Pedagogical development. Bioenergetic plastics in speech therapy classes with preschoolers Bioenergetic plastics in speech therapy work

Alla Petrukhina
Bioenergy plastics in corrective work speech therapist

An important condition for the beginning of a child's successful schooling is well-formed oral speech. Modern child before entering school, he must be able to pronounce sounds correctly, have developed phonemic hearing, know letters, read syllables, have a rich vocabulary, build detailed, coherent, grammatically correct statements. All this will help the kid to fully communicate with peers, establish contact with the teacher, develop comprehensively and succeed in all subjects, be confident in himself and in his abilities. Correct and rich oral speech expands the child's ability to cognize the surrounding reality, forms deeper and more meaningful relationships with peers and adults.

In recent years, the number of children suffering from chronic diseases. In the current conditions, pedagogical activity should be aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children.

Health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Basic principles of health saving are:

Principle "Do no harm!";

The principle of consciousness and activity;

The principle of continuity of the health-saving process;

The principle of systematic and consistent;

The principle of accessibility and individuality;

The principle of comprehensive and harmonious development of personality;

The principle of systemic alternation of loads and rest;

Principle gradual increase wellness


Bioenergy plastics refers to health-saving technologies in

speech therapy.

What bioenergy plastics?

Bioenergy plastics- this is a combination of movements of the articulatory apparatus and movements of the hands.

The term is made up of two words: bioenergy and plastic.

Bioenergy is that energy that is inside the person.

Plastic - smooth, relaxed movements of the body, hands.

It is known that when pronouncing sounds, the organs of the speech apparatus take special provision or articulatory pattern, which is characteristic of a particular sound. Incorrect arrangement of the organs of articulation leads to defective pronunciation of speech sounds. It is for the formation of the necessary and full-fledged articulation patterns, as well as various muscles speech apparatus uses articulatory gymnastics, which consists of a complex special exercises aimed at developing the basic movements of the organs of articulation. Daily gymnastics strengthens the muscles of the speech apparatus, while the movements of the tongue and lips become precise, strong, confident.

Unfortunately, daily gymnastics reduces children's interest in this process, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of articulation exercises. Therefore, the execution articulatory gymnastics using bioenergy plastics helps to keep the interest of the child for a long time, helps to increase the motivational readiness of children for classes, supports the positive emotional mood of the student and teacher.

According to A. V. Yastrebova, “... body movements, joint movements of the hand and articulatory apparatus, help to activate the natural distribution bioenergy in the body. This has an extremely beneficial effect on the activation of the intellectual activity of children, optimizes the psychological base of speech, improves the motor abilities of the child in all respects, promotes correction of sound pronunciation, phonemic processes".

O. V. Lazarenko believes that “... the application bioenergy plastics effectively accelerates the correction of defective sounds in children with reduced and impaired kinesthetic sensations, since working the palm repeatedly amplifies the impulses going to the cerebral cortex from the tongue.

There is a system work with children using bioenergy plastics. Its authors are A. V. Yastrebova and O. I. Lazarenko. According to system they developed, gymnastics is a means of shaping the speech-cogitative activity and culture of oral speech of children. The authors recommend using articulation exercises for the development of flexibility and mobility of individual parts of the articulatory apparatus. The movements of the hands when performing gymnastics imitate the movements of the lips, tongue, and lower jaw.

Peculiarities work using

bioenergy plastics

Acquaintance with the articulation exercise according to the standard method.

Practicing it in front of a mirror. The hand is not involved in the exercise. The teacher demonstrating the exercise accompanies the demonstration with one hand.

The leading hand joins the articulation exercise.

The movements of the hand should become relaxed, smooth.

Gradually, the second hand is connected. Thus, the child performs an articulation exercise or holds a pose with simultaneous


both hands, which imitate the movements of the articulatory apparatus.

In order to increase the child's interest in such exercises, a game character is used (for example, "Magic Snakes",

"Chupa and Chups", score, music, poetry.

Articulation exercises using

bioenergy plastics

Static exercises

The purpose of the exercises: education of accuracy, clarity, smoothness and stability of articulatory movements, development of coordination of movements of the hands, fine motor skills of the fingers, activation of the child's intellectual activity, development of memory, voluntary attention, visual and auditory perception, interhemispheric interconnection, formation of the ability to act according to verbal instructions.

Turned us into frogs

We reached for the ears.

Stretched out, smiled

And then they returned home.

Starting position - the hand is horizontally at the level of the solar plexus, the fingers are straightened and closed, the palm is slightly relaxed, pointing down

To account "one" slightly bend the palm in the lower phalanges, point the fingers slightly upward. Hold the hand in this position counting from 1 to 10, then return to starting position and hold under the count from 1 to 5. Repeat 4-5 times.

Target: work out the ability to stretch the lips forward, hold in this position for several seconds.

To account "one" pull closed lips forward. Hold "proboscis" under the count from 1 to 10. Then return the lips to their original position, hold the count from 1 to 5. Repeat 4-5 times.


The elephant pulled out the trunk,

He invited us to play.

Lips "proboscis" folded,

Made friends with the elephant.

Description of the movements of the hand and fingers.

To account "one" bend 4 fingers in the lower phalanges and close with thumb arms. Hold the hand in this position for a count of 1 to 10, then return to its original position and hold for a count of 1 to 5. Repeat 4-5 times.

Target: work out the ability to keep the tongue out of the mouth wide and relaxed.

Description of the articulation exercise.

Starting position - sitting on a chair in front of a mirror, the head is held straight, the mouth is closed.

To account "one" smile, open your mouth. Stick it out of your mouth and put a wide, relaxed tongue on your lower lip. Hold the tongue in this position for a count of 1 to 10. Then return the tongue and lips to their original position and hold for a count of 1 to 5. Repeat 5-6 times.

Instead of an account, you can use poetic lines

One, two - pull down,

Turn into a spatula

So that our language is skillful,

We are charging.

Description of the movements of the hand and fingers.

Starting position - the hand is horizontally at the level of the solar plexus, the fingers are straightened and closed, the palm is slightly relaxed, pointing down.

To account "one" lower the hand with closed fingers down and hold in this position under the count from 1 to 10, then return to its original position and hold under the count from 1 to 5. Repeat 5-6 times.

The wind blows the sail

Our boat is being adjusted.

One, two, three, four, five,

We will keep the sail.

Description of the movements of the hand and fingers.

Starting position - the hand is horizontally at the level of the solar plexus, the fingers are straightened and closed, the palm is slightly relaxed, pointing down.

To account "one" raise the hand with closed fingers up and slightly bend to hold the count from 1 to 10, then return to its original position and hold the count from 1 to 5.

This cup, my friend,

Made a clever tongue.

We need as long as possible

Hold this bucket.

Description of the movements of the hand and fingers.

Starting position - the hand is horizontally at the level of the solar plexus with the palm up, the fingers are closed and slightly bent in the lower phalanges.

To account "one" bend the closed fingers in the region of the lower and middle phalanges and slightly raise the tips up, hold the palm in the shape of a ladle counting from 1 to 10, then return to its original position and hold the count from 1 to 5. Repeat 4-5 times.

The cat is angry

We have a cat in our apartment

He likes to hiss a little.

The back arched,

Angry at you and me.

Description of the movements of the hand and fingers.

Starting position - the hand is horizontally at the level of the solar plexus, the fingers are straightened and closed, the palm is slightly relaxed, pointing down.

To account "one" bend the closed fingers in the lower and middle phalanges, hold the palm in the shape of a bucket with the fingers down, counting from 1 to 10, then return to the starting position and hold the count from 1 to 5. Repeat 5-6 times

Tongue lifted up

It looked like a fungus.

We'll hold on just a little

And then we'll pull the leg.

Description of the movements of the hand and fingers.

Starting position - the hand is horizontally at the level of the solar plexus, the fingers are straightened and closed, the palm is slightly relaxed, pointing down.

To account "one" bend the hand with closed fingers in the region of the lower phalanges and hold in shape "ladle" under the count from 1 to 10, then return to the starting position and hold under the count from 1 to 5. Repeat 4-5 times.

Dynamic exercises

The purpose of the exercises: the formation of the ability to smoothly switch from one articulatory movement to another, the cultivation of accuracy, focus, smoothness of movements of articulatory organs, the development of coordination of movements of the hands and fingers, the development of memory, voluntary attention, visual and auditory perception, interhemispheric interconnection, the formation of the ability to act according to verbal instructions .

brushing teeth

Of course we love

Gently brush your teeth.

One, two, three, four, five -

Let's rinse our mouths.

Description of the movements of the hand and fingers.

To account "one" lower the hand down and move from side to side, counting from 1 to 5. On the count "two" raise the brush up and also perform movements from side to side, counting from 1 to 5. The fingers of the palm raised up or down indicate the upper or lower position of the tongue. Then return the brush to its original position.

We were swinging on the swings

Rising high,

Up-down, up-down,

Hold on very tight.

Description of the movements of the hand and fingers.

Starting position - the hand is horizontally at the level of the solar plexus, the fingers are straightened and closed, the palm is pointing down.

To account "one" raise closed fingers up, counting "two" put your palm down. Perform the exercise under the count from 1 to 10, then return to the starting position and hold from 1 to

Like the hands of a clock

We move the tongue.

Our clock is running fast

They want to help the tongue.

Description of the movements of the hand and fingers.

Starting position - the hand is horizontally at the level of the solar plexus, the fingers are straightened and closed, the palm is pointing down.

To account "one" turn the brush to the left, count "two" turn right.

Perform under the count from 1 to 10, then return to the starting position and hold the count from 1 to 5. Repeat 4-5 times.


Our teeth are a comb

They combed the tongue.

We comb many times

To make it smooth for us.

Description of the movements of the hand and fingers.

Starting position - left hand located palm up, the fingers of the right hand are bent and located on the fingers of the other hand. The hands are horizontally at the level of the solar plexus.

To account "one" run the fingers of the dominant hand along the fingers and palms of the other hand to the wrist, then return to the starting position. To account "two" perform the same movement. Perform the exercise under the count from 1 to 10, then return to the starting position and hold under the count from 1 to 5. Repeat 5-6 times.

A horse galloped to us,

We heard the sound of hooves

Raise the tongue up

And let's jump into the meadow.

Description of the movements of the hand and fingers.

Starting position - the hand is horizontally at the level of the solar plexus, 4 fingers are closed with the thumb.

Under the count from 1 to 10, in turn close and open 4 fingers with the thumb, while the fingers remain bent in the lower phalanges. Then return to the starting position and hold under the count from 1 to 5. Repeat the exercise 6-7 times.

Our turkey got angry

He did not let me play in the meadow.

He drove everyone out of the yard,

Run away, kids!

Description of the movements of the hand and fingers.

Under the count from 1 to 10, bend the fingers in the upper and middle phalanges, performing grasping movements. Then return to the starting position and hold under the count from 1 to 5. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times.

Let's put things in order at home

And help mom.

We will take the brushes in our hands,

We paint everything ourselves.

Description of the movements of the hand and fingers.

Starting position - the hand is horizontally at the level of the solar plexus, the palm is directed upwards, the fingers are half-bent.

To account "one", "two", "three", "four" move half-bent fingers towards the wrist. To account "five" the fingers of the hand return to their original position, hold the count from 1 to 5. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times.

Tongue on a walk

Description of the articulation exercise.

Starting position - sitting on a chair in front of a mirror, the head is held straight, the mouth is closed.

To account "one" smile, open your mouth, stick your tongue out of your mouth and lift it up. To account "two" put the tongue down on the count "three" turn to the left corner of the mouth, at the expense "four" turn to the right corner of the mouth. Perform cross movements with the tongue 4 times in a row, then close the mouth, keep the count from 1 to 5 closed. Repeat 5-6 times.

Instead of counting, you can use poetic lines:

Our tongue is a fidget,

Not sitting still

Up-down, right-left,

Likes to travel.

Description of the movements of the hand and fingers.

Starting position - the hand is horizontally at the level of the solar plexus, the fingers are straightened and closed, the palm is lowered down.

To account "one" raise the brush up, at the expense "two" put down on account "three" turn left then count "four" turn right. Perform cross movements with the brush 4 times in a row, then return to the starting position and hold under the count from 1 to 5. Repeat 5-6 times.

sweet jam

Target: learn to perform circular motions language.

Description of the articulation exercise.

Starting position - sitting on a chair in front of a mirror, the head is held straight, the mouth is closed.

To account "one" smile, open your mouth, stick out your tongue and place the tip of your tongue in the left corner of your mouth. Under the count from 1 to 6, lick the tongue in a circle, first the upper, then the lower lip. Perform circular movements 4 times. Then close your mouth, keep it closed under the count from 1 to 5. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.

Instead of counting, you can use poetic lines:

Cooked jam

And we baked a cake.

All friends were invited to the feast

And they served jam.

Description of the movements of the hand and fingers.

Starting position - the hand is at the level of the solar plexus, the fingers are straightened and closed, the palm is pointing down.

To account "one" turn the hand to the left, then, counting from 1 to 6, perform circular movements with the hand along the path left - up - right - down. Perform circular movements with the brush 4 times in a row, then return to the starting position and hold the count from 1 to 5. Repeat 5-6 times.


Target: work out the ability to hold a wide tongue, perform tongue massage.

Description of the articulation exercise.

Starting position - sitting on a chair in front of a mirror, the head is held straight, the mouth is closed. To account "one" smile, open your mouth, stick out a wide, relaxed tongue from your mouth and put it on your lower lip, bite your tongue with your teeth and pronounce "five-five-five-five" under the count from 1 to 10. Then close your mouth, keep it closed under the count from 1 to 5. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times. Instead of counting, you can use poetic lines:

We decided to bake pancakes

A lot of dough was mixed.

To make it more fun

All friends were invited.

Description of the movements of the hand and fingers.

Starting position - the hands are located, as with cotton, palms to each other

To account "one", "two", "three", "four" etc. (from 1 to 10 times) clapping is performed. Then return the palms to their original position and hold under the count from 1 to 5. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times.

Target: learn to perform light massage lower lip with upper teeth.

Description of the articulation exercise. Starting position - sitting on a chair in front of a mirror, the head is held straight, the mouth is closed.

Smile, open your mouth and bite your lower lip with your upper front teeth counting from 1 to 10. Then close your mouth, keep it closed counting from 1 to 5. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times. Instead of counting, you can use poetic lines:

Likes to gnaw fluffy rabbit

And cabbage and carrots.

Giving a rabbit a carrot

And they patted the ears.

Description of the movements of the hand and fingers.

Starting position - the hand is horizontally at the level of the solar plexus, 4 fingers are closed with the upper phalanx thumb.

Under the count from 1 to 10, connect 4 bent fingers with the upper phalanx of the thumb, imitating biting. Then return the brush to its original position, hold the count from 1 to 5. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times.

In practice work managed to combine bioenergetics with such an interesting direction work like fairy tale therapy. Fairy tale therapy -

means "treatment with a fairy tale". Elements corrective work included in a fairy tale plot, contribute to the development of non-speech processes, and exactly: attention, memory, auditory, visual, tactile perception; movement development, and correct speech disorders.

The fairy tale finds application in various fields work with kids preschool age with speech disorders. And so the task speech therapist- so surround him with a game so that he does not notice that he is actually busy with a difficult work- correction of speech defects.

There are a number of methodological requirements:

Exercises are performed in front of a mirror.

Mastering these exercises is step by step:

At the first stage, children learn articulation exercises. They remember old ones or get acquainted with new ones, depending on the specific fairy tale.

At the second stage, hand movements are learned.

At the third stage, articulatory movements merge with hand movements. It is more time-consuming than the first two, and requires concentration and attention from children.

As a result:

Systematic work with the use of bioenergetics

helps to attract children's interest in speech therapy classes;

Allows you to achieve positive results in the development of articulatory and finger motor skills;

Facilitates the production, introduction of sounds into speech;

Promotes more rapid overcoming of speech disorders;

In this article, the technology of "bioenergy plastics" is studied, as an innovative method for developing the muscles of the articulatory apparatus. The stages and sequence of corrective work in the formation of aticulatory motility with the use of bioenergy plastics are presented. The value of bioenergy plastics in the system of formation of sound pronunciation in children with general underdevelopment of speech.



Application of "bioenergoplastic" technology

in the correctional work of a speech therapist

The more confidence in the movement of a child's hand,

the brighter the child's speech,

the more skill in a child's hand,

the smarter the child.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

In modern socio-economic conditions of the development of society, pedagogical science and practice are faced with the task of finding the most optimal systems for teaching and educating children with special health abilities. As part of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, the priority task is to solve these problems through the use of innovative technologies that are designed to improve the quality of education, increase the motivation of children, and accelerate the process of mastering new knowledge.

Preschool age is a period of active assimilation of the spoken language by the child, the formation and development of all aspects of speech - phonetic, lexical, grammatical. Full mastery of the native language in preschool childhood is a necessary condition for solving the problems of mental, aesthetic and moral education of children in the most sensitive period of development. Unfortunately, at present, every year there is a significant increase in the number of children with speech pathology, these are children with special health abilities.

The formation of the child's verbal speech begins when the movements of the fingers reach sufficient accuracy. In the studies of scientists from the Institute of Physiology of Children and Adolescents of the APN, a connection was noted between the intellectual and speech development of the child and the degree of development of finger motor skills and the stimulating role of training subtle movements fingers. The development of finger motor skills prepares the ground for the subsequent formation of speech. Working with children in compensatory groups and faced with their speech and motor difficulties, we applied an innovative technology in our practice - bioenergetic plastics.

Term "Bioenergetics"consists of two words: bioenergy and plastic. According to I.V. Kuris, bioenergy is the energy that is inside a person. Plastic - smooth, relaxed movements of the body, hands, which are the basis of bioenergetics. "Bioenergy plastics" includes three basic concepts: bio - a person as a biological object, energy - the force necessary to perform certain actions; plasticity is a movement associated with plasticity, which is characterized by continuity, energy fullness, emotional expressiveness. In corrective work, the most significant is the combination of bioenergetics with the movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. When performing an articulation exercise, the hand, as if "duplicate" tongue position, lower jaw, lips. According to Yastrebova A.V. and Lazarenko O.I. body movements, joint movements of the hand and articulatory apparatus, if they are plastic, relaxed and free, help to activate the natural distribution of bioenergy in the body. This has an extremely beneficial effect on the activation of the intellectual activity of children with disabilities, develops coordination of movements and fine motor skills, develops a sense of rhythm, orientation in space.

Articulation exercises in bioenergetics are combined into complexes that are used to develop the muscles of the speech organs and form the articulation patterns of sound groups. Exercise complexes are selected after a thorough examination of the sound pronunciation and movements of the articulatory organs.

The work on bioenergetic plastics is carried out in several stages:

Stage 1: Diagnostic(1st-2nd week of September)

Purpose: determination of the structure of the defect, its clinical manifestations and ways of correction.

  • Examination of the structure and mobility of the organs of articulation is carried out by well-known methods, the data are entered into the speech chart.
  • Drawing up a status report motor functions speech apparatus and sound pronunciation
  • Selection of a set of exercises taking into account disturbed sounds. Articulation exercises can be static, in which the organs of articulation remain in certain posture for a certain time, and dynamic, in which certain muscles actively move. Articulation gymnastics should include both types of exercises.

Stage 2: Preparatory(September)

Goal: establishing a trusting relationship with the child, creating a positive emotional mood, stimulating interest in activities with the help of playing tricks, relaxation exercises, musical background and a friendly attitude towards the child.

  • Acquaintance with the structure of the organs of speech and traditional articulation exercises, using articulating tales. When performing exercises, the speech therapist sits next to the child in front of the mirror. First, the teacher explains how to do the exercise, then shows, and then performs it together with the child. This process the teacher accompanies with the movements of his leading hand.

Stage 3: Main (October - April)

Purpose: development of the articulatory apparatus and fine motor skills, coordination of movements and interhemispheric connections.

  • Carrying out articulation exercises using bioenergy plastics, both static and dynamic exercises

Stage 4: Skill Automation(October - April)

Purpose: consolidation of the studied exercises in the speech corner.

  • Independent performance of movements by the child, and the teacher-speech therapist accompanies the performance of exercises, telling fairy tales.

Such finger-speech gymnastics is performed by the entire academic year. The speech pathologist looks after correct execution exercises. For variety, we useglove, shadow, finger theatres; we select or invent articulatory tales, various travel stories fairytale heroes. Classes are held individually or with a subgroup of two or three children.

All the knowledge gained in remedial classes, children fix at home with their parents. To this endwe establish partnership relations with the families of pupils. To improve the pedagogical culture among parents, we conduct workshops, game trainings:

  • familiarity with the organs of articulation;
  • peculiarities of articulatory structures when pronouncing various sounds;
  • with the specifics of conducting gymnastics with bioenergy plastics;

Thus, as a result of the work carried out, we came to the conclusion that the performance of articulatory gymnastics with the use of bioenergy plastics helps to attract children's interest in doing exercises, the development of articulatory and finger motor skills, the improvement of coordination of movements, the development of memory, attention, thinking. Bioenergoplasty optimizes the psychological base of speech, contributes to the correction of sound pronunciation, phonemic processes. Synchronization of work on speech and fine motor skills reduces the time of classes, enhances their effectiveness. The use of bioenergy plastics allows you to quickly remove the visual support - the mirror and move on to performing exercises based on sensations. This is especially important because in real life, children do not see their own articulation. The work done proves the feasibility of using bioenergetic plastics in working with children with speech pathology.


Bushlyakova R.G. Articulation gymnastics with bioenergetics. St. Petersburg: Detstvo-press, 2011.

Bykova N.M. Games and exercises for the development of speech. - St. Petersburg: Childhood-press, 2010.

Novotortseva N.V. The development of children's speech. - St. Petersburg: "CHILDHOOD PRESS", 2011.

About yoga dance or bioenergetics - an online resource.

Yastrebova A.V., Lazarenko O.I. Classes on the formation of speech-cogitative activity and culture of speech in children of five years. M.: Arktur, 2001.

Yastrebova A.V. I want to go to school: a system of exercises that form the speech-cogitative activity and culture of oral speech of children. – M.: ARKTI, 1999.

Mikhailova Elena Viktorovna
Job title: teacher speech therapist
Educational institution: GBOU School №283
Locality: Moscow city
Material name: methodical development
Topic:"The use of bioenergetics in the correctional work of a speech therapist"
Publication date: 26.03.2018
Chapter: preschool education

The use of bioenergetics in the correctional work of a speech therapist

The more confidence in the movement of a child's hand,

the brighter the child's speech, the more skill

in a child's hand, the smarter the child.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

the most important





increase in the number of children with speech pathology.

Good speech - essential condition comprehensive development of children. How

the richer and more correct the child's speech, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his

opportunities in cognition of the surrounding reality, more meaningful and full

relationships with peers and adults, the more actively his psyche develops.




(V.M. Bekhtereva,

MM. Koltsovoy,

A.A. Leontiev and others) confirm the stimulating role of training fine movements

fingers with the intellectual and speech development of the child. centers responsible for speech and





The relationship between the motor and speech zones is manifested in the fact that a person who has difficulty with



vice versa:


a child who draws or writes involuntarily sticks out his tongue.

Teachers-speech therapists successfully use articulation in their correctional work.

gymnastics, which includes a set of specific exercises aimed at

development of the main movements of the organs of articulation. Daily gymnastics

strengthens the muscles of the speech apparatus, while the movements of the tongue and lips become accurate,










sounds, hold the articulatory position for a long time.

In order for children's interest in daily gymnastics not to decrease and

the effectiveness of performing articulation exercises did not decrease, I recommend





for a long time


child's interest, increase motivational readiness, support positive

the emotional mood of the pupil and the teacher throughout the lesson.

Bioenergy plastics

connection of the movements of the articulatory apparatus with

hand movements.

It includes three basic concepts:

"bio" - a person as a biological object;

"energy" - the force necessary to perform certain actions;

"plasticity" - smooth movements of the body, hands, characterized by continuity,

energetic fullness, emotional expressiveness.

Body movements, joint movements of the hand and articulatory apparatus, if they

















positive structural changes in the body were noted: work is synchronized

hemispheres of the brain, develop abilities, improve memory, attention,

thinking, speech.

The principle of bioenergy plastics is the conjugated work of the fingers and hands and











bioenergy plastics



mobility of the articulatory apparatus, which, in turn, affects the accuracy in

mastering articulation patterns.

The results of the application of bioenergetics:

development of articulatory and fine motor skills;






significant facilitation of the production and introduction of sounds into speech;










physical and mental health;

lining up




educational space in the correction of children's speech.

The use of bioenergoplasty significantly accelerates the correction of incorrectly

uttered sounds in children with disturbed kinesthetic sensations, since

the working palm greatly amplifies the impulses going to the cerebral cortex from

language. I.P. Pavlov believed that any thought ends with movement. That's why

many people find it easier to think with repetitive physical activities eg walking,

swinging the leg, tapping the table with a pencil, etc. On physical activity



correctional and developmental






On the initial stage the child gets acquainted with the organs of articulation,

exercises for lips, tongue (everyone is familiar with articulation gymnastics). They are made while sitting.

in front of the mirror, the speech therapist accompanies the gymnastics with the movements of the leading hand.

The child remembers them, but he himself does not yet perform.

At the next stage, articulation exercises are performed with the connection

child's hands. The speech therapist together with the child performs the exercise, accompanies the show












an exercise











doing exercises. For this purpose, you can use the account, music, poems.

At the same time, with both hands, the adult continues to give a clear pattern of movement.

On the last final stage, the child independently performs

articulation exercises with movements of both hands.

A set of basic exercises of articulation gymnastics

using bioenergetics

Static exercises








articulatory movements, development of hand coordination, fine motor skills











relationships, the formation of the ability to act according to verbal instructions.


Target: develop the ability to hold an open mouth for a few seconds.

Open mouth wider

We play hippos:

Let's open our mouths wide

Like a hungry hippo.

You can't close it

I count to five.

And then we'll shut our mouths

The hippopotamus is resting.

"The Frogs"

Target: develop the ability to keep your lips in a smile for a few seconds.

We imitate frogs:

We pull the lips straight to the ears.

You are now pulling your lips -

I can see your teeth.

We will pull - we will stop

And we won't get tired.


Target: develop the ability to stretch the lips forward, hold in this position

few seconds.

I'm getting water

And I'm watering the kids!

I will imitate the elephant!

I pull my lips with a "trunk".

And now I'm letting them go

And I return to the place.


Target: develop skill


narrow tongue outside the mouth.

We imitate the snake

With her, we will be on a par:

Stick out your tongue and hide

Only this way, and not otherwise


Target: work out the rise of the tongue up, train the hyoid ligament.

Under the birch, by the path

The mushroom grows on a thick stem.

We can't get past

We will put the mushroom in a basket.

Dynamic exercises











smooth movements of articulatory organs, development of coordination of movements of the hands and











verbal instructions.


Target: develop the ability to hold a wide tongue, massage the tongue.

We baked some pancakes

Cool down on the window.

We will eat them with sour cream,

Let's invite Mom to dinner.


Target: learn to perform accurate and rhythmic movements with the tongue.

The children sat on the swing

And soared above the spruce.

Even touched the sun

And then they returned back.

"We clean


Target: learn to perform differentiated movements with the tongue.

Teeth should be brushed twice:

Every morning and every evening.

"Pussy Angry"

Target: develop the ability to change the position of the tongue, perform precise movements.

Look out the window

You will see a cat there.

The cat arched its back

She hissed and jumped...

pissed off pussy

Don't come close!


Target: develop the ability to alternate precise movements of the tongue.

Tick-tock, tick-tock.

The tongue swung so

Like a clock pendulum.

Are you ready to play the clock?


Target: develop skill

make movements

tongue on the upper lip.

I am a baldy-balda turkey

Run away whoever!


Target: learn to perform smooth movements with the tongue, train the hyoid ligament.

I got up this morning

And the village did not recognize:

Every pillar and every house

Has been painted by a painter.

If you want to live like in a fairy tale,

Call for help paint!


Target: develop the ability to click the tongue rhythmically, train the hyoid ligament.

I am a happy horse

Dark as chocolate.

Click your tongue loudly -

You will hear the sound of hooves.


Target: develop the ability to hold the tongue in the upper position, train

sublingual ligament.

Come on, wide mouth, babes.

Let's play the harmonica!

We do not release the tongue

Just open your mouth.

One, two, three, four, five,

It's easy for us to repeat!

The prospects for the use of the method of bioenergy plastics in speech therapy

practice is determined by high educational opportunities: with joint

movements of the speech apparatus and hands, especially if these movements are plastic and

free, energy is distributed in the body. Bioenergetic plastics renders
















complete learning activity. As a result of bioenergetic plastic exercises, no

only the child's speech improves, but also memory and attention.

Prepared by Mikhailova E.V.

teacher-speech therapist GBOU School No. 283 in Moscow


1. Bushlyakova R.G. Articulation gymnastics with bioenergetics. M .: "Publishing house

Detstvo-Press", 2011.

2. Eroshkina S.T. Finger play training. // Logoped.- 2007. N 4.








speech therapists,

educators and parents. - M: Ventana - Count, 2015.

5.Uzorova O.V., Nefedova E.A. Finger games. - M.: Astrel, 2007.

Vedel Yulia Viktorovna,

teacher speech therapist

Municipal Preschool

educational institution

combined kindergarten

type No. 5 "Sun"


In accordance with the law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (Article 2; 51) public policy in the field of education is based on the principles of a humanistic nature, the priority of universal values, human life and health, and the free development of the individual.

In recent years, the number of children suffering from chronic diseases has increased dramatically. In the current conditions, pedagogical activity should be aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children.

Health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Health-saving technologies in speech therapy:

Articulation gymnastics, breathing exercises, visual gymnastics, development general motor skills(logo-rhythm, physical minutes), development of fine motor skills ( finger gymnastics, lacing, hatching, etc.), Su-jok therapy, massage and self-massage, bioenergy plastics.

The principles of health saving:

Principle "Do no harm!";

The principle of continuity;

The principle of an integrated approach;

The principle of taking into account age and individual characteristics;

The principle of systematic and consistent;

The principle of comprehensive and harmonious development of personality.

Bioenergetics is a joint interaction of the hand and tongue. According to research data, body movements, joint movements of the hands and the articulatory apparatus, if they are plastic, relaxed and free, help to activate the natural distribution of bioenergy in the body. This has an extremely beneficial effect on the activation of the intellectual activity of children, develops coordination of movements and fine motor skills.

Known tricks:

Labyrinths, finger walkers, knots, lacing, counting sticks, natural material, etc.

These techniques are used to automate sounds. While pronouncing the oral task of the speech therapist, the child can run his finger through the labyrinth, sort through the knots on the cord, lay out the counting sticks in order, lay out pebbles, shells, etc.

Development of author's manuals. Despite the variety of benefits, you always want to find, create something new, and therefore interesting for children. In my work, I try to actively introduce author's manuals, made with my own hands and repeatedly used in classes with children.

One of the main advantages of using bioenergoplastic techniques in automation is that the child, trying to correctly and accurately perform hand movements, learns to pronounce the set sounds in free spontaneous speech.

Having become interested in the topic "Bioenergoplastics", I made the following manuals:

- "Candies" (foam rubber is attached to a solid base, covered with soft fleece with sewn on buttons) The manual is used to automate the set sounds. The child, trying to press the button as hard as possible with one finger, pronounces the proposed sound, syllable or word five times.

- “Accounts” (a cord with 5 cylinders is pulled on a solid basis from the caps of felt-tip pens) I also use this manual for automation. The principle is the same, only in this case, the child moves the moving elements with his finger.

- “Bridge”, “Piano”, “Kochki”, etc. (we fix the pictures on thick cardboard, glue it with transparent adhesive tape, cut it out from foam rubber or ceiling tiles on top and

glue the necessary three-dimensional figures) The manuals are also designed to automate sounds.

"Fun Keyboard" The idea for this tutorial is borrowed from the Internet, but slightly adapted to more general applications. In my keyboard, I used various shapes, which allows me to repeatedly change tasks. Here are circles, squares, triangles of primary colors; 5 emoticons; department with numbers and symbols. When automating, you can offer children the following tasks: press only squares, press only red shapes, press only buttons with smiles; press the numbers in order. At the same time, we pronounce and fix the delivered sounds, as well as consolidate the knowledge of colors, geometric shapes, numbers.

Working with parents. In my work, I try to maintain a relationship with parents, conducting both general and individual consultations. I try to involve parents in a joint correctional process, clearly explain, show, for example, which simulators you can make with your own hands and how to use them correctly. Mothers and grandmothers interested in the success of their children are happy to participate in such meetings - workshops.

The use of bioenergoplastic techniques in articulation gymnastics.

The joint movements of the hands and tongue allow you to perform articulation exercises more clearly and accurately. It is worth noting one important condition - the exercise itself must be worked out in advance in isolation, and then introduced into the articulation complex. In the future, children without verbal instructions, only by showing them with their hands, can reproduce the exercises known to them. Moreover, the options for showing exercises can be different. Based on my own experience, I found the optimal movements for myself. For example, for the Hippo exercise, it is convenient to show a tightly clenched fist by closing your mouth, and by opening your mouth wide - to show an open palm.

When performing articulation exercises that require accompaniment at the expense of 1-2, such as, for example, “football” (alternately puffing out the cheeks), it is convenient to alternately tap the count with your palms. When performing the “frogs” exercise (smile - starting position), you can help with hand movements - for a smile we spread our arms to the sides, and to the starting position we bring our hands together in front of us. When performing the “swing” exercise, it is convenient to show pendulum movements left and right with the right hand. What is good about this system is that any teacher will be able to choose the optimal movements to accompany articulatory gymnastics. This has an extremely beneficial effect on the activation of the intellectual activity of children, develops coordination of movements and fine motor skills. Which, in turn, allows us to achieve certain positive results in the correction process. It is worth noting another important "plus". This technique allows the speech therapist to avoid repeating multiple verbal instructions. This reduces the load on vocal cords and articulatory apparatus, thereby helping to preserve the health of the teacher himself.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the use of the bioenergy plastics method opens up great prospects for achieving the goals of speech therapy. It also expands the possibilities for the manifestation of the teacher's creativity.

“The movements of the hands are like a wave of a wing,

Without them, the flight will not take place ...

I wish you happiness and good!

And the best is yet to come!”

Annotation: Bioenergoplasty in speech therapy - what it is, features of use, examples of speech therapy exercises.

Bioenergoplasty is a non-standard, innovative method of performing articulatory gymnastics. The use of this method has a beneficial effect on the activation of the intellectual activity of children, develops coordination of movements and fine motor skills, effectively accelerates the correction of defective sounds in children, since the working palm greatly amplifies the impulses going to the cerebral cortex from the tongue.

Bioenergetics. The use of innovative techniques when conducting articulation gymnastics with preschool children

Good speech is the most important condition for the comprehensive development of children. One of the tasks facing the teacher - a speech therapist - is to preserve and strengthen the health of children in the process of speech correction.

Daily practice of articulatory gymnastics, unfortunately, reduces the interest of children in this process, which in turn leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of its implementation. Therefore, I turned to a non-standard method for performing articulation gymnastics - using bioenergy plastics.

What is bioenergetics?

- this is a combination of movements of the articulatory apparatus and movements of the hands.

The term consists of two words: bioenergy and plastic. Bioenergy is the energy that is inside a person.

The essence of this method is to combine the smooth movements of the hands with the movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. At the moment of performing the articulation exercise, the hand shows where and in what position the tongue, lower jaw or lips are located.

The use of this method has a beneficial effect on the activation of the intellectual activity of children, develops coordination of movements and fine motor skills, effectively accelerates the correction of defective sounds in children, since the working palm greatly amplifies the impulses going to the cerebral cortex from the tongue.

The need to connect hands to articulatory gymnastics is due to the close relationship of fine, general and articulatory motor skills. The synchronous movement of the hands with the movements of the articulatory organs contributes to rapid development the child of the correct position of the tongue, lips, jaw, activates attention, thinking, develops a sense of rhythm, finger motor skills, orientation in space.

Approximate planning of articulation gymnastics with bioenergetics

Approximate planning of articulation gymnastics with bioenergetics includes 7 stages. The duration of each stage may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the child.

At the first stage I conduct an examination of children, which includes an examination of sound pronunciation, the structure and mobility of the organs of articulation, is carried out by well-known, traditional methods. I enter the data into a speech card.

In accordance with the data, I select a set of articulation exercises.

At the second stage I introduce the children's work to the structure of the organs of speech and traditional articulation exercises. We perform gymnastics while sitting in front of a mirror.

At the third stage there is a learning with the child of articulation exercises without the use of hand movements.

Articulation gymnastics is performed traditionally, in front of a mirror, together with the child. The teacher must accompany this process with the movements of his leading hand. This technique is used so that the child gets used to unusual movements.

During fourth period articulatory gymnastics with bioenergetics is performed. Starting position - sitting in front of a mirror. I show the exercise and accompany it with hand movements. The child repeats after me and uses his dominant hand.

An adult should ensure that the child's hand does not strain, so that the movements are smooth and relaxed. It is very important to observe the synchronism and accuracy of the actions of the speech organs and hands when performing articulatory gymnastics with bioenergoplasty. The hand should be at the level of the solar plexus, parallel to the floor or parallel bent legs sitting. When performing exercises, you must constantly use the count from 1 to 4-6. Short lines of poetry. This technique helps to perform gymnastics at a normal pace and keep it.

At the fifth stage performing articulation exercises is accompanied by movements of the other hand of the child and lasts 2 weeks. Since the children have fully mastered the movements of the leading hand, this significantly reduces the period of mastering the movements of the other hand. Articulation gymnastics is performed in the same way: sitting in front of a mirror. The child repeats the exercises after the teacher and uses the other hand. The teacher monitors the precise and smooth execution of movements.

At the sixth stage the performance of articulatory gymnastics is reinforced by the movements of both hands of the child. Exercises are performed in the same position. The child repeats the exercises after the teacher and uses both hands. It is necessary to achieve the correct and synchronous execution of movements.

At the end this not the teacher tells tales about the Tongue or invented heroes. In the fairy tale, articulation exercises are collected in a complex and united by a plot, the child listens to the name of the learned articulation exercises, and performs them in combination with the movements of both hands. At this stage, it is possible to perform exercises without relying on a mirror, since by this time the children have mastered articulation exercises and can clearly feel the positions of the articulation organs, differentiate the movements of the tongue, lips, and jaw.

Each child is unique and peculiar, the state of articulatory and finger motor skills, the flow of thought processes for each individual. The quality and duration of the periods of mastering articulation gymnastics with bioenergoplasty will depend on the criteria listed above, so the teacher can independently select exercises, as well as shorten or extend the stages of gymnastics in accordance with the characteristics of the child.

I am currently working on creating a card file and I propose to do several exercises together Frog, Elephant (Appendix 1, 2.)

1. Select a complex of articulatory gymnastics, which will include both static and dynamic exercises.

2. Follow the sequence of exercises, starting with simple ones, gradually moving to complex movements.

3. At the initial stage, perform articulation gymnastics in slow pace sitting in front of a mirror.

4. Repeat each exercise 4 to 7 times.

5. Use an account from 1 to 10 or poetic lines. This helps to develop and improve the sense of rhythm and maintain the regularity of the exercises.

6. Learn gymnastics gradually, as you master the first complex, add more difficult exercises other complexes.

8. When performing an articulatory gymnast with bioenergoplasty, it is necessary to monitor the synchronism of the movements of the lips, tongue and hands.

You probably have an opinion about the complexity of this method. This is not entirely true. Apply in practice this method can be both a specialist speech therapist and an interested educator. When the teacher understands the essence of bioenergetic plastics, directly masters the techniques himself, he will be able to evaluate the developmental, health-saving benefits, the emotional side and even the organizational component of articulatory gymnastics carried out on the basis of the proposed method.

Agree, during articulation gymnastics, children's hands are always looking for something to do, emotions require an outlet, and the nature of the child strives for entertainment, play. The method of bioenergoplastics, which combines both elements of the game and targeted speech therapy, helps in this.

Attachment 1

Speech therapy exercises using bioenergy plastics


Turned us into frogs - We reached out to the ears. They reached out, smiled, And then returned home.

Develop the ability to keep the lips in a smile, exposing the lower and upper front teeth. Strengthen the muscles of the lips and develop their mobility.


Smile without tension so that the front upper and lower teeth are visible. Hold the lips in this position counting from 1 to 5-10.


1. Make sure that when smiling, the child does not tuck inward the upper or lower lip.

2. If the child does not show the lower teeth, you need to teach him to lower and raise only the lower lip with closed lips. We carry out this exercise as follows: we put a finger on the lower lip, lower it and raise it. At the same time, the teeth are closed, the lower jaw is motionless.

3. If the child has difficulties, it is necessary to sing the sound “and” with him: “and-and-and” - and the lips will stretch in a smile.

Description of the movements of the hand and fingers.

Starting position - the hand is horizontally at the level of the solar plexus, the fingers are straightened and closed, the palm is slightly relaxed, pointing down (Fig. a).

At the expense of "one", slightly bend the palm in the lower phalanges, point the fingers slightly upward (Fig. b). Hold the hand in this position for a count of 1 to 10, then return to its original position and hold for a count of 1 to 5. Repeat 4-5 times.

Annex 2


The elephant pulled out its trunk. He invited us to play. They folded their lips with a "proboscis", They made friends with an elephant calf.

Develop the movement of the lips forward, strengthen the muscles of the lips, their mobility.


Pull closed lips forward with a “tube”. Hold them in this position by counting from 1 to 5-10.


1. Make sure that your mouth does not open during the exercise. The teeth are almost closed.

2. If the child cannot pull his lips forward, invite him to reach out with his lips to the candy and take it with his lips. You can offer the game "Who is stronger?" when a child holds a bandage or a clean handkerchief with his lips (roll it into a cone), and you try to pull it out.