Exercises on the ball for pregnant women 3. Fitball for pregnant women: safe physical education for expectant mothers. Our goal is easy childbirth

The period of pregnancy for a woman is very responsible, but many neglect sports, fearing to harm the baby. In fact, in order to maintain vigor, excellent muscle tone and good mood, it is necessary to engage in physical education at any stage of pregnancy. Provided that everything goes well and there are no pathologies in the development of the fetus. Of course, not all exercises will be useful, but special gymnastics for pregnant women can help avoid set excess weight, the appearance of stretch marks, keep the body in good shape and gently prepare it for the upcoming birth. Fitball for pregnant women belongs to such gymnastics.

Fitball is a large rubber ball that is used as a fitness projectile. With it, you can perform a set of exercises without even being afraid to sit on it. Created using special technology, it can withstand even heavy loads and does not explode. If the ball is accidentally punctured, it will slowly descend without harming the person.

Fitball exercises for pregnant women help to reduce the load on the spine, which reduces the manifestation of pain in the lower back. The main advantage of training is strengthening muscles, improving well-being and the absence of pain during exercise. Such training has practically no contraindications and is recommended for all women in position. However, it is better to consult with your local doctor before starting this type of gymnastics.

Features of choosing a ball for classes

Fitball exercises for pregnant women are diverse, however, in order to perform them comfortably, you need to choose the right equipment when buying. It is important that it meets all the requirements, and it is convenient and useful to engage in it.

In the 1st trimester, a pregnant woman needs to be careful, so it is recommended to do no more than 3-4 approaches. Wherein important point is the correct load distribution. Before starting, you need to warm up the muscles a little, for this you can:

  • Walk on the spot.
  • Make hand swings.
  • Turn your head in different directions.

The main goal is to prepare the muscles, but at the same time, the warm-up should be small and not cause discomfort or pain. In the 1st trimester, you need to abandon the pumping of the press, and pay more attention to working out the muscles of the hips and shoulders. The whole complex will look something like this:

Lie on a flat surface, put your right foot on the ball, the foot should rest against it. The second leg is bent and rests on the floor. Slowly straightening your right leg, you need to roll the ball back and forth. After a few repetitions, do the same for the second leg.

It is required to sit on a fitball, like on a chair and bend your arms with dumbbells at a right angle. Without changing the position, you need to spread them in different directions and return to starting position.

Sitting on the ball, legs spread apart, and the body leans forward slightly. The right hand rests on the legs, the other with dumbbells is bent at an angle of 90 degrees, and is slightly laid back along with the shoulder. It is required to straighten and bend the arm at the elbow several times, then repeat for the other arm.

If it’s a little unclear how all this should be done, you can watch the video tutorial and just repeat. It is only important to make sure that they are suitable for expectant mothers on early dates.

2 trimester

With the beginning of the second trimester, you can gradually increase the load with the ball, since nothing threatens the baby at this moment. This period is considered the safest and most useful for classes. It is recommended to perform exercises on:

  • Training of the muscles of the groin.
  • Relaxation.
  • Stretching.

To stretch, you should sit on the ball and lean on it with your palms. The pelvis needs to make swaying movements, moving back and forth. This exercise is also useful for nursing mothers, and is often used during childbirth.

The second exercise will be turning the torso while sitting on the ball, while trying to reach the opposite leg as far as possible. This will significantly strengthen the muscles of the shoulders and lower back. Such an exercise on a fitball is also advised after childbirth.

You can strengthen the ligaments of the legs as follows: you should sit on the floor, spread your knees as much as possible and squeeze the fitball between them. Squeezing it and unclenching it, you need to do several approaches until a feeling of slight fatigue appears.

3rd trimester

In the 3rd trimester, the exercises should be as simple and easy as in the first months. At this time, few people find it easy to do physical education, they want to lie down more and save energy. However, it is at this time that exercises with a fitball can bring maximum benefit.

In fact, during this period, all the exercises that will be used during childbirth are mastered. They will help relieve pain, increase opening, and ensure blood flow to the pelvic area. If there are no contraindications, then you must definitely do it, and when it's hard, put more emphasis on relaxation.

Physical activity during pregnancy can bring a lot of benefits to both mom and baby. However, it is important to consult with your doctor, follow the recommended set of exercises. This will prepare the body for childbirth and strengthen it, making it stronger and more resilient.

Exercise after childbirth

Fitball classes are useful not only for expectant mothers, but also for those who just want to get rid of lower back pain. The description of physical manipulations is already a kind of warm-up technique. lumbar at home. The body will quickly get used to this load, after which you can complicate classes with the gradual addition of other exercises. And as a basis, take video lessons for beginners mastering fitball exercises.

An obligatory occupation of any spinal complex is the study of the organs of the lumbar zone of the spinal region. popular is next exercise: you need to lie on the mat, and place your legs on the fitball in an extended position. We strain the pelvic muscles, lifting the pelvis to the same line with the body at the same level. We provide the body with a stationary state for several seconds. Then slowly, without sharp jerks, we go down and take the starting position. Movements are shown to be performed at least 15-20 times.

Now you need to perform more complex movements. They look like overturns. We accept the starting position: we lay down on the ball with our chest and begin to slowly roll to the lower abdomen, then to the neck and back. In this exercise human body repeats the movements of a rounded inventory: the ball, rolling itself, contributes to the complete roll of the body. Having achieved the correct execution of the conditions of the exercise, we perform the same actions, but in the opposite trajectory. It is recommended to perform several repetitions. When performing manipulations, the tension of the back muscles should be felt.

These two types of exercises will help you recover quickly. stretched muscles abdominal press. After operation caesarean section classes with a fitball can be started in a month with normal healing of the suture.

After a full recovery, you can start running. If there are back problems, then it will be necessary to perform.

Classes on the ball strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, which will no doubt help during the passage of the baby through the birth canal.

Therefore, many women who do not have pregnancy complications and chronic diseases, gymnastics on a fitball is recommended. This is the best option for physical activity, which does not involve strength training and excessive overstrain.

From the 27th week of pregnancy, you should pay attention to a set of Kegel exercises on the ball, because it is thanks to him that the muscles are prepared for childbirth and it will be possible to avoid ruptures or episiotomy. Moreover, the fitball is actively used in the birth process at the stage of contractions.

Properly performed exercises help relieve pain in the lower back, which is the most common occurrence in women in labor.

And soft jumps help open the cervix by increasing blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

What's the use?

The benefits for the body of the expectant mother from exercises on the ball are as follows:

  • back muscles relax;
  • improves blood flow in the organs;
  • the muscles of the abdominal wall are strengthened;
  • metabolism is accelerated;
  • the vestibular apparatus is trained;
  • exercise helps to avoid gaining extra pounds;
  • the cardiovascular system is toned;
  • exercise relieves stress;
  • the pelvic floor muscles become stronger.

Fitball classes will also benefit the baby:

  • blood circulation in the pelvic organs increases, due to which the baby receives more oxygen;
  • the good mood of the mother favorably affects the well-being of the fetus.

Possible harm

Any sports activity can cause injury. Although exercise on the fitball does not involve dangerous or too active exercises, the risk of falling off the ball is quite high.

Especially if the woman has no previous sports training and only in the last trimester decided to do gymnastics.

To minimize the possibility of falling from the fitball, you should choose the right ball. The ball must be designed for the weight of the pregnant woman and matched for height. Classes on a fitball can harm the expectant mother only if she does not follow safety precautions and invents exercises herself.

When falling, you can get a hematoma, dislocation, or a fracture of the limb, if you fall without grouping (and this is enough big belly almost impossible to do). From the point of view of harm from a fitball for a child, it cannot be if the mother does not get injured.


Despite the fact that fitball is a safe type of gymnastics, there are a number of contraindications for practicing on it:

  • the first weeks of pregnancy;
  • increased tone of the uterus;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency, the presence of an obstetric pessary on the cervix;
  • improper presentation of the fetus - pelvic, transverse;
  • the threat of premature birth;
  • miscarriage and antenatal fetal death in history.

Before you start exercising on the ball, you should consult with a gynecologist to avoid negative consequences.


There are no special restrictions during exercises on the ball. Just be aware of your pregnancy, do not lean on your stomach.

It must be remembered that the position on the fitball should be comfortable so that the center of gravity does not shift, there is a constant support on the feet.

Swinging on the ball should be done with a low amplitude and very slowly, because regularity is main principle any exercise during pregnancy.

If you experience any discomfort, you should immediately stop exercising.(if there are pulling pains in the lower abdomen, a backache or spotting has begun). These symptoms may be the beginning of labor, so it's best to call an ambulance and go to the maternity hospital.

Exercises with the ball, which involve prolonged lying on your back, are contraindicated in the third trimester, because. the vena cava may be compressed. In this case, the child does not receive enough oxygen, and the expectant mother has dizziness. If such a situation arises, in order to alleviate the condition, it is worth turning on your left side and lying on it for 10 minutes.

Gymnastics at home

Before childbirth, it is worth giving a small load not only to the pelvic muscles, but also to everyone else - arms, legs, lower back and abs. The body must be in shape so that the birth process goes without delay. The complex is designed for half an hour, a maximum of 40 minutes.

It should be performed twice a week on an empty (but not empty) stomach. Best time for sports - before dinner, it is in the first half that a surge of strength and energy is noted. Imagine a set of exercises on the ball from 27 to 40 weeks of pregnancy:

  1. For hands: sit on a fitball, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, your back should be straight - stretch your head up. You can take small dumbbells or water bottles in your hands - 500 g each. Hands should be bent and unbent at the elbows, you can do this at the same time, or alternately. The number of repetitions is 5-6 times.
  2. For chest: without changing the starting position, it is worth bending your arms with dumbbells at chest level in front of you. Spread the limbs to the sides, return to the beginning of the exercise. Repeat 8 times.
  3. For buttocks: lie down on a gymnastic mat, bend left leg in the knee, put it on the ball. The right leg should rest completely on the foot. You need to slightly straighten your left leg, roll the fitball forward. Do the same exercise on the other leg. Repeat 15 times.
  4. For the back: it is necessary to stand in a knee-elbow position, the back should be rounded, then lean on the ball with both hands, the head can be bowed on the hands. Stay like this for 5 minutes.
  5. For balance: sitting on the ball, you should do light swaying left and right and back and forth, you don’t need to tear your buttocks off the fitball! It will be enough 15 times on each side.
  6. For the pelvic floor muscles - Kegel exercises: you need to sit on the ball, spread your legs wider, but there should be support on the feet.

    The muscles of the vagina should be "drawn in" to the maximum, and then linger for 4 seconds at the peak.

    Slowly relax and lower the muscles, as if pressing them into a fitball. Repeat 5-10 times.

Each session should end with breathing exercises. Inhalation should be deep and slow, and exhalation should be gradual. To improve blood circulation, it is worth raising your hands up while capturing air and lowering as you exhale.

Thus, the chest is straightened and the child has an additional place. During breathing exercises posture should be taken care of- The back should be straight, but not tense.

If during the performance of any exercise nausea appeared, darkened in the eyes or dizzy, you should stop exercising on the ball and consult your gynecologist.

Useful video

We offer you to watch a video that presents a set of exercises for a pregnant woman in the trimester of pregnancy:


Fitball classes in the last trimester are not only a good option keeping yourself in shape, but also an excellent preparation for childbirth. Exercises on the ball help relieve tension from the back, prepare the cervix for disclosure, improve mood.

Plus, a woman who met with a fitball during pregnancy will know how to correctly take a comfortable and most relaxing position during contractions. And this is an invaluable benefit in facilitating the birth process.

Expectant mothers often think about how to facilitate the upcoming birth with the help of physical training. And these are the right thoughts, since the birth of physically prepared women is easier, and the body recovers faster.

Classes on a fitball (large fitness ball) for pregnant women are very popular due to their convenience and practicality. Classes with a big ball help strengthen the muscles of the press, pelvis and perineum, relieve stress from the spine. With the help of a fitball, you can easily master exercises that will benefit you and your baby. Gymnastics on a large rubber ball improves blood circulation, affects metabolism due to vibration and shock absorption during exercise.

In this article you will find a fitball exercise program for each of the 3 trimesters with detailed description, pictures, videos, and helpful tips and recommendations.

Being pregnant is a big responsibility, and it is necessary to monitor the health and physical condition of the body. It is not recommended to perform sports physical exercise, if:

  1. You are in early pregnancy.
  2. The uterus is in high tone.
  3. Isthmic-cervical insufficiency, etc.

Before starting classes, be sure to consult with a gynecologist. Only after the official permission of the doctor, you can proceed to sports training for pregnant.

We select a fitball

First, let's choose the right fitball size. It's simple: the diameter of the ball depends on your height:

Height (cm) Ball diameter, (cm)
153 and under 45
153-165 55
165-185 65

Test the ball in the store: in a sitting position, the legs should be on the surface with the whole foot, and the knees should be 10 cm below the hips - the fitball is suitable. Now let's move on to the set of exercises.

Activities in the first trimester

When the embryo begins its development (a period of 12-14 weeks), physical activity on the press is prohibited and dangerous, as it can provoke a miscarriage! During this period, it is better to do useful breathing exercises and development of the thigh muscles.

Breathing exercise

  1. Chest breathing. Sit on the floor or mat and bring your legs together. Inhale deeply through the nose, when the chest is full, exhale slowly.
  2. Four-phase breathing. The peculiarity of the exercise is that you need to inhale and hold the air with a different period of time. Within 3-5 sec. take a slow breath through your nose, hold for 2-3 seconds and slowly exhale.
  3. Diaphragmatic breathing. The main feature is the correct breath. Place your hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Take a deep breath through your nose, your chest goes down and your stomach goes up. Exhale slowly.

For the development of the internal muscles of the thighs and shoulder girdle we recommend watching the video - "Exercises for pregnant women 1 trimester":

Activities in the second trimester

The second trimester of pregnancy is the most favorable for charging on gymnastic ball. The period of early toxicosis is left behind, the risk of miscarriage is quite small, and expectant mothers are in a favorable psychological state, waiting for a miracle.

Most of the physical activity in the 0 2nd trimester is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the perineum and thighs, which is especially important because it will help to avoid urinary incontinence in pregnant women who give birth again. Here comes help famous exercise called "Kegel Exercises". They allow you to feel the multi-layered musculature of the small pelvis, which is responsible for the position of the child's head. Exercise strengthens the pelvic floor muscles.

Before starting these exercises during pregnancy, consult your doctor. There are some contraindications.

You should not do Kegel exercises if:

  • discomfort during performance;
  • preeclampsia;
  • uterine bleeding and other adverse signs.

The Kegel charging system involves the muscles of the vagina and anus, alternating their tension and relaxation.

Classes are performed on an empty intestine and bladder. As everybody physical activities, Kegel exercises start with a minimum load, so on initial stage do the exercises lying down, later you can do it sitting or standing.

To understand the technique of performing Kegel exercises, try to stop the process of urination - this action contracts muscle groups - They are the ones that need to be trained.!

Gymnastics is designed to develop flexibility and plasticity, therefore, when exercising, carefully monitor your feelings. To achieve maximum results, gymnastics must be performed regularly. Let's get started!

Kegel exercises


Lie on your back, for comfort, you can put your head on a flat pillow. Take a pose, as during childbirth: spread your legs bent at the knees to the sides. Relax the body and now squeeze the muscles of the perineum, hold for 10 seconds, then relax. Repeat 8-10 times. With each workout, increase the number of repetitions, reaching 30.


Take a horizontal position, raise your legs on the fitball (chair, bed). Now tighten the muscles of the vagina, then the anus and relax in the opposite direction. This exercise is done at a fast pace.


Sit comfortably on a soft surface. Squeeze your vaginal muscles, hold for 2 seconds, then squeeze even harder, then even harder. Having reached the maximum compression, alternately unclench the muscles.


Take a sitting position and bend your knees under you so that the buttocks are placed on the heels. Slightly tightening your abs, lift your hips. While in this position, squeeze your intimate muscles and hold for a few seconds, then relax and lower your hips. Do the exercise 6-10 times.

Achilles tendons

From a standing position, place your feet 2 feet apart. Keep your back straight. Squat down without lifting your heels off the ground. The lesson is aimed at stretching the Achilles tendons.

For insurance, ask family or friends to help you complete this activity. Also, you can do it with a wall.

Kegel exercises will not take much time, but will be very beneficial for your body. Charging can be done on a fitball, sofa, or even while cooking. We recommend watching the video:

A set of exercises with fitball

Breeding forearms

  1. Sit on the ball, keep your back straight.
  2. Arms bent at the elbows, press to the body, palms look up.
  3. Exhaling, spread your forearms, elbows pressed to the body.
  4. Bring your shoulder blades together as much as possible.
  5. Inhaling, return to the starting position.

Perform the exercise in 3 sets of 10 times.

This exercise aimed at developing the muscles of the chest, shoulder girdle. Significantly reduce the likelihood of stretch marks in the chest area.

Attention! The technique for performing the entire complex is smooth and without sudden movements.

Tilts to the side

  1. Sit on the ball, feet wide apart, knees apart.
  2. Raise your arms and straighten your elbows.
  3. Alternately lean to the right and left, through the point in the middle.

Perform: 3 sets of 8-10 times.

In this way, you develop, stretch and strengthen the oblique muscles of the spoke, also by engaging the abdominal muscles. This comfortable position of the legs allows you to increase stretching and strengthen internal muscles legs.

Stop raises

  1. Sit comfortably on the fitball, put your feet on the floor so that your feet completely touch the floor - this is the starting position.
  2. Raise your feet on your toes, and then on your heels, alternately changing.

Fix the exercise with 3 sets of 10-15 reps.

Turns with the ball

  1. Sit on big ball more convenient, and take the small one in your hands.
  2. Raise the small ball to chest level and squeeze it, shoulders are lowered, the distance from the chest to the ball is 20 cm.
  3. Squeezing the ball, move your hands from side to side, forming a right angle with your forearms.

Tip: Control your shoulders, they should be parallel to the floor and stay in line.

Let's not forget about the chest muscles. This exercise is aimed at strengthening those. beautiful chest after childbirth, you are provided with compression small ball and tension in the chest muscles.

We also recommend watching the useful video "Exercises for pregnant women 2nd trimester":

Activities in the third trimester

The third trimester is the period of preparation for the upcoming birth. You need to exercise daily, but do not overdo it! Eliminate complex elements and reduce charging to the safest option. In the third trimester, you can perform the same exercises as in the second. For a change, you can dilute with new elements.

Remember! If one or the other sports load causes discomfort, refuse to perform it!

Additional exercises for the 2nd trimester

Abduction of hands

  1. Sit on a fitball, stretch your arms in front of you parallel to the floor.
  2. Bend your left arm at the elbow and pull back so that the shoulder blade approaches the spine.
  3. Return your left hand to its original position, repeat the exercise right hand.

Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

We reduce the intensity of actions aimed at the tummy, let's take care of our hands. Keeping correct technique performing as in the photo, you will strengthen your arms and back muscles.

Bent over with arms

  1. The back is straight, the arms are extended and shoulder-width apart, parallel to the legs.
  2. Exhale, bend your elbows and lower your body 45-60 degrees from the floor.
  3. Squeeze your shoulder blades together without lifting your shoulders.
  4. From this position, inhale straighten your arms, exhale - bend.

Repeat 3 sets of 10-15 times.

The tilt of the torso allows you to actively engage the muscles of the back and lumbar, which is especially important for the upcoming process of giving birth to a baby and avoiding back pain.

During the workout, do not forget to relax more often.

Informative video "Exercises for pregnant women 3rd trimester":

Don't forget about a simple warm-up:

  • head turns, you can sit, leaning on a fitball, or you can stand;
  • body turns to the right and left while sitting on a gymnastic ball;
  • warming up the shoulder girdle and unhurried walking on the spot (it is better to walk in the fresh air);
  • alternating bending of the arms with a small weight (dumbbells 1 kg., bottles of water 1 l), etc.

Make sure that charging does not cause an increase in the tone of the uterus, if you begin to feel discomfort when performing this or that exercise, stop doing it.

Special efficient charging for pregnant women strengthens female body and prepares for childbirth and provides a charge Have a good mood which is also important for the development of the unborn child.

A physically prepared body is disposed to the rapid process of losing weight after childbirth!

Pregnancy is a time of transformation for a woman. Not only her body is changing, but also her psychological state. In order to maintain muscle tone, a cheerful mood, and quickly return to shape after the birth of a child, you need to take care of your body, eat rationally and be sure to perform special gymnastics. Many people are afraid to do anything exercise at this time, and some are just lazy. This is a big mistake. Moderate physical activity is necessary at any stage of pregnancy, if it proceeds without pathologies. Physical education will help to avoid excessive weight gain, reduce the likelihood of stretch marks, and keep the muscles of the expectant mother in shape. Fitball for pregnant women has gained great popularity.

This is due to the fact that fitball exercises for pregnant women allow a woman to prepare her body for childbirth, strengthen her abs, perineal muscles, and develop good stretch. The ball can become a faithful assistant in the process of childbirth.

Fitball is a special large ball for fitness. Its homeland is Switzerland, so its second name is the Swiss ball. It makes it possible to perform various exercises because it can withstand heavy loads. You can sit on the fitball, lie down, you can jump with it. This versatile exercise tool is crafted from vibrant rubber. Fitball without fail has a built-in ABS anti-explosion system, which allows you to prevent its sharp blowing off and injuring a woman. Thanks to this, if the ball is accidentally pierced, it will not explode, but will gradually release air.

Fitball exercises for pregnant women allow you to cope with back pain that occurs due to increased stress on the spine of the expectant mother. These exercises have a definite plus before strength training- they do not cause muscle pain and do not build them up. Before starting classes, you should consult your doctor. Gymnastics for pregnant women with a fitball has almost no contraindications, and many doctors recommend this type of exercise to women.

How to choose the right ball?

In order for fitball exercises for pregnant women to be useful, it is recommended to purchase it for yourself individually. Balls differ in parameters.

How to choose a fitball for pregnant women? To properly pick it up, you should sit on the ball. If the legs, bent at a right angle at the knees, rest freely on the floor, then the size is suitable.

You can choose a ball based on data such as the height of a woman and the diameter of the ball:

  • growth up to 1.52 m - diameter 45 cm;
  • 1.52-1.65 m - diameter 55 cm;
  • above 1.65 - diameter 65 cm.

It is better to buy a fitball during pregnancy in specialized stores. It is easy to buy a fake in the markets, which can burst during class. In this case, the expectant mother may be injured by falling from the ball.

What is fitball used for during pregnancy?

Exercises for pregnant women with a fitball allow the expectant mother to:

  • relieve tension from the spine;
  • relax the muscles surrounding the spinal column;
  • improve the functioning of the respiratory system;
  • activate the circulatory system;
  • normalize the work of the heart;
  • increase blood circulation in all organs.

Classes with a fitball for pregnant women allow you to keep your pelvic muscles in shape. This makes it possible to minimize the likelihood of injuries, perineal ruptures during childbirth. Such exercises for pregnant women are an effective means of preventing diseases of the kidneys and bladder, prolapse of the uterus. During classes, the muscles of the back and the press are strengthened, which is a great advantage in the process of childbirth. Gymnastics with a fitball for pregnant women allows you to improve blood circulation in the uterus and, accordingly, improve the nutrition of the fetus. It helps prevent stagnation of venous blood, the appearance.

Fitball for pregnant women will be a good helper in everyday life. It can be used as a chair while watching TV or rocked on it. This allows you to cope with back pain and relax the muscles.

The ball will be useful for the expectant mother in childbirth. It allows you to reduce pain during contractions and economically expend your strength during this period. With short jumps on the fitball, there is an additional blood flow to the pelvic organs and, due to this, an accelerated opening of the cervix.

Fitball exercises for pregnant women are recommended to start after 12 weeks. In this period, the expectant mother is less likely to worry, and the likelihood of a miscarriage is minimal. Before starting classes for pregnant women on a fitball, you should consult a doctor. It will be very good if a competent instructor selects a set of exercises. It is advisable not to invent them yourself.

Fitball gymnastics for pregnant women has a minimum of contraindications, but they still exist. These include:

  • the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • elevated;
  • severe back disease;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency.

Consider the features of exercises on the ball in different trimesters.

In the 1st trimester

Fitball exercises for pregnant women in the 1st trimester are usually not performed. During this period, it is recommended to minimize the physical load on the body of the future mother, so as not to provoke a miscarriage. This is especially true for those women who did not go in for any sports before conception.

If the expectant mother is accustomed to physical activity, then classes for pregnant women on the fitball can be started in the second half of the 1st trimester. In this case, it is recommended to use only those exercises that are designed specifically for women who are expecting a baby.

Fitball exercises for pregnant women in the 1st trimester are quite simple and are performed 3-4 times. At this time, it is important to dose the load correctly and not to overexert. Before starting training on the ball, you need to warm up the muscles. To do this, for 5 minutes they make swings with their hands, walk in place, turn their heads. If gymnastics with a fitball for pregnant women at some point begins to cause discomfort or pain to a woman, then classes should be interrupted and rested. During this period, you can load the muscles of the hips and shoulders, but the exercises with the press should be postponed until a later time.

Here are some of the exercises allowed during this period:

  1. Lie on your back, bend your right leg and put it on the ball, leaning on it with your foot. The bent left leg should rest on the floor. Straightening the right leg roll the ball slowly back and forth. Repeat the same with the left leg.
  2. Sit on a fitball, bend your arms with dumbbells at an angle of 90 °. Without unbending them, spread them to the sides and return to their original position.
  3. Sit on the ball, legs wide apart. The torso should be slightly tilted forward. Rest your elbow on your thigh with one hand. The other, taking a dumbbell, bend at a right angle, while pulling the elbow and shoulder back. Next, you should straighten and bend your arm at the elbow again.

In the 2nd trimester

During this period, you can spend more intense exercise with the ball, as the chance of a miscarriage has already decreased.

Fitball classes for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester include:

  1. Stretching exercises;
  2. Relaxation exercises;
  3. Exercises for training the muscles of the perineum.

Stretching exercises

The first group includes exercises for the back muscles. To perform them, you need to sit on the ball, you can lean on it with your hands. Then the pelvis should be rocked, rotated, moved back and forth. Such skills will be useful in the future in childbirth. Fitball exercises for pregnant women, carried out in the 2nd trimester, will help a woman escape from pain in contractions. And during the period of bearing a child, they relieve pain in the lower back, relieve tension in the muscles of the back.

The following exercise will also help strengthen the muscles of the back: sit on the ball, turn the torso and touch the opposite leg as far as possible. The muscles of the shoulder girdle and lower back will become stronger if you tilt the fitball towards and away from you.

In addition, strengthening and stretching of the leg muscles is recommended. To do this, sit on the floor, spread your knees and squeeze the ball with them. This action must be repeated several times until slight fatigue appears. Then, sitting on the fitball, alternately with the right hand should reach the right foot, with the left hand - to the left foot.

To develop the muscles of the hands, you can squeeze the fitball in outstretched arms. The following exercise allows you to develop a stretch, strengthen the buttocks: you should lean on the ball chest, cross your arms under your chin, alternately swing your legs.

Exercises for pregnant women on a fitball in the 2nd trimester should help strengthen the abdominal muscles. This should be done carefully, since increased loads on this area during the period of bearing a baby are prohibited. One of the recommended exercises: lean on the ball with your back and shoulder blades, bend your knees at an angle of 90 °, put your hands behind your head. Next, the upper body is lifted with a delay of a few seconds.

Relaxation exercises

Fitball classes for pregnant women must necessarily include relaxation exercises. To do this, lie on the ball with your chest, hugging it, kneeling and relaxing your back. The ability to relax will allow a woman to relax during childbirth, to save strength between contractions.

2nd trimester is the optimal period for classes. But from about 18 weeks during the exercise, it is recommended to wear a bandage, which will reduce the load on the back and abdominal muscles, as well as prevent stretch marks.

In the 3rd trimester

Gymnastics for pregnant women on a fitball in the 3rd trimester includes all the same simple exercises, as in earlier periods. At this time, it is already difficult for the expectant mother to engage in physical education, but she is quite capable of the ball. Exercises for pregnant women on a fitball in the 3rd trimester bring great benefit, because they are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the press, lower back, buttocks, perineum, arms and legs.

Most maternity hospitals already have such balls, and they really help a woman in childbirth. If she is prepared and knows well what to do with the fitball during childbirth, then the opening of the cervix occurs faster with the ball than without it. Fitball exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester provide an opportunity for the expectant mother to learn all the wisdom of using it in childbirth.

At the end of pregnancy, if there are no contraindications, it is not recommended to completely remove physical activity. Even if it becomes difficult to practice, you can perform relaxing exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester on a fitball. At the same time, the intensity of the load and the pace of the exercises must be carefully adjusted taking into account the term and characteristics of the organism of the expectant mother.

Physical activity during the period of bearing a baby is needed by the expectant mother. But it must be agreed with the doctor. Gymnastics on a fitball for pregnant women in the early stages allows you to strengthen your muscles, relieve tension from your back muscles, and in the 3rd trimester - prepare for childbirth.

Useful video: fitball exercises for pregnant women

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During the last trimester, a pregnant woman is transformed: the waist is smoothed out, and you can’t hide the protruding tummy anywhere. It is during this period that it becomes increasingly difficult to breathe, insomnia torments, swelling appears. Oddly enough, light exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester help to cope with these ailments.

Our goal is easy childbirth

Approaching the final stage of pregnancy, many women begin to feel tired and apathetic towards everything that is happening. I would like to quickly get rid of the swollen chest, pulling down the stomach and finally get enough sleep. However, you should not give up, because everything will return to normal, but with time. First of all, think about your little baby, who is about to be born and light up your smile. And ordinary light gymnastics will help to cope with most physical troubles.

In the third trimester, as in the second, when training, several rather important rules should be observed:

  • Do not engage in exercise or other sports if there is a serious threat of termination of pregnancy.
  • If during the performance of the task you feel a sharp pain, you should stop exercising and rest, and if necessary, even consult a doctor.
  • By this time, the tension of the ligaments subsides, the tendons soften, which means that the risk of serious injury increases, so you should not focus on strength exercises and weight lifting. Maximum weight dumbbells for fitness should be no more than 2 kg.
  • Constantly monitor your breath - important aspect. The fact is that at the final stage of development, the baby props up the lungs more and more, and the mother has shortness of breath. Take long breaks between exercises if you feel that there is not enough air in your chest.

  • With a rapid heartbeat and pulse, you should not focus on cardio exercises. Instead, do small side bends, wiggles, or just take a walk in the park.
  • Forget about fitness, where you need to make sharp turns, jump or run in place, bend deeply or lift weights. All exercises should be as light as possible.

Observing all these points, you will not only protect yourself from unnecessary injuries, but also help the body prepare for childbirth as much as possible, because the purpose of training in the third trimester is to increase the elasticity of the hip muscles and joints. In addition, even the simplest exercise in the morning will get rid of puffiness, lower back pain, awaken appetite, and normalize blood pressure.

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Exercises for pregnant women on the ball are in great demand in the 3rd trimester. But if there is none, it can always be replaced with a chair, soft roller or pillow. Choose what you feel most comfortable doing.

Gymnastics with a ball

Even if you are an active person in life, you are used to always keeping yourself in tension, and your muscles are in good shape, do not forget that pregnancy makes you more vulnerable. It is important to perform moderate loads and constantly monitor the intensity of training. These tasks are handled special exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester on a fitball. Classes on the ball will help develop the hip and lumbar muscles, as well as pump legs and arms.


  1. Stand near a wall with the ball behind your back and lightly press on it.
  2. Bend your knees, place your palms just below your waist.
  3. Gently lower yourself, rolling the ball across the surface with your back so that your knees form a right angle.


  1. Turn over to face the ball, fold your palms in the center of the ball on top of each other.
  2. Rise up on your toes, lightly touching your palms with your forehead.
  3. Count to 5 and relax.

Push ups:

  1. Standing facing the ball, straighten your arms so that your palms are exactly in the center of the fitball and are parallel to each other.
  2. As you inhale, bend your elbows and try to touch the ball with your chest.
  3. With an exhalation, return to the starting position.

With dumbbells:

  1. Take small dumbbells in your hands. Each must weigh no more than 2 kg.
  2. With air intake, bend your elbows.
  3. Exhale as you lower the dumbbells to the starting position.


  1. Lie on the fitball so that the soles of your feet are completely touching the floor, your butt is slightly lowered, and your shoulders and head are resting on the ball.
  2. While inhaling, lift your stomach up as if you are trying to stand on a bridge. Do not strain too much, bend as far as you feel comfortable.
  3. Count to 3 and return to the starting position.

No less effective in the 3rd trimester is the usual positional gymnastics for pregnant women. It will help strengthen the hip muscles, abs and perineum, which will greatly facilitate labor activity in the future and prevent the appearance of stretch marks, tears and other troubles.


  1. Get on all fours so that your hands and knees are at a right angle.
  2. Extend your right leg as far as possible and move it to the side.
  3. Hold for a few seconds in the position, and then return to the starting position and repeat the steps for the second leg.

  1. Lie on your side, straighten up, prop your head with one hand, and help yourself to keep your balance with the other.
  2. Lift your top leg up and out to the side.
  3. Hold this position for a few seconds and return to the starting position.
  4. Repeat the exercise 5 times for one leg and 5 for the other.

  1. Lie on your side, prop your head with one hand, put the other on your thigh.
  2. Bend your knees, close your heels together.
  3. As you exhale, spread your legs as far as possible so that the heels continue to touch each other.
  4. Repeat the exercise 7 times on each side.

  1. Remaining in the same position, lift and bend the top leg at the knee as much as possible.
  2. With one not too sharp push, straighten your leg up.
  3. Do 10 repetitions for each leg.

  1. Take a half-priest position, rest your palms on your hips.
  2. As you inhale, straighten your back, slightly arching your tummy forward, and moving your left leg back.
  3. Stay in this position for a few seconds and exhale as you return to the starting position.
  4. Do 5-6 repetitions for each leg.