Specially running exercises in athletics. Special running exercises. Warm up in motion

Before jogging, it is necessary to stretch not only the legs - the whole body needs to be toned

Although special attention should be paid, of course, to the legs, as well as the spine, which also receives a load while running. We have compiled a special set of exercises for a full-fledged warm-up, which includes work with the main joints and muscle groups involved in the work.

  • Neck. Straighten your back, make slow, smooth rotational movements head - 15-20 times in one direction and the same in the other. This exercise will help stretch the upper spine and improve the blood supply to the brain.
  • Shoulder girdle. Standing straight, gently raise your arms through the sides up, making this movement while inhaling. At the top point, having collected as much air as possible into the lungs, linger for 1-2 seconds, and quickly lower your hands, exhaling powerfully. Repeat 20-25 times. The exercise stretches the shoulder joints and prepares the lungs for running.
  • Shoulder girdle, thoracic and lumbar spine. Stand up straight, put your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Extend your arms to the sides. Leaning forward, alternately touch the left toe with the right hand, and the right toe with the left. Try not to bend your legs at the knees. Repeat 20 times on each side.
  • Spine. Stand up straight, fold your hands in front of you as if you were sitting at a school desk. Gently turn your body to the left, as if you were called, and you turn around. Try to turn your head as far back as possible, and keep your pelvis motionless. Take your left hand back as well. Repeat the same for the right side. Perform alternately, 15-20 repetitions on each side.
  • Loin, hip joints. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, put your hands on your sides. Make rotational movements of the pelvis - 15 times to the left, 15 to the right.
  • Small of the back. Initial position the same as in the previous exercise, only rotational movements must be performed by the body, leaning forward, backward and to the sides as much as possible.
  • Knee joints. Stand straight, stretch one leg in front of you and bend at the knee. Make rotational movements with the lower leg - 15 times to the left and the same amount to the right. Repeat the same for the other leg. If you find it difficult to balance, hold on to a support with your hand.
  • Ankle joints. Make rotational movements of the feet - first 15 to the left, then to the right. Repeat the same for the other leg.
  • Hip, knee and ankle joints. Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart. Turn your toes slightly out to the sides. Squat down without lifting your heels off the ground and keeping your knees out of your toes. The number of repetitions is 20-25.

After the warm-up, do not run immediately - walk at a fast pace for 100-200 meters. At the same time, try to actively move your arms, like a skier, in order to maintain a slightly increased heart rate - this way the body will be ideally prepared for running.

Special running exercises

Let's talk about such a concept and type physical activity as special running exercises(hereinafter - SBU). Those who have ever been involved in athletics will understand what I mean.

If you are just starting to run, I advise you to read this article. The information that follows will be useful to you.

Definition and appointment of the SBU

So, special running exercises are exercises aimed at developing strength, power and coordination of all leg muscles, and first of all those that receive the main load when running.

SBUs are designed to increase the frequency of steps when running, the repulsion force of each step, the technique of performing movements.

An additional benefit of the SBU is that in intensive movements, as in running, almost all muscles are involved, while coordination of movements and the power of the whole body increase.

As a result, an athlete who, in addition to running loads, also performs SBU, will be able to run faster at the same distance as before, spending less effort.

Types of SBU

There are many variants of the SBU. I suggest that you familiarize yourself with and apply the most common in athletics clubs, and the most discussed at athletics forums on the Internet.

Types of SBU:

  • Running with high hips. Raise your hip until it is parallel to the ground.
  • Running with an overlap of the lower leg. Swallow the shin so that the heel touches the buttocks.
  • Running sideways, side step. In one segment, change the leading leg several times, turning forward with the other shoulder.
  • Multi-jump (Deer Run). Do jumps alternately with each foot with an emphasis forward. That is, running in jumps, trying each time to jump as far as possible. In this case, take out the knee of the front leg as high as possible. It's a bit like how a deer "flies".
  • Back run. At the same time, try to push off each time as much as possible.
  • Jumps. The same as multi-jumps, only the emphasis of jumps is not forward, but up. At the same time, you need to land on both legs, and push off one in turn. This will allow loading the muscles of the legs, relieve the load on the joints and spine.
  • Wheel. It's like running high hips, only harder. At the moment when you lift your hip as high as possible, throw the extended toe as far forward as possible. Get a kind of run with imaginary strikes with each leg.
  • Jumping out. Crouching, immediately jump up and forward, pushing off with both legs. When landing, immediately crouch and jump again, turning it into a continuous process throughout the distance. It is very powerful and hard exercise. Which develops the power of the legs and the whole body.

Before and after SBU

To begin with, we will discuss how to prepare for the implementation of the SBU. Since these are very active, intense movements with a high amplitude, it is necessary to thoroughly stretch and stretch the ligaments and joints of the legs. In this case, the risk of unnecessary injury will be minimized.

In the beginning, do a short jog of 1-2 kilometers to warm up well. After that, thoroughly warm up, stretch, and only after that proceed with the SBU.

Pick up a flat surface area (a lawn edge in a stadium, a dirt path in a park or field) about 50 meters. A flat surface will again exclude the possibility of injury. It is advisable not to perform SBU on asphalt. Asphalt, concrete - hard surfaces.

Most SBUs are jumping or semi-jumping movements and there will be a big load on the joints.

Perform the movements themselves slowly, making the main emphasis on the maximum range of motion. Perform each exercise in series of 3-4 times. Choose 3-4 exercises for one workout and do it, after each run, jogging to the beginning of the track. All SBUs described here at one time do not need to be performed. It will be too hard and unproductive.

Also, after completing all the SBUs, do a cool run of 1-2 km, stretch the muscles again. This will speed up the recovery and increase the effect of the implementation of the SBU.


If you are a novice athlete, then the first 3-6 months of the SBU does not make sense. At this time, you will develop basic endurance and running technique.

If you took up running just to maintain and strengthen your health, get rid of excess weight, then the SBU, in principle, is not needed. After some time, you can use them in a light form only to diversify your workouts. Just do not forget that even in this case you will get serious gains in the results.

Happy training!

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Features of the warm-up before running at different distances

The longer and more difficult the load, the better and longer it is necessary to prepare for it. For example, a warm-up before running for beginners should also be longer than for professionals who are constantly experiencing stress.

Warm up before morning run

If in the morning to maintain health and good physical form you need to jog, then to warm up before such a workout enough 5-10 minutes. It should include: warming up the joints and stretching the muscles. After that, the run begins with walking at a fast pace or running at a low speed.

Read more about morning runs →

Warm up before long distance running

The longer the load, the more time you need to spend preparing for it. Warm-up of muscles and joints should be carried out at least 10-15 minutes.

Warm up before running for weight loss

For weight loss workouts, you need to warm up. 15 to 20 minutes. The fact is that fat burning occurs after 20 minutes of training. Therefore, you should perform a dynamic warm-up, including not only articular gymnastics, but also exercises with own weight- squats, jumps, tilts and muscle stretching.

An effective set of warm-up exercises

  1. We start with a warm-up of the cervical spine. This set of exercises includes turns, tilts and rotations of the head. They need to be performed smoothly, lingering for a few seconds in extreme positions, feeling soft muscle tension. When tilting your head back, feed the occipital part forward, as if drawing it into yourself, this will protect the cervical vertebrae from injury. Perform each type of exercise in 5-7 sets on each side.
  2. Let's move on to the warm-up and shoulder girdle. Perform hand rotations first in the hands, then in the elbows, and then in shoulder joints. Do it vigorously, with maximum amplitude, while the position of the hands is arbitrary. In each direction, you need to do 8 rotations.
  3. Next, knead the chest and lumbar regions spine. We perform body rotations with the maximum possible amplitude. Hands can be placed on the belt or held arbitrarily. 5-7 repetitions in each direction. We also perform twisting of the body - 5-7 turns to the right and left with a stationary pelvis, arms extended forward.
  4. Then we move on to the leg warm-up. First, we stretch the hip joints. To do this, we perform rotation of the pelvis with the maximum possible amplitude - 5-7 times in each direction. Next up is knee stretching. We connect the feet and rotate the connected knees in both directions 5-7 times. Then we spread the feet shoulder-width apart, rotate the knees towards each other, also 5-7 rotations in each direction. After we move on to warming up the ankles, rotating the feet with maximum amplitude on the hang, or resting the toe on the floor - 8 repetitions back and forth.

We supplement joint gymnastics with exercises for dynamic stretching of the legs.

  • In a wide forward lunge, bend the knee of your front leg, swaying and feeling the stretch in your hip flexors.
  • With your feet wide apart, squat on each leg, feeling the stretch in your muscles. inner surface hips.
  • Perform downward bends, stretching the back of the thighs.
  • Grasp the back of the ankle and pull the heel towards the buttock, stretching the quadriceps.
  • Tilt your straight body forward against a wall or tree and lower your heels to the floor, stretching. calf muscles.

Perform stretching exercises 4-5 times on both sides. After this warm-up is over, you can start running.

Walking and jogging as a warm-up

You can start with a simple walk for three to five minutes. This step can be done before getting to training. We gradually increase the slow pace, moving to a fast pace.

Walking is the ideal low-intensity activity. It sets the body in motion and transfers it from standby mode to training mode. The movement of walking puts a similar strain on the muscles and joints as that of running. Walking is especially beneficial for runners who are recovering from an injury.

After walking, you can smoothly switch to light jogging, 10-15 minutes. If there is not much time to warm up, you can start with.

General and specific running exercises

In sports, in addition to the SBU, there are OBU or general special exercises which are performed by athletes for the harmonious development of all physical qualities. So, if the main distance of an athlete is a 100-meter run, then the key work will be done to improve the speed-strength qualities. But to get the maximum result, it is necessary to develop all physical qualities and for this there are OBU. Often, OBU is also used as a way to warm up and tone muscles before training.

There is a dependence in which the percentage of OBU and SBU changes towards the second with an increase in the level of the runner. Thus, SBU acts as exercises of a narrow focus, which affect the most important qualities of an athlete, which are necessary for successful performance in competitions.

Total exists three tasks, which can be solved with the help of SBU:

  1. If you stick to a low dosage of exercise, then SBU can be used as part of a warm-up to warm up those muscles that will be involved in active work during training.
  2. A selected set of special running exercises can help in correcting inaccurate movements or correcting running technique. It is worth noting that the use of SBU to correct the technique should occur at a low dosage, since the athlete must perform each approach precisely on the technique without overcoming fatigue.
  3. The task of the SBU may be the training of a specific physical quality, which is necessary for the runner to improve sports performance. For example, if we are training speed-strength qualities, then we will run 30-60 or 100 meters for 10 sets at about the maximum pace.

Usually in training session up to two tasks out of three proposed are solved. At the same time, tasks 2 and 3 are not recommended to be performed during one training session.

Warm up before a long run

If you plan to run for a long time, you will need to add a few more to the flexibility exercises. After a simple warm-up, you need to run a short distance with average speed and then move on to walking. The duration of the run should not exceed 7 minutes.

Such a warm-up will warm up every cell of the body and prepare it for a long-distance race. An indicator of a correctly performed warm-up will be a sweat. In this case, there should not be any particular fatigue. After a short run, you will need to repeat the flexibility exercises, then a few breathing exercises to completely relax and normalize breathing.

Before running with various obstacles or cross-country, you will need to add a few exercises to help stretch your joints. These include: circular rotation of the legs, feet, hips, pelvis. Such a warm-up before running will provide necessary training joints in the upcoming loads and difficult terrain conditions.

Middle distance training plan example

Middle distance running- many athletics running disciplines that combine distances that are longer than sprints, but shorter than long ones. Medium running distances include 800m, 1000m, 1500m, 2000m, 3000m, and 3000m steeplechase. Olympic distances are 800 m, 1500 m and 3000 m with obstacles.

Most fast athletes at Olympic distances throughout history:

800 m world record

David Rudisha - 1.40.91s. (08/09/2012) (record video)

Yarmila Kratokhvilova - 1.53.28s. (26.07.1983)

1500 m.,world record

Hisham El Guerrouj - 3.26.00s. (14.07.1998)

Qiu Yunxia - 3.50.46s. (11.09.1993)

3000m. with obstacles, world record

Said Shahin, world record - 7.53.63s. (03.09.2004)

Gulnara Sammitova-Galkina - 8.58.81s. (17.08.2008)

Weekly microcycle - basic stage OFP (general physical training) and SFP (developmental orientation)


Workout program

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Exercises for athletics

Warm up before running exercises

The complex preparatory process before training should consist of simple combinations. They are performed depending on the level physical training:

  1. Shoulder joints. Hands are placed on the sides. We perform head tilts to the right, to the left, alternately. After four repetitions, we move on to rotations. Slowly draw a semicircle in the air with your chin. We do hand swings. First alternately, then simultaneously, each movement up to 10 times.
  2. Tilts. Hands on the sides. Slowly tilt the body to the right, then to the left. We count one, two, three. One - tilt to the right, two - straighten up, three - tilt to the left. We perform the exercise five times at the initial level. Let's go back and forth. The technique depends on the condition of the back and lower back.
  3. Turns. Legs are wider than shoulder level. Hands on the sides. Slowly turn the body to the right, then to the left. We look over the shoulder. We perform the exercise 10 times in each direction. We change the position of the hands after five times, we squeeze the “lock” in front of us.
  4. Lunges. Step forward with your left foot, then your right. We alternate between ourselves. The body is kept straight or slightly tilted forward. The supporting leg is bent at the knee joint. We repeat the exercise 10 times. Allows you to warm up the knee joints and the thigh area.
  5. Squats. Legs shoulder width apart. We squat to the highest possible level. We perform 15 times.

The warm-up technique should consist of three stages:

  • the first - we pay attention to the neck area;
  • the second - go to the body;
  • the third - we perform the preparatory process of the lower body.

The main focus is on the third stage. In terms of duration, it takes up most of the time.

You can not start the warm-up with stretching. Many do lunges, rolling from foot to foot to warm up as much as possible.

Jumping on each leg

This exercise requires strong legs, so if you are a beginner, save it for later. Technically, there is nothing difficult. You just need to jump forward, balancing on one leg. The speed should be such that you can control your body. Try to keep a straight line. To make it easier to keep balance, help with your hands.

Typical mistakes: “sticking” the leg, enslavement of the body and swing leg (all parts of the body, except for the supporting leg, must be relaxed), body distortions.

Here it is, the technique of performing special running exercises. As you can see, there is nothing complicated. Nevertheless, doing the SBU is not so easy.

It is important to follow correct technique, breathing, straightness of movement. Why is this important? See below.

Muscle groups involved in the process of running exercises

Running is versatile exercise in the process of which, to one degree or another, all human muscle groups are involved. But the main load falls on the gluteal muscles and leg muscles:

    The main muscles involved in running

    Gluteal muscles - responsible for supporting the body in an upright position

  • Thigh muscles - located on the back of the thighs, are responsible for bending the leg at the knee joint
  • Quadriceps - located on the front of the thighs and are responsible for extension
  • Iliac muscles - belong to internal group pelvic muscles, act as a kind of stabilizers
  • Calf muscles - located on the back of the lower leg

A lot of muscle loading depends on the running style you choose. Traditional health jogging affects the buttocks, as well as the back and front of the thighs. While running on medium and long distances medium beams are involved gluteal muscles. Sprint running technique involves the main load on all the hip and calf muscles.

A set of exercises for warming up before running

  1. Neck department. Perform circular movements with your head without tilting back. Do 5-7 rotations. You can also tilt and turn your head to the sides - 5-7 times.
  2. Shoulder joints. Make circular motions with your hands back and forth 5-10 times.
  3. Elbows and brushes. Make circular movements in the elbow joints along 5-7 spins, then in the same way and wrist joints.
  4. Thoracic department. Perform rotation of the spine in the thoracic region, stabilizing the position of the lower back due to the tension of the abdominal muscles. Spread your arms to the sides and perform alternate turns without rotating the hip joint.
  5. Lumbar. Tilt the body from side to side, gently stretching the oblique muscles of the abdomen and back, keep both hands up or one at a time in the direction of the slope.
  6. Hip joint. Circular movements pelvis perform in one direction on 5-10 times, then the same to another. Also lean forward with a straight back on even knees, unbending the body, do not bend back in the lower back.
  7. Knee joints. Do rotations in the knees, holding one leg of the canopy, in one direction and the other 5-10 times. Change your leg.
  8. Ankle joint. Circular movements of the foot in both directions along 5-10 circles. Same for both legs. Do calf raises and heel rolls 5-10 lifts.
  9. Squats to warm up all the muscles. Place your feet slightly wider than your pelvis or parallel, keep your back straight. When squatting, raise your arms in front of you or above your head, do not bring your knees forward by your toes. squat 20-30 times at a moderate pace breathe evenly, without holding your breath.
  10. Jumping out. Remaining in the same position, squat while inhaling and, pushing off the floor with your feet, jump up. And so 20-30 jumps.

Muscle stretch

After warming up the muscles, you can perform stretching that increases the flexibility of the muscles and ligaments when running, reducing the possibility of injury.

  1. From a standing position, tilt the body to the hips, touching the floor with your hands if possible. No need make sharp and springy movements. Hold at one point with maximum muscle stretch for 10-15 seconds.
  2. Standing, pull the thigh of one leg, pressing to the stomach, hold the lower leg with your hands. Keep a balance within 10-15 seconds then switch legs.
  3. Standing on one leg, bring the foot of the second leg back to the buttocks, hold the foot with your hands, trying to bring the heel as close to the buttocks as possible. In this case, the knees are motionless connected.
  4. Wide lunge - half twine. Bend one leg at the knee at a right angle, the second step back with a straight knee, standing on the toe. Get into a comfortable depth of traction that feels like a stretch in your hips and buttocks. Hold 10-20 seconds then switch legs.
  5. . Take a wide step to the side, bending one knee at 90 degrees, and leave the other straight. Get as low as you can to stay in your comfort zone, without sharp pain. The main traction falls on the adductor surface of the thigh. And also 10-20 seconds, then switch sides.

Warm-up and stretching before running in video format

Body warm-up exercises

This set of exercises is necessary to warm up all muscle groups. In order to increase the effectiveness of exercises, they should be performed in a certain sequence.

Did you know? Even at the very slow pace running, you can burn 10 calories per minute. Thus, in 23 minutes you can "burn" the calories of half a bar of dark chocolate.

  • Neck stretching exercise. It consists in tilting the head in different directions. Movements should be smooth. Rotating your head is not recommended as it may cause injury. Repeat 16 times.
  • Exercise for kneading the muscles of the hands. It consists in the rotation of the hands in different directions, then rotation is performed in the elbow joints and shoulders. Repeat each type of rotation 10 times.
  • Twisting. Spread your legs, but not too wide, place your hands in front of you together. We twist the body alternately in different directions, while you need to tighten the muscles of the press. Repeat 10 times.
  • Leg rotation. Smoothly it is necessary to rotate the legs in different directions. The exercise will help develop the lower legs, thighs, pelvis and feet. Repeated 2-3 times for 10 seconds.

Human physical activity is a very important function of the body. The main types of physical activity are: swimming, nordic walking with sticks, callanetics, crossfit, dancing (zumba, "Mandala", contemporary dance), various areas of yoga, stretching, running for short or.

Warm-up exercises before running

There are two options for warming up: on the spot and on the move. Usually these options follow one after another, moreover, first there is a warm-up in motion, and after a set of general developmental exercises in place. In the case of a warm-up for running, the reverse order is possible: perform the complex on the spot, and then on the move.

A set of exercises for warming up on the spot

The usual on-site warm-up complex includes 8-12 exercises with an average number of repetitions of 6-8 times. Exercises are performed at an average pace, without jerks.

  1. Head rotation. On 1-4 accounts to the right side, 5-8 the same to the left. Repeat 6-8 times.
  2. Hands to shoulders. Perform rotations with a change of direction (4 counts forward, the same back).
  3. Jerks with hands with a turn of the torso to the right, to the left - 6 times.
  4. Circular rotation of the pelvis with a change of direction to the right, to the left 8 times on each side.
  5. Tilts alternately to the right, center and left leg. After touching the left leg, take the starting position - hands on the belt.
  6. Circular rotations hip joint 16 repetitions for each leg. The crunch during the exercise does not bring harm.
  7. Alternately pulling the thigh to the body with a grip of the knee with both hands.
  8. Deep forward lunges. Try to feel the stretch in the back of your thigh.
  9. Lunges to the side. You can perform rolls with support on your hands.
  10. Ankle rotations, 32 reps per leg.

A set of warm-up exercises

The complex contains standard exercises for the upper part and special exercises for warming up the legs.

A set of exercises for warming up in motion

Complexes in motion are otherwise called as special running exercises. Such a set is in many ways similar to the lead-up exercises that are used to learn the basics of sprinting and long distance running.

  1. Running with high hips. Try to perform as often as possible with a minimum advance distance of 15-20 meters.
  2. Wheel. It is performed similarly to the first exercise, but with the sock thrown up. It turns out a more protracted removal of the thigh. Look correct technique exercises can be found on the dedicated page.
  3. Running with shin whipping. Hands work like when running. Do it quickly and with little progress.
  4. Running with straight legs forward. Hands work, as in the second exercise. Take your leg as high as possible. Do not tilt your body back.
  5. Back run. Look over the right and left shoulder, if there are practitioners nearby.
  6. Cross step right and left side. Try not to turn the body, only the legs should be included in the work.
  7. Lunges for every step. The back is straight, the position of the hands is free (lowered, on the belt or behind the head).
  8. Multi-leap or deer run. Perform jumps with alternate repulsion with one foot.

On average, warming up before running takes about 10-15 minutes. It is worth remembering that during the warm-up, training has already begun. The load during the warm-up reaches up to 30% of the total during the workout.

What is a warm-up for?

As an example, imagine a driver who tries to accelerate the car to top speed as soon as he got it started. It is quite clear that in this case the engine will not last. long time. It needs preheating. All this, though remote, but resembles a human cardiovascular system if it is not prepared in advance for the load.

The imaginary saving of energy and time during the warm-up will lead to the fact that an unheated body will get tired faster during a workout. In addition, smooth entry will avoid stress for the nervous system.

Warming up reduces the load on the heart, allowing you to prevent a heart attack.

Unheated leg muscles and the ligamentous apparatus are at risk of sprains or injuries. A prepared body is easier to manage. This reduces the chance of injury or falling during awkward movement. Jogging after a warm-up will allow you to more effectively remove excess body fat.

The warm-up depends on the type of run and its duration. In any case, it will not take much time and will consist of the simplest movements.

What not to do

  • Stretching should end, not begin. This is due to the fact that muscles that are not preheated as a result can not only be overworked, but also torn. For an evening run, such a warm-up sequence is still acceptable, but for a morning run, at least it is highly discouraged.
  • Don't focus on stretching. Strictly speaking, for runners, significant stretching is generally not particularly necessary and ineffective (it is good for wrestlers, gymnasts, and yogis).
  • Don't eat or drink. Maximum (and only before morning run) can be a glass of warm mineral or plain purified water with lemon 15 minutes before class. But tea with toast and coffee is better to postpone for later.
  • The warm-up does not need to be delayed. Its goal is to warm up the body and stretch the muscles, and not to load the body so that the desire to run is no longer left. Experts consider the optimal duration of 7 - 10 minutes (a little more for beginners and less for professionals).

Warm up, run, and be healthy!

How to warm up

  1. Warm-up should be carried out from top to bottom. From the neck to the tips of the toes.
  2. If there are stretching exercises in the complex, they must be performed without jerks and efforts. Your task is to stretch the muscles, and not sit on the twine.
  3. If the complex contains exercises designed to pre-fatigue non-target muscle groups, you need to monitor the pulse.
  4. When working in the cardio zone for a warm-up, you do not need to exceed 3-5 minutes in this mode.

In fact, there are a huge number of exercises for conducting a proper warm-up before running. The table highlights those that will suit almost any athlete.

The exercise muscle group Importance for running
Neck rotation

Neck musclesAllows you to absorb the load, maintains blood flow to the head, reduces the likelihood of dizziness.
Body rotation

Abdominal musclesThe ability to stabilize the body, reducing the compressive load on the spine.
Hull slopes

Lumbar muscles and absAllows you to slightly stretch the spine, reduces the compression load.
Rotation in the pelvic joint

thigh musclesReduces the likelihood of seizures. kneads thigh muscles.
Rotation at the knee joint

Calf + quadricepsIncreases joint mobility, reduces the likelihood of gonarthrosis.
Minimum body stretch

Abs + thigh musclesReduce compression load while running.
Leg muscle stretching (vertical twine)

Biceps femoris + femoral muscles + calf + soleusA great way to increase muscle activity and engage the deep layers while running. Reduces speed.
Rotation at the ankle joint

Leg flexor musclesReduces the likelihood of dislocations.
jumping out

Calf + soleus + quadricepsPreliminary fatigue of the quadriceps allows you to shift the load on the calves while running.
at a moderate pace

cardiac musclePreparing the heart for the upcoming stress. Allows you to start with less g-forces and pulse jumps.

For short distances

Naturally, short-distance runners experience a lot of overload. In addition, sprinting is designed primarily to develop explosive leg strength. Therefore, the complex should include exercises for preliminary fatigue of muscle groups, and light cardio, which will reduce load fluctuations while running. But exercises that compensate for compression of the spine can be neglected.

Compilation for long distances

If you prefer cross-country runs and marathons, the body needs to be prepared even more thoroughly than for a short interval run.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the knee joints and spine. Because

during a long run, the compression load will reach its peak. Pre-fatigue and heart acceleration are not recommended, as they will hurt your performance over a long distance.

  1. When running in the morning, it is essential to do a preliminary light exercise, which will reduce the load on the heart.
  2. During winter runs, you need to pay special attention to warming up all the joints, but you can not do stretching.
  3. It is better not to use running for weight loss. The best option would be to replace the bike / exercise bike.
  4. The warm-up for beginners should be more thorough. Possibly before entering treadmill have to repeat full circle workout several times.

Varieties of warm-ups

  • ballistic. It is something like a traditional exercise, in which the body, neck and legs are alternately and briefly loaded. Of course, it is possible to warm up and warm up the muscles with its help - however, the productivity of the ballistic warm-up is not too high.
  • static. It is widely used in yoga, since the emphasis is on twisting and long-term fixation of the body in certain positions. Great for strengthening muscles and flexibility of joints, but as a warm-up before running it is ineffective.
  • Dynamic. Aimed at multiple repetitions of exercises with enough high load to all muscle groups. If you warm up in this way, the maximum warm-up and preparation of the body for running will be guaranteed. Unfortunately, this variety requires quite a lot of time and effort, and therefore it is not always used before running, and mainly by professionals.

Warm-up process

Do not forget - the main task of the warm-up is to prepare the body for subsequent loads. The time range that should be during the warm-up before running exercises is 10-15 minutes. It is this time that is necessary for a smooth transition of the body into the mode of full readiness for maximum loads.

Particular attention should be paid to proper breathing during the warm-up. There is a certain breathing algorithm that can significantly reduce the load on the circulatory system of the body.

Before starting the main part of the warm-up, it is recommended to make a small, 1.5 - 2-minute run, at an easy pace. This will allow the body to switch to the mode of perception of physical activity, in other words, to wake up. And only after that you should start warming up on the spot, with a more thorough study of individual muscle groups. The best option is when you move from top to bottom.

  • Neck muscles- warm up with smooth inclinations forward - backward, left - right. Avoid sudden movements
  • shoulder jointvarious options rotations, jerks. You can use alternate warm-up of each hand, or two hands at the same time
  • Hands and elbow joints– rotation of relaxed arms in the elbow and wrist joint
  • back muscles- with a rigid fixation of the legs, make a series of tilts forward and backward, left - right. Another option is to use various options for rotation of the body.

And now we move on to the most important thing before starting running exercises - warming up the legs. There is no secret that during running the main load will fall on the muscles of the legs, so our task is to prepare our legs as much as possible for the start of training. The first stage of the warm-up for the legs should include elements of articular gymnastics.

  • stand on one leg, the second is bent at the knee, draw a circle in front of you with a bent leg, then change the leg
  • Circular rotation in the knee joint
  • To warm up the ankle, place the leg laid aside on the toe and make circular movements.

After the elements of articular gymnastics, we move on to large muscle groups. For the hip joint, you can use a circular rotation, while paying attention to the rigid setting of the legs.

And the most attention should be paid to the knees. Use squats, the number of times should not exceed twenty to twenty-five, remember, the main task is to stretch the muscles before the main part of the lesson, and not to overload them. Jumping exercises are perfect, you can use jumping on one leg followed by a change, or jumping on two legs. When jumping, pay attention to the position of the foot, the movements should be soft, the main load should fall on the toes.

And now, after you have done a warm-up and felt that your body is ready for further stress, feel free to start running exercises.

Why do you need

Before answering the question of whether a warm-up is necessary before running, consider the effect of running on the body:

  • Increased stress on the heart
  • A proper warm-up, of course, will not save you from the negative factors of running, but it will help reduce compression on the spine. Proper stretching will increase the space between the vertebrae, which will reduce the friction factor.

    In addition, warming up the main muscle groups involved in running will avoid unnecessary injuries:

    1. Dislocations. Most often they occur due to improper placement of the foot on the ground.
    2. Stretching. May occur due to changes in the amplitude of the run. For example, during the arrival of a “second wind”, when the body finds additional strength, and it seems to you that you can run much faster.

    Well, and, of course, if you are used to running in the morning, then warming up allows you to smoothly accelerate your heart and avoid unnecessary overloads that can cause irreparable harm to your health.

    Warming up can not only protect you from injury, but also improve your results in running on short distances(or interval running), which is especially important when performing, in which there is a cardio element. .

    Features of warming up before training

    1. We perform a warm-up top down(neck, shoulders, arms, chest, back, core, legs). But this is more of a traditional principle. warm-up exercises, the order of exercises does not play a fundamental role.

    2. The warm-up should take place in dynamic but at a gentle pace. Your goal is to gently warm up and prepare for more intense exercise. You should feel warm throughout your body from the warm-up, but don't overdo it.

    3. Warm-up should begin with a slow pace and a small range of motion, gradually increasing the pace and amplitude.

    4. If you work out in the gym, then you can use a treadmill or ellipse as a cardio warm-up. Always start with slow pace, the pulse should rise gradually.

    5. Avoid long static positions, warm-up before training should include dynamic exercises. Do not confuse it with stretching after a workout, during which it is supposed to freeze in one position for 30-60 seconds to stretch the muscles.

    6. During the warm-up before training at home or in the gym, avoid sudden movements, try to do exercises smoothly. Avoid pain or discomfort in the joints (crunching in the joints maybe, it's not scary).

    7. If you are exercising in a cool room (or outdoors), then dress warmer for a faster warm-up, or increase your warm-up to 15-20 minutes.

    If you know that today you will train some part of the body especially intensively, then pay special attention to it during the warm-up. For example, on your lower body workout day, thoroughly stretch your hips and knees, and stretch your leg and glute muscles.

    Those who believe that the muscles themselves warm up during running are, of course, wrong, and as a result, they often suffer from problems with bones, muscles, and joints. In fact, a warm-up for running is necessary. If you run in the morning, you need to warm up and stretch your muscles, because after sleep they lose their elasticity, and the risk of injuring them is very high. If we talk about the evening run, then the need for a warm-up can be attributed to the fact that most of us lead an active lifestyle for a longer period of time.

    In the process of running, muscles and joints work two or even three times more actively than in the usual daily routine, hence the importance of warming up, the essence of which is as follows:

    • A gradual warm-up will help prevent accidental falls during the run.
    • The heart tends to increase its speed gradually, and if you give it a sharp load, it can react negatively to this.
    • Nervous system in the process of warming up, she will also prepare for the exercises, which will help protect her from stress.
    • Warming up minimizes the risk of muscle cramp syndrome.

    Warm-up exercises

    Stage 1: Light cardio warm up

    The warm-up should always begin with light cardio exercises to warm up the body and not pull the muscle during dynamic stretching. Cardio warm-up lasts 1-2 minutes and may include easy running or brisk walking on the spot. During the frame warm-up, your heart rate should rise and your body warm up. Each exercise for cardio warm-up is performed 30-45 seconds .

    1. Walking with knees up

    2. Walking with arms and legs apart

    3. Running in place

    Stage 2: Joint gymnastics

    Joint gymnastics, by the way, is also useful as a regular exercise. morning exercises. We repeat each exercise 10 times, as needed on the right and left sides. Do not forget to perform some rotational exercises both clockwise and counterclockwise.

    1. Rotation of the head with a crescent (do not throw the head back)

    2. Shoulder rotation

    3. Elbow rotation

    4. Hand rotation

    5. Wrist rotation

    6. Rotation of the pelvis

    7. Leg rotation

    8. Knee rotation

    9. Rotation of the foot

    Stage 3: Dynamic Muscle Stretching

    After articular gymnastics, there is a stage for dynamic stretching of different muscle groups. Exercises are performed according to 15-20 seconds .

    1. Breeding arms for the muscles of the chest and back

    2. Shoulder stretch

    3. Triceps stretch

    4. Side bends to warm up the sides

    5. Tilts to the legs to warm up the body

    6. Back and leg arch squats

    7. Squat twists for the back and shoulders

    8. Side lunges to warm up the legs

    9. Lunges to warm up the legs

    10. Rotate in a lunge to warm up the core, legs, arms and shoulders

    11. Hamstring stretch

    12. Quadriceps stretch

    Stage 4: Cardio warm-up

    On the final stage warm-up, we again return to cardio exercises to warm up even more and raise the body temperature. The speed and intensity of the exercise can be increased, the duration of the final cardio warm-up is 2-3 minutes. Each exercise is performed 40-60 seconds, see the execution speed according to your capabilities.

    1. Running in place

    2. Jump rope

    3. Jumping with the breeding of arms and legs

    4. Running with knees up

    Stage 5: Restoring breathing

    Be sure to remember to restore your breathing after doing cardio exercises by taking a deep breath in and out 0.5-1 minute. Choose one of these exercises:

    1. Restoring breathing with squats

    2. Breath recovery with tilt

    Thank you youtube channels for the gifs: FitnessType, Nicole Perry, PsycheTruth, Dayanna Marz, Deporlovers, Tuiwok Talento.

    Stage 6: Special warm-up

    If you are doing power training with a lot of weight, then also be sure to pay attention to a special warm-up. It is aimed at the maximum warming up of those muscles that will be actively involved in the training.

    As part of a special warm-up, you should perform exercises from the main complex, but without weights or with a small weight (20-30% of the maximum).

    A special warm-up should be performed immediately before the exercise or before training for a whole muscle group. Attention, a special warm-up does not replace the general warm-up before training! This is only one of the stages of the lesson, but also very important.

    Here is an example of a special warm-up. Let's say you have 80kg barbell squats scheduled. So, before this exercise, you should do a kneading set of 10-15 reps with an empty bar or with a bar weight of 20-30% of maximum weight. We emphasize once again that a special warm-up is performed after general, and not in return her.

    How to warm up before a run or cardio workout?

    How to properly warm up before a run or other cardio workout? In this case, proceed absolutely similar scheme: a small cardio warm-up for 2 minutes (running in place, light jumping rope) and then joint gymnastics + stretching. And only after that go directly to cardio training, gradually increasing the intensity.

    Many people think that it is not necessary to warm up before a cardio workout. However, this is not true. Muscles, joints, heart get a serious load during running and jumping, so it is very dangerous to exercise without a warm-up. Just walking and gradually increasing the intensity without doing warm-up exercises for the joints and muscles not enough ! Be sure to perform joint exercises and stretching before cardio training.

    Why you need to stretch

    Regular jogging is the most affordable and effective way recovery. Their main benefit is that they train the cardiovascular system, which means they help protect against heart and vascular diseases, which are the main reason for the reduction in life expectancy.

    However, each medal has a reverse side. The specificity of the running load lies in the fact that with it the joints of the legs and the spine experience impact. Running motions include lift-off and landing phases, at which point the foot strikes the ground, causing a response impulse that hits the ankles, knees, hips, and spinal joints.

    Constant impact stress can take a toll on your joints, so protecting your joints should be a top priority for all runners. The main of these measures: .

    • choosing the right running shoes
    • choosing the right treadmill surface ( the best way- soil, the worst - concrete);
    • adherence to the correct technique;
    • compulsory warm-up.

    Therefore, the question: is it necessary to warm up before running can only be asked by beginners who do not know about the features of the running load and its danger to the musculoskeletal system. For those who care about their health, the answer to this question is obvious: yes, it is necessary.

    Warm-up allows you to warm up and develop the joints, increases their mobility, accelerates the stagnant synovial fluid, provides oxygen and all the necessary substances to it. This prepares your joints for the upcoming impact and helps keep running damage to a minimum. In addition, warming up the ligaments increases their elasticity, which means it prevents sprains and dislocations, the risk of which is especially high when trail running.

    In addition to mobilizing joints and ligaments for the upcoming load, warming up has a beneficial effect on the entire body:

    • provides blood flow to the muscles, warming them up and preparing for running;
    • tones the nervous system;
    • smoothly turns the cardiovascular system into a mode of increased activity;
    • sets a measured rhythm of breathing;
    • activates metabolism;
    • increases the psychological mood for running.

    Studies show that warming up before a run can increase the return on training by 10%. After it, athletes show higher results in speed and endurance, less often complain of injuries and problems with the musculoskeletal system.

    Warm up before a light run

    Warm-up exercises largely depend on the type of upcoming run. If this is a light recreational run, the preparatory stretch should include simple exercises to develop flexibility. These include: swing movements of the upper and lower limbs, lunges, half-squats, tilts, body and head rotations.

    These simple exercises warm up the muscles well, give them more elasticity, and also help to open up a second wind while running. If you have to run long distances, these exercises will allow you not to lose the rhythm.

    Such a stretch must be carried out if you have to run with obstacles. To overcome barriers, you need to properly prepare the muscles. Otherwise, sudden movements of the legs will almost certainly lead to serious injury.

    When performing exercises, do not make sudden movements. Stretching the muscles must be done very smoothly, otherwise you can damage the muscles, joints and ligaments. To determine the optimal warm-up mode, you need to listen to your feelings: if the slightest pain occurs, you need to reduce the intensity of the stretch. Only slight tension should be felt in the muscles.

    During the warm-up, you should breathe properly. It is necessary to inhale with full breasts, evenly, and inhalation should be done through the nose, and exhalation through the mouth. You can not hold your breath and strain hard. Such a stretch will allow the muscles to be more efficiently supplied with oxygen reserves.

    Benefits of warming up before a run

    It is especially important to warm up before a morning run. Muscles after sleep are stiff, inelastic

    One awkward movement while running - and the injury is guaranteed. A proper warm-up will help develop and warm up the muscles, as well as “wake up” the body as a whole.

    Do not forget about the cardiovascular system. In the state of sleep, the number of heart beats is reduced, and during a run without a warm-up, the heart rate increases sharply. And the body is under tremendous stress! It is worth remembering that for the normal functioning of the heart, the pulse must be raised gradually!

    Also, do not neglect the evening workout. Most people who go out for a run lead sedentary image life at work or school and their muscles during the day are half asleep. And in general, the body is not ready to run.

    Warming up has a positive effect not only on the physical state of the body, but also on the emotional. The nervous system also needs training! Otherwise, training instead of pleasant sensations will bring only irritation and emotional stress.

    Other benefits of warming up include:

    • improved coordination of movements - this will help to avoid awkward falls;
    • acceleration of metabolic processes, which will contribute to active fat burning while running;
    • increase the effectiveness of training.

    Is it necessary to warm up before running?

    We have known about the need to warm up since school. At physical education lessons, we were mercilessly hammered into the head with the obligatory presence of warm-up exercises before any physical exercise, or sports game. Accepting the teacher's statements as an axiom that does not require proof, few of us thought: why do we need a warm-up? The main task assigned to the warm-up is the functional preparation of the body for subsequent loads that the body will receive in the process of training. physical education and sports. And here we are talking not only about physical preparation, but also the psychological and emotional mood. But first of all, we are faced with the task of maximally warming up those muscle groups that will be most fully involved in the main part of the lesson. This will avoid various kinds of microtraumas and achieve a holistic effect from the exercise performed.

    Warm-up rules

    A proper warm-up must necessarily include exercises for the pelvis, neck, legs and back. Stretching exercises should also be included in this complex. The warm-up should not be too short or too long. Its optimal duration is from 7 to 15 minutes at an average pace.

    Warm-up should be carried out in the following sequence:

    1. First of all, the joints of the neck of the arms, legs and pelvis are warmed up. The next step is to prepare the muscles for the load. Swings with legs and arms, squats and static exercises are performed.
    2. The second stage of preparation is stretching. It will make the ligaments and muscles more elastic, which will eliminate the possibility of their stretching. Stretching exercises can only be done if the muscles are well warmed up. Each muscle must be given at least 20 seconds. It is worth remembering that you should not stretch to the state of pain.
    3. Next, turn to aerobic exercise. Jumping or running in place will do. Dynamic exercises will prepare the cardiovascular system and saturate the blood with oxygen.

    Warming up before a short run

    • swing your arms to the sides with turns of the body;
    • swing your legs forward;
    • shallow lunges and squats;
    • several tilts forward and to the sides with arms outstretched;
    • rotation of the body with hands on the belt, simulating the torsion of the hoop;
    • neck warm-up (rotation of the head clockwise and vice versa).

    The intensity and duration of the warm-up should be increased if you are involved in steeplechase or triathlon. First of all, this applies to the muscles of the feet, calves, legs and thighs.

    No need to make sudden movements during the warm-up. More energy is spent on them, and fortifications muscle fibers does not happen - rather the opposite. In general, one should listen to own body, and at the appearance of the slightest pain, immediately reduce the activity of movements.

    It also plays a very important role correct breathing. It should be measured, but deep enough. Air is inhaled quickly through the nose and exhaled more slowly through the mouth. It is this pace and method - without excessive tension and breath holding - that ventilates the lungs as efficiently as possible and supplies the body with oxygen.


    What does warm-up give

    Warming up before running allows you to increase the temperature of muscles, ligaments and tissues, makes them more flexible and prevents possible injuries. In the process of stretching, blood begins to flow intensively to the muscles, while they are saturated with nutrients and oxygen. Due to this, the energy reserves of the body expand and it becomes capable of a longer physical activity.

    It is especially important to stretch before a morning run, because the body after sleep is in a "stiff" state.

    Other positive aspects of the warm-up are:

    • the body is psychologically adjusted to physical activity;
    • correct breathing is established for running;
    • the body becomes easier to control, which avoids falls while running;
    • the heart and blood vessels are prepared for stress, thereby reducing the risk of heart attacks or strokes;
    • the body enters an increased load mode, thereby reducing stress for the nervous system;
    • metabolism becomes more intense, which allows you to more effectively burn extra pounds;
    • the risk of sprains or joint injuries is reduced;
    • 10% increase in training efficiency.

    The duration of the stretch depends on the duration of the workout. This moment is especially important to take into account for beginners, since their body is not yet sufficiently adapted to long-term loads, so more time is spent on mobilizing internal reserves.

    Stretching after running

    It is important to perform a simple set of exercises not only before the race, but also at the end of it. Stretching after running is necessary to remove excess lactic acid from the muscles.

    Also, exercises will help the muscles relax and recover, and after a while you will feel that you have become much more flexible.

    Important! You need to stop while running gradually, slowly slowing down the pace. An abrupt stop will increase the load on the heart and it will be much more difficult to recover.

    We bring to your attention a few simple, but very effective exercises for stretching.

    1. Stretching the hamstrings. It is necessary to lie on your back and raise your straight legs up at an angle of 90 °. In this case, the hips and lower back should be pressed to the floor. The right knee is bent and pulled to the chest, and left leg should be straight. Straighten your right knee slightly and grab your shin tightly. After that, you should slightly pull your leg towards you, but do not tear your thigh off the floor. In this position, it is worth fixing for 30 seconds, and then repeat the exercise on the other leg.
    2. Calf stretch exercise. You need to face the wall. Then you should stretch your arms forward in front of you and rest your palms against the wall, while your elbows need to be slightly bent. Make sure that your feet do not come off the floor. Then you need to take a step back (or slide) with your left foot, while straightening your left leg and two arms. The more the leg is pulled back, the better the calf muscles will stretch. Lock in this position for 30 seconds.

    3. Stretching exercise for the front of the thigh. Thanks to the quadriceps, the muscles of the back of the thigh contract, and they become stronger. It is the strong and flexible quadriceps that allow us to raise our knees high during the race. To perform the exercise, you need to stand up straight, lean your hands on the back of a chair or wall. The legs are placed shoulder-width apart. The left leg is bent at the knee, it must be pulled back and taken by the foot with the left hand. It is important that the quadriceps are at the same level. Observe deep breathing and fix in this position for 30 seconds. Change your leg.
    4. Lateral thigh stretch. You need to stand with the left side of the body against the wall, lean on the wall with your right hand. The left leg should be placed crosswise behind the right, put the left hand on the thigh, relax the shoulders. Taking deep breaths, it is necessary to bend the right arm and deviate towards the wall, while the foot of the leg that is closer to the wall should stand firmly on the floor. In this position, it is worth fixing for 30 seconds and then change legs.

    Video: stretching after running

    Warm up after running at home

    Warm up after running in the park

    Did you know? According to sports statistics, the weaker sex is more actively involved in athletics: among all runners, about 56% are women.

    Run - great way not only to improve health, but also to put yourself in order. However, it is very important to do the exercises correctly and not to ignore the stretching after the end of the workout. Remember that maximum results can only be achieved with the right approach to running.

    Stretching after running

    Performing a stretching complex after running will be a good addition to your workout. If you need to warm up the body before jogging, then after the run the muscles are already in a stretched state. Warm muscles are a good factor for stretching, since during this period the fibers stretch better.

    Stretching- this is an alternating stretching and relaxation of muscle fibers. Stretching is useful for those who are planning to lose weight, because stretching after running helps to accelerate the burning of adipose tissue in the body.

    • Slowly lower your head down, up and to the sides. When reaching the maximum point, press with the opposite hand in the area above the temple until you feel the tension of the neck muscles.
    • Place your right hand on the belt, and raise the other up. Perform springy tilts to the sides. Change hand positions and repeat.
    • Bend over and grab your ankle with both hands. Slowly pull yourself up with your hands. Repeat the same, bending over to the second leg.
    • Try to do the split. You can rest your hands on a horizontal surface. Feel the stretch in your inner thigh.
    • Stand next to any surface that you can put your foot on. Reach for your leg with both hands, grab your ankle or toe and be patient a little. Change your leg.
    • The same can be done by putting your foot on a high surface and tilting down.
    • Do springy lunges. Try to take the widest possible lunge.

    Regular stretching will increase the range of motion, which will positively affect the speed of running and improve blood circulation.

    It is worth noting that stretching before running is not recommended as the risk of getting a stretch increases. Therefore, stretching is best done after a run.

    Useful warm-up video before running:

    You will be interested

    Task number 1. Create a correct idea about the technique of minced running (SB). Set up students for active and conscious study of the technique of this exercise.


    1. Communication of information, where, for what purpose it is applied special running exercise Sat.

    2. A story about the technique and the basic requirements for correct execution exercises in general.

    3. Demonstration of the exercise in full coordination by the teacher or the most prepared student in full coordination and with an emphasis on various details of the technique.

    4. Testing.

    Methodical instructions:

    a) SB is the SBU, which is used to form Fig. 2

    running techniques, running posture formation and error correction. Without proper mastery of the SS technique, it is not recommended to start training the rest of the SBU;

    b) SB contributes to the formation of a free, light and liberated

    c) SB teaches the correct positioning of the foot during repulsion, the ability to “turn on” and relax while running, and also helps to strengthen the muscles of the foot and legs (Fig. 2);

    d) after testing, give an overall assessment of the exercise. Identify 1-3 major mistakes and pay attention to the reasons for their occurrence.

    The main mistakes and how to fix them:

    - during the exercise, the knees “remain behind”, and do not “pop out” in front of him, which means that the student does not have a free and relaxed position of the foot on the ground and is not able to quickly bounce due to the active work of the foot;

    - “sluggish” foot, therefore, placing the foot on the ground will be inactive and running will turn out on “half-bent” legs or vice versa; “hard” setting of the foot on the ground due to the inability to softly work the foot, like a spring or a ball.

    Propulsion systems to be completed:

    a) performed on a high "elastic" foot;

    b) the feet are placed in one straight line, directly “under you”;

    c) the body is slightly tilted forward, up to 85 degrees;

    d) the head is held straight so that it is a continuation of the line of the body;

    e) the chin is slightly raised, the muscles of the face and neck are not tense;

    f) the shoulder girdle is relaxed, the arms are lowered down;

    g) at the moment of landing, the jogging leg is fully extended in all joints, the flywheel thigh freely rises up, but not to the horizontal;

    h) repulsion is active, energetic. Try to perform the exercise as if the path under you is "hot";

    i) learn to perform SB freely and naturally, with soft and quick feet.

    Task number 2. Learn proper posture and footwork.


    1. Starting position (I. p.) - main stance (o. s.) (straight torso, legs together, arms down).

    Shift body weight forward. The moment when you start to lose balance and will be forced to take a step forward, and will be. necessary for running and training SB (Fig. 1).

    2. I.p. - standing sideways at the support (gymnastic wall) on the front of the foot, hands at the level of the belt or chest.

    Perform quick swings on toes with a wide amplitude only due to the work of the foot.

    3. The same for “feeling” the relaxed shoulder girdle with raising and lowering the shoulders.

    When lifting on the foot - shoulders up; when lowering - shoulders down.

    4. The same with the opposite work of the feet (alternately right and left).

    Methodical instruction:

    Perform all exercises taking into account the propulsion systems of task No. 1. Fig. 3

    Task number 3. Learn proper footwork.


    1. I.p. - standing on the left side of the support, left hand at waist level, right bent leg slightly raised (Fig. 3).

    Perform an "escape" from the left due to a quick rebound from the ground.

    2. The same with the right side.

    3. In walking with a slight advance (by 0.5 feet) forward 10–15 meters due to the active work of the feet (“pantomime step”).

    When lowering onto the heel, the leg straightens at the knee joint, when lifting onto the toe, it bends freely. Perform at an average pace.

    4. The same in slow running with an emphasis on the correct movement of the legs and active lifting on the foot.

    5. "Running" down a flight of stairs to "feel" the work of the legs, when the knees "pop out" in front of you. Climb back up with quick jumps.

    Methodical instructions:

    a) when performing, make sure that the position of the torso and head corresponds to the correct running posture;

    b) in exercise No. 1, pay attention to how the leg freely “falls” down and rises up due to a quick rebound, but not to the horizontal. The supporting leg is on the front of the foot and is straightened at the knee joint;

    c) when “running” down from a flight of stairs, the foot is almost “turned off”, the leg “falls” down relaxedly. Lifting up is carried out due to the active work of the foot, when the thigh of the fly leg is brought forward and upward.

    Task number 4. Teach SB technique in full coordination.


    1. SB with a slight advance and with the transition to free running up to 20-30 meters.

    2. The same with an increase in the pace of the exercise and with the transition to acceleration and free running.

    3. The same with an increase in the frequency of steps (rhythm of movement) and with the transition to acceleration and free running.

    Task number 5. Consolidate and improve the SB technique.


    1. SB with 2-3 transitions to free running.

    2. SB with a change in the pace and rhythm of the exercise, alternating 5-10 movements quickly, 5-10 movements slowly and subsequently with the transition to free running.

    3. SB with the fastest possible footwork with the transition to acceleration and free running.

    Methodological instructions for tasks No. 4 and 5:

    a) remind the basic requirements for running posture;

    b) when performing all exercises, focus on the correct “fit”, i.e. on the position of the body while running;

    c) pay attention to the ability to relax non-working muscles when the leg “falls” down, and quickly turn them on when placing the foot on the ground;

    d) when switching to running, it is necessary to maintain the pace and rhythm of the exercise;

    e) the transition to running is carried out by increasing the amplitude of movement of the hips and releasing the lower leg with a “raking” movement “under oneself”;

    f) monitor the parallel setting of the feet on the ground without turning the socks to the sides;

    g) avoid lateral and vertical swings of the trunk and shoulders;

    h) give an orientation to “heavy” shoulders, learn to “lower” them, not sway and leave your arms relaxed.

    Task number 6. Evaluate the SB technique. Develop special physical qualities.

    Funds and guidelines:

    1. Exercises for the development of speed-strength qualities and speed. Applicable to any part of the lesson. You can organize their implementation in competitive and game forms.

    2. Coordination exercises. More acceptable at the end of the preparatory or at the beginning of the main part of the lesson, when the body is already prepared for work, but fatigue has not yet set in.

    3. Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the foot and legs. Can be used in the second half of the main part of the lesson with increasing load.


    Special running exercises

    used in physical education classes

    in grades 5-11

    5-7 grades

    1 quarter

      Minced running in place with hands on the wall and without support. The same, but moving forward, hands down and relaxed.

      Running with overflowing of the lower leg back.

      Running with high hips.

      Running with jumps in a wide step.

      Multi-jumps or jerking, arms bent at the elbows, help the exercise.

      Quick change of legs in a wide lunge position, resting your hands on the floor.

      Standing long jump.

      Running downhill 5-7 degrees.

      Acceleration up to 30m s high start(starting acceleration).

    2 quarter

      Imitation of a fast run in a hanging position on a high bar.

      Imitation of a fast run in an emphasis on the uneven bars.

      Fast vertical jumps with change of legs, facing gymnastic wall and holding the rail at shoulder level with both hands, the supporting leg is located on the second rail.

    3 quarter

      Throwing the ball up, then turning 360 degrees and catching the ball.

      Throwing the ball up. After the throw, sit down, straighten up and catch the ball.

      In pairs, standing facing each other at a distance of 3 m. Throwing the ball forward - up. After the throw, switch places and catch the ball

      Standing legs apart. 1-7 sit down slowly, 8 stand up abruptly.

      Fast basketball dribbling.

    4 quarter

      Standing still, moving with bent elbows - as when running

      Running in place combined with hand work. Perform the movement wide, without straining.

      Variable running in a column one at a time. At the signal of the teacher, the students change the direction of movement, make turns, make accelerations up to 30 m.

      Shuttle run 4 x 10m.

    8-9 grades


      Running exercises with subsequent acceleration.

      Quick change of legs in a wide lunge position, arms bent.

      Run sideways to the right. 1 - step right to the side, 2 - step behind the right, 3 - step right, 4 - step left in front of the right, etc. The same to the left. The exercise resembles the popular Lezginka dance.

      Alternate jumps on one leg up to 20 meters.

      Standing long jump.

      Start with pursuit of a partner who starts 3 m ahead.

      Acceleration from high and low start up to 40 m (starting acceleration).

    2 quarter

      Jumping out of a squat moving forward.

      Quick jumps out of the semi-squat on one, then on the other leg, holding the hand on the support.

      In the position of the rack on the shoulder blades, quick movements of the legs up and down.

      Imitation of fast running in the supine position, arms along the body, head touches the mat, heels slide on the gymnastic mat.

    3 quarter

      Throws the ball up, followed by a lying emphasis and a crouching emphasis. Rising to catch the ball.

      Throwing the ball up followed by two squats. Get up and catch the ball.

      Running from various starting positions: sitting, sitting cross-legged, sitting with your back to the direction of running, from an emphasis lying down, kneeling.

      Running backwards from the starting position.

      While running, throwing the ball forward at a distance of 3-4 meters, followed by acceleration, allowing you to catch the ball before the second bounce.

    4 quarter

      Running forward, overcoming the resistance of a partner. As resistance, you can use a rubber bandage thrown over the shoulder of the runner.

      Running on heels.

      Jumping over training barriers with a push of both legs, pulling the knees to the chest. The height of the barriers depends on the physical fitness of the students.

      Variable run with acceleration up to 30 m.

      Acceleration from low start up to 30 m.

      mobile games and game exercises with fast running.

    10-11 grades

    1st half

      Running exercises alternating jumping with mincing. Jumping with a push of both legs, pulling the knees to the chest, through training barriers, followed by acceleration. Running in a small circle, tilting the torso inward. Gradually decrease the diameter of the circle. You can also use running for a partner.

      We jump out of a deep lunge on the right (left) leg moving forward, pulling the knees to the chest and changing the position of the legs.

      The same, but the leg standing behind is held by the partner, making it difficult to move forward.

      Triple and quintuple jumps landing on soft ground.

      Running downhill 7-10 degrees.

      In the main stance, transfer the GCM of the body to the toes, without lifting the heels from the ground, and, falling forward, switch to a fast run, while maintaining the inclination of the body learned in this way.

      Acceleration from low start to 70m.

      Fast running with carrying objects and a partner (only boys).

      half a year

      Jumping with a 16 kg kettlebell in hands from a deep squat, legs on parallel gymnastic benches, kettlebell in both hands between 2 benches. The pace is medium and fast. Performed by boys only.

      Lifting a 16 kg kettlebell with the foot, holding it with the toe and holding the support with the hands (only boys).

      Acceleration up to 15 meters from the stop while crouching and after a quick somersault forward.

      While running, throwing the ball forward at a distance of 3-4 meters, followed by acceleration, allowing you to catch the ball before the second bounce.

      A game of basketball with two baskets.

      Jumps with moving forward on the right (left) leg, pulling the jog knee to the chest.

      Running forward, overcoming the resistance of a partner. As resistance, you can use a rubber bandage thrown over the runner's shoulder (lying on his chest).

      Running on heels.

      Jumping over training barriers with a push of both legs, pulling the knees to the chest. The height of the barriers depends on physical fitness students.

      Variable run with acceleration up to 30m.

      Low start acceleration up to 50 m.

      Outdoor games and game exercises with fast running.

    1. Running with high hips. The exercise is performed on the front of the foot, the thigh of the fly leg rises to an angle of 90 degrees, the torso is slightly tilted forward, the arms are bent at the elbow joints and work like when running. The exercise is performed with maximum frequency

    and with minimal progress.

    2. Running with an overlap of the lower leg. The exercise is performed on the front of the foot, the legs are bent at the knee joints, the heels touch the buttocks. The knee is directed vertically down, the hip does not work, the trunk is slightly

    tilted forward, arms bent at the elbows and work as in running and running. The exercise is performed with maximum frequency and with minimal forward movement.

    3. Jumping. The exercise is performed by rolling from heel to toe, the thigh of the fly leg rises to an angle of 90 degrees, the push leg is straight. The torso is straight, the arms perform a simultaneous diving movement from the bottom up. The exercise is performed with minimal forward movement. The movement is directed upwards and forwards.

    4. Jumping from foot to foot. The exercise is performed on the front of the foot, or on the entire foot. The thigh of the fly leg rises to an angle of 90 degrees, the push leg is straight. The torso is slightly tilted forward, the arms are bent at the elbow joints and work like when running, but with a greater amplitude. Movement is forward and upward.

    5. Cross running. The exercise is performed on the right and left side, on the front of the foot. When performed with the right side, the right leg takes a side step to the right, and the left leg performs movements in an arc in front and behind it. The torso is straight, the arms are exactly to the sides, the gaze is directed in front of you. The exercise is performed by actively twisting the pelvis.

    6. Acceleration. It is performed from a high start on the front of the foot, or on the entire foot. Due to the active work of the arms and legs. With a gradual straightening of the torso (approximately at the seventh step). It is necessary to follow a smooth, jerk-free acceleration and free running along the distance.

    systems; etc.).


    Part Organizational
    Content Dosage guidelines
    1. Construction. 1 minute Building in one line
    2. Reporting Lesson Objectives
    3. Warm-up run. 1 minute Run at a slow pace
    400 m
    (15–20 exercises)
    minutes Order of description of outdoor switchgear:
    movement begins.
    squat, etc.).
    4. End position.
    part Example
    6–8 times Lower slopes, no legs
    1. - tilt to the right leg bend, exercise
    2. - tilt forward-down perform on average
    3. - tilt to the left leg pace, feel
    4. - tilt back back muscle tension
    surface of the thigh.
    Jumping out. Exercise 2 x 40 Exercise in progress
    meters with minimal promotion
    moving forward.
    Movement directed

    Appendix 4 Conductor: Full name

    Outline of the preparatory part of the lesson on athletics

    Tasks: 1) Educational (Teaching the technique of the chosen type of athletics)

    2) Educational (Education of motor or moral and volitional qualities)

    3) Wellness (Strengthening the heart-vessel, respiratory or musculoskeletal.

    systems; etc.).

    Date: 09/09/2009 (Indicate the date of the lesson for which the outline plan was drawn up) Venue:


    Part Organizational
    Content Dosage guidelines
    1. Construction. 1 minute Building in one line
    2. Reporting Lesson Objectives
    3. Warm-up run. 1 minute Run at a slow pace
    400 m
    A set of general developmental exercises
    (15–20 exercises)
    minutes Order of description of outdoor switchgear:
    1. The starting position from which
    movement begins.
    2. Movement name (tilt, turn,
    squat, etc.).
    3. Direction of travel (right, back
    4. End position.
    part Example
    I.p. - stand legs apart, hands on the belt. 6–8 times Lower slopes, no legs
    1. - tilt to the right leg bend, exercise
    2. - tilt forward-down perform on average
    3. - tilt to the left leg pace, feel
    4. - tilt back back muscle tension
    surface of the thigh.
    Special running exercises
    Jumping out. Exercise 2 x 40 Exercise in progress
    rolls from heel to toe, thigh meters with minimal promotion
    fly leg rises to an angle of 90 moving forward.
    degrees, the push leg is straight. Tulo- Movement directed
    vische straight, hands perform at the same time up-forward.
    variable downward movement from below

    Appendix 5

    Conductor: Full name

    systems; etc.).

    Venue: Inventory:

    Part Organizational
    Content Dosage methodical
    Preparatory part 12-15 min. See Appendix 2 above.
    Main part 20–25 min. Or Methodological instructions
    Teach an element of technology quantity niya, most often
    repetitions, occurring
    or number mistakes, ways
    time. fixes.
    part Cooldown run 400 m Restore breath-
    nie, bring the organization
    Final 3–5 min. Summing up the lesson. 1 minute low to working
    Homework. 1 minute Building in one
    (practical or

    Appendix 5

    Conductor: Full name

    Athletics lesson plan Topic:……………………………………………………………………………….

    Tasks: 1) Educational (Teaching the technique of the chosen type of athletics)

    2) Educational (Education of motor or moral-volitional qualities)

    3) Wellness (Strengthening the heart-vessel, respiratory or musculoskeletal.

    systems; etc.).

    Date: 09. 09. 2009(Indicate the date of the lesson for which the outline plan was drawn up)

    Venue: Inventory:

    Part Organizational
    Content Dosage methodical
    Preparatory part 12-15 min. See Appendix 2 above.
    Main part 20–25 min. Or Methodological instructions
    Teach an element of technology quantity niya, most often
    repetitions, occurring
    any kind of athletics
    or number mistakes, ways
    time. fixes.
    part Cooldown run 400 m Restore breath-
    nie, bring the organization
    Final 3–5 min. Summing up the lesson. 1 minute low to working
    Homework. 1 minute Building in one
    (practical or
    Appendix 6
    Discipline Record Sportsman The country
    100 m 9.58 s Usain Bolt Jamaica
    200 m 19.19 s Usain Bolt Jamaica
    400 m 43.18 s Michael Johnson USA
    800 m 1:41,01 David Rudisha Kenya
    1 000 m 2:11,96 Noah Ngeni Kenya
    1 500 m 3:26,00 Hisham El Guerrouj Morocco
    1 mile (1609 m) 3:43,13 Hisham El Guerrouj Morocco
    2000 m 4:44,79 Hisham El Guerrouj Morocco
    3000 m 7:20,67 Daniel Komen Kenya
    5 000 m 12:37,35 Kenenisa Bekele Ethiopia
    10,000 m 26:17,53 Kenenisa Bekele Ethiopia
    10 km (highway) 26:44 Leonard Komon Kenya
    15 km (highway) 41:29 Felix Limo Kenya
    20,000 m 56:26,0 Haile Gebrselassie Ethiopia
    20 km (highway) 55:21 Gersenayu Tadeusz Eritrea
    half marathon 58:23 Gersenayu Tadeusz Eritrea
    hour run 21.285 km Haile Gebrselassie Ethiopia
    25,000 m 1:13:55,8 Toshihiko Seko Japan
    25 km (highway) 1:11:37 Haile Gebrselassie Ethiopia
    30,000 m 1:29:18.8 Toshihiko Seko Japan
    30 km (highway) 1:27:49 Haile Gebrselassie Ethiopia
    Marathon 2:03:59 Haile Gebrselassie Ethiopia
    100 km (highway) 6:13:33 Takahiro Sunada Japan
    3000 m hurdles 7:53,63 Saif Syed Shaheen Qatar
    110 m hurdles 12.87 s Dayron Robles Cuba
    400 m hurdles 46.78 s Kevin Young USA
    high jump 2.45 m Javier Sotomayor Cuba
    Pole vault 6.14 m Sergei Bubka Ukraine
    long jump 8.95 m Mike Powell USA
    Triple jump 18.29 m Jonathan Edwards Great Britain
    Shot put 23.12 m Randy Barnes USA
    Discus throw 74.08 m Jurgen Schult GDR
    Hammer throwing 86.74 m Yuri Sedykh the USSR
    Javelin-throwing 98.48 m Jan Zhelezny Czech
    (according to the old rules) 104.80 m Uwe Hohn GDR
    Decathlon 9026 points Roman Shebrle Czech
    Walking 20 km (highway) 1:16:43 Sergey Morozov Russia
    Walking 50 km (highway) 3:34:14 Denis Nizhegorodov Russia
    Relay 4 x 100 m 37,10 Jamaica
    Relay 4 x 400 m 2:54,29 USA
    Appendix 6
    World records in athletics for men as of 1.01.2011
    Discipline Record Sportsman The country
    100 m 9.58 s Usain Bolt Jamaica
    200 m 19.19 s Usain Bolt Jamaica
    400 m 43.18 s Michael Johnson USA
    800 m 1:41,01 David Rudisha Kenya
    1 000 m 2:11,96 Noah Ngeni Kenya
    1 500 m 3:26,00 Hisham El Guerrouj Morocco
    1 mile (1609 m) 3:43,13 Hisham El Guerrouj Morocco
    2000 m 4:44,79 Hisham El Guerrouj Morocco
    3000 m 7:20,67 Daniel Komen Kenya
    5 000 m 12:37,35 Kenenisa Bekele Ethiopia
    10,000 m 26:17,53 Kenenisa Bekele Ethiopia
    10 km (highway) 26:44 Leonard Komon Kenya
    15 km (highway) 41:29 Felix Limo Kenya
    20,000 m 56:26,0 Haile Gebrselassie Ethiopia
    20 km (highway) 55:21 Gersenayu Tadeusz Eritrea
    half marathon 58:23 Gersenayu Tadeusz Eritrea
    hour run 21.285 km Haile Gebrselassie Ethiopia
    25,000 m 1:13:55,8 Toshihiko Seko Japan
    25 km (highway) 1:11:37 Haile Gebrselassie Ethiopia
    30,000 m 1:29:18.8 Toshihiko Seko Japan
    30 km (highway) 1:27:49 Haile Gebrselassie Ethiopia
    Marathon 2:03:59 Haile Gebrselassie Ethiopia
    100 km (highway) 6:13:33 Takahiro Sunada Japan
    3000 m hurdles 7:53,63 Saif Syed Shaheen Qatar
    110 m hurdles 12.87 s Dayron Robles Cuba
    400 m hurdles 46.78 s Kevin Young USA
    high jump 2.45 m Javier Sotomayor Cuba
    Pole vault 6.14 m Sergei Bubka Ukraine
    long jump 8.95 m Mike Powell USA
    Triple jump 18.29 m Jonathan Edwards Great Britain
    Shot put 23.12 m Randy Barnes USA
    Discus throw 74.08 m Jurgen Schult GDR
    Hammer throwing 86.74 m Yuri Sedykh the USSR
    Javelin-throwing 98.48 m Jan Zhelezny Czech
    (according to the old rules) 104.80 m Uwe Hohn GDR
    Decathlon 9026 points Roman Shebrle Czech

    10.64 s (100 m), 8.11 m (long jump), 15.33 m (shot put), 2.12 m (high jump), 47.79 s (400 m), 13.92 s (110m hurdles), 47.92m (discus throw), 4.80m (pole vault), 70.16m (javelin throw), 4:21.98 (1500m)

    Walking 20 km (highway) 1:16:43 Sergey Morozov Russia
    Walking 50 km (highway) 3:34:14 Denis Nizhegorodov Russia
    Relay 4 x 100 m 37,10 Jamaica
    Relay 4 x 400 m 2:54,29 USA
    Appendix 7
    World records in athletics for women as of 1.01.2011
    Discipline Record Sportsman The country
    100 m 10.49 s Florence Griffith-Joyner USA
    200 m 21.34 s Florence Griffith-Joyner USA
    400 m 47.60 s Marita Koch GDR
    800 m 1:53,28 Yarmila Kratokhvilova Czechoslovakia
    1 000 m 2:28,98 Svetlana Masterkova Russia
    1 500 m 3:50,46 Qu Yunxia China
    1 mile (1609 m) 4:12,56 Svetlana Masterkova Russia
    2000 m 5:25,36 Sonya O'Sullivan Ireland
    3000 m 8:06,11 Wang Junxia China
    5 000 m 14:11,15 Tirunesh Dibaba Ethiopia
    10,000 m 29:31,78 Wang Junxia China
    10 km (highway) 30:21 Paula Radcliffe Great Britain
    15 km (highway) 46:29 Tirunesh Dibaba Ethiopia
    20,000 m 1:05:26,6 Tegla Lorupe Kenya
    20 km (highway) 1:02:57 Lorna Kiplagat Netherlands
    half marathon 1:06:25 Lorna Kiplagat Netherlands
    hour run 18.517 km Dirartu Tune Ethiopia
    25,000 m 1:27:05,9 Tegla Lorupe Kenya
    25 km (highway) 1:22:13 Mizuki Noguchi Japan
    30,000 m 1:45:50,0 Tegla Lorupe Kenya
    30 km (highway) 1:38:49 Mizuki Noguchi Japan
    Marathon 2:15:25 Paula Radcliffe Great Britain
    100 km (highway) 6:33:11 Tomoe Abe Japan
    3000 m hurdles 8:58,81 Gulnara Samitova- Russia
    110 m hurdles 12.21 s Yordanka Donkova Bulgaria
    400 m hurdles 52.34 s Julia Pechenkina Russia
    high jump 2.09 m Stefka Kostadinova Bulgaria
    Pole vault 5.06 m Yelena Isinbayeva Russia
    long jump 7.52 m Galina Chistyakova the USSR
    Triple jump 15.50 m Inessa Kravets Ukraine
    Shot put 22.63 m Natalia Lisovskaya the USSR
    Discus throw 76,80 Gabriele Reinsch GDR
    Hammer throwing 78.30 m Anita Wlodarczyk Poland
    Javelin-throwing 72.28 m Barbora Shpotakova Czech
    (according to the old rules) 80.00 m Petra Felke GDR
    Heptathlon 7291 points Jackie Joyner-Kersee USA
    12.69 s (100 m hurdles), 1.86 m (high jump), 15.80 m (shot put),
    22.56 s (200 m), 7.27 m (long jump), 45.66 m (javelin), 2:08.51 (800 m)
    Walking 20 km 1:25:41 Olympiad Ivanov Russia
    Relay 4 x 100 m 41,37 GDR
    Relay 4 x 400 m 3:15,17 the USSR