Alina Kabaeva marital status. Kabaeva Alina: child, husband, biography. Maxim Buznikin in a T-shirt with a portrait of Alina Kabaeva

Alina Kabaeva was born in a very sports family: her father played football professionally, first with the famous "Pakhtakor", and later in the Pavlodar "Tractor", with which he won the title of champion of Kazakhstan in 1993.

Mother Alina was not a titled athlete, but she also played basketball since childhood and even played for some time as part of the Uzbek national team.

In childhood and youth

It is not surprising that sports from a very young age were part of Alina's life. Already at 3.5 years old, her mother brought her to the studio rhythmic gymnastics. At first, Alina did not like it there too much - she was more attracted to gymnastics.

But the girl was not accepted into this section as unpromising - she was never thin, and the gymnastics coach immediately rejected her.

But Alina's mother dreamed of seeing the girl as a famous figure skater. But the figure skating school in sunny Uzbekistan was rather weak, so the choice fell on gymnastics. At first, the girl remained in rhythmic gymnastics only because she liked the beautiful music and bright costumes in which the gymnasts performed.

Alina also liked the first coaches, who taught her perseverance, hard work, and most importantly, made her believe in herself and her own abilities.

Moving to the capital

When the girl was 12 years old, she had already achieved good sports results, and her parents decide to help her in further advancement. Mom arranges a viewing with the leading Moscow coach, three-time champion of Uzbekistan in rhythmic gymnastics Irina Viner.

Despite the strong excitement, the girl was able to demonstrate excellent opportunities, and Irina leaves her among her students. However, Alina is given a strict condition: to immediately lose a few more kilograms in order to be able to compete in prestigious competitions.

Having gathered all her will into a fist, Alina fulfilled the requirements of the new coach, and after a year of intense many hours of training, she finally gets into the Russian team in 1996. Speaking already at serious competitions, Alina is gaining sports experience, which she lacked so much for a confident victory.

And two years later he gets his first gold medal at the European Championship. Subsequently, she will receive this award four more times.

For the first time, Alina managed to win the world championship in 1999 at competitions in Osaka. This championship was a real triumph for the athlete. She received individual gold in three disciplines and also became a champion with the team. But the real dream of the young athlete was, of course, the Olympic podium, and only its top step.

Olympic gold

The first Olympics for Kabaeva were the competitions held in Sydney in 2004. Despite the fact that many predicted her victory, Kabaeva's performance was not very successful. She managed to conquer the Olympic podium, but the athlete got only the third, its lower step and a bronze medal.

It is difficult to say whether the excitement had an effect or the lack of sports experience again played a cruel joke, but Alina herself and her many fans were disappointed.

And only a talented coach and psychologist Irina Viner supported the athlete during this difficult period. It was she who made Alina believe in herself again and treat defeat as an incentive to work on herself even more. And Kabaeva went to the next Olympics fully armed. She confidently won the all-around and finally fulfilled her old dream and became an Olympic champion.

From sports to politics

Once in the field of view of the highest officials of the country and under the scrutiny of the public, Kabaeva becomes a public person. Back in the winter of 2001, she was elected one of the leaders of the United Russia party and regularly participates in meetings of its Supreme Council. And in 2005 she was elected a member of the Public Chamber of Russia.

There, her duties included participating in charitable programs and taking care of the competent insurance of athletes.

In 2007, Kabaeva was elected to the State Duma, where she actively promotes laws that protect children and youth. She is still taking part in sports competitions and even again wins championship titles at the World and European Championships. However, combine social activities And active classes sports are becoming more and more difficult, and Alina decides to leave the sport and not compete at the next Olympics in Beijing.


As an Olympic champion, Alina becomes a regular participant in numerous social events and parties of the high level. She tries her hand as a TV presenter, creating her own own program about the lives of prominent people "Steps to Success".

Famous performers write songs about her, and she takes an active part in the filming of their videos about herself with pleasure.

She also poses for the most famous glossy magazines. Kabaeva's portfolio even includes candid photographs for the country's main men's magazine, Maxim. She has been repeatedly recognized as one of the most sexy women Russia and has many admirers and admirers.

The Olympic champion is a frequent guest at public events, where she invariably delights everyone with her beautiful appearance. In 2017, Kabaeva appeared in the Rossiya concert hall, where a rhythmic gymnastics festival was taking place at that time. It was organized by the Kabaeva Charitable Foundation, in honor of the champion, the festival was named Alina.

The event was attended by hundreds of children - talented athletes who managed to achieve significant success in rhythmic gymnastics. They prepared choreographic numbers. Each girl performed in an original hand-sewn costume. The theme of the event was fairy tales. The festival was also attended by dance and musical groups, eminent theater and film actors, pop stars.

On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the gymnast, documentary"Alina Kabaeva. History of great victories. The premiere took place on the MIR TV channel.

Personal life and husband of Alina Kabaeva

From the very beginning, Kabaeva's personal life was overgrown with rumors and gossip. Before her first Olympics, she was completely focused on sports, and only in 2002 did she have her first serious relationship with the captain of the Moscow police, David Museliani, who held a serious post. For some time there were even rumors about their upcoming wedding, which Alina did not try to refute.

Alina Kabaeva (Eng. Alina Kabaeva) and Vladimir Putin. Only a person who is not at all interested in social life has not heard anything about the relationship between the absolute world champion in rhythmic gymnastics and the president of Russia. For a long time, this couple is credited with a love affair, common children, and even a secret wedding.

  • Real name: Alina Maratovna Kabaeva
  • Alina Kabaeva date of birth: 05/12/1983
  • Zodiac sign: Taurus
  • Height: 166 centimeters
  • Weight: 50 kilograms
  • Waist and hips: 59 and 96.5 centimeters
  • Shoe size: 39 (EUR)
  • Color of eyes and hair: Gray-blue, dark blond.

One cold December evening, a whole cavalcade of armored vehicles drove up to a small cafe in the center of Moscow. A crowd of onlookers gathered to get a glimpse of such an important person who, in order to simply buy a cup of coffee at Coffeemania on Kudrinskaya Square, requires the presence of a whole platoon of guards, in bulletproof vests and armed with automatic weapons.

When the car door opened, their curiosity was satisfied. People saw a beautiful young woman, whose face is well known to all Russians, it was Alina Kabaeva. The personal life of this wonderful woman has recently been of interest to the whole country no less than her sports achivments or political career. So who is she: an athlete, a politician, or, first of all, Putin's mistress?


Alina Kabaeva was born in Tashkent, the capital of the Uzbek SSR. The nationality of her father is Tatar, her mother is Russian. The religion of the parents was just as different, but the influence of the Christian mother turned out to be more significant than that of the Muslim father: Alina became an Orthodox Christian.

She was born into a family of professional athletes, which obviously determined future biography Alina Kabaeva. Her father, Marat Vazykhovich Kabaev, was a professional football player. He was well known in Tashkent, and the gymnast Alina Kabaeva for fellow countrymen for a long time was simply “the daughter of Marat Kabaev”. After all, Marat Vazykhovich was a celebrity in Tashkent. From 1980 to 1986 he played in the Tashkent team "Pakhtakor", and later was a player in the Kazakh team "Tractor" from Pavlodar, and in this capacity he won the title of champion of Kazakhstan. Alina's mother, Lyubov Mikhailovna Kabaeva, was a basketball player, played in the national team. A girl growing up in such an environment inevitably had to come into contact with sports in her childhood, and this happened.

Rhythmic gymnastics

Already at the age of 3, the little girl was sent to study in the rhythmic gymnastics section, although initially her parents planned to make her a figure skater. But since skating was far from being a priority sport in the southern republic of the former Soviet Union, the fate of Alina Kabaeva as a gymnast was predetermined, however, rhythmic gymnastics only benefited from this. The first coach of the young gymnast was Angelina Malkina. She also studied under the guidance of Lyudmila Nikitina. The mentors not only taught her the basics of rhythmic gymnastics, but also helped shape the character traits necessary for sports success: diligence, perseverance, self-confidence. It is difficult to say how old Alina Kabaeva was when she first realized herself as a future professional athlete, but the girl fell in love with rhythmic gymnastics very quickly. She especially liked the numbers with maces and ribbon. This subsequently remained Alina Maratovna's favorite exercise, which she demonstrated with great success at competitions.

Watching the success of her daughter, the mother wanted her to study under the guidance of the best coaches in the country, and for this she decided to sacrifice her own sports career.

When the girl turned 12, her family moved to Moscow and this gave a new start to her sports career, as Alina Kabaeva fell into the hands of the world-famous coach, Irina Viner, who immediately drew attention to the outstanding talent of the young gymnast. But not everything was so smooth in the childhood of the athlete Alina Kabaeva at the beginning of her path to success. She had to fight overweight and sometimes throughout the day to drink only mineral water and, as she herself recalls, denying herself almost everything. But thanks to the reasonable approach of the coach and her own perseverance, Alina Kabaeva overcame all difficulties: the height and weight of the athlete came into line. At the same time, grueling workouts lead gymnast Alina Kabaeva to her first successes.

In 1996, she made her debut on the international arena, and already in 1998 in Portugal, Alina Kabaeva became the European champion. In the future, the titles for the athlete pour in like from a cornucopia: 1999 - another won European and World Championships in Osaka, Japan, where she becomes a gold medalist in two events and an absolute champion, for the first time in her career. In 2000, she won the European title in Zaragoza and repeated her success in Granada in 2002. In general, Spain brings only positive emotions to the gymnast champion Alina Kabaeva, since it was in Madrid in 2001 that she won the next world championship in the overall standings.

The Olympics in Sydney, Australia, were not so successful at all, where Alina Kabaeva went in the status of an undeniable favorite, but according to the results of the competition she won only a bronze medal, losing to her teammates. The reason was a gross mistake made by the athlete in the exercise when she dropped the hoop.

But, perhaps, Alina Kabaeva, a gymnast, can consider 2001 the most unfortunate for herself, when she was convicted of using a prohibited drug - furosemide, thus, the athlete was deprived of the title of this year's world champion, as well as all the titles of the Goodwill Games in Brisbane, Australia.

Troubles in no way broke the athlete and, in spite of everything, Alina Kabaeva continued her triumphal march in the field of sports achievements, winning several world and European titles in turn: 2003 - the absolute world champion; 2004 - European Championship. In the same happy year for her in 2004, she won gold in the overall standings at the Athens Olympics. Agree, the sports biography of Alina Kabaeva is simply fantastic!

In autumn 2004, Alina Kabaeva announces the completion of her sports career, but the many fans of the gymnast will be happy to know that this statement was premature. At that time, the already eminent gymnast takes part in some competitions and even wins silver in the overall standings of the 2006 European Championship. And only at the end of 2007 Alina Kabaeva talented gymnast finally leaves the big sport, getting into the Guinness Book of Records for his incredible achievements in this beautiful and graceful form of competition.

After sports

The professional age of an athlete is short-lived, and Alina Kabaeva understood this very well. The age at which she completed her sports career was not so critical: 25 years old. One of the reasons for leaving big-time sports was the consequences of a knee injury. But, obviously, the statement that a talented person is talented in everything is fully applicable to Alina Kabaeva. The former athlete works as a TV presenter and even acts in films, playing one of the roles in the film of Japanese filmmakers. She has been repeatedly nominated beautiful women Russia. It can be seen that, unlike many of his colleagues, former famous athletes, Alina Kabaeva does not disappear from the front pages of newspapers, her photographs appear in glosses, in a very piquant form, she is also a frequent guest at various social events.

Personal life

It is absolutely natural that a star of such magnitude and just a beauty becomes the object of secret desires of many men. In 2002, there were reports in the press about the athlete's romance with David Museliani. This police captain was older than Alina Maratovna by almost a decade and a half. This did not interfere with their relationship, which she did not even try to hide. For the sake of Kabaeva, Museliani even left his family, but the wedding never took place: in 2006 he had a new lover, actress Anna Gorshkova, and this put an end to his relationship with Kabaeva.

But the athlete did not remain alone for long. Her beauty attracted the attention of Russian businessmen and those in power. It was at this time, as evil tongues say, that Vladimir Putin drew attention to her. Since then, the personal life of Alina Kabaeva begins to acquire various rumors and speculation.

In 2008, Alina Kabaeva receives an award for sporting achievements from the hands of Putin, and soon after this event, sensational news appears in the Moscow Correspondent publication about the alleged wedding of Putin and Kabaeva. Adding fuel to the fire, Ramzan Kadyrov, the Chechen leader, congratulated Putin's ex-wife Lyudmila on her birthday, calling her "first wife."

But the "first" implies that there must be a "second". This aroused even greater interest in the personal life of Alina Kabaeva. She, as well as Vladimir Putin, denied everything, but the sensation has already spread through the media around the world. By the way, the newspaper that reported the news was soon closed.

A few years later, Vladimir Putin announced the official divorce from his wife. Few doubted that the reason for what happened, obviously, was his secret relationship with Alina Kabaeva.

For the first time, that Alina Kabaeva has children from Russian President, distributed the print edition of The New York Post in 2009, which reported that the girl had given birth to a son and, according to the newspaper, the president took the newly-made mother from the hospital and placed her in his Sochi residence. It is not surprising that none of Russian press failed to obtain any evidence of this, because it was not for nothing that Putin worked in the KGB.

The children of Alina Kabaeva become a constant topic of the world yellow press, after her son, she allegedly gave birth to a girl. And in the spring of 2015, when Putin did not appear in public for some time, journalists suggested that the birth of Alina Kabaeva's third common child was the reason for the strange disappearance of the President of Russia. But, as always, everything is denied and remains under a veil of mystery. In general, Alina Kabaeva and the children of this talented athlete will haunt journalists for a long time to come.


Although the biography of Alina Kabaeva, the personal life of the athlete and her relationship with Vladimir Vladimirovich excite the general public, her political activities are no less interesting. She began her political career even before leaving big-time sports: in 2001, 18-year-old Alina Maratovna joined the Supreme Council of United Russia. According to the party list in 2007, our heroine becomes a member of the Russian Parliament, State Duma. It is not known how useful Alina Kabaeva was to the country as a deputy of the parliamentary faction of the pro-presidential party, but she clearly added aesthetic pleasure to the members of the Duma. Male deputies happily shared a common space with a beautiful sportswoman, whose photographs in underwear appeared from time to time on the pages of men's magazines.


There are not many people who have received their first state award at such a young age as Alina Kabaeva. She received the Order of Friendship in 2001, the athlete was only 18 years old. In subsequent years, there were other awards that Alina Kabaeva deserved. The biography of the athlete contains such facts as the presentation of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree in 2005 and the Certificate of Honor of the President of the Russian Federation in 2013.

Alina Kabaeva today

Having completed her sports career and becoming a very successful politician, the gymnast is active in other areas. And this is not surprising, given how old Alina Kabaeva is now. At 35, she continues, as in the period of her sports career, to attract attention to her person. The true essence of the relationship between Putin and Alina Kabaeva still remains a mystery: whether he will officially become her husband or not, no one knows for sure.

Photo: Vasily Smirnov /

Alina Maratovna does not like to advertise her personal life, and a lot of speculation arises around her. In May 2019, the news was actively discussed: the gymnast gave birth to twins, but the official representatives of the champion, who were approached by journalists, answered briefly: “We do not comment on rumors.”

At the end of 2019, rumors began to circulate on the Internet: the former athlete is expecting a baby again! There were photographs in which changes in the figure are clearly visible under loose dresses. It is unlikely that Kabaeva just got fat: although she left the big sport, regular training continues. Usually Alina Maratovna in such cases immediately came out with a refutation and threatened the spreaders of rumors with a court. Now she did not do so, hastening to leave for Italy. This can be considered an indirect confirmation of her pregnancy.

But regardless of the various gossip that appears in the press from time to time, Alina Kabaeva will forever remain in history as an outstanding athlete and just a strong woman.

Alina Kabaeva is one of the most successful women in Russia, famous not only within her native country. The girl's fast-paced sports career, political activities and many other talents that she possesses Olympic champion, glorified her all over the world and conquered many men's hearts. The biography of Alina Kabaeva from childhood was rich and interesting. The rumors that go around the personality of the girl are sometimes ridiculous, but still make her fans and fans tremble.

Alina's family: father and mother of Alina Kabaeva

Perhaps the fact that the girl built such a successful sports career was predetermined since childhood. The future Olympic champion was born in a very athletic family. Marat Vazykhovich - the father of Alina Kabaeva, whose biography was also very rich - by the time the first daughter was born, he was already a professional football player and played for the Pakhtakor team.

He was born on May 27, 1961 in Uzun in Uzbekistan, which at that time was part of the Soviet Union. Marat Vazykh's father, Alina's grandfather, for some time was the chairman of the Republican Federation of the Uzbek SSR for national wrestling kuresh. Marat himself was fond of football and basketball since childhood. By the age of 15, he was already playing and training in society " Labor reserves” in Moscow, and by 1979 he began to play for the Termez Avtomobilist. By 1980, the father of the future Olympic champion moved to Pakhtakor to the position of an attacking midfielder.

In 1981, the footballer played for the USSR youth team on international tournament in French Toulon, and in 1983 participated in the games for the USSR Olympic team. In the same year, on May 12, their first daughter was born with their wife Lyubov Mikhailovna. But with the birth of the first child, the man's sports career did not end. In 1986, Alina Kabaeva's father played for the first league club SKA in Rostov-on-Don, and a year later he returned to Pakhtakor, where he became top scorer commands.

In 1986, Alina Kabaeva's father played for the first league club SKA in Rostov-on-Don, and a year later he returned to Pakhtakor, where he became the team's top scorer. In the same years, the second daughter was born to the spouses, the younger sister of Alina Kabaeva - Leysan.

The man's playing career ended only in 1998 due to two sports injuries, but since 2000 he began to train future talented football players. Since 2014, he has been President of the Association of Muslim Entrepreneurs Russian Federation but resigned in 2016. However, in 2016 Alina Kabaeva's father created International Association Islamic business, the official opening of which took place on February 16 in Moscow.

Despite the fact that the father of the girls was a Tatar by nationality, Alina Kabaeva herself, by nationality, as a mother and sister, is Russian. The girls' mother is Lyubov Mikhailovna. Previously, she played in the Uzbekistan national basketball team. Such sports parents became the reason why the little girl began her sports career. As already mentioned, Alina Kabaeva's birthday is May 12, 1983. The future Olympic champion was born in Tashkent. It was Lyubov Mikhailovna who took her first daughter to the Labor Reserves, in which Alina's father once worked, at the age of 3.5 years. The girl began to do rhythmic gymnastics.

The beginning of the sports career of Alina Kabaeva

Initially, the mother dreamed that her daughter would build a career in figure skating, but in hot Tashkent at that time there were no strong schools in figure skating, so the choice fell on gymnastics. At first, little Alina did not like classes, the girl wanted to go not to art, but to gymnastics, but she was not accepted into the section, because they considered it unpromising - she was not thin, so the coach simply rejected the student.

However, after some time, three-year-old Alina Kabaeva liked the beautiful music and bright costumes in which the gymnasts performed, so the girl quickly got involved. The first coaches of the future sports star were Angelina Malkina and Lyudmila Nikitina, who played an important role in the biography of Alina Kabaeva. It was they who taught the girl perseverance, hard work and made her believe in her own strengths and capabilities.

Watching the successes of her first daughter, Alina Kabaeva's mother decided, when the girl was 11 years old, to move to Moscow in order to further develop the child's potential. In the capital, the girl went to train in the rhythmic gymnastics section under the guidance of the legend Irina Viner. As the athlete herself recalls, at the first meeting in the eyes of the coach of the Russian national team there was horror - future star sport was not professionally prepared at all, and, according to professionals, she was overweight.

Alina, who received the insulting nickname "TV on legs" and, according to the coach, was inclined to be overweight, was put on a strict diet and began to exhaust herself with training. But without a doubt - Irina Viner spent so much effort not in vain - she was able to discern the girl's sports talent. So, since 1995, Alina Kabaeva trained with Viner, and already in 1996 she began to play for the Russian national team.

The first successes in the sport of Alina Kabaeva

Just two years after starting to play for the Russian national team, Alina Kabaeva, at the age of 15, received her first prestigious award. The young athlete won the European Championship in 1998, and after four more times she became the absolute champion of Europe. A year after the first victory, in 1999, the girl became the winner of the World Championship. By this time, in the “pocket” of the athlete, there were already two titles of the world champion in rhythmic gymnastics, received in Japan. As the girl later admitted, Japan was the most “lucky” country for her sports career.

Year after year, the girl conquered new heights of sports, proving that there is no one better than her in rhythmic gymnastics. The main achievement of the athlete by that time was the title of the only four-time European champion. She won her first titles in Portugal, and received her last award in Spain, where in 2000 she won gold medals in the continental championship in Granada.

As the medalist herself says, her favorite exercises are numbers with a ribbon and maces. In 2000, 17-year-old Alina Kabaeva took part in Olympic Games ah in Sydney and, being the generally recognized favorite, was able to demonstrate the best results in the final performance in the rope, ball and ribbon exercises. Unfortunately, the Russian woman made a gross mistake while performing with a hoop - he rolled off the field, so she got third place in the tournament. A Russian woman left the Olympics with a bronze medal.

A huge role was again played by the talented coach Irina Viner. She supported the athlete during this difficult period, made her believe in herself again and taught her to perceive defeat as an incentive to continue working on herself.

How did two years of disqualification affect the biography of Alina Kabaeva

In 2001, an extremely unpleasant incident occurred in the sports biography of Alina Kabaeva. Furosemide was found in the blood of the All-Russian favorite Alina and another athlete, Irina Chashchina. A scandal erupted around the girls, both were suspended for two years from sports competitions. Only a few years later, the world community recognized that furosemide cannot be considered doping and, in fact, the athlete was innocent. Nevertheless, that year the girl lost all the awards received at the Goodwill Games, and could not take part in the World Cup.

However, 2001 became a reference point in the biography of Alina Kabaeva from a political point of view. The athlete turned 18 years old, and she not only received the right to vote, but she herself was elected to the United Russia party. Until 2005, the girl participates in meetings of the Supreme Council of United Russia.

In addition to starting a political career, during the year of disqualification, Alina Kabaeva also discovered her acting talent. The girl hosted the weekly program "Empire of Sports" on the 7 TV channel, and also took part in the filming of the Japanese feature film "Red Shadow". In addition, the athlete starred in the video for the song of the group "Game of Words".

Already by this time, millions of Russians were subdued by the young athlete and beauty representing Russia in the international sports arena. Of course, many men were actively interested in the biography, career and personal life of Alina Kabaeva, dreaming of taking a place in her heart.

In addition, the girl starred in the famous TV game "Fort Boyard", where she took part in a swim in the Bay of Biscay, and also crawled through several rotating cylinders for a record a short time. Another reality show in which the favorite of millions of Russians and Europeans starred is the Harem program in Kenya.

A year later, in 2002, Alina Kabaeva returned to sports again, began to take part in tournaments, since a two-year punishment meant that the second year was conditional. That is, the girl trained and performed under the strict control of coaches, judges and doctors. However, political career the young sports star did not leave, combining the deputy position and exhausting training.

Personal life of Alina Kabaeva

It is impossible to say how many men in Russia sighed in disappointment, but in 2002 part of the biography of Alina Kabaeva became known - her personal life. The athlete and deputy had an affair with police captain David Museliani, who was born in 1969. The press literally seethed, savoring the details of Alina Kabaeva's personal life, and David himself was already confidently called the girl's fiancé. However, the athlete who won the hearts of Russians herself willingly shared with journalists the details of her biography and romance with Museliani.

It soon became clear that in fact the police captain has a wife and daughter. However, this fact did not affect the development of the novel - the man planned to get a divorce. Alina told the media about the details of the wedding preparations, which never took place. At that time, total checks were carried out at Museliani's work, which were caused by the interest of the authorities in the high incomes of the police captain and the too expensive gifts that he made to his beloved. For example, once David gave a girl a car.

The novel lasted three years. In October 2004, an issue of the magazine "Seven Days" was published, in which the girl gave an interview under the heading: "Alina Kabaeva: I hid my love for two years." But a little over a year later, by the beginning of 2006, the couple's relationship ended. The reason was Museliani's betrayal - almost immediately after the divorce from his first wife and while preparing for the wedding with the Olympic champion, he had an affair with actress Anna Gorshkova. With her, the man appeared in public. According to Alina, they broke up by mutual desire and were able to remain friends. After this incident, Alina Kabaeva stopped talking about her personal life.

Even before breaking up with her failed husband, Alina Kabaeva in 2004 took part in the Olympic Games in Athens. This year was a triumph for the Russian woman, she showed the world the best results in exercises with a ball, clubs and ribbon, and in the exercise with a hoop she lost only to Irina Chashchina. However, the dream came true and Alina Kabaeva leaves the Olympics with gold in her pocket.

Political biography of Alina Kabaeva

A year after the victory in Athens, in 2005 Alina Kabaeva was elected a member of the Public Chamber of Russia. Charitable programs are held under the patronage of the athlete, in which the Olympic champion takes part. She also takes control of the issue of competent insurance of athletes. In the same year, Russian President Vladimir Putin presents Alina Kabaeva with the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree.

Two years later, in 2007, the athlete becomes a member of the State Duma of the 5th convocation, where she actively promotes laws aimed at protecting children and youth. In parallel with this, the deputy continues to take part in sports competitions, thanks to which the champion titles of the World and European Championships appear on her account. She has repeatedly reported that she intends to take part in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, but it is becoming increasingly difficult to combine sports and politics, so Alina Kabaeva in 2007 announces the end of her sports career. In the same year, she graduated in absentia from the Moscow State University of Service with a qualification of a specialist in the field of sports management.

During this period, the biography of Alina Kabaeva is replenished with details from social life. Being an Olympic champion and simply a favorite of millions of Russians, she is filmed for famous glossy magazines, including men's. Repeatedly, the athlete was recognized as one of the sexiest women in Russia. Songs are written in her honor. But as follows from the biography of Alina Kabaeva, she begins to pay more and more attention to social policy. So, during the examination sessions of 2008 and 2009, it was under the patronage of the deputy that hot line for students taking the Unified State Exam. In addition, in 2008, the girl becomes the chairman of the Public Council of the National Media Group holding and visits Tskhinval. After that, she establishes the Alina Kabaeva Charitable Foundation, which deals with construction issues. sports complex in the ruined Tskhinvali.

In the same year, the press is literally seething with rumors about a possible relationship between Alina Kabaeva and Russian President Vladimir Putin. The launch was the publication in the Moscow Correspondent about. The news was picked up by the American tabloids. The deputy's press secretary said that the athlete would not comment on these rumors, but demanded that a retraction be printed. The president himself did not confirm the rumors about the novel, noting that there was not a word of truth in the story of the Moscow Correspondent.

In February 2014, on the eve of the Olympic Games in Sochi, the Olympic champion will be honored as part of the six most titled Russian athletes take part in lighting the torch. A little later, in September, the Olympic champion decides to end her parliamentary activities and delve into the work of the National Media Group and becomes chairman of the board of shareholders.

Despite the fact that rumors about the romance of the Olympic champion and the President of Russia were refuted back in 2008, foreign tabloids still did not subside, and now, in 2013, reports appeared in the press about the secret wedding of Alina Kabaeva and Vladimir Putin in Valdai. The press secretary of the president officially denied these rumors, but the media could no longer be stopped, the rumors began to acquire absolutely incredible details. So, in 2015, the Neue Zuricher Zeitung edition informs readers that Alina Kabaeva had a baby. And allegedly almost immediately, the second. In total, journalists suggested that the girl had two children - a boy and a girl. Moreover, according to the rumors of the tabloids, these are the children of Alina Kabaeva from Putin. But the girl herself later said that she had not yet become a mother and she had no children, especially from Vladimir Putin.

Alina Kabaeva's condition

By 2009, according to a number of publications, Alina Kabaeva was recognized as the owner of the highest income among star deputies and among sports deputies. According to the income statement, the Olympic champion had 12.9 million rubles on her account.

By 2011, Alina's fortune had slightly decreased to 11.5 million. But the favorite of the Russians owns a land plot of 7.2 thousand square meters, three apartments, and two cars - a Mercedes-Benz and a Porsche Cayenne. A little later, in 2014, Ogonyok magazine compiled a rating of the hundred most influential women in Russia, and Alina Kabaeva took eighth place in this honorary list.

Of course, after rumors appeared that Alina was the chosen one of Vladimir Putin, all the magazines began to discuss the girl and tried to find out as many juicy details as possible. But everyone has already begun to forget how Alina Kabaeva is a talented girl.

After all, she is a famous gymnast who has repeatedly shown her perfection to the whole world. Not so long ago, Alina also became a politician. A talented girl knows how to combine all spheres of life. Her parents were also athletes, but it is alleged that Alina did not follow in the footsteps of her parents, this is her personal choice.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alina Kabaeva

Beautiful and fragile Alina, with a height of 165, weighs only 46 kg, Now successful girl already 33 years old. Thanks to the sports career that the girl started since childhood, they are always in great shape and used to keep themselves in hand. Height, weight, age. How old is Alina Kabaeva, this request became especially popular when information appeared that Alina Kabaeva was now the new chosen one of Vladimir Putin, after a divorce from his wife.

The press has never been so interested in her person, although the girl has earned many medals and honors for the country. She is a real uncut talent, which is gradually revealed over the years and it is not known what else to expect from her. During her still short life, the girl managed to create a career that many men cannot afford.

Biography of Alina Kabaeva

Since Alina's parents were athletes, it is not surprising that the girl went the same way. Since early age her mother dreamed that her daughter would devote her life to figure skating, but since the plan could not be realized in Tashkent, her mother gave the girl to artistic gymnast. Alina started doing sports from the age of three. And it was such an early start that allowed the girl to achieve such heights. But my mother realized early on that a girl could not achieve heights in her hometown, so she decided to move with her daughter to Moscow and put her in the hands of the best coaches there.

And at the first glance at the girl, the coach was openly horrified, because Alina at that time did not correspond to the ideas of gymnasts and had excess weight. Then the girl had to try hard to remove the fullness and meet the standards. Alina even had the nickname "TV on legs", now she recalls that moment with a laugh, but in childhood it was real tragedy. The coach told the girl about the nutritional rules that she would have to follow in order to get in shape. And the young gymnast managed to lose weight quite quickly. Then she got to work hard.

Since 1996, Kabaeva has taken part in famous competitions and even came out on top. The most important achievement during her sports career is the title of four-time European champion. So far, this is the most important achievement both for Alina and for the country as a whole.

In addition to the brilliant career of a gymnast, there were scandals in the girl's life and they are also connected with sports. In 2001, it became known that Alina was taking doping. Because of this, she was even banned from participating in competitions for as much as 2 years. The first year she did not participate anywhere at all, and in the second year she took part only under the careful supervision of doctors and after many checks. As it turned out later, the drug she was taking, namely furasemide, in fact, is not doping. It is a drug that promotes the elimination excess fluid and toxins and harmful substances from the body. But because of this, Alina lost many awards, titles and possible victories.

In addition to gymnastics, Alina also starred in several commercials and was even an actress, although she played a role in the film in Japanese cinema, so not everyone will be able to watch it. In addition, Alina became a muse for the group "Game of Words" and starred in their video, the song sang about the famous figure skater herself.

Well, as many people know, Alina tried herself as a model and she succeeded not badly. Due to her bright and beautiful appearance, fashion designers, photographers, editors of famous magazines noticed her and invited her to shows and shoots. Alina's life is very diverse and the girl tried herself in many aspects.

Since 2001, when Alina had problems in sports, she decided to test her strength in politics and she did not do it badly. Initially, she became a member of the United Russia party and dealt with all issues related to volunteering in the country, her activities brought fruit to Russia.

Alina Kabaeva and her children and husband photo 2016-2017

She managed to occupy several fairly high and influential positions, although it is quite difficult for women in politics. Having worked in the State Duma for 7 years, Alina managed to pass many bills that are still in force today. Together with their colleagues, they issued one of the main laws that prohibits American families from adopting children from Russia, an interesting project was supported by all parties.

In addition to all these achievements, the girl also has two higher educations in the field of service and sports.

Big sport Kabaeva left back in 2007 and is now closely involved in politics, it is worth giving this fragile girl her due, because in the field of politics she turned out to be very useful and many useful changes were made from her hand.

Among other things, Alina was repeatedly recognized as the most beautiful and sexy girl in Russia, in various categories and magazines. 10 years ago, Alina even received the Woman of the Year award in the popular Russian magazine Glamour. She has repeatedly starred for the most fashionable magazines and once even participated in a nude photo shoot for the popular glossy magazine Maxim.

Also in 2014, she was chosen as one of the three athletes who will light olympic fire. She lit her part, and then passed the torch to the rest of the athletes. Despite the fact that the girl ended her career in 2007, she is still considered one of the greatest and most worthy.

The biography of Alina Kabaeva is rich in information about the talents of the girl, her occupations and professions. I would like to note that in the world of such purposeful and busy girls who, at the age of 33, have achieved great heights, there are not so many. Perhaps in the future Alina will even go down in history as one of the most famous women who changed the course of life in the country and the world as a whole. In any case, the girl has all the makings for this.

Personal life of Alina Kabaeva

Alina is not only a talented gymnast, but also a kidnapper male views and hearts. This was tested by the example of the Russian musical group “Game of Words”, who did not hide their this moment, muse and called their song very simply “Alina Kabaeva”. The song and video showed all the positive aspects beautiful girl and sang about her unearthly beauty. But not only creative people can show their admiration through songs, Maxim Buzikin proved that even a person who is not associated with any kind of creativity can simply surrender to the beauty of Alina Kabaeva.

He also "uncovered" his soul in front of the whole country by writing a song for Alina. This girl wins men's hearts and makes them do crazy things. But she has crowds of admirers not only because of her beauty, because, among other things, the girl has a lot of interests and talents, she attracts men as a girl, an interlocutor and even a friend.

In 2014, Alina made an interesting confession that shocked the whole of Russia, she admitted that she had been hiding her true love for two years. IN big interview of this magazine, Alina told about her other half. It turned out to be David Museliani, who at that time worked in the police department of the capital of Russia and, of course, was preparing the impending wedding. But the gymnast's further plans were not destined to come true: in 2006, the couple broke up, but maintain friendly relations to this day. This was the only time in Alina's life when she had such a serious relationship that led to marriage.

The personal life of Alina Kabaeva is rich in unusual, popular and good men. To enchant a man is half the battle, but to enchant the main man of the country is not for everyone. On April 12, 2008, news appeared that caused some slight confusion and even a scandal. The news appeared on the pages of many magazines that the President of Russia and the beautiful gymnast have long been in love and even intend to get married. Immediately, several popular publications began to spread this news with particular zeal, despite the fact that nothing was officially confirmed, and even the press secretary of Alina Kabaeva refused to go along with the journalists and did not comment on this situation, and the head of state Vladimir Putin himself, at one of the press conferences he said that these rumors are nothing more than rumors.

Journalists really “blew a molehill out of a fly”, at first it was a harmless rumor, invented, probably, in order to stir up interest in famous people, but then it went beyond all limits. Requests began to appear on the Internet: “Alina Kabaeva and Vladimir Putin wedding video”, which, of course, were fictitious, rigged.

There were rumors and even fake photos were provided that Alina was already pregnant by the President of Russia, but both Alina and Vladimir Putin confirmed more than once that this was a lie, there was no connection between them.

Despite the many talents and beautiful appearance, Alina still cannot find her love and is still alone. Perhaps this is one of the disadvantages of such an independent life. The girl achieved everything on her own and became quite strong and independent, so it will be difficult for any man to cope with such a girl. But we hope that in the future Alina will have her prince, who will be able to "tame the obstinate" and give her family happiness, which is so necessary for every girl.

Family of Alina Kabaeva

The family of Alina Kabaeva consists of her parents and her beloved sister. In one of the interviews, Alina said that their love for sports is family. And this is true, because Alina's mother, Lyubov Mikhailovna Kabaeva, played in the Uzbekistan national basketball team and was one of the best players in his already talented team. It was the mother who became the person who helped the girl achieve all the heights. From childhood, she decided that her daughter should be given to sports, and starting from the age of three, Alina went in for sports.

Mom made right choice and gave my daughter a wonderful future. Her father Marat Vazykhovich Kabaev with sports, as they say, on a short leg, he was a professional football player for a long time and played for the national team of his city. In 1993 he received the title of Champion of Kazakhstan football league, but as part of another Traktor team. Then the athlete's career had to be ended, but Marat Vazykhovich did not think of retiring, and began to conduct coaching activities, taught future football players, led them to the first and definitely not the last achievements, during coaching career he was able to bring up good team professionals.

Alina also has a younger and beloved sister, Lisana Muratovna Kabaevna, who was also not deprived of a family sense of sports. She tried herself in many sports, but in the end, Lisana decided for herself that the family already had enough cups and medals, and went into business, although she was also not bad as an athlete. She is now a hospitality manager. The girl copes well with her profession and has also achieved certain heights in her field. It is worth saying that the strong character and talent of girls in the genes is probably all thanks to sports education and the boundless love of parents who tried to do everything possible for their children.

Does Alina Kabaeva have children and who is her husband? Vladimir Putin?

As for the children of Alina Kabaeva, in 2013 she publicly stated that she had no children and was not going to plan them, although there is a rumor that allegedly in 2015 the great figure skater found her female happiness. Information has repeatedly surfaced in the press that Alina allegedly has children from Vladimir Putin and even two, and that in fact she and her children live in the president's house in Germany. Even photographs appeared, but as it turned out later, the most famous photograph, where Alina holds a child in her arms, as everyone says on the network, the son of Alina Kabaeva from Putin, is also tritely explained, because the girl was holding her nephew in her arms.

But all these are just rumors that Alina and Vladimir Putin have repeatedly refuted. Alina has not yet found her betrothed, so the girl has no children and is not planned. The children of Alina Kabaeva would certainly be happy next to such a famous and purposeful mother, but only Alina is still immersed in her career, and she is not going to think about children yet.

If you look at the beautiful Alina Kabaeva, it becomes clear that the girl does not need the help of plastic surgeons. Due to the fact that she has been involved in sports since childhood, Kabaeva learned to control herself, limit her body to junk food. Therefore, even now, when the girl has already left her career as an athlete, she still looks great and is not getting better at all. The appearance of Alina Kabaeva is entirely her merit. The only thing the girl resorts to is the help of cosmetologists.

Masks, peeling, various skin procedures help to always stay in good shape and prevent age from leaving an imprint. Photos of Alina Kabaeva before and after plastic surgery cannot be found, because the young beauty simply does not need to seek help plastic surgery.

Every girl can look so perfect if she puts in more effort. Do not give yourself a descent now and then you will look great at any age. Another secret of Kabaeva is constant employment. The girl has a lot of things to do and she does not sit still at all, this lifestyle allows her to stay in shape, because there is simply no time left for various harmful snacks.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alina Kabaeva

You can find out all the information about Alina Kabaeva using Instagram and Wikipedia Alina Kabaeva. But in reality, the star is not very keen social networks, so it's hard to track it down. everyday life. On Instagram, there is only a star fan page, where you can see photos from various kinds of official events, or photos from magazines, press, political meetings.

Alina herself has no time to deal with such banalities as distributing her photographs, because, as we all understand in connection with the growth of her career, the girl is busy with serious political issues, and the girl does not have enough time for an ordinary life. But Alina, like many celebrities, has a personal website that contains the most necessary information about her, for example, the girl's biography, her latest projects and the most popular photos.

For many years, Alina has shown the whole world what she is capable of. The fragile girl, who started her career as a gymnast, has already starred in a video, been a model, actress, and even a politician. It is worth noting that Alina makes all the girls of Russia understand one important truth.

Never be afraid to move forward towards your dreams. If you are confident in your abilities, you will succeed. Kabaeva on her life path both ups and downs were expected, but she never gave up, and it was thanks to her strong and purposeful character that she became the one she is now. Therefore, always look to the future with hope.

Alina Kabaeva is a Russian athlete who is also still involved in social and political activities.

Who is Alina Kabaeva by nationality

The biography of Kabaeva is quite interesting, and the intrigues around the nationality of the athlete still do not fade away. Everyone knows that the future Olympic champion was born in Uzbekistan. Her parents were also athletes, so it is not surprising that Kabaeva shows high results in her field.

Alina's mother Lyubov Kabaeva is a well-known player of the women's basketball team of Uzbekistan at that time, although she is a native Muscovite. Alina's father Marat Kabaev is a Tatar by nationality. Long time lived in Tashkent, and in 2011 moved to Kazan. Marat Vazykhovich is one of the Soviet professional football players, he was a famous player football team"Pakhtakor".

Alina Kabaeva has different roots, as mother and father have different nationalities. Although Alina was born in the capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, she has Russian citizenship.

Biography of Kabaeva

Alina was born in a family of athletes, so training, camps and competitions are her childhood. No one insisted that Alina become an athlete, it was her personal decision. When Kabaeva finally decided on her choice of profession, her parents suggested that she take figure skating at a professional level. But a few years later, Kabaeva began to do rhythmic gymnastics, since good schools there was no figure skating in Uzbekistan.

Alina started doing gymnastics from the age of three, she still remembers with respect her first coaches Anelia Malkina and Lyudmila Nikitina. The mother immediately saw the talent in her daughter, so she moved Alina to Moscow, because it was here that at that time there were much more opportunities to show it.

And so it happened: Alina Kabaeva worked out in the same room with Irina Viner, who is the ideal of rhythmic gymnastics. Irina Viner made a real Olympic champion out of Alina Kabaeva.