The power of the blow is given by an increase in body weight, as well as the development of the athlete's strength indicators. To develop speed-strength qualities, perform strikes legs ami with attached loads weighing from 0.5 to 3 kg. The weight of the load is selected so that the technique of movement is not violated upon impact. To develop strength and increase body weight, train with a barbell and on machines. Do squats, lunges and presses legs ami. Increase the weight gradually. Do not forget about training the muscles of the back and abs, as they are also involved in the application strike. Eat well.

Many novice fighters want to know the answer to the sacramental question - how to pump up your hit and make it lightning fast. Strength hit depends on the speed multiplied by the mass. It can also be called power hit a. What steps do you need to take to make your hit sharp and strong?

You will need

  • - Gloves;
  • - punching bag;
  • - boxing paws;
  • - cloth or towel;
  • - trainer or sparring partner.


Train your tendons hit s. They will be the most effective in your arsenal. Start the movement not from the legs, shoulder or body, but vice versa from the fingers of the hands: throw your arms bitingly and relaxed towards the target. At the moment of contact with the object, transfer all the force and rigidity. After that, return your hands to the starting position and be ready to apply the next hit. Use the entire body during hit a.

Use more relaxed hand and feet, and, at a minimum - muscular system. The tendons of the body will give rigidity and tension hit a. Shape your hit sequentially. Start by working on towel or any other fabric. Apply more hit ov with a pullback.

Create your own training system for setting up a strong hit a. In general, it should include all types hit ov legs and arms, knees and elbows. All this should last about three to five to three minutes. Pay attention not only to the physical side of the operating time, but also to the technical side.

Increase your speed gradually hit a. Concentrate on the center of the target and turn on wave amplification. Make full use of all your limbs.

Work not only solo hit ami, but also in series of 2-5 hit ov. Naturally, apply maximum effort when hit It is in every round.

Move little by little from the smashing hit ov on fabric to work on punching bags and paws. Plan to do it in a couple of months hit ov by towel. Add new practice exercises hit and, of course, do not forget about the ones already passed.

Write out a training plan for 1 year and follow it! This period is just what is needed in order to quite well hit. Once you have set clear hit on pears and paws, add hit s legs, knees, elbows, hands. And as you go, increase the speed and stiffness. After completing all the above steps, you will be able to short term pump strength hit a.


The presence of a clear training scheme and a sparring partner. You need a person who can prompt and help during the round.

Useful advice

Start gradually strengthening your hands, do not hit hard right away. Injuries can be very painful.

It is important for beginner athletes to understand that in order to strengthen strike not only the mass of the body is important, but also the inertia that occurs at the moment strike. it key moment in combat direction, which will help us make the blow more powerful. There are also a number important rules to enhance power strike.

You will need

  • - Gym;
  • - trainer;
  • - gloves;
  • - dumbbells and barbell.


Put your entire body weight into the punch. The blow will be much more powerful than you expect. Regardless of how trained you are or not. If you are familiar with, then you have probably heard the concept of "an athlete pushes with his hand." This means that this one, when striking, does not put the mass of his body into them. Of course, such blows cannot knock out an opponent. Therefore, when applying any strike keep going forward movement of the whole body. Take a step forward or rotate your entire body around your foot.

Count not only on your muscles when hitting, but also train your tendons! Many people think that the larger the muscles, the stronger the blow. Just the opposite - if you pump the biceps, they will not be able to straighten up sharply and make a biting movement. Therefore, pay great attention not only to muscle pumping, but also to a hitch, stretching and dumbbell tendon. It is recommended to do tendon exercises according to the A. Zass system.

Start your punches from the bottom of your body. When we get tired, we often feel like our legs are late. It is extremely important to work on the strength of the legs. We just need them to send us forward. If you strike from the upper part of the body, then you will not be able to strengthen the blow, since Bottom part will lag behind and interfere.

Turn on movement on impact. This will multiply them force. But remember that when you start moving any object, and then try to slow it down, you inevitably struggle with its inertia. You don't have to do this on impact! Don't fight momentum. So you should when applying strike continue moving through the target, while not stopping at intermediate stages. Follow your strike and you will see how much his power will increase!


On the half-bent position of the legs during the strike with advancement.

Useful advice

Don't hit with all your might at first. Let speed and technique become your priority, and then only strength.


  • How to increase punching power

Strong hands are a sign of a real man. The ability to deliver strong blows is valued not only in boxing or in any other martial arts. You cannot put an equal sign between the expressions " strong hands" and " big muscles". As a rule, exercises aimed at developing arm strength and punching power do not add centimeters to the volume of your biceps. But they still need to be done. Add some exercises to your training program and the result will not keep you waiting.

You will need

  • - barbell or dumbbells with a thick neck;
  • - a small solid rubber ball;
  • - gymnastic mat.


Take a barbell with a neck. Stand up straight with your shins almost touching the bar. Grab the bar with an overhand grip. Slowly straighten up, lifting the barbell with straight arms. When lifting your hips, lean forward slightly. Then slowly lower the projectile to the floor. Perform 3-5 repetitions with maximum weight.

Complete deadlift barbells with a thick neck with one hand. Use an overhand grip. Do 3-5 reps with maximum weight and switch hands.

Stand up straight. Take a barbell or dumbbells with a thick bar in your hands. Hands with the projectile are freely lowered along the body. The palms are turned outward. Quickly with a jerk, using the force of inertia, throw the projectile to the shoulders. Hold the position for one to two seconds. Slowly lower the barbell down by straightening your elbows. Negative lifts load the biceps and forearm muscles much more.

Grab a thick barbell with an overhand grip. Stand up straight, arms down, back straight, look straight ahead. Hold the weight as long as you have enough strength in your hands. This holding exercise is necessary for the development of the muscles of the wrist and hand. The heavier your fist, the sharper the punch will be.

Take a small rubber ball. With force, sharply squeeze it. Try to crush the ball in the palm of your hand. Work alternately with both hands. Do this exercise every day, every free minute.

Hang on with a thick crossbar. In this capacity, it is convenient to use the upper bar. Bend your legs slightly and cross them at the ankles. The exercise is performed for the duration of the hold. Try to increase the time that you can hang on the bar with each workout.

Take the position of "emphasis lying on the fists." Slowly bend your elbows and lower your body down. When is the chest? touches the floor, push yourself up sharply so that you have time to clap your hands. Land lightly bent arms so as not to damage the elbow joint. Do push-ups on a gym mat to avoid injuring your knuckles while landing on your fists.

Useful advice

Experienced athletes are advised to perform deadlifts in shoes with thin soles or even barefoot.

Physical strength and strong hit not identical concepts. Properly placed hit maybe a completely inconspicuous-looking athlete. The main thing in good hit e is correct technique. And it is necessary to work on this technique for a long time and carefully.