How is the delivery of GTO. Order on approval of the procedure for awarding citizens of the Russian Federation with the TRP distinction and assigning sports categories to them. What is included in the complex

In 2014, the Government of the Russian Federation developed and adopted a number of documents aimed at recreating the TRP complex: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 540, Regulations on the TRP, Decree of the President on the TRP.

These documents define the goals, objectives, principles, content, structure and methodology for implementing the RLD complex.

The purpose of the TRP complex– increasing the life expectancy of the population through systematic physical training.

A task- mass introduction of the TRP complex, coverage of the training system for all age groups of the population.

Principles- voluntariness and accessibility of the training system for all segments of the population, medical supervision, taking into account local traditions and characteristics.

The structure of the complex includes 11 stages, for each of which types of tests and standards for their implementation are established for the right to receive a bronze, silver or gold badge in the first seven of them and without awarding a badge in the remaining four, depending on gender and age. In addition, for each stage, the necessary knowledge, skills and recommendations for the motor mode are determined.

  1. Boys and girls from 6 to 8 years old.
  2. The same from 9 to 10 years.
  3. The same from 11 to 12 years.
  4. Boys and girls from 13 to 15 years old.
  5. The same from 16 to 17 years.
  6. Men and women from 18 to 29 years old.
  7. The same from 30 to 39 years.
  8. The same from 40 to 49 years.
  9. The same from 50 to 59 years.
  10. The same from 60 to 69 years.
  11. The same is over 70 years old.

The methodology for introducing the TRP complex includes the development of regulatory documents, the implementation of an action plan developed by the Government of the Russian Federation, the creation of testing centers, the organization of testing in competitive conditions, the moral and material incentives for those who have fulfilled the TRP standards (delivery of marks, taking into account the presence of the TRP mark upon admission to an educational institution, the appointment of a higher scholarships with a gold badge).

The TRP standards cover 40 types of tests, but in each of the 11 steps, it is sufficient to complete 3-8 tests with the right to choose a test option to obtain a certain mark. For example, in order to receive a gold badge for boys aged 16-17, he needs to complete six mandatory tests, of which half have 2-4 options, and two of the five optional tests, some of which have 2-4 options. To obtain a silver badge in this category, it is enough to complete 7 tests, and a bronze badge - 6 tests. But the selected tests for awarding the appropriate sign should make it possible to assess the strength, flexibility, speed and endurance of the test person.

Recommendations for the motor regime establish a scientifically based minimum weekly period of time. necessary for the performance of each type of physical education. This approach to testing ensures maximum consideration of the individual characteristics of the tested person, climatic and ethnic characteristics of the area of ​​his residence.

The documents developed by the Government took into account half a century of experience in the development of the TRP complex in the USSR and made significant adjustments to it in accordance with modern achievements in physical culture and sports, their impact on the physical condition of a person.

The idea of ​​developing TRP standards in order to organize a mass physical culture movement, strengthening the health of the population, its preparedness for solving the problems of economic development and ensuring the country's defense capability was first published in Komsomolskaya Pravda in May 1930.

The initiative of the Komsomol members was supported by the government of the USSR and in March 1931 the first draft of the TRP complex was approved. It contained one step out of 15 standards of public physical exercises that improve health and instill useful skills in Everyday life. The popularity of the introduced complex grew exponentially.

Already in the first 1931 of the introduction of standards, 24 thousand people were awarded the TRP badge. In 1932, the second stage of standards was adopted, their number increased to 22, and 465 thousand people received TRP badges. In 1933, 835 thousand people fulfilled the TRP standards. In 1934, schoolchildren aged 14-15 were awarded TRP badges for fulfilling 16 norms for physical culture and sanitary training, BGTO badges for conducting classes and judging in sports games, the total number of those awarded with badges is 2.5 million people, and twice as many take part in the physical culture movement.

Since 1935, the TRP badges have become winners international competitions, sports societies and sections on various types sports at industrial and agricultural enterprises, in educational institutions.

In 1937, in several sports (light and weightlifting, boxing and wrestling, gymnastics, fencing and shooting, gymnastics, swimming, skating) a category system was introduced, after 2 years more than 100 thousand athletes received the first, second and third sports categories.

In 1939, a new, more progressive BGTO and GTO complex was developed with a smaller number of norms, combining mandatory norms with norms at the choice of an athlete, which contributed to the development of sports specialization. The new standards had 2 levels (“passed” and “excellent”). The GTO stage "excellent" for the norms of choice corresponded to the 3rd sports category. When moving to the next older age group, the TRP standards were retaken in accordance with the established standards for this group.

During the years of the Second World War, agility, strength, endurance, speed, skills of throwing grenades, shooting, overcoming obstacles, the ability to swim, skiing allowed millions of athletes trained by the TRP complex to as soon as possible become highly skilled warriors.

A long break in the development of TRP standards, due to the war and the elimination of post-war devastation, led to the need to improve the system physical culture in the country. Therefore, in 1972, a new TRP complex was introduced, which was aimed at the prevention of occupational diseases, the introduction of HOT, the fight against alcoholism and nicotine addiction, and the strengthening of labor discipline.

To this end, mass construction of sports infrastructure was planned, the introduction of new TRP standards into the curricula of educational institutions, a system of moral incentives for the training of TRP badges was introduced. Educational institutions, pre-war training organizations, organized and voluntary physical training groups, sports sections were involved in the implementation of the TRP complex. Passing the TRP standards for young people of draft and pre-conscription age was mandatory, for other age categories it was voluntary.

In terms of structure, the new complex included 2 stages of the BGTO (1st stage for primary school students, 2nd stage for grades 4-8), 2 stages of the TRP (1st stage for young people from grade 9 to 18 years old, 2nd stage - from 18 to 27 years old) and a voluntary all-round TRP complex for ages from 10 to 60 years old.

The BGTO and TRP standards of the 1st and 2nd stages were divided for boys and girls (boys and girls, men and women), as well as according to the requirements for awarding a gold or silver BGTO or TRP badge. For example, a boy of grades 1-3, in order to receive a gold badge of the BGTO of the 1st stage, had to run 60 m in 10 seconds, 1000 m in 4.5 minutes. and 6 times to pull up on the high bar. In addition to these 3 standards, he was required to: perform a “good” gymnastic complex for 32 counts, swim 50 m and (for snowy areas) run 1 km on skis in 7 minutes.

The TRP multi-athlon complex was divided into winter triathlon and summer all-around for boys and girls (boys and girls, men and women) of various ages. For example, winter triathlon for boys and girls aged 10-11 included ski race at a distance of 1 km, pulling up on the crossbar and shooting from air rifle.

The collapse of the USSR and the transition Russian Federation market conditions led to changes in all aspects of the country's life, incl. development of physical culture and sports. In Soviet times, in some sports, Russia successfully competed with the leaders of professional Western sports (hockey, football, figure skating, weightlifting, gymnastics, etc.). Other sports in the USSR were not cultivated at all ( professional boxing, wrestling without rules, etc.). There was no involvement in sports clubs countries of foreign stars and coaches. Unfortunately, along with the lag behind the market countries in some areas, those areas in which the USSR was significantly ahead of these countries were eliminated. The half-century history of the development of the TRP complex fell into the number of these thoughtlessly liquidated areas.

Careful and detailed development of the TRP standards, carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation in 2014 in accordance with the medical norms of the motor regimen for each age, will allow the resumption of the mass physical culture movement in the country, improve physical fitness and increase the life expectancy of the population.

Since 2014, Russia has resumed sport program, known since the days of the USSR - "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP). The purpose of the event is to stimulate and encourage athletes, maintain a healthy spirit of the nation. Across the country, many sports centers are open where you can pass the TRP.

Who is eligible to participate in the program?

Anyone who is actively involved in sports can take part in a sporting event. It does not matter where and under what conditions physical training is carried out - independently, in the gym or in the section. The delivery of standards is voluntary, not compulsory, and is available to all categories of citizens, regardless of social status, profession, age, gender.

How to apply for participation?

In order to take part in the program, you should contact the Testing Center, where they pass the TRP locals, and submit an application, which will be issued by a specialist. He will be able to answer all questions, advise on the rules and regulations of a sporting event. You must have an identity document, 2 photos (3 by 4 cm) and a medical permit to participate in the sports complex with you.

You can also apply online. To do this, you need to register on the state website by filling out a special form. You will need to provide the following information:

  • personal information (name, date of birth, gender);
  • residential address;
  • contact information (email address, mobile number);
  • documents data (passport, birth certificate);
  • sports achivments(in the presence of).

After registration, a citizen has access to a personal virtual account. There you can get acquainted with the standards of the complex, choose a sports center where the TRP is taken, and reserve a date and time for passing the tests.

What number is assigned to program participants?

Everyone who wants to pass the standards is awarded their own serial number, consisting of 11 digits. The first 2 indicate the year in which the event takes place. The next 2 digits are determined by the generally accepted code of the subject of the Russian Federation, where they pass the TRP. The remaining 7 digits are the participant's serial number.

Test types

To get a distinction, you need to choose a sport and fulfill the TRP standards. Where to pass the test, the participant of the program decides.

  1. Running for 60 or 100 meters.
  2. Run for 1, 2 or 3 km.
  3. Cross-country skiing - 1, 2, 3 or 5 km.
  4. Tilts to the ground.
  5. Throwing projectiles.
  6. Swimming.
  7. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar.
  8. Shooting from an air rifle.
  9. Long jump from a place or from a run.
  10. Kettlebell snatch.
  11. Bending the arms from the lying position.

Age of participants

Testing centers, where they pass the TRP, take part in all active citizens from 6 years of age and older. Depending on the age category, the level of standards required to receive an incentive is determined.

Where is testing done?

Passing the TRP tests is carried out at the Testing Center selected by the program participant and indicated by him during registration. To date, such institutions have been introduced in many regions of the country. The largest city in Russia is no exception. Where to pass the standards There are about 40 points in the capital where you can go to check and evaluate your physical form. Each administrative district has several institutions participating in the program.

Event participants reward system

Citizens who have received a category in the chosen sport are awarded with special badges in the centers where they pass the TRP. Depending on the result, the type of award is determined: gold, silver, bronze. is an official confirmation of physical fitness and is taken into account by the army.

Each category of citizens has its own incentive system. So, from 2016, students with a category will receive extra points to the final exam. Students are awarded an increased scholarship, and adults can count on an increase in extra days to the main vacation.

Besides sports category citizens provides themselves with increased immunity and prevention of many diseases. After all, passing standards requires regular increased physical activity, and sport, as you know, has a positive effect on the state of the whole organism as a whole.

The complex “Ready for Labor and Defense of the USSR” appeared in the 30s of the last century and played an important role in creating a system of physical education and a mass physical culture movement in the country. In 1972 the All-Union sports complex The TRP has been substantially reformed. .

All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for work and defense" (VFSK GTO)

The implementation of the TRP complex is aimed at strengthening the health, developing the personality and educating the patriotism of Russians. Tasks were set to improve the level physical fitness population and modernization of the system of physical education. The result is evaluated.

Stages of the TRP complex

TRP standards are established for eleven age groups (stages of the complex). The first five steps determine the TRP standards for schoolchildren (from 6 to 17 years old). The sixth step is the standards for women and men aged 18 to 29 years. The seventh defines the TRP standards for the age group from 30 to 39 years. The next three steps establish standards with a ten-year step in the age of those who pass. The last (eleventh) step sets the TRP standards for those over 70 years old.
Passing the TRP pass mandatory tests and tests of choice. During testing, speed capabilities, endurance, strength and coordination, as well as possession of applied skills are determined.
( , And ). The TRP badge is awarded to the badge along with the certificate.

TRP insignia

The TRP badge is stylized in the form of a five-pointed (twenty-five-pointed) star. In the central circle of the badge, an athlete running to the right is depicted in the rays of glory. Below it is the inscription in red "GTO". The circle is framed on top Treadmills stadium, below two laurel branches with ribbons in the colors of the Russian flag.
, is indicated at the bottom of the sign at the base of the branches.
The dimensions of the TRP insignia are 2.4 by 2.4 cm with a thickness of 1.2 mm. The insignia (TRP) is made of coated iron (high-quality polishing).
, and correspond to three levels of complexity of the passed standards. Successfully passing the TRP standards of the seventh level and above (men and women over 40 years old).

Passing standards (TRP testing)

Based on the results of passing the TRP standards, it is possible to assess the level of physical fitness of the population, as well as the harmonious development of the main physical qualities, skills and abilities in accordance with gender and age characteristics.

How to pass the TRP standards

To officially pass the TRP standards, you must register on the website and get a unique ID number there.
In addition, you must have a medical clearance to pass the norms. It can be obtained at the clinic at the place of residence or at the medical unit at work.
. Registration for the delivery of standards is made through the official website of the TRP. On the same site, you can track the results of the delivery online.

Where can I pass on the TRP standards

Established throughout the country TRP testing centers who organize the adoption of standards.
Territorially, the delivery of norms takes place at various sports facilities. Swimming - in the pool, shooting - in the shooting range or at the shooting range, athletic disciplines - in sports complexes, including open ones.
Everything you need sports equipment and the inventory of the dealers should be provided by the TRP Centers.
In addition, the delivery of TRP standards is carried out at physical culture and sports events and TRP festivals. For example, in Moscow during city sports holidays"Moscow Sport in Luzhniki", "Athlete's Day", "City Day in Luzhniki", "Moscow Cross Country Festival", "Moscow Ski Track".

When can I pass the TRP standards

Schoolchildren can pass the TRP standards within school year. Adults, within the same stage, - during the calendar year.
During one day, the participant has the right to pass several tests.
In case of an unsuccessful attempt, the TRP norm can be retaken. At the same time, one standard can be taken no more than three times within one year. In addition, there must be at least a two-week time break between two passes of the same test.
The applicants themselves are interested in successfully passing the TRP tests, while showing best results. When determining your schedule for passing the standards, it is important to correctly approach the issue of distributing the load on the body and take into account the undeniable influence of the phases of the growth and waning of the moon. Necessary information about what the moon will be like in the coming days.

Rewarding with TRP badges

TRP insignia are awarded to those who have successfully passed a certain number of standards for a given stage. The "price" of the TRP badge is determined by the "lower" bar. Testing Centers form information about those submitted for awarding.
The awarding of the TRP insignia takes place in a solemn atmosphere.
Twice the badge of one step is not awarded. This is especially true for adults, where a whole decade is allotted for one step. Therefore, at the age of 18 - 39, when the award is being ranked according to the “metal” of the badge, it is necessary to approach the delivery of norms in optimal sports form.

The form of the results of the delivery of the TRP

Accounting for data on the results of passing the TRP standards is carried out according to the form of federal statistical observation No. 2-GTO “Information on the implementation of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense (TRP)”. The report indicates all participants in the complex, both iconists and those who did not pass the TRP standards.

In 2014, testing of a new all-Russian physical culture and sports complex under the old Soviet name "GTO" began. This event was the beginning of the revival of the once popular social movement designed to make the inhabitants of our country healthy, active and strong.

Consider what the TRP is, how to pass the TRP standards and why an ordinary citizen needs it.

History of the TRP and general information

A physical training program called “Ready for Labor and Defense (TRP)” existed in the USSR from 1931 to 1991: at different times, the standards underwent changes, but the essence of the complex remained the same.

The program was aimed at improving the health of ordinary citizens. The long-term goal was the development of a general physical culture movement in the USSR and the strengthening of the country's defense capability. The program operated in professional and educational institutions (factories, schools, universities, technical schools and vocational schools). Anyone from 10 to 60 years old could take part. For each of the 10 groups of different ages a separate TRP complex was developed and the corresponding requirements were established.

If a person passed the standards, he was given a silver or gold TRP badge. Citizens who successfully completed the programs for several years in a row received a special “honorary TRP badge”. Also, for this, benefits were provided for admission to physical culture and sports educational institutions.

TRP today - reasons for the revival and relevance

President Vladimir Putin personally contributed to the revival of the sports and recreation movement by signing a corresponding decree in March 2014. From this time begins new story GTO standards in Russia. It was decided to leave the former abbreviation as a sign of respect for the traditions of the past.

Goals all-Russian complex GTO:

  • Improve the health of the nation;
  • To increase the number of citizens of the country systematically engaged in physical education;
  • Increase the life expectancy of Russian citizens;
  • Create a need for people to healthy lifestyle life;
  • Modernize and improve the system of physical education;
  • To give impetus to the development of mass children's, school and student sports in the country;
  • To increase the number of sports clubs and physical culture organizations.

As before, the passing of standards is confirmed by insignia. In the Soviet Union, there were 2 types of badges: gold and silver; now a 3rd option has been added to them - a bronze badge. This innovation makes sports and recreation activities within the framework of the TRP similar to Olympic Games For everyone.

Mass sports, according to the country's leadership, should become more accessible not only for young people, but also for people of all ages. To implement the program, it is planned to open non-profit sports clubs throughout the country at the place of residence, work and study of citizens. In addition, it is necessary to build sports facilities on outdoors- in particular, in the courtyards of houses. It is planned to allocate the budget money left after the Olympics in Sochi to the development of the mass recovery of the nation.

What is included in the TRP standards - tests and standards

Modern TRP standards are 11 steps for different age groups. In addition, there are TRP standards for men and women.

What tests are included in modern complexes can be judged by the TRP standards for schoolchildren, which include the following tests:

  • 60m run;
  • 2 km run;
  • Jumping from a run or from a place (in length);
  • Pulling up on the horizontal bar;
  • push-up;
  • Raising the body from a supine position;
  • Tilts forward in a standing position (you need to get your fingers to the floor);
  • Throwing projectiles for accuracy;
  • Ski cross;
  • Shooting from pneumatic or electronic weapons;
  • Swimming;
  • Hiking, including testing special skills - the ability to navigate the terrain, kindle fires.

FROM complete list regulations can be found.

Some of the tests are offered to be taken by choice. If we compare these tests with those that were part of the TRP standards in the USSR, a number of significant differences can be found. Disappeared such exercises as throwing a training grenade (such projectiles, by the way, are no longer produced for mass sports), cycling, skating, rope climbing. Leaning forward and throwing the ball for accuracy were added.

According to experts, physical education classes in modern schools and other educational institutions do not satisfy the need of a growing body for movement and activity. For the harmonious development of young people and strengthening their health, additional independent training is needed. Passing physical education standards and receiving a badge is a good incentive for a student to increase his level of fitness.

As for the TRP standards for adults, strengthening the body is no less important for them than for children and youth. According to the Ministry of Health, the number of obese people is increasing annually in the country, as well as cases of diabetes mellitus, serious heart pathologies and other diseases associated with low blood pressure. physical activity. The return of the complex can be a factor that will help change the current situation in the direction of improvement.

Where and how can I pass the standards

People practicing physical culture and sports are allowed to fulfill the standards introduced in 2015, whether in a special section or on their own. To be admitted to the tests, you must have a passport and medical certificate to pass the TRP standards. The delivery of the complex is a voluntary matter: no one will forcibly force schoolchildren or students to take tests.

Any citizen of Russia can take part in the program by registering in the system via the Internet. The statement states:

  • Full name, gender, date of birth;
  • Data of documents confirming the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation (passports or birth certificates);
  • The address;
  • Contact phone, e-mail;
  • Place of work or study (if any);
  • Sports categories and titles (if any);
  • List of selected tests;
  • Consent to the use of personal data.

You must attach two standard 3 x 4 cm photographs. After that, you can choose the test center that is convenient for you and register the date and specific time of appearance. In the capital, there are about 40 points in the administrative districts where you can pass the TRP standards to everyone.

By submitting an application, choosing the place and time of the event, you get a personal number. Admission for schoolchildren and students is carried out on the basis of the data of the last medical examination, adults need to obtain medical permission to pass the standards at the clinic at the place of residence.

Persons who fulfill the standards and master all the knowledge and skills provided for by the steps of the All-Russian TRP complex are awarded badges. TRP insignia are considered official and are counted as individual achievements admission to universities and other educational institutions. In addition, such students or pupils have the right to count on an increased state scholarship in the manner prescribed by the Ministry of Education and Science.

Schoolchildren who passed the TRP standards at school better than their peers are expected to receive additional points to the results of the Unified State Examination. Adults will be able to claim additional vacation days. But besides this, regular classes sports and staying in optimal physical form in themselves are effective way increase the body's immune status and good prevention against various diseases.

Physical education plays an important role in the life of a person and society, and therefore in Russia since 2014 there has been a TRP program (2018 standards are easy to find on the Internet).

Its tasks include the promotion of physical education and sports in the Russian Federation.

What is GTO

The abbreviation translates as "Ready for work and defense." This is a sports program on which is based physical education citizens of Russia.

For the first time this concept appeared in the Soviet Union: then the TRP was passed in general education, professional and sports institutions without exception.

Adults could participate voluntarily if they were not involved in sports sections- in the second case it was necessary.

The complex itself consisted of a series of exercises that had to be performed for a time or amount: for example, run 100 meters in a certain number of seconds, pull up or push out a set number of times. The standards differed by age and gender of participants. There were 5 levels in total, for the victory you could get a silver or gold badge.

In 2013, it was instructed to “return” such practices that are beneficial to the health of citizens and develop new norms.

His return was due to such factors. how:

  1. The need to improve the health of Russians and increase the number of people involved in sports.
  2. Extend life span.
  3. Promote a healthy lifestyle.
  4. Increase the number of sports grounds and clubs in the country.
  5. To improve the position of sports in Russia by attracting schoolchildren.

Its introduction took place in 4 stages:

  1. Development of a legal framework and study of age groups to calculate the norms for each.
  2. Approbation and introduction of the basics at different levels.
  3. Implementation of the TRP in all organizations, preparation for the participation of older athletes.
  4. Since January 2018, the implementation of the TRP in all groups.

The tests themselves are tests of speed, endurance, quickness and flexibility. They represent physical exercise to be performed on the speed or the number of repetitions. 5 exercises (running 100 meters and 3 km, long jump, pull-ups, forward bend) are required.

5 more exercises are given to choose from. These include:

  • throwing a projectile weighing 0.7 kg;
  • swimming 50 meters;
  • cross-country skiing or cross-country skiing for 5 km;
  • shooting from an air rifle or an electronic weapon;
  • hike for 15 km.

To obtain bronze, you must pass 6 tests (5 mandatory and 1 optional), for silver - 7 tests and 8 - for gold. An assessment of independent physical education and knowledge of physical culture is also carried out. You can take the exercises for a whole year, it is not necessary to do it all at once.

Take into account: Only one attempt is allowed per exercise.

TRP standards by age

In the USSR, the entire TRP complex was divided into 5 stages, and the age range between the participants was quite large.

Today, the age of the participants was divided into 11 steps:

  1. 6-8 years old or 1-2 grades.
  2. 9-10 years old or 3-4 grades.
  3. 11-12 years old or 5-6 grades.
  4. 13-15 years old or 7-9 grades.
  5. 16-17 years old or 10-11 grades.
  6. 18-29 years old.
  7. 30-39 years old.
  8. 40-49 years old.
  9. 50-59 years old.
  10. 60-69 years old.
  11. Over 70 years old.

It is worth noting: Since children and adolescents develop rapidly and a year of difference can be decisive, it was decided to break the young participants into narrower and more specific groups, which also allowed for better work out of the standards.

How to pass the TRP

Passing the TRP is a voluntary activity, all people involved in sports in the section or on their own are allowed to participate in it.

To pass, you must register on the official website

To do this, you will need to fill out a questionnaire, indicating in it:

  1. Full name, date of birth and gender;
  2. Number and series of the passport;
  3. Address, phone and other contacts;
  4. Place of work or study;
  5. If there are sports achievements or ranks;
  6. Which exercises from the data to choose from he wants to pass.

It is necessary to attach 2 photos of size 3 * 4 to the application and select the date, time and place of delivery of the TRP. In Moscow, there are about 40 centers for passing. After registration, the participant will be assigned a number. Admission to the surrender of schoolchildren and students will be carried out on the basis of the last medical examination, adults will need to obtain additional permission from doctors.

It's important to know: passing the TRP is voluntary: no one can force a student of a school or university to pass the standard.

You can see all the requirements on the official website of the TRP, there is also a table with standards for passing exercises.

Golden TRP badge

Any badge received upon successful passing of tests is not only an award badge and achievements in the field of physical culture, but also additional bonuses when applying for a job and at a university.

Also, students can count on an increased state scholarship, adults - additional vacation days.

Note: schoolchildren who have shown themselves the best at school when passing the TRP will receive additional points for the exam: for example, for "gold" you can get up to 10 extra points.

To get a gold badge, it is not necessary to complete all the exercises at the highest level: if a citizen has sports knowledge or a level of at least youthful 2, then when performing the TRP for “silver”, he will receive “gold”.

TRP or "Ready for Labor and Defense" is a complex sports events, which existed in the Soviet Union and were revived a few years ago. handing over sports standards at the right level, any citizen can claim a distinctive badge (bronze, silver or gold), as well as some additional rewards.

Watch the video, which explains the features of passing the TRP standards: