Fitball to stimulate childbirth. Easy childbirth. Breaks during childbirth. Can they be avoided? exercises

Pregnancy is a time of global mental and physical changes for a woman who is expecting a baby. It doesn't matter if this is the first pregnancy or not: the world is being rebuilt family relations, the emotional sphere of the expectant mother is transformed and, naturally, the female body is changing. It truly transforms amazingly. It becomes the center of development and the birth of a new human life. In order for all these dynamic processes to pass easily, you need to take care of your body for all nine months.

Today there are many interesting and useful options. physical activities during pregnancy: from perinatal yoga and Pilates to aqua gymnastics in the pool under the guidance of a specialist. But often the most in a simple way support and strengthen your body become exercises for pregnant women at home. Regular performance of a special set of exercises for expectant mothers will bring undoubted benefits to the shape of the body, and the well-being, and mood of the woman.

Features of physical activity during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a natural biological process, but its course largely depends on the behavior of a modern woman. It is worth remembering that a strong and enduring body is likely to cope with the stresses of pregnancy and childbirth more easily than a sluggish and untrained body. Even physical exercises were not part of a woman's lifestyle before pregnancy, the new state is a great incentive to start taking care of yourself.

During pregnancy female body is under enormous stress. Therefore, physical activity should be as thoughtful and moderate as possible. It is worth focusing on exercises for pregnant women, which help to normalize blood circulation, improve posture and elasticity of all muscle groups. It is also necessary to pay special attention to breathing and relaxation techniques. Each period (trimester) of pregnancy has its own specifics for performing home gymnastics exercises.

First trimester

The beginning of big changes: internal organs begin to gradually shift, giving way to a growing uterus. For the present, imperceptibly to others, the tummy is rounded. Hormonal changes begin, which means that the mood of the pregnant woman also changes.

To comfortably survive the changes that have begun, it is worth lowering the usual physical activity. You need to give your body and mind time to adjust. Doctors do not advise actively engaging in physical exercises in the 1st trimester, as they believe that in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy there is a risk of spontaneous termination. Strength training and extreme views sports will have to be postponed for a while after the birth of the child. They can be replaced with special breathing exercises for pregnant women and a light warm-up. Gymnastics of the first trimester will saturate the blood with oxygen and help to cope, for example, with the disturbing symptoms of early toxicosis.

Second trimester

Usually by this time future mom already used to the new state. If you were tormented by toxicosis, then its symptoms are in the past, and the tummy has not yet reached big size. If physical exercise has not yet entered the life of a pregnant woman, now is the perfect time to start regular exercise.

Exercises for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester are aimed at strengthening the back muscles, training the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

third trimester

The final period of pregnancy. The weight of the baby is growing, the load on all organs and systems of the pregnant woman is increasing, and active preparations for childbirth are underway.

Exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester become less intense, the emphasis is on breathing techniques and stretching. Much attention should be paid to preparing the pelvic floor muscles for childbirth.

Why do pregnant women need gymnastics?

With a rational distribution of physical exercises, pregnancy is more favorable for both the woman and the child growing in the womb. Physical training helps the body cope with the increasing load and affects the birth of the baby. It is smoother and less painful.

  • Regular classes gymnastics strengthen the body, make it more flexible and mobile.
  • Exercise improves the condition of the joints, muscles and skin, which have an increased load during this period.
  • The abdominal muscles become longer and more elastic. The risk of stretch marks on the abdomen is reduced, and after childbirth, a woman quickly returns to her pre-pregnant body shape.
  • During exercise, blood circulation increases. The work of the heart and blood vessels is activated, which ensures the full delivery of oxygen and nutrients for the development and growth of the child and the timely removal of metabolic products.
  • Improves metabolism and the functioning of the digestive system.
  • The pelvic floor muscles are strengthened, congestion in the pelvis and lower limbs.
  • Internal bodily space is increased by stretching the spine and increasing the surface area of ​​the abdomen. The baby develops in more free conditions.
  • Exercises for the perineum improve the elasticity of tissues and are a prophylactic against ruptures in childbirth.
  • Respiratory gymnastics for pregnant women trains the entire respiratory system, qualitatively improving its functions, and prepares a woman for childbirth. Increases the amount of oxygen supplied to mother and child.
  • The hormonal balance that occurs during and after gymnastics helps to maintain body tone and Have a good mood. It is known that the condition of the child directly depends on the physical and emotional status of the mother.
  • Prenatal exercises are the basis for faster physical recovery women after childbirth.

Rules for performing home gymnastics

  1. Before starting classes, you should consult a doctor about possible contraindications and nuances of doing home exercises for pregnant women.
  2. Exercises are selected strictly depending on the duration of pregnancy.
  3. The complex is performed daily or every other day, depending on how you feel.
  4. The execution time of the gymnastic complex can vary from 30 to 60 minutes.
  5. Clothing for gymnastics should be chosen comfortable and not constraining movements.
  6. The study room should be well ventilated. A flat area or lawn will perfect place for outdoor gymnastics.
  7. You need to practice gymnastics 2 hours before or after meals.
  8. All exercises must be performed in slow pace, without jerks and sudden movements.
  9. If you feel worse, you must stop the exercise and rest. If your condition continues to worsen, you should seek medical attention.

Absolute contraindications for exercise

  • The threat of abortion.
  • Severe toxicity.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases.
  • Body temperature is above 37 degrees Celsius.
  • Low location of the placenta.
  • Preeclampsia.
  • The threat of premature birth.

Universal home workout

To maintain good health, a positive emotional background and create best conditions for the development of the child, it is worth starting to perform daily home gymnastics with a simple warm-up.

Warming up will help warm up the muscles, strengthen the joints and normalize blood circulation. As pregnancy develops, exercises recommended for a certain period can be added to it. Each exercise must be repeated 10 times, observing symmetry.

An approximate set of exercises for pregnant women at home (warm-up)

  • Alternate rubbing of the feet. In a sitting position with crossed legs (in Turkish or in the “lotus” position), actively massage with fingers and the edge of the palm inner surface feet for 1 minute.
  • Rubbing palms for 1 minute. Starting position - sitting, as in the previous exercise. Vigorously rub your fingers in a circular motion, as if you need to put a ring on each finger. Rub each palm in the same way.
  • Head turns. Gently turn your head from side to side, trying to look over your shoulder. Then perform head tilts to the sides, down and back, trying to gently stretch the side, back and front of the neck. Shoulders during this exercise should be lowered and relaxed. At the end, you need to hold your head down on your chest, feeling its heaviness. Then gently fold it back and briefly linger in this position.
  • Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower, hands on hips. Slowly roll from heel to toe and back, leaning on a full foot. Next, perform 10 steps forward and backward on the heels, then on the toes, then on the inside and on outer sides feet.
  • Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower, hands on hips or extended to the sides, parallel to the floor, to maintain balance. Raise and bend one leg at the knee in front of the body at a right angle and start rotating the ankle first clockwise, then counterclockwise.
  • From the same starting position, holding the thigh at a right angle relative to the body, start rotating the lower leg first clockwise, then counterclockwise.
  • Without changing position roundabout take the thigh to the side and return to its place. In the first part of the task hip joint as it opens, in the second - it closes.
  • Feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider, hands resting freely on the hips. Slightly bend your knees and start swinging your hips to the left and right, then back and forth, and finally “draw” a figure eight with your hips.
  • Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower. Connect the palms in front of the chest (“prayer” gesture) or freely place the hands on the hips. Lock the hips, start the rotation top body clockwise, then against.

Complementing the described warm-up complex the right exercises, you can create your own ideal home gymnastics that meets all the needs and wishes of a pregnant woman. So, a set of exercises for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester may include: warm-up, simple strength exercises and stretching. And it is also desirable that he be sent to training respiratory system. At home, exercises for pregnant women of the 3rd trimester are recommended to be performed by reducing power unit and increasing the time for mastering breathing and relaxation practices. Just a few days after the start of classes home gymnastics a positive effect will be noticeable: bodily mobility will increase and mood will improve.

Almost all pregnant women have a well-founded fear of childbirth. After all, they understand that there is quite a difficult job ahead. The result of labor activity will depend on how a woman spent her maternity leave, whether she did special exercises, whether she led an active lifestyle. Self-birth without pain is impossible, but you can definitely reduce it by performing certain exercises and activities. Today we’ll talk about how to alleviate and reduce painfulness and aches.

Factors on which the strength of pain during contractions depends

1. Tension and strength of contractions, attempts. During childbirth, they gradually increase, lengthen, and each time the woman suffers even more.

1 exercise. Sit comfortably on the ball with your feet shoulder-width apart. Shift from foot to foot. Then slowly tilt your torso forward and to the side. You can bounce lightly. This exercise relieves tension in the muscles and increases blood flow to the organs.

2 exercise. Lay a rug or blanket on the floor. Lie on your back, bend your right leg at the knee, and then place it on the ball. And make a bicycle with your left. After a minute, swap the limbs. This exercise is great for relieving pain and tension in the legs.

3 exercise. Sit in a comfortable chair with a back. Place the ball between your legs. Gently, slowly bring your knees together, while squeezing the ball. This exercise remarkably strengthens and stretches the muscles of the perineum.

4 exercise. Get on your knees in front of the ball and just hug it. Be sure to make sure that the stomach does not squeeze, and you are comfortable in this position. Such an activity will simply give you time to relax and unwind.

These are all exercises for easy childbirth. Be sure to memorize them and perform them in the delivery room.

Relaxing exercises to prepare for childbirth

1 task. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Grasp your stomach with your hands or put them on your hips. And now the most important point: try to relax as best as possible and start rocking the pelvis to the right and left, and then back and forth. You must imagine that the basin is a bowl filled with water to the brim, and the contents cannot be spilled.

2 task. Lay a soft blanket on the floor, sit on it, connect your heels together. Hold onto your knees with your hands. Now gently rock back and forth. Watch your breath: when you bend forward, then inhale, if backward, then exhale.

3 task. You will need a husband or other family member for this exercise. Sit on a soft mat on the floor opposite your partner. Connect your legs so that the feet touch each other. Hold hands and begin to tilt back and forth. First you pull your spouse, and then he pulls you. This exercise is great for relaxing and also training inner part hips, which will be very useful to you in the future.

After performing such exercises, childbirth without pain, although they will not be guaranteed, but the discomfort will certainly decrease.

Exercise for stamina, endurance of a pregnant woman

To learn how to transfer the load on the body for a long period (during childbirth, this is very important), you need to practice in advance. There is a special endurance exercise for this.

Lay a soft rug on the floor near the wall. Lie down on it and begin to slowly move your feet along the wall, as if climbing it. Raising your legs, spread them to the maximum width and hold out in this position for as long as you can. Each time the time should increase.

Now you know what the best remedy against the reduction and alleviation of pain during labor is the training of your body, as well as the emotional state of the woman in labor. In addition, adequate behavior is considered an important point, which involves strict adherence to the advice of an obstetrician-gynecologist. By following all the recommendations and exercises in this article, you will be able to give birth safely and easily.


The moment of the birth of the baby is about to come, and you are worried about how successfully everything will end. To be sure of the successful outcome of this important event, you need to prepare for it in advance. In particular, to learn what exercises for childbirth will help relieve pain, avoid tears, stimulate the uterus, relieve stress and tension.

This knowledge will come in handy when it seems that the torment will never end. They will allow the woman in labor to endure all the trials that have fallen to her lot with dignity and with the least losses.

Throughout pregnancy for regular performance is recommended special gymnastics to prepare for childbirth, which will allow the body to be fully equipped for such a responsible event. She will help:

  • develop mobility and flexibility of the pelvic bones, lower spine, which will greatly facilitate childbirth and avoid back pain during the birth of the baby;
  • stretch the muscles of the hips so that you can comfortably sit in the delivery chair for as long as you need;
  • keep the muscles of the pelvis and vagina in good shape to avoid urinary incontinence, hemorrhoids after childbirth and speed up the recovery period;
  • open the cervix in a timely manner (read more about it).

If you want to give birth to your baby with minimal complications, without pain and medications, find a set of exercises for each muscle group and start doing them regularly already at 4-5 months of pregnancy. This will allow you to perfectly prepare for childbirth.


For each group of muscles and organs there are special exercises who prepare for childbirth exclusively them.

  • Preparing for the birth of the pelvic bones

Get on your knees, lean on your hands. Place the palms from each other at a distance of about 30 cm, knees - 20. The hips should be strictly perpendicular to the floor. Bend your back slowly, raise your buttocks as high as possible. Do all this while taking a deep breath.

  • Hip Stretching Exercises

Sit in Turkish (in the lotus position). Feet connect, knees apart. Wrap your arms around your ankles. Bend forward, put your forearms on your shins. Gently press on your knees with your elbows, as if trying to push them apart.

  • Vaginal muscle training

Most best exercises for childbirth without gaps - those suggested by Kegel (we are how effective they are after childbirth). From time to time, several times a day, squeeze intimate muscles with all your might, and then slowly release, relaxing.

A simple but effective gymnastics, started during pregnancy, is a great help in childbirth, which you can appreciate when this moment comes. In addition to the exercises mentioned above, take note of those that can be performed during contractions and attempts to relieve pain, or to accelerate uterine contractions.

For stimulation

If all the deadlines have already passed, and the baby does not want to please you with his birth, gymnastics will help to stimulate childbirth, which will significantly speed up the process of resolving the burden.

  1. Walking is an excellent method of naturally inducing labor. It helps the child to gradually descend. There is pressure on the uterus, which leads to the expansion of its neck. This increases the release of oxytocin into the body, which induces labor.
  2. Not just walking, but going up and down the stairs contributes to an even faster delivery. When each subsequent leg is lifted, the pelvis opens, a larger space is created for the child. Shocks during the moments of descent help him to take a more comfortable position.
  3. Breaststroke is another great exercise capable of inducing childbirth. Water relieves tension and weight from the joints.
  4. Sitting and squatting are helpful when the baby is too high in the womb. They help him to descend, while taking correct position.
  5. Any swaying is an excellent gymnastics for the beginning of childbirth, which will not begin in any way. To do this, you can swing every day on a swing. Or, in front of the TV, sit not on the sofa, but on a large gymnastic ball and sway on it in different directions.

All of the above exercises can become a natural impetus for the birth of a full-term baby. Such useful physical activity will help keep fit, relieve stress and help the baby to be born as soon as possible. And as soon as the long-awaited contractions begin, another question will arise: what kind of gymnastics will be needed during childbirth to relieve pain and ease the agony?

For pain during childbirth

Find out in advance how special exercises are performed that reduce pain. In classes for young mothers, they talk about how gymnastics helps in childbirth, what can be expected from it. Its functions:

  • mastery of conscious relaxation of individual muscles of the body;
  • comfortable state during childbirth;
  • decrease in tension and activity at this moment of the nervous system;
  • removal of muscle fatigue;
  • reduction of pain;
  • getting the maximum amount of oxygen to the uterus;
  • consciously focusing your attention on exercises and relaxing muscles helps to take your mind off the pain.

Usually, gymnastics for easy childbirth is selected at the preliminary classes for young mothers. There are more simple complexes that you can find and work out on your own. In between contractions, try the following exercises.

  1. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms along the torso ( starting position exercises). On the inhale, spread your arms to the sides, on the exhale, lower, shake your hands.
  2. Take the same starting position. Pull your elbows back, lift your legs forward one by one.
  3. former starting position. Alternately take your arms to the side along with the torso.
  4. Starting position for the exercise: sit on the edge of a chair, bend your knees, connect the soles. Spread your knees out to the sides, return to the starting position.
  5. Starting position for the exercise: lie on a flat surface. Bend your legs alternately, tilting your knees in different directions.
  6. Slow, measured walking with normal and cross steps.

Helps reduce pain breathing exercises for childbirth, which will saturate both organisms with oxygen - both the woman in labor and the fetus. This is necessary for the normal course of the entire process.

  1. Relaxing breathing exercise(used at the beginning of labor). Inhale through the nose, make a short pause, exhale through the mouth. Breathing should be smooth, it is better to stretch the lips into a tube.
  2. superficial breathing exercise (required to ease contractions). Both inhalation and exhalation are performed exclusively through the nose or mouth. Movements should be light and fast, without participation abdominal wall: Make sure it is still. Inhalation and exhalation should be the same in duration.
  3. intermittent breathing exercise (useful during the period of attempts). Produced with the participation chest, at a steady but fast pace. Open your mouth, touch your lower teeth with your tongue. Outwardly, it should be similar to the frequent breathing of a dog.
  4. Deep breathing exercise (at the last stage of childbirth, already with the appearance of the baby's head). You need to take a deep breath through the nose, count slowly to 10, make a smooth exhalation through the mouth, while loudly pronouncing hissing sounds.

More about correct breathing during childbirth and contractions.

Now you know how useful gymnastics for childbirth is, which can provide an easy, uncomplicated birth of a baby into the world. She will allow at this crucial moment not to die from pain and weakness, but to help her own crumbs pass all the tests with the least losses. This will also depend on further development and mother's condition. Therefore, all pregnant women need to learn special exercises in advance and actively practice them during contractions and attempts. Painless, quick and easy childbirth without the use of medications in this case will not become a myth, but a reality.

When the gestation period approaches the final stage, mothers are already exhausted and want to give birth as soon as possible. The fear that the doctor will prescribe artificial induction of labor forces women to take action on their own. There are physical exercises to speed up labor, proven over the years and by many mothers.

The simplest types of physical activity

Physical education is useful not only during pregnancy, but also to induce childbirth. There are a number of exercises that help directly during the process of the birth of a baby, they eliminate pain during contractions and help the fetus to properly pass through the birth canal.

The most popular exercises that cause contractions are walking up the stairs before childbirth, washing the floors. Sometimes even doctors give such recommendations. Of course, it is forbidden to be zealous to the detriment of yourself or your child. In the presence of deviations or contraindications, it is dangerous to engage in physical education and self-medication.

Does walking up the stairs help you give birth faster? Yes, any physical activity improves blood flow. Specifically, walking up the stairs helps to open the pelvis with each leg lift, swaying rhythmic movements push the fetus down to the neck. The child gradually takes the correct position in the uterus, begins to put pressure on it. This causes the production of oxytocin, and as a result contractions begin.

Walking up the stairs is great for stimulating labor, which has already begun, but proceeds poorly. Not uncommon in maternity hospitals you can meet pregnant women walking up and down the stairs.

How to wash floors to speed up childbirth? With hands, the method consists in the fact that a woman, crawling on all fours, smoothly shakes her stomach, bends from side to side, arbitrarily moves the fetus closer to the exit from the uterus. If the size of the abdomen allows, you can wash the floors "tilted".

Closer to childbirth, women have an acute desire to "nest" - they begin general cleaning, window cleaning, furniture rearrangement. A moderate load for pregnant women is beneficial for the onset of labor, but it is important to monitor your well-being.

The benefits of squats

A popular way of useful physical activity is squats before childbirth.

Can you induce labor with squats? Yes, the principle of the squat for childbirth is the same as for other exercises. The main task is to smoothly move the baby closer to the exit and prepare the cervix. The training program necessarily includes squats to stimulate childbirth.

First of all, the main thing is to adequately assess your strengths. Nobody needs records, this applies to those women who decide to squat after the absence of active physical activity for 9 months. It is better to do exercises with support, for example with a chair.

How to squat correctly to induce labor:

  1. legs should be spread at shoulder level or wider;
  2. a slow deep squat is done;
  3. knees are maximally separated to the sides, there is no need to rush;
  4. the back is straight;
  5. when reaching the lowest possible position, smoothly return to the starting position.

Squatting. Such peculiar squats accelerate childbirth, which proceed poorly. From a standing position, you need to slowly squat down, feet should be firmly planted on the floor. For 10-15 seconds, you need to linger at the bottom, then just as slowly rise. Squatting is gradually increased to a minute.

Before embarking on physical activity to speed up labor, you should be aware of the possible risks. Excessive activity is fraught with premature detachment of the placenta. This can cause undesirable consequences for the fetus and the woman. Therefore, the conclusion is this - squats cause childbirth, but it is better to do them consciously.

Other Methods

Sex and picking up scattered matches from the floor is the same effective exercises inducing birth. Collecting matches is a fun method, but it works like mopping floors.

Muzheterapiya, as sex before childbirth is also called, has a great effect on the process of having a baby. Semen contains substances that help the cervix to open up. Movement during sexual intercourse disperse the blood.

Can a hot bath induce labor? Efficiency has not been proven, but women often resort to this method. The effectiveness is doubtful, since the relaxation obtained when taking a bath can stimulate labor, but the risk of getting a hypertensive crisis is higher. Therefore, in the presence of any problems with pressure, with the heart or frequent dizziness, a hot bath to stimulate labor is contraindicated.

Women throughout the history of mankind have tried many ways that can cause contractions. Nipple massage, causing a surge of oxytocin, No-shpa a few days before childbirth, bowel cleansing with castor oil or an enema, persuading the baby, eating foods that stimulate contractions (pineapples, chocolate, raspberries, hot spices), massage the lower back and feet - the list is endless. The main thing is to find a suitable method for yourself.

Before starting any exercises to stimulate labor, you must be 100% sure that they are needed. Often, the expectant mother unreasonably wants the birth to begin faster. For additional stimulation, there are strong indications: overdose (we are talking about a period of 42+), a large fetus, oligohydramnios, and others. Only a doctor can establish the pathology after diagnosis.

To give birth faster, it is forbidden to resort to folk ways. It happens that the term of childbirth is tritely incorrectly set, and premature birth is fraught with disability of the baby. It is important to listen to your body and the doctor's instructions, to do what is best for the child first of all.

Easy childbirth is a subject of frequent discussion among expectant mothers. It's no secret that you need to prepare for childbirth in advance; special charge for pregnant women to make it easier to give birth. It was only our grandmothers who went to work in the field until the birth itself, and it is not uncommon that they gave birth right near the haystacks. And a modern woman in labor is already barely carrying a child to the desired term, so physical exercise should be moderate and thoughtful.

You can enroll in special courses to prepare for childbirth. It will be interesting to prepare in a group, and it will also be possible to use the services of a perinatal psychologist.

It will not be superfluous to start attending aqua aerobics, because it is useful for both the pregnant woman and the baby.

A prerequisite is to practice to not too rhythmic music.

Charging for pregnancy to make it easier to give birth: exercises

Figure eight hips

Get on your knees with outstretched arms. Slowly rock your hips from side to side. Try to draw a figure eight or an infinity sign with your hips. To ease the load on the hands, you can do this exercise on the gymnastic ball or resting your head and shoulders on the edge of the bed.

Hip circle

Performed standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Try to draw a circle with your hips, first in one direction, then in the other. To increase the load, you can sit down a little. Such exercises stimulate blood circulation in the pelvic region and strengthen the muscles of the back and pelvic floor.

Arch your back up

This exercise can be done in the 1-2 trimester of pregnancy. In the position on all fours, very slowly arch your back up, like a cat, just as slowly return to the starting position.

We walk correctly

Pregnant women need to walk every day, at least 1 hour a day. And this involves an active walk, and not sit on a bench and read a book. Alternate the break-up step with intensive walking, this will pump up the muscles inside hips.

We sit in Turkish

This exercise makes the ligaments of the inner side of the legs elastic. You can add a load if you do not cross your legs, but connect them with your feet and swing up and down.

Classic Kegel Exercises

You need to start with simple contractions of the muscles of the perineum, you can sit on a chair. Squeeze hard and count to 10, then slowly release. Gradually increase the compression count to 30. You can perform such exercises in a sitting position with outstretched legs against the wall. The push method is interesting. Try to push out an imaginary table tennis ball with your vaginal muscles.

"Charging" for the brain

The most important thing is to keep a positive attitude and not be afraid of childbirth. And if you are not reassured by phrases like “Everyone gives birth, and you will give birth,” then you can do auto-training to get rid of fear. Remember that fear is a spasm and, as a result, pain. Therefore, you need to learn how to manage fear. Some psychologists advise talking more with the baby, as if setting him up for an easy birth. He is also “afraid”, so this is a collective setting.

Talk more with pregnant acquaintances not about the fear of childbirth, but about future children as you imagine them. Do things that are useful for the child - tie him something, sew a canopy on the bed - such activities will set you up for a positive birth.

Such exercises do not take much time and effort and you can perform them at home to your favorite calm music. And if you are bored, then you can invite a friend in an interesting position too

Irina Pavlenko