What is the name of the extreme at the height. Extreme sports: what is it? Pros and cons of extreme sports

Adrenaline or life

Extreme sports help a person to either relieve stress, or vice versa to get it. Directions extreme sports every year it becomes more and more, and the army of his fans is growing just as quickly. Those sports that seemed extreme 20 years ago are now perceived as ordinary sports, for example, auto racing. Existing extreme sports also do not stand still and are constantly being improved.

Consider the most extreme sports today, where getting injured, maimed or simply losing your life is easy.

Let's jump, friends?

One of the most dangerous and, accordingly, extreme sports is base jumping(English) base jumping).

Title B.A.S.E. - an acronym for English words: building(house); Antenna(antenna); Span(floor, bridge); Earth(rock). Its "progenitor" is parachuting. However, unlike skydiving from aircraft, base jumps are made from radically lower heights in the immediate vicinity of the object from which the jumper (jumper) is jumping, whether it be a rock, a building, a factory pipe or something else.

In the base, due to low altitudes, the falling speed when performing jumps very rarely reaches high rates, but the flight time is very short, which often makes it difficult to take the correct body position before opening the parachute.

Even with a prepared jump and sufficient experience, this sport is extremely dangerous, and in some countries it is completely prohibited by law. And attempts at independent BASE jumps without the appropriate equipment and skills definitely lead to death.

Running with obstacles

Another type of extreme sports associated with buildings and structures - parkour.

parkour (fr. parkour, distorted from parcours, parcours du combattant- distance, obstacle course).
Parkour is the art of moving and overcoming obstacles. The essence of parkour is movement and overcoming obstacles of various nature. Both existing architectural structures (railings, parapets, walls, etc.) and specially made structures (used during various events and competitions) can be considered as such.

Many practitioners perceive it as a lifestyle. Founded by a group of French (David Belle, Sebastian Foucan and others). It is currently actively practiced and developed by many associations and individuals in many countries.

Parkour is not much less dangerous than base jumping, as high buildings and spans between them are often chosen for this sport.

Skiing! Ski track?

Next on the list for injuries and deaths is heliskiing.

heli-ski (English) Heliskiing) - a kind of skiing, freeride, the essence of which is to descend along untouched snowy slopes, away from prepared tracks with an ascent to the beginning of the descent by helicopter. Using a helicopter for lifting allows you to find various options descents from the mountains in the conditions of primordial nature, untouched by the invasion of man, where there is no other way to quickly climb.

First, the helicopter takes you to the top of the mountain, and then you ski down these mountain slopes.
Off-piste routes allow you to experience inexpressible sensations - they are ten times more dangerous because of their unpredictability, and often complete impassability. But the skier, as they say, is already in flight...

Diving(English) diving from English. to dive- dive) - this is scuba diving with special equipment. IN English language where the word was taken from. diving simply means "diving", and is used to describe scuba diving with equipment (Eng. scuba diving) or without it free diving), diving business (eng. hooka diving) and - without adjectives - just jumping into the water.

Scuba diving requires the skills to deal with most dive problems, but even with those skills, it's easy to come face to face with a shark or electric ray, which is often the case with even the most experienced divers. And then, the outcome of events can be very sad.

Cave diving(cave diving, hydrospeleology) - a type of technical diving performed in caves.
This sport is much more dangerous and more difficult than ordinary simple diving. After all, in cave diving you will not be able to immediately surface, in case of danger or lack of oxygen.

In addition, cave diving is often hampered by darkness, narrow spaces and the opportunity to meet very unpleasant underwater inhabitants when you least expect it. There is also a hidden danger - this is silt. It is found in almost every cave system. Consisting of clay and decayed plants, it is able to completely deprive the diver of visibility. One wrong move with flippers or a hand - and the water, clear as air, becomes cloudy brown. In this state, it can remain for several days.
If the diver swam far into the labyrinths of caves, then there is every chance of not getting out of there alive.

Above the water

Following underwater sports are surface sports - surfing And wakeboarding.

First there was surfing. Moreover, surfers claim that surfing has always existed, as far as the ocean exists in general.
Surfing (from the English surfing - riding on the surface) is riding a wave using surfboards of various formats.

Everything about surfing is easy. I took a board, swam away, saw a wave 2-3 meters high, caught it and rolled on it like from a mountain. Only instead of a mountain, the wave itself. In addition to the board, wind and swimming trunks, nothing is needed at all.
It would seem that there could be dangerous? But everything is not so simple. After all, you need to find a bigger wave, climb it, and ride it.

This is where danger awaits in the form of a wave absorbing you, from under which it is already impossible to get out, or in the form of reefs that unexpectedly stand in the way of a surfer. Not to mention surfing near sharks.

Catch the wave!

And if the ocean is not nearby and is not expected? You can forget about surfing altogether.
It is quite logical that everyone wanted endless and fast boarding and it is not at all surprising that some daredevil once tied a cable to a boat and took a ride in tow. Judging by the fact that wakeboarding came out of all this tomfoolery, the brave feat was a success.]

Wakeboarding(often just a wake, from English. wakeboard: wake- ship wave, board- board) - one of the most actively developing aquatic species sports and recreation in the world. Wakeboarding can be compared to water skiing, with the only difference being that a wakeboarder not only rides behind a boat holding on to a rope, but also performs various tricks with the help of waves and springboards.

Today, special boats are used for wakeboarding, to which a special halyard with a special handle is attached to a special frame, and wakeboarders ride on special boards. These boards don't look like surfboards at all. Short and awkward-looking boards. But at high speed - what you need, especially considering that every wave from the boat is an ideal springboard for freestyle. A double somersault on a rope behind a boat is easy. By the way, the boat has a special ballast compartment for adjusting the displacement and, consequently, the size of the wave.

Now wakeboarding is practiced wherever there is a river, a large lake, the sea or the ocean. There are even covered "wakedromes" - pools, where instead of a boat there is a winch, and springboards are made of slippery soft material.
However, even soft springboards do not greatly alleviate the injury risk of this sport, because hitting the water at high speed is not as safe as it might seem.

How to ride through the air?

But a man would not be a man if he had not come up with the idea of ​​riding a board even in the air.
skysurfing- this is ski jumping to perform various figures in free fall - a relatively young look parachuting.

Skysurfing appeared relatively recently, but has already received rapid development. A person who makes various figures in the air with a board (ski) is called a skier. The aerodynamics of a skier is very different from a simple free fall when skydiving, so ski jumping is considered almost a different sport. Since all work is done in free fall, an air operator is needed to evaluate the jump, who films the entire jump, and based on this video, an assessment is made.

A skydiver jumps with a board strapped to his feet. And "rolls" on it through the air, performing complex acrobatic elements. The board works like a wing, the movements of the legs control the rotation of the body in the air. The board in skysurfing allows the athlete to spin like a propeller, then stop abruptly and start spinning in a different plane. This is not the case in any sport.

This sport is little more dangerous than just skydiving. Indeed, in addition to the standard risks of a skydiver, such as an unopened parachute, tangled lines or a strong gust of wind, there are all the risks of breaking into some kind of peak and not getting out of it. Even with extremely experienced and skilled skydivers and skysurfers, extremely bad things happen.

When there is no ocean

Another dangerous sport is skateboarding, skateboarding, skateboarding (English skateboard, skate).

Skateboarding originated in America almost 50 years ago. Then the Californian surfers, who did not have enough ocean waves, invented a skateboard, that same board on wheels, as an analogue of a surfer board.
Skateboarding was brought to the Land of Soviets in the mid-80s of the last century. And our compatriots liked this kind of entertainment and sport. In stores, batches of skateboards of domestic and imported production were sold out in one day. And already in 1992, our country had its own skateboarding federation, the first competitions began to be held.

It would seem that there is nothing dangerous in this sport, if not for one "but". After all, a person cannot just ride a board, he begins to do various tricks on it.

As a result, skateboarding from its classic form has grown into several directions: vert (ramp riding), street (street skating), mini-ramp skating and pool skating (pool skating). Moreover, the first of these is the most difficult to execute.
And in these tricks lies an extremely high risk of injury.

If the head is not expensive

Another type of extreme skating is street lagging.

This extreme sport was invented in California back in the 70s, however, the name was invented much later. Teenagers hit the road, lying on skateboards, and accelerating along the track next to the cars. In this case, you can slow down either with your feet ... or colliding with an obstacle or a car ... Sometimes, even protective helmets...

My climber, my climber...

No less dangerous than all of the above is rock climbing- a sport that came out of mountaineering.

Despite more than half a century of history in the development of rock climbing, the safety of the sport associated with climbing athletes vertical walls height is still questionable. Falling off cliffs can result in serious injury and death. But many climbers still believe that injury is just something that happens to others.

I pedal, I pedal

Another quite extreme sport - mountain bike.

A bicycle is such a thing that it is very good to ride downhill and very lazy to pedal uphill. But if you ride from a very steep mountain, then the bike may break. Or rather, he could, until a couple of inventors somewhere in California thought of putting motorcycle wheels on a bicycle first, and then a shock absorber. Who knew that their hobby - to ride a bike down an unkempt slope will gain worldwide popularity.

There are a huge number of types of mountain biking today, and unlike even snowboarding, all bikes are fundamentally different, although all mountain bikes.

Cross-country bikes are light and fast, but perform well on rough terrain. Cross-country shoes are just as light, but durable and ready to quickly rush down the mountain, pass sharp turns and fly 5 meters from the springboard to the receiver. Freeride full-suspension suspensions withstand a jump from a second floor or landing on a flight of stairs. Hardtails for street and dirt are lightweight and allow you to perform the most unthinkable aerial tricks. Trial "stock" with an ultra-low frame and without any hint of a saddle does not look like a bicycle at all. It's all mountain biking.

Alloy, Alloy!

Well, the last one, in ours is far from complete list extreme sports - rafting, rafting on stormy rivers with rapids.

Rafting - rafting on a raft raft- raft) - varieties of inflatable boats:
- on stormy, rapids rivers, rafts without a frame and oarlocks are used, and a canoe rowing method is used (single-bladed oar);
- for the transportation of expeditionary cargo on multi-day tours, rafts are used, reinforced with a stiffening frame with oarlocks for oars, and the swing rowing method is used. Also, on rafts with swing oars, tourists who are not able or unwilling to row canoe oars are often transported. Rafts with oar oars are operated on rivers of any complexity category, up to the fifth.

Rafting is fundamentally different from other types of water tourism both in the type of vessel on which the rafting is carried out and in ideology. Rafting can be both touristic, with minimal obstacles and risks, and sports, when the rivers and rapids are steep and dangerous. In any case, this sport can end in tears.

This list of dangerous sports goes on and on, there is no limit to perfection.

Alexander Ozerov,based on tennishop.ru, sport.crazys.info, liveiternet.ru, ru.wikipedia.org

It has been actively gaining momentum since the 1990s. Society is rapidly developing, giving rise to its new interesting types and branches.

Such a sport is definitely not for the faint of heart - it is a risk and adrenaline that pushes the daredevils to reach new heights. Athletes are constantly competing to see who can jump higher, run faster, or fly farther.

Often, love for such sports leads to injuries and even death.

extreme sports

Cliff jumping

An extreme sport with Polynesian origins is cliff jumping. Extreme lovers climb a rock 28-30 meters high and jump from it into the water. Often such jumps end in failure.
In order to tickle your nerves, it is not necessary to jump from high altitude, for starters, you can choose a lower rock - in any case, an adrenaline rush is provided to you.

Bungee jumping with crocodiles

This unusual and very dangerous sport was invented in Australia. The whole point is that a person is tied with a cable to the bridge from which he jumps. The cable is shorter than the distance from the bridge to the ground, but this does not meanthat such entertainment has no consequences.

If just jumping off a bridge isn't enough for you, then the Australians will give you a small bonus - a river under the bridge, teeming with hungry crocodiles.

Climbing the rock by car

This sport will challenge any driver. You will need to drive your car along a terrible road cut by boulders and ravines.

The slightest miscalculation can lead to a car overturning or, even worse, throwing it off a cliff. Buckle up!

Walking on a tightrope

You have probably seen more than once how the tricksters in the circus walk alongrope under the dome.The slackline sling is not quite the rope we are used to. In fact, it is made of nylonout threads that are able to stretch.

Often it is used as a trampoline to perform various tricks, but some have gone further.The most daring athletes pull lines over gorges or between buildings. The sight is truly mesmerizing.

Higher and higher

Relatively the new kind extreme sport, pioneered by the Russians, is to climb the highest point of any structure.

Many extreme lovers even maintain their own blogs, where they talk about the peaks they have conquered. A place to climb can be a construction crane, a skyscraper, or even a monument.

On the wings of the wind

Those who like to tickle their nerves cannot sit still, and they came up with another extreme and very unusual view sports. Its essence is that for safety you are tied to the upper wing of a biplane, which will subsequently accelerate to 135 miles per hour.

For extreme extreme pilots, the pilot will be happy to perform several maneuvers aerobatics that you will definitely never forget.

base jumping

Each of us at least once in our lives dreamed of learning to fly. Fortunately, today everyone has the opportunity to feel the beauty of free flight.

Be prepared to be dressed in a special suit, which in its structure resembles a flying squirrel. Such a suit increases the overall area of ​​​​your body, so you can glide for a long time in the air.

For a soft landing, of course, you need a parachute. Mortality among fans of this sport is quite high, as many athletes prefer to fly as close as possible to the rocks.

Train surfing

The creator of this sport is clearly not all at home. Train surfing is banned in many countries.

The fact is that a person involved in train surfing climbs onto the roof of the train and tries to stay on it while moving. People around the world are dying trying to do this. The sport was popular in the 80s and 90s and then reappeared in 2005.


Parkour is the art of overcoming obstacles quickly, accurately and efficiently. This sport does not require special special equipment - it can be practiced in any accessible place.

The steeper the obstacle, the greater the risk and adrenaline rush. Since there is no need for special equipment, parkour is one of the most accessible extreme sports.

speed skateboarding

These unusual skateboarders use long boards with softer wheels and a wide wheelbase, allowing them to reach incredibly high speeds.

They can go up to 70 miles per hour and the slightest miscalculation could be their last.

hang gliding

Although all extreme sports are dangerous, according to statistics, the highest mortality is observed among athletes involved in hang gliding.

Pilots use special equipment - a hang glider, and jump with it from a great height. The large wingspan of a hang glider creates enough lift to keep a person in the air. Sounds pretty fun and relaxing, but it's very dangerous.


For most people who have visited Spain, the encierro, or bull run, is an interesting tourist experience. However, it is worth remembering that the slightest mistake can lead to serious injury and even death.

Angry bulls are released into the streets of the city, and the task of the race participants is to escape from them. Pure madness.

Water extreme sports


Westerners first learned about surfing during James Cook's first voyage, when his ship docked on the island of Tahiti. Surfing has been an integral part of ancient Polynesian culture and certainly predates the arrival of Europeans on the island.

Today, surfing is widespread in many countries with access to the sea or ocean, and thousands of fans of this sport, despite the risk, consider it the best pastime.

Diving without scuba gear

Many do not even realize that in order for diving to become an extreme sport, a person simply needs to take away the scuba gear. Imagine that some divers dive to depths of up to 100 meters without the oxygen tank they normally carry on their backs.

These athletes have larger lungs than normal people. This is due to the fact that they train long and hard, holding their breath.

Well, fellow adventurers, if you want to try one of the most dangerous sports, then the following information about the 10 most dangerous and extreme sports will serve as an excellent practical guide for your insatiable desires. Meet the most risky (and this is putting it mildly) sports for the reckless in ascending order.

The most extreme sports

10th place - rodeo

In America, this type of jumping activity is enduringly popular. Its essence is to hold out as long as possible in the saddle on the back of an angry bull. But after you have fallen, take your legs to hell, because the bull-calf will not forgive you for the show-offs you have just done on his proud back. His horns and hooves can cause such damage to a person that he can lie in the hospital for several months in a serious condition. Unfortunately, deaths sometimes occur in this sport, so rodeo is considered a very dangerous entertainment.

9th place - downhill skiing

As it becomes clear, a high-speed kamikaze skier needs to gain as much great speed. For 2-3 minutes of driving, such a skier is able to reach speeds of over 200 km / h. But this is on condition that some pebble does not fall under his feet (God did not bring him). And if you get caught - that's it, at least six months in the hospital. Very extreme entertainment.

On a snowboard, you can also develop a pretty good descent speed. But when, at the same time, everyone still needs to perform all kinds of tricks, this, friends, is really a real extreme. Only professionals can engage in this kind of activity. But this performance looks very spectacular. The main thing is constant control over the situation.

7th place - downhill

This is the name of the type of downhill mountain biking on the track. It looks and feels very cool. But no one has yet canceled the dangers that may meet on your way. It can be stones, potholes on the road, cars, after all. dangerous sport, is not it?

The word is not clear, but, nevertheless, this is the name of the sport - rafting on mountain rivers in a kayak. A kayak is such a small boat for one person. You can’t control the river here - just think about how to stay alive. The main thing is not to roll over and not break on the stones. Otherwise, you will be carried away by the current to distant lands, because. the mountain river is a deadly stream of hellish unpredictability. Extreme!

5th place - mixfight

So called fights without rules in a cage. Everyone understands that such fights do not end with a happy ending. Either the opponent loses consciousness, or death. Yes, and ordinary fighters do not participate there either - only the most trained, strong and reckless. Dangerous for life and health.

4th place - mountaineering

This sport, even with insurance, is a huge danger. Anything happens. You can simply jump off from any height and slide down on a cable a little lower, along the way, peeling off all your elbows and knees, even through protection. In the end, the cable can catch on any piece of rock and cut little by little as you climb to the top. The main thing is to get up faster than it cuts. This is an extreme look. active rest.

3rd place - great surfing

The amount of adrenaline in the blood has nothing to do with ordinary surfing. Here they try to conquer such waves, which are several meters high. But such a wave can crush down to irreparable consequences, after which you won’t get on the board, but simply won’t get up on your feet (unless, of course, you survive).

2nd place - deep diving

A person who decides to descend to a great depth without any additional equipment (cylinders, etc.) must have super-light and nerves of steel. We do not know what is the interest in this particular type of diving, but the sport is practically the most dangerous. However, there are reputable diving and freediving schools that put safety first, here is a link to freediving courses.

1st place - base jumping

The most dangerous extreme sport. And that's why. Base jumpers jump from any high and stationary object. After the jump, they must open the parachute immediately. If this is done later, he most likely will not have time to open up - there will not be enough time.

By the way, unlike regular skydivers, who have 2 chances to open their parachute, base jumpers can only do it once. This is the most extreme sport.

Reading this article:

Exists a big difference between traditional athletes-athletes and extreme sportsmen. The latter explore the limit of their own and universal human capabilities in order to step beyond it. To once again admire the people of this “special breed”, we have compiled a list of the 30 most outstanding athletes, breaking it down into six main categories: sky, snow, running, water, climbing and wheel sports.

  • Air and sky

Since after the Second World War, soldiers from the Airborne Forces, using the remnants of equipment, began to parachute for fun, skydiving has become a full-fledged sport. It is constantly evolving and now there are already many modifications: basic skydiving, skydiving, BASE jumps.

Jeb Corliss - skydiver, baser. This BASE jumper became famous after he jumped from the Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro. He was the first person to fly over the waterfall in a wingsuit, and in 2013 he jumped out of a helicopter in the same suit, securing the title of the most extreme wingsuiter.

Alexander Polly - baser. One of the most extreme BASE athletes, performing jumps that before him were considered technically impossible. The sportsman is originally from Norway. He also jumps in a wingsuit.

Felix Baumgartner - skydiver, baser. Austrian paratrooper. Known for setting the world record for skydiving - 39 km, 843.6 miles per hour and without auxiliary equipment was able to overcome the threshold of the speed of sound. Not so long ago, in collaboration with Red Bull Stratos, he jumped from the stratosphere - from a helium balloon, setting a record for taken height and speed in free fall.

Yves Rossy - pilot. The Swiss aviator and inventor flies the JetMan, a winged jetpack that he invented himself. He served as a fighter pilot in the Swiss Air Force and is known as the first person in the world to fly with a jet-powered wingsuit.

Luke Aikins - skydiver, parachutist. American, comes from a family of skydiving legends. He added three world records to the family piggy bank. Now a member of the Red Bull Air Force, Luke travels the world with the team, performing the most dizzying jumps.

  • Snow and winter sports

Despite the fact that skiing is more than a traditional sport, extreme descents have become popular not so long ago. You can ski and snowboard different styles: this is freestyle, halfpipe, jibbing and so on. Usually athletes understand many areas, but choose one or two for themselves and concentrate on them.

Sean White - snowboarder, skateboarder. Possibly the world's most recognizable extreme sportsman. Won two gold Olympic medals, X-Games gold medalist. He became the first person to get a score of 100 on X-Games. Sean started snowboarding at the age of six, and received his first sponsorship contract at the age of seven. He performs mainly in the halfpipe.

Xavier De Le Rue ‒ Big Mountain snowboard dist. Played for France at the winter Olympic Games 2006. Twice gold medalist at the Snowboarding World Championship.

Jeremy Jones ‒ Big Mountain snowboard dist. This American is the most famous Big Mountain freeride master. Parents put Jeremy on skis at the age of three, at nine he had already mastered the snowboard and since then managed to become a man who has moved down from the highest height. " Godfather» Freeride is a proponent of environmental protection, he often refuses to use helicopters and prefers independent trips.

Jean-Philippe Auclair - freestyle skier. This Canadian combined directing and skiing, won 1st place at Half Pipe Hill and the US Open.

Tragically died during an avalanche in 2014 while filming in Chile.

Sean Palmer - skier, snowboarder. The California motocross master, punk rocker, is known as the father of many extreme sports. He designed his first snowboard at the age of 12, contributed to the development and popularization of this direction. Received many awards - winter X-Games, Gravity Games and others.

  • Running and Endurance Challenges

Extreme Athlete Runners Explore Possibilities human body, like no one else. They demonstrate that our potential has not yet been fully developed, pushing the limits of endurance in marathons, triathlons, skyrunning and other types of endurance running.

David Goggins - runner. An American Navy SEAL who served in Afghanistan began to run on long distances to raise funds for charitable support of the US Armed Forces. In 2004, he ran the San Diego Ultra 100 miles in 19 hours, despite never running a marathon before.

Killian Hornet Burghada - skyrunner. The Spanish alpine skier is known for his achievements in running at high altitudes. Three time champion Skyrunner World Series. He broke the record for climbing and descending Mount McKinley in Alaska in 5 hours and 6 minutes. 2008 Skyrunner World Series Champion.

Lizzie Hawker - British endurance runner, broke several world records, including while at the base camp on Everest to Kathmandu. She is the recipient of the 2013 National Geographic Award. This is the first woman who was able to compete on equal terms with men in the endurance race.

Chrissy Wellington ‒ British professional swimmer, triathlete athlete, four-time Ironman Triathlon world champion. Despite her lack of professional training, she placed second in the 2006 New Zealand competition, which included cycling, running and kayaking. In 2007, I decided to focus entirely on swimming.

Dean Karnazes - Ultramarathon runner. The American athlete first became interested in running back in kindergarten, and at the age of 11 he was already hiking the Grand Canyon. Ran 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 consecutive days, covered 350 miles without stopping to sleep or eat. Now he runs from 100 miles a week and sleeps 4-6 hours a night.

  • Water

Although people are land mammals, and water is not our native element, extreme species water sports call this fact into question. Surfers and swimmers prove that a person may well be born to dive and conquer the expanses of the ocean.

Laird Hamilton - big wave surfer. Initially, the California extreme athlete did not seek to participate in competitions, seeing more art than sport in conquering the waves. However, this did not prevent him from becoming "the best of the best" according to experts. He has surfed giant waves during Hurricane Marie and regularly tries his hand at waves from 70 feet, moving at speeds up to 50 miles per hour.

Diana Niad - American long-distance swimmer. First person to swim from Cuba to Florida without shark protection (2013). She swam from the Bahamas to Florida, several times she was able to go around the island of Manhattan.

Herbert Nitsch - freediver. An Austrian swimmer holds the freediving world record of 831 feet. Broke more than 30 world diving records, is known as the deepest diver on Earth.

William (Bill) Stone ‒ speleologist-extremely small. The American cave explorer has taken part in more than 40 international expeditions. He and his group set the world record for the deepest dive - 2624 feet. With funding, NASA is exploring the deepest places on the planet.

Keala Kennelly - big wave surfer. American athlete - 2007 X-Games gold medalist. Has been in the top 10 of the ASP World Tour Championship for 10 years.

  • Conquest of heights and mountaineering

Climbing is very demanding not only for physical, but also for psychological endurance. Balance, internal control, muscle strength - all this is very important for climbers who regularly risk their lives for the most incredible sensations and achievements.

Uli Stack - speed climber At the age of 17, he reached level 9 in difficulty, was named one of the top three climbers in the world. Uli made solo ascents of Annapurna and the Matterhorn. For his contribution to the development of mountaineering in 2010 he received the Karl Unterkircher award.

Alex Honnold - free style climber. The American rock climber is known for solo freestyle ascents to great heights. He began climbing at the age of 11, for the sake of sports he left the University of Berkeley. Broke several speed records.

Chris Sharma . This American is called the best climber in the world. Already at the age of 14, he won national competitions, and by now he has become the first conqueror of more than 20 most dangerous peaks.

Reinhold Messner - climber. The legendary Italian climber, the greatest climber in history, the first conqueror of Everest without additional oxygen support, the first climber to conquer all 14 eight-thousanders. He has written over 65 books.

Dean Potter - free style climber. The American is known for the most difficult ascents, speed records (in Yosemite and Patagonia). He began climbing in high school and even dropped out of the University of New Hampshire for the sport.

On May 16, 2015, Dean Potter and his partner Graham Hunt crashed while performing a jump in a wingsuit from a height of 2.3 thousand meters in Yosemite National Park.

  • Cycling and other wheel sports

One of the most popular extreme sports today is skateboarding, BMX, motocross and other varieties. The sphere is regularly updated with new enthusiasts who want to take risks and win.

Travis Pastrana ‒ American motocross champion who won several gold medals at X-Games (supercross, motocross, freestyle motocross ss, and so on). He received such injuries, after which, according to doctors, only three people survived. One of the most famous racing drivers of all time.

Danny MacAskill - cyclist. The Scottish athlete is professionally engaged in street extreme racing. This is the first athlete whose tricks went viral on YouTube. One of famous videos- somersault from a tree in the park.

Mat Hoffman ‒ BMX rider. One of top athletes world in this type of competition. The American became the first rider to master the big ramps. During one of the jumps, he received a ruptured spleen and almost died. In 2005 he was elected president International Federation bmx.

Dave Mirra - BMX. The American athlete held the X-Games record for most medals until 2013, winning BMX Magazine and ESPN Action Sports Awards titles.

Danny Way - skateboarder. Holds the world speed skateboarding record, won his first competition at age 11. With a broken leg, he climbed the Great Wall of China, jumped onto a ramp from a helicopter, won several X-Games gold medals.

Sports for the most daring.

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Polo on segways.

It seems to many that polo on horseback, a sport of aristocrats, has long been outdated. The role of this occupation is only a rare mention in the news about the pastime of the English nobility, and a recognizable logo on the shirts of the same name from Ralph Lauren.

However, many will be surprised by the fact that this is not so, and the game, which was part of the Olympics program at the beginning of the 20th century, is alive and developing, but only in its modern version.

Polo has always been played not only on horses, but also on bicycles, as well as camels and elephants (just imagine the size of the club in this case!).

But today the most viable version of the game turned out to be segways - two-wheeled electric scooters. This mode of transport is very popular in the United States, one of the founders of Apple, Steve Wozniak, rides on it, and Victor Miller, the author of the script for the movie "Friday the 13th", was noticed in love with segways.

The advantage of segways is their small size - they less bike twice. It is worth noting the ease of control - just lean in the right direction and the scooter turns where necessary.

Segways can be ridden on any flat surface. As a result, this type of transport has become very convenient for polo, completely replacing the horse.

True, the rules of the game are not very consistent with the traditions of real polo. The goal, however, remains the same. Players are divided into two teams and must score as many goals as possible with their hammers in the allotted time with their hammers.

The main pleasure of polo on a Segway is that an electric device, in principle, cannot accelerate faster than 20 km / h, as a result, it is impossible to get ahead of a competitor due to superiority in speed.

In such a game, maneuverability comes to the fore, the ability to control your body and transport and perform semi-acrobatic tricks with a stick in your hands. At the same time, real players must have excellent vestibular apparatus.


Parkour is often referred to as the art of moving and overcoming various obstacles. In this case, the word "art" is absolutely appropriate here. Parkour can hardly be considered a sport, because there is no element of competition. However, this exercise is not a simple exercise - it is too difficult.

The meaning of this lesson is to navigate through an obstacle course that has not been previously agreed upon. It can be stairs and walls, pillars and other elements of urban architecture.

Parkour lovers, or tracers, in the course of their movement can run up a sheer wall, jump from the roof of one house to another at a considerable height, and even jump into garbage containers.

The best element of parkour is a blind jump, when the tracer does not see in advance the point of his landing. It is important that the tricks performed are not done for the show.

The main ideologist of modern parkour, the Frenchman David Belle, fundamentally denies somersaults, handstands and other spectacular tricks from the arsenal of stuntmen that are performed unnecessarily.

The main principle of parkour is that you cannot move backwards. Usually people come to parkour without finding a worthy sport for themselves, but over time it turns out that jumps and runs are based on their own philosophy.

It would seem that the tracer simply performs a set of elements necessary for the best passage of the track. In fact, he creates by improvising in his movement.

The first amateur videos of parkour appeared in the 90s, where David Belle jumped from a height of ten meters, making a soft landing due to a shock-absorbing somersault.

The Frenchman showed how you can slide on one leg along the railing and pull yourself up on one arm. Cassettes were very popular - people did not so much look at the wonders of dexterity as they learned freedom.

Today, parkour video has become an integral part of modern culture. The British BBC even filmed documentary"Jump London", in which real tracers on their hands moved along the boom of a huge crane and jumped from the masts of a warship to its deck.

A few years later, cult director Luc Besson created the film "Yamakashi", which greatly promoted parkour's fame in the world. In the film, a gang of tracers saved the boy's life, simultaneously conquering the skyscrapers of Paris.

Later, the film "13th district" appeared, where a lot of attention is also paid to parkour. The significance of this sport was also manifested in the appearance of the legendary Sebastien Foucan in the James Bond movie "Casino Royale".

Such popularization inevitably led to the worldwide spread of parkour. Initially, the English and French teams - Parkour Generations, Urban Free Flow and Majestic Force - were considered the most famous and skillful.

But today, Russian teams, for example, ParkourSochi and RFA, are among the influential teams. But David Bell himself opposes the excessive commercialization of his offspring and does not want to create hype and PR around him.

He believes that this occupation does not require explanation, only practice is important here. That is why Belle refused to star in the Hollywood "Spiderman". Although David dreamed of wearing a Spider-Man costume as a child, now he dreams of performing under his own name.

Although today parkour, as a sport, comes with an accompanying philosophy, it is still great fun, especially for those who prefer to unload their head from complex thoughts.

Tracers go out into the street and just run, then posting more and more videos on YouTube about their jumps, flights and falls. Parkour is an ingenuous occupation that does not at all pretend to become the meaning of life for someone. However, sometimes he succeeds.


This sport is also called paragliding. This form of flight is the simplest of all available to man. Indeed, in this case, you just need to find a large hill, run up and jump from it.

In flight, only own body and a parachute wing. Flying due to ascending air currents can elevate an athlete to an impressive height.

The world record was 4526 meters above sea level. Slipping from such streams, you can go down in free fall, enjoying the amazing view from above.

For themselves, paragliders have chosen the most picturesque places, usually mountains by the sea. That is why all the main records of this sport are set against the backdrop of amazing natural landscapes.

So, Neville Oulette was able to fly 502 kilometers in a straight line over the canyons, lakes and diamond mines of South Africa. Rafael Saladini was able to soar over the Amazon rainforest by jumping from a 500-meter waterfall.

Paragliding is also very affordable. All ammunition for the flight will easily fit into a small backpack, which can be placed either in the trunk of a car, or carried as a hand luggage on an airplane or just hoisted on your shoulders.

Paragliding could well be great view sports for singles, because it is here that a person can stay alone with himself for a long time. However, its accessibility has made entertainment an object of collective interest.


The world of sports is full of stories of how an unknown contender unexpectedly became a champion, but with an entire sport, this is rarely the case. The story of the development and popularization of snowboarding, which happened in the second half of the 20th century, became the personification of such a story of "Cinderella".

Today, this extreme sport has become the most popular and one of the most spectacular. Like any success story, it has its own legend.

Once an engineer from Michigan, Sherman Poppen, made one pair of skis out of two, more maneuverable and stable. The skier's wife nicknamed this design "snurfer" as a derivative of "snow" and "surfer".

She probably would not be surprised to know that such a term will not take root among the masses. But the news that her husband would be able to sell a million of these boards over the next ten years would certainly have shocked the woman.

As a result, the new sport has become the most growing not only in the US, but throughout the world. If in 1965 only 3 people knew about snowboarding, then by the beginning of the third millennium, 7 million people were already engaged in it.

According to Americans, all great minds think alike. In the case of the invention of snowboarding, this is exactly what happened. Ideas for using and improving the new sport came to the minds of several entrepreneurs at the same time, which gave rise to subsequent popularity.

So, surfer Dimitry Milovich suggested descending from the snowy hills on a board that only remotely resembled a surf, but at the same time had a special edging.

Former skier Jake Burton designed the leg bindings and many more improvements. Skater Tom Sims managed to adapt some tricks for snowboarding, and architect Mark Anolik built the world's first half-pipe near Lake Tahoe - a U-shaped ramp for skiing.

The collective efforts of a few people allowed the new sport to develop rapidly. But to understand the essence of snowboarding, you need to plunge into the world of ski-snowboard confrontation.

In the late 70s, young and uninhibited snowboarders filled the snowy slopes, which caused a backlash from hardened skiers. There was even a whole aesthetic conflict, because the new athletes wore long hair, their clothes were casually baggy, and their riding style was quite aggressive.

Such a picture did not fit in with the image of a family or bohemian holiday on ski resort. So it turned out that snowboarders rode together with skiers on the same slope only in 1982, while the prestigious American resort of Aspen generally forbade athletes with boards to appear on their territories until 2001.

But the popularity of snowboarding changed everything - already in 2002, the owners of Aspen signed a seven-year contract with ESPN to host the Winter Extreme Games here.

Now the conflict is left to burn out only in the minds of the most conservative skiers, and Burton Snowboards, founded by the same Jake Burton, even offers $ 5,000 as entertainment to every snowboarder who demonstrates a video of driving on the slopes of the most stubborn ski resorts.

Although not easy, the status has come to snowboarding professional sports. After all, the fun of the Americans took root in Europe only in the 80s, and until that moment there was no point in holding competitions between athletes from different continents - the Americans were far ahead.

But the rapid pace of development of this sport improved the results of Europeans, as a result, in 1994, snowboarding made its debut at the Winter Olympics. However, 4 years later, at the competitions in Nagano, there was almost a step back - Canadian Ross Rebagliatti, who won gold in slalom, was convicted of using marijuana.

The legend about how Ross simply inhaled a cloud of smoke at some party helped. However, this story still delineated the boundary between extreme and traditional sports. But it was only thanks to the efforts of Sean White, super-athlete and two-time Olympic champion, that there was a revision of attitudes towards snowboarding.

Nicknamed "Flying Tomato", Sean was able to make snowboarders respect not only for their fearlessness and relaxation, but also for their rare performance, which distinguishes a professional from an amateur.

Today snowboarding provides more opportunities than ever before. After all, in this way you can go through social identification, or you can pave the way to big-time sports.

One wheel hockey.

Traditional ice hockey is a very serious game. Let it be a show anyway, but real men come to the site, so there is simply no place for humor here.

But there were lovers to turn such a game full of testosterone into a circus. All you have to do is take the uniforms off the hockey players and put them on unicycles.

In this version of hockey, there are no forwards and offsides, power moves are prohibited here, as well as fights. However, it does not lose anything in entertainment, because it is so interesting to see how players can manage with a wheel equipped with only a saddle and two pedals.

As a result, such movements become so interesting that even the point of watching the ball disappears. In hockey on the wheel, it is even more important to be able to manage the vehicle than to wield a stick on the parquet.

Yes, and a skillful turn will cause applause no less than a successful throw. As a result, one-wheel hockey also wins in performance, even if there are not 5, but only 4 field players on the court.

After all, the goalkeeper is not given the usual heavy ammunition - he, like everyone else, rides on a wheel, but only along the goal line. In his hands he has an ordinary stick, without a trap, which increases the chances of players for a goal.

There can be no talk of any intelligible tactics. After all, the main role is played by the ability to stand on the wheel, which is impossible in one particular place. The game loses any linearity of development, but it acquires a fair amount of positive.

Hockey has never been so much fun. Feeling it yourself is quite easy - you need to buy or rent a unicycle, find a club that was forgotten and buy tennis ball.


Of all the sports that arose at the junction of water and air, this one is perhaps the most difficult. It requires a kite, a surfer board, wind and waves to do it.

But only here in the air is a more professional device called a kite. As a result of his movement, the kitesurfer can not only glide through the waves, but also take off into the sky.

Here, not only the beauty of the shown trick is appreciated, but also the range of the jump from the wave. Kitesurfing seems to be a fairly modern extreme pastime, as kites were commonly used for a different purpose.

However, in fact, something similar was practiced in China in the distant XIII century. There, the boats glided over the waves thanks to the sails tied to them with ropes - in fact, the same kites.

Today, the board-kite combination has undergone certain technical changes. The real breakthrough for kitesurfing was the arrival of advertisers who liked the idea of ​​placing their advertising slogans on kites.

Over the past 20-30 years, the number of brave young people ready to challenge the wind and waves has increased twenty-fold. Today, kitesurfers can be seen not only in the warm waters of Hawaii, Florida and California, but all over the world, including the Gulf of Finland.

Some of the tricks that athletes demonstrate here come from skateboarding (spinning, grabbing, and others). Nothing prevents you from mastering them on land.

True, on the water the trick will become noticeably more complicated, because the base will be rather unsteady, and the kite will pull the board with strong jerks. As a result, even a simple jump with a landing can seem like a difficult test.

However, the basics of kitesurfing can be learned quite quickly, in 2-3 weeks. After that, it remains only to rush towards the records. For example, to make a French ride 200 kilometers long along the Cote d'Azur with an average speed of 38 km/h.

The absolute speed record in this sport is about 90 km / h, kitesurfers are especially proud of this milestone - previously only boats and windsurfers could move so fast.

Bungee jumping.

A person tried for a long time to feel the feeling of flight, with maximum impunity at the same time. In the end, bungee jumping appeared, which is a jump from a height on an elastic cable.

Rocks, towers and bridges can now be used to create a unique feeling of seconds of free fall - all those objects that previously served only as viewpoints. Today, such a prospect attracts them no less than just a beautiful view.

It all started in the late 80s. when several brave Englishmen began to tie themselves with elastic and reliable harnesses to various hills and jump down. Both balloons and cranes were suitable for them, not to mention bridges.

Only 2-3 seconds lasted adrenaline pleasure from the feeling of free fall, then the rope pulled the athlete up, releasing then back. The police immediately considered such an activity unsafe, arresting its organizers.

However, soon appeared on the screens american show"It's Impossible", which showed how three people jumped from a height of 200 meters from the Golden Gate Bridge.

Naturally, they were tied with ropes, but after that bungee jumping itself was recognized as legal entertainment. And why was it banned? After all, for a safe jump from any height, it took a little.

It was necessary to calculate the overload force during depreciation and check the reliability of the rope fastenings. Today, anyone, even without serious astronaut training, can get up to 6 seconds of free fall, while developing a speed of up to 100 km / h and slowly braking.

With the relative safety of such a sport, the main interest for the amateur will be to find the most picturesque site in order to soon dive head first from there. Most often it is customary to jump from bridges. The fact is that the water below is not as scary as just stones or earth.

And on low towers, in general, you can arrange partial dipping into a pond, which will add even more extreme. Everyone chooses the difficulty of the jump for himself. It can be super extreme, like from the Niuk cable bridge in the Alps, located at an altitude of 193 meters, or it can be quite fearless even for a beginner, like from the Moscow viaduct near the Yaroslavl highway or not far from the Volen ski resort near Moscow.

In general, there are no barriers for jumpers to jump. It can be ski jumps and medieval castles, rocky cliffs and TV towers, high bridges and even waterfalls.

The most daring bungee jump is held in China by Australian AJ Hackett. A well-known sports activist jumped off the Macau TV tower from a height of 233 meters.

You can also effectively jump off the Swiss Vercasca dam, 220 meters high. This stunt even made it into the Bond series when a super spy jumped from a dam, which, according to the scenario, is actually located in Russia.

But the most spectacular jumps are carried out by the bungee innovator. The Frenchman Thierry Devaux, who improved the harness attachment so that he could also perform tricks in flight - somersaults, backbends and turns.

Devo became famous for his series of six jumps from the Eiffel Tower, one of which was made in pink tights. Thierry also built a personal bridge specifically for his hobbies.

However, the tradition of building personal structures for jumping is not new, it all started with the same AJ Hackett, who built a whole bungee tower in Australia, after which he equipped a place for fans like him on the beautiful Kawarau Bridge in New Zealand.

Today, such places appear everywhere, so to make a bold jump upside down does not require flying to the other side of the world.


For a long time, there was a harmless alternative to winter skating - roller skates. With the development of extreme sports, roller skates have become a real tool for performing crazy tricks that are in no way inferior to tricks from BMX or skateboarding.

The current aggressive skating is called rollerblading. People for such an activity can be found on the street or in a modern roller park. It is there that there is a special ramp - a halfpipe, which looks like a cut half pipe.

In such a device, rollers train their rotations, jumps and grabs - spins, flips and hornbeams. The same elements are present in skateboarding and snowboarding. In this sport, skating is generally completely based on acrobatics, taking into account knowledge of the principles of mechanics.

This is necessary, for example, to perform a wall flip, a complex and beautiful jump with repulsion from the wall and further rotation by 360 degrees.

Today, roller parks are being built everywhere, and getting there is not difficult. Only now you have to compete with skaters, who are also not averse to using the design for their workouts. Street skating is generally more prone to improvisation. Here, acrobatic elements are largely performed in arbitrary conditions.

Sliding is performed on the railing, through the road fence you can perform a flip with a grab, and after accelerating, try to jump onto the ramp along the sidewalk.

A special success for a street roller will be getting into an empty car park, where there will be a lot of curbs, railings and stairs. Although it is believed that a real roller should be able to turn any part of the city into a testing ground for itself.

Florentine Football.

When football starts to be played without rules, it only adds to its spectacle. The most ancient varieties of this game are exactly the same.

Calcio Fiorentino, or Florentine football, is saturated with adrenaline, sweat, tears and even blood. Some even believe that this is the most male game in the world, because against its background, both rugby and hockey look rather restrained and subject to rules.

However, there are still some rules. Since the 16th century, a rectangle measuring 100 by 50 meters has been formed on Piazza Santa Croce in the center of Florence, it is covered with sand and two teams of 7 people are let in. The men are by then stripped to the waist and quite furious.

Kicking each other on the head is prohibited, as are vile tricks. Thrown into the crowd soccer ball and see if it will be of interest to anyone during 50 minutes of playing time. Although the name of such fun is associated with football, there is very little of it here.

Much more mixed martial arts in one heap. Yes, and the ball must be thrown into the basket a meter above the ground, which, of course, is most convenient to do with your hands. The score is usually opened only towards the end of the match, until that time the opponents are engaged in finding out who is stronger.

The teams converge literally wall to wall, not letting up until they finish each other well. The spectacle is so popular that the whole city comes to see it. In theory, anyone can participate in such a game, even those who, according to their status, are not supposed to be torn.

So, several centuries ago, according to rumors, the Pope also participated in the fun. Historically, there have been four teams - red, white, blue and green. They represented 4 historic city blocks. There was a period when the game exceeded the norms of cruelty, the teams began to recruit boxers and wrestlers, there were also enough former criminals.

As a result, the game became much more bloodthirsty - there were numerous fractures of limbs, and loss of consciousness. All this simply scared the audience away. Thus, the only rule change in the history of the game came to Florentine football, which stopped the beatings.

Violence has gone out of sport for the sake of violence, and to make the matches look like they should, a grandiose parade is held in front of them. Every third week of June, participants don their traditional costumes as they pass in front of the townspeople and tourists. Although it is almost impossible to take a direct part in the game, it is quite possible to become a close eyewitness to the entire ceremony and the subsequent match.

Racing against a horse.

Once in Wales, a local farmer Gordon Green in a pub heard interesting story about how one man talked about his ability to overtake a horse when running a long distance.

At this point, Green had already become interested in non-traditional sports. So, it was he who became the organizers of the swim in the swamp in fins and with a snorkel. The organization of the competition between man and horse became only a matter of time.

In 1980, the first marathon took place. Man and animal had to overcome 35 kilometers through hilly terrain. Then the horse won with a big advantage, but for England it was not surprising that a one-time fun turned into a tradition and even a sport.

People turned out to be against the total physical superiority of the horse and began to invent various tricks for themselves. So, in 1985, cyclists took part in the competition, one of which lost only a little to the animal. Four years later, devices with wheels were still able to overtake horses.

However, the original idea of ​​the race did not go away, and every year the prize fund for the winner-runner grew and grew. In 2001, a man was the first to finish, but he was a member of a three-man relay team, and the prize remained unplayed. But the historical event did happen, even after a quarter of a century of unsuccessful attempts.

In 2005, lean marathon runner Kyu Lobb was able to overtake a horse by a full two and a half minutes. The brave runner was rewarded with 31,000 pounds. Two years later, the result was repeated by the German Florian Holzinger. Do you think that the victory of a man over a horse is impossible in principle?

Let's make a number of reservations regarding the rules of the competition. 40 people and only 10 horses take part in the marathon. It is clear that animals interfere with each other more than people. In addition, a person can apply a collective strategy.

Horses are released 15 minutes after the start of people, in addition, animals are often stopped for veterinary checks, which takes them another 5-6 minutes.

As a result, professional marathon runners who are able to maintain a high pace of running over a long distance still have small chances to take the main prize. Prize fund the same is formed from the impressive contributions of riders and much lower for runners.

Thus, almost anyone can take part in the race, although with a high probability the contribution will still remain in the piggy bank, increasing the jackpot and waiting for a hardy winner.


This hobby is better known to us as the game with a flying saucer. This is a primitive and simple occupation, nevertheless, it was invented for almost a century on the way to the current form.

For shooting exercises, a special disk was used back in the 19th century, and a patent for a flying sports object was registered only in the middle of the 20th century by the American Walter Morrison.

According to legend, the idea of ​​a flying saucer came to a man's mind when he was on a California beach in the late 30s, throwing either a baking dish or a popcorn can with his fiancée Lou. The neighbors liked the flying object so much that they offered 25 cents for it, and Fred realized that business could be made by distributing such things.

During the war, Morrison flew aircraft, which allowed him to study aerodynamics well. Upon returning home, an investor was quickly found, and in 1948 the first model of a "flying saucer" made of plastic was born.

The object got its name because of the craze and interest in UFOs. As befits an invention with a frivolous appearance, the first experience was unsuccessful. The disc was of interest, but it was not enough to bring tangible profits.

Luckily for the Frisbee, its creator turned out to be a true enthusiast, realizing that this was his life's work. Several years Morrison spent on bringing his invention to a better form.

In 1957, he sold the rights to his invention to the Wham-O company, which gave the discs the name "Frisbee". So the plates were nicknamed by the students, carried away by the new fun. They, in turn, gave such a name, since tin pie trays from the Frisbie Pie Company demonstrated a similar lift.

The surge in interest in the Frisbee made Morrison a millionaire. Wham-O's head of marketing, Ed Headrick, took over from him to promote the fun. Thanks to him, "flying saucers" got the attractive design and aerodynamic characteristics that we are seeing today.

So beach fun gradually became a projectile-participant of a whole scattering of games. Hedrick even managed to found International Association frisbee, and after Ed's death, his ashes were scattered over several commemorative discs and handed over to relatives and friends.

Today, the Frisbee family includes more than a dozen independent games in which a flying disc is the main character. In doing so, a healthy and fun alternative was found to the traditional use, in which the plate is simply tossed from hand to hand.

Yes, you can play disc golf. The clubs here are replaced by hands, and the places of the holes are occupied by baskets, instead of balls, plates are used. The dog frisbee is very popular, in which four-legged pets - dogs - are also connected to the game.

Designers have specially designed models that glow in the dark. In addition, there is a lot of entertainment with Frisbee, which are associated with the phonetic similarity of the particles "fri" and "free" (free) - friski, freestyle, fricket.

But the most perfect type of flying saucer game is the ultimate frisbee. This dynamic and spectacular team game has been around for more than 30 years and has even attracted the attention of the IOC. There are also world championships in this sport.

In Ultimate, which is unusual, there are no judges at all. After all, violations of the rules, including in favor of the opponent, are recorded by the players themselves. The fundamental principle of such an activity is the famous playful spirit, while in this case it is not an abstraction at all.


After long-term occupation any kind of sport comes a sense of control over the situation. But there are situations when it is almost impossible to adapt to the surrounding conditions.

This happens, for example, when descending a mountainside inside a huge transparent ball. Such entertainment, zorb, seems to have been specially invented so that extreme impressions always remain such.

Zorb was developed in the late 90s by two young New Zealanders. Then the means for moving across the ocean were being developed, the idea of ​​​​a large plastic ball appeared, inside of which there was another one with a passenger inside. This idea was a reflection of people's interest in walking on the surface of the water.

The inner ball made it possible for a person to maintain balance inside the zorb, and the outer shell protected from direct contact with the surface. The material for the balls was PVC, while the seams were connected using special electric welding.

It turned out that the zorb is an excellent tool for descending or rolling down hills, including snowy ones, you can also do something like swimming. Usually, moving inside a zorb is compared to being inside a washing machine, the passenger can feel what the laundry in a spinning drum could feel.

Since the inner shell does not rotate as fast as the outer shell, a person makes a complete revolution inside the ball in 9 meters of travel.

The speed of the zorb directly depends on both the movements of the passenger and the slope, and even on the method of fastening. But be that as it may, the ball will not be able to accelerate faster than 50 km / h, which is comparable to a bicycle downhill. Only the risk in this case is much less.

Underwater rugby.

Ball games have an exciting dynamic. However, only in such a sport can players move freely in three dimensions. Underwater rugby is ultimately a highly organized but hustle in a ball pool.

There is salt water inside the ball, a strong throw sends it only 3 meters and according to the rules it cannot appear on the surface. Players wear fins with a mask or goggles, and their goal is to throw the ball into a hole with a diameter of 40 centimeters.

Perhaps the most healthy nation in Europe, the Germans, became the author of underwater entertainment. The first kind of game resembled volleyball, there was a net inside the pool. But then the players were finally identified under the water. In this sport, players have to develop several skills in order to perform successfully.

You need to be able to move quickly and maneuver underwater, to fight for the ball be strong and be able to hold your breath for a long time. You also need to get used to difficult tactics, which, in addition to the usual back and forth, left and right, also involves moving up and down. In underwater rugby, as in regular rugby, the players are clearly divided according to their roles.

In this variation, team roles can be shared between men and women. If some push the opponent through with brute force and make breakthroughs at depth, then others engage in blocking and fight closer to the surface.

It should be noted that this kind of sport is quite tiring and exhausting, so in addition to 6 base players, there are the same number of substitutes.

Although it is not easy to organize underwater rugby, you can start playing it if you have necessary equipment easily. Moreover, each of us in our youth tried to take the ball in the water from a friend, using some kind of wrestling technique.

Racing 24 Hours of Le Mans.

This auto race is not only the most popular and prestigious endurance race on the planet, it is also the oldest. Start and finish are exactly one day apart, while the word survival for Le Mans is absolutely applicable here - the famous track has already become the site of the death of 21 racers.

However, such extreme conditions do not scare off many who want to participate in the race for the past 90 years. There is even an opinion that Formula 1 is the face of motorsport, but the 24 Hours of Le Mans is the heart of this sport.

Initially, this race was an annual event specially designed for leading manufacturers. If in other types of auto racing speed was valued, then in Le Mans the ability to evenly distribute this parameter, as well as one's own strength for the whole day, comes to the fore.

Here, the favorites were traditionally considered not the fastest cars, but the most reliable (with optimal fuel consumption at the same time). Accordingly, success in this race significantly influenced the interest in successful car brands on the part of the townsfolk.

The Le Mans de la Sarthe circuit includes, in addition to purpose-built sections, public roads. The first start took place in 1923, when the length of the circle in the race was more than 17 kilometers.

A number of improvements, undertaken mainly for safety reasons, have reduced the circle to the current 13.63 km. The most famous section of the track is the long Mulsand straight. In the 80s, individual cars accelerated here up to 400 km/h. However, in the next decade, additional turns were arranged here to cool the ardor of the fastest.

Safety concerns are much more acute for race organizers than for others. What's more, this is where it happened. biggest disaster in motorsport history. In 1955, the Mercedes of the Frenchman Pierre Levezh drove into the stands.

The burning debris set a fire there, resulting in the death of not only the rider, but also 82 spectators. This led to a ban on motorsport in Switzerland, and Mercedes retired from racing for a long 30 years. Levezh had already become famous even before that.

After he fell asleep at the 23rd hour of the race two years earlier, a rule appeared according to which the car could enter two drivers. In the late 80s, their number increased to 3 people, and the time of continuous driving by one rider was reduced to 4 hours.

Today, the 24 Hours of Le Mans race is the most difficult event that complies with the numerous rules and laws of both the state and the race. Pilots are forced here to take into account changes in the weather, as well as the presence on the track of cars of various classes and categories (now there are four of them), which differ in speed and driving style.

The best observance of all the nuances of the race is traditionally given to the Germans. Nai more victories - 16, "Porsche", and the last 10 years have passed under the sign of the total superiority of "Audi".

The maximum distance of 5335 km was covered here by Porsche pilots in 1971, while average speed amounted to 222.2 km / h. It should be noted that overcoming the mark of 200 km / h is a common thing here, despite the two dozen pit stops required for changing drivers, refueling, minor repairs and changing tires.

For the entire time of the races, which were prevented only by the Second World War, "24 Hours of Le Mans" acquired many traditions. The most important - a shower of champagne over the winner, went far beyond the limits of this competition.

Films were made about this race, Steve McQueen starred in the most famous, video games were written and comics were drawn. In 2010, the most star race in history, however, the joint application of the legend of "Formula 1" Jean Alesi and the king of motorcycle racing Valentino Rossi did not pass, and former champion"Formula" Nigel Mansell had an accident at the very start.

The debut of the Russians here took place back in 2004. Then Alexey Vasiliev, Nikolai Fomenko and Englishman Robert Nirn took part in the Yukos-Freisinger team.

The team stayed on the track for only five hours, at the moment of leaving behind the wheel was, remarkably, a foreign citizen Nirn. But the failure did not break the athletes. Musician and showman Nikolai Fomenko admitted that his lifelong dream came true with participation in the race. Interest in Le Mans does not fade away, and the heart of motorsport continues to vigorously beat and live.


An old-fashioned, as it seems now, passion for skiing gave impetus to another extreme sport. Wakeboarders, unlike ordinary skiers, ride on the water surface behind the boat. Along the way, athletes perform a number of acrobatic stunts that came here from surfing and snowboarding.

The fundamental difference between wakeboarding is the fact that here a person is pulled forward by a force that is not under his control. Therefore, it would be foolish not to use it to the fullest. The prototype of the wakeboard was the skerfer, similarly, the prototype of the snowboard was the snerfer.

Water skiing devices are two skis connected into one. The improvement of the wakeboard has led to the emergence of a more flexible and light board, which makes it possible to accelerate to 30-40 km / h and take off at the same time to a height of 6 meters, starting from the water surface.

To create more powerful and high waves, professionals attach an additional load to the board - ballast. Also, a kicker is often placed in the water - a mini-tramlin, which allows you to increase the amplitude of the jump and thereby perform more tricks in flight.

As in other similar sports, grabs and ordinary jumps are the most popular here. But wakeboarding has a wide variety of tricks. So, on a snowboard or skateboard, you cannot perform a tantrum jump perpendicular to the direction of movement.

This is only possible on the water. There is also additional interest in the possibilities of grabbing the handle of the cable that comes from the boat. This gives about a dozen extra elements for any trick.

Among other things, wakeboarding is quite harmonious in terms of fitness. Thanks to this sport, almost all muscle groups develop evenly. Not surprisingly, about a quarter of wakeboarders in the US are women.

Their active participation in this sport has led to the expansion of the product line and the development of numerous accessories. All this confirms wakeboarding as one of the fastest growing extreme sports.


This extreme sport is already about fifty years old and its whole history corresponds to its spirit. Skateboarding has experienced ups and downs, but still remains perhaps the main business card of extreme sports.

Despite all the metamorphoses of society and this sport - social, economic and technical, skateboarding is still a young hobby for young people. Let the main stars are already well over 40, but 85% of the athletes have not yet reached 18.

We know that skateboarding originated in California. There, it was supposedly invented by local surfers in one of their off-seasons, when the boredom of the crests of the wave became especially unbearable.

One can hardly accuse skaters or surfers of disliking chronicles, so the first pages of history are full of gaps. Only the date of the appearance of the first board with wheels in official retail is precisely recorded - this happened in 1959.

This novelty immediately appealed to American teenagers who, with the help of skateboards, replaced their boring school buses. The first professional skateboard appeared on the market in 1963.

There was no furor then, but the reaction of society can be called a mini-boom. Board manufacturers immediately began to assemble their own teams and organize competitions. The most important of them were even broadcast on television.

The simple possibility of riding on your hands and jumping from curbs was so captivating for many that even a specialized magazine about this sport appeared. Makaha alone has sold over 50 million skateboards in three years. But the wave was inevitably followed by a significant decline.

Skateboarding came out of the shadows only in the mid-70s, when manufacturers made some technical improvements and the first skateparks were opened. Year after year, after that, new glades were developed, even pools abandoned due to the economic crisis were used.

Thanks to new models of skateboards, it has become easier to perform some tricks. And then it happened key moment in the history of skateboarding - the invention of the ally. This basic trick, in which the jump can be performed without the help of hands, was first performed in 1979 by Alan "Ollie" Gelfand.

Immediately, the jump was adapted to a flat surface by Rodney Mullen, who came up with the idea of ​​bending the ends of the deck. Rodney is generally a living legend of skateboarding, who invented many more tricks, in particular the kickflip, which became the progenitor of all other flips. During this jump, the board rotated 360 degrees.

It was Mulln who led the skaters from civilian radii to the street, giving them much more freedom. In the late 80s, another revival of skateboarding took place, because the largest clothing manufacturers showed interest in it. In addition, the sport has already diversified significantly with the help of Mullen and his followers, who brought numerous flips and allies.

Today, skateboarding is a real street sport that has been immortalized by TV shows, games and movies. This sport gave rise to a new youth trend, a musical style, even a holiday appeared on the calendar.

Yes, and it’s still not worth considering it dangerously extreme, experienced skateboarders unanimously believe that with sufficient experience and self-confidence, there is no more risk in working with the board than in football or basketball.


As a matter of fact, rafting down the river on an inflatable vessel without a frame can have only one real goal - getting those very extreme sensations that are possible only here.

How can it compare with a multi-day kayak trip on calm water? The possibilities of rafting are great - even unprepared people can be charged into the boat and sent to storm the rapids and rapids. At the same time, you can be sure that people will be satisfied.

When organizing a descent on a raft, it is necessary to clearly define the category of difficulty of the planned route. The river of the first category is considered the lightest; almost a child can raft along it. Such an aquatic environment is just a stream fast enough to move through it.

Stones, rapids and rapids appear already in the second and third categories, in order to get around the obstacles here you can no longer do without certain oar skills. In the fourth and fifth categories, obstacles become much more dangerous, and the sixth category is simply not suitable for rafting.

When rafting, progress is not only about moving from simpler categories to more complex ones, there are other landmarks. The most interesting activity during the rafting is the management of the raft.

So, if, when passing through a whirlpool, the passengers all together make a strong stroke with oars, then they will be able to fly over the funnels and avoid the effects of centrifugal force. On some sections of the route, sometimes you have to tilt the raft to the side in order to pass the rapids sideways or even put your ship almost vertically.

You can get special pleasure here by accelerating from a small threshold or even a small waterfall to splash down on a smooth stretch of water. Rafterers learn not only to maneuver, in case their raft capsizes, they also learn how to quick recovery former position.

Either a rope stretched along the raft, or an improvised counterweight can help here. If the route has a low difficulty category, then flips can be no less fun than the passage of obstacles. Naturally, in no case should you forget to wear a protective helmet.

Mountain bike.

Such an impressive bike is not able to overcome the Tour de France and even on a country road it will be difficult to ride it. After all, mountain biking requires serious obstacles, rugged terrain with many winding paths, dirt and sharp turns.

Riding such a bike requires a strong character from the owner, as well as some craziness in his head. The cyclist's head is covered with a helmet, his hands are dressed in gloves and hold tightly to the steering wheel, while his legs are tightly joined to the spikes on the pedals.

Mountain bike has a special, reinforced design. The frame here has a characteristic trapezoid shape. Both suspensions, front and rear, are equipped with shock absorbers. Ground clearance has also been increased for improved cross-country ability. The tires have an impressive thickness, besides they have a rough tread.

Mountain bikes share similarities with cars - there is also a derailleur and disc brakes, although there are models with conventional rims. After repeatedly moving the bike on yourself, you can no longer go to Gym- after all, the frame with the accompanying ammunition weighs about 20 kg.

In general, mountain biking is quite expensive. Prices for bicycles start at 300 euros, with an upper ceiling of 15,000 euros. Professional athletes are rarely alone in this sport - either sponsors or financially successful structures stand behind them.

There are few skills of the athlete himself, his qualities and skills. In many ways, success in mountain biking depends on a quality bike and all its attributes. Bikes differ in materials and production technologies. The discipline in which the athlete performs also plays a role.

After all, mountain biking is a lot of the most different types. Here there are jumping tricks from ski jumps (dirt), free ride (freeride), downhill(downhill), as well as parallel slalom cross-country driving (cross-country) and others.

So, for cross-country, the bike should have a low weight, but in downhill important aspect becomes strength. To engage in mountain biking in our country, you need to be fearless, find a park area and invest enough money for equipment.

Climbing wall.

Professional climbers have created a new hobby - climbing walls. Initially, these facilities were used only for training. Those amateurs who could not go out into nature, whiled away the time in the conquest of plywood heights.

The main task of the climbing wall was to imitate a natural rock. To do this, the platform is created in a bizarre shape, and many hooks are placed on it. Those who in the truest sense of the word "climbed the wall" began to create their own climbing walls, using pieces of metal, reinforcement and plywood for this.

Someone managed to make a serious business on this. Now there are two types of climbing walls - inclined and vertical, but if desired, they are also combined. Today, beech plywood is used in the construction of climbing walls, and the sites are no longer only a place for training, but also used for commercial purposes.

To practice on the climbing wall, you only need the desire to get a dose of adrenaline and the absence of fear of heights. Often it is the latter that leads people to this hobby. To succeed, you must successfully catch the center of gravity and fix the safety system well.

When the climber moves up, he is insured from below by an experienced instructor. The first ascent to a height of 6-7 meters and touching the carbine with your hand there already make many people want to go to conquer thousands of peaks.


In this sport, basketball and streetball, rugby, hockey and trampoline have united. How could he be unspectacular? After all, athletes who take off above the site at a height of 5 meters and score the ball with relish in the basket attract attention if only by successfully fighting the earth's gravity.

Since slamball is quite young, it is constantly being improved and developed, and its rules are still being modified. The basic rules here are the presence of 4 people in each team and eight anti-gravity trampolines near the rings.

Slamdunk reigns here, all conditions are even created for it - for touching the ring, the most points are awarded here. A little time is allotted for the attack - only 20 seconds, but this is quite enough to use a power move or impress the enemy on the side.

Attacking from behind is prohibited, here it is also impossible to attack a player when he is not hitting the ball on the floor. Injury-prone areas are protected. From the outside, it looks like eight grown men are going rollerblading or cycling.

Initially, in general, slamball players, when developing a new game, put on almost a motorcycle helmet. There is an interesting innovation here - a bullet for breaking the rules.

The victim does not even come out, but flies to the ring in splendid isolation, and only one defender opposes him. The names of the positions on the site are also curious here. So, the organization of attacks is carried out by a "tamer", in football such a player is called a playmaker.

The Gunners are tasked with scoring the balls into the basket, and the selection of the ball and rare connections to the attack are the lot of the “stoppers”. The creator of trampoline sports, Mason Gordon, dreamed that his heroes could equalize in opportunities with the heroes of computer games.

Here, any guy who hasn’t made it close to the NBA can jump above the stars - Kobe Bryant and LeBron James. The project is not only charitable, it is interesting from the point of view of pairing seemingly incompatible sports.

Although initially it was based on the principle of the show, literally holy for Americans. It is no coincidence that Gordon was assisted in the development of a new sport by Mike Tolin, a professional television producer. The first site appeared in an abandoned warehouse. She was brought to mind with the help of the first five enthusiastic players.

After trial games between the two teams, a whole draft was held, in which sixty of the best were selected from six hundred applicants. It was they who became the elite of modern slamball, organizing six teams: Rumble, Mob, Diablos, Slashers, Steel and Bouncers.

As soon as it appeared, the game immediately attracted the attention of television, the teams were offered a solid contract with cable TV. However, after two full seasons in 2002 and 2003, the league did not play for 5 whole years, taking a break. However, the return of the spectacular game with flights still took place! And in Australia, it even began to be broadcast in HD format.