How to set up a treadmill for yourself. Treadmill lessons for beginners. We learn to turn on, use the modes and walk correctly on the treadmill. Beginner Treadmill Program

People who regularly visit gyms and fitness centers have long been accustomed to the treadmill. But if a person buys this simulator at home, then turning on and controlling the track can cause difficulties. In this article, we will talk about how to manage the simulator and use it as efficiently as possible.

The treadmill is one of the key pieces of equipment in any gym. Its indisputable advantages include the ability to successfully imitate real running, while even surpassing it in efficiency. After all, during a normal run, a person does not have the opportunity to choose the level of inclination or turn on the fan, but when exercising on a treadmill, such an opportunity is present.

In addition, the track makes classes more versatile. In winter, when it is impossible to go outside without a few layers warm clothes, running exercises practically impossible. With the help of the simulator, you can run at home, doing it at any time of the year and day. You just need to know how to enable treadmill and how to use it.

How to use the treadmill?

Different types of tracks can turn on in different ways, although in concept they all look similar. If you don't know how to turn the treadmill on gym, it is best to ask the gym staff or other visitors.

Note that tracks from different manufacturers may slightly differ in the set of functions and the way they are enabled. But the general algorithm of work is always approximately the same. The difference most often lies in the shape and location of the buttons, the overall design of the information screen, but nothing more. We will look at the intricacies of using the track on the example of the JKexer Fitlux 365 simulator, as it looks universal and is very popular.

Switching on and main functions

Turning on the track is quite easy. Most models have a "Start" or "Start" button. It is also accompanied by a well-known icon - it is both on the TV remote control and on the computer system unit. Most often, before pressing this button, you need to set the angle of inclination and the speed of movement. In this case, the security key must be fixed with one end on the belt or clothes of a person, and with the other - on the console of the simulator. This element helps to avoid injuries, as it immediately turns off the track when a person falls.

When it becomes necessary to change the settings during a workout, you should first press the "Stop" button (sometimes there are separate "Stop" and "Pause" buttons), and only after that enter the data and press "Start" again. When it comes to how to properly run on a treadmill, safety is paramount. It is highly undesirable to change parameters on the go.

The JKexer Fitlux 365 simulator, which we took as a basis, has a brief instruction on English language. It is located right on the information screen. If your track model is also equipped with such instructions, do not ignore it.

Change the speed and incline of the track

As already mentioned, you need to change the slope and speed after the track has completely stopped. Some devices allow you to enter specific numeric values, while others have + and - buttons for incremental changes. The interface of different tracks may differ, but the general concept remains the same. Modes change by changing incline and speed. Everything else is additional and optional features.

It is worth remembering that you need to switch speed and change the angle of inclination gradually. Even if the track allows you to dramatically change one or another indicator, you should take small steps. So, the optimal change in the angle of inclination is 2-3 degrees. There are no specific values ​​​​for running, but it is not advisable to immediately switch from walking to maximum speed. This makes workouts less effective and tires you out quickly.

Switching modes, program selection

Most modern treadmills are equipped with several preset modes and training programs. They switch, as a rule, in different ways. So, on the JKexer Fitlux 365, these are programs indicated on the panel with gray fields, to select the one you need, after clicking on the Profile button, click on the desired program. For the selected program, you can set the level and initial speed.

If you are going to practice on the track at home, then the best option would be to buy a device with some kind of internal memory. This can be a regular menu, a connection to a computer or a USB drive. The bottom line is not to set training programs every time, but simply to enter them into the memory of the simulator. These functions are implemented differently on different tracks, but, as a rule, the interface remains intuitive. You can find out exactly how the program selection works on a particular model in the instructions for it.

Additional functions of the simulator

Various additional features that a track can have:

  • entering a person's weight to adjust the training program;
  • a fan that can be turned on at the time of exercising on the track;
  • water bottle holder;
  • vibration massager;
  • rollers for transporting the simulator;
  • compensator for uneven floors, necessary for outdoor activities;
  • multimedia functions - Wi-Fi, TV tuner, speakers for playing voice messages, color or touch display.

It is also worth listing the technical features that can make life easier for the owner of the simulator:

  • safety key (if you fall, this device will instantly stop the track);
  • the possibility of folding or assembling the track.

To understand how to walk on a treadmill, no additional features are needed. Beginners should not pay attention to them at all. But if your track is equipped with them, then later you can study them. Surely all of them are described in the instructions attached by the manufacturer to the simulator.

If you do not know how to use the treadmill in the gym, then the necessary information can be obtained from the employees of the institution. The general algorithm described above will definitely help. But if there are doubts, it is better to clarify all the same.

How to exercise on a treadmill? General rules

There are a number of rules that must be observed while exercising on a treadmill:

  1. Always choose comfortable shoes that are neither too tight nor too roomy. If you work out at home, this is not a reason to put on slippers or even go barefoot. Uncomfortable shoes can hurt your feet and just make your workout less effective.
  2. Don't forget how the treadmill works. It starts moving immediately after you press the "Start" button. Therefore, at the time of switching on, you need to stand on the floor next to the track, but not on it! There is a risk of falling.
  3. Do not hold on to the handrails while walking or running! It defeats the whole purpose of training. Leaning on the handrails, you increase the load on the musculoskeletal system, shift the center of gravity and thereby quickly get tired, losing the effectiveness of classes.
  4. Avoid daily workouts. Unless you urgently need to get in shape - train no more than 4 times a week. Daily running will quickly bore you, and it will become more difficult to force yourself.

Why do you need handrails if you can't hold on to them? The answer is simple: for insurance. By changing the speed or angle of inclination, you can grab the handrail so as not to fall. In addition, on many tracks, the handrails are equipped with controls and heart rate sensors.

Beginner treadmill training is often challenging and seemingly unnecessarily boring. To avoid quick “baking” and continue to train effectively on the track, heed the following tips:

  1. Train to music or a series. This will allow you to take your mind off the process of walking or running and perform important movements automatically, “on autopilot”.
  2. Change the angle of inclination while walking, best of all - gradually. This will help burn calories efficiently and at the same time make the training process less monotonous. Often walking uphill on a treadmill is even more effective than running on a flat surface. But if you gradually increase the angle, then you do not need to lower it immediately either.
  3. The track should be placed in the room you love. Dark bedroom or gloomy corner - not the best place for classes. The more pleasant you are in the room, the more effective your workouts will be.
  4. Decide for yourself how much you need to run on the treadmill. The main thing is not to overwork. The pre-set programs are good for weight loss and for the heart, but if you just want to keep fit, then making your own decisions will be the best choice.

Beginner Treadmill Program

There is far from the only training program on the treadmill. But the vast majority of these programs are designed for people who already have some experience of "communication" with simulators of this type. Beginners should limit themselves to the choice of load and its gradual increase. At first, 20-30 minutes of classes are enough, but after a few weeks the load needs to be increased. The fact that the time has come to increase the load will be indicated by excessive ease when performing exercises that previously seemed quite difficult.

It is necessary to increase the load. If you practice almost every day, then after a week you need to increase the duration of classes by 10-15 minutes (for example, repeat the selected program again). After a month of training, you need to double the initial duration of training. So, if the first lesson lasted 25 minutes, then in a month you need to spend at least 50.

The optimal treadmill workout for beginners looks something like this:

  1. Start with 10 minutes of normal walking at a speed of 4-6 km/h.
  2. Then start running at a speed of 7-9 km / h. You should run for 7 minutes, the slope is not needed.
  3. After that, set the slope to 2 degrees and walk for 2 minutes at a speed of 4-6 km/h. Increase the incline by another 2 degrees every 2 minutes and end the workout after 10 minutes when the incline reaches 10 degrees.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 at least 3 times.

If your heart rate while walking uphill is higher than while running, then another training scheme will do:

  1. Walk for 10 minutes at a speed of 4-6 km/h.
  2. Set the incline to 3 to 6 degrees and walk for another 5 minutes at the same speed.
  3. Remove the slope and start running for 2 minutes at a speed of 7-9 km/h.
  4. Run for 1 minute at the fastest possible speed (also without incline).
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 at least 3 times.

These programs are designed primarily for weight loss and keeping fit. For example, for cardio training on a treadmill, the program will be completely different. It is better to discuss it with your doctor first.


The treadmill is great way lose weight, put your body in order, defeat heart problems. The simulator is really very effective, and you can use it both in the gym or fitness center, and at home. There are no difficulties during the lessons. The main thing to do is to learn the basic functions of the treadmill before you turn it on for the first time and start training.

Don't base your choice of running shoes on them alone. appearance. When training, style should be the last thing to think about. And first - about depreciation, ventilation and the correct position of the foot. On the first two points, an employee will be able to advise you. sports shop. But on the latter, it is better to visit an orthopedist first. He will determine the characteristics of your foot and give recommendations on the choice of shoes and / or orthopedic insoles that will help to avoid injuries to the knees and ankles.

2. You can not neglect the warm-up

In no case should you run without warming up your muscles! Warming up ensures the flow of blood - and therefore oxygen - to the muscles and ligaments. Therefore, you should start jogging with 5-10 minutes of walking, gradually increasing the speed. Ideally, after that, get off the treadmill and do a few more exercises: swings, tilts, squats, calf raises.

If you run in the morning, then the warm-up should be longer. At a minimum, you should start with 5-10 minutes of walking, followed by a few minutes of pre-jogging at low speed, during which you can adjust correct breathing. Only then gradually increase the speed to maximum.

3. Don't slouch

Correct posture must be remembered in any life situation. And on the treadmill, when the load on the spine is increased, you need to pay special attention to posture.

Many beginner runners complain of back pain. But this is not always a contraindication for running. More often this is a signal that it is worth reducing the speed of the tape and working out correct position body while running. This goal may not seem as attractive as increasing speed or distance. However, only its achievement guarantees that you will be able to break records for many years to come.

4. Don't hold on to the railings

It would seem that this gives a lot of support. But in fact, if you hold on to the handrails, your body's center of gravity shifts, resulting in an incorrect body position. Plus, if you're running to lose weight while holding onto handrails, you're fooling yourself. The work of the hands while moving burns a lot of calories.

If you need to hold onto the handrails, then you have chosen too much load (tempo, incline). Reduce it and build it up gradually, and let your arms, bent at an angle of 90 degrees, move naturally along the torso.

5. Don't Land Wrong

The position of the foot on landing affects how the load from the impact is distributed throughout the body. Incorrect landing can cause pain in the ankle, knee, back, or even injury. There are different opinions about how to properly place the foot while running. It depends on the speed of the run, the hardness of the surface, and the goals of the runner (speed or endurance, winning the next race or running as a hobby for years to come).

On a treadmill, at speeds above 7–8 km/h, landing on your toes is the safest. At the same time, the leg should be moderately tense - so that it can freely redistribute the load on the foot and not turn up.

6. Don't look down at your feet.

When you bend over to look at your legs, you can lose your balance and strain your neck or back, or hurt your knees. In addition, even the occasional glance down at your feet results in a change in your speed while the treadmill continues to move the same way. This leads to stress.

In order to control your feet, you should not look down, but feel. And you should look all the time straight ahead - at a fictional finish line.

7. Don't take too big steps.

You should not try to repeat the movements of sprinters on the treadmill on the treadmill and try to stretch your legs to the maximum. The stride length should be optimal. This way you won't overexert yourself and will be able to run longer. In addition, those who take too large steps usually cling to the beginning of the tape. So you can unsuccessfully hook the engine compartment cover and stumble.

Try to take about three steps per second. If you feel like your stride length is too short for you, it's time to pick up the pace.

8. You can not jump off the track at full speed

Some runners have a habit of jumping off the treadmill at full speed to get a drink of water or use a towel. Do not follow their example. Even if you have perfect coordination, why take the risk? You may twist your ankle or fall. After a long recovery break, you will have to start moving towards your goals from the very beginning. So it's better to sacrifice a few seconds to safely slow down than weeks of hard training.

9. Don't overstress or relax too much.

Often in pursuit of the result, we forget about the process. On a treadmill, this can be fatal: if you get injured, you can forever deprive yourself of the pleasure of running. If a muscle fatigue, increased heart rate, and even more so the pain becomes stronger with each workout, which means you are overexerting yourself. Take a break! After a couple of days, you will be pleasantly surprised: running will become easier, and, most likely, you will be able to make a new breakthrough.

If, on the contrary, it has become too easy for you to run, this is also fraught with danger. While running, you must be focused to maintain proper body position and breathing. If you notice that you have begun to have your head in the clouds, such as staring at TV, it's time to increase the load. You should also not run the entire workout at the same pace. Run intervals - with a variable pace and/or incline. This will allow you to stay focused, burn more calories and achieve your goals faster.

10. Don't run when you're not feeling well.

With a hangover or in snot - are you in any state on the track? Cool! Your willpower is to be envied! And often after a run you really get better. But if you start running and feel that the malaise does not allow you to pay enough attention to training, stop. Remember that willpower is not a goal, but a means to improve your running technique. You can be proud of yourself anyway. So this time, allow yourself to rest or walk at a comfortable pace “up the hills”.

Running on the treadmill completely replaces training on outdoors. On this machine, you can exercise in walking, light or high-speed running, with full control over the intensity and speed of the exercises, while being in the target heart rate zone. Purchasing this sports equipment allows you to fully enjoy all the benefits of regular workouts right at home, maintain overall tone, improve health, and get rid of extra pounds.

Modern treadmills are significantly different from their predecessors. The technologies built into many models of the latest generation of iFit make it possible to engage in "virtual" running - to compete with athletes, to choose any coach, including a famous person, as an instructor.

The popularity of the running machine among those who want to lose weight is incredibly high. This, above all, is facilitated by the incredible ease of handling and ease of management, which do not require any special skills from the athlete. Home models have more limited functionality than professional ones installed in gyms.

The equipment of the former implies the presence of a timer, counting the “traveled” distance displayed on the display, and the latter, as a rule, includes special sensors for monitoring heart rate. With the ability to track heart rate, the athlete can coordinate the goal of the activity, which can be directed to training of cardio-vascular system or fat burning.

Options for some models include:

  • personal trainer;
  • strength training;
  • burning fat.

Expected results

Depends on the speed of running and the person's own weight. Jogging with average speed burns 100 calories every mile. Half an hour training at a speed of 5.5 km per hour allows you to get rid of 121 calories. The higher the speed, the faster calories are burned. Weight has the same effect. The more the runner weighs, the more intense the kilograms go.

Tempo is important. It should be such that a person is a little out of breath, but is able to talk to someone around him. Once the correct tempo is set, it must be maintained. This applies to training and weight loss, and the cardiovascular system.

The effectiveness of the treadmill in the fight against overweight is beyond doubt. The only obstacle to achieving results can be your own laziness. Hardy and persistent people who have a clear intention to lose weight achieve high results with this simulator.

The simulator, regardless of model and functionality, supports several types of workouts. It allows you to exercise both for weight loss and for maintaining good physical shape.

It would be a mistake to concentrate on one type. The desired effect is achieved by combining various ways. This is due not only to the correct distribution of loads, but also to the preservation of motivation. A variety of workouts will never get bored.

Training program

Walking should be alternated with jogging. This can be done cyclically, for example, run for 3-4 days, and devote the rest of the time to walking or change modes every time.


Intense and short trainings break down body fat and slow down the process of formation of new ones more effectively than long ones.

The body does not have time to adapt to the loads if the training is varied. When classes start to get boring, two simple tricks help maintain motivation:

  1. Watching TV

The option is present in all modern models of treadmills. You can watch your favorite shows and programs not only at home, but also in the gym. In order not to disturb others, connect headphones to the simulator and select the desired channel.

  1. Listening to music

You can choose your favorite song or a dynamic melody. An excellent solution would be to create a selection of songs specifically for doing exercises on the track.

Effective Fat Burning Exercises

The best treadmill in the fight against excess weight is made by properly selected exercises that fully open up the possibilities and potential of this simulator.

Interval training

Demonstrated a consistently high result in the fight against extra pounds and implies a combination of execution periods various exercises with breaks. The most effective are workouts with alternating exercises.

Workout plan

Interval miles traveled Speed
Warm up 00,0 – 1,0 6,50-7,00
The first 1,0-1,25 8,00
respite 1,25-1,30 3,50
Second 1,30-1,55 8,00
respite 1,55-1,60 3,50
Third 1,60-1,85 8,00
respite 1,85-1,90 3,50
Fourth 1,90-2,15 8,00
respite 2,15-2,20 3,50
Fifth 2,20-2,45 8,00
respite 2,15-2,50 3,50
Sixth 2,50-2,75 8,00
respite 2,75-2,80 3,50

All intervals are divided into separate segments. They involve first performing simpler ones, and then complex exercises. The former should have a duration of ten to forty seconds, while the latter should be shorter and last no more than half a minute. This approach allows you to exhaust yourself to such an extent that after the end of the workout, a person simply cannot do even the easiest exercise.

Intensive training should be carried out at least three to four times every week. It is necessary to make sure that it is really difficult, that is, it does not come easily. Otherwise, no effect will be achieved.

It is best to start training with walking. You don't have to take it right away. high loads. The next task after that is to choose a pace for jogging and maintain it for half a minute, further slowing down with the transition to walking for forty seconds.

In other words, interval training is a combination of running and walking. Each mode is done after a certain time interval. This leads to an increase in metabolic rate and an increase in the rate of burning excess calories by half.

A great exercise for weight loss, which is great for those who do not really like just running in one place. The speed during the first lessons can be kept on the order of five miles per hour.

You need to start with a three-minute warm-up at the same pace. Then turn left and run for another thirty seconds, a similar action is repeated in right side. The main thing is to rearrange, but do not cross your legs.

As soon as the run to the left and right is completed, they return to their original position, that is, turn their body and face forward, jog for another three minutes.

The whole procedure is repeated until the total duration of the training is half an hour. It should end with a three-minute "jog" jogging.

"Running" plus "Walking"

Ideal for trained people who play sports on a regular basis. Training involves, as the name implies, a constant alternation of "running" and "walking" modes.

A great alternative between regular walking, jogging and slow running. Thanks to a more intense approach, this type of training allows you to burn about three hundred calories.

Doesn't require a huge amount of time. Enough to do about forty minutes. The secret of effectiveness lies in the implementation of the interval intense workout, which must be arranged four to five times every seven days.

Of course, you need to try to find time for classes. The result is worth it. For seven days of training, the practitioner will lose almost half a pound, that is, approximately 200-225 grams. This allows for short term give your silhouette the much-desired slenderness.

Workout for all muscle groups

The versatility of training main secret success for those who seriously decided to take care of their weight. Daily training according to this technique gives a stunning result. Giving classes for 35 minutes, after 10-14 days, the arrows of the scales will show a change in weight downward by 3-5 pounds (1.36-2.27 kg).

Jogging has always been and remains the best solution for those who want to lose weight. However, running on a simulator is much more comfortable than running on asphalt and concrete surfaces. If there is such an opportunity, then it is impossible to imagine a better solution than buying a treadmill.

Due to the well-thought-out design and ease of use, the risks of injury on this simulator are practically reduced to zero. Classes on it are useful not only for losing weight, but also for those who want to get back in shape after long break, previously had the unfortunate experience of joint damage.

It is necessary to accustom the body and muscles to loads gradually. It is recommended to start with a half-hour workout.

If a physical training No, the first lesson can last approximately ten minutes. Increase the speed by three points should be each subsequent workout.

When the training ceases to cause difficulties and discomfort, you can increase its duration to a quarter of an hour. In this case, it is better to set the speed to the fifth (5.0).

During training, the speed can be increased to 3.5 units and gradually reduced. As soon as these loads become comfortable, the total duration of the training is adjusted to twenty minutes and so on.

Increasing loads

You can change the type of training after a month of training on the treadmill. The best option is walking. It perfectly stabilizes the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle, contributes to a good study of the muscles on the legs.

The recommended initial duration of a workout is about twenty minutes. Next, produce an increase in the angle of inclination, that is, the position of the track. By changing the angle of inclination, the loads change. If it is increased, the load increases, and when it is reduced, then, on the contrary, it decreases.

The main thing is to comply with the following requirements:

  1. stick to the usual duration of classes of 20 minutes;
  2. increase the speed within 1.5-3.5 units for 5-7 minutes;
  3. change the angle of inclination within 2.0-3.0.

Popular ways of walking such as "endurance path" and "ladder" help both in the fight against extra pounds and in muscle development. Performing the "ladder" allows you to train the calves, hamstrings, affecting all the large muscles of the legs.

The “path to endurance” also contributes to the strengthening of the muscles, but is not limited solely to this effect. This exercise develops endurance, adds variety to training, and activates the fat burning process.

It's important to know:

This type of workout is not only effective, but also a great option for breaking up a long session into several separate segments. This is an indisputable advantage of both ways of walking.

You can do a wide variety of workouts on the treadmill. It is not a boring and monotonous simulator, as many beginners mistakenly believe. And these are not the only advantages of sports equipment.

To the main advantages that all have modern models treadmills include:

  1. easier training for the joints than when running on roads and sidewalks;
  2. the ability to play sports in any weather, and if the simulator is also installed at home, then in the most comfortable conditions without the need to visit the gym;
  3. no need for a large free space, complete safety and security from different kind injuries that can occur while running outdoors;
  4. a completely relaxed environment for classes, during which you can listen to music or watch TV.

These simulators, of course, have their negative sides. However, given the many positive aspects, they are great to help maintain physical form, fight with excess weight.

The treadmill is a powerful and effective simulator for weight loss. It allows you to burn calories without any special efforts, skills, and, most importantly, quickly enough.

To achieve maximum performance, you need to choose the right exercises, not concentrate on only one type of training, follow all the recommendations and advice.

Purchasing a treadmill or using it sports equipment in the gym listening to your favorite song or watching a program - this is not just an opportunity to lose weight, but also to do it with pleasure and comfort.

Treadmill and bench press — Video

Morning jogging, according to experts, is one of the most effective ways weight loss. But not everyone has the opportunity to practice outdoors. Some people don’t have a suitable area for running, some don’t like the weather outside, or maybe they just feel uncomfortable. Therefore, the same experts suggested replacing jogging on the street with classes at home on a treadmill. How to use this simulator correctly and is it possible to overcome excess weight exclusively by training on it?

How effective is the treadmill for weight loss?

The main question that worries everyone who wants to lose weight with a treadmill is how many calories can be burned and how quickly this happens. It is important to understand here that the amount of energy consumed by each person is different. It depends on weight, physical fitness, regularity and duration of training, diet, and many other indicators. And also it should be noted that the calorie counter located on the simulator does not give out 100% correct result, he "averages" it. This is especially true for the first 10 minutes of training, when the body manages with glucose and glycogen, without using fat.

Calculating calorie burn during exercise

Calorie consumption when exercising on a treadmill depends on the pace and mode of training. Burning kilocalories on average is:

  • with fast walking - 200-300 kcal per hour;
  • with light running, about 400–500 kcal are burned per hour, which already allows you to lose weight;
  • at a high pace of running per hour, from 600 to 800 kcal are lost.

Starting to exercise on a treadmill (magnetic, electric or mechanical), do not get hung up on calories. The main thing you should strive for is to improve your health. Remember to get good sleep. And in order to lose weight correctly and without harm to your health, exercise regularly and for as long as possible, but do not overload and monitor your heart rate. The recommended zone of this indicator for those who want to lose weight is 119-139 beats per minute. Running speed, calories lost, time, modes, heart rate and other indicators are visible on the computer screen built into the treadmill.


Treadmill workouts are high intensity. In this regard, running is contraindicated in the following diseases:

  • cardiopulmonary insufficiency;
  • problems with the bronchi;
  • angina;
  • hypertension;
  • mitral stenosis;
  • heart disease, etc.

In order for treadmill training to be effective and safe for health, follow the recommendations:

  1. Choose comfortable shoes that provide proper foot placement, cushioning and ventilation. It is best to consult with an orthopedist, who will give professional advice on choosing shoes for your feet.
  2. Start your workout with an easy walk - 7-10 minutes. Then get off the machine and do a few squats, bends, swings, and calf raises. Muscles should be warmed up.
  3. When running, keep your arms at an angle of about 90 degrees, let them move freely. Do not hold on to the handrails so as not to shift the center of gravity.
  4. Don't slouch. With incorrect posture (and when running on a treadmill, and in Everyday life) you will have problems with the spine.
  5. While running, look at the finish line. You can not bend down and look at your legs, as you can lose balance or stretch your back, neck.
  6. Land correctly to avoid injury to your knee or ankle. If your running speed is about 8 km / h, it is best to land on your toe, distributing the load further on the entire foot.
  7. Do not jump off the track at full speed to avoid injury. Better lose a few seconds, slow down and get off the track safely.
  8. Do not take very large steps, choose the optimal width. Ideally, this is 3 steps per second.
  9. Skip a workout if you don't feel well. A cold, high blood pressure, or a racing heart gives you a reason to take a day off today.
  10. To burn more calories and keep the concentration of movements will help the change of running modes. Don't always work at the same pace. It is better to switch to a lighter mode, then to a more intense one.
  11. If you run in the morning, don't do it on an empty stomach. A few tablespoons of oatmeal, an apple and a glass of water before a workout is what you need. And immediately after training, it is better to refrain from eating.
  12. Do not immediately take too high a pace. The load should be increased gradually.

2 ways to lose weight on a treadmill

In three months, you can lose 4 to 8 kg of weight if you use the following exercises:

  1. Long but effective. Every day or even twice a day, train for an hour, light jogging or walking. This is especially true for obese people. Do not forget about the right diet and proper sleep. Carbohydrates and proteins - that's what should be in your diet in sufficient quantities. Fatty and fried foods are best avoided. It is also important to eat according to the regime, 5 times a day, in small portions.
  2. Not slowly, but surely. Interval training allows you to lose weight quickly. After the warm-up - a moderate run for three minutes, then a minute of accelerated mode. Slowly increase the difficulty of the workout by increasing the intervals in the direction of speed. You will end up with a 1:1 ratio and finish your workout at 2:1 intervals (where 1 is your recovery time). Be careful not to overwork. The session lasts 20-25 minutes. This method of losing weight should be used 3-4 times a week, for three weeks. Then you should switch to a lighter course (also for 3-4 weeks).

By exercising on a treadmill, you can lose weight from 4 to 8 kg

Watch your breath. Breathe deeply through your nose. Each inhalation and exhalation should be equal in time to two steps. If this breathing becomes difficult, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. The occurrence of shortness of breath indicates that you have chosen too high a pace of running.

Fast paced walking burns great excess fat. Such training makes it possible not only to lose weight, but also to achieve the elasticity of the muscles of the whole body. Start walking briskly for 30 minutes a day, increasing your daily time until you reach 60 minutes or more. Listen to your body - it will tell you when it's time to stop walking.

Switching the speed will help you get a charge of vivacity from your workout. From monotony, time drags on long and boring. By changing the pace, you will not only lose weight faster, but you can also get real pleasure from exercising on the simulator.

Whether you walk or run, it doesn't matter. Increase the angle of incline and thereby you will increase the load, which means you can burn more calories. Set the angle of the track so that you are comfortable.

Training in the maximum acceleration mode is most effective for losing weight, but you have to work to the limit, because sprinting is a super-fast running mode. However, calories are burned at full capacity. To begin with, we do a sprint for 30 seconds, then a calm step for 2-3 minutes. So we repeat 4 times. Over time, gradually increase the sprint to 10 visits.

Treadmill workout programs

For beginners, training with different speed modes is most suitable: from low to high. It is also called "fartlek" (Swedish).

  1. Easy run - speed 4, time - 1 minute.
  2. Moderate run - speed 5, time - 1 minute.
  3. Fast run - speed 7, time 1 minute.

The cycle must be repeated without stopping 7-10 times (in time - about 30 minutes). Switching to easy run, you are resting. If you want to increase the load, change the incline of the treadmill or add speed. Beginners are recommended to do such runs 3 times a week for a month.

When exercising on a treadmill, it is important to choose the right training mode.

After you pass the beginner level, you move on to the intermediate level, where the running methods are more dynamic and there is a more complex interval load.

  • Fast run - speed 8.0, time - 90 seconds.
  • Fast run - speed 8.2, time - 80 seconds.
  • Fast run - speed 8.4, time - 70 seconds.
  • Fast run - speed 8.6, time - 60 seconds.
  • Fast run - speed 8.8, time - 50 seconds.
  • Fast run - speed 9.0, time - 40 seconds.

After each "step" you need to take a rest - 1 minute brisk walking. Having passed all this “ladder”, go back in reverse order (from bottom to top), only do not change the speed, stay at the maximum all the time - 9.0. If you feel that you can take an even greater load, add an acceptable angle of inclination for yourself.

Experienced runners always use interval running, raising their level of training even higher. Check out one of the toughest treadmill programs out there:

  • 1 minute fast (10) + 1 minute rest (7).
  • 1 minute fast (9.8) + 1 minute rest (7.3).
  • 1 minute fast (9.6) + 1 minute rest (7.6).
  • 1 minute fast (9.4) + 1 minute rest (7.9).
  • 1 minute fast (9.2) + 1 minute rest (8.2).
  • 1 minute fast (9.0) + 1 minute rest (8.5).
  • 1 minute (8.8) +1 minute (8.8).
  • 1 minute (8.6) +1 minute (9.1).

Using this 8-cycle training scheme, you will lose calories as quickly as possible. This technique is used if you want to lose weight in a month. However, do not forget that before moving on to the third level, you must complete the previous two.

Video: running for weight loss

Mistakes when running on a treadmill

Mistakes in training are made not only by beginners, but also by experienced people who at one time were inattentive to the rules of training on a treadmill. But if you make mistakes, you can not only not achieve the desired results, but also harm your health. We list the most common:

  1. You lean on the handrails, thereby shifting the center of gravity and transferring the load intended for the legs to the hands. The skeletal system and joints of the hands suffer from this error.
  2. You do not increase the load from workout to workout. All body systems should feel an increase in the intensity and pace of running - then they tune in to active correct work.
  3. Wrong breathing. Breathe through your nose, calmly and evenly.
  4. You are a beginner on the treadmill, and already take the maximum start. Loads should increase slowly and gradually, from day to day.
  5. You don't feel well, but you still train. Your willpower is, of course, a plus. But experts strongly recommend resting while at least some discomfort is felt.
  6. Wrong landing. At high speed, to avoid injury, you should put your foot on the toe.

This is just a small list of mistakes that can be made while running on the treadmill. To avoid these and other blunders, it is best to have a few runs with a professional trainer or at least consult with him.

The treadmill is the most popular exercise machine that is available in almost every fitness club. Many people buy it for themselves even at home.

If you work out in the gym, you can always ask all your questions from the instructor. And if at home, then the instructions will always help you understand how to use the treadmill correctly.

Moreover, after reading this article, you will not need to spend time studying the instructions. This material includes a description of the use of almost all treadmill options and will make it easy to get used to different models and understand how various functions work.

How to turn on and off the simulator?

The article will only be considered, since for inclusion you only need to start walking. The use of sensors and instruments on mechanical lanes is similar to electrical lanes.

Well, if you don’t want to waste time reading the material at all and want to figure it out yourself, read only the minimum basic information:

  1. stand on the side skids and grab the handles;
  2. press Quick Start (usually a large colored button);
  3. start running;
  4. adjust the speed to the desired level using two large switches;
  5. stop the movement with the Quick Start button or the big red button.

If you want to use the treadmill to a minimum, you don't need to know anything else. Well, if you expect regular workouts, read on.

By the way, on many tracks you should just double-click the Start button. After that, by default, 2-3 seconds after pressing, movement starts at a minimum speed.

Carefully! Never try to stand up or jump onto a fast moving lane. Stand first on the side skids, and get on the track, only after slowing down.

For more advanced use, you will need to know how to program (or select programs) before starting a workout, how to set the incline, and use other features.

Display and main buttons

Using the Russian-language track is much more convenient: it is often easy to understand how to use all the functions there simply thanks to the messages on the screen and the labeled buttons.

The English language tracks make it a bit difficult to use for people who don't particularly know English. Therefore, we will continue to proceed from this “inconvenient” premise.

The names of the Start and Stop buttons are probably clear to everyone. Let's list other buttons on the console you need to know:

  • Workout Profiles, Mode, Program- or buttons with a similar name enable the selection and configuration of training programs;
  • Speed- speed: next to two buttons with arrows up / down;
  • Incline- canvas tilt: next to two buttons with up / down arrows, measured in degrees;
  • Select– is often a program selection button;
  • +/- - switches on the display, program selection, settings and the like;
  • Enter– confirmation of the selected program or selected option;
  • Pause- pauses the selected program, while Stop completely resets the program

Tracks are shown on the display. following data:

  • current speed- can be marked Speed;
  • distance traveled– in kilometers and decimals, may be indicated DIST;
  • - sometimes referred to CAL;
  • current goals- distance, calories and the like, sometimes indicated TARGET TOTAL or simply target;
  • current pulse- often mentioned in heart icon, measured by touching special sensors on the handles, or with an earlobe clip;
  • minutes and seconds from the start of the workout– general time fixing;
  • programPROG, type or number of the current program;
  • current stage of the program– often displayed as successive bars of varying heights, where the height indicates the degree of inclination at that stage.

In addition, during the selection process individual program maybe required to enter personal information:

  • sex- your gender, M (male), F (female);
  • Age- Your age;
  • Weight- Your weight;
  • jog speed or jog interval l - the required running speed in the dynamic rest phase, if you are compiling an interval training program;
  • Sprint Intervals or Speed ​​Intervals- the required running speed in the sprint phase, if you are compiling an interval training program.

Perhaps these basic data will be enough to more or less navigate the interface.

How to customize the simulator for yourself?

The first thing you need to learn is turning on/off and toggling the speed and incline controls. This will require one session.

In the next lessons, you will need to learn how to use functions and create own programs.

Note! Many treadmills have short, visual instructions for use right on the panel.

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Main functions and elements

On some panels of treadmills there are quick access buttons to the desired incline and speed. Because maximum speed and the slope reaches a maximum of 14-20 on different models, then it is not difficult to place such a number of buttons on the panel.

Thanks to this, you can immediately select the speed and incline you need. However, you should not change these settings in increments of more than four, it is better to increase and decrease the speed/incline gradually.

Often individual buttons represent basic programs, and a description of the program is offered on the buttons or above them with a diagram.

Note! Some tracks have functions to adjust the program based on your settings. There is a separate option for this, where you enter your own data and get an optimal training program.

Functions and items will vary depending on

Overview of 11 main programs and modes

Now let's look at what programs you can use and create yourself. Find out if your track has a program save feature. Sometimes such functions are connected via USB connectors and can be recorded on media. One way or another, the save function will allow you to immediately set up the training programs you need and not install these programs again.

Remember! Once you learn how to create your own training program, you will save a lot of time later on and get more pleasure from training.

We list the main programs:

  1. Running in the hills. One of basic programs, in the diagram represents a mountain with a peak in the center. In essence, it is a gradual increase in load and inclination by the middle of the workout and a decrease to the minimum values ​​​​by the end of the workout, simulating the ascent and descent from the mountain.
  2. or target hrt. For this program, you define your own maximum heart rate, from which you calculate percentages. For example, occupation for 60-70% of maximum heart rate gives the most effective fat burning. In this program, you set the heart rate range (for example, 117-145) and when you leave this range, the simulator adjusts the load. Such a program is useful for different purposes: both for endurance and for burning fat. Different results are achieved in each target heart rate zone.
  3. Development of endurance. The program gradually builds up speed, and about a quarter of the time you work at the maximum. Suitable for trained people only.
  4. It has varieties, but the essence lies in alternating intervals, of which there are only two - calm and intense. On intensive, high speed and slope are given (or only speed and only slope), on calm, the load is reduced. Great option for weight loss, fat burning and endurance development. On the chart, it looks like alternating high and low bars.
  5. Fitness test. Many treadmills have a program that measures your current condition. You will need to run a distance with a heart rate monitor. Based on the results, the track will calculate the results based on the algorithms proposed by modern scientists and draw up a conclusion about your current form.
  6. Fat burning mode or Fat burn. Often represents work on maximum load for a long time and is designed to lose weight. However, in reality, the fat burning regimen is not as effective as it seems. After all, at a high heart rate, the body begins to burn fat less actively and can even go into savings mode from exhaustion. May be useful for trained athletes. For the rest, it is better to use the load in a certain heart rate zone or an interval program as a mode.
  7. For children and On the diagram, such programs are often indicated as a flat bar with small periodic elevations. The loads here are minimal, we are talking about measured walking or running with a periodic minimum increase in load.
  8. Cardio. It is indicated by just such an inscription or the inscription cardio in the program selection menu. This workout will strengthen the cardiovascular system and endurance, but it is more in line with entry level preparation and . By the way, if you want to start training with something, then this option is one of the most optimal.
  9. Glute. The program is used to train the buttocks.
  10. cool down. A cool-down program to use after an intense workout.
  11. Target training. Often indicated by a target button, where you simply enter a goal (such as a distance or number of minutes).

Now you should understand how to install the training program yourself. This process varies depending on the model, but in general it looks like this:

  1. the treadmill stops completely, not paused;
  2. press the Mode or Program button twice or thrice to enter the program creation menu (usually a message will appear on the screen after that);
  3. set or change the duration of the program;
  4. adjust the incline and speed on each part of the program by moving the arrows along the diagram or changing the interval parameters on the screen;
  5. save the program with the enter button and run the program with the start button (most often, recently saved programs remain in the tab called custom programs of the track).

  • development
  • In conclusion, we offer you some general advice that will help make classes more productive:

    • security key- attached to your clothes and to the treadmill: if you suddenly fall, the key will turn off the track; in addition, this tool is simply convenient to stop the movement at your discretion, without touching the panel; running without a key is not recommended;
    • lace up your shoes- you need to lace tightly and tightly, so that the shoes fit snugly and the laces do not come undone during the training period;
    • water– a great option for a treadmill is a cup holder where you can put a bottle of water, you don’t need to drink a lot, but a couple of sips during a workout will benefit you;
    • do not interrupt or interrupt classes– try to train in such a way that you don’t have to interrupt your run, and always do a hitch at the end;
    • use built-in fan, which is provided to avoid overheating - you can turn it on using the FAN button;
    • individual programs- the pre-installed programs are of course interesting, but you don't need to use only these algorithms - create your own programs, make your workouts more diverse and different, then your performance will increase.

    For more clarity, watch the video on the topic.

    We hope these tips will be of benefit to you, and now you can not only understand any treadmill, but also train for the benefit of your own beauty, body and health.