The history of powerlifting. The history of the development of powerlifting in the USSR and Russia The history of the development of world powerlifting ipf

Power sports, which undoubtedly belong to and, have a long history. The surviving data indicate that already in ancient Egypt and China, the first competitions were held, where athletes showed their own strength. It is this time that is considered the moment of birth power types sports. At the end of the Chu Dynasty, conscripts took part in special competitions, where they demonstrated not only their agility, speed, endurance, but also their strength.

The surviving sources tell about the incredible strength of the ancient athletes. The ancient Greek athlete Theagen, at the age of 9, carried a huge bust of an ancient thinker over a long distance. Athlete Milon is considered the progenitor of all the basic principles strength training: regularity, gradualness and systematicity. From childhood he carried a calf in his arms. The calf grew - Milon's strength increased. Athlete Bibon lifted a granite block weighing 150 kg with one hand. A book by the ancient Greek philosopher Seneca was found, in which weight training was promoted.

Powerlifting in the Middle Ages

Soon the cult of strength spread to other countries. In 1531 Thomas Eliot wrote a book in which he recommended working with various weights to improve health. One of the first English athletes - Thomas Tolham. He set a record in lifting three huge barrels weighing almost 820 kilograms with the help of special mounts. But perhaps the most famous athlete who changed powerlifting was Louis Cyr. At the age of 22, weighing 137 kilograms, he defeated the incredible Richard Pennel. Louis Cyr was the first to train the bench press on horizontal bench. Records: with two hands he squeezed 150 kilograms, with one hand - 125 kilograms, in deadlift he lifted 860 kilograms, with one hand - 448 kilograms, with one hand - 447 kilograms, and with one finger - 250 kilograms.

At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, the old format strongmen began to lose popularity. Instead of unsystematic circus performances, separate sports began to appear: bodybuilding, weight-lifting, wrestling, weightlifting and others. At the origins of bodybuilding is Eugene Sandow. He was the first to begin to emphasize the importance beautiful body. One of his most famous numbers is the lifting of a special bar, where 2 huge balls were fixed at the ends. After lifting from these balls, a couple of people of small stature came out. The total weight of the projectile was about 150 kilograms.

Modern powerlifting

Powerlifting began to take shape as a sport in the middle of the 20th century under the guidance of weightlifting specialists in the United States. In the 60s, the rules were approved and the first competitions began to be held. Initially, there were 9 categories: up to 56 kg, 60 kg, 67.5 kg, 75 kg, 82.5 kg, 90 kg, 100 kg, 110 kg and over 110 kg. Then they changed several times. The European Championships for men appeared in 1978. Women began to participate in them in 1983. Before the Olympic Games in Mexico City (1968), they even wanted to recognize powerlifting as a sport officially at the IOC level. However, powerlifting has only recently received recognition from the IOC. Various federations began to appear, the most famous being IPF, WPC-WPO, IPA. At the same time, athletes began to actively look for ways to improve athletic performance. Began to be widely used in other strength sports.

In the Soviet Union, along with bodybuilding and martial arts was banned as a bourgeois, and therefore non-proletarian, sport. It began in basements or in various ownerless premises. And in order for these basements not to be closed, they had to call it athletic gymnastics. Over time, athleticism became more popular. Therefore, the Komsomol decided to take it under its control.

One of the first significant tournaments was the open championship of the Lithuanian SSR in strength exercises(1979). Juniors competed here weight categories 75kg, 82.5 and over 82.5 kg, they competed in the triple jump and bench press. Men competed in the 75kg, 82.5kg, 90kg and over 90kg weight categories. They had other exercises: bench press on a horizontal bench and squats with a barbell on their shoulders.

By 1983 Three tournaments have already been held:

  • Individual championship of the city of Severodvinsk
  • Open Championship of the Lithuanian SSR in strength exercises
  • Individual championship of the city of Leningrad

Almost all the strongest athletes of that time came to the tournaments of the Lithuanian SSR. The strongest competitions later became the championships of the Estonian SSR in strength exercises. There were already eleven weight categories, with 52 kilograms and the last - over 125 kilograms. Soon a federation of athletic gymnastics was organized. The first chairman of the federation was famous sportsman Yuri Vlasov.

For 3 years, starting from 1988, meetings of the USSR-USA were held. Vladimir Mironov is the only athlete who was able to defeat the Americans in the first meeting. He set the following Russian records: squat - 330 kilograms, total - 937.5 kilograms (330 + 257.5 + 350). Ed Cohen, who participated in this meeting, was very impressed with the results of Vladimir, and believed that he had a great future in the sport.

Soviet coaches and athletes tried to learn as much as possible from the Americans. Exercise technique, how to use equipment and much, much more. It is difficult to assess the significance of these meetings.

Due to the collapse Soviet Union, at the end of 1991 asked to be accepted into the International and European Federation. And soon, since 1992, the Russian national team began to travel to international tournaments.

Powerlifting(English powerlifting; power - strength + lift - lift) - a power sport, the essence of which is to overcome the weight of the most heavy burden.

Powerlifting is also called powerlifting. This is due to the fact that as competitive disciplines it includes three exercises: squats with a barbell on the shoulders, a bench press lying on a horizontal bench and a barbell pull - which in total determine the qualification of an athlete.

In powerlifting, unlike bodybuilding, strength indicators are important, and not the beauty of the body.

When performing, the performance of athletes of the same weight category is compared. The assessment is based on the total maximum weight taken in all three exercises. With the same indicators, the victory is awarded to the athlete with less weight. When comparing athletes of different weight categories, the Wilks formula or the Glossbrenner formula (most often used in the WPC-WPO federation) can be used.


The number of international powerlifting organizations is constantly growing, but despite the decentralization that is inherent in world powerlifting, the International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) remains the most famous and popular. IPF is the only international powerlifting organization that is a member of the Association world games and the General Assembly of International sports federations. In 2004, after a lengthy process, the IPF received IOC recognition and signed the WADA code; Since 1964, powerlifting has been included in the program of the Paralympic Games as "weightlifting", since 1992 - as powerlifting. The number of participating countries is 115, and women also took part in the 2000 Paralympic Games for the first time.

In Russia, powerlifting became an official sport in 1987, when the USSR Athleticism Federation was formed, in the presidium of which the Powerlifting Commission was created. In 1990, an independent USSR Powerlifting Federation was formed, which is a member of the IPF.

To date, the Russian Powerlifting Federation is the only one accredited by the State Committee for Sports out of all existing organizations of this kind in the Russian Federation.

Recently, competitions have been increasingly held in one single movement: the bench press. Almost all federations have developed additional standards for this. Also, for example, in Ukraine, at one time, separate deadlift competitions were held. In addition, powerlifting began to be often included in the program of sports festivals, where in some cases it began to play the role of a key sport.

Powerlifting and Olympic movement

The large number of federations and regulations makes it nearly impossible for powerlifting to be included in the Olympics. However, powerlifting is part of the World Games held under the auspices of the International Olympic Committee. International Powerlifting Federation (IPF), holding international competitions, seeks to standardize them and include powerlifting in the Olympic Games.


The number of international powerlifting organizations is constantly growing. But, despite the decentralization that is inherent in world powerlifting, the International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) remains the most famous and popular. The IPF is considered the only international powerlifting organization that is a member of the World Games Association and the General Assembly of International Sports Federations. All other organizations that are called "international" are not recognized by the world's leading sports organizations, so their status remains uncertain in terms of world sports practice.

In 2004, after a long process, the IPF was recognized by the IOC. In accordance with the anti-doping policy pursued by the IOC, the IPF has signed the WADA code. These steps, according to experts, are ongoing measures towards the recognition of powerlifting as an Olympic sport. As of October 1, 2007, 108 countries of the world became members of the IPF.

Following the IPF in terms of the number of participating countries, there are four organizations: GPC (30), WPC (30), WABDL (28), WDFPF (23).

International federations

International Powerlifting Association (IPA)

Revolution Powerlifting Syndicate (RPS)

Xtreme Powerlifting Coalition (XPC)

International Powerlifting Federation (IPF)

Global Powerlifting Committee (GPC)

World Powerlifting Federation (WPF)

World Drug-Free Powerlifting Federation (WDFPF)

World Powerlifting Alliance (WPA)

World Powerlifting Congress (WPC)

World Association of Bench Pressers and Deadlifters (WABDL)

European Drug-Free Power Athletics Union

Russian federations

IPF - Russian Powerlifting Federation

IPA - National Powerlifting Association

WPA - Russia

Heroic brotherhood

Ukrainian federations

IPF National Powerlifting Federation of Ukraine, FPU

IPF Powerlifting Federation of Donetsk region, FPDO

IPF Powerlifting Federation of Chernivtsi region, FPSO

IPF Dnepropetrovsk Regional Powerlifting Federation, DOFP

IPF Powerlifting Federation of Kharkiv region, FPHO

IPF Poltava Regional Powerlifting Federation, FPPO

IPF Khmelnitsky Regional Powerlifting Federation, HOFP

UDFPF Ukrainian Doping-Free Pairlifting Federation, UBFP

Kazakhstan federations

Kazakhstan Powerlifting Federation (KPF)

Almaty Powerlifting Power Center Centurion Federation WPC/AWPC

Kokshetau Powerlifting Power Center Burabay IPF Federation

Rules for performing competitive exercises.

Barbell Squats

In this exercise, you need to remove the barbell from the racks, sit down with it and stand up.

In this case, a number of conditions must be met:

Squats should be deep enough to top part surface of the legs hip joints was lower than the top of the knees

The bar should rest motionless on the shoulders.

You have to get up on the first try. Retry attempts are not allowed.

The feet must be motionless.

These are the basic rules for squats.

Squat technique

The technique of all power movements should be determined mainly by the recorded result. Even a technique that is not entirely correct from a theoretical point of view has the right to life if it allows the athlete to lift Weight Limit. However, there are general rules, allowing you to bring the movement as close as possible to the ideal.

Here is some of them:

When doing squats, you need to keep your back straight, try not to bend it and not strongly deviate from the vertical position.

Try to keep your knees. That is, do not let them go forward much, as this will not allow you to sink deeply and make it much more difficult to get up.

Bench Press

It is necessary, lying on the bench, to remove the barbell from the racks, fix it in a position when the arms are straightened, then, at the command of the judge, lower the barbell to the chest, hold it in a stationary position on the chest with a certain and visible pause and squeeze it up with a uniform straightening of both arms to their full length. In this case, the athlete should lie on his back, with his head, shoulders and buttocks in contact with the surface of the bench.

Hands should hold tightly to the neck, while thumbs located "in the castle" around the neck. This grip of the fingers around the neck ensures that it is securely held in the palms of the hands. The athlete's shoes must be in contact with the surface of the platform with the entire sole. This position must be maintained throughout the exercise.

In addition, the movement is not counted if:

When performing a bench press, there was a downward movement.

When doing the press, the arms straightened unevenly.

The press was performed "without pause". Those. the absence of a complete visible stop of the bar at the bottom of the movement.

These are the basic rules for the bench press.

Deadlift bar

The deadlift is the easiest to perform and at the same time the most "heavy" exercise. It is necessary to tear the bar off the platform and straighten it. In the final position, the legs at the knees should be fully extended, the shoulders should be laid back.

As with other movements, there are a number of rules in the deadlift: The movement is not valid if

A downward movement was made on the bar before it reached its final position.

During the lift, the bar was supported by the hips.

In the final position, the shoulders are not laid back or the legs are not fully extended at the knees.

These are the basic rules of the deadlift.

Pull technique

There are 2 main styles of powerlifting deadlift: classic (narrow feet) and sumo (wide stance) deadlifts. The classic pull is more suitable for heavyweights, but there are exceptions (Maxim Guryanov 390 pulls in sumo style). For classical traction a strong back and, if possible, not very long legs are needed.

Sumo style requires the development of adductors and, in principle, is more effective than the classics, since the amplitude of movement is reduced. Almost all lightweights pull in sumo style.

The basic law of any deadlift is to lift the bar off the platform with your feet, and try to "keep" your back throughout the movement. The more legs work the better. In the starting position, the back should be almost straight and the legs bent. The separation of the bar from the platform is carried out with the legs with a straight back. If the legs are weak, they will automatically straighten, transferring the load to the back. When working with large weights, you must strive to perfect technique!

The disadvantage of modern powerlifting is the use of equipment (leotards and bandages for squatting and deadlifting, T-shirts for benching).

Not only does this translate powerlifting into technical types sports, where the result also depends on the quality of the equipment, the preparatory methodology itself has changed. An example is bench press training. When using a bench shirt, "Removing" from the chest is greatly facilitated - as a result, the methods have changed towards a greater emphasis on the second part of the movement - "squeeze".

Like it will jump out of the chest anyway, but you have to put the squeeze on yourself. These methods spoil the development shoulder girdle towards greater development of the upper part of the triceps (working precisely at the end of the movement) to the detriment of development pectoral muscles(working when taking off).

Powerlifting equipment

Bandages for squats and how they differ.

The main function of bandages is to protect the knee joints from injury. In addition, when doing squats, bandages help you get up. Help depends on the technique of movement, as well as on the quality and type of bandages. The bands are made by the main manufacturers of powerlifting equipment. These are Inzer, Titan and Marathon. Inzer and Marathon produce only one type of bandage, Titan - several types. The best bandages are Black Titan Red Devil, Marathon Double GoldLine and Inzer.

The principle of operation of the bandages: Titan is tougher, gives more. BUT! Titanium does not hold the knees well, fails at the bottom (if the wind is not very hard "in a rag"), the legs become more numb from it. Marathon does not stretch as much as Titan, it is easy to stretch it "into a rag". Marathon gives less than Titan, but keeps his knees, keeps him down, his legs do not numb with him. Both Marathon and Titan are widely used in world and regional competitions. Bandages Inzer appeared relatively recently and therefore are not so common. However, you should definitely pay attention to them, since the reviews about them are the most flattering and many athletes have already given them preference.

Squat & Deadlift Jumpsuit

The squat suit is a leotard made from a special elastic fabric. When squatting, it stretches, and in an effort to pull back, "pushes" up at the bottom of the movement. The jumpsuit is sewn in a special way and has such an arrangement of seams that will provide the greatest rigidity. The overalls are put on with effort, and an assistant is needed to put on the straps. Overalls are manufactured by Titan Marathon and Inzer.

Inzer overalls are the simplest, they are easy to put on, almost do not distort the movement technique. The Titan and Marathon are stronger than the Inzer and give big gains in the squat. They are much more difficult to put on than Inzer, and affect the technique of movement. Titan soft jumpsuit, made of soft elastic material, Marathon on the contrary, hard; the material from which it is made resembles a tarpaulin.

To decide which jumpsuit is best for you, you need to squat yourself in different jumpsuits. Marathon is more suitable for someone, Titan for someone, and someone will not be able to squat at all either in Marathon or Titan, but Inzer will give well. For deadlifts, the same overalls are usually used as for squats. Some squat in Titan, pull in Marathon. Some are the opposite. This is an individual question, as you like.


Special shoes are not necessary, however, when the athlete reaches high level technique and results shoes can play an important role. So, special shoes can be used for squats.

For the deadlift, the position of the bar relative to the knees (in height) is critical. The higher the bar, the easier it is to lift. Therefore, the sole of the shoe for traction should be as thin and rigid as possible (otherwise it will be difficult to keep balance). Adidas produces special sneakers that meet all the rules of powerlifting and are the most comfortable shoes for traction.

Bench press shirt

This is a special T-shirt made of a special elastic material. In addition, it has additional reinforcing seams. The principle of operation is that it stretches, and trying to pull back helps. Dressed for a long time, with the help of several (at least 1) people. Dressing yourself is impossible. The arms in the bench shirt do not drop, but hang parallel to the floor and to each other. A person who is well versed in this should wear such a T-shirt!

ADDITIONS: A purely personal question. Someone without a shirt presses more than in a shirt. And for someone she adds 15-25 kg in the bench press. You need to try it yourself and see if the T-shirt works or not.

FEEL: When pressing, it digs hard into the chest and cuts in the armpits. Usually it helps to tear the barbell off the chest, and then you do the pressing yourself. Therefore, to bench press in a tank top, you need to have a strong triceps to press. The main manufacturer of T-shirts is INZER. You can hardly see a T-shirt of any other company. The main one is INZER.

monkey grip

Monkey grip - this is the position of the hands on the bar, with the bench press, when all 5 fingers go around the bar on one side. The monkey grip is prohibited in the IPF as it can cause injury if the bar slips out of the hands and falls on the chest. However, many continue to use this grip, as it somewhat simplifies the press: the bar rests not on 4, but on 5 fingers.

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History of powerlifting


This essay will cover such a sport as powerlifting (from the English powerlifting; power - "strength" and lift - "lift") or power triathlon. Powerlifting is an acyclic strength sport with stereotyped movement. Its competitive essence is the movement with a barbell in three basic exercises with maximum weight. The result is determined by the amount of exercises. Power triathlon, as mentioned above, includes three movements: squats with a barbell on the back, bench press, lying on a horizontal bench, barbell pull from the floor ( deadlift). Further aspects of this sport will be considered in more detail.

1 .History in the world

Powerlifting originated at the turn of the 40-50s of the twentieth century. His main movements were taken from weightlifting, where they were used to increase results in competitive exercises. Then, powerlifting included slightly different movements than now, for example, such exercises as bending the arms with a barbell while standing, pressing from behind the head, etc. were included in the competition. So, in the UK there was own kind"Strength set", which included a barbell curl, bench press and squat. Modern powerlifting began to take shape by the mid-1960s. The first competitions were held in 1965. In November 1972, the International Powerlifting Federation was created ( I international P overlifting F ederation), the only international powerlifting organization that is a member of the World Games Association and the General Assembly of International sports organizations. Already in 1973 the first official world championship was held. Since 1963, power triathlon has been included in Para Olympic Games.

In 2004, after a long process, the IPF received recognition from the International Olympic Committee and signed the WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) code.

2. Historypowerliftingain the USSR

In the USSR, powerlifting for a long time was not recognized, in the Soviet Union there was a kind of powerlifting called athletic gymnastics or athleticism. The main differences were in the combination of powerlifting with bodybuilding. At the competitions, the athlete had to not only show high strength results, but also be aesthetically complex. Thus, the competition program included bench press and barbell squats, then the participants posed for the jury. The competition began in the 1980s. Such an exercise as a deadlift was usually excluded from the competition program, instead, participants competed in the long jump or pull-ups. It is worth noting that the bodybuilding (bodybuilding) competition program included exercises such as bench press and squats.

Powerlifting was recognized as an official sport only in 1987 with the formation of the USSR Athleticism Federation, headed by the Olympic champion in weightlifting Yuri Petrovich Vlasov.

First official competitions in power triathlon of the RSFSR were held at the beginning of 1988 in Krasnoyarsk, then the first USSR Cup took place. And in the summer the first international meeting of the USSR-USA. In 1990, the USSR national team took part in the World Championship, where it took 3rd place.

Separation of powerlifting from bodybuilding in the USSR occurred in 1990, then the USSR Powerlifting Federation was formed, which is part of the IPF. The president of the federation was Ananievsky Sergey Dmitrievich, Main coach national team.

3. Current state

To date, power triathlon includes three competitive movements. Bench press lying on the bench, squats with a barbell on the back, barbell pull from the floor. The competition regulations are inherited from weightlifting, three attempts are given for each movement, if the athlete could not overcome the weight in all three attempts, he is removed from the competition. Athletes perform in weight categories, the winner is determined by the sum of all three exercises. If the results match, the winner is the one whose weight at the weigh-in turned out to be less. Absolute Champion competitions is determined by the Wilks formula (the total weight lifted is multiplied by the Wilks coefficient), the Wilks coefficient is determined using a special table, it reflects the ratio between the athlete’s own weight and the weight he lifted, it is also used when comparing the results of athletes of different weight categories.

Some competitive movements of power triathlon have acquired the status of independent sports, for which sports titles are also awarded. For example, the bench press, it also has branches: folk bench press and Russian bench press. The first is based on squeezing the barbell from the chest of its own weight as many times as possible, while the second consists in the bench press of a fixed weight bar, which in turn has several varieties ("Damn's Dozen"; "Press Marathon" and "Classic Russian Press").

Recently, as a result of improving the production technology of equipment for power triathlon, powerlifting has been divided into equipment and non-equipment (classic). Equipment includes knee and wrist wraps, bench press shirt, squat and deadlift shirt, squat overalls, deadlift overalls. At its core, equipment is meant to protect against injury. But, as mentioned above, new production technologies have improved it so much that the results in it and without it can vary quite significantly. So, professionals in the bench press can "remove" 100-120 kg from the T-shirt. In the deadlift, equipment, in terms of increasing the result, is practically meaningless due to the peculiarities of the exercise (there is no moment of stress accumulation).

4 .Equipment in powerlifting

· IPF uses certified powerlifting bars, alternative federations may use specially designed bars for individual lifts.

a set of pancakes, it is recommended to use non-rubberized pancakes, which have a smaller thickness than conventional rubberized pancakes from weightlifting, since for a high-class athlete, the required weight from rubberized pancakes may not fit on the bar. The diameter of pancakes should not exceed 45 cm.

racks for bench press and squats, can be both separate and universal. In alternative federations, the Monolift device may be used.

platform for deadlift.

5. Sports ranks

In the FPR, as an official organization, official ranks and ranks are assigned - 3, 2, 1 digits, CMS, MS, MSMK.

The Russian alternative federations have a similar system of ranks, but the title "Elite" is added above the MSIC. These titles should be distinguished from the official ones, usually there is a postscript - “Master of Sports of such and such a federation” and they do not have an official status. The standards do not coincide with the FPR standards. To get the title, you usually need to compete in the doping-free division.

In foreign federations, a different system of ranks has been adopted - 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st classes, Master, Elite.

6. Weight categories



from 53.01 kg. up to 59.0 kg

from 59.01 kg. up to 66.0 kg

from 66.01 kg. up to 74.0 kg

from 74.01 kg. up to 83 kg

from 83.1 kg. up to 93.0 kg

from 93.01 kg. up to 105.0 kg

from 105.01 kg. up to 120.0 kg

from 120.01 kg and above.



from 43.01 kg. up to 47.0 kg.

from 47.01 kg. up to 52.0 kg.

from 52.01 kg. up to 57.0 kg.

from 57.01 kg. up to 63.0 kg.

from 63.01 kg. up to 72.0 kg.

from 72.01 kg. up to 84.0 kg.

from 84.01 kg. and higher.

Alternative federations



from 52.01 kg. up to 56.1 kg.

from 56.01 kg. up to 60.0 kg.

from 60.01 kg. up to 67.5 kg.

from 67.51 kg. up to 75.0 kg.

from 75.01 kg. up to 82.5 kg.

from 82.51 kg. up to 90.0 kg.

from 90.01 kg. up to 100.0 kg.

from 100.01 kg. up to 110.0 kg.

from 110.01 kg. up to 125.0 kg.

from 125.01 kg. up to 140.0 kg.

from 140.01 kg. and higher.



from 44.01 kg. up to 48.0 kg.

from 48.01 kg. up to 52.0 kg.

from 52.01 kg. up to 56.0 kg.

from 56.01 kg. up to 60.0 kg.

from 60.01 kg. up to 67.5 kg.

from 67.51 kg. up to 75.0 kg.

from 75.01 kg. up to 82.5 kg.

from 82.51 kg. up to 90.0 kg.

from 90.01 kg. and higher.

7. Age categories

Men - adults: from 14 years old (by date of birth) and older (no restrictions in weight categories)

Boys: from 14 years old (by date of birth) to 18 years old.

4th group: from January 1 of the calendar year in which one turns 70 years old and older (the 4th age group of veterans is not subdivided

Women - adults: from 14 years old (by date of birth) and older (no restrictions in weight categories).

Boys (girls): from 14 years old (by date of birth) to 18 years old.

3rd group: from January 1 of the calendar year in which one turns 60 years old and older (the 3rd age group of veterans is not divided into weight categories).

Participation in competitions is allowed from the age of 14 (in the Russian Federation from 13 years).


powerlifting sport triathlon power

In this essay, such a sport as powerlifting was considered. This is a relatively young look. competitive activity, which originated from auxiliary exercises, but, nevertheless, gained considerable popularity in the world. Its essence is the development of maximum power in three competitive exercises. He may never be included in the program of the Olympic Games, but I am sure he will not lose his followers.

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Development of powerlifting closely associated with Egypt and Ancient Rome, where athletic competitions and competitions between the Spartans were held. The first strongman in the world was the Greek Milona of Croton, who lived in the sixth century BC. At a young age, he carried a calf in his arms, then a bull, but at an older age, a huge bull. It is worth noting that the athletic culture of the ancient Greeks was adopted by the Romans, who improved weightlifting. In those days, competitions between strong men were not held for sports title but for entertainment. Gladiator fights were held, which were considered an important event and a performance of strong actors. It is worth noting that today not only professional athletes, but also sports fans are engaged in powerlifting. During the Roman Empire, gladiators and strongmen were raised and trained for war. Interest in athleticism disappeared with the collapse of the mighty Rome. The cult of human strength was remembered only in the Renaissance. The world of powerlifting was transported to the 14th-15th century, when English warriors specially trained in pushing an iron beam. The Scots especially appreciated the heroic strength, who to this day arrange performances on power struggle and weightlifting. In those days, every young Scot had to lift a stone weighing at least 100 kilograms and place it on a second stone no lower than one meter twenty centimeters. Only after this procedure young guy was recognized as an adult male, and he had the right to wear a bear skin and a hat.
Since the beginning of the 1950s, weightlifting began to take shape as a power sport. Many Western and European countries are creating sports mugs and sections. Rules and regulations for competitions appear, and the first tournaments and competitions of strongmen are held. At the same time, in Australia, the USA and England, such weightlifting exercises as squats with a barbell, barbell rows, and bench press gained popularity. So, a new sport of powerlifting appeared.

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In 1964, the first official championship in this sport was held in the United States. From that moment on, the world of powerlifting began to actively develop and spread around the world. And since 1971, powerlifting competitions begin to be held regularly. This sport has received huge development in its homeland - in the USA. A huge number of Powerlifting Federations are concentrated here. Competitions are held not only among juniors, but also among people over 40-50 years old. At the national level, competitions are held among secondary school students, which can be open or closed.

Powerlifting World

Currently, powerlifting or powerlifting looks like this.

Powerlifting ranks video

The video demonstrates modern achievements in powerlifting!

As L.A. points out Ostapenko powerlifting existed in ancient times, the use of force has been relevant almost from the very beginning of human civilization. Almost all nations have legends about strong people. Strong people always had respect, often it was because of the developed power abilities that such people became leaders or commanders. Weight lifting is The best way measure strength. Therefore, even in ancient times, people began to train with heavy weights in order to lift more weight. And so the sport of powerlifting arose - weight lifting competitions.

The ancient Greeks were the first to invent the "galoteros" shells for training in this sport. Stone or metal cores were connected with handles. And the first powerlifting competitions were held within the framework of the ancient Olympic Games, which is confirmed by a stone weight found during excavations, weighing 143 kilograms (Ostapenko L.A. Powerlifting. Theory and practice of body building. M: Olympus, 2002. 122p.).

In the sixth century BC, the first powerlifting champion Milo of Croton lived. P.M. Guzeev writes about the owner of impressive strength, pointing out that Milon of Croton constantly and systematically trained. Even in his youth, he began to carry a calf on his shoulders. So little by little the calf gained weight, and after a certain time he turned into a healthy and heavy bull, which Milon still continued to carry on his shoulders. The ancient Greek historian Pausanius testified that once Milo ran with a bull on his shoulders the entire length of the stadium. Milo of Croton conquered 6 higher Olympic awards(Guzeev P.M. Powerlifting. M: Terra-Sport. 2003. 56 p.).

Another strong man is also known Ancient Greece Polydamas, who, according to historical data, fought and strangled 2 lions on Mount Olympus.

AT Ancient Rome weight lifting and powerlifting competitions come from the Greeks. The famous strongmen of those times - Atanata, Fuvia Silvia and Rusticelia, nicknamed "Hercules", which took place in the arena of the Colosseum.

A.M. Gorbov writes that the emperors of Rome in every possible way contributed to the development of strength abilities among men, since tall and strong soldiers were needed to participate in wars. In this connection, exercises with weight lifting were popular with the ancient Romans. There is a story about the strongman Vinia Valens, who lifted a wagon loaded with furs with water, weighing one and a half tons, and held it for some time.

Powerlifting lost its popularity as a sport during the fall of the Roman Empire, and was forgotten for several centuries. It was only in the Renaissance that he again began to gain his fame (Gorbov A.M. Complex training of a powerlifter. Donetsk: Stalker, 2007. 176 p.).

In the XIV-XV centuries, English soldiers were pushing an iron beam while training power abilities. At the end of the 16th century, young Englishmen were asked to do dancing instead of dancing. exercise with weights. The English educator John Northbrook even mentioned in his notes a projectile resembling a barbell - a stick, at the ends of which lead weights were suspended (Guzeev P.M. Powerlifting. M: Terra-Sport. 2003. 56 p.).

R.M. Opukhtin singles out France, Italy, Austria, Germany as rapidly developing countries in powerlifting in the seventeenth century.

In America, Louis Cyr, a policeman from Montreal, was famous, weighing one hundred and fifty kilograms. He became famous for the fact that he simply carried hooligans to the police station under his arms. And there was also Walter Kennedy, who lifted a core weighing 600 kg (Opukhtin R.M. All about powerlifting. R.n / Don: Phoenix. 2000. 456 p.).

Powerlifting - this sport got its name from the merger of two English words "power" - strength, power and "lifting" - lifting. At present, historians find it difficult to say the exact date when the sport of powerlifting became a purely sports discipline. In Russia, it is most common as a power triathlon. This sport resembles weightlifting, but differs in exercises and has its own characteristics. Powerlifting consists of three exercises performed by athletes that are more static than dynamic weightlifting and consist of lifting the maximum weight in three attempts. Athletes experience enormous loads and therefore have special sports equipment that protects against injuries (stretch marks, dislocations, pinched spine, etc.). Powerlifting is not one of the Olympic sports, but it has its own federation (it has existed for more than 30 years) and world-class competitions are held in it, in which Russia has worthily held the first place for more than 15 years (Ostapenko L.A. Powerlifting. Theory and practice of bodybuilding Moscow: Olimp, 2002. 122 p.).

Many historians believe that powerlifting originated in the fifties of the twentieth century. In a number of countries where power sports were traditionally considered popular, non-professional tournaments of strongmen were held. Constantly, power tournaments acquired official status, thanks to the developed competition rules, which included the competition of athletes in three exercises: squat, bench press and deadlift (Gorbov A.M. Complex training of a powerlifter. Donetsk: Stalker, 2007. 176 p.).

Among athletic sports (weightlifting, bodybuilding, kettlebell lifting), powerlifting or power triathlon is a young type of competitive exercise. Suffice it to say that the world championships have been held since 1971, the European championships since 1978, and the first USSR championship was held in 1990 (Opukhtin R.M. All about powerlifting. R.n / Don: Phoenix. 2000. 456 p. ).

Powerlifting was close to official recognition before the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City. Nevertheless, the recognition of power diving as a sport did not happen so long ago, and then as an experiment. The IOC decision was later withdrawn at the urging of the leaders of the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF). Naturally, recognition by the IOC does not mean that powerlifting will immediately appear in the Olympics program, but this is an important step before obtaining the official status of an Olympic sport.

In our country, powerlifting and several other sports power disciplines at the beginning of their development were classified as bourgeois sports. The pronunciation of the word "powerlifting" itself was considered seditious. Therefore, athletes practiced it in the basements, and in order not to close the halls equipped with sports equipment, they called it athletic gymnastics.

A.M. Dvorkin also emphasizes that domestic athletic gymnastics was by no means compared with Western culture and drew attention to the fact that borrowing Western means and methods is strictly prohibited. Athletes were slandered for their desire to quickly build significant muscle mass, as well as for their commitment to weight training at the expense of other means. physical education. In addition, athletes have been accused of focusing on muscle growth, they pay little attention to the development and coordinated changes in other body systems, such as cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolism, and so on (Dvorkin A.M. Power martial arts. Athletics, bodybuilding, powerlifting, kettlebell lifting. Rostov n / Don : Phoenix, 2003. 384 p.).

But, despite all the difficulties, athleticism was gaining more and more popularity among young people. Starting in 1962, articles began to be published in the popular magazine " Sport life in Russia”, books devoted to athletic gymnastics were published, and exercise complexes were printed in the journal “Physical Culture and Sport” and some other publications. According to L.A. Ostapenko, the All-Union Conference on Gymnastics, which was held in Moscow in 1968, attributed the new sport to the section of general developmental types of gymnastics (Ostapenko L.A. Powerlifting. Theory and practice of bodybuilding. M: Olympus, 2002. 122 p.).

The popularity of athleticism gradually grew and as a result was recognized as a mass sport. The first competitions in our country took place under the leadership of the Komsomol, squats and bench press were included in the competition program. Interesting, but there were also funny cases. Powerlifting, obviously, did not fit well with the official line of development of physical culture and sports, which consisted in "harmonious, all-round development of a person's personality." In this connection, the "ideologists from sports" invented various, and sometimes curious ways of "correcting" this sport.

P.M. Guzeev points out that powerlifting has become an official sport in our country only since 1987, when the USSR Athletic Federation was formed. In 1990, an independent Federation of Powerlifting of the USSR was formed (Guzeev P.M. Powerlifting. M: Terra-Sport. 2003. 56 p.).

At the World Championships in Birmingham in 1992, the Russian men's national team for the first time took second prize in the team standings, only the US team was ahead. Ekaterina Tanokova and Sergey Zhuravlev are the first Russian champions powerlifting world.

Currently, there are about twenty powerlifting federations in the world, most of which are located in the United States. Many federations of them are international. Among them, the most representative is IPF ( international federation powerlifting). It includes about forty countries in Europe, North and South America, Asia, Australia (not only Africa). Powerlifting federations have differences in their negative or positive attitude towards doping, the rules for performing certain exercises, and much more (Gorbov A.M. Complex training for a powerlifter. Donetsk: Stalker, 2007. 176 p.).

Nowadays, the development of power sports, including powerlifting, has acquired an unprecedented scale. Thousands of people participate in strongman competitions, tens of thousands are constantly systematically engaged in powerlifting, bodybuilding and bodybuilding in sections under the guidance of professional trainers and on their own, using methodological literature for this. Due to its simplicity and accessibility, powerlifting is gaining popularity. Powerlifting helps build muscle mass, strengthen ligaments and joints, help develop endurance, flexibility and other physical qualities, nurture the will, self-confidence, increase the efficiency of the whole organism (Ostapenko L.A. Powerlifting. Theory and practice of bodybuilding. M: Olympus, 2002. 122p.) .