How to sit on a twine for women of different ages: tips and examples of stretching exercises. Stretching for men at home Sit on a male twine

Twine is considered one of the basic and most revealing stretching exercises. The ability to sit on a twine characterizes the flexibility and mobility of the entire musculoskeletal system. The exercise involves all the joints of the legs, as well as the back and abs. Everyone can sit on the twine without pain relatively easily.

How much can you sit on the twine

The time required to stretch the muscles depends on such factors:

" Age
" Floor
» Genetic features of the organism
» Muscular coordination
» Fitness level
» Load intensity
» Proper Exercise Technique

Average time frames:

» Young children up to 3 years of age have natural flexibility, and therefore can easily perform even the most complex exercises stretching.
» Beginners may need up to six months regular classes to stretch your legs.
» People who already have some level of training will need 14 days to 2 months.
» It will take from 7 months to a year for a man to sit on the twine. At the age of 30, the structures of the musculoskeletal system are more rigid and less pliable.

Where to start for a newbie?

Stretching is divided into several types:

» Dynamic
» Ballic
» Static

Static type of stretching is the most common and effective. This approach eliminates sudden changes in muscle length, reduces the likelihood of injury and pain. Basic stretching workouts:

» Regularity. Stretching is recommended at least 3 times a week. The greatest result will bring daily classes for 15-30 minutes.
» Graduality. Over time, the load and degree of stretching of the muscles should increase.
" Delay. At the most extreme point of the stretch, you should linger for 10-30 seconds.
» No jerks. You should not allow "pulsation" and sharp jerks in the exercise to avoid injury.
" Right choice sportswear and inventory. Stretching is usually performed in tight-fitting clothing that does not hinder movement, does not rub or press. Shoes are chosen soft, for example, Czechs. Exercises are performed on a hymn mat or mat.
» Mandatory warm-up and cool-down during each session.
» Stretch your leg muscles until mild to moderate pain occurs. You should not reach out to the painful shock or loss of consciousness.
» Symmetry. Each exercise for each limb should be performed the same amount of time.

How often to stretch?

To stretch your legs, beginners are recommended to perform stretching exercises at least 3 times a week. The duration of the entire workout is 1-1.5 hours. Rest is a must, as the muscles take some time to adapt and relax.

Experienced and advanced athletes can do stretching every day as part of the overall complex.

How to speed up the process?

The following factors contribute to the increase in the effectiveness of stretching:

» Correct mental attitude. The best results will get pretty motivated person who enjoys the process of stretching. If training is not enjoyable, it is recommended to change the program.
» Breathing technique. Accomplishments physical activity it is important to synchronize with the phases of breathing.
» Compliance with exercise technique. Improper exercise can lead to pain and injury.
» Change training program. Alternating load types will eliminate muscle adaptation and speed up the result.
» Proper training times. It is recommended to perform a set of stretching exercises in the morning.
» Additional exercises. Exercises near the barre from classical ballet and various variations of the Frog exercise are well developed for the eversion of the leg joints.

When you can sit on the twine in a minute

For a minute, only a trained and trained person can sit on the twine. One minute after the warm-up is enough to stretch the muscles and minimize the risk of injury.

When you can sit on the twine in 5-10 minutes

Devoting 5-10 minutes a day, a person with an average level will be able to sit on the twine. sports training. Ten minutes are devoted only to stretching the legs. The rest of the workout includes stretching for other parts of the body, as well as a warm-up and cool-down.

When can I sit on the twine in a day

In case of good congenital or acquired flexibility, as well as with a strong desire, you can sit on the longitudinal and transverse twine in a day. However, a person must be prepared for intense stress and pain.

When can I sit on the twine in a week

For a week of daily high-intensity training, a person with good motivation and even entry level physical training.

When can I sit on the twine in a month

Subject to regular training with a gradually increasing load, anyone can sit on the twine in a month.

Which twine is easier to sit on?

Horizontal twine

When performing transverse twine, straight legs are bred in opposite directions. Horizontal twine is considered more difficult than longitudinal due to the greater degree of eversion of the hip joints. In women, the adductors are slightly better developed, so it is more difficult for them to sit on the twine than for men.

Longitudinal twine

Performing a longitudinal twine, one leg is taken forward and the other back. In men, the muscles of the posterior thigh group are better developed than in women, so it is harder for them to master this exercise. Sit on the longitudinal split on the side of the leading leg is usually easier.

A set of preparatory exercises

Preparatory gymnastics is aimed at developing eversion, flexibility and mobility of the joints. Warming up is an essential element of any workout, including stretching. Performing the preparatory complex will allow you to sit on the twine quickly and without pain. To increase the effectiveness of the warm-up, you can use rubber bands.

How to develop flexibility

Forward angled corner

Goal: Stretching the hamstrings, lower back and calves

» IP: sitting on the floor on the buttocks. The legs are widely separated in different directions. The knees are as straight as possible.
» Exhale, lean to the side. Stretch your opposite arm above your head and reach up to your heel. Maintain the position for 30-60 seconds.
» Straighten your arm and stretch chest to the floor. Fix the pose for 30-30 seconds.
» Return to the IP.

Goal: Stretch the hamstrings and lower back

» IP: sitting, straight legs extended and brought together. The toes are pointing up.
» With an exhalation, stretch down. Wrap your fingers around your heels or ankles. Fix the position for 30-60 seconds.
» Standing option: stand straight, close your feet. Keep your knees straight. As you exhale, lean forward and stretch your straight arms behind your heels. Fix the position for 30-30 seconds.


Purpose: Stretch the adductors of the thigh, sartorius, and gracilis muscles.

» IP: sitting on the buttocks. The knees are bent, and the feet are in contact with the heels and balls of the fingers.
» As you exhale, lower your knees to the floor. If necessary, press your elbows on the knee joint. Fix at the bottom point for 30-60 seconds.
» Wrap your fingers around your feet. As you exhale, lean forward. Fix the position for 30-60 seconds.

Static forward lunges

Purpose: to stretch the muscles of the buttocks, as well as the entire surface of the thigh

» IP: one leg is bent at the knee and laid forward. The angle is about 90 degrees. The other leg is straight and rested with the toe on the floor.
» Hands raised up or resting on the front thigh.
» Shift your weight forward until you feel a stretch in your muscles. Fix the position for 30-60 seconds.
» Repeat on the other side.

Stretching the legs lying on your back

Purpose: stretch the hamstrings and quadriceps

» IP: lying on your back, legs straight. Place a cushion under your knees.
» Gradually raise one leg as you exhale. Keep the limb straight.
» Support the rear surface with your hands.
» Pull your leg towards you until you feel muscle tension. Fix the position and keep it for 30-60 seconds.

Preparatory exercises

Lunges with elbows on the floor

Purpose: stretch the buttocks, posterior thigh muscles and develop eversion hip joint.

» PI: Lunge forward with one foot so that the angle between the maple and the thigh is more than 90 degrees. Take the other leg as far back as possible and place it on the gymnastic mat.
» Try to put both elbows on the floor so that the front leg is between them. Fix the position for 30-60 seconds.
» Move your back leg as far back as possible. Fix the position for 30-60 seconds.
» Keep your pelvis tucked down and do not roll to the side.
» Repeat on the other side.

Twisting lunges

Purpose: to stretch the anterior muscle group of the byrd

» IP: lunge forward with one foot, put the other on the gym mat.
» Grasp the back foot with the opposite hand and bring the toe to the buttocks.
» Rest your other hand on the floor.
» Keep your pelvis parallel to the floor.
» Fix the position for 30-60 sec.
» Repeat on the leg.

Tilts to the leg

Goal: Stretch the posterior muscle segment, hamstrings, calf biceps and Achilles

» IP: kneeling. Stretch one leg forward and straighten as much as possible. Stay on the floor.
» Rest your palms on the floor. If necessary, select a higher support.
» Bend over to your foot. Fix the position for 30-60 seconds.
» Pull the sock towards you. Fix the position for 30-60 seconds.
» Return to PI and repeat on the other side.

How to easily sit on the twine: a detailed guide from A to Z

Step by Step Guide to Cross Twine

After performing the warm-up and preparatory complex, they proceed to the main stretch on the transverse twine:

» Spread your legs wide apart. Rest your palms or forearms on the floor.
» Gradually lower your pelvis to the floor.
» The feet are parallel to each other and are located either on the floor, or the socks are pulled over.
» Point your kneecaps forward.
» Stretch your muscles until you experience mild pain. Fix the position for 30-120 seconds.
» Rest for a minute.
» Repeat the exercise 3-7 times.
» Breathe slowly and steadily. If you can, stretch harder as you exhale.

Step by Step Guide to Longitudinal Twine

Brief instructions on how to learn to sit on a longitudinal twine:

» Get on one knee. Bring the other leg forward, rest your feet on the floor and bend the knee joint at a right angle.
» Point the spines of the club bones in one direction.
» With an exhalation, spread your legs, lowering your pelvis down. Sit in the right split.
» Fix the extreme position and freeze for 30-120 seconds.
» Rest 60 seconds and repeat on the other side.

How to sit on a twine: video tutorials, training

The main mistakes in preparing for the twine

» Excessive stress. In a relaxed state, the muscles stretch better and without pain.
» Hold your breath. Deep, measured breathing helps you relax and become more flexible.
» Jerks. You need to stretch the muscles gradually, without sudden changes in the length of the fibers. It is desirable to keep each position for more than 10 seconds.
» Emphasis on the front leg in the longitudinal split. The left twine must be done for the same amount of time as the right one. Stretching only one side will lead to injury, deformation of the joints and body proportions, as well as improper split performance.
» Irregular workouts. Muscles remain stretched for up to 24 hours. It is not recommended to take breaks for more than a day.

Contraindications and precautions

Twine is contraindicated in such cases:

» Injuries to the joints of the legs, ligaments and tendons
» Injuries and progressive diseases of the spine
» Chronic diseases in the active stage
" Infectious diseases
» Fever
» Prolapse of the uterus

To minimize the risk of injury, the following recommendations should be followed:

» Warm up before every workout.

» Movement should be done smoothly and without jerks.
» Stretch both legs for the same amount of time.
» Keep it regular and gradual.
» Stop exercising if there is a sharp pain.
» Allow adequate time for recovery and rest.

Is it true that it is more difficult for guys to sit on the splits than for girls, and why do they do stretching at all? GO.TUT.BY asked these questions to the Minskers with an impressive stretch and looked at how the men's split looks.

“Some troll and compare with Van Damme, but no one condemns”

Ivan Kubasov calls himself an atypical IT specialist - "not a bearded comrade and without a belly". Previously, he worked ballroom dancing and always wanted to learn what is not given to everyone.

- For example, I dreamed of performing somersaults and doing splits. Somersault has already happened, but for a beautiful twine, there are only developments so far, - Ivan is modest.

He got into stretching by accident: he saw a photo of a colleague from a stretching workout on social networks, asked her about the classes, joked and parted on this.

And later she came up to me with a question: “What are you doing here? Get ready and come with me to practice.". There was nothing to do in the evening, and interest appeared. Moreover, a colleague promised a huge amount beautiful girls in the group - I didn’t lie, by the way, - the young man smiles. - In the hall I was first greeted with mocking glances: "Come on boy, show me what you can do!" But over time, more or less joined the team.

The 34-year-old from Minsk began stretching in October last year. He says the progress is clear:

- Despite the fact that the boys are mostly wooden, I can easily sit in a butterfly and put my knees on the floor. Coach Tatyana Glavatskaya tactfully bypasses discussions: how much more work remains to be done before the perfect split. She knows how to captivate the process, so questions "how much?","and when?" fall off by themselves.

At the same time, the Belarusian IT specialist does not dare to call stretching training a pure pleasure.

- On the one hand, stretching is painful and unpleasant. On the other hand, I understand that this is a challenge to myself, and boys love challenges. In addition, exercise is beneficial for muscle corset and joints. We do not just spread bridges and scatter our legs in different directions, but we are engaged in static stretching.

Ivan says that his friends react differently to his hobby:

- Someone trolls and calls Ivan Damme - a parallel with Van Damme. Someone says: "Cool!" But definitely not condemned. What is my motivation for coming to stretching? It's great and interesting. And to be quite frank, handsome coach also great motivation.

“We went with a partner to the world record - we did double splits 10 times”

Sergei Kudaev was born in Novopolotsk, was engaged in martial arts in elementary school, and from the age of 14 he went to the section on sports acrobatics. He received the rank of candidate master of sports and ended up in a circus studio.

“A circus artist can’t go anywhere without stretching,” Sergey explains. - Stretching is important both in sports and in dancing. No wonder they say: flexible person- young man. Moreover, flexibility lies not only in the ability to sit on the twine, but also in the mobility of the joints, shoulder girdle, back ... Twine is just a small stretching element. It is available to any person, if only he has the desire and perseverance.

Sergei recalls how, after a year of training, he easily sat on the splits.

- For men, this skill is given a little harder due to clogged muscles. But in stretching, rather, it is worth considering the physiological specifics of the body, and not the sexual one, - the circus artist notes. - For example, my partner and I even went to the world record - we did double splits 10 times. True, the commission of the Guinness Book of Records rejected him.

Sergey Kudaev recalls that in childhood he sometimes had to stand up for himself when his peers made fun of his passion for acrobatics.

- There were no serious conflicts. And among my hobbies were not only acrobatics and stretching, but also martial arts. But mass sports, like football, I never understood and did not like.

At the age of 19, Sergei decided to move from Novopolotsk to Minsk. It was not possible to break into the Belarusian State Circus, but they were invited as a dancer to the Khoroshki ensemble. He later began performing solo as an original genre artist.

Now I regularly keep fit with training and rehearsals. I work from one to four hours a day on acrobatic technique, flexibility, strength and endurance. As soon as I take a short break, I immediately notice a decline.

“It’s not very comfortable to be the only guy in the hall. And girls in short tops are distracting.”

Bank employee Sergei Yakimovich 32 years old, but he humorously calls himself an "age agent" who grew up on films with Jean-Claude Van Damme. Stretching, like this actor, was a dream from childhood.

- I accidentally found out that there is a dance and fitness studio in the same building as our bank branch. Decided in adulthood try to sit on the transverse twine. Home workouts did not bring the desired result - probably, he felt sorry for himself too much.

Sergey signed up for stretching in general groups for boys and girls.

- At first it was hard mentally and physically. After stretching, I always wanted to sleep - I spent so much energy. I didn't feel very comfortable being the only guy in the room. Yes, and the girls in short tops distracted.

How is it heard? This Friday we will continue broadcasting on the topic of how to sit on the splits and deal with the practical side of the issue.

After reading and applying the information received in real life, each of you will approach the cherished goal and sit on the transverse twine. Here is what we will analyze today in the course of the “play”: we will find out what is the main bonus from mastering this skill, how flexible you are and at what approximate time you can sit on the twine, we will also analyze exercises to increase flexibility and in the bottom line we will get our hands on specific program landing.

So, the conversation will be detailed, so make yourself comfortable, we begin.

How do the splits? The practical side of the issue

Before embarking on all serious :), i.e. to get to the point, I strongly recommend studying the first part of the note, because in it we have laid everything theoretical basis proper fit and found out due to what (what muscles) it is carried out. Anyone who is already familiar with the first part can safely move on to the second. Actually, let's create it and start with the theory a bit from afar, namely with ...

All further narration on the topic of how to sit on the twine will be divided into subchapters.

The “most important” bonus for girls from mastering the twine

It is not in vain that we put the words of the subtitle “the most important” in quotation marks, and this is how the information below should be considered. In addition, only readers who fall under the category “ 18+ ”, because it carries some sexual overtones. If everything is clear / all conditions are met, then we continue reading ...

Before writing this part of the note, your humble servant conducted an unusual survey among the male population around him. The goal was to find out what skills, in terms of making love, welcome (want to greet) young people in their soulmates (potential partners). In other words, what would make a girl more attractive in their eyes would boost her "stock price" in the men's market. The ladies will probably be surprised, but the most popular answer is (5 from 10 respondents) became such a “skill” as plasticity and, in particular, the ability to sit on a twine. I draw your attention to the fact that the context of the question asked to men was sexual, i.e. more attractive/desirable not because of the ability to cook soup-borscht deliciously, but because of intimate/bed relationships. The answers showed that men treat flexible girls very well, it would be interesting for them to hone the twine skills of such a passion in practice :).

Those of the young ladies who want (or halfway through) sit on the twine, it will probably be interesting to know that good stretch leg muscles allows you to significantly increase the stimulation of the clitoris due to a deeper penetration of the partner into the vagina. In other words, due to the increased flexibility thigh muscles, a woman is able to enjoy, even if her partner's penis size is less than middle size. To experience increased sensations and more vivid orgasms, the lady must be in a split position, i.e. so that her legs are as far apart as possible (for example, lying on the stomach with the body tilted forward and focusing on the hands/elbows).


Studies show that in couples where a woman is plastic and knows how to sit on a transverse twine, the likelihood of a female partner's orgasm increases by 20% (and the acceleration of achievement by 35% ) than in “wooden” pairs.

Conclusion: mastering the twine can give a woman two additional bonuses at once - increase her desirability in the eyes of a potential partner (ladies, just do not forget on any of the dates to tell your boyfriend about your plastic skills :)) and get more (self-controlled) pleasure (regardless of skill skills and "size range" partner) from “bed lobbies”.

If you remember, we put “the most important” in quotation marks. And all because it's not the most, much less the main bonus. Undoubtedly, it is nice to get it, but the main motivation for landing on the twine should be different, and everyone has their own.

How to sit on the twine: flexibility tests, or how “wooden” am I?

It is always useful to learn something new about yourself, both from the outside - “well, you are dressed up!”, And from the body itself. In the implementation of the latter, the flexibility test will help us. Split landing is a serious event that requires preparatory work, collecting information about yourself and your body. That is what we are going to do now.

To obtain the most reliable test results, observe the following conditions:

  • time - before breakfast, before 12-00 day;
  • general warm-up (especially lower back, hamstrings) and cycling, 5+5 minutes;
  • repeating the test and recording the results 3 times.

In the key of landing on a twine, we are interested in the elasticity of the muscles of the lower back, back of the thigh, flexibility spinal column, mobility of the hip, knee and ankle joints.

For each of the voiced parameters there is a test, let's go through each of them.

Determines the flexibility of the spinal column and back of the thigh. Results: if you have 2 stripes, then you will soon become ... the further you can stretch from a seated position, the better. An advanced option is to place the substrate of a small width and touch the wall with your hands. The closer your fingers are to the wall, the more flexible you are.

Flexibility Test #2, #3, #4.

The next group of tests determines the flexibility and mobility of the joints. Results: the very possibility of execution and the minimum distance (the smaller, the more flexibility) up to the surface.

After passing these tests, you will be able to assess the degree of your professional suitability for twine. Usually test results show that a person is an “oak-tree” :), i.e. has low plasticity. And in this case, it must be increased. How? We will analyze further in the text.

How to sit on the twine: landing process, stages

Sit on the twine for a week or, express option, for 10 minutes, you can only on the Internet. In fact, the “shrinkage” process is quite lengthy and should include 3 stage:

  • warming up the muscles;
  • stretching;
  • special muscle work above the bottom.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

No. 0. Preparatory stage: warming up

10-15 minutes of running on a track or jumping rope is good views warm-up, however, for twine, a rise in temperature of the target (who are responsible for the landing process) muscles and increase the mobility of the desired joints.

In other words, the most appropriate (in the key of twine) kind of cardio is the application intense exercise with an “extended” range of motion.

These include:

  • simultaneous breeding of arms and legs in a half-jump (jumping jacks);
  • walking in place with high knees;
  • and jumping up;

Performing these exercises will saturate the target muscle regions with blood and prepare the joints for the upcoming landing work.

As for the time parameters, a necessary and sufficient condition is to carry out 5-6 exercises (without weights) 25-30 repetitions in 2-3 sets. Rest m / y exercises, 10 sec, m / y sets, 30 sec.

No. 1. Preparatory stage: stretching

The ability to sit on the splits depends (including) on ​​the “softness” of your muscles (especially the bottom). Visitors gyms stretching procedures are very often neglected, and a classic phyton can have delicious shapes, but be, if you allow me such a term, oak.

To sit on the twine, you must have some degree flexibility in a number of areas, namely:

  1. lower back;
  2. hips (flexors/extensors);
  3. inguinal muscles/adductors;
  4. buttocks;
  5. caviar.

Rest assured that by taking the time to stretch and increase flexibility in these areas, you will greatly speed up your progress in split landing.

The optimal “technical” parameters in the application of the indicated (not all, but selected by you) poses are:

  • two sessions (one in the morning, one in the evening) on 15-20 minutes;
  • duration of holding each stretch 30-45 sec;
  • number of repetitions of each pose/stretch 3-4 times.

No. 2. Preparatory stage: muscular work on the bottom

You are probably asking the question: what else is muscle work, and then what happened before that?

There is an erroneous opinion among potential split sitaks that landing is only a matter of stretching. (the ability of muscles to lengthen). However, without strong muscles You don't sit on it.

Weak muscles, when held in a stretched position, are more (than strong) tense. Therefore, a sidak needs a good muscle tone legs. The latter is achieved through strength work- Use of free weight exercises.

Take into service the following program for creating a muscular corset needed for twine.

Use this “strength” to sit on the splits relatively quickly.

When (after what) is it better to sit on the twine?

Scientific (and practice confirms this) proved that best time landing on the twine is the time after the warm-up and strength training, after 5-7 minutes. In turn, scientists warn that static stretching immediately before splits / strength training reduces performance. (prevents maximum muscle efficiency) and increases the risk of injury.

Thus, for a successful seeding process, you must constantly practice all three stages, but on different days or at different intervals. (1 step later 1,5-2 hours after " 0 + 2 ” stages).

Next in line…

Twine: who should not fuss?

Not everyone is shown to practice stretching, various asanas and sit on the twine. If you have found your “nishtyak” in this list, then this is an occasion to think about the appropriateness of the actions taken.

So, here is what the list of contraindications looks like:

  • arthrosis of the knee joints;
  • juvenile rheumatoid arthritis;
  • various inflammations of the joints;
  • displacement of the patella;
  • cruciate popliteal ligament surgery;
  • abnormal weight (value above 10 kg);
  • high pressure.

This is far from full list, but it lists the most "running" health problems.

Now let's get acquainted with…

How to sit on a twine: a set of preparatory exercises

There's a bunch of stretching exercises out there, and we'll go through all that bunch later on :).

Here's what it looks like:

Form your stretching programs from these exercises and increase your flexibility and plasticity.

Well, let's conclude...

How to sit on the twine: 8 week planting program

Agree that when you have a ready-made program on hand, the result comes faster. Therefore, further in the text, we will consider such an “accelerator”.

In fact, the effectiveness of any training program consists of 2 main factors:

  • selected exercises;
  • degree of suitability of exercises for a particular person.

Regarding the choice of exercises for the split program, you must remember the following important condition- movements should be on different legs, i.e. first you work with the left foot, then with the right. Exercises should be stretching, with different muscle segments of the legs.

So here's what we offer you.

Program parameters:

  • duration - 8 weeks;
  • duration of each exercise (for one side)40 sec;
  • number of sets / approaches - 3 (Total 21 set);
  • rest: m / y approaches = 10 sec, m / y exercises = 30 sec;
  • breathing during stretching exercises 3 on 7 ) slow and deep;
  • every week there is a change in the order of the exercises;
  • exercises with 3 on 7 involve dynamic posture – movement/constant stretching.

Follow this program for 8 weeks and you, with a high degree of probability, will sit on the twine.

How to sit on the twine faster and easier? 5 life hacks

Life hacks are what facilitates / simplifies this or that process, in our case, landing on the twine. Here's how they sound:

  1. take a hot shower before landing, this will make the muscles more “soft”;
  2. sit on the twine with physical support from the side (applying pressure on the body from above);
  3. in splits, you need to learn how to switch off / get away from pain, so turn on an interesting movie and focus on it;
  4. the load on the muscles in the water is less than on land, so go to the pool and sit on the twine first there;
  5. Wearing socks will make it easier for you to slide and sit on the splits.

And for dessert, let's give an answer to the most burning question ...

For how much will I personally sit on the twine?

If on a bet, for a good amount and under the shofe, then you can right in front of the arguer in front of :).

In all other cases, the process may be delayed for a period of 2 before 5th months. The more “wooden” a person is initially, the more time he will need to sit. In addition, potential and future mothers should keep in mind that after the birth of a child, it is much more difficult to sit on the twine, and sometimes it is already impossible, because. a whole bunch of postpartum nishtyakov appears, such as: a sharp weight gain, prolapse of the uterus or. As for being, all (conditionally) ages are submissive to twine :), so you can learn it in 15 years, and in 50 .

Actually, on this major note, I would like to end the main part. I'm finishing!


Not quite an ordinary topic - how to sit on a twine, was dismantled on the ABC of Bodybuilding project. Analyzed in detail and 2 parts. And I would like the results of our work to be reflected offline in the form of developing your flexibility and successful landings. Good luck, our gutta-percha :)!

PS: for how long did you sit on the twine?

PS: did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network- a plus 100 Karma points guaranteed :)

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.


Perhaps every woman wants to be slim and flexible. Modern twine mania covers everything more people. However, not everyone manages to quickly and painlessly achieve the necessary stretching. Almost any woman can sit on the twine if desired. The main thing is to follow all the precautions if you are doing this at home.

Each woman is given twine differently. Someone sits on it in just a few days or weeks, while others suffer for months without achieving any result. The whole reason is in the ligaments and muscles that can hold back the stretch. Cross twine is considered the most difficult, but very beautiful in execution. In this case, the pelvis is turned forward, the socks look in opposite directions, and the buttocks are located on the floor. lower limbs in this case they form one straight line.

Cross twine is the most difficult to perform

Longitudinal twine is easier to perform. It involves straightening the knees of both limbs. At the same time, the pelvis is turned in one direction with the leading leg. The foot of the other limb is turned with the heel up, the knee rests on the floor. Depending on which foot is in front, the left and right are conventionally distinguished.

Longitudinal twine is easier to perform than transverse

It is more difficult to perform, of course, transverse twine. The whole difficulty lies in the simultaneous strong stretching of the ligaments of the legs. In this case, the load falls equally on both joints. In the longitudinal version, the stretching is uneven. The main load falls on the leading leg.

With age, sitting on the twine becomes more difficult. This is due to a decrease in the elasticity of the ligaments and less mobile joints.

How long can you sit on the twine at home

How long it takes for a beginner to achieve results depends on age, weight and health status. The older the person, the more difficult it will be to get a quick effect. The most elastic ligaments in children and adolescents from 3 to 16 years. During this period, you can achieve the goal in just a week with regular training.

At the age of 17 and up to 25 years, you can get a positive result in 10-14 days. Women from 30 to 40 years old will have to work for two weeks or more, since the ligaments are already quite tight. At 40-45 years old, attempts to sit on the twine will succeed if you stretch gradually over two months. At 50, there is also a chance to get a decent result, provided there are no contraindications. However, to sit on the twine at this age, it will take at least six months.

Ligaments during twine are stretched so intensely that you can get injured with any sudden movement.

Of course, the speed of achieving the result also depends on the physical fitness of the woman. If she has never worked out before and by nature she has a bad stretch, then she will have to work hard for more than one month. Increased body weight, according to doctors, also plays an important role. The more extra pounds, the more difficult it is to sit on the twine.

Contraindications and precautions

Destructive processes in the joints can slow down progress. At the same time, chronic arthrosis can turn into acute if you immediately start stretching without additional preparation. In case of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it is necessary to act extremely carefully and only with the permission of the doctor advising you.

Contraindications to intense stretching for twine:

  • obesity;
  • pregnancy;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system, occurring in an acute form;
  • injuries of the joints or ligaments that were or are currently;
  • inflammation of the sciatic nerve;
  • acute sciatica.

Precautionary measures:

  1. You should not start exercising if there is pain in the spine.
  2. It is not recommended to stretch the ligaments, overcoming pain, otherwise micro-ruptures of the fibers can be provoked.
  3. Do not start exercising immediately after waking up. Ligaments become more elastic in the afternoon.
  4. You should always start with a longitudinal twine, smoothly moving to a transverse one.

Get result harder topics who do strength training. When pumping with dumbbells, the muscles clog up, holding back the sprain. It is not recommended to combine this type of stretching and bodybuilding on the same day.

Stretching methods for girls from 14 to 25 years old

At this age, you can get results in a week or less if you regularly perform just a few exercises. Next complex it is recommended to repeat 3 times a day for 5-10 minutes. You need to start with a warm-up. It could be walking in place easy run, tilting to the sides and forward, as well as jumping in place. After a short warm-up, you can proceed to the main exercises.

From a standing position, stretch one leg forward, bending it at the knee. The second limb is laid back and rests with the toe on the floor. The leg that is located in front should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees. The knee does not extend beyond the shin. Hands up or on the belt. In this position, you need to stay as long as possible. For beginners, 30-60 seconds is enough. Then repeat the same, but on the other leg. This exercise allows you to stretch for a longitudinal twine.

Warrior Pose - great exercise for tendon stretching

There is a prejudice that, allegedly, if the twine exercises are performed incorrectly, you can lose your virginity. It has no medical basis: stretch to your health!

The following pose will help prepare the tendons for the transverse version. To do this, you need to kneel and rest your palms on the floor. Legs are bent. Then you need to spread your knees to the sides as much as possible, feeling the tension. Rest should be on outstretched arms or elbows. It is not recommended to round the back. Stay in this position for a minute. For beginners, you can put soft pillows under your knees so that it does not hurt.

The Frog Pose for the Split Stretch should be done with care.

Next exercise will also help to stretch for the transverse twine. You need to squat down with your knees wide apart. Elbows should rest against them, palms are joined together. The buttocks look down, the pelvis gradually opens. Stay in this position for 30-60 seconds.

The pelvic opening position allows you to prepare for the transverse split

This exercise effective for stretching the hamstrings. You need to sit straight, stretch your legs forward. Socks should be pulled towards you. Bend over, trying to touch your stomach and sternum to your knees. Hold for 30 seconds. Take a short break and repeat.

Leaning towards extended legs helps stretch the hamstrings

Video for beginners from Iya Zorina

How to stretch for splits after 30

At the age of 30, the ligaments are less elastic than in younger girls, so you need to be patient. To warm up the muscles, it is advisable to jump rope for a minute or run in place. Then you can move on to the main complex. The first exercise is a dynamic stretching of the ligaments. It is necessary to lie on one side, resting your palm on the floor. The upper leg should be raised as high as possible and towards you. You can't bend your knees. Do such swings 15-20 times with each leg.

Swinging legs on the side should be done smoothly, without sudden movements

The second exercise is performed from the same position. It is necessary to raise the leg as high as possible and take it with the palm of the toe. If stretching does not allow, then a belt should be used, gradually pulling the limb to the ear. At the maximum accessible point, it is recommended to stay for one minute. Then repeat the same thing, but only turning over on your back.

Stretching for the legs with a belt is effective and safe

The following exercise will maximize the stretch in the hamstrings. To do this, you need to sit down, bending your knees and connecting your feet. Hands need to gently press on the hips. In this case, you should try to lower your knees as close to the floor as possible. You should stay in this position for at least a minute.

Butterfly pose helps to maximize the opening of the pelvis

Such a short complex should be repeated 3-4 times a day. In order to sit on the twine as soon as possible, you should not take breaks even for a day, otherwise the result will return to the original.

Useful exercises for proper preparation: video

Effective stretching after 40

After 40 years, it is even more difficult to quickly sit on the twine. However, with regular training, nothing is impossible. Highly effective exercise with legs wide apart. In this case, you need to bend over and rest your hands on the floor. Feet should not be torn off. It takes about a minute to be in this position. This will help warm up the ligaments.

Tilt with legs wide apart and with emphasis on hands

Next, you should sit down and again spread your legs as wide as possible. It is necessary to alternately bend over to one or the other limb, stretching your back and arms. This exercise is effective for both transverse and longitudinal twine. A total of 15 times in each direction. At the end of the exercise, you should lean in the middle, pulling your arms forward along the floor.

Seated leg stretch with knees straight and bent over

And finally, the third exercise must also be performed while sitting. Bend one leg at the knee and stretch the other forward. Try to bend as low as possible to the limb. The knee of the extended leg cannot be bent. At the maximum point, be on 20 accounts, then change your leg.

Sitting stretch, one leg bent

Performing any of the above actions, you can not round the back. This is very important rule. If there is pain in the knee joints, you can additionally use a small pillow.

Leg stretching exercises - video

Of course, not everyone will be able to sit on the twine the first time, someone may need a week or a month. But by regularly repeating these exercises, you will improve your stretch and strengthen your muscles:

If the twine is something more symbolic than yoga

For some, twine is nothing more than a good stretch, healthy ligaments, a yoga exercise. But for me, as a person who grew up on the action films of Jackie Chan, Van Damme and Donnie Yen, it was something much more important and symbolic. Already in student years I reproached myself for being in the seventh grade when I went to hand-to-hand combat, did not show due diligence to sit on the twine. And when I was 20 years old, it seemed that time had passed, that I was old and that it was not worth even trying to sit on the splits.

A miracle happened - right after university I went to study in China. This university turned out to have a very strong wushu school, whose adherents regularly take first place in all-China wushu competitions.

It's one thing when you live in a world on foot office workers, who don’t particularly ask questions about stretching, but it’s a completely different matter when you get into the training room, where absolutely everyone spins somersaults, flasks and sits on the twine, even children. In such an environment, being the greenest, oldest and most non-technical student, you immediately somehow begin to reach upwards. This desire, as well as the advice of wushu players, helped me sit on the transverse split in less than a year of training. I have put their knowledge and experience into a list of recommendations for those who want to do the splits.

How do the splits. Instructions from Chinese wushu champions

  1. Forget about deadlines. There are no “by the New Year” or “two months in advance”. Rushing in stretching inevitably leads to injury.
  2. Less heroism. It is better to slowly and systematically move towards the goal for half an hour daily than rare, but shock workouts for several hours at a time.
  3. Get to know your body. Although we are all similar anatomically, each of us has its own characteristics: the structure of the hip joint, the elasticity of muscles and ligaments. For example, with a varus deformity of the femoral neck, a person simply cannot physically sit on a transverse twine. Therefore, if any one method came up to your acrobat brother to sit on the twine, then it is far from a fact that the same method is suitable for you. During training, you must independently determine your problem areas that do not allow you to sit on the twine. For example, I had no problems with the popliteal ligaments, they stretched well. But the ligaments at the thigh were like wooden ones. So I paid more attention to them.
  4. Drink more water. When you drink enough, the connective tissue glides over the muscles, but when there is not enough water, the fascia can stick to muscle fibers reducing the range of motion.
  5. Start training gradually, gradually increasing the frequency of stretch marks. I started with one workout every two days and got to three workouts in a day.
  6. In the evenings, our joints and muscles become 20% more elastic, which reduces the risk of injury and allows us to achieve best results. In the morning, dynamic stretching can be done to relieve the feeling of stiffness and stiffness after sleep, but do not strive for feats immediately after waking up.
  7. Before stretching, be sure to warm up the muscles of the legs: run, do air squats and regular warm-up exercises within 10-15 minutes. By stretching on a warm body, you reduce the risk of sprains.
  8. Distribute the load. When you are sitting in a split, there is a temptation to sink closer to the floor at the expense of your knees. Remember: if your knees or back hurt while stretching, you are doing it wrong.
  9. There are two types of splits: dynamic (when you swing your leg - split is in motion) and static (sitting on the floor). It happens that a person can swing his leg to the state of a twine, but cannot sit on the floor in it. It also happens vice versa. These two types of twine complement each other, so they should be developed in parallel. Dynamic stretching must be completely controlled, without sudden, jerky movements, otherwise the swings may end in injury.
  10. When you stretch the sock should be pulled towards you, and not from yourself (as in ballet).
  11. When you are in static, you do not completely freeze, but continue with slight oscillatory movements - up and down, like a string - at a frequency convenient for you.
  12. Figure out how to let your feet slide across the floor. It can be both socks on linoleum, and shoes on the spitting of an ushuist.
  13. Be extremely careful when third parties offer to "help" you. No one but you can know what state your ligaments are in right now. The coach is not a psychic. How many stories have I heard about a coach who "accidentally" tore someone's ligaments there. As for me, all these paired stretching-stretching with the help of a partner have one goal - to make the process more interactive and complex. By and large, you don’t need anything for the twine, except for the legs and the floor.
  14. Relax. For the body, stretching is an unnatural exercise. When stretched beyond its normal range, the muscles automatically contract to prevent injury. Learn to relax and breathe evenly while stretching - this will help you deepen the splits faster.
  15. Stretch every day. Unlike strength training, after which rest and recovery are necessary, stretching does not require such breaks. To quickly sit on the twine, stretch every day, seven days a week.
  16. Use a hot shower. After a hot shower, your ligaments will be more pliable for stretch marks.
  17. Use a timer. Sitting on the twine put a stopwatch in front of you. Start small, like 30 seconds, and gradually increase the time. These measurements will also help you more clearly feel your progress. Instead of a timer, you can use your favorite music, in which you are guided either by words or by the beginning of the chorus.
  18. Sign up for some section where twine would be appreciated. For example, acrobatics, yoga, break dancing or martial arts. It doesn't matter if you know how to do the splits or just work in this direction. A person is a social being, so any "public" training, and even more so in a circle of like-minded people, will morally support you and give you additional motivation.

Each person can have his own favorite and more effective ways to stretch: someone will sit in a "butterfly", and someone will swing their legs more - that's why I did not describe any exercises here, you probably know them. And if not, then you know where to find them.

The most important thing - remember that with due perseverance, people sit on the twine at 30 and 40 years old, the main thing is to believe in yourself. When, after a few months, I finally managed to sit in my transverse split, our main wushu player smiled at me and said: “功夫不负有心人”, which means “if you work hard, you will definitely succeed.”