Freestyle wrestling: a sport for a boy. Wrestling: how is it different from other types of martial arts, how to choose a direction, and what do beginners need to know? What develops Greco Roman wrestling in children

In the cycle of poems by Valentin Berestov "The Circus Alphabet" there are such lines: "The wrestler Baburin in a stormy fight threw Bobrov on his shoulder blades." It can be assumed that they competed in Greco-Roman wrestling - a sports discipline that has such rules. That is, the one whose opponent is laid on the shoulder blades or lost on points wins. Like many other martial arts, Greco-Roman wrestling has a strict code of rules that all participants must adhere to.

In the specialized sections of our city, under the careful guidance of experienced coaches, the guys will learn the basic techniques, tactics, and techniques of Greco-Roman wrestling. This is a rather complex sport in which not only natural data is important - power, growth, strength, but also much more - in particular, the ability to quickly make accurate decisions, dexterity, unpredictability.

Additional general education program in Greco-Roman wrestling plays an important role in physical education of the younger generation, prepares brave, strong, self-confident children. The muscles of wrestlers, respiratory and the cardiovascular system develop personal and psychological qualities.

How to choose martial arts equipment

In Greco-Roman wrestling, there are quite strict rules that regulate exactly how a fighter should dress and put on shoes before a fight. Let's start from the bottom: better shoes than wrestling shoes have not yet been invented for martial arts. They should be light, made of soft leather, without laces or slippers. You can choose any socks - the main thing is that they securely fix the leg and remove moisture. Next - tights, the most noticeable part of the athlete's wardrobe. Most often it is lycra. This material can be ironed but not machine washed. Moreover, the tights are more like not pants to the waist, but a jumpsuit. The official rules also require that each athlete has a headscarf with him before the competition.

Stages of training in Greco-Roman wrestling

The educational and training process in Greco-Roman wrestling includes practical and theoretical classes. During the classes, special attention is paid to the health of the athlete, under the strict control of the coach, such characteristics as the dynamics of the body's capabilities and the technique of performing the complexes. The formation of an athlete in Greco-Roman wrestling does not happen quickly: only targeted training, taking into account the age characteristics of the child, gives nice results. In Greco-Roman wrestling, such a concept as “work experience” is important. After switching to a new study group increase training loads. Depending on the degree of preparation, children are involved in competitions. To go to new stage training in Greco-Roman wrestling, you must practice at least a year. Athletes usually pass the standards for general and special physical training, he is faced with the task of fulfilling sports category. In case of failure, the young wrestler is transferred to a sports and recreation group.

We continue a series of articles under the general title: "Where to give the child?".

Today we will talk about Greco-Roman wrestling.

Greco-Roman wrestling born in Ancient Greece. Modern look was formed in France in the early 19th century.

Greco-Roman wrestling is a type of martial arts in which the athlete needs to unbalance the opponent with the help of special techniques and press the shoulder blades to the carpet. It has been included in the program of the Olympic Games since 1896.

Greco-Roman wrestling is very useful for a child. It develops in him strength, dexterity, endurance, respect for people and ingenuity.

The benefits of Greco-Roman wrestling for a child

In order to overcome an opponent and make a throw, the athlete must have enough strength for this, therefore power training required in this sport.

But, in addition, in order to overcome an opponent, you must be able to get out of a difficult situation yourself, so the guys constantly hone the flexibility of the body, and each of them, even at a younger age, can make a wheel or “flask”, and not every adult can do this.

Workout lasts for a long time, and in order to withstand the entire load set by the coach, the athlete must have a certain margin of endurance. Of course, each student is given a load according to his abilities. But over time, these abilities increase, and the volume of training increases.

As in any other martial arts, deep respect for the opponent is brought up here. And even at an age when it seems that the child has nothing in his head but mischief and games, greeting and shaking hands is an integral part of any duel.

And finally, ingenuity. Greco-Roman wrestling has a huge number of different techniques. And to understand which of them to use at one time or another of the fight is possible only when the athlete has developed logic and thinking. The same applies to moments when it is necessary to get away from the opponent's throw. Therefore, Greco-Roman wrestling is very smart look martial arts, in which not only physics wins, but also skill.

I am 26. I am physically poorly prepared, I have never been engaged in such martial arts before. Once, I tried to do this type of martial arts ( hand-to-hand combat). I came to the section, without talking for a long time (because there was no time for talking - there were a lot of people), they put me in sparring with ...

a fairly experienced partner who mistook me for a pear and "swept" me on full program. That was the end of the coaching. I realized that it was more of a coaching club for the improvement of already trained athletes. I had to start from the basics. Therefore, on the recommendation of experienced people, I turned to Marshall with a request to take up my training in martial arts. Here, I met a complete understanding of how to build classes with beginners like me. The main attention was paid to the issue of technique and techniques used in martial arts. Most importantly, he took into account my peculiarity - poor physical fitness and other individual characteristics, patiently explaining and correcting my mistakes. From the very first lessons, I learned a lot about the technique of defense and striking. This gave me confidence in my abilities and I believed in myself, which was not there before. For all this I am very grateful to him and consider him a very good, thoughtful coach, able to teach martial arts to any beginner (even one like - I'm a "nerd" :-))

Grade 5+

Andrew, m. Dynamo, Maryina Roshcha, Timiryazevskaya

Order services: Hand-to-hand combat.


My impressions of working with a trainer are extremely positive. I have been training with him at the Moscow Kodokan martial arts center for more than a month and I am satisfied with almost everything. Roman Viktorovich is extremely pedantic when it comes to setting up techniques and devotes a lot of time to beginners, working through all aspects to ...

the smallest details. He starts from the very basics and does not let you go to the next "stage" until you complete everything. basic exercises perfectly. On the one hand, such an approach may seem overly pedantic and even bring down the arrogance of an ambitious beginner, but you quickly realize that this is how you can understand the fundamentals of the martial arts being studied, and not just learn how to fight well. Pleases also small size group, which, in fact, allows the coach to give everyone enough attention. Of the shortcomings, I can only note the specifics of the hall, originally intended for karate, and not boxing. There is only one punching bag, and you have to practice barefoot on the tatami. However, the lack of pears is successfully compensated by the abundance of pair work and exercise, and tatami is easy to get used to.

Grade 5-

Novel, m. Chistye Prudy

Order services: Boxing.


I could only dream of such a coach as Mikhail Yurievich Veltishchev! !!Professional with a capital letter, with whom it is interesting to work and just communicate. For me, this coach is a great authority, with which I intend to continue to train with pleasure myself and bring my friends, ...

who want to practice martial arts. I would also very much like to see Mikhail as part of my teaching staff, since I am sure that most of my students will be drawn to him for training. I recommend it to both clients and heads of educational institutions who want to open martial arts sections in their educational institution.

Grade 5+

Wrestling is a type of martial arts in which two unarmed athletes use certain techniques.

Related materials:

Wrestling is a type of martial arts in which two unarmed athletes use certain techniques.

How is wrestling different from other martial arts?

Unlike other types of martial arts, wrestling does not use striking techniques. Wrestling usually happens in a stance (literally - in a standing position) and has in its arsenal various throws, hooks and sweeps; as well as in the stalls, i.e. kneeling or lying down, which uses painful techniques or, as in judo, suffocating.

There are national types of wrestling, and these include:

  • sumo (Japan);
  • kokh (Armenia);
  • kurash (Tatarstan);
  • gyurezh (Azeybarjan);
  • beh (Monogolia);
  • and others.

To international species relate:

  • freestyle wrestling;
  • Greco-Roman wrestling;
  • judo.

These three types are presented on.

International wrestling also includes such types of wrestling as:

  • Russian (representing a mixture of different national types) sambo;
  • brazilian jiu-jitsu;
  • grappling, which appeared in the UAE;
  • and others.

All these types of martial arts are united by the absence of shock equipment. The differences between themselves are precisely in the arsenal of throwing techniques, the presence or absence of painful and / or suffocating techniques, in refereeing, as well as in the form of clothing.

For example, in Greco-Roman and freestyle wrestling, participants wrestle in leotards, so they do not have a technique that uses throws with a grab for clothes in their arsenal. In sambo or judo, on the contrary, most of the throws are done using jacket or kimono grips, as in judo.

How useful is wrestling?

A person engaged in wrestling, as a rule, pursues many goals.

Target - sports achivments, we will omit victories in the Olympics, because this is the destiny of precisely those athletes for whom wrestling is the main occupation.

Wrestling, for those who devote themselves to sports to a lesser extent, is useful in many ways: both in terms of improving the figure, and in terms of strengthening and improving the body.

The fight is great way lose weight, keep fit and have a relief figure. Wrestling is an aerobic-anaerobic exercise. That is, on the one hand, endurance, the work of the lungs and the heart are trained, and, as a result, overweight are reset, and on the other hand, the load on the muscles significantly strengthens them and improves the relief.

Unlike simple “pulling irons” in the gym, wrestling provides an arsenal of tricks that can be useful to any man, and, indeed, a woman, in order to be able to fend for themselves on the street.

Wrestling helps to significantly improve coordination of movements.

There are a number of prejudices that, they say, wrestling is purely sport's event, and wrestlers on the street can not do anything, because they are used to wrestling in the hall, where there are a lot of strict rules and restrictions. Well, we can say that these rules are in any kind of martial arts. And the effectiveness of the use of certain techniques does not depend on the type of struggle, but on the ability to apply them.

Is it possible to start wrestling at a mature age?

Unlike rhythmic gymnastics, where one of the necessary conditions is the young age of a novice athlete (if the goal is to achieve significant achievements, of course), you can start wrestling at any age. Although, m It is possible to start doing gymnastics at the age of 40, the matter is as a result. In wrestling, results can be achieved regardless of age. There is even a mass of competitions for veterans where grandfathers compete, some of which are over 80 years old.

However, it must be borne in mind that, after all, wrestling involves a fight in which there are falls and it often hurts. Falls can be tough and you have to be prepared for that. But no coach will let you fight until you learn how to fall. The fall is where any kind of struggle begins. And this is useful not only for a fight. Wrestlers are known to fall on the street on a slippery road, on ski run etc. they almost never get injured, because their falls are worked out to automatism. Watch the video tutorial on falls at the end of the article.

Therefore, in addition to the arsenal of tricks, physical activity, the ability to coordinate your body, feel it in space, and always be on the alert is added to the plus of wrestling.

Wrestling technique

Each type of wrestling has its own technique, which comes from the form of clothing (you can take on a jacket or not), shoes (barefoot in judo, and wrestlers in sambo). But the main thing that unites is different kinds grips, based on the type of wrestling, throws, painful holds - on the arms or legs, as well as chokeholds (chokeholds are prohibited in sambo, but are allowed in judo).

Also, the technical arsenal also depends on refereeing, since many types of wrestling can intersect with each other, the differences are created precisely by refereeing, penalties and evaluations of the performed technique.

Greco-Roman wrestling

or classic wrestling is a fight in tights and hard wrestling, the purpose of which is to unbalance the opponent and put him on the shoulder blades. Unlike sambo or judo, throws are difficult because they go without the use of clothing.


is a fight in kimano, on a tatami (hard carpet), when two barefoot opponents compete with each other. Unlike Greco-Roman wrestling, you can win in judo by different methods - both by a clean throw (specially evaluated), and by a painful hold or suffocation. Unlike sambo, it does not allow leg locks.


It is a fight in shorts, a jacket and the so-called special wrestling shoes with soft soles, called sambovkas on a soft carpet. Judo and sambo overlap a lot. Sometimes you can meet the same faces at competitions in these types.

Freestyle wrestling

This wrestling is somewhat similar to Greco-Roman, but the difference is that it allows leg grabs, sweeps and other active actions using the legs.

Watch the video about wrestling techniques at the bottom of the page.

Stages of basic training

Having started wrestling, the first thing you will need to learn how to do is the ability to fall. Sometimes it takes up to a month for a person to learn how to fall correctly, only after that you can start full-fledged practice of throws.

Almost every workout consists of a warm-up, during which you need to warm up your body so that there are no injuries later.

At the next stage, the development of techniques begins, depending on the type of struggle chosen. Practicing throws, sweeps, rollovers, etc. In the case of judo, it can also be the so-called "uchikomi" - an imitation of approaches to the enemy.

Painful and suffocating techniques, grips are also practiced. And it is only at the last stage of training that you actually struggle and try to apply the skills gained as a result of working off.

At the end of each workout, a mandatory hitch to "calm" the body.

By itself, training gives the body a sufficient load. Gradually, the body gets used to receiving it, the execution of techniques becomes easier, the movements become faster. To improve results, you can gradually increase your load through regular exercises: daily exercises, yoga, strength and aerobic training (running, cycling, swimming, and even a triathlon that combines the three sports listed above). About additional sports and physical activities recommend reading:

Wrestling for kids

Choice of direction and section

In Moscow, there are a lot of sections for wrestling of all kinds. Both free and paid. There are a lot of SDUSHORs, in which a variety of wrestling becomes a priority. It is important to note that wrestling in Russia is the strongest sport, and is put on a very "professional footing".

There are many schools known even abroad. For example, "Sambo 70" in Teply Stan, "Judo" in Shabolovka, etc.

In some sections, children can be given 3 years of age. But there were also cases when, for example, teenagers who started training at the age of 16-17 reached the highest levels. international competitions. But it's always better to start early.

The Benefits of Wrestling for Boys and Girls

If it is not so much the achievement of a child’s achievement in the professional and sports sense that is important to you, but his physical and mental development, all the same it is better to give to serious sections. For boys, this is very helpful. And especially useful for aggressive children. It is a mistake to think that children who go to wrestling are more aggressive. Quite the opposite - they “blow off steam” in training, learn to control themselves, because victory in wrestling is not just a victory for the strongest, it is a tactical victory that must be approached with a good mind.

In the case of girls, if you are not determined for your daughter to become an international level wrestler, you should give her away later, when her figure is more or less formed. Otherwise, it should be expected that the girl's figure will be formed in accordance with the loads received, and is far from femininity.

Trainer for you and your child

When choosing a coach, be guided by the choice of location, but also by the level of his training. Always ask his level - who is he, master of sports, master of sports international class? Has he won any competitions? If so, which ones? But even with all this, one must also take into account that there are excellent masters of wrestling, but they may not be able to teach this, they cannot explain the basics.

When choosing a coach, you need to ask a lot of questions. This is important because in this way you check the qualifications of the instructor.

A few simple tips:

  1. Trial lessons. Many fitness clubs and sections spend either days open doors or offer trial free classes or lessons at a reduced price.
  2. Communication. Ask about the impressions of those who are already working with the trainer you like (this, by the way, also applies to choosing a section for a child). Interview three or four people.
  3. Internet. Take some time, look for reviews about the instructor.

We talked about choosing an instructor in the article “ ».

Therefore, always communicate with him first. The conversation also becomes clear. Also, if possible, go to the forums of a particular organization where you are going to engage in wrestling, and try to find feedback from living people. In the locker rooms at the section, ask people who train if they are satisfied with the coach. More often than not, you will get honest answers.

We wrote in detail about choosing a coach for a child in the article "".

In sports, proper and healthy nutrition plays an important role. After all, you need energy to fully train. About principles proper nutrition for sports activities and healthy way life we ​​wrote in articles" , " ", " ", " ", " ", " " and " ".

Go in for sports, it's a great hobby! And wrestling is one of the most democratic sports, which is very useful for developing the body and maintaining health.

Freestyle wrestling teaches not to give up in difficult moments, brings up discipline and helps to find friends. Classes in most sections are free. How to start - tells the children's trainer.

Freestyle wrestling - combat sport, in which opponents try to put each other on the shoulder blades (on the carcass), using various captures, throws and flips, trips and sweeps. Striking in wrestling is prohibited, as well as techniques that can lead to bone fractures.

In our country, this type of martial arts, which is considered to be the birthplace of the English county of Lankshire, has taken root very successfully. On the Olympic Games and World Championships, Russia is the undisputed leader in freestyle wrestling in the team event. Russian athletes, traditionally, are considered one of the main favorites and regularly win gold medals. This speaks of the high skill of our fighters, unbending willpower and, of course, a good coaching school.

Many people imagine wrestlers as gloomy, reserved and laconic people. Smiling and charming freestyle wrestling coach primary school State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow "School No. 1450 "Olympus", candidate for Master of Sports Evgeny Gusarov on a personal example, he convinced us that this is absolutely not the case, and told us how freestyle wrestling would be useful for a child.

Eugene, at what age can children start freestyle wrestling?

From 4-5 years old, a child can already be accustomed to freestyle wrestling. You can give to competitions at 9-10 years old, if the child is ready. Forcing and breaking the psyche is not worth it.

How to determine if a child is suitable for freestyle wrestling?

I believe that freestyle wrestling is suitable for everyone, and any child can achieve certain results in this sport. Each physique has its own advantages. Further, of course, you need to focus on what the coach will say, he can better explain what potential your child has.

It is worth giving the child just a try and see if he likes it. You can bring him to the competition, look at his reaction.

What can kids learn in training besides physical strength and wrestling skills?

First of all, wrestling builds willpower. Here you should never give up and give up, you should not even allow yourself such thoughts.

Secondly, it is discipline. When I first started training, all training sessions began with the phrase “Equal!”, And the coach greeted us with the phrase “Hello, young wrestlers!”.

In addition, wrestling helps develop reaction speed, as well as ingenuity, because you have to constantly look for a way to get close to your opponent in order to make a move on him.

What is freestyle wrestling good for, how it can still be useful to a child in life, is the friendly relations that reign in the team of wrestlers, the child will feel support from partners in the section and will find new close friends and buddies. All wrestlers, regardless of the type of wrestling, go in a company. Boxers and “drummers” go one at a time - they are loners, because they push away from themselves, and wrestlers are always friendly and in company, because they attract to themselves. The wrestlers are very friendly. On the mat they are rivals, and off the mat they are friends. Even after defeat, there is no resentment.

When I was in school, we swore an oath that we would use our skills wisely, only for the purpose of self-defense and the protection of the weak. Nowadays, the title of master and candidate master of sports in any street skirmish gives a big head start.

There are many types of wrestling. What is the uniqueness of freestyle?

I personally consider freestyle wrestling to be the foundation of the basics, because freestyle wrestling techniques are present in all types of wrestling. They are universal, there is no additional equipment, such as a kimono, for which you can grab onto. One learns to simply use only one's body and work through direct contact with the opponent's body in all techniques. If you have already done sick wrestling, then it will be very easy for you to understand and learn any other types of wrestling.

A huge plus of freestyle wrestling is that this sport develops all the muscles at once. The muscles of the back and forearm can be especially distinguished. In addition, peripheral vision is developing well.

In my opinion, freestyle wrestling is the most humane type of wrestling, which is why I liked it. I don't like violent sports, I'm a kind person and I don't like violence. Freestyle wrestling is masculine appearance sports, and at the same time very humane - neither suffocating nor painful techniques are used here, which increase the likelihood of injury. In this case, it is allowed to use the legs to perform grabs. In Greco-Roman wrestling, for example, this is not the case.

How to choose the best section for a child and how much do classes cost?

I know about 30 sections for children in Moscow, most of them are free and are located at state institutions. Information about them can be found on the Moskomsport website. There are also paid ones - about 3,000 rubles a month, maybe 6,000-8,000 rubles, but this is not a guarantee that the section will be good. In my opinion, best sections in freestyle wrestling are under the SDYUSH and SDYUSHOR, schools Olympic reserve, that is, these are schools where children study and train. This format will be very convenient for parents, there is no need to pick up the child from school and take it to sports section- here it is combined, two in one. For a child, this is also good, because he gets mental relief in the middle of the school day during training.

How to determine a good trainer in a given section or not?

Come to training and watch him - if he likes children. You can see how he will deal with difficult situations when children do not understand something, they are lazy or there are some disagreements between them. If the children are spoiled, it means that the coach does not cope with discipline. The coach must be friendly, moderately strict, but discipline must be on highest level. Children under 8 years old must be presented in game form Therefore, it is difficult to talk about strict discipline here.

How many children now go to freestyle wrestling?

In my opinion, there is now a decline in interest in freestyle wrestling among children, and there are two reasons for this: firstly, parents simply have lost the habit or are not yet used to the fact that they can get a quality service for free; secondly, children now spend most of their time at computers and various gadgets, and not in sports sections.

When I was studying, in the late 90s and early 2000s, my coach had 20 children involved, and now two coaches at my school are barely recruiting 10 people.

It turns out that there are free places, but children do not go there. Sometimes parents just don't know what they have near the house. sport school.

Parents often choose the sports section that is geographically closer to home. Now fights without rules are popular. I would say that even for fights without rules, wrestling equipment would be more useful as a base.

What equipment do you need to get started?

To just try, if you are not yet sure that this is your child's choice - you just need shorts, a T-shirt and socks, you can wear Czech shoes.

If the child shows a desire to engage, then you can buy wrestling shoes, they cost about 1500-3000 rubles. However, again, if the parents are not sure that the child will continue to go to the section, then you can first limit yourself to Czechs for 300-500 rubles.

How often do classes take place for children?

In young children (from 3 to 10 years old) - at least 3 times a week for 1 hour - 1 hour 15 minutes. For children under 6 years of age, training often takes place in a playful way.

Older children (from 10 to 15 years old) train 5 times a week for 1.5 hours. From 10-11 years old are allowed to compete. At serious competitions, such as the Moscow Championship, for example, you can officially compete from the age of 14-15.

Professionals have two workouts a day, 6 times a week.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of wrestling compared to other martial arts based on striking technique?

Wrestlers are very good at close range. In addition, they perfectly hold the blow - not every boxer can do that. It is related to good physical training: wrestlers strongly pump the muscles of the neck, which will allow them to take a hit. One famous athlete correctly noted that all wrestlers know how to fight, but not every boxer knows how to fight. If the wrestler is in his element, then he will do everything to immobilize the opponent and inflict a couple of blows on him.

Wrestling is harder to learn than striking technique. It takes about 3 years to move properly and learn how to wrestle well. Impact equipment can be delivered in six months.

Therefore, wrestling skills are very useful to instill in childhood.

The training of wrestlers and "drummers" is very different in the type of load. Boxing training is more of an aerobic workout, wrestling is more of a strength and endurance workout.

If a wrestler comes to a boxer's training, it will be hard for him there, and vice versa.

Do injuries happen often?

I will not hide - yes. It is a well-known fact that wrestlers' professional injury is broken ears. It is also common for wrestlers to injure their knees and elbows. But children are less prone to injury because their ligaments are more elastic and their muscles are softer. There is also less risk of injury, because coaches spare children when they get microtrauma and do not force them to train and plow like they force adults in similar situations.

Do professional athletes make money by wrestling?

Yes. I myself at the age of 15 already began to receive money, because I was listed as an instructor athlete at my school. For all the time that I competed, I won a lot of equipment and electronics, but not much money. Basically, money is given for 1 place.

How did you get into wrestling?

I was a pretty big kid when I was a kid. At the age of 9 I came to karate and did it for half a year. I had overweight and some moments didn’t work out for me, so my parents and I decided that I would no longer do karate.

In the 3rd grade, I learned about freestyle wrestling from a classmate and enrolled in the Olimp school. In the early years, it was not sweet, I was a “whipping boy”, because I was superior to my peers in weight and strength, and I was taken to the older groups, where the guys were already older and stronger than me.

When I was in the 8th grade, at competitions in Moscow, I steadily began to enter the top three winners in my weight, but I could not win. At 15, he was injured - a compression fracture of the spine, it took a long time to recover. One day, the deputy director for sports came up to me and said: “Zhen, we have a sports school, but you don’t train with us,” hinting that they don’t need me. I was taken aback, because there were guys in my class who practically didn’t train at all, they just skipped training. But I assured him that I would start training soon. I collected my thoughts and began to train hard, and two months later I won the Moscow championship for the first time, and a month later I went to the all-Russian competitions for my age and, to my surprise and great joy, I won them! It was my triumph: in three months I went from an inconspicuous boy, having got to the Russian championship, and became a champion. Some said I was lucky. I had to prove it by deed, and more than once. As a result, I won the championship of Russia 3 times: 2 times in freestyle wrestling and 1 time in belt wrestling (the national type of wrestling among the Tatars). I then fulfilled the norm for the master of sports in freestyle wrestling, but the coach did not submit the documents on time and I never received the title. And the shelf life of the results is six months. Now my plans include anew to fulfill the norm in order to still restore historical justice (smiles).