Movements from 96 exercises according to the Dikul system. Joint gymnastics Valentin Dikul: benefits and exercises. Indications for the technique

Joint problems are a concern for many people, and in most cases they are associated with an inactive lifestyle. Most of us work for sedentary work, little moves, which increases the risk of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. If they appear unpleasant symptoms, in particular, characteristic of hernia, kyphosis, lordosis, then the treatment of joints using the Dikul method can be a real salvation. An important component of it is the special exercises recommended for implementation by the author of the technique.

Gymnastics for Dikul's joints is used in the treatment of the following pathologies:

  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Hernia;
  • Dysfunction of the spine or large joints;

Thanks to regular exercise, you can prevent atrophy of muscles and joints, restore normal motor activity. When performing classes, you can also use simulators to develop joints.

Features of gymnastics the following:

  • The main set of training for the joints is performed, aimed at restoring motor activity.
  • Stretching procedures are used to improve the flexibility of the spine.
  • Thanks to the rhythm of training with repetitions, you can forget about the crunch in the joints and spine, improve hormonal levels and provide a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs.
  • Regular exercise contributes to a quick and successful recovery. The long-term work of the doctor Valentin Dikul makes it possible to obtain amazing results and returns a huge number of people to a full life.

To get the maximum result from the exercises, follow these recommendations when performing them:

  • It is necessary to gradually divide the load on the muscular region of the spine.
  • Exercises with the use of a rope ladder on weight work well on the muscle corset.
  • At an early stage, you can not overload. Increase the load only gradually.
  • In order to achieve a result, you must tune in to the fact that the path will be long and difficult. Your positive attitude matters.

Joint gymnastics can also be performed by healthy people. In this case, it will help strengthen the physical condition and prevent a number of problems.

Basic exercises

Dikul's regularly performed articular gymnastics has a beneficial effect on the functions of the muscles of the neck, chest, shoulder girdle and lower back, while healing the body as a whole.

Basic exercises such gymnastics will be as follows:

  • This exercise is aimed at improving the muscles of the back. Lie on your back, turn your left thigh all the way, stay in this position for a few seconds without moving your torso. Do the same for the right thigh.
  • The following action also has a beneficial effect on the back muscles. You need to lie down, put your feet shoulder-width apart. While inhaling, turn your body to the side, trying to reach the limit. Hold for a couple of seconds in this position, then repeat the turn for the second side.
  • Lie on your back, straighten your legs and pull your socks towards you to the maximum stop. Perform sliding movements to the sides so that the body does not come off the floor. These exercises have a very good effect on lateral muscles back.
  • The position is similar, in the supine position. Spread your limbs shoulder-width apart so that they do not come off the floor. Cross your arms over your chest and wrap your arms around your shoulders. Make tilts to the left and to right side, with each movement freezing for three seconds. This is a great exercise for the thoracic joints.
  • Take a standing position, lean forward, trying to keep your back parallel to the floor. Bend to the maximum, lower your hands down. This exercise is great for all the back muscles.
  • It is also useful for improving the lumbar region next exercise. You need to lie on your stomach, place your hands along the body with your palms up. Raise your body without moving your legs or helping yourself with your hands.

We offer to see video with articular gymnastics Dikul.

Complexes of articular gymnastics according to Dikul

Treatment of joints according to Dikul with the help of exercises is usually divided into two phases. Some exercises are performed using simple devices that can be used at home. The first part of gymnastics is intended for patients undergoing rehabilitation.

The complex consists of two parts. Restorative gymnastics for the muscles of the legs and back is performed in the morning, and exercises for the muscles of the abdomen, chest and upper limbs - in the afternoon. Exercises should be done regularly so that the muscles always get the load they need.

After doing common complex must be done during the day certain types exercises of your choice. The result will be only if you work to restore motor activity throughout the day.

  • During the first three months, articular gymnastics is done without the use of additional weight.
  • Exercises are repeated without stopping at least 10-15 times. The number of approaches should be six.
  • Before moving on to the exercises, warm up.

During the exercise, you can not hold your breath. To make it easier for you to track your results, you can keep a diary, noting in it the level of load and the number of repetitions of exercises performed.

The second complex of gymnastics is more complex, and they switch to it already when the first course is completed and mobility is restored. Exercises are also divided into two parts: the first is performed in the morning, and the second in the afternoon.

Gymnastics is aimed at training all muscle groups. On the first day, train one muscle group, on the second - another, and on the third day, take a break.

To achieve the result, you need to use weight and counterweight, selected individually depending on the patient's health status and individual characteristics. Weight should be chosen according to the possibilities and accustom the body to stress over time.

Each exercise is repeated the required number of times. Over time, the number of repetitions and approaches increases. It is important to perform movements completely so that the muscles can straighten and contract to the end. As a supplement, Valentin Dikul's nutritional balms for joints can be used, which contribute to their warming up and recovery.

When muscle function begins to recover, you can reduce the counterweight load and increase the weight load. Be sure to watch your breathing so that it is even, deep and rhythmic, do not hold it in the process.

The cure for the joints of Dr. Dikul

Dikul's preparations for the treatment of joints have proven themselves well. They are represented by four types of balms - massage, sports, radiculin and for joints. Dikul's tablets, ointments, balms and creams for joints can cure diseases such as arthrosis, arthritis, sprains, fractures, and neuralgia. They can also be used for prevention.

The products are based on natural ingredients. They provide the following effects:

  • Relieve joint pain;
  • Have anti-edematous action;
  • Contribute to the removal of salt deposits (and this is especially important for osteochondrosis);
  • Help to relieve inflammation in the affected joints;
  • Activate the processes of restoration of cartilaginous tissues;
  • Improve mobility;
  • Help improve metabolism;
  • Improve blood circulation and lymph flow;
  • Contribute to the normalization of the formation of synovial fluid.

Such a complex effect helps to significantly improve joint mobility.

People with sore joints often complain of severe pain, and therapy should be aimed at relieving them. Traditional analgesics do not always help to cope with this problem, in addition, they are addictive. Dikul's balms and ointments are based on natural ingredients and do not provoke addiction. They are help relieve pain and swelling, improve recovery processes. side effects no drugs were found. They are easy to apply and absorb well. Of the shortcomings, patients distinguish only their not the most pleasant smell.

In inflammatory joint diseases - arthritis, as well as osteochondrosis and gout, ointment, balms and creams are rubbed into the affected joint area for at least 2-3 minutes. To improve the result, it is recommended to wrap the place of exposure well with something warm.

The balm is applied with gentle movements 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment can be 2-6 weeks. Also, funds can be effectively used for the treatment of other diseases of the spine, such as osteochondrosis, neuralgia, sciatica. It is useful to use the balm with a decrease in immunity, hypothermia.

The main contraindication to the use of Dikul's preparations is a possible individual intolerance to one of the components of the composition. If itching or redness occurs in the application area, stop using the products. It is important to store the medicine at room temperature, out of the reach of children. This will help keep the components active.

Besides V. Dikul advises to adhere to such recommendations for the health of the joints:

  • Move more during the day.
  • Try to avoid hypothermia, colds, stress.
  • It is important to deal with overweight, as it gives an additional load on the joints and spine.
  • Perform exercises aimed at stretching the spine, strengthening the muscles of the back and abdominals.
  • Massage problem areas throughout the day.

All these measures in combination will help to forget about problems with the joints. We offer you to watch a video in which V. Dikul talks about joints.

Video about Dikul's gymnastics

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system is an urgent problem of our time. As a rule, the etiology of these diseases is associated with an inactive lifestyle. Recently, pathology has begun to occur in able-bodied young people. Almost every one of us has experienced the problem of pain in the back and lower back. Most often, pain occurs due to incorrect posture or destructive changes in the joints of the spine.

To have healthy back, do not be lazy.

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The popularity of Dikul's gymnastics

Today, there are many methods that are aimed at improving our body. However, articular gymnastics V.I. Dikul for the spine has won special love among patients who monitor their health. This technique also helps those who care about the prevention of any pathologies, as well as those who, with their over-employment, start their body, considering kyphosis, lordosis, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, scoliosis as natural diseases caused by professions or age.

The uniqueness of Dikul's technique lies in the fact that its author was able to recover from a complex injury - a compression fracture. For many years, Valentin Ivanovich patiently applied his methods in practice, having received an extraordinary result - he managed to recover and return to a full life.

News line ✆

Dikul's methods were followed by about 13 thousand people, and all of them practically received 100% results in the fight against the disease. You can expect tangible results only after a few months. Articular gymnastics acts on the body gradually, by the method of small physical activity, slowly returning mobility to the joints.

Dikul's gymnastics is good for joint health.

The articular gymnastics of Dr. Dikul works well on all ligaments and muscles, as a result of which the range of motion of the joints increases, and the spine becomes more flexible and strong. These exercises are useful for the prevention of diseases of the spine and osteochondrosis. They are suitable not only for trained athletes, but also for the elderly.

At correct execution The therapeutic complex of exercises activates the metabolism of substances, improves blood circulation and the body is filled with energy. In the process of performing the exercises, Academician Valentin Ivanovich Dikulya recommends adhering to the following rules:

  • even distribution of the load on all the muscles of the spine;
  • recovery muscle corset you can use a suspended rope ladder;
  • start training with small loads and do not overload the spine.

The author of the above methodology directed his approach to restoring the ability to move through patient and laborious work. The patient has to work hard, impeccably follow clear recommendations, but the result, believe me, is worth it: he returns to the life of an almost healthy person. In addition, Dikul's gymnastics improves the general physical condition of a person, helps social adaptation among other people.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Really effective remedy from PAIN IN JOINTS and SPINE, recommended by leading orthopedists and rheumatologists of Russia! …

It has been scientifically proven that neurons spinal cord able to recover (regenerate), but this process takes a long time. Methods of Academician V.I. Dikulya confirms this by using the following therapies:

  • physiotherapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • aquatherapy;
  • manual therapy.

Gymnastics Dikul. Video

For back pain, such a remedy as Dikul's patch is effective.

No need to treat joints with pills!

Have you ever experienced unpleasant joint discomfort, annoying back pain? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you or your loved ones are faced with this problem. And you know firsthand what it is:

  • inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
  • unpleasant crunch, clicking not of their own free will;
  • pain during or after exercise;
  • inflammation in the joints and swelling;
  • causeless and sometimes unbearable aching pain in the joints ...

Surely you have tried a bunch of medicines, creams, ointments, injections, doctors, examinations, and, apparently, none of the above helped you ... And there is an explanation for this: it is simply not profitable for pharmacists to sell a working drug, as they will lose customers! It was against this that the leading rheumatologists and orthopedists of Russia jointly opposed, presenting an effective remedy for joint pain that has long been known to the people, which really heals, and not just relieves pain! Read the interview with a famous professor.

Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system today occupy one of the first places in terms of distribution. The most common diseases of the spine. Probably, each of us has ever had pain in the back, lower back. Basically, the pain appears due to poor posture, as the causes of discomfort can be problems with the joints.

Special gymnastics for the spine prevents the development of osteochondrosis, hernia, sciatica and scoliosis. And if the disease is already there, physical education will help to cure and restore the body. More and more sick people prefer the Dikul exercise system. This is a really effective technique for restoring and treating the back.

Basic Rules

Dikul's exercises for the back are recognized as the most effective today medical complex, which in almost 100% of cases helps to rehabilitate the affected segment of the spine, and restore the patient's ability to move.

In the past, Valentin Dikul, the author of the technique, was himself chained to wheelchair. But his impetuous desire to return to a fulfilling life made the impossible. Holistic system therapeutic exercises It is aimed at healing, relieving pain and improving the whole body. Workouts created with personal experience, repeatedly proved their effectiveness in practice by the followers of Dikul.

Dikul's exercises for the spine before starting their use require familiarization with some rules:

  1. Compliance with the order of the lessons.
  2. You should perform the number of approaches that are indicated in the program.
  3. You can not overload the body, it is prepared for training gradually.
  4. You need to exercise regularly, every other day.
  5. Compliance with the full amplitude of execution is necessary for the work of the necessary muscles.
  6. The complex is designed on the basis of smooth, slow movements. Sharp and actions and jerks are prohibited.

Strengthening of muscle tissue

Dikul's set of exercises effectively restores the muscle functions of the lumbar, shoulder, thoracic and cervical spine. It has a beneficial effect on the general well-being of the patient and restores joints.

For the muscles of the lower back

  • Lie on your back. Spread your arms out to the sides, palms down.
  • Slowly turn the left thigh to the right until it stops, without lifting upper part torso off the floor.
  • Fix the position for 2-3 seconds, and just as smoothly return the leg to starting position.
  • Repeat the same with the other thigh.

It is recommended to perform 8 repetitions in each direction for 1 set. During the first three sessions, one approach should be done. The next 2-3 sessions are two sets, and then 3 sets per workout. Dikul's gymnastics involves observing breaks between sets, which last 2 minutes.

To strengthen the back

  • Lie on your back. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, and cross your arms over your chest.
  • While inhaling, slowly turn the body to the right side until it stops. The left shoulder is lifted off the floor.
  • Hold the position for 2 seconds, and just as slowly return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the exercise on the other side.

You need to do the exercise 8 times in each direction. Similar to the previous one, in the first lessons, perform 2 sets, and 3-4 times 3 sets each. Be sure to rest after each set for 2 minutes. Articular gymnastics Dikul guarantees a good result, subject to the number of repetitions and approaches.

For the lateral muscles of the back

  • Without changing position, that is, lying on your back. Connect your legs together and pull your socks towards you. And put your hands palms down.
  • Without leaving the floor cervical region(head, shoulders and neck), slide both feet along the surface to the right. At the same time, the legs cannot be torn off the floor.
  • Hold the position for a few seconds, return to the starting position, and then perform the other way.

The system of repetitions and approaches of this lesson is the same as in the previous one. Such Dikul exercises for back pain strengthen the lateral muscles of the lower back and abdomen well.

For the chest

  • All the same starting position. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, do not tear off the floor. Cross your arms over your chest, clasping your forearms.
  • With a sliding motion, lean to the left, without lifting your back, neck and head from the surface.
    Fix the position for 2-3 seconds, and then smoothly return to the starting position.
  • Run to the other side.

Repeat the approaches and the number of runs, as in the rest of the lessons.

To strengthen the entire back

  • Stand straight, straighten up, look ahead. Slowly lean forward, keeping your back straight.
  • Lower your arms slightly, bending at the knees. In this case, the butt should slightly “bulk out”.
  • Stay in this position for a few seconds and slowly straighten up.

For beginners, it is recommended to do one approach, then the number is increased to three, with breaks of 2 minutes between them. Repeat slopes 8 times. Such Dikul exercises from osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine help well.

For the back of the thigh

  • Lie on your stomach, place your hands with your palms up, touch the floor with your chin.
  • Tear as far as possible the torso up with the arms, without moving the legs.
  • Hold the position for a couple of seconds, and then gently lie back down.

Occupation strengthens hip joints and back. You need to complete 8 repetitions. For the first time, it is enough to do 1 approach, and then 3, with breaks of 2 minutes.

To strengthen the oblique abdominal muscles

  • Lie on your left side, stretch your left hand in front of you, palm on the floor.
  • Raise your right hand up and touch the floor with your palm.
  • Pull the straight right leg and right arm towards each other.
  • In this lesson, the neck works well, the head rises.
  • Fix for 2-3 seconds, take the starting position.

Such Dikul's gymnastics helps from cervical and lumbar osteochondrosis, relieves acute pain. For the lesson, it is enough to do 1 set of 8 repetitions on each side.

Stretching the muscles of the lower back

  • Lie on your back, relax. Pull both legs up to the buttocks.
  • Smoothly return back.

Stretching is performed for 12 repetitions and 3 sets with breaks.

For abdominal muscles

It will take 12 repetitions and 3 sets, for beginners one is enough.

The uniqueness of the healing technique

These exercises are noted for their effectiveness in hernia of the lumbar spine, osteochondrosis, etc. This complex is not the only development of the academician. There are whole systems of exercises for each section of the spine, which strengthen the entire muscular apparatus.

The healing technique treats the joints of the legs, Dikul exercises help fight the most serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system. They can be used for themselves by injured people, office workers and the driver. There is a Dikul technique for children.

Before you start performing exercises for lumbar hernia, osteochondrosis and other diseases, you need to consult your doctor. And the uniqueness of the technique lies in the fact that it is aimed at the complete restoration of the body. Since many other techniques only make it easier for the patient to get used to the role of a disabled person.

Be healthy! In this video, Valentin Ivanovich Dikul talks about his technique, while you will see some good exercises:

Therapeutic gymnastics is great way prevention and treatment of most diseases. For this, a special set of exercises for articular gymnastics has been developed. On our site you can watch or download articular gymnastics.

Dear visitors of our site! Please note: the given sets of exercises are introductory material. Each exercise should be used at a certain stage of treatment. Depending on the specific diagnosis and condition of the patient, an appropriate set of exercises is prescribed, which is selected by the exercise therapy doctor.
To draw up a cycle just for you, please contact our specialists.
Sincerely yours, R. V. Sterkhov, Leading Specialist in Rehabilitation of the Presnensky Center

Who needs joint gymnastics?

Joint gymnastics is suitable for people who have recently undergone joint treatment in order to restore their functions. It is also good therapeutic exercises for arthrosis. Thanks to regular exercises, therapeutic exercises will make your joints strong, and your muscles strong and elastic, allowing them to regain their lost functions.

During the treatment of arthrosis, the goal of therapeutic exercises is to restore and replenish the nutritional deficiency of the joints, ligaments and muscles.

If inflammation occurs in the joints, gymnastics is prohibited. It is performed only at the stage of recovery after treatment or for prevention.

Try not to overexert yourself while doing exercises of articular gymnastics. They should take place in a pleasant and comfortable environment for you, rhythmically and to the music. Do not overexert yourself, and as soon as you feel tired or in pain, you should stop exercising. Pain should not be! They indicate that your joints have received excessive stress, and it is contraindicated for them!

If you are just starting to perform therapeutic exercises for the joints, you need to start with a light warm-up. Perform exercises no more than 5 - 6 times, gradually increasing the load.

Joint gymnastics: the principle of exercises

Joint gymnastics is best viewed on the floor on a soft or hard mat. If this is still difficult for you, do exercises right in bed. Exercises for beginners usually include breathing exercises, tilts, alternation of lifting and lowering the legs. This is an adaptive therapeutic gymnastics for arthrosis of the knee joint, which is carried out on initial stage after an illness. And performing complex movements is not recommended.
At a later stage, treatments are already included complex exercises, including twisting exercises for the spine. They maintain its flexibility and strength, and also improve the nutrition of the intervertebral discs.
Depending on the patient's condition, a more "advanced" complex of therapeutic exercises for the joints may also include stretching exercises. At correct breathing they allow the muscles to for a long time maintain elasticity.

Dikul's technique, if we consider its main direction - the treatment of osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernias - this is a therapeutic process of dynamic traction of the spine and strengthening of the muscles (primarily of the back) according to an individual program on special rehabilitation equipment (TechnoGym), aimed at forming your own muscle corset with an emphasis on problem areas .

The second, no less important, direction of our work is the correction of scoliosis of varying severity, kyphosis, kyphoscoliosis, posture correction, especially in adolescents. It uses Dikul's technique aimed at restoring the symmetry of the muscles

The initial appeal to the Center (initial consultation) includes the following steps:

  • Doctor's examination: neurologist or traumatologist-orthopedist
  • Consultation of doctors of other specialties (according to indications).
  • Computer-optical diagnostics, which allows to assess the imbalance of the muscular corset, the presence of overstrain zones and the parameters of spinal curvature.
  • Physical activity test. Test exercises are selected based on the data of computer-optical diagnostics and taking into account the diagnosis and complaints of the patient. The reaction to a particular load is recorded and evaluated. This data is then used to compile individual program exercise therapy.
  • Consultation with an exercise therapy doctor (according to the results of testing).
  • Final appointment with a neurologist (traumatologist-orthopedist). Defining a treatment plan. Recommendations.

To clarify the diagnosis, the patient may be assigned an additional examination:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging
  • CT scan
  • Ultrasonography and ultrasound diagnostics
  • Densitometry

Therapeutic process.

The program includes: classes on special rehabilitation equipment (TechnoGym), physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises, additional procedures according to the doctor's indications (massage, manual therapy, acupuncture, etc.).

The basic course of treatment includes 3 cycles of 12 sessions each, the main element of which is sessions on rehabilitation equipment with regular program adjustments.

The main goal of the course is to strengthen the muscle corset and create a “decompression effect” on problem areas of the spine and, as a result, relieve (reduce) pain, increase the range of motion in the joints, increase the flexibility of the spine and the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus.

  • The course of treatment includes gymnastics prescribed by a physiotherapist.
  • Joint gymnastics
  • Respiratory therapeutic exercises
  • Gymnastics "Yoga therapy", aimed at increasing the flexibility and mobility of the spine and joints.
  • Gymnastics "Pilates", aimed at relaxing the muscles of the back, upper and lower extremities.

During the period of treatment, the patient in each sector of the rehabilitation hall is engaged under the supervision of an instructor in physiotherapy exercises who teaches the patient correct technique performing exercises. Correction of the program and dosing of physical activity is carried out by an exercise therapy doctor. To evaluate the effectiveness of treatment at the 6th and 12th lessons, computer-optical diagnostics are repeated.

Treatment is prescribed taking into account the characteristics of the course of the underlying and concomitant diseases of each patient and includes (according to indications), in addition to classes in the rehabilitation room, manual therapy sessions, dry traction traction, acupuncture, physiotherapy, shock wave therapy, massage, etc. General control over the patient's condition and the dynamics of treatment are carried out by the attending physician (neurologist or orthopedic traumatologist)

Therapeutic techniques of V.I. Dikul allow people not only to get rid of pain, but also to significantly improve the quality of life.

"... If you do not take care of your spine, then soon he will take care of you."
V. I. Dikul

To restore weak dorsal and neck muscles a special complex was developed by Valentin Dikul: exercises for osteochondrosis must be done daily, then they will give a good result. Dikul's gymnastics for cervical and lumbar osteochondrosis can, if desired, be combined with power loads, which allow you to relieve tension from your back and restore the vertebrae. It is recommended to start exercising after the recommendation of a doctor and under the guidance of a competent specialist.

Dikul's technique has become very widespread throughout the world. This system has existed officially since 1990 (it was registered with the patent office), and over this relatively short period of time, a huge number of people got rid of or significantly reduced the manifestations of osteochondrosis of the spine. And very many have avoided disability as a result of serious and advanced stages of the disease.

Indications for the technique

A set of exercises by Valentin Dikul is indicated for:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • functional disorder of the spine;
  • compression fracture of the spine;
  • intervertebral hernias;
  • cerebral palsy, and such pathologies in adults are practically not amenable to treatment by this method;
  • functional disorders of the joints and large vessels.

Contraindications to the technique

Like every treatment, the Dikul technique has contraindications, but there are not so many of them. Exercises should not be performed with pain symptoms. If there is persistent pain, then exercise should be refrained from as long as the pain does not pass.

You can’t do Dikul’s exercises for people who have compression or body syndrome. In all these cases, it is necessary to treat osteochondrosis in other ways.

Types of exercises

Here are some exercises that are advised to perform with osteochondrosis:

  1. From a kneeling position, leaning on outstretched arms. Raise your head slightly, and with an exhalation lower your buttocks to your heels, then bend forward as you inhale. Do the exercise slowly, repeat 10 times. If pain occurs, it is necessary to reduce the range of motion.
  2. Same starting position. The knees must be connected and the pelvis lowered first to one side, then to the other side, trying to plant the buttocks on the floor. At the same time, the feet are tightly pressed to the floor, the movement must be performed 15 times in each direction. If pain interferes with planting the buttocks on the floor, the exercise should be done before the onset of pain.
  3. The position is the same. Make arbitrary swings with your legs to the sides and back.
  4. From the same position on inhalation, the back should be bent down as low as possible, and with exhalation, bent up. Repeat this exercise 15-20 times.
  5. Lie on your back, arms extended along the body, knees bent and pressed to each other. Lower your knees to the left, and then to the right, without taking your hands off the floor. The amplitude of the exercise depends on the occurrence of pain, ideally the knees should touch the floor.
  6. Remaining in a prone position, wrap your arms around 1 leg and press it tightly against your stomach, then do the same with the other leg. If the pain does not bother, press both knees to the stomach at the same time.
  7. Push-ups. The knees are connected, the chin is slightly raised, the rise is done while inhaling. If a person is physically developed enough, you can rise on your toes.

There are separate sets of exercises that are designed for each section of the spine. In addition, with hernial formations, too, has its own exercise technique.

Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor when choosing a complex, only he can say exactly which exercises will be useful and effective in a particular case. At first, it is advisable to perform exercises with an instructor.

So the patient will learn to do them correctly, and the instructor can also adjust some exercises with the characteristics of his body.

What can be achieved with exercise?

Performing exercises according to the method of Valentin Dikul, blood circulation improves, pain disappears, oxygen supplies the brain in sufficient quantities, normalizes arterial pressure. Exercises help correct posture, restore sensitivity to the upper limbs and completely eliminate osteochondrosis. If necessary, exercises can be supplemented with medication.

Gymnastics Dikul from cervical and lumbar osteochondrosis is considered the most effective complex, which is guaranteed to rehabilitate problematic segments of the spine, and restore the patient's ability to move normally. In addition, the system of exercises is aimed at relieving the pain symptom and strengthening the whole organism as a whole.

There are some rules that must be followed in order to achieve the maximum effect from exercise therapy:

  1. The number of approaches must be performed in the quantity in which they are recommended, do not be too zealous and overload your body too intense training. It is worth preparing the body for an increase in approaches gradually, otherwise the result may be the opposite.
  2. You need to do it regularly, it is best to do it every other day, giving the body and muscles a rest.
  3. It is necessary to achieve a full range of motion, each exercise is aimed at a specific muscle group. However, if it does not immediately come out to perform the full amplitude, it is not necessary to do it by force, but each time it is necessary to at least slightly increase the amplitude.
  4. You can not do exercises abruptly and jerkily. The whole complex is designed on the basis of slow and smooth movements.

- Milgamma, Neurovitan;

  • biostimulants - Humisol.
  • Any medication should be prescribed by a doctor and selected individually, the course of treatment and dosage is also set by a specialist.

    In this case, it is necessary to take into account the individual intolerance of some components. medicines therefore, if the condition worsens, the patient must always contact the attending physician to reduce the dosage of the drug or completely cancel it.

    A highly qualified and world-famous specialist in the field of spinal problems, Valentin Dikul, is sure that the power load in diseases of the spine is not only not contraindicated, but also necessary. Only long sessions with elements power load can relieve muscle tension from the back, as well as restore and straighten the vertebrae.

    One of the most effective methods for restoring the working capacity of the back is considered to be the treatment of the spine using the Dikul method. With the acceleration of the rhythm of life, the number of injuries and diseases of the spine has rapidly increased. Today, problems such as scoliosis, osteochondrosis and spinal hernia have taken second place after colds. Therefore, studying this unique technique is becoming more and more relevant, and following it allows many people to move normally, work and lead an active life without back pain for many, many years.

    A Brief History of the Appearance of the Method

    Surprisingly, one of the most effective methods of treating spinal diseases was developed not by a doctor, but by a circus gymnast. His name is Valentin Ivanovich Dikul. In 1962, performing a dangerous stunt, he broke and fell into the arena from a height of 13 m. Miraculously survived, but received more than 10 fractures, including a fracture of the spine. All the symptoms indicated that Dikul would forever remain an invalid. But Valentin Ivanovich did not accept this and began a long and difficult struggle for the opportunity to move freely.

    As a result of his perseverance, hard work and ingenuity, the famous Dikul system appeared. And the first who managed to get on his feet with its help was its author himself. Moreover, he not only overcame pain symptoms and managed to get up, but also returned in 1970 to the circus arena, already as a strength athlete, proving by his own example that even after such severe injuries, life without back pain is possible. In the future, the author regularly improved the technique.

    Thanks to the system developed by Dikul, thousands of people have hope for a life without lower back pain, even after severe injuries and diseases of the spine.

    What is the essence of the Dikul method

    • osteochondrosis;
    • scoliosis;
    • intervertebral hernia.



    Lead time

    Exercise 1.
    Exercise 2.
    Exercise 3
    Exercise 4
    Exercise 5

    The exercises described above are only a small part of the rich arsenal developed by V.I. Dikul. He claims that human body programmed by nature on the principle of a self-healing mechanism. Therefore, we and we alone decide whether to trigger this self-healing mechanism or let the body slowly but steadily decline.

    What is the essence of the Dikul method

    Dikul argues that in the vast majority of cases, people become disabled not from injuries or illnesses, but from their own lack of will and inaction. The main condition in the Dikul system: regardless of the severity of the injury, you need to constantly load the muscles and ligaments of the body with work in order to keep them in good shape. Otherwise, they atrophy, dooming a person to disability.

    The Dikul system is a complex special exercises aimed at constantly maintaining the muscles and ligaments of the back in working condition. Valentin Ivanovich claims (and proves by his own example) that such gymnastics will eventually allow the patient to get on his feet and start life without back pain.

    There is preventive gymnastics for back diseases, gymnastics for drivers, gymnastics for office workers, gymnastics at cervical osteochondrosis, gymnastics for lumbar osteochondrosis, etc. The Dikul system works effectively in the treatment of almost all diseases of the back and spine:

    • severe injuries and fractures of the spine;
    • cerebral palsy;
    • osteochondrosis;
    • scoliosis;
    • intervertebral hernia.

    In total, the treatment of the spine according to the Dikul method includes about 60 postures and exercises.

    Basic rules of the health system

    Dikul's gymnastics is based on several rules. First: yourself physical exercises do not give a positive effect on the muscles. For success, the patient necessarily needs more perseverance, emotional stability and confidence in the final result. Therefore, the first thing a person who begins to practice according to the Dikul system should learn to ensure his life without back pain is self-control, psychological stability and self-confidence.

    The second rule: the muscles themselves should “want” to return to working tone, and gymnastic exercises are intended only to give them an impetus to do so. In other words, classes should be regular, but there is no need for everyday exhausting exercises. For example, it is enough to perform Dikul's exercises with a hernia of the spine or osteochondrosis 3 times a week to give an impetus to activate the work of the back muscles.

    Third: the exercises should always be performed in the same sequence in which they were performed in the first lesson. They must be performed gently, slowly, rhythmically, without tension and shortness of breath. Fast movements, at best, will not help the treatment in any way, and can often harm health. If Dikul's gymnastics is performed correctly, then a person can stop at any moment and take a deep breath without any problems.

    Fourth: you need to learn to listen to your body. For example, gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis should be performed in 3 sets of 8 repetitions of exercises in each. This does not mean that you need to non-stop do the entire set of exercises, testing the muscles for strength.

    After completing the first approach, take a break for 2-3 minutes, perform the second approach, make another stop and complete the exercises in the third approach. If during the performance of some exercise you feel severe pain, then it is better to refuse to perform it for a while.

    One of the main postulates of the Dikul technique: if a person experiences severe back pain, if he has symptoms of an exacerbation of the disease or any colds, classes should be suspended until the pain and feeling unwell are localized with the help of other methods of treatment.

    Exercises according to the Dikul method for scoliosis

    Scoliosis is a lateral curvature spinal column. Doctors classify it as a severe progressive disease with a high probability of pathological changes in the joints of the spine. Symptoms of scoliosis are increasingly observed in young children, not to mention adults, due to their own misunderstanding or forced due to the nature of their activities leading a sedentary lifestyle.

    Symptoms indicate the appearance of scoliosis: one shoulder is constantly raised, when leaning forward, the spine remains curved, the angle of one of the shoulder blades protrudes asymmetrically, the arms pressed to the sides of the body are at different distances from the waist. However, when determining the diagnosis, relying only on external symptoms alone is not worth it; you must definitely consult a doctor and conduct an examination.

    Dikul's gymnastics for scoliosis consists of five basic exercises.



    Lead time

    Exercise 1. Sit on a stool, keeping even posture. Grasp the handle of the expander fixed at the level of your face. Pull the handle towards you until the hand is at the level of the shoulder line. Stay in this position for 2-3 seconds. and return to starting position.
    Exercise 2. Sit in the same way as in the first exercise. The expander should be fixed just above the level of the belt. Slowly pull the handle of the expander to the groin and take the bent elbow back. Hold like this for 2-3 seconds. and return to starting position.
    Exercise 3 The expander is fixed on the floor. The right straight leg rests on the floor, the left one bent at the knee - on the bench. The left straight hand also rests on the bench, the right hand, with the expander handle clamped in it, is set aside. Without bending your right arm, slowly move it back and up. Hold for 2-3 seconds and return to the starting position. Change the position of the arms and legs, repeat the exercise on the other side.
    Exercise 4 The stand is straight, the posture is even, the shoulders are lowered, a dumbbell is clamped in the left hand. Raise your left shoulder up, trying to touch their ear. Hold for 2-3 seconds, return to the starting position. Transfer the dumbbell to the right hand, repeat with the right shoulder.
    Exercise 5 Lying on your back, connect the soles of your feet. Hands are spread out to the sides with palms down. Without lifting the shoulders and head from the floor, we shift both legs as much as possible to the right, without separating the feet. Hold for 2-3 seconds and return to the starting position. We repeat the same exercise to the left.

    Each of the exercises in one session must be performed 24 times, dividing this number into 3 sets.

    Special gymnastics for osteochondrosis

    Osteochondrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic change in the spine that affects the intervertebral discs. There are lumbar, thoracic and cervical osteochondrosis. The symptoms of the development of this insidious disease are numerous, but it is not worth trying to determine the development of the disease by them, since they are good at disguising themselves as symptoms of other diseases. For example, the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis (headache, dizziness, pain in the shoulder area) may also belong to at least half a dozen other diseases.

    As in the case of scoliosis, with osteochondrosis, exercises should be done in 3 sets of 8 times each, and between sets 2–3 minutes of rest to restore breathing.

    1. Exercise 1. Lie on your back, spread your arms to the sides, palms down. Legs extended, feet together. Without lifting your head, shoulders and left leg, slowly twist the left thigh to the right. Hold for 2-3 seconds. and slowly return to the starting position. Repeat the same on the other side with the right leg.
    2. Exercise 2. Lie on your back, spread your legs to the sides with your feet at shoulder level. Cross your arms over your chest, clasping your forearms with your palms. Without moving the pelvis and legs, tear off the left shoulder from the floor and turn the body to the right. Hold for 2-3 seconds. and return to starting position. The same in the opposite direction.
    3. Exercise 3 is completely identical to exercise 5 from the described complex for the treatment of scoliosis.
    4. Exercise 4. Lie on your back, spread your legs to the sides with your feet at shoulder level. Cross your arms over your chest, clasping your forearms with your palms. Without moving the pelvis and legs, tilt the body as much as possible to the left with a sliding motion. Hold for 2-3 seconds. and return to starting position. The same in the opposite direction.
    5. Exercise 5. Become straight, eyes look straight. Without rounding your back, bend your knees and slowly bend over, lowering your arms down. Hold for 2-3 seconds. and return to starting position.