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" Means of physical recreation"

Modern stage of development physical education characterized by the emergence of new or modernization of well-known, traditional motor actions, which sometimes become so popular that they are transformed from types of recreational orientation to sports. physical movement exercise

According to V.V. Matova (1988), solving the problems of mass physical culture should combine the performance of physical exercises and the use of other factors - hygiene, means of psychoregulation, etc. The point of view of I.V. Muravov (1987), who believes that for recreational purposes, you can use any physical exercises, provided that the load strictly corresponds to the capabilities of the body. V.N. Vasiliev and V.S. Chugunov (1984) formulate the idea that several biological types of people can be distinguished on the basis of adrenograms: the adrenaline type (with an increased release of adrenaline), these people are characterized by increased anxiety; norepinephrine type (with increased release of norepinephrine), typical behavior is manifested in internal tension, suspiciousness, aggressiveness; mixed type - characterized by hyper-emotionality.

Each type should correspond to a certain way of life, nutrition, physical activity. For example, people with increased release of adrenaline need relaxation exercises, for others - auto-training.

Choice of funds should depend on age periods human

The choice of means of physical recreation is influenced by various components (fashion, geographical and climatic conditions, features of national culture, etc.). So, for example, for the younger generation, the most attractive are: swimming, gymnastics, Athletics, sport games(especially volleyball and basketball), outdoor games, skiing, skating, ice and snow games, table tennis, badminton, dancing. Preferred for adults: hiking, summer walks, orienteering, jogging, cycling, football, table tennis, skiing, water sports sports, games (botcha, ringo, croquet), health paths.

Studying the popularity of physical exercises in the 18th-19th centuries in Europe, von H. Grimm (1989) found that the most popular types of physical activity were walking, running, walking (the content analysis included 38 items), gymnastics (17), bathing and swimming (16), skating (13), hunting and ball games (11), fishing(9), sledding (8), horseback riding (6), climbing (5), rowing and strength exercises(4), throwing (3), archery, skiing, cycling and dancing (2), fencing (1), (cited by A.Yu. Gavrikov, 1990).

Putting forward the idea of ​​a single recreational space, P.K. Vinogradov and L.A. Kalinkin (1991) propose to create inter-republican recreational zones, including systems of park hotels, natural tourist parks, a network of green roads ("greenways"), i.e. widely use natural remedies in "landscape physical education".

One of the most emotional means of physical recreation are sports and outdoor games. EAT. Geller (1987) focuses on the lag in the development of both the theory of the game and the main functions, in particular, their socio-pedagogical role in modern society. Features of the organization and conduct of health-improving classes in sports and outdoor games with people different ages the study of V.V. Kostyukova (1996). It was found that year-round classes twice a week with a load of various directions can improve the health of men aged 28-39 from 3 to 8 points (on a 21-point health scale).

As V.M. Kalinin (1985), who studied the effect of various restorative agents, the constant or frequent use of non-specific means of restoration is not always advisable, since it can disrupt the natural adaptive restructuring of the body. The main provisions for the use of means of recovery include: a) a rational combination and compatibility of physical, pharmacological, psychological and pedagogical means; b) health assessment; c) taking into account the specifics of the type of motor activity.

When using recovery tools, it is important to consider the main energy orientation of training: aerobic, anaerobic, aerobic-anaerobic. For example, the speed of recovery processes after large volume and intensity loads will be affected by the complex use of recovery tools: sauna, manual regenerative massage, contrast shower or bath.

It goes without saying that various types of gymnastics play a leading role in physical recreation. For the purpose of recreation, you can use such types of gymnastics as plastic gymnastics and anti-stress plastic gymnastics, which can reduce chronic stress, increase the sensitivity of stress-inhibiting and reduce the sensitivity of stress-realizing mechanisms, slow down the passage of signals emanating from hormones and mediators, and prevent the occurrence of trophic disorders of cellular metabolism.

What type of physical activity can be used for physical recreation? In our opinion, any sport can be used for the purpose of physical recreation. Therefore, you can use all the exercises that make up its content, i.e. competitive, special-preparatory and general-preparatory.

A universal criterion for choosing means of recreation can serve as a factor in the pleasure that a person experiences from physical exercise. Other important criteria are the load and the resulting fatigue, as well as the potential for injury when practicing a particular sport.

Fatigue is the logical result of any activity, whether motor or intellectual. By definition, V.M. Volkova (1977) fatigue "is the result of a complex interaction of peripheral, hormonal and central nervous factors with the leading value of the latter." There are several types of fatigue: physical, sensory, emotional and mental.

Depending on the direction and volume of muscular work, five stages of fatigue are distinguished: 1) slight fatigue - manifests itself in the form of fatigue without a decrease in performance; 2) acute fatigue - there is a sharp decrease in working capacity and the level of muscle strength, atypical reactions occur of cardio-vascular system; 3) overvoltage - characterized by general weakness, lethargy, fainting; 4) overtraining - associated with pronounced neuropsychic shifts; 5) overwork - is a pathological condition of the body, manifested in the form of neurosis, apathy and indifference to the environment.

Each person has his own limit of fatigue, which is predetermined by the reserve capabilities of the body. With a certain motivation and level of preparedness, a person can show phenomenal achievements in physical performance. A few examples of a person's reserve capabilities, manifested in endurance:

in 1980, the Tula engineer Alexander Komissarenko ran 100 km in 8 hours and 1 minute, and in a day of continuous running he covered 266 km 529 m;

in 1985, the Englishman M. Barnish walked 650 km along the stadium track in 159 hours;

in 1980, Italian Carlo Sala skied 161 miles in a day;

In 1929, American Johnny Salvo ran over 5,810 km in 79 days.

Therefore, knowing the ways to unlock reserve capabilities, as well as the training methodology, in which, in our opinion, a special place should be given to psychological preparation and means of restoration, one can demonstrate, if not similar phenomenal achievements, then at least close to them.

Among the main means of recovery, the following groups are distinguished: pedagogical, biomedical and psychological. Of course, the choice of recovery means is very wide, but in many respects the limitations, as it seems to us, are more related to the conservative thinking.

For example, for a long time in Russia, various means have been practiced to help restore the strength of warriors and increase their fighting spirit. A special place was occupied by charms, moods, as well as infusions, decoctions, extracts and ointments prepared according to special recipes. Over time, this ancient knowledge was lost, therefore, in the context of modern knowledge, they are classified as non-traditional restoration activities.

Herbal products can be used in three directions: adaptogenic (contributing to the adaptation of the body to adverse environmental factors), relaxation (having a calming effect) and therapeutic.

The most popular adaptogenic agents are: ginseng (a single dosage is 15-25 drops of alcohol tincture in a ratio of 1:10), eleutherococcus (2 ml of alcohol extract), Manchurian aralia (30-40 drops of alcohol tincture 1:5), zamaniha (30- 40 drops of alcohol tincture 1:50), leuzea (a rhizome with leuzea roots is used), rhodiola rosea (an alcohol tincture of 1:5 of rhizome and roots is used), Schisandra chinensis (schizandra seeds powder 1 g twice a day or 35040 drops of alcohol tincture ).

Effective sedatives are decoctions of valerian, motherwort and hawthorn.

Huge medicinal potential is concentrated in almost all trees, wild fruits and berries, wild edible and medicinal plants. So, for example, decoctions and infusions of birch buds are used as a choleretic, diuretic and disinfectant. Infusions of chaga (birch fungus) increase the body's defenses, have a positive effect as a general tonic. Birch sap quenches thirst well. Linden infusions are effective in the treatment of sore throats, relieve headaches well, and also serve as a proven remedy as an analgesic and sedative factor. Pine essential oils disinfect the air and heal the human body.

Infusions of pine buds help with the removal of stones, reduce inflammation in the bladder and have some diuretic and choleretic qualities. Coniferous decoctions are considered antiscorbutic and tonic. Dry spruce resin is used in the form of a powder for the healing of abscesses and old wounds. The bark of a young oak tree is successfully used as an astringent, anti-inflammatory and anti-putrefactive agent. In the form of decoctions, oak bark is used in the treatment of purulent ulcers, non-healing wounds, inflammation of the bladder.

Some forest plants have hallucinogenic effects. It is known that the Vikings before the battles ate the fly agaric mushroom prepared according to a special recipe in order to increase their combat effectiveness.

During the Crimean War, military doctors noted that the wounds of the Turks heal faster than those of their allies, the British and French. It has been strongly suggested that the most likely cause is the vegetarianism of the Turks, who, for religious reasons, did not eat meat. In scientific experiments on rabbits, it was found that when carboxylin is added to the diet, the regeneration of damaged tissues is accelerated by 30%, and blood cells are doubled (N.A. Agadzhanyan, A.Yu. Katkov, 1990).

Physical exercise is an effective means of recovery. A description of a very simple and affordable remedy for relieving fatigue, which Yuri Dolgoruky himself practiced, has been preserved. In the evening, when the weather is clear, you need to go out into the air and turn to the moon, raise your hands up and inhale the air (Papus, 1993).

Not less than a simple means calming and relieving nervous tension is finger gymnastics, which has long been practiced Japanese samurai(Y. Tsutsumi, 1992).

A. Flexion of the fingers in front of the face:

Inhaling through the nose, at the height of the eyes, fold the hands with the palms facing each other. Exhaling through the mouth, move the right hand down, at the same time bend the fingers of the left hand and grab the fingertips right hand.

Inhaling through the nose, straighten the fingers of the left hand, at the same time move the right hand up and grab the fingertips of the left hand with the right hand. Perform the exercise smoothly, 10-15 times.

B. Flexion of the fingers:

Place your hands in front of your chest, palms facing each other, inhaling and exhaling normally. Leaving your hands in the same position, quickly spread your fingers and separate your palms. Press all fingers strongly against each other, through the mouth make rapid exhalation. Take your fingers away from each other, leaving your fingertips in a pressed position, inhale. Repeat the contact of the fingers and their separation.

Pressing the tips of the fingers to each other, direct them towards you, continue the movements indicated in paragraphs 2 and 3. Repeat at least 10 times, rhythmic breathing, bend your fingers to failure.

B. Finger flexion and extension:

While inhaling and exhaling normally, raise your hands to eye level with palms facing your face.

Make a full exhalation, hold your breath, inhaling through the nose, bend all fingers one by one, starting from thumb right hand. Then, starting from the little finger of the left hand, bend the fingers one by one. After bending all the fingers, exhaling through the mouth, unbend them in the reverse order, starting from the thumb of the left hand. Repeat movements more than 10 times.

D. Rolling nuts in hands:

Rolling a nut between the palms.

Rolling a nut on the back of the hand, pressing it with the palm of the other hand.

Simultaneous circular motions nuts in each hand: in the right - clockwise, in the left - counterclockwise.

Very effectively relieve neuromuscular tension exercises with weights performed in a calm slow pace. Under natural conditions, various stones can serve as weights. The following procedure is recommended relaxation exercises with similar burdens.

The weight of the weights is light stones. The pace of the exercises is slow. Starting positions - depending on the degree of fatigue: standing, lying or sitting. The number of exercises in the complex is 3-4 (mainly for the muscles of the arms, legs and back). The number of repetitions of the exercise is 15-20 times. Number of episodes 2-3.

Simple exercises to relieve muscle tension and increase the tonic effect on muscle groups that carry the main physical load: Raising the arms through the sides up. Starting position: standing, legs apart shoulder width apart. While inhaling, slowly raise your arms through the sides up to the level of your head, while exhaling slowly lower your arms.

Breeding hands. I.p .: lying on your back, arms raised up. While inhaling, slowly lower your hands to a horizontal position, holding them in a slightly bent position, while exhaling, return your hands to starting position.

Incomplete squats. I.p .: standing, legs apart slightly wider than shoulders. The weight is held behind the head or in lowered hands. While inhaling, sit down until the hips reach a horizontal level. Torso forward. I.p .: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, slightly bent at the knees. The weight is held behind the head. While exhaling, tilt the torso forward, keep your back straight or in a slightly arched position, while inhaling, return to the starting position. Body twists. I.p .: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, weights are held behind the head. While exhaling, turn the torso to the left, while inhaling, return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side.

A special place in the system of non-traditional means of increasing good spirits, and, consequently, achieving an optimal level of performance, is occupied by psychological means of suggestion and self-hypnosis.

Test questions:

1. Is there a connection between the biological type of people and lifestyle? What is it expressed in?

2. What determines the choice of means of physical recreation?

3. What should be considered when choosing recovery tools?

4. What is the universal criterion for choosing means of physical recreation?

5. List the stages of fatigue.

5 Types of recreational effect and load

When doing physical recreation, there are Effect - This is the result of the impact of the load on the athlete's body.

Types of recreational effect:

- private(the result of the impact of a separate exercise);

- nearest(the result of the impact of the lesson or its parts);

- retired(the result of the impact of the session and the rest time before the next session). It is divided into three phases:

a) under-recovery of working capacity;

b) restoration of working capacity to the initial level;

c) super recovery.

d) total or cumulative (the result of the impact of many activities).

Attention to the problems of physical exercises of a health-improving orientation is determined by the indispensable circumstance that, unlike other types of physical culture, a very valuable complex of both biological and psychological tasks associated with switching from one type of activity to another, obtaining pleasure from motor activity is solved in physical recreation. activities. However, in the scientific and methodological literature there is no consensus on the appropriateness of using certain pedagogical means of restoration.

Note that under the term pedagogical means of recovery means the use, first of all, of general physical and special preparatory exercises of a non-specific nature, as well as the variability of the components training load.

In theory sports training to determine the training load, components such as total volume, intensity, number of repetitions, nature and rest intervals between sets are used. Quantitative indicators of volume and intensity are expressed in specific quantities (kilometers, tons, number of repetitions, heart rate, average weight, etc.).

However, these indicators do not quite accurately reflect the effect of physical exercises on the functional changes in the athlete's body. The state of a person engaged in physical exercises is determined by external and internal factors. Exogenous factors include external conditions of preparation, endogenous - features of the body's adaptation to stress. It is endogenous factors that predetermine the quantitative parameters of the athlete's condition and his qualitative characteristics.

The response to physical activity is adaptive reactions, which are aimed at increasing the nonspecific resistance of the body. According to A.S. Solodkova (1990), means and methods of increasing nonspecific resistance play an important role in accelerating adaptation (rational exercise and rest regimen, balanced diet, central analgesia, hyperbaric oxygenation, hypoxic training, approved biological stimulants, etc.).

Considering physiological basis health-improving effect of physical training, Professor A.A. Viru (1984) noted that under the influence of motor activity, changes occur in the body that increase physical performance and increase the body's resistance to harmful factors.

Health-improving physical exercises should not be reduced only to the formation of a total training effect, which is a characteristic feature of regular training. No less important types of effects should be considered: regulatory-trophic, replenishment of motor insufficiency, elimination of redundancy of the "functional and material" order. A special place is given to the effect of repayment of vegetative reactions, which manifests itself in a decrease in the degree of tension of the most important systems of the body.

There are different points of view on the magnitude of health-improving training loads.

Compliance with the conditions of unlimited loads is an important factor in their health-improving effect. Valid for health training should be considered muscle work in the zone from 60 to 70% of the IPC. Signs of inadequate reactions of the organism of the subjects were noted at loads over 85% of the IPC.

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Recreation (lat. - recreation, - "recovery") - 1) holidays, a change at school, 2) a room for rest in educational institutions, 3) rest, recuperation of a person. Physical recreation is motor active recreation and entertainment using physical exercises, outdoor games, various kinds sports, as well as the natural forces of nature, as a result of which pleasure is obtained and good health and mood are achieved, mental and physical performance is restored. As a rule, classes at the level of mass physical culture for a healthy person are not associated with very large physical and volitional efforts, however, they create a powerful disciplining, tonic and harmonizing background for all aspects of his activity.

Physical recreation is a type of physical culture that reflects the active recreation of a person, incl. student, outside of industrial, educational, scientific, sports and other activities, aimed at the formation, restoration, strengthening and preservation of his health and bringing pleasure, satisfaction, well-being from this event. Moreover, the basis of active recreation are all means of physical culture, its forms and methods of training. Physical recreation, like recreation in general, is a pedagogical process associated with the solution of educational, educational, health and social problems. It is characterized by common features of the educational and pedagogical process or is carried out in the order of self-education. Distinctive feature physical recreation lies in the fact that this process is aimed at the formation of motor skills during outdoor activities and the education of the so-called physical qualities of a person, incl. a sick person, the totality of which decisively determines his physical performance.

Rehabilitation in medicine is a complex of medical, psychological, pedagogical, professional and legal measures to restore autonomy, working capacity and health of persons with physical and mental disabilities as a result of past (rehabilitation) or congenital diseases, as well as injuries. Used for certain diseases internal organs, congenital and acquired diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the consequences of severe injuries, mental illness, etc. Rehabilitation in children with mental retardation, with defects in hearing, speech, vision, etc. is of particular importance. Rehabilitation is a system of therapeutic and pedagogical measures aimed at preventing and treating pathological conditions that can lead to temporary or permanent disability. Rehabilitation aims to restore as quickly as possible the ability to live and work in a normal environment.

The content of adaptive physical rehabilitation is aimed at restoring temporarily lost or impaired functions in disabled people (in addition to those that are lost or destroyed for a long time due to the underlying disease that causes disability) after transferring various diseases, injuries, physical and mental overstrain arising in the process of any type of activity or certain life circumstances.

Professional-applied, or production, physical culture is aimed at solving the problems of developing and improving professionally significant qualities and skills, at improving the preparation of people for specific activities. It is due to the influence of the characteristics of professional work on a person and is directly dependent on its specifics. Professional-applied physical culture can both precede professional work and be carried out in the form of an organized and purposeful process of physical education in vocational schools, technical schools, universities and other special educational institutions, and be carried out at the enterprise in the working day (physical education breaks, industrial gymnastics, etc.). .p.) or in their free time (recovery measures). Scientific research it has been established that a high professional level of specialists requires a significant general, and sometimes specific physical fitness. A direct dependence of production indicators on its level was also found. Thus, people who regularly engage in physical education and sports are much less likely to get sick, get less tired by the end of the working week and working day, and, consequently, their labor productivity is much higher. One of the varieties of professionally applied physical culture is physical training in the army and navy. Despite the fact that for the majority of military personnel, other than career officers, military service is not professional activity and private and non-commissioned servicemen after demobilization return to their civilian specialties, this type of physical culture, for a number of reasons, must be considered as an integral part of professionally applied physical culture. Firstly, preparation for the defense of the Fatherland is one of the main tasks of physical culture. secondly, service in the Armed Forces is a constitutional duty of every male citizen. Thirdly, physical training in the army and navy has a special focus, reflecting not only the specifics of the Armed Forces as a whole, designed to protect the country from a possible attack, including nuclear aggression, but also certain types: air force, motorized rifle troops, missile, air defense, etc., and mastering a specific military specialty is possible only with the help of means and methods of physical culture. The main goal of physical training in the Armed Forces is to achieve high level readiness of personnel in short term and with the greatest efficiency the solution of a combat mission.

Adaptive physical culture (abbr. AFC) is a set of measures of a sports and recreational nature aimed at rehabilitation and adaptation to a normal social environment of people with disabilities, overcoming psychological barriers that prevent the feeling of a full life, as well as the awareness of the need for one's personal contribution to social development of society. Adaptive - this name emphasizes the purpose of physical culture for people with disabilities in the state of health. This suggests that physical culture in all its manifestations should stimulate positive morpho-functional changes in the body, thereby forming the necessary motor coordinations, physical qualities and abilities aimed at life support, development and improvement of the body. The main task of adaptive physical education is to form in disabled people a conscious attitude to their strengths, firm confidence in them, readiness for bold and decisive actions, overcoming the necessary for the full functioning of the subject physical activity as well as the need for systematic; physical exercises And, in general, in the implementation healthy lifestyle life in accordance with the recommendations of valeology. The main task of adaptive sports is to form a sports culture of a disabled person, to introduce him to the socio-historical experience in this area, to master the mobilization, technological, intellectual and other values ​​of physical culture.

Therapeutic physical culture (LFK) is a method of treatment consisting in the application of physical exercises and natural factors of nature to a sick person with therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. This method is based on the use of the main biological function of the body - movement. The method of strictly dosed exercises against the background of setting correct breathing. The term therapeutic physical culture (or exercise therapy) refers to a variety of concepts. This and breathing exercises after a major operation, and learning to walk after an injury, and developing movements in the joint after removing the plaster cast. This is the name of the office in the clinic, and the department at the Institute of Physical Education, and the department at the Medical Institute. The term " physiotherapy" is used in a variety of aspects, denoting both the method of treatment, and the medical or pedagogical specialty, and the section of medicine or physical education, and the structure of healthcare. The term "physiotherapy" primarily refers to a branch of medicine that studies the treatment and prevention of diseases by methods of physical culture (usually in combination with physiotherapy and massage). On the other hand, therapeutic physical culture is a section of physical culture that considers physical exercises to restore the health of a sick person and his ability to work. At the same time, physical therapy is an independent scientific discipline, united according to the existing state standard into a single scientific specialty: “therapeutic physical culture and sports medicine with courses in balneology and physiotherapy”, which has the scientific specialty code 14.00.51. These are medical sciences. That is, a specialist in the field of physical therapy can be a doctor with a diploma from the medical or pediatric faculty of a medical institute. Integral part Physical therapy is mechanotherapy, occupational therapy and therapeutic massage. Any physical activity can be a means of exercise therapy: swimming, walking, bath procedures, and even games, if they are used in medicinal purposes. Therapeutic physical education performs not only a therapeutic, but also an educational function. It brings up a conscious attitude to the use of physical exercises, instills hygienic skills, introduces natural factors of nature to the hardening of the body. In this exercise therapy is in close contact with pedagogy and hygiene. Exercise therapy develops strength, endurance, coordination of movements, instills hygiene skills, hardens the body. At present, no one doubts that physiotherapy exercises are obligatory and necessary component all sections of modern practical medicine.

Physical culture and sports as a special sociological theory and as an academic discipline introduces the basics of the theory and methodology, organization and methodology of sociological research in the field of physical culture and sports, the results of such research, the main sociological problems and aspects of physical culture and sports. Physical culture and sports clarifies the structure, mechanisms and nature of social relations and interactions in physical culture and sports activities, considers and studies the role and place of physical culture and sports in people's lifestyle, as well as social relationships of people in connection with their participation in sports activities. Physical culture is social, i.e. organized, provided and carried out by people activities to develop and improve the physical (or natural) qualities and abilities of a person

Balushkina Alexandra Alexandrovna
Job title: cheer sports trainer
Educational institution: MBU DO YOUTH "Youth"
Locality: Aksai
Material name: Abstract
Topic:"Physical recreation as a type of recreational activity"
Publication date: 23.01.2018
Chapter: additional education


The most important thing in human life is health, because it is this aspect that helps

a person to achieve success in all spheres of life. The health of the majority

people is regarded as a means to achieve their needs, rather than as a means

live long life. These two characteristics of health are opposed to each other.

friend, because if you use health to achieve goals, then it will quickly

is wasted, and to save it for long years of life, it is necessary to strengthen it

active life. Therefore, even in ancient times, the concept

achieving the desired.

Over time, thanks to many years of experience and practical knowledge, people began to

study the issue of physical recreation. Scientists are interested in data

concept only in the second half of the 20th century. Since then, he has gradually become

the subject of research in history, sociology, biology, geography and other scientific


Physical recreation arose in the system of physical education and initially

performed a pedagogical function. Then it was widely used in religious

ceremonies, national games, holidays, entertainment, acquiring a mass character,

over time became an integral part of people's life. Such

conditions contributed to the enrichment of physical recreation with various social

functions, it became an important factor in the socialization of young people, although not

provided training for the fulfillment of social duties. Physical recreation

was a way of active recreation, games that shape health.

And Vydrin V.M. explained the reason for its occurrence, saying: “Physical recreation

arose in the life and life of people in ancient times, tens of thousands of years before

the highest flourishing of the culture of corporality Ancient Greece, although it did not have its own

names and terms. Due to the accelerated development of capitalism in Western Europe

the need for recreational activities has increased. This was justified

impact on the population of hard work in poor conditions. In our time in

In the case of physical recreation, we are talking about recovery after a hard work

day, overwork, human overstrain. When it comes to motor

rehabilitation, then compensation of functions after injuries or pathologies is implied.

Therefore, it is necessary to single out signs that would distinguish between different types

physical culture. This would help in solving problems with their social

use. But the social essence of physical recreation today

insufficiently studied.

There are quite a lot of types of recreations in the literature. Allocate the main

signs by which one could distinguish physical recreation from others:

1) The basis of this type of recreation is physical activity.

2) Includes not only physical, but also emotional, as well as intellectual


3) When doing the right things positively affects the functions of the body.

4) Has an entertaining character.

5) The main means of achieving results are physical exercises.

6) Has its own methodology

As it was said, any kind of recreation affects more than one scientific branch, so in

physical recreation distinguish the following aspects:

1) The biological aspect studies what effect recreation can have on

human organism

2) The psychological aspect answers the question of what motives a person pursues starting

engage in physical recreation, and how psychologically his behavior changes.

3) The economic aspect lies in the means used to organize

physical recreation.

4) The social aspect is responsible for bringing together people involved in active

motor activity, into groups and in the process of association by the exchange of social

5) The cultural aspect finds out what cultural values ​​a person learns in the process

physical recreational activities, and to what extent does it contribute to the creation of

new personal and social values.

6) The educational aspect studies the impact of physical recreation

has on the formation of personality in its physical, intellectual, moral,

creative development.

There are several ways of doing physical exercises that have

purely recreational. These are physical education minutes, introductory gymnastics, and

elementary physical exercises during a break at work or after work

day. In some enterprises, they even allocate such places where you can work out.

physical exercises, they are equipped with special equipment and simulators

(grounds for playing tennis, billiards, etc.).

Introductory gymnastics is done for 5-10 minutes before starting work.

A set of exercises depends on how mobile the work is and what kind of work

used (physical, intellectual). Based on this exercise,

both more active and relaxing. From correct selection exercises

depends on the rate of adaptation, performance and recovery of physiological

bodily functions.

Physical education is necessary so that a person can be distracted from work. This

way of changing activities helps to increase mindfulness, reduce the load from

monotonous posture, reduce the effect of immobility on the body and generally improve

its functional state. Optimal time for physical education

counted 2 hours before the lunch break. Basic physical exercises help

defuse the body, disperse the blood and relax after a working day. Recommended

spend just 10 minutes in the evening in stretching exercises. Such a pastime

improves blood circulation, metabolism and promotes healthy sleep. Looking at

ways of doing physical recreation, we can conclude that they are united

accessibility and the end result - the achievement of such a physical state, with

which ensures the normal functioning of the body.

Physical recreation has many advantages over other components

physical culture. Firstly, recreation is available to people of all ages - from

toddlers to the elderly. Secondly, a person himself can choose the time for classes.

and their duration, you can engage in recreation at any time convenient for you

(starting in the morning and ending in the late evening), and the duration can vary from 10

minutes to several hours. This advantage is the main one, because shows that outside

depending on employment, any person is able to maintain his body in

great shape with minimal effort. Thirdly, physical recreation

do not have a specific venue, this shows that she does not require

economic investment for subscriptions to expensive sport complexes(You can

practice at home, in the gym, on the playground, etc.). And last but not least,

is the composition for classes (both individual and group classes are possible).

But, despite such a variable type of motor activity, recreation is still

requires a culture of work that includes self-control,

medical supervision, moderate exercise and rest appropriate for sex, age and

physical development. After all, not knowing the capabilities of his body, a person can

overload it and only worsen its functional state. recreational

classes give complete freedom of self-expression of the individual in the process of motor

activities. Unregulated, free activities in nature give joy

communication with her, enjoyment. Formation of positive emotions in the highest degree

have a beneficial effect on the human psyche and intellect.

Conclusion. Recreation is a branch of the science of rest, restoration of health and

recovery. This science includes the process of physical, cultural and

social development of man, with the help of which he is able to more universally

adapt to any changing conditions (social, natural, etc.). AT

Nowadays, the need for physical recreation is increasing. She helps

meet the needs of people on the move and thus becomes indispensable in their

vital activity. If a person does not lead an active lifestyle, and physical activity

recreation are minimized, then in most cases such people are more susceptible to

various diseases (obesity, weakening of the immune system, development of heart

vascular diseases, osteoporosis, etc.). So if you don't want to hurt

severe damage to your body, it is necessary to maintain motor


Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that physical recreation

is one of the most popular and affordable types of recreational activities.

Physical recreation is a part of physical culture, a set of free,

unregulated motor activity, ultimately aimed at

ensuring the optimal physical condition of a person, contributing to

normal functioning of his body in specific conditions of life. Apart from

recuperation and a kind of rest, physical recreation helps

adaptive capacity and improve emotional mood.

Of course, in order to achieve a quick result, it is necessary to reconsider your previous

life style, set a goal.

For every person who decides to outdoor activities, will be very helpful

keep a diary in which he will be able to note the dynamics of the development of physical

abilities, emotional and intellectual state, well-being, etc.


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