A set of exercises with a tennis ball. Application. Warm up with a tennis ball. Tennis ball foot exercise

Often, our good intentions to lose weight faster, get healthier, or become more flexible lead to unsafe practices, and, consequently, to injuries. The hip joints usually fall into the risk zone, damage to which can knock you out of the regime for a long time. As a result, instead of exercising, you spend time recovering. If you want to avoid such a development of events, adhere to the saying "You go quieter - you will continue." We have prepared for you a sequence that will help loosen the hip joints, and in a safe way. To complete it, you will need two tennis balls.

Exercise 1

Lie on your back and place the balls under your buttocks. They will rest against the gluteal muscles, relieving tension.

Bring your feet together and spread your knees to form Baddha Konasana. Exhale through the places where you feel tension. Take 5 to 8 breaths. If you experience excessive tension, move to the wall - put the balls against the wall and press your buttocks against them, adjusting the pressure.

Remove the right ball. Place your right foot on the floor, roll onto your left thigh, keeping the ball under it. If you experience pain, lean more on the right foot, keeping part of the body on weight.

Start moving your pelvis around the ball so that it describes the circumference of the buttocks. Do three times, then repeat on the other side.

Exercise 2

Place two balls on the sides gluteal muscle. Roll over to your left side, rest your head on a block or pillow, and take a few breaths.

Alternate tension with relaxation: tense left leg, pressing the muscle on the ball, then release the leg and feel relaxation. Repeat several times on one leg.

Continue to pull the foot towards you and keep the leg straight. Lift your foot off the floor and begin to make movements as if you were pressing a pedal. Do three times in one direction and back.

Exercise 3

Position the balls vertically on the side of your thigh. Place your right foot behind your left thigh, let the balls hit your thigh harder.

Rotate the body to the floor, keeping lower part in the same position. Start doing light rolls.

Exercise 4

Place the balls below, in the middle of the thigh. Keep your knees bent. If the tension is too strong, place the right foot behind the left thigh, if possible, place the right thigh on the left thigh.


Warm up with tennis ball.

1. I.P. - standing legs apart, one hand with the ball - to the side, the other on the belt. Let go and catch the ball as often as possible without letting it fall to the floor.

2. I.P. - standing legs apart, pass the ball around the waist, and then around the legs with a figure eight - 6 - 8 times.

3. I.P. - O.S., throw the ball to the floor and catch with an overhand grip with one and the other hand - 6 - 8 times with each hand.

4. I.P. - O.S. raise the right leg and throw the ball with the right hand to the floor, catch it with the left after the rebound. - 6 - 8 times with each hand.

5. I.P. - squat. Jumping in a squat, simultaneously minting the ball with the right and left hand.

6. I.P. - the ball to the floor, make a 360˚ turn and catch it with a grip from above - boys, girls - you can use both hands. - 3-4 times in each direction turn.

7. I.P. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, r. R. Per head. Hold the ball with your chin. Rotation of the body, trying not to lose the ball.- 4 times in each direction.

8. I.P. - the same. Without losing the ball, lie down on the floor on your back and stand up - 5 times.

9. I.P. - sitting on the floor. Hands behind, the ball is clamped by the soles of the feet. Raise and release straight legs without losing the ball - 10 - 12 times.

10. Standing. Throw the ball into the floor with all your might to the height of the rebound - 5 times with your right and 5 times with your left hand.

11. Jump on the spot and freely mint the ball with the left and right hand.

12. Standing. Opposite the wall, make 10 throws with the left and 10 throws with the right hand into the wall (catch and grab from above - grade 5 - 11; catch with both hands - grade 1 - 4).

Outdoor switchgear with gymnastic sticks.

1. I. p. - standing, legs apart, keep gymnastic stick in front with outstretched arms. Rising on toes, lower and raise the hands. – 7 – 8 times

2. I. p. - standing legs apart, hold the gymnastic stick in the middle on an outstretched arm. Perform rotation to the right, to the left with a gymnastic stick - 7 - 8 times, change hands.

3. I. p. - standing legs apart, gymnastic stick below. Raise the gymnastic stick up and move it behind your back - 5 - 6 times.

4. I. p. - standing legs apart, holding a gymnastic stick at the top - torso tilts forward - backward - 7 - 8 times.

5. I. p. - standing legs apart, holding the gymnastic stick at the top - tilting the body to the right - to the left - 7 - 8 times.

6. I. p. - standing legs apart, the gymnastic stick is held with two hands behind the back. Leaning forward, lift the gymnastic stick up - 5-6 times.

7. I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, crouching, lift the stick up, stand up - down - 7 - 8 times.

8. I. p. - standing with your feet together, hold the gymnastic stick vertically on the floor with a grip at one end. Peremakh right (left) foot over the stick - 7 - 8 times.


A set of breathing exercises.

1. After inhaling, exhale smoothly through the nose, the rate of breathing is regulated by the count, to control the expansion of the thoracic and abdominal parts of the body: put one hand on the chest, the other on the stomach.

2. Energetic full inhalation and exhalation.

3. Lying or standing, take a deep breath. Pushing your stomach out as much as possible, then exhale. Pull in your stomach.

4. Exhale, then pause, then inhale after a pause, all phases of breathing are accurately measured by counting, the rate of breathing is constantly slowing down and the pause between inhalation and exhalation increases.

5. Take your shoulders back, bend your arms back at the elbows - inhale, bring your shoulders and arms to their original position - exhale.

6. Walking with breath counting. Two steps - inhale, three - inhale, four - exhale, and so gradually lengthening the time of exhalation.

7. Walking with the movement of the hands in various directions, combined with dosed breathing.


1.I. p. - lying on your back (sitting, standing), take a deep breath and a long exhale.

2. I. p. - the same, inhale for 4 counts and exhale.

3. I. p. - the same, turn the hands outward with a slight abduction of the arms to the sides and deployment of the shoulders - inhale, return to I. p. - exhale.

4. I. p. - sitting (standing) straight arms behind, brushes in the castle, sliding your hands down the torso, turn your shoulders - | inhale, return to I. p. - exhale.

5 I. p. - sitting hands on the belt, take your elbows back - exhale, I. p. - inhale.

6. I. p. - sitting (standing) hands on the neck, take your elbows and head back - inhale, I. p. - exhale.

7. I. p. - lying on your back (sitting, standing), raise your arms up through the sides - inhale, I. p. - exhale.

8. I. p. - the same, hands forward, to the sides - inhale, I. p. - exhale.

9. I. p. - standing with the hands to the shoulders, first take the right, then the left elbow - inhale, return to the I. p. - exhale.

10. I. p. - raise your hands forward, up, back, bend over - inhale, I. p. - exhale.

11.I. p. - standing hands forward, slowly take them to the sides - back, head back - inhale, cross your arms over your chest and lean forward - exhale.

11. I. p. - standing through the sides, slowly raise your arms up, look at the hands - inhale, lower your arms, tilt your body - exhale.

12. I. p. - standing (sitting), spread your arms to the sides, inhale for 4 counts, lower your arms for 4 counts - exhale.

13. I. p. - slow run, in which both inhalation and exhalation are performed in 4 - 6 steps.

14. I. p. - standing, put the hands on your shoulders, inhale for 4 counts, I. p. - exhale.


1. Walking in place with correct posture and high leg raises, race walking.

2. Different kinds running.

3. Jumping in place.

4. Various strength exercises performed in an emphasis
lying for the muscles of the arms, torso and abdominals.

5. Exercises to relax the arms and legs alternately,

performed in a standing position.

6. Various types of squats (on a full rack, socks

7. Balance exercise ("swallow")

8. Exercise with tossing and catching the ball.

9. Various strength exercises with rubber bandage,
expander, dumbbells, training devices.

10. Jumping over the bench on one and two legs.

11. Exercises to improve the vestibular
device (tilts forward, backward, to the sides, with rotation

12. Exercises on a narrow support (for balance).

13. Walking (exercise to restore breathing, heart rate)

A set of exercises with hoops.

1. I.P. - stand straight, put your feet in parallel, and lower the hoop down. Raise the hoop, hold it in front of you with both hands. Lower the hoop in I.P. - 6-8 times.

2. I.P. - stand straight, put your feet parallel, lower the hoop (hold it with a grip from the inside) - raise the hoop up, lower it behind your back. Again lift up and lower down, placing the hoop on the floor in front of you - 6 - 8 times.

3. I.P. - stand straight, legs together, hold the hoop in front of you - Fingering, turn the hoop in your hands to the left and then to the right.

4. I.P. - stand straight, legs slightly apart, hang the hoop on the forearm of one hand - Swing the hoop on the arm in front of you or to the side; rotate the hoop on the forearm or on the hand.

5. I.P. - stand straight, legs together, put the hoop on the floor with a rim, holding it from above with your hand - Rotate the hoop with the fingers of one hand around the vertical axis (like a “yule”), then release it and catch it with both hands, preventing it fall.

6. I.P. - stand straight, legs together, bend your arms at the elbows, hold the hoop at the chest - Turn to the right, stretch your arms forward; stand straight, bend your arms.

7. I.P. - stand straight, spread your legs wide, lower the hoop down in front of you - Lean forward and, without bending your knees, put the hoop on the floor; straighten up. Lean forward, take a hoop, straighten up.

8. I.P. - stand straight, legs slightly apart, hang the hoop around your neck, lower your hands - Bend over and, bending your knees, put the hoop on the floor with a rim. Holding the hoop with your hands, remove the head from it. Stand up, straighten up, lower the hoop down.

9. I.P. - stand straight, legs slightly apart, hold the hoop in lowered hands in a horizontal plane - Raising your knees high, step forward alternately with both legs over the rim of the hoop forward, straighten up. Raising your knees high, step back with both feet alternately over the rim of the hoop, straighten up. Keep the hoop in your hands all the time.

10. I.P. - stand straight, put your feet in parallel, hold the hoop in your lowered hands behind your back - Take the hoop back, bend over. Drop the hoop.

11. I.P. - the same - lift the hoop up and touch the back of the head with the rim. Drop the hoop.

12. I.P. - stand in a hoop lying on the floor, lower your hands - sit down to take the hoop with both hands, stand up, raise it above your head. Sit down again, put the hoop on the floor, stand up.

13. I.P. - sit down, stretch your legs, hold the hoop in your hands - Bend over to hook the toes of the hoop with the hoop and lift your legs off the floor. Lower your feet to the floor.

14. I.P. - lie on your stomach, hold the hoop in outstretched hands behind your back - Hook the toes of the feet with the hoop, lift your legs off the floor, bend.

Exercises with the ball (w / w; w / w) No. 8

1. Children without balls stand in a circle and move with an added step in the direction indicated by the teacher (for 1 - 8 counts). The teacher often changes direction.

2. Throwing the ball down and catching it after the bounce - 10 times.

3. Throw the ball up and catch it with both hands - 10 times.

4. Throwing the ball as high as possible and catching it after bouncing off the floor or on the fly - 10 times.

5. a) Throwing the ball to a partner in a way convenient for children - grades 1 - 3.

b) Throwing the ball with the right (left) hand, catching it with both hands - 10 times.

6. Throwing the ball and catching it with two hands while walking - one.

7. Passing the ball in a circle to the right (left) - in an arbitrary way, in a line.

8. Dribble around you.

9. Passing the ball with both hands from the chest to the wall and catching it - 10 times.

10. Passing the ball in columns with a transition to the end of one's own and then the opposite column.

11. hitting the ball on the floor with the right hand and catching with the left and vice versa (15 times each).

Exercises with the ball (b/b; w/b) No. 9 (medicated ball up to 1 kg)

Pupils at a distance of 4 -5 m from each other.

1. Crouching to throw the ball with both hands from the chest - 10 times

2. Standing with your back to your partner, throw the ball with both hands from the side - 10 times.

3. Standing with your back, legs apart. Leaning forward to throw the ball - 10 times

4. Standing facing a partner, the ball is behind your back. Leaning forward. Throw the ball to a partner - 6 - 8 times.

5. Standing facing, the ball is raised up in the hands. With two hands, throw the ball into the hands of a partner - 10 times.

6. sitting facing each other, rest your feet. Hold the ball with both hands at chest level. On command, everyone tries, leaning back, to snatch the ball.

7. Sitting on the floor, the ball behind the head, the partner keeps his feet on the floor. Train press times.

Recreational gymnastics complex

1. Walking with a high raising of the knee, then pulling the legs to the chest with the hands.

2. I. p. - standing legs apart, lean forward, bend over, arms forward, return to I. p. times).

3. I. p. - standing squat, raise your arms through the sides up (16 - 20 times).

4. I. p. - standing legs apart, hands on the belt, circular rotations of the pelvis, in each direction).

5. I. p. - standing arms forward - to the sides, swinging the leg forward - back, touch the left hand with the right foot, also - with the other foot 6 - 8 times.

6. I. p. - standing legs wide apart, hands on the belt, turn to the right, return to I. p., turn to the left).

7. I. p. - sitting on the floor, emphasis with hands behind, roll back, return to I. p., lean forward and straighten up once).

8. I. p. - lying on your back, raise your legs, spread apart, perform a cross movement 12-15 times.

9. I. p. - lying on your back, do a stand on your shoulder blades), then touch the floor behind your head with your toes, straighten up, lower your legs once)

10.I. p. - sitting with an emphasis on the arms behind, swinging the leg forward - up, at the same time raise the pelvis, with each leg (8-12 times).

11. I. p. - lying on your back, emphasis on the elbows. Bend in the thoracic spine (do not raise the pelvis), return to I. p. times).

12. I. p. - lying on the floor, legs bent, feet on the floor, leaning on the feet, raise the pelvis, return to I. p. (paradise)

13. I. p. - lying on the floor, legs apart. Connect the knees, resisting with the brushes once).

14. I. p. - on all fours, head down and tighten your stomach, arch your back, raise your head, bend in the thoracic spine, relax the abdominal muscles.

15. I. p. - the same, swing the leg back, bend, then bend the leg, sit on the heels (6-8 times).

16. I. p. - standing jumps in place, alternate jumps with support on two legs and on one, throw the free leg forward or to the side. Repeat 3 times

17. Walking in place c).

18. Relax the leg muscles c).

19. Take a shallow breath and, without exhaling, stick out, draw in the stomach).

Exercises at the gymnastic wall

1. I. p. - mixed hang: standing with your back to the wall with wide grip arms at shoulder level, feet touching the floor. Bend your knees, pull up to your stomach, hold in the hang for 4-6 s. Return to I. p. repeat 6-8 times.

2. I. p. - the same, but the hands are gripped above the head. Previous Exercise repeat 6-8 times

3. I. p. - standing with your back to gymnastic wall, hands grip at head level. On account 1 - step forward with one foot, bend over, straightening your arms. On account 2 - return to I. p.

On 3-4 - the same with the other leg.

4. I. p. - hanging, sitting with his back against the wall. Hands overhead. Stand up, bending in the thoracic spine, return to I. p. Repeat 6-8 times.


A set of exercises for the prevention of flat feet.

1. I. P. - sitting on a chair, right foot forward. Turning the foot inward with pulling the toe. Return to I.P. - 8-10 times with each leg.

2. The same standing. - 8 - 10 times.

3. I. P. - standing on the outer arches of the feet, rise on toes. Return to I.P. - 6 - 8 times.

4. I.P. - standing on the outer arches of the feet, semi-squatting - 6-8 times.

5. I.P. - hands on the belt. Walking on the outer arches of the feet (30 - 60 seconds).

6. I. P. - O. S. with closed socks, hands on the belt. Raise your toes up. Return to I.P. - 10 - 15 times.

7. I.P. - stand legs apart, feet parallel, arms to the sides. Squat on the whole foot. Return to I.P. - 6 -8 times.

8. I.P. - standing, right foot (left) in front of the toe of the left (right) (track to track), rise on toes. Return to I.P. - 8 - 10 times.

9. I.P. - standing on toes, hands on the belt (feet parallel). Swing in the ankle joints, rising on the toes and falling - 8 - 10 times.

10. I.P. - standing on toes, turn the heels outward. Return to I.P. - 8 - 10 times.

11. I. P. - standing, feet parallel, at a distance of the palm. Bending your fingers, raise the inner edge of the foot - 8 - 10 times.

12. Walking in a semi-squat. – 30 – 40 sec.

13. I.P. - standing, raise the left (right0 leg - extension and flexion of the foot (pull the toe down, the toe towards you). The exercise is performed at a fast pace. - once with each foot.

14. I. P. - standing. Circular movements of the foot.

15. I.P. - standing (tennis ball under the foot). Roll the ball with your toes towards the heel without lifting it.

Maximum permissible value pulse rate

for students during educational work (grades 5-11)

1. Variable skiing ..............................................

2. Basketball game on the court (10-15 minutes).............

3. Uniform running (3 min) .......................................... ...

4. Uniform running (2 minutes) at the end of classes ...........

5. Uniform running (2 min), pace 150 m/min.............

6. Relay (running 3x30) .............................................. ..........

7. Running mincing with a high rise

shins (9X20) .............................................. ..............

8. Run with acceleration (3x20) .......................................... .

9. A set of general developmental exercises

in motion (10 ex.) .............................................. .....

10. Standing long jump (10 reps) ..............................

11. Jumps sideways forward for 30 s ..............................

12. Throwing a stuffed ball for a distance (40 times) .......

13. Running with acceleration (2 ^ 20) ........................................ ....

14. Uniform running (2 min) ..................................-147

15. Walking on toes, on the outside, inside

side of the foot, 1 min running .............................. -170

16. Squat on one leg (5 times on each) 150-166

17. Jumps on the spot (2 s)..................................-166

18. A set of exercises on the spot (11 exercises) 130-160

19. Squat on one leg, legs apart (10 times) 150-162

20. Running with accelerations (1x20) ....................................-176

21. Complex strength exercises: 1 - on the abdominal press,

2 - push-ups, 3 - on the back muscles, pistol "- 10 times 140-170

22. With a wave of the leg, reach the palm 10-12 times.....-170

22. Walking, raising legs high (20 s) ........... -162

24. Flexion and extension of the arms in support

lying down (6-20 times) .............................................. ....-162

25. Raising the legs while sitting, emphasis on the back (10-20 times-158

26. Standing long jump (3 times) ..............................

27. Leaning forward while walking

and on the spot (20-30 s).......................................-176

28. 20 squats in 40 s .............................. -150

29. Medicine ball throws for distance (3 times) 111-162

30. Lying Upper Torso Raise
on a bench face down, legs secured

(10-12 times) ............................... .........-150

31. Walking at the beginning of classes on toes,

with lunges, etc. .............................................. ..-150

Main tasks physical education students classified for health reasons to a special medical group(SMG) are:

1. Strengthening health, promoting the right physical development and hardening of the body.

2. Increasing the functionality, allowing the transition to the preparatory and basic medical groups.

3. Mastering sports-applied motor skills and abilities necessary for full-fledged life support, performing physical labor and serving in the army.

4. Formation of sustainable positive interests and motives for regular classes physical education.

5. Promoting knowledge of the basics healthy lifestyle life and mastering the technique of self-help and mutual assistance in extreme life situations.

To a special medical group include students with such deviations in the state of health, which are a contraindication to increased physical activity.

Classes for physical education with schoolchildren of this group should be carried out according to a specially developed program under the conditions of the usual school regime. Children and adolescents with significant health conditions need classes physical therapy(LFK).

The acquisition of SMG has a number of features. It should be carried out for each new academic year based on age, indicator physical fitness, functional state and severity of the pathological process. Group lists are compiled by the end school year according to in-depth medical examinations conducted in April-May of this year, they are endorsed by school doctors and the seals of children's medical institutions. The size of the group is on average 8-10 people per teacher.

When completing the SMG contingent, it is recommended to distinguish 2 subgroups: BUT and B. This, as practice shows, provides a differentiated approach to the healing process and increases efficiency. physical education classes. The following principle of dividing children into subgroups is proposed:

Children who have deviations in the state of health of a reversible nature and allow them to hope to be transferred to the main (preparatory) group within several years of classes.

Children with organic irreversible changes in the state of organs and systems. For them, the main and quite achievable goal of the training should be the transition to subgroup A.

The main form of physical education for those involved in the SHG are classes (lessons) of health-improving gymnastics (OG), held 2 times a week for 30-40 minutes. It is best to include them in the schedule at the junction of shifts or the 6th lesson in one-shift classes at school. You should not double the lessons of SHG, as this significantly increases the dosage of the total physical activity.

Classes (lessons) should be built and sustained according to the scheme: preparatory, main, final part. The construction of SHG classes does not differ from ordinary physical education lessons, but has its own fundamental features.

preparatory part lasts 7-12 minutes and consists of general developmental gymnastic exercises carried out at a slow average pace, alternating with breathing exercises. The load increases gradually, by performing exercises for various muscle groups and increasing the number of repetitions of each movement. Exercises are performed from starting points- standing, sitting. You should not give a lot of new exercises, as this makes it difficult to work out.

Main part lasting 15-23 minutes, provides for the development of the adaptive capabilities of the body of children, their mastery of sports-applied motor skills and the development physical qualities: flexibility, strength, speed, endurance, dexterity. It is important to increase the level of physical activity in a timely manner so as not to miss the most favorable period - the middle of the school year. The nature of the loads must be universal. It is irrational, for example, to increase the strength of children, to the detriment of speed and dexterity.

AT final parts of the lesson (lesson) OG (3-5 m.) give exercises that restore the body after intense physical activity: calm walking, breathing exercises, relaxation and attention exercises. Summing up the lesson, the teacher should give the children individual tasks on house.

The construction of classes is carried out taking into account the age characteristics of children. More often in school curriculum have to be content with the creation of three age groups: 7-11, 12-14, 15-17 years old, for each of which the methodology for conducting classes has some differences.

When conducting classes in a special medical group, it is necessary to take into account the nosological features of all the diseases that a child has, but consider the paramount principle individual approach .

In order to successfully solve these problems, the teacher must possess to a large extent medical knowledge, including assessing the degree of fatigue not only by external signs and complaints of children, but also on the basis of simple functional tests. The attention of the teacher to the degree of functional readiness of children and their psychological attitude is the key to strengthening medical control on the part of school medical workers. It is teachers who should intensify the work of doctors in medical and pedagogical observations, testing motor abilities children and psychological research.

During physical education lessons, the teacher himself must be able to control the load on the pulse, breathing, external signs of fatigue.

It should be borne in mind that with the same exercises in girls, the pulse is 5-10 beats per minute higher than in boys. game form conducting classes, elements of the competition increase the heart rate by 15-20 or more beats/m. even after 3-5 minutes. to achieve the training effect, it is required to maintain the load in the middle of the lesson at a pulse height of approximately 70-75% of the maximum allowable for this child.

According to Russian researchers for subgroup A, the average value of the training pulse ranges from 125-140 beats / min. at the beginning of the quarter up to 140-150 beats / min. by the end of the quarter, and for subgroup B, the average value of the training pulse changes from 115-120 at the beginning to 125-140 at the end.

During medical and pedagogical observations, not only the adequacy of physical activity to the functional capabilities of those involved is determined, but also the quality of the lesson is assessed, that is, its compliance with pedagogical principles: alternation of load for different muscle groups, gradual increase and decrease in load, achievement of sufficient motor density (in Normally, it should be at least 60-75% of the lesson time). The most important factors are also a favorable emotional background, attractiveness and aesthetics of each lesson.

In the conditions of the doctor's office of the school, doctors can conduct a more thorough study of the physical performance of children by conducting tests with one-stage physical activity. In practice, the Martinet test and the Harvard step test are often used.

    I.p. - the ball is on the back of the palm of the right hand, the left hand covers the ball from above. Fulfill circular motions ball right and left. The same with the other hand.

    Throwing the ball up with one hand, catching with both hands. The same, but catching with one hand.

    I.p. - arms to the sides, down, the ball in the left hand. Hit the ball with your left hand on the floor, catch with your right, and vice versa.

    Shifting the ball from one hand to another around the neck, torso, knees to the right and left sides.

    I.p. - right forward. Throw the ball under the right foot and catch it with both hands.

    The same with the left leg.

    I.p. - Wide leg stance. Shifting the ball from one hand to the other under the feet of the "eight".

    I.p. - too. Rolling the ball on the floor around the feet "eight".

    Ball in right hand, overhand grip. Throw it up and catch it with your right hand.

    The same with the left hand.

    Passing the ball behind the back from one hand to the other.

    Juggling with two balls.

    Throwing and catching two balls at the same time.

    Passing two balls in pairs. One partner passes the ball to the other by hitting the floor, he performs a pass from the chest.

    The same, but one of the partners has both balls, who passes them to the other with a rebound from the floor, and he must catch.

    Dribbling the ball around the legs to the right, to the left.

    I.p. - Wide leg stance. Kicking the ball with a figure eight under your feet.

    Throw the ball up, clap behind the back, then in front of the chest and catch.

    Throw the ball at the wall with one hand, catch the bounced ball with both hands.

    The same as in ex. 18, but before touching the wall, the ball must touch the floor.

    I.p. - Bend your right knee forward. Shift the ball from one hand to the other around the thigh.

    Alternately raising the right, then the left straight leg move the ball from hand to hand.

    I.p. - Take your right hand back, holding the ball. Wrist movement throw it up, catch it in front with both hands. The same with the left hand.

    I.p. - right hand forward, the ball is held with an overhand grip. Throw it up, turn your palm and catch it with your right hand. The same with the other hand.

    I.p. - right hand forward, the ball is held on the back of the hand. Throw the ball up and try to catch it with the back of your hand. The same with the other hand.

    Toss the ball up with the right hand, then hit it with the back of the hand of the same hand, then catch it with both hands. The same with the left hand.

Hoop exercises

Hoop exercises are one of the most interesting sections of rhythmic gymnastics. This is an excellent tool for developing coordination, speed, motor reaction, and accuracy of movements. Hoop exercises increase the strength of the hands, especially the fingers and hands, and effectively influence the formation of the correct posture.

Hoops use plastic, wooden, duralumin. They come in various sizes. The most common hoop with a diameter of 80 - 90 cm.

Hoop exercises are divided into the following groups:



    throws and catches,

    jumping into and through the hoop,

    swing movements,

    hoop rolls.

All movements with the hoop are performed with one or two hands, in different directions and planes, in combination with the movement of the torso and legs. Below are the simplest exercises that can be used in physical education lessons and extracurricular work with schoolchildren.

The grips are:

- with two hands outside (Fig. 101 a) and from the inside (Fig. 101 b)

- grip of the hoop with one hand from above (Fig. 102 a) and from below (Fig. 102 b).

Rice. 101. Grip of the hoop with two hands: a) from the outside, b) from the inside

Rice. 102. Grip of the hoop with one hand: a) from above, b) from below

Grasp the hoop with all fingers without tension (thumb outside). The position of the hoop in relation to the floor can be:

- horizontal,

- vertical,

- inclined (Fig. 103).

Rice. 103. The position of the hoop: a horizontal, b) vertical, c) oblique

In relation to the body, the hoop can be in the front, side and intermediate planes.

Outdoor switchgear complex with a hoop:

1. I.p. - standing, hoop in the front plane vertically below with two grips from the outside.

1 - swing right back, hoop vertically up,

3-4 - the same from the left.

2. I.p. - standing, hoop in the front plane vertically below with two grips from the outside.

1 - right to the right on the toe, hoop vertically up;

2 - tilt to the right hoop vertically upwards;

3 - straighten the hoop vertically upwards;

3. I.p. - standing, hoop vertically up with two grips from the outside,

1 - swing right to the right, hoop horizontally forward,

2 - lunge on the right, hoop vertically on the floor,

3 - with the hoop rolling to the left, lunge on the left,

5-8 - the same from the left.

4. I.p. - standing, hoop vertically forward, grip from the inside.

1-2 - rising on toes with a twist back, move the hoop behind your back;

3-4 - rising on toes with a twist forward, transfer the hoop to the sp.

5. I.p. - a hoop vertically on the floor in the front plane with a grip with the right hand.

1 - swing of the right with a hoop roll under the right to the left,

2 - hoop vertically on the floor in the front plane with a left hand grip,

3-4 - the same to the right,

6. I.p. - standing hoop in the front plane vertically below, grip with two from the inside.

1 - rising on toes hoop horizontally upwards,

2 - squat inside the hoop,

3 - straighten up in a rack on toes hoop horizontally up,

    I.p. - standing hoop in the front plane vertically, grip with two outside.

1-2 - lowering the left hand in an arc downwards to the right, the right in an upwards-to-left arc, turning the hoop to the left with the torso tilted to the left, the left to the left on the toe.

5-8 - the same to the right (Fig. 104).

Fig.104. hoop rotation

8. I.p. - standing left forward on the toe, the hoop is vertical in the lateral plane on the right with a two-hand grip from the outside.

1-2 - half squat on the right, turn the hoop forward with a forward inclination,

3-4 - turning the hoop back (left hand with an arc downwards forward, right with an arc forward upwards), straightening up, bend into a stance on the left right back on the toe (Fig. 105).

Rice. 105. Exercise number 8

9. I.p. - leg stand apart, the hoop is held by hands on the belt.

1-16 - rotation of the hoop.

10. I.p. - a hoop vertically in the front plane with a grip of one from above by the upper edge.

1-4 - with a right step, place the hoop vertically, front balance on the right,

5-6 - lowering the left, step it in front of the hoop, step the right into the hoop, bending your arms (the hands slide down the hoop),

7-8 - straighten up in a wave, at the same time lowering your left hand, with your right hand move the hoop through the side forward, attaching the left sp.

11. I.p. - the hoop is horizontal in the front plane, grip with both hands outside the front edge.

1-2 - swinging the hoop back, jump into the hoop with a push from the left to the right,

3-4 - repeat movement 1-2, swinging the hoop back in the opposite direction (Fig. 106).

Rice. 106. Exercise number 11

12. I.p. - hoop in the front plane obliquely above, grip with both hands outside the upper edge of the hoop, rotating the hoop forward like a rope, jumping into the hoop with a push with two (Fig. 107).

Rice. 107. Exercise number 12

13. I.p. - standing facing each other, holding one hoop, grip with two outside.

1-2 - step inside turn in a circle, rotating the hoop in the direction of turn, finish the movement with your back to each other,

14. I.p. - a hoop in the front plane, grip two from the outside for the lower edge of the hoop.

1-4 - swinging the hoop to the right and left,

5-8 - lift the hoop up with a brush grip and, straightening your fingers, start rotating the hoop, moving your hand up and down along a circular path.

Relay with a hoop. I.p. - teams line up in columns one at a time. The 1st participant stands in front of his team at a distance of 10 m with a hoop holding it with his hands on his belt. At the signal of the teacher, the 1st participant runs up to his team, puts a hoop on the 2nd participant and runs with him to the flag. The 1st one runs out, and the second one runs after the third participant, etc.

The team that first "crossed to the other side" wins.

Rope exercise contribute to the development of such important physical qualities as agility, endurance, jumping ability, speed. A large place is given to these exercises in classes with schoolchildren.

Rope exercises can be used in all parts of the physical education lesson and in extracurricular activities. When choosing exercises with a rope, one should take into account, along with general principles a number of features of these exercises, primarily their high intensity (especially jumps). In addition, rope exercises require a good reaction, spatial orientation and speed, and therefore are very tiring. In this regard, exercises should be carefully dosed (jumping - walking - relaxation exercises). Also, before performing exercises with a rope, several exercises for warming up the legs follow.

In exercises with a skipping rope, the following groups of exercises can be conditionally distinguished:

swings and circles,


There are exercises with a short and long rope. The short one is a rubber cord 2-3 meters long, the long one is 4-5 meters and up to 1 cm in diameter. Exercises with a long rope, along with the above qualities, develop a reaction, develop a sense of rhythm and tempo.

The main terms of rope exercises are:

Jump (small bouncing in place or with advancement);

Double jump (two springy jumps);

Main and intermediate (the jump is smaller in amplitude).

When choosing a rope, you need to take into account the growth of the borrower. Checking the length of the rope, you need to stand in the middle of the rope (Fig. 1) and pull it up. In this position, the hands should touch the armpits.

Outdoor switchgear complex with a skipping rope

1. ip - rope folded in half behind the head

1-2 - stand on toes jump rope up

2. ip - standing on a rope, its ends in bent arms

1 - left lunge, arms to the sides

2-3 - springy flexion of the left leg

5-8 - the same on the right.

3. i.p. - the ends of the rope folded in half in both hands, the rope is pulled back

1-2 - squat hands twist up

4. ip - the ends of a double-folded rope in two hands behind

1-3 - three springy tilts, bending over, moving the rope up

5-7 - three springy tilts back, 8 - I.p.

5. ip - hands up with a rope folded four times.

1-2 - turn the body to the left, bending the arms of the rope behind the head.

5-8 - the same to the right

6. i.p. rope behind the heel of the left foot

1-3 - front balance on the right with a rope

5-7 - front balance on the left

8- i.p (Fig. 2)

7. i.p. - the ends of the rope in two hands, the rope behind

1-4 - semi-squat with a circle with the left hand behind the back to the right and, continuing it in front of the face to the left, complete the movement of the hand to the sides, the rope is in front.

5-8 - circle with the left hand in an arc forward-right, continuing it behind the back to the left, transfer the rope behind the back and finish moving the arm to the sides (Fig. 3)

8. i.p. - jump rope in front, the ends of her two hands

1 - connecting the hands and bending the arms in a circle with a rope from top to bottom in the lateral plane

2 - circle with a rope from the right down

3-4 - repeat the same (Fig. 4)

9. i.p. - gray hands with the rope folded four times up

1-2 - lean forward, touching the floor behind the toes

10. i.p. - sitting hands with the rope folded four times up

1-2 - bending the legs, two jump over the rope, sit the rope under your feet

3-4 - jump backwards i.p. (Fig. 5)

rice. 3 fig.4 fig.5

11. ip - gray legs apart, rope folded in half at the back

1-2 - back twist forward tilt

12. ip - lying on your back, the rope behind your head folded in half

1-2 - lean forward touching the rope with socks

13. i.p. - lying on the stomach, a rope folded in half behind the back

1- pulling the rope back tilt back

2-3 - hold the set position

14. i.p. - gray legs apart, a rope folded four times behind the head

1-3 - three springy turns of the torso to the left

5-8 - the same to the right

15. i.p. - the ends of the rope in two hands, the rope behind

1-16 - jumping upright, rotating the rope forward (Fig. 6)

17. i.p. - rope in front ends in two hands

1-2 - straight jump, rotating the rope back

3-4 - jump straightening up, rotating the rope back crosswise (make a series of jumps) (Fig. 7).

rice. 6 fig. 7

16. i.p. - a rope behind its ends in two hands

1-2 - straight jump, rotating the rope forward

3-4 - straight jump, rotating the rope forward crosswise (Fig. 8)

17. i.p. - rope from the back, its ends in two hands

1- rotating the rope forward jump with a push from the left to the right, bending the left.

rice. 8 fig. 9

18. Building in a column of four, interval and distance of 1.5 meters. Each pair in the line has one rope. Partners from the 1st and 3rd columns hold one end of the rope with their right hand, from the 2nd and 4th columns they take its other end with their left hand.

5-8 - those standing in the 1st and 3rd columns with a turn to the right in a circle (with their backs to the main direction) stand under the rotating rope and perform 4 straight jumps

9-12- with a turn to the right in a circle, the jumpers return to the sp, continuing to rotate the rope.

13-16 - standing in the 2nd and 4th columns with a turn to the left in a circle, towards the main direction, perform 4 jumps straightening up, etc. (Fig. 10).

19. i.p. same as in exercise 18

1-4 - four rotations of the rope forward

5-8 - in the 1st and 3rd columns they perform jumps with a turn to the right in a circle, in the 2nd and 4th columns they perform jumps with a turn to the left in a circle under a rotating rope with their backs to the main direction, holding hands

9-12 - with a turn to the right (left) in a circle, run out from under the rope, stand facing the main direction.

13-16-continue rotation of the rope (Fig. 11)

20. i.p. - too

1-4 - rotation of the rope forward

5-6 - standing in the 1st and 3rd columns with a turn to the right around two jumps straightening up

7-8 - with a turn to the right with the right shoulder to the main direction, perform two jumps

9-12- return to ip, continuing to rotate the rope.

13-16 standing in the 2nd and 4th columns repeat the same with a turn to the left (Fig. 12).

23. i.p. - stand facing each other at a distance of half a step.

1st holds the rope, 2nd hands down (or holds on to the partner’s belt), jumping with the rope together.

Jumping with a long rope .

1. Jumping rope

i.p. - leaders shake the rope (span up to 1 meter) at the height of the foot.

Jumping arbitrarily over the rope (from one leg, from a run).

Jumping after 3rd, 2nd, 1st swing, push of one, two legs.

With additional movement of hands, turns.

Complication: perform in pairs, threes, etc., jump over two parallel swinging ropes.

2. Running under a spinning rope.

i.p. - the rope rotates slowly in large circles from the head to the feet of the student who is standing at a step distance from the rotating rope.

Run arbitrarily after any number of rotations (at the moment the rope runs overhead).

Run after a certain number of spins.

Running in pairs.

Running through 2-3 jump ropes.

3.Running under a spinning rope jumping over it.

i.p. - the rope is rotated from head to toe.

Run after the rope to the place where it touches the floor after 3 rotations, on the 4th jump over the rope and immediately run forward (mark the place of jumping with chalk).

Do the same after 2 rotations, then for each.

Jump over 2,3,4 times and run out.

Complication: with different positions of the hands, with claps, with turns, spreading the legs. Further execution in pairs (running in alternately one after another) after a certain number of rotations.

For example: Two people simultaneously run in and make three jumps with a turn of 180 degrees and simultaneously run out backwards.

4.Double Rope Jumping

The Double Duch Double Rope is very fun and useful.

The two leaders, holding the ends of the ropes in their hands extended forward, twist them at a frequency of one revolution per second. Each rope moves up through the outside and down through the inside. Circles are performed sequentially: one rope at the top, the second at the bottom, i.e. the maximum discrepancy is 180 o on the vertical plane, and the oncoming movement of the ropes occurs on the horizontal level. The jumper needs to run into a circle formed by two ropes, following the nearest one, which, having passed in front of the face, goes down, and the far one rises up. It is better to run in at the beginning at an acute angle.

Complication: jumps with turns, groups (Fig. 13)

Double Duch competitions are held in two programs: individual and team.

The individual program (performed with one regular rope) is designed for individual speed competitions: who will make the most jumps in 2 minutes.

In team competitions (with two ropes rotating towards each other), two programs are performed: compulsory and free. Single teams compete (from 3 girls, one of them jumps, in turn) and double teams (for 4 people, two jumps are performed simultaneously, synchronously).

The compulsory program is unified, but for its execution a single team is given 30 seconds, and a double team - 40 seconds. During this time, after the signal to start the exercise, run under a rotating rope, make 2 turns to the right, jumping on the right, 2 turns to the left, jumping on the left foot, perform 2 jumps in the right cross leg position ahead, 2 jumps in the left cross leg position in front, 10 running steps in place, raising the knee of the fly leg not lower than the level hip joint, have time to run out from under the ropes in a timely manner. The angle of entry into and exit from the ropes is equal for all participants (approximately 45 °).

The free program provides for the implementation of any composition within 60 seconds with the obligatory performance of 3-5 complex jumps, turns. You can use various objects (balls, hoops, small ropes).

In competitions for double teams, girls performing -jumps can act together and alternately (running into and out of the ropes without interruption).

When performing jumps, it is prohibited:

Touch the rope when running in and out, while jumping

Tilt your head and body

Change the position of the hands (they must be kept at chest level, elbows down),

Move away from the middle of the rotating ropes (if this happens, you must restore the position within 3 seconds, then the error is not counted).

Competitors who rotate the ropes must observe the following rules:

Before the signal to start the exercise, stand straight, the ropes lie on the floor,

When rotating the ropes, hand movements should be limited, you can’t “play along” with them,

If the rope stops or delays the jumper, it is necessary to correct the situation in no more than 5 seconds. Violation of this condition is considered an error,

If the ropes are thrown, a fault is counted,

If they jumped out of your hands, you need to quickly pick them up and continue the competition,

If, according to the conditions of the competition, jumps are performed through one rope (rope, you cannot twist it with both hands),

Skipping ropes during rotation should not touch,

The length of the ropes for single teams is at least 3 meters, for double teams - 4 meters.

The competition is judged by a jury. AT team competition participants who make fewer mistakes and get higher marks for difficulty win free program(the order of assessment for a free program is previously discussed by the organizers of the competition and the participants).

Rope relay races

1. Have time to run:

Teams line up in columns one by one at a distance of 2-3 meters from middle line. On this line, two leaders are placed against each team, rotating long ropes down from the participants. On a signal, the players alternately run under the rope, trying not to hurt it. The running participants line up in a column on the opposite side of the site, the team that completed the task first with fewer errors wins.

Relay options: 1) Participants run in pairs, three of us; 2) by time

2. Let's jump together:

Teams line up at an angle to the center line, where the leaders rotate the rope in the stipulated direction. On a signal, the first participant runs up to the rope and performs the specified number of jumps (3-5) and runs back. The second one repeats the same, and so on. The team that completes Task 1 with the fewest mistakes wins.

The sorceress-evolution does not keep up with the restless person, and here we are, born to run, dance and have fun having sex, are forced to sit motionless in offices for hours, get bored in the cramped subway and while away the time within four walls. Alas, these are the realities. modern life- people clearly lack mobility, and often there are objective reasons for that. But this is not a reason to lose heart, because you can take the usual tennis ball and with its help drive away pain, fatigue and aching joints!

back exercise

Whether you sit all day or stand, both are bad for your back. Therefore, self-massage will help us, for which we need two ordinary tennis balls and, perhaps, an ordinary sock. So that the balls laid in it do not roll and remain in a single bundle. You need to lie on your back, put the balls above the coccyx on both sides of the spine and roll the whole body up and down. Find a position that is comfortable for you, for which you can put a pillow under your head or shoulders. Do it for a short time, for your own pleasure.

neck exercise

We lay down on our back, put a couple of balls under the neck, each on its own side, optionally in a sock. We stretch our legs and gently, pushing off with our fingers, move our body forward and up. The neck should roll over the balls and stretch, you will definitely feel it. In this position, take a dozen deep breaths and return to its original state.

Exercise for the lower back and hips

This part of the body gets tired if a person is in one position for a long time or wears tight and uncomfortable shoes. The problem is solved simply - we lie down on our side, put a tennis ball under ourselves, above the thigh, and begin to make circular movements with the pelvis. Just first take a stable position so as not to fall off the ball. We do a dozen rotations clockwise, then the same counter-clockwise, turn over to the second side and repeat.

Shoulder exercise

If there is no one to massage stiff shoulders, you need to take matters into your own hands and involve the ball in solving the problem. We lie down on our side, legs are bent, the ball is between the shoulder blade and the spine. Gently, without sudden movements, we roll in a circle, feeling how the stiff muscles are warming up. Turn over to the other side and repeat.

Knee exercise

In case of fatigue and pain in the knees, we always keep the ball at hand. All you need is to hold it right under the knee and bend your leg as if you are trying to crush sports equipment. Squeeze, hold and count to ten, release and rest for 10 seconds, then repeat. And so on 8-10 times, after which we proceed to massage the second leg.

Foot exercise

We take off our shoes, put the ball on the floor, step on it, but do not bear the entire weight of the body, but only lightly press. Or not slightly - it depends on your feelings and desire to massage your feet. With sliding movements back and forth, we roll the ball with our feet, paying attention to those areas that feel the most “squeezed”. Don't forget about the second leg!

Hand exercise

Brushes already reduces from this computer mouse? It doesn't matter - we sit on the floor, put our palm on the ball, cover it with the second and transfer the weight of the body onto our hands, as if trying to crush the toy. Then, in the same position, we begin to roll the ball along a certain trajectory so that its movements draw a small star. Right-left, forward-backward, without going beyond the palm of your hand. We change palms in places and do a massage of the second hand. Should help.