What is the name of a person's ability to rebuild the motor. Motor physical qualities. What is coordination

Agility - a person's ability to quickly, efficiently, expediently, i.e. most rationally, master new motor actions, successfully solve motor tasks in changing conditions. Agility - complex complex motor quality, the level of development of which is determined by many factors. The highly developed muscular sense and the so-called plasticity of cortical nervous processes are of the greatest importance. Coordination abilities form the basis of dexterity.

motor-coordination abilities- the ability to quickly, accurately, expediently, economically and resourcefully (most perfectly) solve motor problems (especially complex and unexpected ones).

1. The ability to accurately measure and regulate the spatial, temporal and dynamic parameters of movements (from "sense of space", "sense of time" and "muscle sense").

2. The ability to maintain static (posture) and dynamic balance (depend on the ability to maintain a stable position of the body, i.e. balance, which consists in the stability of the posture in static positions and its balancing during movements).

3. Ability to perform motor actions without excessive muscle tension(management of tonic tension and coordination tension).

The manifestation of coordination abilities depends on a number of factors:

A person's ability to accurately analyze movements; activities of analyzers and especially motor;

Difficulties of motor task; the level of development of other physical abilities (speed abilities, dynamic strength, flexibility, etc.);

Courage and determination;


General preparedness involved (i.e. a stock of diverse, mostly variable motor skills and abilities)

53 Homework by physical education: their features, main content, control over the implementation.

Physical education of children cannot be fully implemented only in physical education lessons. Additional motor activity of those involved in the form of doing homework in physical culture is necessary. Homework is a variant of independent activity of a student in PE (a necessary link in the subject of FC). With the help of homework, the following educational tasks are solved:

1) increasing the motor activity of children;

2) strengthening the main muscle groups;

3) formation of correct posture;

4) preparation for the implementation of educational standards and program requirements.

Available from grades 1 to 11.

1-4 cells - observance of the hygienic regime, the ability to carry out the UGG, select outdoor switchgear for the development of f. qualities, organize independent games; 5-9 cells - the influence of FU on the body systems, the components of the personal FC, the development of volitional and moral qualities, self-training motor abilities, healthy lifestyle; 10-11 cells. – FU at the place of residence, organization of independent sports training, self-control skills.

54 Technical training young athletes(goal, objectives, content, organizational forms).Technical training- a pedagogical process aimed at perfect mastery of the system of movements (technique) of a given sports discipline, and aimed at achieving high sports results. Target– teaching the athlete the basics of technique competitive activity or exercises that serve as a means of training, improving selected forms of technology. General technical training consists in expanding the fund of motor skills and abilities, in the development of motor-coordinating abilities, which contribute to technical improvement in the chosen sport. Special technical training is aimed at the formation of such skills and abilities to perform competitive actions that allow using one's capabilities in competitions with the greatest efficiency, ensure the progress of technical mastery.

Facilities: general preparatory, specially preparatory and competitive exercises.

55 Features of the use of means and methods for improving the coordination abilities of students of different age groups.

FU of increased coordination complexity and containing elements of novelty. Complexity can be increased by changing the spatial, temporal and dynamic parameters, due to external conditions, changing the order of the projectiles, their weight, height; changing the support area or increasing its mobility in balance exercises, etc.; combining motor skills; combining walking with jumping, running and catching objects; performing exercises on a signal or for a limited period of time.

General preparatory gymnastic exercises of a dynamic nature, simultaneously covering the main muscle groups (without objects and with objects, relatively simple and quite complex, performed under changed conditions, at different positions of the body or its parts, in different directions: elements of acrobatics (somersaults, various rolls, etc.), exercises in balance; outdoor and sports games, martial arts (boxing, wrestling, fencing), cross-country running, cross-country skiing, alpine skiing)).

These are exercises to develop a sense of space, time, the degree of developed muscular effort:

a) lead-up exercises that contribute to the development of new forms of movements of a particular sport;

b) developing exercises aimed directly at the development of coordination abilities, manifested in specific sports.

Exercises aimed at developing coordination abilities are effective as long as they are not performed automatically.

Methods: 1. Teaching new diverse movements with a gradual increase in their coordination complexity. Education of the ability to rebuild motor activity in a suddenly changing environment. This methodological approach is widely used in basic physical education, as well as in game types sports and martial arts.

2. Increasing the spatial, temporal and power accuracy of movements based on the improvement of motor sensations and perceptions. This methodological technique is widely used in a number of sports ( gymnastics, sports games etc.) and professionally applied physical training.

3. Overcoming irrational muscle tension (excessive muscle tension (incomplete relaxation in right moments performing exercises) causes a certain discoordination of movements, which leads to a decrease in the manifestation of strength and speed, distortion of technique and premature fatigue).

Variation exercise method with many of its varieties has a wider application. It is divided into two sub-methods - with strict and non-strict regulation of the variability of actions and conditions for execution. The first includes the following types of methodological techniques:

Strictly specified variation of individual characteristics or the entire mastered motor action (change in power parameters, for example, long jumps or jumps up from a place at full strength, to half strength; change in speed according to a preliminary task and a sudden signal of the pace of movements);

Change of initial and final positions (running from a squat position, lying support);

Changing the ways of performing an action (running forward, backwards, sideways in the direction of movement, long or deep jumps, standing with your back or sideways in the direction of the jump, etc.);

- “mirror” performance of exercises (change of push and swing legs in high and long jumps with a run, throwing sports equipment with a “non-leading” hand, etc.);

Performing mastered motor actions after impact on the vestibular apparatus (for example, exercises in balance immediately after rotations, somersaults);

Performing exercises with the exception of visual control - with special glasses or with closed eyes (for example, exercises in balance, dribbling and throwing into the ring).

Methodical methods of not strictly regulated variation are associated with the use of unusual conditions of the natural environment (running, cross-country skiing), overcoming obstacles in arbitrary ways, practicing individual and group attacking technical and tactical actions in conditions of not strictly regulated interaction of partners.

game method with additional tasks and without them, providing for the implementation of exercises either at a limited time, or under certain conditions, or with certain motor actions, etc.

Competitive Method is used only in those cases when the trainees are sufficiently physically and coordinatively prepared in the exercise proposed for the competition.

56 Planning of educational work on physical education at school; purpose, tasks, types, planning documents, the procedure for their preparation; forms of planning: thematic and lesson-based, initial planning material, use in practice.

Planning physical education - this is a preliminary development and definition for the upcoming activities of targets and tasks, content, methodology, forms of organization and methods of the educational process with a specific contingent of those involved.

forward planning- this is long-term planning (for example, in a comprehensive school for several years with the distribution of program material by year of study).

Current planning covers the stages of work (for example, in a comprehensive school - this is planning for the academic quarter).

operational planning carried out in the near future (for the upcoming lesson).

When developing any plan, it is desirable to adhere to such a sequence of basic operations.

1. Information about the contingent of those involved (about the state of health, the level of physical and sports and technical readiness, etc.) 2. The goals and objectives of the educational process.

3. Standards and requirements that must be met by those involved at the appropriate stages. 4. Sections of the curriculum and the calculation of study time for the development of the theoretical and practical content of the program, its passage. 5.Rational sequence of passage educational material(theoretical and practical) by periods, stages, individual classes, and the volume and intensity of loads are specified. 6. General organization of work on the implementation of the plan, methods and forms of classes are selected to solve the set pedagogical tasks. 7. Drawing up the plan (all its points, sections, load parameters, etc. are reviewed and agreed upon.

Planning is sequential in nature and is carried out on the basis of generalized to more detailed.

The main planning documents in physical education: curriculum, curriculum, schedule of the educational process, working (thematic) plan, class schedule, lesson plans.

Physical education curricula and programs for general education schools, secondary and higher specialized educational institutions, sports schools and other organizations are developed by state bodies (ministries, committees). Schedules of the educational process, work plans and lesson plans are developed by the teachers themselves.

Syllabus - the main (initial) document, on the basis of which all the multifaceted work on physical education is carried out in state educational institutions of all levels.

Curriculum established: a) the total duration of physical education classes in a general education school, educational institution; sports specialization in the Youth Sports School and others sports schools; b) sections (types) of the program material with an indication of the hours for their passage by year of study.

Training program is a study planning document that defines:

a) goals and general tasks of the pedagogical process;

b) the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities that should be mastered by those involved in the planned period of employment, a list of basic exercise, means that ensure the solution of the tasks;

c) credit requirements and educational standards (test indicators).

The physical education program consists of sections: 1 - physical education lessons; 2 - physical culture and recreational activities in the mode of the school day; 3 - physical culture outside school hours; 4 - mass sports and sports events. Program structure: 1 - explanatory note(the purpose and objectives of the course of physical education, the characteristics of the contingent involved, the structure of the program, methods and forms of classes, instructions for planning and accounting, etc.); 2 - educational material on theoretical and practical sections (list of main theoretical topics for study, description of all physical exercises to be mastered by years of study), test requirements and educational standards; 3) an application (a list of recommended literature, samples of plans, applications, a typical report card of sports equipment and equipment necessary to provide physical education classes, sample maps physical fitness and student development, etc.). Schedule of the educational process - an expedient sequence of passing the material of the theoretical and practical sections of the curriculum by months and weeks for one (number of hours for each section). Working (thematic) plan - a consistent presentation of the content of each lesson of the academic quarter (specific educational tasks of the lessons (general and private); theoretical information on physical education; means, methods, magnitude of loads; control exercises (tests)). The work plan fixes the methodological sequence of passing the educational material and at the same time reveals the content of each specific lesson. Timetable of classes should be as constant as possible stable and provide for approximately equal intervals of time between physical education classes. Lesson outline (classes) - a complete detailed scenario of the upcoming lesson (number of the lesson according to the work plan, main and particular tasks of the lesson, means, load parameters (number of repetitions, intensity, duration) and rest for all exercises, organizational and methodological instructions).

57 Moral-volitional training of young athletes (goal, objectives, content, organizational forms).

Moral-volitional training- a system of psychological and pedagogical influences used to form and improve athletes' personality traits, mental qualities. Creates a mental state that promotes the greatest use of physical and technical fitness, allows you to resist pre-competitive and competitive knocking factors (fear of a possible defeat, self-doubt, stiffness, overexcitation). The goal is to realize the potential capabilities of the athlete's personality, ensuring effective activity.

Tasks: - formation of motivational attitudes, - education volitional qualities, - the development of intelligence, - the achievement of mental stability to the load - the education of communicative properties of the individual, mutual respect, a sense of collectivism. General mental preparation- training in universal techniques that ensure readiness for activities in extreme conditions: ways of self-regulation of emotional states, concentration and distribution of attention, mobilization for maximum physical and volitional efforts. mental preparation for a specific competition. Means and methods of moral-volitional training:

Mobilizing - to increase mental tone (self-orders, persuasion, exciting massage); - corrective; - relaxing - reducing the level of excitation, facilitate the recovery process (successive excitation and relaxation of muscles, psychoregulation).

Selection of tasks that contribute to team building;

Organization of joint actions, mutual assistance, mutual assistance;

Encouragement of positive and condemnation of negative deeds;

Exercises related to overcoming indecision and fear.

1. Physical training is a pedagogical process aimed at improving physical qualities and achieving maximum sports results.
2. Agility - the ability of a person to quickly master new actions and rebuild motor activity in connection with the existing situation.
3. Endurance is the ability of a person to do work for a long time without reducing its effectiveness.
4. Purposefulness is a clear awareness of the goals and objectives of the athlete, an active and steady desire to improve his skills
, industriousness.
5. Perseverance - steady long-term and active achievement of the intended goal, including unexpected difficulties, a positive attitude towards the content of difficulties.
6. Volya - conscious regulation by a person of his behavior and activities in overcoming external and internal difficulties of committing purposeful actions and deeds.
7. Ability - a set of personality traits that meets the objective conditions and requirements for a particular activity and ensures its successful implementation.
8. motive is a conscious or unconscious impulse underlying the choice of sports activities, as well as the performance of training work, participation in competitions, actions.
9. motivation - a set of reasons that determine the activity and purposefulness of training and purposeful activities.
10.need is a reflection in the consciousness of need, often experienced as an internal tension and stimulating mental activity associated with goal-setting
11. Prechoregulation is a set of measures aimed at pharmaceutical preparation of an athlete in a special state, allowing him to most effectively realize his abilities.
12. auto-training is a method of self-hypnosis, which is based on repeated verbal statements and self-orders.
13. Suggestion is a method of mental influence on a person that allows a specialist to evoke certain feelings and states in an athlete.
14. mobilization is a process that causes the activation of the mental activity of an athlete, allowing you to successfully complete a motor task or successfully perform in a competition
15. overfatigue - a state of the body, which is characterized by a significant increase in the recovery time after heavy loads.
16. speed - the ability of a person to make movements in the minimum period of time for given conditions.
17. strength - the ability of a person to perform actions with a certain muscle tension (effort)
18. reflex is the body's response to stimuli from the external or internal environment, carried out with the participation of the central nervous system.
19. heteroregulation is the impact on the athlete from the side (coach, psychologist, doctor)
20. Psychic self-regulation is the impact of an athlete on himself with the help of words, appropriate mental images, ideas and imagination.

All the foundations of the level and quality of life of an adult are laid in childhood - this is no secret to anyone today. Health is no exception. What will be the health of a person in adulthood largely depends on how much attention was paid to the physical development of the child and, in particular, the general physical preparation of his body. One of the indicators of the level of physical development of the child is the level of development of physical qualities.

The physical qualities of a person are called his individual motor capabilities, such as strength, speed, endurance, agility, flexibility etc. In other words, these are those natural inclinations to movements with which all people are endowed from birth. The physical qualities of a person undergo changes in the process of growth and development of the organism. However, these changes can be enhanced through targeted exercise. Life is eloquent in its examples and tirelessly demonstrates to us that one cannot seriously dream of good health without a sufficient level of development of a whole complex of physical qualities. Therefore, in the educational program "White Lion Style" much attention is paid to this aspect of general physical training in the process of practicing martial arts.

At the heart of the improvement of the physical qualities of a person lies one of the many wonderful abilities human body. This ability is to respond to repeated physical exercise exceeding the initial level of their performance. As a result of constant overcoming of training physical loads, a number of changes occur in the human body, a certain shift towards increasing its physical capabilities.

Strength- the ability of a person to overcome external resistance or counteract external resistance due to muscle efforts.

Rapidity- the ability of a person to perform movements in a minimum short term. To develop speed will help physical exercises that are easy to coordinate, which can be performed with maximum speed.

Endurance- this is the ability of a person to withstand physical activity, to perform work of a given intensity for as long as possible. Endurance can also be described as the body's ability to resist fatigue.

Flexibility- this is the ability to perform movements, including the movements of special physical exercises, with a large amplitude.

Movement coordination is the ability to combine physical and psychological processes in a single purposeful movement. This quality is necessary for the successful conduct of the majority physical actions, including in Everyday life. Coordination of movements plays a major role in the development of dexterity.

Agility- the ability of a person to change, rebuild his motor activity, taking into account the requirements of a suddenly changing environment and circumstances.

Coordination and agility are physical qualities that can only be developed through training. And martial arts is one of the most effective methods development of coordination of movements. Practicing self-defense techniques that require high level coordination, the child gradually achieves coordination in complex movements, thereby increasing the level of development of not only special, but also general coordination of movements. In the “White Lion Style” education program, a whole range of various pedagogical tasks, including educational ones, are solved through martial arts (we will talk about this in more detail in another article).

The physical qualities of a person do not develop in isolation. Improving one of the physical qualities, we will definitely affect the rest (the so-called transfer of physical qualities). This transfer of qualities can be both positive and negative. Let's give an example: the development of strength qualities improves speed qualities, but only up to a certain limit, after stepping over which the strength qualities begin to negatively affect the speed of movements. Weightlifters cannot perform fast movements as effectively as those who, for example, practice martial arts. It follows from this that the one-sided development of physical strength at a certain stage will lead to a decrease in the indicators of speed and even endurance. That is why in order to achieve good results in physical development the child needs a versatile, properly balanced overall physical training. This principle is strictly observed in the education program "White Lion Style" in training process during martial arts. This approach provides a versatile physical development child. And it is part of the upbringing process aimed at developing a harmonious, versatile personality of the child. Properly organized versatile general physical training of the child helps to lay a solid foundation for his good health in adult years.

The main means of developing physical qualities are

One of the main tasks solved in the process of physical education is to ensure the optimal development of physical qualities inherent in a person. Physical qualities are usually called innate (genetically inherited) morphological and functional qualities, due to which the physical (materially expressed) activity of a person is possible, which is fully manifested in purposeful motor activity. The main physical qualities include, speed, and dexterity.


Rapidity- this is the ability of a person to perform motor actions in the minimum time for these conditions, without reducing the effectiveness of the technique performed by the motor action.

It is divided into 2 groups:

  • speed of a single movement (for example, running)
  • the speed of motor reactions is a process that begins with the perception of information inducing actions and ends with the onset of responses.


Agility- this is the ability of a person to solve a motor task in a short period of training, as well as to rebuild his motor actions in changing external conditions.

Divide into two groups:

  • static balance (no movement)
  • dynamic balance (with displacement)

Agility develops in unusual positions that are performed when the external conditions for the exercise change.


Strength- this is the ability of a person to overcome external and internal resistances, by means of muscle tension.


  • absolute force is the amount of maximum effort
  • relative strength is the amount of absolute strength per kilogram of body weight

force gradient- this is the ability of a person to increase efforts per unit of time (for example, pulling up for a while)


Flexibility is the ability of a person to perform movements with maximum amplitude.


  • active flexibility - increase in amplitude due to muscle tension
  • passive flexibility - the amplitude is achieved due to external tensile forces

The difference between active and passive flexibility is called "flexibility margin"


Endurance- this is the ability of a person to resist fatigue, to perform work without losing its effectiveness.

Fatigue- This is a temporary decrease in performance caused by mental or physical stress.

Fatigue phases

  • Fatigue: This is the subjective feeling of being tired.
  • compensated fatigue: in this phase, it is possible to maintain the power of work due to additional volitional efforts.
  • uncompensated fatigue: this is a decrease in the overall power of work, up to its termination.

The main means of developing endurance is exercise, a sufficiently long load.

Regarding the dynamics of changes in indicators of physical qualities, the terms "development" and "education" are used. The term "development" characterizes the natural course of changes in physical quality, and the term "education" provides for an active and purposeful influence on the growth of physical quality indicators.

In modern literature, the terms " physical qualities"and" physical (motor) abilities. However, they are not identical. In general, motor abilities can be understood as individual characteristics that determine the motor capabilities of a person.

The basis of a person's motor abilities is physical qualities, and the form of manifestation is motor skills and abilities. Motor abilities include power, speed, speed-strength, motor-coordination abilities, general and special endurance. It should be remembered that when it comes to the development of muscle strength or speed, this should be understood as the process of developing the corresponding strength or speed abilities.

Each person's motor abilities are developed in different ways. The development of abilities is based on a hierarchy of various congenital (hereditary) anatomical and physiological inclinations:

  • anatomical and morphological features of the brain and nervous system(properties of nervous processes - strength, mobility, balance, individual variants of the structure of the cerebral cortex, the degree of functional maturity of its individual zones);
  • physiological features of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems- maximum oxygen consumption, indicators of peripheral circulation;
  • biological (features of oxidation, endocrine regulation, metabolism, energetics of muscle contraction);
  • bodily (length of the body and limbs, body weight, mass of muscle and adipose tissue);
  • chromosomal (gene).

The manifestation of motor abilities is also influenced by psychodynamic inclinations (properties of psychodynamic processes, temperament, features of regulation and self-regulation of mental states).

A person's abilities are judged not only by his achievement in the process of learning or performing some kind of motor activity, but also by how quickly and easily he acquires skills and abilities.