Girls in kickboxing are the most beautiful and active fighters. Kickboxing for girls - benefits and contraindications, tricks and kicks for beginners with video What is kickboxing for girls

Since ancient times, martial arts have been predominantly men, and while they beat each other out of all the nonsense with bare hands, women sat at home and kept the hearth. But there were among the wrestlers and women who were considered a kind of exception to the rule. There were also entire nations in which matriarchy reigned. For example, the Amazons: according to legend, there were no men among them - they did not tolerate them and did all the work themselves. They did not just defend their state themselves, but even raided the surrounding area and were known as courageous and cruel warriors.

Many years have passed since then, however, among us you can find women, descendants of the Amazons, capable of putting any man on the shoulder blades. One of them - Andreeva Svetlana Mikhailovna, world champion in kickboxing - teaches in our sports school female boxing. She does not seek to make great warriors out of all the girls, but teaches how to resist a man in a difficult situation.


Kickboxing is called fist fight with kicks included. Women's kickboxing is less violent than boxing. Scars, cuts and bruises are unlikely, since the legs of the girls are usually long - they are used in kickboxing for protection. Therefore, kickboxing is an activity for girls of not the smallest stature. In addition, there are restrictions on body shots.

There is only one main difference in boxing for men and women - it consists in the mandatory wearing of special protectors on the chest.

Kickboxing, in addition to the ability to stand up for yourself, teaches concentration, attentiveness, trains the reaction. And these are very useful skills not only within the walls of the gym, but also in the real world.

Girls who are engaged in kickboxing are often more beautiful and feminine in relation to boxers. They have an almost flawless figure and a beautiful face, thanks to constant training and work on themselves.


It was once believed that only desperate girls who have nothing to lose go to boxing: offended, beaten, notorious, dreaming of compensating for their shortcomings where men dominate.

Perhaps it was so before.

But there are no identical types of men and women. Some guys tend to do rhythmic gymnastics and synchronized swimming, and some girls have a predisposition to weightlifting or boxing.

If you exclude bloody blows, you can look at boxing from a completely different perspective. It is like a dance, a kind of fitness that strengthens the figure, helps to lose weight, makes a person's movements more free, relaxed, coordinated.

In addition, boxing radically changes a woman, and for the better: she becomes more free, independent, able to fend for herself in unpleasant situations.

Is it bad?

Boxing is ideal for letting off excess steam. After a hard day at work, you can perfectly discharge yourself in training by waving your fists. Would a woman want to “throw plates” at her husband after that?

Thai boxing

Muay Thai or Thai boxing is the toughest of contact martial arts. It allows the maximum possible number of strikes. Elbows, shins, forearms and knees are connected to the traditional fist and foot. If in boxing and kickboxing the clinch is a “peaceful distance” at which athletes feel relatively safe, then in Thai boxing this distance is one of the most dangerous.

Knee and elbow strikes are swift, almost impossible to see and block. Plus, they are amazingly powerful.

Throws and grabs in Muay Thai are also prohibited, but, as the practice of real "fights without rules" shows, this element of martial arts is not required. There is only one opportunity for boxers and kickboxers to resist a fighter who has studied Thai boxing - not to let him go to close range.

Muay Thai has rightfully earned the title of one of the toughest and most effective martial arts. It is not for nothing that in America it is called "mortal combat".

Thai boxing is classes for girls who are quite self-confident, firm not only in body, but also in spirit. Sometimes in training you have to be tough and strong. However, having reached the end, you will realize that you are able to fight back not only the usual intruder from the gateway, but also real boxers and kickboxers.

If you are in doubt about the choice of martial arts, we advise you to start with kickboxing: not as hard as boxing, not as hard as muay thai. After attending several classes with our professionals, you will understand whether to lower or increase the level of load, and the teachers, having assessed the level of your abilities, will give the best advice on choosing a section.

If you are still thinking whether to record or not, we tell you with confidence - it will never be superfluous to try. If you don't like it or find it too hard, you can always leave. But who knows, perhaps in these types of martial arts you will find yourself.

Our address: Address: Moscow, Open highway, 15 building 21, sports club "KITEK", metro station Rokossovsky Boulevard, Eastern Administrative Okrug(Eastern District of Moscow)

The nearest metro stations to the boxing school "Kitek": Rokossovsky Boulevard /

More than once there is an opinion that hand-to-hand fighting, and even more so kickboxing, is not at all for girls. This opinion is very erroneous and lagging behind fashion.

Doing this sport does not bring bruises or injuries to a person's life. And something else.

Exhausting strength and cardio training, overcoming moral difficulties, working on yourself and striving for excellence. That's what kickboxing is for girls.

Rest assured, this is a women's sport. But let's be honest, it's not for everyone. The main difficulty in kickboxing for girls is overcoming the psychological barrier. Not every girl is brave enough to attend at least one workout.

Feature of girls training

During training process, it is extremely important to take into account the peculiarity of each girl student. Initial physical skills are very different for everyone. Therefore, the burden and complexity training exercises calculated individually.

In the fighting club "BULAT GOLD" all beginners go through an adaptation period. All loads increase smoothly.

You will go into sparring only when you yourself are confident in yourself and your abilities.

Benefits and effectiveness

It is no exaggeration to say that kickboxing has an impact on female body only positive.

First, the loss excess weight. Here calories are burned like in an oven, and body fat disappear before our eyes. Of course, with regular training. This is a great alternative to fitness.

Secondly, combat skills and self-defense skills. Nothing gives you more confidence than knowing that you can stand up for yourself. All sorts of things happen in life. Kickboxing is one of the easiest martial arts to learn. Unlike martial arts, it does not require many years of practice.

Thirdly, mental and physical health. Nothing restores like this. nervous system, as good workout on a pear or paws. The accumulated negativity is used here.
In addition, strengthening immunity. Improvement of cardio-vascular system, posture and figure in general. Especially recommended for those with sedentary work. And even more so if you sedentary image life.

First results and achievements

The first result is noticed after two to three weeks. Naturally it will be insignificant. However, its presence will speak of progress. In about one and a half to two months, you will be able to master the basics of protective equipment.

The head coach of the fighting club "BULAT GOLD" Aleksey Kharkevich has 17 years of coaching experience. Trainer who raised a lot of guys and girls. The man who raised winners and champions. Your training will be held under the world champion. However, without your desire, nothing can be achieved.

Understand the main thing, it is impossible to change while sitting at home. And if you don't try, you won't know.

Sign up for the first free class on kickboxing for girls, you can through the application form or by phone.

For faster and effective result we suggest to try

Be feminine, well-groomed and beautiful, and most importantly healthy. What girl doesn't dream about it? Sports will always help in this. When it comes to women's sports, it immediately comes to mind gymnastics, dancing, figure skating. But living in modern society, a girl should think about the possibility of self-defense. After all, there is not always a strong and strong male shoulder nearby. Kickboxing will be the right decision in choosing a sport.

The name of this sport means "fight with hands and feet." Kickboxing for girls today more and more representatives of the fair sex are choosing, because this is a great way to feel the full power and gain the desired shape.

Why kickboxing for girls?

It is a way to change yourself and your body. After all, kickboxing is both exhausting training, and tempering of character, and a lot of work on yourself.

By doing kickboxing for girls, you will get:

  • beautiful and slender body;
  • strong muscles;
  • ideal weight;
  • excellent stretch;
  • tempered character;
  • the ability to correctly assess the situation;
  • improved coordination of movements.

The kickboxing section is great way fight stress. And it is the beautiful half of society that most often suffers from this. After all, during a kickboxing workout, endorphins are released. This helps to relieve stress and recharge with positive emotions, which is also important in modern society.

When practicing kickboxing, the girl does not lose her beautiful forms and does not spoil her figure. A woman acquires smooth forms and beautiful curves of the body. After all, the main thing in women's kickboxing is not the strength and accuracy of strikes, but the grace and smoothness of movements.

Kickboxing for girls helps to learn how to correctly assess the situation, coordinate their movements, which can be useful in real life. Kickboxing classes develop endurance and strengthen the fortitude, temper character.

Martial arts club LESTA in Moscow - the choice of purposeful girls

In order for training to be beneficial and enjoyable, you need to seriously and thoughtfully approach the choice of a sports club and coach. The LESTA sports club will help you with this.

When you practice kickboxing for girls at the LESTA sports club, you get:

  1. Qualified training program;
  2. Experienced trainers;
  3. Flexible class schedule;
  4. Comfortable training conditions.

Kickboxing classes for girls improve health, strengthen morale, temper character, and teach self-defense skills. And choosing the right sports club and experienced coaches guarantees success.

Boxing is a new run, Olya Tretyakova is sure. And after 3 months of classes, she is ready to dispel all the myths about him.
Three and a half months ago, I went to ballet classes, but accidentally wandered. And since then I have practically settled there :)

During these three months, I realized how boxing differs from kickboxing - you can’t kick in it. But here and there you can hit on those things that hang from the ceiling on chains (boxing bags) and a mannequin without a head - his name is Herman, and so far I have not figured out why.

But I already know about boxing gloves.

Which are called gloves because boxing is English view sports, and the type of protection for the hands that we are talking about is “boxing gloves”. That is, gloves (gloves), not mittens (mittens).

I also now know that when someone tells you that “everything hurts from coaching paws,” it’s not at all what one might think about. And the “paws” are such special pillow gloves that the coach puts on his hands: it is very convenient (and pleasant!) for the student to hit on them, practicing blows, but they won’t be able to get them in response - the design does not allow.

I complained to my friend that after the coaching "paws" my forearm muscles ached. A friend like this: “What, they paw you there ?!”

Now that I've got the most important stuff out of the way, I go to Power Lunch three times a week, a dual workout (on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays). It starts at 13.00 and lasts an hour and a half. The first 45 minutes is women's kickboxing led by Denis Petikin. After a 15-minute break - 45 minutes of boxing (coach - Stas Ermolov). But sometimes they change.

For the second half of the workout, instead of boxing, you can go to crossfit. But since I like boxing even more than kickboxing, CrossFit is not my choice.

Since February, without any additional effort, I got rid of 4 kg and a bunch of stereotypes associated with boxing. My coaches helped to dispel the myths. They can be trusted: in terms of studying martial arts, they have about 23 years of experience for two.

Stereotype #1. Boxing/kickboxing is for guys

Firstly, because up to 800 kcal is lost in an hour of kickboxing, from 600 to 1100 kcal in boxing. My coaches brag and tell me that an hour is very intense workout lose from 1.5 to 4 kg.

Denis: “Olya, be kinder to people. Kick with your foot higher - at the level of the abdomen!

Secondly, because boxing and kickboxing make you more resilient (they definitely did me!). Last year it was an achievement for me to run 5 km. In this I am without much running training and I am going to continue in the same spirit.

Thirdly, literally everything is pulled up: arms, legs, back, abs, hips ... After the first workouts, even my forearms hurt. I always thought that between the hand and the elbow there is nothing that can hurt. Very wrong! :)

Stereotype #2. Women's kickboxing - like men's, only for girls

No. And the difference is fundamental.

But the most important thing for me personally is this: unlike the same run that I just endure for the sake of good (whoever happily goes out for a run every morning is not me!), boxing and kickboxing are fun. Highly!

Women's kickboxing

First, men and women usually come to kickboxing with different goals. The first is to learn how to fight. The second is to lose weight and strengthen muscles. Therefore, the main part of the male or mixed training is work in pairs. Women's kickboxing - non-contact. This means: no sparring, only physical training, a boxing school (working out punches in front of a mirror) and work on shells - bags and German. And shells do not give change. Denis: “In women's kickboxing, you will definitely not be beaten, you don’t have to worry!”.

The second important difference is that girls who come to boxing and kickboxing do not tolerate boredom and cannot stand regularity. The coaches are unanimous: we need to be constantly entertained and loaded to the maximum. Men endure monotony more calmly - because otherwise the technique cannot be perfected. It is important for them to learn how to hit properly (in boxing they say “throw punches”), so there is no time to rush. Women's training is more dynamic. Every one and a half to two minutes, the activity changes: jump rope, work with tennis balls and heavy ball, jumping on a cabinet, a rowing machine, push-ups, squats, practicing strikes in front of a mirror with dumbbells and on shells ... And all this at a very fast pace. For three and a half months, we have never had two identical workouts - the program is different all the time.

Stereotype #3: Boxing is boring

Boxing is definitely not boring!

Stas: “Well, the taste and color ... For someone, for example, playing curling is a lot of fun. Or here we have classes on a rowing machine. Is rowing fun? Not good? And it's only two minutes. And someone has the whole workout like that.

Admittedly, boxing is less entertaining than women's kickboxing. Although as for me - even more interesting. A mixed group goes to the second part of Power Lunch, and these workouts are completely different in rhythm. Their goal is not to fall exhausted on the mat at the end of the lesson, but to learn how to concentrate, distribute forces, and monitor the position of the arms and legs.

But that doesn't mean there's no room for fun. Did you play "fifteen" as a child? This, let me remind you, is when you need to "bash" the enemy - touch his shoulder, stomach or knee - and at the same time not allow him to do the same. So, "fifteen" - main part boxing workout. And it's definitely not boring :)

Stereotype #4. You get hit all the time

In order for you to be admitted to real sparring, and not just practicing strikes with a partner, you need to study for at least several months. And you have to want it yourself - no one will force you. And no one will ever allow, at least here, to spar without protective equipment - bandages, gloves, a helmet and a mouthguard (protection for the teeth).

In addition, the girls are lucky here too. In mixed doubles, we practice what is called "free attack". That is, we can beat the guys, but they can't beat us. Because at this time they are working out "free defense" - that is, they can only evade. I never considered myself bloodthirsty, but it suddenly turned out that there is no more pleasant thing in the world for me than to beat someone a little bit - bloodlessly, but from the heart :)

Stereotype #5. Boxing training is one technique

A balance board is a great piece of equipment for boxers, not just surfers. Teaches balance and strengthens core muscles

Any training - both kickboxing and boxing - consists of three parts. The first is a warm-up and general physical training for those muscle groups that boxers and kickboxers work, the second is the technique itself, the third is a hitch and stretching. The first and third parts in both trainings are very similar - only in kickboxing more exercise on your feet. "Technique" takes only 20-30% of the workout. So you can go to boxing just like a high-intensity (and very diverse!) Fitness. Many do just that.

Stereotype #6. No jump rope needed, enough bags

Boxer's best friends: jump rope, dumbbells, tennis ball and medicine ball

The main surprise in training for me was how much time is devoted to the rope. Honestly, I have not jumped so much kindergarten! It seems that there was no lesson in which we forgot about it. At first, she was terribly infuriated - I hated her since childhood, but then it turned out that there was a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bbenefit from her.

Stas: “The jump rope is a boxer's favorite toy. It helps to improve coordination, synchronize the movements of arms and legs, and makes a person more resilient.”

A boxer constantly has to move. If you have watched boxing at least once, you probably noticed that they constantly jump back and forth. This movement is called "shuttle". And while you are jumping like this, you must not forget about your hands - defend yourself with them and strike. Do not get confused in the arms and legs, just the jump rope teaches.

Stereotype number 7. On boxing you can swing and become masculine

I have not been able to swing on boxing yet :))

It seems that this point of my coaches amused the most. Denis: No. We work with minimal weight: with dumbbells, kettlebells… You won’t swing with them.” Stas: “... You will strengthen your muscles, joints, ligaments, dry out a little. If you want to swing - it's in gym. Everything is there for that.”

Indeed, exactly power load not so much in boxing. During OFP-parts there are circuit training on different muscle groups (for example, lunges with a non-heavy - 4-6 kg - kettlebell, exercises with dumbbells and stepping on a cabinet with weights for the legs), but they are very short and work tonic.

Stereotype #8. Boxers always have broken eyebrows, broken ears and noses

Stereotype #8: Professional boxers have their faces smashed. Mmm, no.

This moment particularly worried me. Not that I was preparing for the championship, but an unplanned rhinoplasty was never in my plans. However, so far, fortunately, my only injury has been a sprained calf while running - due to the fact that it did not stretch well in front of him. You can be calm about your face: if anything, boxing helmets of various designs will save you from any surprises (at least in training).

Denis: “Professionals have both fractures and cuts. But here we make sure that this does not happen. People still come here to keep fit. And only a few then participate in competitions.

Stereotype #9. You won't learn anything until you get hit in the head

This time I didn't get hit on the head :)

It would seem that this contradicts the previous point. But this is not about earning a serious injury and thus learning something. Just when you get back for the first time - even in game form, suddenly you understand: uh, yes, this is not just fitness, they actually fight here! :)

Denis: “Until a person works in pairs, he doesn’t really understand why he should follow the technique at all, why cover his face with his hands, why you need to keep your elbows in front of you. In combat, this quickly becomes clear. So if you stand in pairs, you will receive. Nothing without it."

Stereotype #10. Bandages, cap, helmet - this is for advanced, beginners do not need this

This is what the hands of a person who has badly wrapped his arm in bandages during a workout look like. At the same time, I was wearing gloves, and trained exclusively on bags. So that protective equipment obligatory for all - no exceptions. Bandages and gloves are needed for each workout (they are given out in the gym, but I preferred to buy my own), for working in pairs this will require a helmet and a cap.

This is the helmet you need to work in pairs. It never came in handy for me - I'm not ready for sparring

Stereotype #12: You don't have to think in boxing.

This is a stopwatch, it counts the time of the round. The green light turned on - the round began, the red light - ended. It really looks like a chess clock :))

It all depends on what exactly you are doing in training. If you work on shells, there is no time for thoughts, the main thing is to survive until the end of the round to maintain the pace. But if you work with a partner...

Denis: “When you work on a bag, you don’t think. You just hit. And a living person will not let himself be beaten so easily. You need to learn how to play him. In boxing, like in chess, you need to be able to think.”

Stas: “In boxing, nothing will work if you can’t analyze the opponent’s behavior, change the tactics of the fight on the go. If you don't know how to think, you will lose.

So you get tired of boxing and for one more reason (from the outside, it probably seems very funny) - because you think a lot :)))

Stereotype #12. Boxing is not for everyone. It needs preparation and talent.

It is not always possible to hit the projectile so far. Sometimes the coach gets...

Stas: “Talent is an advantage only on initial stage when you need to understand what and how to do. Then only perseverance and skill are important. There is not a single talent that does not work, because just a hardworking one will catch up with him sooner or later. If you want to learn something, just don't give up."

From my own experience, I can say that you should not be afraid to come to boxing and kickboxing with zero preparation. Even if such an unsportsmanlike person as I learned something, then anyone will succeed. The main thing is that the training is to your liking.

  • Dodge the punch, don't turn away. The worst blow is the one you can't see
  • Beat on the exhale
  • Don't reach for the beat
  • Don't lift your chin
  • No, seriously, don't lift your chin or you'll get
  • In defense of the hands, keep at the level of the cheekbones
  • Don't hold your breath - you won't get tired
  • Turn the wrist during the blow so that it falls on two knuckles
  • You hit from the side - do not lower your elbow
  • You hit from below - hold your hand as if it were a glass of water
  • Turn your body in the direction of impact. And the shoulder too. And a leg.
  • If you don’t see your elbows in front of you in defense, then something is going wrong
  • Do not fully straighten your legs
  • Return your hands to the defense after each hit.
  • Be kinder to people, kick with your foot higher - at the level of the abdomen

(Perhaps I’ll print it out and hang it on the refrigerator. Maybe at least I’ll finally remember it :))

By the way, for our readers - a 15% discount on any first purchase using the promo code BEAUTYINSIDER. It can be a one-time lesson, a subscription to a group lesson or a subscription to personal training. The offer is valid all summer.

Address of the club "Bobo": Petrovka, 24/5, phone: +7-965-6251364

(4 votes, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Kickboxing is becoming very popular. Today it is in demand not only among men, but also among women. That is why we consider it necessary to talk about what it is like in Moscow.

Professional kickboxing training for girls in Moscow

Unfortunately, not enough attention has been paid to this issue so far. That is why we consider it necessary to consider it. Therefore, read carefully and learn everything about this issue.

What is kickboxing for girls?

It is necessary to start by considering the definition of this sport. This is a kind of martial arts, which is characterized by the fact that a variety of kicks and punches are carried out. In this martial art, the use of special boxing gloves is allowed. This also applies to Moscow. Distinguish between American and Japanese kickboxing.

What is kickboxing for girls?

It is very important to pay attention to the rules. Different types This martial art prohibits some kicks and punches. This sport originated in America. He began his life in the early sixties. This sport includes full contact. This also applies to the choice in Moscow. Thus, it is simply necessary to practice.

There are several types of kickboxing. He appeared in Japan with the appearance there Thai boxing. That is why it is necessary to start doing it responsibly. But in advance, you must definitely choose for yourself the option that suits you the most. When choosing in Moscow, consider its options and varieties. It is very important to work correctly and practice responsibly. Be careful, if you decide to do it, go to the end.

Types of female kickboxing

Today, kickboxing is becoming more and more popular. You can find out everything about it in our article. Just read it and you'll be fine. It is popular among all countries. It is very popular all over the world. It is also popular among all regions Russian Federation. This also applies to women's kickboxing. We will talk about it in our article.

It is very important to choose the right option that is right for you. There are several variations of kickboxing. For example, in Moscow there is a variant with limited contact. That is, the main thing is to perform blows technically. They are characterized by the fact that they do not have much power. You will be able to do everything technically. It is also very important that you win with technique. That is, they will take into account only how correctly you did everything.

  • There is also full contact. Here the impact force is much stronger. The victories are already taken into account who won. Still, technique is important here. You can defeat the opponent, but lose on points. He fits. Primarily strong blows prohibited. It is possible to carry out kicks in a jump. The leg may be straight or bent. That is, the blows will be the best and victorious, those that achieve their goal and bring loss to the enemy. This is the most popular option.
Types of female kickboxing

It is he who offers kickboxing for girls in Moscow for free. There are also different attacks. They can be carried out with the feet, they can be made in a jump, there are also circular kicks. There are side kicks, a top kick is popular. You can also do punches. Hands can be left or right. They can be straight or bent. The blow can be done evenly or in a jump, the main thing is quality. Victory depends on it. The strike technique must be very high.

How to start women kickboxing

It is necessary to consider the very beginning. It is very important. If you are starting something, then you must be ready for it. That is why just start with preparation. Many want to visit for beginners. But they need to be prepared. Before you start your classes, pick up your equipment. Gloves are the most important.

How to start women kickboxing

It depends on them whether you can win. Distinguish between women and men's gloves. They differ in durability, material and quality. This also affects their price. That is, it is better not to save on gloves. This will ensure that you get a good result. It is also important that the clothes for classes should be comfortable. It should not hinder movement and be very comfortable and convenient.

Don't look at the cost. It's better not to skimp on quality. If you choose good things for yourself, then victory will already be in your pocket. You can ask the coach. He will help you choose perfect option clothes and gloves. Kickboxing for girls in Moscow for free depends on this. It is important before you start practicing, learn the rules and nuances.

How are the classes of girls and men in kickboxing?

Today, more and more girls are getting into kickboxing. Kickboxing for girls is very popular today. Today, girls are actively enrolling in these classes. They seek to protect themselves and have beautiful figure.

How are girls kickboxing going?

Girls usually do very responsibly. They reach the end and prove that they are no worse than men. For women, in principle, three classes a week will be enough for the body to rest.