Theoretical and methodical tasks in physical culture. Tasks in a closed form. Sleep and nutrition

In the process of physical education and directly during the exercise, the state of a person changes both in time and depending on the work performed. This is due to the requirements imposed by the load on the body, the relative inertness of the inclusion in the work of the vegetative systems, the characteristics of the higher nervous activity of a person, etc.

The pre-launch state is characterized by those changes in the body that occur in the process of waiting for the upcoming work. Carried out according to the mechanism of conditioned reflexes, they contribute to the mobilization of the body for the expected activity, due to which there is a faster and more effective entry into the work itself.

In the animal kingdom, the pre-launch state is expressed, at least in time, rather weakly, since physiological stress that requires movement develops either as a reaction to changes gradually occurring in the body (hunger, cold), or as a sudden vital circumstance (danger, appearance of a sexual partner). In humans, motor activity in the process of physical culture is artificial and is planned in advance. Naturally, the expectation of the upcoming work is already preparing the body for it: the activity of metabolic processes, muscle tone, the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory and other vegetative systems, thermoregulation, etc. are changing. Moreover, the nature of the changes occurring in the pre-launch state largely corresponds to the features of the forthcoming work.

The presence of a second signal system in a person, the ability to abstract from reality and foresee the future in many ways makes a person a psychological hostage to the future, makes him wait. The expectation itself proceeds differently in different people, which is mainly due to their psychological and physiological-typological characteristics. In connection with this circumstance, several varieties of prelaunch reactions are distinguished.

Combat readiness is a pre-launch state that ensures optimal mobilization of the body for the upcoming work. At the same time, temporary connections are revived in the central nervous system that form a motor dynamic stereotype, the relationship between the processes of excitation and inhibition in it is normalized, the metabolism and the activity of oxygen transport systems are slightly increased. The closer the moment of the beginning of the lesson, the more pronounced these processes are.

Prelaunch fever reflects the predominance of excitatory processes in the central nervous system. Most often it occurs in people of choleric temperament and is characterized by the predominance of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. Long before the start of motor activity, a person has a lot of stress hormones in the blood, he worries, sleep is disturbed, etc. As a result of the pre-start fever, the athlete "burns out", wasting his energy and psychological potential even before the start, and he does not have to count on a high result.

Prelaunch apathy is due to the predominance of inhibitory processes in the central nervous system and is more common in people with a weak type of nervous activity - melancholic. At the same time, the person himself is depressed, convinced that he will not succeed, his vitality is reduced. Naturally, he performs physical exercises with a sense of doom, without the necessary mood, while his body is not ready for a high result, even if the competition was preceded by significant training work and objectively the athlete is ready for high achievements.

The warm-up immediately precedes the main work and has the main goal of achieving an optimal state of the body by the beginning of this work.

The warm-up includes two parts - general and special. The general warm-up is a series of exercises that are most often the same type, regardless of the main work performed, and solves the following tasks:

– normalization of the psychosomatic state of a sportsman or athlete;

- gradual activation of metabolic processes and vegetative functions of the body to an optimal level.

Usually, the general warm-up is a slow run with gradually increasing intensity and a series of general developmental exercises. The latter are aimed not only at activating the metabolism, but are also selected in such a way as to bring a person into a state of combat readiness. Therefore, in the presence of pre-launch fever, general developmental exercises of a calm nature are selected, without a sharp change in pace and rhythm, which are well known to a person. In the presence of pre-launch apathy, the exercises should be sharp, with a quick change of situations, etc. - those that would activate excitatory processes in the central nervous system.

The general warm-up should end no earlier than the start of sweating, which signals the inclusion of thermoregulation in the work. In this state, the viscosity of muscles and tendons is reduced, and their elasticity increases, due to which the strength and speed of muscle contraction increase. At the same time, with an increase in body temperature, the processes in the central nervous system are more active, the lumen of peripheral vessels increases and the resistance in them decreases, which improves the blood supply to the working tissues.

A special warm-up solves the following tasks:

– restoration of motor dynamic stereotype;

- preparation of the motor apparatus directly for the upcoming work.

AT special warm-up are applied, exercises specific to a given sport (running - for a runner, working with a ball - for a basketball player, working on equipment - for a gymnast, etc.). In such a warm-up, temporary connections that form a motor dynamic stereotype are revived, and an optimal level of movement automation is provided. Since when executing special exercises those parts of the musculoskeletal system that will bear the main load are included in the work, then gradually their condition is increasingly approaching that which is necessary for the most effective exercise. In a special warm-up, efforts are continued to normalize the mental state of the athlete, his mood for the performance of the upcoming work is formed.

The warm-up is carried out until the state that is necessary to start effective inclusion in the main work is reached. It is not allowed that during the warm-up a person has a state of fatigue. The duration of the warm-up is determined by many factors: the individual characteristics of the athlete, the weather, the pre-start condition, etc. Naturally, the more intense the work ahead, the longer the warm-up should be, since it is required to achieve more high level functioning.

After the end of the warm-up before the start of the main work, as a rule, some time passes. The period of this time should not significantly reduce physiological functions, but maintain a high activity of thermoregulation and motor dynamic stereotype. Usually, these requirements correspond to a period of 5 to 8 minutes (of course, this time is purely individual and, moreover, depends on the weather, the condition of the athlete and other factors). Immediately before the main work, it is recommended to do several specific actions (a short acceleration for a sprinter, throws into the basket for a basketball player, etc.).

Working out is a process of strengthening the activity of the body in the first period of work, contributing to the most effective performance of the work itself. In the process of working out, there is a further optimization of the motor dynamic stereotype and a gradual achievement by the autonomic functions of the maximum possible level of activity for this work. The second circumstance is of particular importance, since internal organs is relatively inert.

The various functions are not activated simultaneously. Thus, the motor apparatus and the heart rate enter into work faster than arterial pressure and stroke volume of the heart; pulmonary ventilation is faster than oxygen consumption, etc. Naturally, the more intense the work performed, the more active, but the longer it takes to work out, therefore, with exercises of low aerobic power (fast walking, easy running), it can last 1–2 minutes, and with maximum aerobic power (marathon) - 5-7 minutes. In the same types of activities that take place in the transitional and anaerobic regimes, the working-in may even end after the completion of the work *.

* So, in athletics, when running at a distance of up to 1500 m inclusive, vegetative functions do not have time to reach the level that is necessary to ensure the work of the muscles at such a power to the full, therefore, they continue to grow not only until the end of the distance, but even after the finish.

In the first period of the exercise, muscle work is provided mainly by anaerobic (glycolytic) mechanisms with the formation of lactic acid. Its entry into the blood activates through the central nervous system and special receptors located in vascular system and directly in the vegetative organs, the activity of the latter. Consequently, the oxidation of lactic acid formed in the first period of operation - the so-called oxygen debt- can occur partially both in the process of the further work itself, and after its completion. And what more powerful exercise, the more oxygen debt is formed and the more time is required after the end of work to compensate for it. It is important that a properly conducted warm-up shortens the period of working out.

Dead center and second wind. Some time after the start of intense and prolonged work, a special condition often sets in, which is called the “dead point” and which is characterized by severe subjective sensations, among them the main ones are shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, pulsation of blood vessels in the brain, a desire to stop working. Objectively, this increases oxygen consumption, CO2 excretion, heart rate, sweating. The main reason for this is an excessively intensive start of work and the accumulation of lactic acid in the body in connection with this. If at the moment dead center» reduce the intensity of the work, it passes quite quickly and there is a sudden relief, manifested primarily in the appearance of normal ("comfortable") breathing - the so-called "second wind". In the conditions of competitions, when it is impossible to reduce the intensity of work, in order to achieve a "second wind" it is necessary to make great volitional efforts. "Second wind" should indicate that the body is sufficiently mobilized to meet its working needs.

Steady state. When performing exercises of constant aerobic power, after working out, a steady state sets in, characterized by the stabilization of the physiological functions of the body at a relatively constant level. With low-power exercises, there is a qualitative correspondence between the body's need for oxygen (oxygen demand) and its satisfaction - a true steady state. At higher powers, there is some discrepancy between demand and satisfaction, however, despite the gradually accumulating oxygen debt, physiological functions continue to remain unchanged for some time - this is the so-called conditional, or false, steady state. The resulting oxygen debt is the greater, the more powerful and longer the work. In anaerobic power exercises, a steady state cannot be singled out at all, since throughout the entire time they are performed, the oxygen debt rapidly increases and progressive changes in other physiological functions occur.

Fatigue is a set of changes that occur in the body during exercise and lead to a decrease in performance. Subjectively, fatigue is expressed by fatigue, but there is no clear relationship between it and fatigue: if the latter is due to objective changes in the body, then fatigue is most often psychological in nature (uninteresting work, lack of motivation, etc.).

There are many causes of fatigue and the prevailing ones differ depending on the type of work performed. However, the mechanism common to all types of activity is the occurrence of fatigue in the working sections of the central nervous system. Such inhibition is protective in nature, or, according to I.P. Pavlov, “outrageous”, and is the result of either powerful (when working at the highest intensity) or prolonged (at low intensity) impulses from the receptors of the working muscles.

No less important are the changes that occur in the muscles themselves. They can be expressed:

- in the depletion of muscle energy resources - glycogen, ATP and phosphagens, which makes it impossible to maintain the required power muscle contractions(this picture happens with long-term low-intensity exercises);

- in clogging of muscles with intermediate metabolic products, among which a special role belongs to lactic acid, the accumulation of which leads to incomplete relaxation muscle fibers, in connection with which the strength of their contractions decreases; clogging is especially characteristic of exercises near the limit, located in the zone of anaerobic power (for example, running 800 meters in athletics).

The depletion of energy resources in the body also plays an important role in the occurrence of fatigue during relatively long exercises. AT general view the dynamics of this process is as follows. During the first 5–7 minutes of work, the muscle uses blood carbohydrates as an energy source. After this time, when their concentration noticeably decreases, muscle and liver glycogen becomes a source of energy. Approximately 15–20 minutes after the start of work (depending on its intensity), fats are also added to them, the value of which gradually increases as the work progresses, and the value of glycogen decreases.

Thus, the development of fatigue is determined by many circumstances: the power and duration of the work performed, the state of the body's energy supply systems, the person's fitness for this type of activity, the state of the body at the time of the exercise, etc. However, it should be noted that fatigue in itself, being a natural result of the work performed, should not be considered as a negative phenomenon: with properly planned loads, it is fatigue that is the initial condition for the growth of working capacity, as evidenced by the characteristics of the recovery process.

Recovery is a set of processes that occur in the body after the cessation of work and ensure the restoration of the body's working capacity. During the recovery period, the products of working metabolism are removed from the body, energy reserves, structural substances and enzymes used up during muscle activity are replenished, that is, in essence, homeostasis disturbed by work is normalized. However, the significance of restoration is not limited to this, since in its process the functional capabilities of the organism not only reach the pre-working level, but in a certain period of time can exceed it.

The general patterns of restoration of functions after work are shown in the figure.

Schematic diagram of the restoration of the energy potential of the functional

Systems after work

As can be seen from the presented figure, at a certain stage of restoration of energy and working capacity, their value turns out to be higher than the initial value, which is defined as supercompensation. This phenomenon is explained as follows. Moving, the body and replenishes the expended. He tries not only to “get” what is missing, to return to his original state, but to definitely accumulate more than he spent. This is the process of inducing excess anabolism, what is called "extended reproduction" in economics. From this it becomes clear that the maximum amount of repeated work performed in the period of super-recovery can be higher than the previous one, and super-compensation after repeated work turns out to be at an even higher level, higher than the first one - this, in fact, is the effect of training the system. Supercompensation proceeds in two phases: 1 - excessive accumulation of mass, which causes the growth and accumulation of internal energy, and this effect concerns not only muscular system, but also nervous, and glandular, and others; 2 - excessive accumulation of structural energy potentials (structural energy), which increase not mass, but free energy.

A certain amount of constant motor activity as a reaction to stress creates the energy of adaptation, without which a person cannot realize the genetic program laid down in him by nature, cannot live to a natural old age and cannot be healthy. It is not for nothing that a fetus born immature without the necessary amount of physical activity cannot go through all the phases of formation (maturation), and an adult cannot accumulate the structural energy necessary to ensure normal life.

Directly during muscular activity in the skeletal muscles and in the tissues that provide the motor activity of systems (including the nervous one), structural changes occur (in particular, protein breakdown). After the load, the plastic material received with food not only replenishes the destroyed structure, but also through the altered tissue metabolism creates the prerequisites for further development. Here motor activity acts as a regulator linking the genetic program with the conditions of existence at any given moment. It is clear, therefore, that food does not in itself ensure growth and development, but only if a "niche" appears as a result of movement in the working tissue, into which it can be embedded *. That is why, as was shown in the experiments of I.A. Arshavsky, little moving puppies, receiving a sufficient amount of milk from their mother, nevertheless, at the age of one month, weigh as much as 4-5 days old.

* That is why they are used, in particular, in sports for building muscle mass anabolic steroids only have an effect on muscles that perform for training loads the most significant work, but do not affect muscles that are not specific to the athlete's specialization.

An analysis of the above figure makes us pay attention to some circumstances that should be taken into account when organizing loads used in health improvement - muscle, temperature, immune, etc.

1. Supercompensation occurs only as an effect of fatigue, so the load must have certain characteristics of volume and intensity. Of course, these values ​​should be determined individually and taking into account the state of the organism.

2. Increasing the functionality of the system is possible only under the condition of a gradual increase in loads. Such a requirement is already dictated by the previous condition: a repeated load performed in the period of supercompensation, taking into account a higher level of energy capabilities, will give fatigue at its greater values.

3. There must be a certain optimal interval between the loads used: if it is shortened, the repeated load will fall on incomplete recovery - while maintaining this mode, this is fraught with overstrain and overwork; if the interval exceeds optimal time, then the repeated load will fall not on the phase of supercompensation with increased efficiency of the organism, but on the period of its return to its original state, which excludes an increase in the functional capabilities of the organism.

The nature of the restoration of body functions is determined by some features. Thus, the speed and duration of recovery of most functional indicators is directly dependent on the power and volume of work performed: the higher they are, the greater the changes occur during the work and, accordingly, the higher the recovery rate. On the other hand, the deeper fatigue occurs during work (up to a certain limit), the higher is the supercompensation, although it comes later.

Restoration of various functions of the body proceeds with different speed, so that their achievement of the same level relative to the initial data does not occur simultaneously (heterochronously). Therefore, the completion of the recovery process should be judged not by individual indicators, but by the state of the whole organism as a whole, which can be most accurately assessed precisely by the reaction to the load (in particular, to the dosed one).

Fatigue is a state of the body in which the efficiency of labor activity decreases. Such changes are temporary.

Physical and mental fatigue. signs

The first sign of fatigue is considered to be a decrease. Namely, if the work is associated with physical labor, a person who is overworked has increased pressure, increased breathing, and heart rate. He also needs more energy to perform one action.

If a person is engaged, then with overwork, his reaction slows down, mental processes are inhibited, and movements are uncoordinated. The level of attention and memorization of information also falls. The person himself characterizes such a state as fatigue.


It is written off the impossibility of performing a particular work. It should be understood that fatigue is a state of the body caused by certain biological processes. There are several theories in the science of different scientists about the causes of fatigue. Some believe that this is a biological process of the central nervous system, while others - the cerebral cortex.


What are the causes of fatigue? This state may occur after the completion of any work, at the end of the working day. This is a normal physiological process of the body. Hard work leads to fatigue. It is important that after work a person has the opportunity to rest so that he can restore strength.

After rest, the spent resources of the body are restored. Then the person is ready to work again. If a good rest did not work out, the body can not cope with the tasks. Then fatigue sets in.

If the human body rested, its performance will increase. It's kind of a workout. But if enough time was not given to rest, then a state of fatigue of the body will arise. In this case, a person cannot do his job. There is also a feeling of apathy and irritation.

Tiredness and overwork. Effects

Don't take stress lightly. In fact, the consequences can be very dire. As a result of fatigue, diseases of the heart, stomach and a decrease in immunity can occur. The recovery process can be quite long, as it will require some time to rest, recuperate and, in some cases, undergo a course of treatment.

Overwork has such an effect on the body as the appearance chronic diseases, a disorder of the emotional background of a person, the abuse of alcohol and cigarettes, light drugs, such as marijuana. Discord family relations fatigue affects. This is primarily due to irritability and indifference. Also, a person in this state to establish any kind of relationship. Therefore, a spouse who has noticed signs of fatigue in his partner is advised to be patient, give him time to rest and relax. You can arrange a trip. A change of scenery always has a positive effect on a person's mood. Although there are exceptions. It is important to take into account the individual characteristics of a person.


What should be the prevention of fatigue? You should not bring your body to the point. It is better to take the necessary measures and avoid overwork. This will improve the situation. There are certain methods, following which you can keep your body in a healthy state. Prevention of fatigue is better than further treatment.

Preventive measures

1. First of all, rest is necessary. Moreover, scientists have shown that leisure regenerates resources much better human body. This does not mean that you need to limit yourself in a dream. Sleep is also an important part of a good rest. Active recreation refers to sports. First, sport improves blood circulation. This has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system. Secondly, constant physical activity forms hardy person. It is well known that an active lifestyle improves the tone of the body and strengthens the immune system.
2. Gradual deepening into work. No need to rush into a new business with your head. Everything is good in moderation. It is better if the load increases gradually. This fact applies to both mental and physical labor.
3. It is recommended to take breaks in work. Usually during working hours there is a regulation when you can drink tea and take a break for lunch. You should not sit in the office or at the enterprise, especially if you have a hard job. It is better to have a full meal and, if possible, take a walk down the street.
4. A person should be happy to go to work. If there is a negative atmosphere in the team, then nervous fatigue will come faster. Also, an unfavorable environment can cause stress or provoke a nervous breakdown.


Now consider the types of fatigue. There are several. Mental overwork is considered more dangerous than physical. First of all, this is due to the fact that a person does not immediately understand that he is tired. Hard work associated with physical activity will immediately make itself felt. Feel unwell often. Sometimes a person feels muscle fatigue.

One of the means of combating overwork is the load. How do athletes act to achieve a certain result? They are training. At the same time, they feel pain in the muscles. But in order to achieve a result, they need to spend a lot of physical strength, to form volitional qualities and be result oriented. The same should be done with human mental activity. In order to get rid of brain fatigue, you need to train, give yourself loads. The more there are, the better the result will be. It can be concluded that all types of fatigue are treated with fatigue. But it must be dosed. Also, do not forget about rest.

Tiredness and overwork. Methods of treatment

If, nevertheless, they are noticed (as a rule, this is poor sleep and irritability), then it is necessary to treat the body, since when starting this process chronic diseases may develop.

1. One of the treatments for overwork is taking a bath. Baths can be taken at home. They can be both fresh and with various additives. Baths have a relaxing effect on the body. The temperature should be 36-38 degrees, gradually the water can be heated. You need to be in the bathroom for 15-20 minutes. After that, it is better to put on a warm bathrobe. The course of taking baths consists of 10 procedures that should be done daily. In addition to fresh water, it is recommended to take coniferous and salt baths. Needles or salt dissolve in water in the desired proportions. After you can take a bath.
2. Tea with milk and honey is great way treatment for fatigue. Of course, tea alone cannot be cured, but in combination with other recovery measures, it will have a beneficial effect on a person.
3. Peppermint will also help your recovery.
4. One of the products that helps to cope with fatigue is herring. It contains phosphorus, which has a positive effect on brain activity and improves performance.
5. green onion is also a product that allows you to cope with fatigue.
6. In addition to taking baths for the body, a foot bath is an excellent way to combat fatigue. You can take hot, or you can do contrast. The duration of the bath is 10 minutes. Such procedures relax a person well, it is better to do them before going to bed.

Working capacity. a person that affects his ability to work

Now we will talk about performance and fatigue. It should be said that the biological rhythms of each person have their own. There are identical biorhythms. But, as a rule, they diverge to one degree or another, as they occur under the influence of various factors.

Biorhythms of a person depend on his heredity, season, temperature and sun. Therefore, for reasons beyond the control of a person, one day he may have good mood and high performance at work, and on another day he does not have any strength to implement his plan.

Interesting is the fact that they swing like a pendulum. For example, if today a person is on the rise, then after some time he will be in decline with the same amplitude. It is important to remember this and not to fall into a depressed state when this period comes. You need to know that after the decline there will be an upsurge. Knowing this state of affairs, it is recommended to plan work in such a way that during periods of fatigue, carry out any activity that does not require large amounts of energy.

Activity Hours

The most efficient hours in people are revealed. This is the period from 8 to 13 and from 16 to 19 pm. The rest of the time performance is reduced. It should also be noted that there are exceptions and it is more comfortable for someone to work in other time periods.

Biorhythms of a person play an important role in his performance. So, for example, changing time zones leads to disruption of the biorhythm. And it is necessary to spend a certain period of time in order for the body to adjust its rhythm. This usually happens after 10-14 days.

Tips to improve performance and reduce the risk of overwork

First of all, you need to give the body a rest. It is impossible to redo all the planned cases. Therefore, you should give yourself time to rest, not only after work, but also during the working day.

First, you need to accustom yourself to observe the daily routine. This means that you need to wake up in the morning, have breakfast, and only then start work. During work, it is also necessary to take breaks in order to drink or eat. Be sure to set aside time for lunch. After a working day, it is recommended to give the body time to rest. Then you can go to the pool or take a walk. Don't stay up late as sleep is essential healthy lifestyle life.

You need to get in the habit of switching. For example, go to an exhibition or attend an event. You can also take a short trip.

If at work a person feels that he does not have time or does not cope with the planned amount of work, there is nothing to worry about. In this case, you should lower the bar and work at a lower pace. Then, when the forces accumulate, you can carry out your plan.

You need to drink water. Especially those who are engaged in physical labor or training. When the body spends a lot of energy, fluid is released that needs to be replenished. Therefore, it is important to drink as much water as possible.

Support for the body during periods of increased stress

When planning your working day, you need to listen to your body. And you should organize activities in accordance with your own capabilities. You shouldn't look up to other people. Everyone has their own individual characteristics. There are also a number of measures that can support the work of the body during periods of increased mental and physical stress. First of all, it is the intake of vitamins and the use of teas with herbs. in a good way relaxation and relaxation will be massage, aromatherapy and color therapy. It is also recommended to spend time with animals. If there are no pets at home, then you can go to the zoo, dolphinarium or circus. A trip to the dolphinarium is able to charge each person with positive energy. Be sure to go in for sports or physical therapy.

Sleep and nutrition

The quality and quantity of sleep affects performance. This factor is very important. Sleepiness during the working day negatively affects a person's performance. An adult needs 8-9 hours of sleep. Doctors recommend going to bed before midnight.

Proper nutrition is also necessary to ensure high human performance. It is important that it contains a sufficient amount of useful trace elements and vitamins.


Now you know the types of fatigue, the causes of their occurrence. We also looked at the symptoms of this disease. In the article we gave a lot useful advice, which will help you avoid overwork, as well as improve your condition if you have already subjected your body to very heavy loads.

Fatigue is a certain state of the human body, which is characterized by a temporary decrease in efficiency. It occurs after prolonged mental or physical exertion. Overfatigue is manifested both by a decrease in working capacity and a decrease in overall vitality. In this case, the body needs to fully recover so that it can function as before.

types of fatigue. Overwork

Nervous fatigue. Prolonged nervous tension will cause a person to be tired and weak.

Emotional fatigue. In this state, emotional exhaustion occurs, there is no strength to show any feelings. A person cannot experience either joy or sorrow.

Mental fatigue. In this case, the ability to work is reduced due to disruption of the processes associated with the central nervous regulation. It becomes difficult for a person to think, remember, concentrate his attention on something, the productivity of intellectual work falls.

Physical fatigue. It differs in that muscle dysfunction develops, strength, accuracy, consistency and rhythm of movements decrease. Physical fatigue usually develops gradually.

It is already a pathological condition of the body. It develops against the background of constant activity without proper rest, it can manifest itself as a neurosis. Its development is based on the impaired functioning of the central nervous system, which is expressed in the imbalance of such processes as excitation and inhibition in the brain.

Note! Women are more susceptible to overwork due to the fragile nervous system.

Stages of fatigue

  • 1 stage. The presence of subjective signs, but there are no deep disorders. Patients often complain about and appetite. This condition is usually not difficult to treat.
  • 2 stage. Objective symptomatology joins. Patients have many complaints at this stage, metabolic processes are disturbed. Treatment will already be more difficult than in the first stage.
  • 3 stage. The most severe degree, it is characterized by a transition to neurasthenia. Requires long and complex treatment.

Fatigue, overwork and chronic fatigue syndrome (video)

In this video, you can listen to introductory information that relates to the types of fatigue and overwork, as well as ways to deal with them.

Causes of fatigue, overwork

Fatigue can occur in the following situations:

  • with long work of a mental or physical nature;
  • with monotonous monotonous work;
  • with prolonged exposure to irritants: noise, low light, etc.;
  • in conflicts, lack of interest;
  • with malnutrition, various diseases.
Mental overwork is a frequent companion during exams, sessions, and a busy work schedule.

Emotional fatigue usually occurs as a result of communicating with a large number of strangers.

The causes of fatigue are varied. This condition can be caused by: insufficient sleep, lack of physical activity, stress, lack of proper rest, poor nutrition, mental stress. Risk group - athletes, people with unstable mentality and exposed to excessive physical activity.

In addition to physical factors, drugs can also influence the development of overwork. This applies to antitussive, antiallergic, anti-cold and some other drugs.

Also, some diseases can be the cause of overwork. The reason is that they reduce a person’s working capacity and quality of life, as a result, overwork develops. We are talking about bronchitis, asthma, depression, heart disease, some viral diseases, anemia, and so on.

Symptoms of fatigue, overwork

Mental fatigue is easily confused with ordinary fatigue. But just sleeping and resting will probably not be enough.

The main signs of mental overwork:

  • Sleep problems.
  • Redness of the eyes (see also -).
  • Pale skin.
  • The appearance of bags under the eyes.
  • Unstable blood pressure (see also -).
  • Fatigue that does not go away after rest and sleep.
  • Headache for no reason (see also -).

Signs of physical fatigue:
  • Sleep disorders. A person falls asleep hard, and wakes up repeatedly at night.
  • Constant feeling of tiredness.
  • Increased soreness in the muscles.
  • Lethargy or excessive aggression.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Decreased appetite or its complete absence.
  • Weight loss.
  • In women, the menstrual cycle may be disrupted.
  • Discomfort in the anatomical location of the heart, heaviness behind the sternum.
  • Labored breathing.
Signs of emotional fatigue
  • sudden mood swings;
  • irritation;
  • a tendency to seclusion;
  • loss of strength, insomnia, unstable nervous system.
Signs of nervous fatigue

They are manifested by increased irritability, excessive excitement.

Signs of overwork

In addition to the presence of symptoms characteristic of fatigue, the following may be added:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • reflexes are reduced;
  • increased sweating;
  • fainting states.
The tests may reveal leukocytosis, thrombocytopenia, increased hemoglobin and lactic acid.

At this stage, a person has no strength at all, he performs the necessary action with great tension. If overwork turns into a breakdown, then there is a complete breakdown of vital processes. Then the person stops doing any activity.

Features of overwork in children

AT childhood fatigue may develop more rapidly than in adults. Most of these cases occur when the child begins attending educational institutions. Out of habit, it can be difficult for him to adapt to the rules of the school curriculum.

Other reasons that may contribute to the development of overwork:
  • Fear of public speaking (answer at the blackboard).
  • Difficulty communicating with other children.
  • Inferiority complex.
  • The ridicule of others.
We must always take into account that the child needs not only study, but also a healthy psyche. Therefore, you need to avoid overload, give enough time to rest.


A reliable test that would help determine overwork does not yet exist in nature. As a rule, the diagnosis is carried out based on the complaints of the patient. The doctor evaluates the subjective and objective signs of the disease. It is possible to use a special therapeutic test. It consists in providing a person with several days dedicated to proper rest. After that, the doctor makes a conclusion about the correctness of the diagnosis and treatment plan.

Since similar signs may occur with other diseases, additional laboratory, hardware and instrumental studies may be prescribed.


The principles of therapy are built on achieving a reduction in all types of existing loads.

First you need to establish a daily routine, temporarily stop mental activity and physical activity for a period of 3-4 weeks. As soon as the recovery of the body takes place, doctors will decide on the patient's ability to return to normal life.

If the situation is difficult, then 2-3 weeks you need to do nothing at all, so that there is a state of complete relaxation. And only then gradually connect active rest in the form of walks, moderate physical activity, favorite activities.

Medicines are used only when indicated. Usually these are general tonic and specific drugs.

  • Stimulators of cerebral circulation ("Cavinton", "Ginkgo Biloba", "Platifillin").
  • Nootropics (Piracetam).
  • Sedatives (motherwort, valerian).
  • Hormonal preparations. But they are appointed only in advanced cases.

Along with this, vitamins are prescribed, since overwork is often the result of hypovitaminosis. There are several vitamins that help nervous system function normally and cope with feelings of fatigue.
  • Vitamin C. It provides the necessary energy, prevents the appearance of fatigue.
  • Vitamin E. It helps to strengthen the vascular walls, saves the brain from destruction.
  • B vitamins. Participants of the main exchange, prevent the development of nervousness, depression, insomnia.
  • Vitamin D. Helps improve performance.
If you need an urgent replenishment of vitamins in case of their severe deficiency, doctors prescribe multivitamin complexes.

In addition to vitamins, it is advisable to use funds that increase the overall tone of the body. These stimulants include: lemongrass, tincture of Eleutherococcus and ginseng.

Recently, doctors have been actively using homeopathic remedies to combat fatigue. They have a plant base, so they have a minimum amount side effects. The most common remedies used today are Gelsemium, Phosphoricum Acidum, Quininum Arsenicozum.

Traditional medicine also offers its own recipes to combat this problem. True, they will be effective only in the early stages of fatigue. Here are some of the tips:

  • The use of chamomile tea.
  • The use of currant, raspberry, lingonberry fruit drinks.
  • The use of infusion of wild rose.
  • Garlic. Three cloves should be eaten daily.
A positive effect will bring therapeutic baths with the addition of coniferous extract, mint, lemon balm, thyme or sea salt.


Fatigue in most cases depends on social and mental factors, so the solution of this problem is of paramount importance. It would be advisable to take measures to prevent the occurrence of this condition, to maintain efficiency at a high level.

In order to prevent overwork in adults, certain lifestyle rules must be observed. All you need to do is follow these guidelines:

  • You need to engage in physical activity - walking, running, swimming, morning exercises.
  • If your labor activity mental nature, be sure to alternate it with physical activity.
  • If your work is connected with physical activity, then add mental activity in your free time.
  • Required to have days off.
  • Choose for yourself a way of relaxation: visiting a bath, sauna, massage room, spa treatments.
  • Do not abuse alcohol.
  • Before going to bed, read your favorite book, watch a good movie.
  • Try to minimize stressful situations, psycho-emotional stress, negative emotions.
  • Periodically, you need to change the situation: trips to relatives, travel, weekends in the country.
  • Try to get things done on time, avoid rush jobs.
To ensure the prevention of overwork in children, parents need to provide:
  • Reasonable daily routine. A child needs nine hours of quality sleep.
  • Daily walks in the fresh air.
  • Regular airing of the children's room.
  • Balanced diet.
Remember that fatigue and overwork most often end in a successful recovery. To do this, it is necessary to eliminate the cause that caused it, and conduct high-quality therapy. But sometimes it can lead to the development of somatic diseases and significant disturbances in the functioning of organs and systems.

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1 Exemplary questions of tests of the subject Olympiad for schoolchildren in physical culture 1. The position in which the line shoulder girdle the athlete passes above the grip points is designated as. 2. The tasks of forming the personal qualities of an athlete and managing his operational state are solved in the section designated as training an athlete. 3. Cross-country running is designated as. 4. The subjective feeling of the state of one's health, physical and spiritual strength is denoted as. 5. Physical Culture is a type of human culture. 6. The adaptation of the organism to the conditions of existence is indicated by the concept. 7. The joint activity of people in the use and enhancement of the values ​​of physical culture is usually referred to as physical culture. 8. The state of the body, characterized by perfect self-regulation of organs and systems, a harmonious combination of physical, moral and social well-being is called. 9. The impact on the human body of an external factor that violates the structure and integrity of tissues and the normal course of physiological processes is called. 10. The maximum amplitude of movements achieved by the application of both internal and external forces characterizes. 11. The method of organizing the activities of those involved, when everyone performs the same task, is called. 12. Periods of ontogenesis, within which the most significant rates of development of certain human abilities are provided, especially favorable prerequisites for the formation of certain skills and abilities are called. 13. The method of organizing the activities of students, which provides for the simultaneous performance of several groups of different tasks, is called. 14. Rotational movement through the head with successive touching of the supporting surface by separate parts of the body in gymnastics

2 is denoted as. 15. The method of organizing the activities of students, which provides for the sequential execution of a series of tasks, dosed individually on the basis of the maximum test, is called. 16. An increase in the body's resistance to the influence of external factors occurs when the natural forces of nature are used in the process. 17. In the dynamics of performance after achieving supercompensation in the absence of a repetition of the load, a decrease is observed. 18. Accentuated mastery of the elements of any sports discipline is designated as. 19. Restoration of body functions after illnesses or injuries is commonly called a process. 20. Speed, as a physical quality, is characterized by elementary forms. 21. A qualitative characteristic of the load is the motor load. 22. In honor of the Athenian warrior Philipides, who brought to Athens the news of the victory over the Persians in ancient times, during modern Games The Olympics are held competitions in. 23. The process of mastering the system of knowledge, norms and values ​​of physical culture by a person, which contribute to his functioning as a full member of society, is designated as. 24. An increase in the body's resistance to the influence of external factors occurs when the natural forces of nature are used in the process. 25. Periods of biological development, within which the most favorable conditions for improving individual properties of the body and human abilities are formed, are usually designated as. 26. In the dynamics of working capacity, the phase of fatigue caused by physical activity is followed by a phase. 27. In the dynamics of performance after achieving supercompensation in the absence of repetition of the load is observed. 28. Restoration of body functions after illnesses or injuries is commonly called a process.

3 29. To determine the state of mental tension arising under the influence of strong stimuli, Hans Selye used the term. 30. A measurement or test carried out to determine the state, processes, properties or abilities of a person is designated as. 31. Adaptive physical culture is a type (area) of physical culture of a person with health problems, including a disabled person, and. 32. Closed mechanical damage to tissues and organs, characterized by a violation of their functions without pronounced morphological changes is called. 33. A mechanical instrument used to measure a person's flexibility is called. 34. Training of an athlete aimed at mastering the necessary knowledge, developing thinking, developing mental skills and skills of mental operations is designated as. 35. The intentional action of a runner, when he interferes with other participants in the race with his body (is punished by the disqualification of the runner), is called. 36. A point won directly from a serve in volleyball when the ball is brought to the floor or there is one contact and the ball goes out of bounds is designated as. 37. Belt to protect the lower abdomen and genitals of the athlete in certain types sport, such as rugby, hockey and martial arts is called. 38. Cyclic fluctuations in the intensity and nature of biological processes and phenomena in the body are called. 39. The main group of cyclists in a group road race is designated as a snow roller or colored movable chips that serve to mark the border between the skating tracks is called. 40. A subjective state that occurs during a period of severe physical fatigue and is characterized by a feeling of relief is called.

4 Tasks related to comparison 1. Establish a correspondence between the main concepts and their definitions: 1. Physical activity 2. Activity 3. Motor experience 4. Motor skill 5. Motor actions 6. Motor skill a) is a mental and motor activity of a person regulated by consciousness, aimed at achieving a goal consciously set and of social significance. b) this is the number of movements performed during some time (day, week, month, year). c) the volume of motor actions mastered by a person and ways of their implementation. d) this is such a degree of mastery of a motor action, which is characterized by conscious control of the movement, instability to the action of confounding factors, instability of the results of the action. e) this is a movement (moving the body and its links), performed with a specific purpose. f) this is such a degree of mastery of a motor action, in which the control of movements occurs automatically (i.e. with minimal control from the side of consciousness). 2. Establish a correspondence between the basic concepts and their definitions: 1. Education 2. Motor density Lesson 3. Methods physical education 4. The overall density of the lesson 5. Methodology 6. The amount of load a) the total amount of physical work done in a certain time, physical qualities contributing to the all-round physical development of a person. b) a way to achieve the goal, a certain way ordered activity. The main methods are conditionally divided into three groups: verbal, visual and practical. c) this is the time spent only on the exercise. d) a system of means and methods aimed at achieving certain results. e) an organized, systematic process aimed at acquiring certain knowledge, skills and abilities, under the guidance of teachers. f) includes time to explain the exercises, transition from one sports equipment to another, etc.

5 3. Establish a correspondence between the basic concepts and their definitions: 1. Hypokinesia 2. Hypervitaminosis 3. Hypovitaminosis 4. Hypoxia 5. Heterotopy 6. Hypodynamia b) a set of negative morphofunctional changes in the body due to insufficient motor activity (atrophic changes in muscles, demineralization of bones). c) insufficient motor activity of the body d) occurs with an excess intake of vitamins. e) lack of vitamins in the body. f) oxygen starvation, which occurs when there is a lack of oxygen in the inhaled air or in the blood. 4. Establish a correspondence between the basic concepts and their definitions: 1. Gene 2. Adrenaline 3. Aerobic metabolism 4. Proteins 5. Vitamins 6. Anaerobic exchange a) the hormone of the adrenal medulla, which enhances the breakdown of glycogen and lipids in muscles and liver, increases the strength of heart contractions, regulates the tone of blood vessels, and is involved in the body's adaptation to physical exertion. b) the process of decomposition and oxidation of nutrients with the participation of oxygen. c) the process of decomposition of nutrients that occurs in the cells of the body without the participation of oxygen. d) high-molecular nitrogen-containing compounds consisting of amino acids, the main source of energy and plastic material for building cells and tissues. e) these are biologically active organic compounds necessary for the normal functioning of the body. f) structural and functional elementary particle of hereditary information (part of the DNA molecule).

6 5. Establish a correspondence between the basic concepts and their definitions: 1. Ideomotor exercises 2. Handicap 3. Speed ​​4. Lunge 5. Working out 6. Running determined by the speed of movement b) this is a method of accelerated movement, in which single-support and flight phases alternate, i.e., support with one foot on the ground alternates with the flight phase (with no support phase). c) a state that occurs in the initial period of work, in which the transition of body functions and metabolism occurs from the level of rest to the level necessary for the performance of this work. d) position with the supporting leg extended and bent, the other leg is straight, the torso is vertical. e) in multi-stage sports competitions a way to reflect leadership in previous stages in an earlier release to the start in subsequent ones. f) repeated mental reproduction motor action with a focus on the decisive phases before its actual implementation. 6. Establish a correspondence between the basic concepts and their definitions: 1. Somersault 2. Flexibility 3. Grouping 4. Passive flexibility 5. Gymnastic terminology 6. Hang 7. Curbet 8. Complex of exercises a) a person's ability to perform exercises with the greatest range of motion in the joints , due to the functional properties of the musculoskeletal system. b) the maximum amplitude of movements achieved by the application of external forces. c) the position of the practitioner, in which the legs bent at the knees are pulled up to the chest with the hands and the hands grab the knees.

7 c) a system of special names used for a short designation gymnastic exercises, general concepts, names of shells, as well as the rules for the formation and use of terms, conditional abbreviations and the form of recording exercises. d) the position of the student on the projectile, in which his shoulders are below the grip points. e) several exercises, selected in a certain order to solve a specific problem. e) jump back from hands to feet. g) rotational movement through the head with successive touching of the supporting surface by separate parts of the body. 7. Establish a correspondence between the basic concepts and their definitions: 1. Attacking blow 2. Block 3. Gesture 4. Doping 5. Dolphin 6. Barrier a) technique protection in volleyball, with the help of which the path to the ball is blocked, flying after the attacking blow of the opponent. b) these are prohibited pharmacological preparations and procedures used to stimulate physical and mental performance and thereby achieve a high sports result. c) way sports swimming, arising as a type of breaststroke. d) this is a movement that conveys the mental state of a person speaking or thinking to himself. e) acceptance of assistance to a partner for release from guardianship. f) a technical attack in volleyball, which consists in interrupting the ball with one hand to the opponent's side above the upper edge of the net. 8. Establish a correspondence between the basic concepts and their definitions: 1. Hardening 2. Lifestyle 3. Metabolism 4. Immunity 5. Healthy lifestyle 6. Health and social well-being. b) the process of compliance by a person with certain norms, rules and restrictions in Everyday life, contributing to the preservation of health, optimal adaptation of the body to environmental conditions, a high level of efficiency in educational and professional activity(this is a way of human life, aimed at maintaining and improving people's health).

8 c) is an increase in the body's resistance to the influence of external factors when using the natural forces of nature. d) features of everyday life of people in specific socio-economic conditions. e) immunity of the body to infectious diseases. f) it is a complex, constantly flowing, self-performing and self-regulating biochemical and energy process associated with the intake of various nutrients from the environment 9. Establish a correspondence between the basic concepts and their definitions: 1. Education 2. Sport 3. Basic metabolism 4 Hygiene 5. Medical control a) this is the minimum amount of energy expended by the body to maintain basic level vital activity. b) a scientific and practical discipline that studies the state of health, physical development, the functional state of the body and the impact of classes on it. c) a medical science that studies the influence of the environment on human health. d) it is a type of activity that is the subject of rivalry and has historically taken shape as a way to identify and compare human capabilities. e) this is a specially organized activity of teachers and pupils for the implementation of her education in the conditions of the pedagogical process. 10. Establish a correspondence between the basic concepts and their definitions: 1. Weighting 2. Rest 3. Muscles antagonists 4. Muscle 5. Muscles synergists 6. Lactic acid muscle tissue capable of contraction under the influence of nerve impulses. b) muscles acting simultaneously (or alternately) in two opposite directions. c) muscles that jointly carry out one specific movement. d) an important intermediate product of the breakdown of carbohydrates, reflects the power of energy energy production. e) this is a state of rest or vigorous activity, leading to the restoration of strength and working capacity (active and passive). f) this is an external resistance to movement (weight, barbell), complicating the exercise, contributing to an increase in muscle effort.

9 11. Establish a correspondence between the basic concepts and their definitions: 1. Personality 2. Motive 3. Olympic Movement 4. Olympic Charter 5. Olympism Olympic movement, the principles of Olympism, a set of laws and rules that guide the participants in the Olympic movement. b) it is a philosophy of life, elevating and uniting in a balanced whole the virtues of the body, will and mind. c) this is a joint activity of people, carried out for the benefit of strengthening peace and friendship between peoples in the spirit of mutual understanding, respect and trust, designed to actively promote the humanistic education of peoples on the ideals of sports. d) it is a conscious cause of human activity aimed at achieving the goal. e) a person as a subject of relations and conscious activity, with a stable system of socially significant features that characterize an individual as a member of society or a community. 12. Establish a correspondence between the basic concepts and their definitions: 1. Sports of the highest achievements 2. Sports discipline 3. amateur sports 4. Sports classification 5. Mass sports a) part of physical culture, which is a mass sports movement, contributing to the development of physical culture among the population in order to attract exercise and identifying talented athletes in various types sports. b) a multilateral mass sports movement in the general system of physical education of citizens, which makes it possible to improve their sports skills and achieve the highest results in various sports. c) the field of sports that ensures the achievement of high sports results, the setting of records. d) system sports titles, categories and categories that determine the level of skill in certain sports, as well as the level of qualification of coaches, athletes, instructors, methodologists and judges. e) it component a sport that differs from other constituent disciplines in the form or content of competitive activity.

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ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD FOR SCHOOLCHILDREN IN PHYSICAL CULTURE. 2017 2018 academic year MUNICIPAL STAGE. 7 8 CLASSES THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL TOUR Instructions for completing tasks You are offered tasks that correspond to

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1. GOALS AND TASKS OF THE DISCIPLINE 1.1. The goals of the discipline. The purpose of the discipline "Physical culture" is the formation of the physical culture of the individual, the acquisition of experience in the creative use of means and methods

ANNOTATION TO THE WORKING PROGRAM OF THE DISCIPLINE Elective disciplines (modules) in physical culture and sports Direction of training Profile of training 38.03.05. Business Informatics Enterprise Architecture Qualifications

TICKET 1 1. The subject and tasks of biochemistry as a science. the importance of understanding the biochemical reactions of the human body for a teacher of physical culture. The chemical composition of living organisms. 4 types of bioorganic

Theoretical and methodological task 1. In what year was volleyball included in the program of the Olympic Games? a) 1956; b) 1968; c) 1964; d) 1952. 2. Since what year has basketball been included in the program of the Olympic Games? a) 1936;

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Grade 11 Annotation to the work program in physical culture The curriculum in physical culture in grade 11 is compiled on the basis of integrated program physical education of students in grades 1-11,

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I approve the Fund of Evaluation Funds MBOU "Secondary School 5" for ongoing monitoring of progress and intermediate certification p / n Subject Class Form of the evaluation tool a brief description of evaluation tool

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation State budgetary educational institution Dudinskaya evening (shift) general education school of the Andreapolsky district of the Tver region "Agreed"

FUND OF EVALUATION TOOLS FOR INTERIM CERTIFICATION OF STUDENTS IN THE DISCIPLINE (MODULE). General information 1. Department of Physics, Biology and Engineering Technologies 2. Direction of training 09.03.02 Informational

Municipal autonomous educational institution "Secondary school 40" city of Kamensk-Uralsky Work program on the subject "Physical culture" Grade 10-11 STANDARD SECONDARY

Municipal budgetary educational institution of the city of Novosibirsk "Secondary school 160" Considered at a meeting of the methodological association Head of the Ministry of Defense Minutes dated ..20 Agreed

Theoretical and methodical task Grade 10-11 Last name, First name, Patronymic School Class District Instructions for completing tasks. You are offered tasks that meet the requirements for the subject "Physical Education".

1. The ability to perform coordination-complex motor actions is called: - dexterity - flexibility - strength endurance 2. Two points in basketball are counted when throwing into the basket: - from the zone

1. The type of education, the specific content of which is the training of movements, the education of physical qualities, the mastery of special physical education knowledge and the formation of a conscious need for

Demo version of the entrance test Direction 44.04.01 Pedagogical education Master's program "Education in the field of physical culture in the system of specialized training"

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Baikal State University of Economics and Law Ozernikova 2013 PROGRAM

Educational program group association "From Games to Sports" Implementation period 1 year Head of the circle association: Olga Nikolaevna Murtazina

EXPLANATORY NOTE Introduction Relevance of the problem: Volleyball, as a sport, helps to solve the main task of physical education: the formation of sustainable motives and needs of students in careful

FUND OF EVALUATION TOOLS FOR INTERIM CERTIFICATION OF STUDENTS IN THE DISCIPLINE (MODULE). General information 1. Department of general disciplines 2. Direction of training 38.03.04 State and municipal

CONTENTS Page 1. Name and area of ​​use 3 2. Reason 3 3. Purpose and purpose 3 4. Sources 3 5. Requirements 3 6. Content 3 7. Calendar plan 4 7.1 Types of classes - lectures 4 7.2 Types

1. Which of the criteria for sports selection in this particular sport is the most informative and objective at the time of its holding? 1) special physical training 2) general physical training

Syrovatko Zoya Viktorovna National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI" Methodology for the development of speed in volleyball classes at NTUU "KPI". According to modern concepts, speed is understood as

EXPLANATORY NOTE This work program of extracurricular activities was developed for students in grades 5-6 of a comprehensive school and is aimed at implementing a sports and recreation area.

Regional State Autonomous General Educational Institution "Education Center "Steps" Work program on the subject "Physical Culture (AFK)" for students in grade 8 Compiled by Kiseleva

Working programm sports section"Volleyball" is compiled on the basis of the State educational standard for basic, secondary (complete) general education in physical culture. The program is designed

Explanatory note. The main objective of the program is the general physical development of students, strengthening the musculoskeletal system, mastering various exercises. Through the use of special exercises


Page 3 of 6 Additional entrance test of professional orientation in the discipline is carried out in the following forms: - written test; - testing physical abilities SOFTWARE TEST

2011 ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD FOR SCHOOLCHILDREN IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION II (MUNICIPAL) STAGE Grade 9 Instructions for completing tasks Tasks are presented in the form of tests and definitions. 1-25 questions are given

1.6. Assessing students' progress in the subject "Physical Education" Assessing students' achievements in mastering educational material is carried out on the basis of the requirements of the Federal State Educational

MKOU "Secondary School 2" p. Sadovy I approve. Considered at a meeting of the Ministry of Defense Director of the school: protocol 1 dated 05.09.16. Davydov M.Yu. PMO: Starchikova S.N. Order 41 of 09/06/16 Work program on physical culture

Evaluation materials for physical culture grade 7 MBOU Gymnasium 3 Sharya Codifier of content elements for physical culture in grade 7. The codifier is based on the mandatory minimum content

The text of the task for the cross-sectional control of knowledge in physical culture Class: 8 I option 1. Physical culture is aimed at improving: a) motor skills; b) natural physical properties person;


The program of additional education in the sports and health direction: “OFP. Outdoor games with elements of basketball "(2 hours a week) EXPLANATORY NOTE This extracurricular work program

Name of KTP on physical culture Grade 7 Subject Physical culture Teacher Klishina Lyudmila Alekseevna Section name Lesson number Plan Fact Correction information Theme of the lessons Planned

ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD FOR SCHOOLCHILDREN IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION 2015 2016 d. MUNICIPAL STAGE 9 Grade 11 Instructions for completing tasks You are offered tasks that meet the requirements for the level

SERUSSIAN OLYMPID SCHOOLCHILDREN IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION 2013/2014. SCHOOL ETP. 9 11 CLASSES. THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL BUILDINGS grades 9-11 Instructions for completing the task. Dear Member! we are offered

ADDITIONAL GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM "BASKETBALL" EXPLANATORY NOTE The modified multi-level program of the section refers to programs of physical culture and sports orientation. basketball

1. EXPLANATORY NOTE Work program on "Physical culture" Grade 7. The program is designed for 102 hours (3 hours per week). For the implementation of the program content is used: "Physical culture"


in physical culture

Fefelova L.M.

physical culture teacher



Tasks in a closed form


b. speed exercises.

b. professional sports.

in. amateur sports.

g. fitness and aerobics.

a. muscle weakness.

10. Talismans XXII

hare, coyote and bear.

Assignments in open form


Tasks in a closed form


Answer options

Tasks in an open form






Matching tasks

16. 1- 2- 3- 4 - .5- 6- 7- 8-


Tasks in a closed form


Answer options











Tasks in an open form

12 . edge

13 . "second wind"

14. « explosive force»

15 . skis

Matching tasks

16. 1 - G 2 - D 3 - AND 4 - E 5 - AT 6 - B 7 - BUT 8 - Z

9 - To 10 - L

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 16"



in physical culture

Fefelova L.M.

physical culture teacher



Tasks in a closed form

1. One of the educational tasks of the system of physical education of schoolchildren is…………………………

a. formation of a conscious attitude to one's own physical improvement.

b. mastering the system of knowledge, motor skills and abilities.

in. long-term maintenance of a high level of performance.

d. formation of personality traits that determine its physical culture and sports activity.

2. The quantitative indicators of "progress" in the subject "physical culture" include ... ...

a. number of victories in school competitions.

b systematic exercise and sports.

in. level of physical fitness.

d. maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

3. The main means of improvement coordination abilities are ……….

a. exercises with external weights.

b. speed exercises.

in. exercises performed, performed with a large amplitude.

d. exercises, the possession of which has not been brought to the level of skill.

4. athletics called the “Queen of Sports” because……………

a. The track and field athletics program is the most representative at the Olympic Games.

b. running, jumping, throwing is an integral part of the training of athletes involved in other sports.

in. by using athletics most physical qualities can be developed.

Athletics is the most accessible sport.

5. Self-insurance in gymnastics is

a. the ability to perform the exercise without fear.

b. the ability to perform the exercise with the help of a friend.

in. the ability of a gymnast to get out of dangerous situations on his own.

d. the ability to perform exercises without risk.

6. Motor activity that stimulates the physical development of a person is designated as ...

a. improvement. in. an exercise.

b. Physical Culture. d. physical education.

7. Legislation Russian Federation about physical culture and sports, the existence of ... ...

a. prohibition of smoking and drinking alcohol.

b. professional sports.

in. amateur sports.

g. fitness and aerobics.

8. Under physical development understood...

a. a set of indicators such as height, weight, circumference chest, vital capacity, dynamometry.

b. the process of changing the morpho-functional properties of the organism throughout an individual life.

in. the level due to heredity and the regularity of physical culture and sports.

d. Muscle size, body shape, functional capabilities of respiration and circulation, physical performance.

9. The main cause of poor posture is...

a. muscle weakness.

b. habit of certain postures.

in. lack of movement during school holidays.

g. carrying a bag, briefcase in one

10. Talismans XXII Winter Olympic Games 2014 are...

a. polar bears Heidi and Howdy.

b. boy and girl Haakon and Kristin.

in. white Bear, Bunny and Leopard.

hare, coyote and bear.

Tasks in an open form

11. The impact on the body, causing surplus functional activity, is designated as………………………………………………….

12 A snow roller or colored movable chips that serve to mark the border between the skating tracks is called………...

13. A subjective state that occurs during a period of severe physical fatigue and is characterized by a feeling of relief is called ………..

14. The ability to achieve maximum strength indicators in the course of performing a motor action a short time called ………….

15. Flat wooden, plastic and other skids for movement on snow are designated as ………………………………………………………..

Matching tasks

16. Establish a correspondence between the basic concepts of the theory of physical culture and sports and their definitions.


Tasks in a closed form


Answer options











Tasks in an open form

12 . edge

13 . "second wind"

14. "explosive power"

15 . skis

Matching tasks

16. 1 - G 2 - D 3 - AND 4 - E 5 - AT 6 - B 7 - BUT 8 - Z