Fitball in the treatment of bronchitis. Massage, breathing exercises and exercise therapy in the treatment of bronchitis in children. The healing power of exercise

Bronchitis is a serious disease of the lower respiratory tract, especially dangerous for a child. There is no vaccine against this disease, because it has an extensive etiology. Simply put, bronchitis is a consequence of diseases such as influenza, SARS, etc. The treatment of bronchitis is long-term, massage, breathing exercises and gymnastics play an important role in it.

Basic principles for the treatment of bronchitis in a child

Almost all diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, including bronchitis, are transmitted by airborne droplets. Such diseases cannot be treated on their own, all drugs and recommendations for treatment should be prescribed to your child by a general practitioner.

To combat bronchitis, complex therapy is needed

First of all, it is important to remember that during an illness, parents should provide the child with peace - at least for the first few days. This does not mean that you need to force the baby to lie in bed all the time, but also to engage in exercise, running and jumping is also not worth it. It is also necessary to provide the baby with plenty of fluids.

In 90% of cases, the therapist prescribes antibiotic treatment to avoid possible complications, recommends mucolytic drugs that ensure sputum discharge. However, not only medicines can help a small patient - to alleviate his condition, massage, breathing and physical exercises should not be neglected.


Massage during bronchitis promotes sputum discharge. You can do it at home - any parent can master the technique of execution.


Lay the child on your knees and perform percussion in the area of ​​the bronchi

The most famous is vibration massage Almost everyone recommends it. This type of massage is especially effective in the acute form of bronchitis - it helps to expel sputum, which in large quantities can accumulate in the bronchi. The essence of vibration massage is the rhythmic tapping of the child on the back in the area of ​​the bronchi.

Vibration massage can be performed even in the acute stage of the disease, but you should still refrain from the procedure if the child's body temperature is very high.

  1. You should put the child on his knees with his stomach in such a way that only the head and legs hang down, the torso should lie completely on the knees.
  2. It is necessary to create a slight tilt towards the head. That is, put your foot, which is farther from the head of the child, on some kind of hill. In this case, sputum during massage under the influence of gravity will not accumulate in the lower sections of the bronchi, but will naturally tend to the outside.
  3. Tapping must be done with the lower back of the hand clenched into a fist. Only the area of ​​​​the bronchi is tapped, there is no need to knock the child on the back idle. In no case should you touch the spine. This scheme is preferable for children older than one year.

If the child is breastfeeding, then you need to knock even more carefully. For the baby, massage is performed as follows:

  1. The position of the baby on his knees remains the same.
  2. You should put your left hand on the child's bronchial area and gently tap your hand with two fingers of your right hand (middle and index).
  3. You need to knock rhythmically, but not very hard. The procedure lasts about a minute, then you need to let the child cough. If the patient's health allows, you can repeat the procedure up to three times.

Master class from Dr. Komarovsky - video


Lay the child on a soft roller or pillow and rub the area of ​​the bronchi with rubbing movements.

Drainage massage is performed in acute and obstructive forms of bronchitis. It has a positive effect on sputum discharge and relieves coughing.

  1. It is necessary to put the child with his stomach on a soft roller (you can make it from a blanket or take a long narrow pillow) and rub your back well until redness, the main thing is not to injure the skin. You need to rub the area of ​​the bronchi, without touching the spine.

    To reduce pain, it is better to spread baby cream on your back.

  2. Then, with the pads of your fingers, walk along the intercostal cavities from the bottom up.
  3. After that, with your hand, compressed in the shape of a boat (palm inward), tap the area of ​​the bronchi for a minute. Give the child a good cough and repeat the procedure 2-3 times.

Procedures should be started no earlier than 4 days after feeling better, so as not to provoke additional inflammation. If the child has a fever, then the sessions should be stopped.

Massage technique - video


It is better to entrust acupressure to a specialist, since it is quite difficult to determine the right points.

Acupressure is based on the principle of influencing certain points on the human body. With acute and chronic disease impact zones are slightly different. They are located almost all over the body: on the neck, behind the ears, under the knees and so on. It is better to entrust this type of massage to a specialist so as not to harm the baby.


Honey massage cannot be carried out in case of an acute form of the disease and at a high temperature.

Honey is a natural antiseptic, while it has an anti-inflammatory, soothing and immunostimulating effect. Honey massage resembles drainage - it has a similar principle of execution.

  1. It is necessary to put the child with his stomach on a soft roller, warm up his back with his hands, then apply bee honey to the bronchial area and rub his back already with honey.
  2. As you grind, the honey will thicken. When it becomes very sticky, and it will be impossible to continue rubbing, you need to switch to the technique of sticking-unsticking hands from the body.
  3. The procedure lasts 5-7 minutes. After its completion, you need to wash the child with warm water.

Any type of massage is best done 30 minutes after taking expectorants.

A contraindication to such a massage is an acute form of bronchitis. In addition, parents should remember that honey is a highly allergenic product, so it is worth doing an allergy test before using it.

Breathing exercises

In the fight against bronchitis, breathing exercises are very helpful. During the period of exacerbation, they should not be carried out, the child may cough. But on the 3-4 day of the disease, these exercises can and should be done.

One of the most famous and most effective methods is Strelnikova's gymnastics. It consists of inhaling quickly through the nose and slowly exhaling through the mouth. Each inhalation-exhalation should last approximately 1 second. The exercise can be performed standing, sitting or lying down.

Basic exercises:

  1. The exercise is performed while standing. Feet shoulder width apart, arms relaxed. Inhalation should be short and sharp - through the nose, exhalation long - through the mouth. While inhaling, we clench our hands into fists, while exhaling we slowly relax our fingers. Take a break for a few seconds and repeat the exercise.
  2. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Hands are clenched into fists and lie on the waist. As you inhale, relax your arms and lower them down. As you exhale, return your hands to initial position. It is recommended to perform the exercise 12 times.
  3. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered along the body. While inhaling, we lean forward, round our shoulders, while exhaling we return to the starting position. Perform 12 sets of 8 tilts with a break of 10 seconds.
  4. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. While inhaling, lean forward, bringing your hands in front of you to the level of your knees, while exhaling, rise. Slightly bend at the waist, putting your hands behind your back. Take a quick breath. Return to the starting position while exhaling air.
  5. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms relaxed, shoulders straightened, back straight, abdominal muscles tense. On inhalation, turn the head to the left side, on exhalation, return to the starting position. Inhale sharply and turn your head to the right, exhale calmly and take your starting position.

It is best to exercise in game form to keep the child interested.

Performing a set of exercises - video

Charging and exercise

For a speedy recovery and strengthening the immune system of the child, it is necessary to perform a set of gymnastic exercises. The load must be calculated according to the age of the child. It is best to exercise in the morning.

A set of exercises:

  1. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms relaxed. We perform forward bends, arms and torso should be parallel to the floor. After 3 inclinations, we return to the starting position. Before the exercise, we take a breath, during the slopes we exhale 3 times.
  2. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist. We perform side bends. We raise one hand up and reach for the body. After 3 inclinations, we return to the starting position. Before the exercise, we take a breath, during the slopes we exhale 3 times.
  3. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist. We tilt the head forward, backward, left and right.
  4. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist. Describe the circle with the hips. 10 times one way, 10 times the other.
  5. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms relaxed. We pull each knee to the chest in turn.
  6. Fitball exercises are suitable even for the smallest

    For kids under the age of two years, charging on a fitball is suitable. It can be purchased at any sports store. It is better to take the ball without handles - they are not needed for exercises with a child.

    1. Fitball jumping while standing. We hold the child by the armpits and let him jump on the ball on his own.
    2. We lay the child on the fitball with his stomach and roll the ball back and forth, supporting the baby.
    3. Similar exercise in the supine position.
    4. We put the child sideways on the fitball. With one hand we take the forearm, the second - for the outer part of the thigh. We roll the fitball in the direction from the child's head to his feet and back.
    5. We put the child on the fitball with his stomach, put toys in front of him, roll the ball back and forth and give the child the opportunity to grab the toy.
    6. We put the child on the floor and let him push the fitball with his hands. If the baby can stand on his own, you can roll the ball from yourself to the child and back.

    Such gymnastics can be carried out in combination with children's massage.

    It is very difficult to completely cure bronchitis in children without drug therapy. But applying medicines, do not forget about additional measures that can significantly improve the patient's condition and speed up recovery. This fully applies to massage. This procedure does not require financial costs and can be done at home. The effect is felt after the first session.

Thanks to breathing exercises, you can quickly cure bronchitis

Exercises: breathing exercises Strelnikova

Breathing exercises can be performed both in a medical institution and at home. These exercises help to restore the voice, remove pain and phlegm, and improve blood circulation. This gymnastics from the Strelnikova complex is not obtained the first time, because you need to understand the technique of sharp inhalation and smooth exhalation. You should start with three exercises, gradually adding the following episodes.

You need to master these movements well, and then move on to others.:

  1. The first exercise is to expand the palms, bend the elbows, palms should be near the head. A powerful breath in through the nose and at the same time clenching the hands into fists, repeat several times. Be sure to exhale only through your mouth and slowly. Then pause for a few seconds and repeat again. In general, the exercise must be repeated 24 times.
  2. Exercise number two - a person stands straight, legs at shoulder level. The shoulders are lowered, the head is raised, the hands are clenched into fists and are at waist level. Inhale - sharply throw your hands down and unclench your fists. If everything is done correctly, the muscles of the hands will feel tension. Repeat the exercise at least 10 times for 5 sets with a break of 6 seconds.
  3. The third exercise - the legs are shoulder-width apart, directly lower the shoulders, arms along the body. Slow tilt, take a powerful breath and slow smooth exhalation. Do 8 such repetitions, rest 6 seconds and again. There should be 10 sets in total.

You can get acquainted with Strelnikova's breathing exercises in a special book or on the Internet.

These exercises are performed twice a day immediately after sleep or 2 hours after dinner. Breathing exercises give vigor, strengthen the immune system, help relieve fatigue, improve well-being.

The best breathing exercises

Other exercises can also help you feel better.

Here are the best from this series:

  1. Stand in the middle of the room, relax. Waving your arms in different directions, pronouncing "ah" on the exhale. Repeat at least 10 times.
  2. Another exercise is to stand with a straight back, legs together, and spread your arms in different directions. Inhale, slap on the legs, exhale with a cry of "a", repeat.
  3. It is useful to do exercises as in exercises - to stand and walk, while making movements in a circle with your hands, like a windmill. Breathe evenly, freely.
  4. Stand straight, legs together, arms along the body. Exhale when bending, inhale when straightening. Exhale with a sound like a mosquito is flying, hands glide freely. Repeat at least 5 times.
  5. It is useful to squat and pump the press while sharply and powerfully inhaling and exhaling to the rhythm of the exercises. You need to do it without fanaticism, enough for 10 times.
  6. In another exercise, you need to stand up like a skier and imitate walking, exhale through your nose, while mooing, and perform for a couple of minutes.
  7. Walking, while inhaling, raise your hands, while exhaling, lower them with a long “y” sound. Repeat the exercise for about one minute.
  8. Sit down, bring your legs together. Hands need to be raised in different directions and gradually lowered, exhaling with the sound “s”, repeat 5 times.
  9. Sitting in a meditation posture, inhale deeply through your nose and exhale evenly through your mouth.

By performing these exercises regularly, many diseases can be prevented. respiratory system, normalize blood pressure and even lose weight. With a cold, bronchitis, tracheitis breathing exercises will help ease breathing, relieve swelling and relieve cough and sputum.

Effective breathing exercises for bronchitis

Breathing exercises are especially helpful for bronchitis. In addition to taking medication and massage, you can also engage in physical education. This exercise will help increase the discharge of mucus, ease coughing and breathing.

Exercises for diseases of the bronchi are as follows:

  1. For the first exercise, you need to stand up straight, take a strong breath and slow long breath, repeat 5 times.
  2. Sit down on the exhale with a sharp wave of the hands. Touch your feet, inhale and sit down again. Repeat 5 times.
  3. Lying on your stomach, bend at the waist several times, this pose is also called the “bow”. Inhale to rise, when exiting, return to the starting position.
  4. Then lie down on the floor on your back and place your arms along the body. Slowly raise them while inhaling, reach out to them with your whole body, lie down in the starting position with a long exhalation. Repeat 10 times.
  5. Also lying with one arm extended along the body, and the other behind the head. Breathe freely, after a minute change the position of the hands, repeat 5 times.
  6. In the same position, take a deep breath and spread your arms in different directions. As you exhale, press your knees to the body, you can help yourself with your hands. Repeat 7 times.
  7. Then bend your knees and raise your pelvis. Raise as you inhale, exhale slowly as you exhale. Repeat 12 times.

Before execution breathing exercises watch the tutorial video

Repeat gymnastics should be a couple of times a day on an empty stomach or a couple of hours after the last meal.

Video: breathing exercises for bronchitis

A video of breathing lessons will help you do the exercises yourself at home. This procedure is especially useful after acute bronchitis in order to get rid of the residual effects of the disease in the form of cough, shortness of breath and mucus in the bronchi.

Breathe through your nose during exercises, each exercise at least 5 times.:

  1. Powerful inhalation, standing straight, then a slow exhalation, Roundabout Circulation hands, bend, stand up again. Repeat.
  2. Hands in different directions, a breath is taken and as you exhale, touch your shoulders with your hands. Do this exercise at least 15 times.
  3. Take a stick for gymnastics and hold it behind your back. Inhale, tilt back, exhale and tilt forward without stopping.
  4. Place the stick in front of you, take a breath and raise your arms up, make a backbend, put your foot behind you on the toe. Exhale and return to the starting position.
  5. Squats when hands touch the floor as you exhale. On an inhale, straighten up and raise your arms.

Additionally, during diseases of bronchitis and lungs, you can use whistles, inflate balloons, jump and run to breathe more. Be sure to drink plenty of water to thin the mucus and make it easier to pass.

How is breathing exercises done for the lungs and bronchi

While performing breathing exercises for the lungs and bronchi, you should follow some rules that will help make the gymnastics as effective as possible.

You need to exhale through your mouth, breathe easily, freely, do not take a deep breath sharply.

Gymnastics is best done before breakfast or 2 hours after dinner. With severe dizziness and nausea, gymnastics should be stopped.

At chronic bronchitis should do a universal set of exercises to relieve symptoms:

  1. Lie on your back with your legs bent and close to your chest. Take a deep breath with your mouth, knees are pressed harder. Then slowly exhale and release your knees, repeat the exercise several times.
  2. In a standing or sitting position, close one nostril, take a large breath through the mouth and exhale through the free nostril. Repeat the same with the other nostril.
  3. The last exercise: stand up straight, arms to the sides. Then, while inhaling, cross tightly hug yourself by the shoulders and exhale.

You may feel dizzy while exercising, but this should pass quickly. If you feel unwell, you should pause or stop the exercises altogether. In acute bronchitis, it is very useful to sing songs, for children to jump and run. Some even practice walking on their hands, that is, the patient is held by the legs while he walks on his hands. This helps the mucus come out. Exercises for the diaphragm are effective, for example, blowing air through a tube into a glass of water. It is enough to repeat this several times a day for 5-10 minutes and it will become easier to breathe.

The above exercises help improve breathing, clear the lungs and bronchi of mucus and sputum. However, too deep and sharp breaths can provoke a spasm, so therapeutic gymnastics should be done slowly and gradually.

Exercise therapy for bronchitis

With bronchitis, it is useful to combine exercise therapy, massage and breathing exercises. This helps to develop the muscles of the chest, improve breathing, and strengthen the functioning of the lungs.

Even people with poor physical fitness can perform exercise therapy

Depending on the exercise therapy diseases changes, can pursue the following goals:

  • Reduce inflammation;
  • Improve blood flow in the lungs;
  • Strengthen immunity.

Useful and yoga, swimming, long walks. With a protracted course of the disease, it is recommended to go for a massage to get rid of sputum, shortness of breath and relieve coughing. Regular procedures will help to cure diseases in the shortest possible time.

Breathing exercises for bronchitis (video)

With pneumonia, asthma and acute obstructive bronchitis, respiratory failure and expectoration, physiotherapy exercises and breathing exercises are very useful. Moreover, it is suitable for both children and adults, and you can even perform it at home. Such gymnastics is useful for sputum discharge, restoration of lung function and internal organs. Proper execution provides lightness, good health, proper breathing.

Breathing exercises for bronchitis: a set of exercises

Bronchitis is very dangerous for children and adults. A disease of this kind is quite difficult to cure, since its focus is located almost in the center of the body. If acute bronchitis is treated incorrectly, it may well turn into chronic, which will remind of itself for many years. Most experts recommend treating this disease in a complex way, that is, combining medications and inhalations, warming up and breathing exercises.

Breathing exercises for bronchitis is one of the most effective measures that promotes coughing. It is thanks to the performance of special exercises that it is possible to restore the mucous membrane, increase its protective function and facilitate the process of expectoration. Also, thanks to gymnastics, you can develop the capabilities of your lungs. It is prescribed by many specialists and simply to improve the general condition of the body, since oxygen saturation of the blood favorably affects the level of immunity.

Breathing exercises for bronchitis

The role of complex gymnastics in the treatment of bronchitis cannot be underestimated, since it is with its help that you can increase the protective functions of the body and speed up the healing process. Gymnastics plays a huge role as a preventive measure to prevent the development of chronic bronchitis. Only with its help it is possible to improve the condition of the entire respiratory system and prevent the development of infections.

There are many different gymnastic complexes, but before choosing the best one for yourself, you should consult your doctor. There are several rather serious contraindications for the use of this kind of exercise. Gymnastics can be done only in case of good health, absence of high temperature and exacerbations.

The period of classes differs depending on the type of bronchitis. In the acute form of the disease, experts recommend doing gymnastics on the 4th day. Breathing exercises for chronic bronchitis are performed immediately after the diagnosis is confirmed, since timely therapy will help improve general state sick.

There are some of the most effective breathing exercises, these include:

Exhale through the water

The exercise is very simple, to perform it you need to take a container and fill it with water. You will also need a regular straw. The essence of the exercise is to inhale through the nose and exhale smoothly through the tube into the water. You need to perform the exercise every day for 30 minutes.

Gymnastics on the back

This exercise allows you to work out breathing through the diaphragm very well. It must be performed lying on your back. The stomach must be pulled in on the inhale, and stick out on the exhale. At the end of the exercise, you need to cough well.

knees to chest

The exercise is aimed at working out the upper respiratory tract and diaphragm. Starting position - lying on your back, knees must be pulled towards you. On the exhale, the knees need to be lowered, and on the inhale, tighten. You need to perform the exercise for 5 minutes twice a day. After the exercise, cough well.

"Hug yourself"

This exercise is performed while standing. On the exhale, you need to hug yourself as sharply as possible, and on the inhale, loosen the grip. You need to perform the exercises 5 times for three approaches.


The essence of the exercise is that it must be performed in a bent position. Hands need to be raised up and taken away behind the head. On the exhale, lean forward, and on the inhale, return to the starting position.


Breathing exercises include non-standard inclinations. Their starting position is standing. The next action is to bend forward while inhaling, and while exhaling, extend the back. In this case, the hands should be brought as much as possible behind the back.

Breathing exercises Strelnikova with bronchitis

One of the most effective methods of treating bronchitis is to perform breathing exercises according to the Strelnikova method. The main goal of her technique was not only to cure the disease, but also to develop skills correct breathing. The basic principles of breathing according to her method:

  • Inhale is sharp. If breathing is through the nose, it should be fast. If through the mouth, the breath should be smooth and soft.
  • The exhalation should also be soft and deep.
  • It is always necessary to observe the rhythm of the respiratory process.
  • Inhalation must always match the movement.
  • Breathing exercises can be performed in different positions.
  • Different forms of bronchitis require different times for starting breathing exercises.
  • Respiratory gymnastics for obstructive bronchitis should be more gentle.

Breathing exercises according to the Strelnikova method must be performed in a complex manner. The most effective exercises according to her method:


This exercise is in the nature of a warm-up. You need to perform it while standing, hands should be lowered down. During the exercise, you need to relax as much as possible. Clench your hands as you inhale, and relax as you exhale. You need to repeat the exercise four times, five sets each.

Reset excess

The exercise begins in a standing position. The essence of the exercise is that while inhaling, the hands should be lowered as sharply as possible, and while exhaling, return to the original. Repeat the exercise ten times for three sets.

Pump up the ball

You need to take a sharp breath through the nose, while standing with a straightened back, and exhale, smoothly rounding the back. Repeat the exercise five times for eight sets.

Attention: breathing exercises for children with bronchitis should take place in the form of a game in order to make it easier to interest the child and correctly perform all the exercises.

Best for the child are those exercises that are aimed at exhalation. Also one of the most simple exercises for children are:

Cat dance

You need to start the exercise while standing. As you exhale, sit down and turn your head to the side. This position must be maintained for three minutes, only with each breath to change the direction of the head.


The essence of the exercise is that in a standing position on the exhale, it is necessary to bring straightened arms behind your back. And on an inhale, return to the starting position.

head tilts

The essence of the exercise is to change the position of the head while inhaling. You need to start the exercise while standing. While inhaling with your right foot, step forward, while exposing your hands, and as you exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 5 times.


Exercise to perform lying down. On exhalation, the head must be pulled to the chest and press on the stomach as much as possible. On inspiration, you need to take the starting position.

Breathing exercises according to the method of Stelnikova can help in the treatment of the most serious cases. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations and regularly perform a set of exercises. However, breathing exercises alone will not bring significant results if it is not combined with other methods of treatment. With bronchitis, it is very important not only to improve the general condition of the body, increase respiratory functions and ensure expectoration, but also remove the source of infection, that is, get rid of the very cause that caused such a serious illness.

Breathing exercises for bronchitis

In the off-season, when the weather is unstable outside, you can easily get sick. The most common ailments are acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, bronchitis can also be put in one row, which, if not properly treated, can develop into a chronic form. It will escalate in the same periods, but it will proceed differently each time.

For the treatment of bronchitis various shapes, in addition to medicines, breathing exercises are often used. It is especially effective in the chronic form of the disease.

You already had the opportunity to learn about how breathing exercises for weight loss affect the body during the fight against extra pounds, and today we will tell you about another type of similar exercise to combat bronchitis.

Tasks of respiratory gymnastics in bronchitis

Most specialists treat various forms of bronchitis in a variety of ways. Along with therapeutic methods, traditional medicine recipes and breathing exercises are successfully used. Now there are many techniques that have been developed by various people who have not always been related to medicine.

Using breathing exercises in combination with drug treatment for adults and children, several problems can be solved at once:

  • reduce inflammation in the bronchi;
  • increase the volume of sputum discharge;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • restore normal drainage properties of the upper respiratory tract;
  • increase hemoglobin;
  • strengthen immunity.

In addition, breathing exercises for bronchitis is an excellent prevention of complications after the disease.

The basics of performing respiratory gynastics for bronchitis

Before you start performing therapeutic exercises, you should learn its basics, on which the effectiveness of the impact on the disease will depend. TO important points include:

  • Proper breathing. This concept includes carrying out inhalations and exhalations in accordance with the description. Inhalation, according to the recommendations of experts, should be sharp and strong. If it is done through the nose, then a characteristic noise should be heard. Breathing in by mouth is not accompanied by extraneous sounds, the procedure is the same. Exhaling air is mainly taken by the mouth, while the nose does not take any part in this process. Exhalations are made easily and calmly, without extraneous sounds.

  • At the very beginning of treatment, before performing exercises, the specialist examines the patient. Depending on the severity of the course of the disease, the first few days of the procedure can be performed lying down, then sitting. When it becomes easier, standing exercises are recommended.

  • It is important to calculate the rhythm when doing exercises, it is counted in the mind, as in a march.

  • Each breath is performed with movement, if there is no breath, calmness is observed.

Advice! It should be understood that only breathing training will not help cure the disease, drug treatment must be present without fail.

Breathing exercises for bronchitis

Many different techniques have been developed to improve breathing and stimulate normal lung function. However, official medicine did not accept everything; some are still arguing about the safety of some in scientific circles.

The Strelnikova complex is considered the most used for children and adults. A well-known vocal teacher believed that the main diseases of the respiratory tract arise from improper breathing, and this was the basis for the development of her exercises.

Less often, Buteyko breathing exercises are used, the physiologist believed that it was necessary to treat with shallow breathing. But many of his colleagues did not approve of this thinking, some even opining that this way not only ineffective, but also hazardous to health.

Breathing exercises for bronchitis from Strelnikova

Alexandra Strelnikova, as a vocal teacher, was well aware of the importance of respiratory health. The exercises developed by her help to gradually increase the ventilation of the lungs, to adjust the working mode of the diaphragm.

Chasing medicinal purposes Strelnikova's method is usually used for obstructive bronchitis, as well as for prophylactic purposes in the chronic form of the disease during the period of relief. To achieve the result, it is enough to perform the exercises for at least 14 days, but not more than 3 weeks in a row. They need to be done twice a day. Each lesson consists of the following exercises:

  • "Palms". Usually performed as a warm-up. The exercise is not difficult, they start with 4 repetitions, gradually increase to 96. To perform it, you need to stand up straight, bend your arms at the elbows and raise your hands as if you are showing your palms to someone in front of you. With a sharp breath, it is necessary to tightly clench your fists, exhaling gradually relax your fingers.

Advice! During the exercise, be sure to squeeze the brushes with effort.

  • "Pump". In a standing position, the body is slightly tilted forward, arms along, relaxed. Perform as follows: with a sharp breath, you need to lean forward a little, releasing air from the lungs, you should take the initial position.

  • An excellent result is visible when performing the exercise “hug your shoulders”. It is shown to be performed even by seriously ill patients, sitting in bed. Its implementation does not require special skills, it is enough to raise your arms bent at the elbows to shoulder height and, when inhaling, try to hug yourself by the shoulders. When exhaling, the upper limbs are bred to the sides. You should not make great efforts, hugging yourself, light movements are enough. For 1 approach, you must do at least 15 repetitions.

  • With the help of the "eight" exercise, you can significantly increase the flow of sputum from the bronchi. Perform it like this: leaning slightly forward, take a quick breath and hold your breath. During this period, you need to count to yourself to 8, slowly, but not stretching the time too much. This is followed by a calm exhalation.

  • The final exercise will be "drop the load." To do this, they become straight, clench their fists and put on the belt. When inhaling, the fists are unclenched, from the side it should look as if a load is falling off the shoulders. Exhaling, you need to return to the starting position. For 1 approach, you must do at least 8 repetitions.

After the full complex classes should not immediately run to bed or rush to sit down, it must be completed correctly. In conclusion, you need to tilt your head forward as much as possible, hands should be placed on your stomach. You should stand in this position for a while, while relaxing all the muscles.

Advice! If at the moment of relaxation a cough begins, do not restrain it.

Strelnikova's method consists of a much larger number of different exercises, but it is the above ones that are recommended by experts to improve well-being in bronchitis and for prevention during remissions.

Breathing exercises for bronchitis for the treatment of children

The respiratory organs of children are not as strong as those of adults. Babies have weaker immune systems and because of this are more likely to be exposed to a variety of diseases.

Bronchitis in children is treated mainly with medicines, but breathing exercises are also used. If the disease has an obstructive form, then the first classes should begin after the acute stage, when the cough is dry and severe. The chronic form permits prophylaxis during remissions.

The features of the classes are:

  • exercises are best done under the supervision of a specialist, especially the first few;
  • more attention should be paid to strengthening pectoral muscles, and only then the waste of sputum;
  • exercises are best done in specialized exercise therapy groups, where the methodologist will monitor the correctness and quality of the tasks performed.

If it is not possible to engage in a group, parents should interest the baby in the need to perform exercises. Some experts recommend family activities.

Breathing exercises for the elderly

Breathing exercises for bronchitis for older people are also relevant, there are several reasons for this:

  • the body is not so strong, cannot normally fight pathogenic bacteria and viruses;
  • often the lungs and bronchi in the elderly are weakened, ordinary bronchitis is more difficult, sometimes even fatal;
  • performing exercises can not only alleviate the well-being in case of problems with the respiratory tract, but also improve the functioning of the heart.

For the elderly, of all the existing methods, the Strelnikova complex is most indicated, exercises from it can be performed even while sitting in bed. This is especially true if a person has a number of different chronic diseases.

Respiratory gymnastics with other elements of exercise therapy showed itself well in the course of treatment. An integrated approach plus properly selected medicines can put anyone on their feet.

Sometimes in old age, breathing exercises are used in combination with traditional medicine to treat bronchitis. Do not forget about time-tested and people-tested recipes, but contraindications should be taken into account.

Advice! For the elderly in the treatment of bronchitis, an integrated approach is recommended, in which medications are gradually replaced folk remedies. At the same time, one of the first places is given to the respiratory complex.

Breathing exercises for preventive purposes

Bronchitis is an insidious disease, with the complete disappearance of symptoms, it can suddenly return again. In this case, the form of re-illness can be much more severe. In order to prevent such an outcome, it is worth continuing breathing exercises even after the state of health improves significantly.

Strengthening the diaphragm, respiratory organs and chest muscles will not hurt anyone. Regular exercise will help the body as a whole and the respiratory system, in particular, increase resistance to various diseases.

The preventive course is much shorter than the main course, for this purpose it is enough to single out a few of the most effective exercises and perform them daily. The duration of the lessons is short. Just 10-15 minutes a day and your lungs and bronchi will always be in order.

How to speed up the treatment of bronchitis in a child with massage and exercise

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the lining of the bronchi. The cause of the disease can be allergens, urban smog, and cigarette smoke. As a complication after a cold, bronchitis manifests itself in children: the respiratory system is formed before the age of 12, the lumen in the bronchi and trachea is rather narrow, therefore it is easily filled with mucus. If a child coughs for more than two weeks and complains of chest pain, while sputum is coming out of him, then these are signs of bronchitis. Stop at initial stage the disease and its development can be prevented without medication, using only physiotherapy: massage, breathing exercises and physiotherapy exercises.

Principles of treatment of bronchitis

If bronchitis began from an acute stage (temperature rise to 39 ° C), you should consult a doctor who, before prescribing treatment, will give a referral for tests. After all, there are many forms of the disease:

  • by duration (acute, chronic);
  • by type of inflammation (catarrhal, purulent, fibrinous, obstructive and others);
  • by localization (tracheobronchitis, bronchiolitis);
  • by etiology (viral, allergic, dust, infectious, etc.).

Each type of bronchitis has its own methods of treatment and a set of drugs. Do not be surprised if the doctor prescribes antibiotics, because, for example, with purulent bronchitis, this is the only way to stop the inflammatory process.

Two groups of drugs are used to help eliminate sputum - expectorants and mucolytics. The principle of action of the first group is to stimulate the activity of the bronchi. But these drugs are not used for the treatment of infants, because they can provoke an increase in cough and the development of gag reflexes. The second group is mucolytics. They thin the mucus so that it can be more easily expelled.

A prolonged and painful cough in a child is a reason to see a doctor

Active assistance in the treatment of bronchitis is provided by inhalation using a nebulizer. In addition to medicines, you can irrigate the alveoli with vapors of essential oils and mineral water.

In addition to medical treatment, it is important to ensure the access of clean air to the room, give the patient a warm drink and apply supportive therapy. It can be honey compresses on the chest, mustard plasters, jars, foot baths. But the most effective methods of cleansing the bronchi will be chest massage, physiotherapy exercises and breathing exercises. However, it is worth remembering that if the disease is in the acute phase, then it is impossible to completely replace the main treatment with folk remedies.

Important! It is impossible to carry out any physiotherapy at elevated temperatures. Increased blood circulation will lead to the spread of the disease and an increase in the load on the cardiovascular system.


Recovery consists in complete cleansing of the bronchi. Carrying out massage allows you to speed up this process by increasing blood circulation, accelerating the contractions of the walls of the bronchi, pushing out sputum. As a result, the level of intoxication decreases, and resistance to viruses increases. Children can be massaged from birth. Parents can do it themselves. The main thing is that the temperature of a sick baby does not rise above 37 ° C.

Before starting manipulations, you should consult a pediatrician for contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to massage a child if he has a disease in the acute stage, or inflammatory processes in the larynx are observed.

Children's massage should be more delicate than an adult's. It is important to follow the rules of the procedure. In order not to aggravate the condition of the child, it would be useful to study additional information or watch a training video.

For a massage session to have an effect, the room must be warm (+22…+25 °C) and humid (65%). Before the procedure, it is necessary to prepare the child: give a mucolytic and a warm drink. This will help loosen the mucus and make it easier to expectorate. Massage should not be done at bedtime or before meals, because for another hour the child will cough intensively, for the same reason, at least two hours should pass after eating.

So that the child is not afraid of the procedure, there should be comfortable conditions in the room

There are several types of massage - all of them are effective in their own way:

  • Vibration, or percussion. Tapping on the back creates a slight vibration, which improves sputum discharge. A safe and effective method, even for babies.
  • Drainage. Comprehensive massage aimed at separating and removing sputum. Laborious, but effective. It is recommended to alternate it with vibration.
  • Honey. Massaging the back with rubbing natural honey requires care so as not to hurt the child. It is better to entrust this procedure to a professional.
  • Canned. It is carried out with the help of medical cups. It improves lymphatic circulation and tissue nutrition, but if the technique is violated, it will not give an effect or it will be too painful for the baby.
  • Spot. By acting on trigger points, you can achieve the expected effect, but the danger is that only an experienced specialist will accurately determine them. It is impossible to carry out such a massage on your own, especially with a child.


One of the most popular types of massage, especially effective in the acute form of the disease. Always performed in combination with drug therapy.

  1. To massage the baby, put it on your knees with your back up.
  2. Tap with two fingers on your hand, placed on the back of the baby. Perform the procedure for a minute, if the child perceives the massage well, repeat the tapping 2 more times.
  3. Lay a child older than a year on a flat surface with his stomach on a pillow. Carry out tapping with the edge of the palm.

To get the desired result and not harm the crumbs, you should know a few secrets:

  1. The head of the child should be below the level of the body, so the sputum will be better to leave.
  2. Since the bronchi are part of the structure of the lungs, tapping is carried out in the upper back and sides.
  3. You can not knock on the spine! tapping on chest also not carried out.
  4. The fingers should be tilted at an acute angle towards the head to facilitate the expulsion of mucus.
  5. One approach lasts a minute, 30 seconds after the start it is necessary to change the position of the patient's head.
  6. Conduct a session in 3-7 one-minute visits (depending on the age and severity of the disease). During breaks, you need to give the child vertical position to make him clear his throat.

Master class from Dr. Komarovsky - video


The technique is similar to classical massage. The process of sputum discharge will start if the child is laid so that the head is lower than the body (you can put a roller under the stomach). The massage is carried out in three stages, all movements are performed in the direction from the bottom from the ribs up to the neck, retreating from the spine a couple of centimeters on both sides. Perform each element of the procedure 20 times.

  1. First you need to warm up the back with intense rubbing, then create a “wave” on the skin with pinching movements.
  2. The second stage is tapping (as in a vibrational massage) with a bent palm along the ribs.
  3. In conclusion, you should perform stroking movements with an open palm and gently squeeze the ribs in the diaphragm area.
  4. After the procedure, the child should clear his throat, then wrap him in a blanket, and let him lie down for about half an hour.

Massage technique - video

Breathing exercises

The main enemy of bronchial cleansing - congestion. Breathing exercises will help eliminate them. You can start classes on the third day of illness - after normalization of temperature. Do not tire the baby, ten minutes will be enough, but you need to do the exercises every morning and evening. First, you need to ventilate the room. To warm up, you first need to take 10-15 breaths and exhalations through the nose, then the same amount through the mouth.

Important! During the exercise, you need to exhale through your mouth. Inhalation through the nose should be sharp, and through the mouth - smooth.

You need to start with two or three simple exercises: inflating balloons, playing sailboat launch in the bathroom, or blowing a sheet of paper off the table. When the child gets stronger and gets used to breathing correctly, it's time to move on to mastering a set of exercises. So that he does not stray from the rhythm, he needs to be helped by counting.

Breathing exercises "Birdyard" (perform each exercise 5 times):

  • Geese. Starting position: sitting on a chair, hands on shoulders. While inhaling, bend forward, exhale is accompanied by a loud “ha-ah” and return to the starting position.
  • Crow. Starting position: standing or sitting on a chair, arms lowered. Imitation of flapping wings: on the inhale, rise, on the exhale with a loud sound “carr”, lower the arms.
  • Stork. Starting position: standing, hands at the seams. Raising the arms and in turn one leg, bent at the knee, while inhaling and returning to its original position while exhaling with a loud hiss.
  • Hummingbird. The child must imitate the rapid flapping of small wings while running around the room. So that the baby does not fall, let him gradually “sit on the flower” and stop.
  • Kitty. You can also invite the baby to "hunt down" these birds, like a cat. Starting position: standing, hands at the seams. While inhaling, clench your fists, bend your arms and, crouching slightly, turn your body to the right. On the exhale - return to the starting position Alternate turns in both directions.

Charging and exercises on fitball

The purpose of physical therapy is to strengthen the respiratory muscles and increase immunity. Contraindications for classes are:

In other cases, the implementation of exercise therapy accelerates recovery. During exercise in the body, due to the improvement of gas exchange and blood circulation, sputum is removed and the function of the bronchi is restored. The affected mucosa atrophies during the illness, which leads to complications and relapses after the illness. Therapeutic exercises help to maintain the elasticity of tissues in the lungs, and this is the best prevention of diseases associated with bronchitis.

It's good if the child attends special groups, but regular classes can be provided at home. Before starting a workout, the room must be ventilated. Physical exercises are combined with breathing exercises: first, the child performs a respiratory complex, and then connects the movements. You need to start with a warm-up: tilts and turns of the torso, squats, walking with alternate clapping in front of you and behind your back for each exhalation. For kids up to three years old, this will be enough. Older children should continue training and complete the main complex.

Repeat each exercise 5 times:

  • Walk alternately on toes and on heels for one minute.
  • Lying on your back, inhale, then raise your arms, stretch, as you exhale, slowly lower your arms.
  • Without changing the starting position, put one hand along the body, and the other behind the head. Change the position of the hands for each count.
  • Perform the exercise "bicycle" or simply "draw" with your feet in the air.
  • Lying on his stomach, the baby should "swim" like a frog.
  • Exercise "wheelbarrow" - a favorite children's activity. The child walks on the floor in his arms, and the adult holds him by the legs.
  • Straightening the muscles of the chest: rest your hands on the floor, raise the body, lower yourself to the floor.

The complex should be completed with the Crow breathing exercise.

Breathing and motor gymnastics for children - video


Ball exercises are useful from birth. They strengthen muscles and train the vestibular apparatus, and they will also help cure bronchitis. The baby must be completely laid on the ball and rolled, a child older than a year will roll on it himself. To achieve a therapeutic effect, the duration of the procedure should be at least 7, but not longer than 10 minutes, since the patient should not be tired.

Fitball exercises will help strengthen muscles and cure bronchitis

  1. Jumping bunnies. So that the child does not fall, the adult fixes the ball between the legs, and the baby jumps on it, sitting or standing. To begin with, simple bouncing, then with turns and wiggles. This will strengthen the muscles of the back and chest.
  2. Get a toy. Put the child on the fitball with his stomach. Gradually increasing the amplitude, swing it back and forth so that it touches the floor with your hands and feet. Ahead, you need to put a few toys, to which he will try to reach. With a settled baby, you can perform this exercise by placing him with his back on the ball.
  3. Airplane. Invite the baby to “fly”: put the child on his stomach, take the handles and spread them apart, rolling him on the ball. Perform a similar exercise with the baby on his back.
  4. Drummer. The child is sitting on the fitball, the goal is to reach the ball and pat it. An adult, holding him by the hips, prevents this. You can lift the baby so that he leans left and right, trying to get the ball.

Important! Fitball is an interesting activity, but traumatic. Therefore, during the exercise, the child must be held firmly.

A set of exercises with a baby on a fitball - video

Parents need to remember that bronchitis is a relapsing disease. Therefore, the child needs a period of rehabilitation. It is desirable to restore health in a sanatorium on sea ​​shore. If this is not possible, then you should follow a diet with a high content of vitamins, continue to perform breathing and physical exercises, and carry out hardening procedures.

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the lining of the bronchi. The cause of the disease can be allergens, urban smog, and cigarette smoke. As a complication after a cold, bronchitis manifests itself in children: the respiratory system is formed before the age of 12, the lumen in the bronchi and trachea is rather narrow, therefore it is easily filled with mucus. If a child coughs for more than two weeks and complains of chest pain, while sputum is coming out of him, then these are signs of bronchitis. It is possible to stop the disease at the initial stage and prevent its development without medication, using only physiotherapy: massage, breathing exercises and physiotherapy exercises.

Principles of treatment of bronchitis

If bronchitis began from an acute stage (temperature rise to 39 ° C), you should consult a doctor who, before prescribing treatment, will give a referral for tests. After all, there are many forms of the disease:

  • by duration (acute, chronic);
  • by type of inflammation (catarrhal, purulent, fibrinous, obstructive and others);
  • by localization (tracheobronchitis, bronchiolitis);
  • by etiology (viral, allergic, dust, infectious, etc.).

Each type of bronchitis has its own methods of treatment and a set of drugs. Do not be surprised if the doctor prescribes antibiotics, because, for example, with purulent bronchitis, this is the only way to stop the inflammatory process.

Two groups of drugs are used to help eliminate sputum - expectorants and mucolytics. The principle of action of the first group is to stimulate the activity of the bronchi. But these drugs are not used for the treatment of infants, because they can provoke an increase in cough and the development of gag reflexes. The second group is mucolytics. They thin the mucus so that it can be more easily expelled.

A prolonged and painful cough in a child is a reason to see a doctor

Active assistance in the treatment of bronchitis is provided by inhalation using a nebulizer. In addition to medicines, you can irrigate the alveoli with vapors of essential oils and mineral water.

In addition to medical treatment, it is important to ensure the access of clean air to the room, give the patient a warm drink and apply supportive therapy. It can be honey compresses on the chest, mustard plasters, jars, foot baths. But the most effective methods of cleansing the bronchi will be chest massage, physiotherapy exercises and breathing exercises. However, it is worth remembering that if the disease is in the acute phase, then it is impossible to completely replace the main treatment with folk remedies.

Important! It is impossible to carry out any physiotherapy at elevated temperatures. Increased blood circulation will lead to the spread of the disease and an increase in the load on the cardiovascular system.


Recovery consists in complete cleansing of the bronchi. Carrying out massage allows you to speed up this process by increasing blood circulation, accelerating the contractions of the walls of the bronchi, pushing out sputum. As a result, the level of intoxication decreases, and resistance to viruses increases. Children can be massaged from birth. Parents can do it themselves. The main thing is that the temperature of a sick baby does not rise above 37 ° C.

Before starting manipulations, you should consult a pediatrician for contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to massage a child if he has a disease in the acute stage, or inflammatory processes in the larynx are observed.

Children's massage should be more delicate than an adult's. It is important to follow the rules of the procedure. In order not to aggravate the condition of the child, it would be useful to study additional information or watch a training video.

For a massage session to have an effect, the room must be warm (+22…+25 °C) and humid (65%). Before the procedure, it is necessary to prepare the child: give a mucolytic and a warm drink. This will help loosen the mucus and make it easier to expectorate. Massage should not be done at bedtime or before meals, because for another hour the child will cough intensively, for the same reason, at least two hours should pass after eating.

So that the child is not afraid of the procedure, there should be comfortable conditions in the room

There are several types of massage - all of them are effective in their own way:

  • Vibration, or percussion. Tapping on the back creates a slight vibration, which improves sputum discharge. A safe and effective method, even for babies.
  • Drainage. Comprehensive massage aimed at separating and removing sputum. Laborious, but effective. It is recommended to alternate it with vibration.
  • Honey. Massaging the back with rubbing natural honey requires care so as not to hurt the child. It is better to entrust this procedure to a professional.
  • Canned. It is carried out with the help of medical cups. It improves lymphatic circulation and tissue nutrition, but if the technique is violated, it will not give an effect or it will be too painful for the baby.
  • Spot. By acting on trigger points, you can achieve the expected effect, but the danger is that only an experienced specialist will accurately determine them. It is impossible to carry out such a massage on your own, especially with a child.


One of the most popular types of massage, especially effective in the acute form of the disease. Always performed in combination with drug therapy.

  1. To massage the baby, put it on your knees with your back up.
  2. Tap with two fingers on your hand, placed on the back of the baby. Perform the procedure for a minute, if the child perceives the massage well, repeat the tapping 2 more times.
  3. Lay a child older than a year on a flat surface with his stomach on a pillow. Carry out tapping with the edge of the palm.

To get the desired result and not harm the crumbs, you should know a few secrets:

  1. The head of the child should be below the level of the body, so the sputum will be better to leave.
  2. Since the bronchi are part of the structure of the lungs, tapping is carried out in the upper back and sides.
  3. You can not knock on the spine! Tapping on the chest is also not carried out.
  4. The fingers should be tilted at an acute angle towards the head to facilitate the expulsion of mucus.
  5. One approach lasts a minute, 30 seconds after the start it is necessary to change the position of the patient's head.
  6. Conduct a session in 3-7 one-minute visits (depending on the age and severity of the disease). During breaks, it is necessary to give the child a vertical position so that he clears his throat.

Master class from Dr. Komarovsky - video


The technique is similar to classical massage. The process of sputum discharge will start if the child is laid so that the head is lower than the body (you can put a roller under the stomach). The massage is carried out in three stages, all movements are performed in the direction from the bottom from the ribs up to the neck, retreating from the spine a couple of centimeters on both sides. Perform each element of the procedure 20 times.

  1. First you need to warm up the back with intense rubbing, then create a “wave” on the skin with pinching movements.
  2. The second stage is tapping (as in a vibrational massage) with a bent palm along the ribs.
  3. In conclusion, you should perform stroking movements with an open palm and gently squeeze the ribs in the diaphragm area.
  4. After the procedure, the child should clear his throat, then wrap him in a blanket, and let him lie down for about half an hour.

Massage technique - video

Breathing exercises

The main enemy of bronchial cleansing is congestion. Breathing exercises will help eliminate them. You can start classes on the third day of illness - after normalization of temperature. Do not tire the baby, ten minutes will be enough, but you need to do the exercises every morning and evening. First, you need to ventilate the room. To warm up, you first need to take 10-15 breaths and exhalations through the nose, then the same amount through the mouth.

Important! During the exercise, you need to exhale through your mouth. Inhalation through the nose should be sharp, and through the mouth - smooth.

You need to start with two or three simple exercises: inflating balloons, playing sailboat launch in the bathroom, or blowing a sheet of paper off the table. When the child gets stronger and gets used to breathing correctly, it's time to move on to mastering a set of exercises. So that he does not stray from the rhythm, he needs to be helped by counting.

Breathing exercises "Birdyard" (perform each exercise 5 times):

  • Geese. Starting position: sitting on a chair, hands on shoulders. While inhaling, bend forward, exhale is accompanied by a loud “ha-ah” and return to the starting position.
  • Crow. Starting position: standing or sitting on a chair, arms lowered. Imitation of flapping wings: on the inhale, rise, on the exhale with a loud sound “carr”, lower the arms.
  • Stork. Starting position: standing, hands at the seams. Raising the arms and in turn one leg, bent at the knee, while inhaling and returning to its original position while exhaling with a loud hiss.
  • Hummingbird. The child must imitate the rapid flapping of small wings while running around the room. So that the baby does not fall, let him gradually “sit on the flower” and stop.
  • Kitty. You can also invite the baby to "hunt down" these birds, like a cat. Starting position: standing, hands at the seams. While inhaling, clench your fists, bend your arms and, crouching slightly, turn your body to the right. On the exhale - return to the starting position Alternate turns in both directions.

Charging and exercises on fitball

The purpose of physical therapy is to strengthen the respiratory muscles and increase immunity. Contraindications for classes are:

In other cases, the implementation of exercise therapy accelerates recovery. During exercise in the body, due to the improvement of gas exchange and blood circulation, sputum is removed and the function of the bronchi is restored. The affected mucosa atrophies during the illness, which leads to complications and relapses after the illness. Therapeutic exercises help to maintain the elasticity of tissues in the lungs, and this is the best prevention of diseases associated with bronchitis.

It is good if the child attends special groups, but regular classes can also be provided at home. Before starting a workout, the room must be ventilated. Physical exercises are combined with breathing exercises: first, the child performs a respiratory complex, and then connects the movements. You need to start with a warm-up: tilts and turns of the torso, squats, walking with alternate clapping in front of you and behind your back for each exhalation. For kids up to three years old, this will be enough. Older children should continue training and complete the main complex.

Repeat each exercise 5 times:

  • Walk alternately on toes and on heels for one minute.
  • Lying on your back, inhale, then raise your arms, stretch, as you exhale, slowly lower your arms.
  • Without changing the starting position, put one hand along the body, and the other behind the head. Change the position of the hands for each count.
  • Perform the exercise "bicycle" or simply "draw" with your feet in the air.
  • Lying on his stomach, the baby should "swim" like a frog.
  • Exercise "wheelbarrow" is a favorite children's activity. The child walks on the floor in his arms, and the adult holds him by the legs.
  • Straightening the muscles of the chest: rest your hands on the floor, raise the body, lower yourself to the floor.

The complex should be completed with the Crow breathing exercise.

Breathing and motor gymnastics for children - video


Ball exercises are useful from birth. They strengthen muscles and train the vestibular apparatus, and they will also help cure bronchitis. The baby must be completely laid on the ball and rolled, a child older than a year will roll on it himself. To achieve a therapeutic effect, the duration of the procedure should be at least 7, but not longer than 10 minutes, since the patient should not be tired.

Fitball exercises will help strengthen muscles and cure bronchitis

  1. Jumping bunnies. So that the child does not fall, the adult fixes the ball between the legs, and the baby jumps on it, sitting or standing. To begin with, simple bouncing, then with turns and wiggles. This will strengthen the muscles of the back and chest.
  2. Get a toy. Put the child on the fitball with his stomach. Gradually increasing the amplitude, swing it back and forth so that it touches the floor with your hands and feet. Ahead, you need to put a few toys, to which he will try to reach. With a settled baby, you can perform this exercise by placing him with his back on the ball.
  3. Airplane. Invite the baby to “fly”: put the child on his stomach, take the handles and spread them apart, rolling him on the ball. Perform a similar exercise with the baby on his back.
  4. Drummer. The child is sitting on the fitball, the goal is to reach the ball and pat it. An adult, holding him by the hips, prevents this. You can lift the baby so that he leans left and right, trying to get the ball.

Important! Fitball is an interesting activity, but traumatic. Therefore, during the exercise, the child must be held firmly.

A set of exercises with a baby on a fitball - video

Parents need to remember that bronchitis is a relapsing disease. Therefore, the child needs a period of rehabilitation. It is desirable to restore health in a sanatorium on the seashore. If this is not possible, then you should follow a diet with a high content of vitamins, continue to perform breathing and physical exercises, and carry out hardening procedures.

Massage and exercises for bronchitis in children

Bronchitis is a serious disease of the lower respiratory tract, especially dangerous for a child. There is no vaccine against this disease, because it has an extensive etiology. Simply put, bronchitis is a consequence of diseases such as influenza, SARS, etc. The treatment of bronchitis is long-term, massage, breathing exercises and gymnastics play an important role in it.

Basic principles for the treatment of bronchitis in a child

Almost all diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, including bronchitis, are transmitted by airborne droplets. Such diseases cannot be treated on their own, all drugs and recommendations for treatment should be prescribed to your child by a general practitioner.

To combat bronchitis, complex therapy is needed

First of all, it is important to remember that during an illness, parents should provide the child with peace - at least for the first few days. This does not mean that you need to force the baby to lie in bed all the time, but you should not do physical exercises, run and jump either. It is also necessary to provide the baby with plenty of fluids.

In 90% of cases, the therapist prescribes antibiotic treatment to avoid possible complications, recommends mucolytic drugs that ensure sputum discharge. However, not only medicines can help a small patient - to alleviate his condition, massage, breathing and physical exercises should not be neglected.


Massage during bronchitis promotes sputum discharge. You can do it at home - any parent can master the technique of execution.


The most famous is vibration massage, it is advised by almost everyone. This type of massage is especially effective in the acute form of bronchitis - it helps to expel sputum, which in large quantities can accumulate in the bronchi. The essence of vibration massage is the rhythmic tapping of the child on the back in the area of ​​the bronchi.

Vibration massage can be performed even in the acute stage of the disease, but you should still refrain from the procedure if the child's body temperature is very high.

  1. You should put the child on his knees with his stomach in such a way that only the head and legs hang down, the torso should lie completely on the knees.
  2. It is necessary to create a slight tilt towards the head. That is, put your foot, which is farther from the head of the child, on some kind of hill. In this case, sputum during massage under the influence of gravity will not accumulate in the lower sections of the bronchi, but will naturally tend to the outside.
  3. Tapping must be done with the lower back of the hand clenched into a fist. Only the area of ​​​​the bronchi is tapped, there is no need to knock the child on the back idle. In no case should you touch the spine. This scheme is preferable for children older than one year.

If the child is breastfeeding, then you need to knock even more carefully. For the baby, massage is performed as follows:

  1. The position of the baby on his knees remains the same.
  2. You should put your left hand on the child's bronchial area and gently tap your hand with two fingers of your right hand (middle and index).
  3. You need to knock rhythmically, but not very hard. The procedure lasts about a minute, then you need to let the child cough. If the patient's health allows, you can repeat the procedure up to three times.

Master class from Dr. Komarovsky - video


Drainage massage is performed in acute and obstructive forms of bronchitis. It has a positive effect on sputum discharge and relieves coughing.

    It is necessary to put the child with his stomach on a soft roller (you can make it from a blanket or take a long narrow pillow) and rub your back well until redness, the main thing is not to injure the skin. You need to rub the area of ​​the bronchi, without touching the spine.

To reduce pain, it is better to spread baby cream on your back.

  • Then, with the pads of your fingers, walk along the intercostal cavities from the bottom up.
  • After that, with your hand, compressed in the shape of a boat (palm inward), tap the area of ​​the bronchi for a minute. Give the child a good cough and repeat the procedure 2-3 times.
  • Procedures should be started no earlier than 4 days after feeling better, so as not to provoke additional inflammation. If the child has a fever, then the sessions should be stopped.

    Massage technique - video


    Acupressure is based on the principle of influencing certain points on the human body. In acute and chronic disease, the zones of influence are slightly different. They are located almost all over the body: on the neck, behind the ears, under the knees and so on. It is better to entrust this type of massage to a specialist so as not to harm the baby.


    Honey is a natural antiseptic, while it has an anti-inflammatory, soothing and immunostimulating effect. Honey massage resembles drainage - it has a similar principle of execution.

    1. It is necessary to put the child with his stomach on a soft roller, warm up his back with his hands, then apply bee honey to the bronchial area and rub his back already with honey.
    2. As you grind, the honey will thicken. When it becomes very sticky, and it will be impossible to continue rubbing, you need to switch to the technique of sticking-unsticking hands from the body.
    3. The procedure lasts 5-7 minutes. After its completion, you need to wash the child with warm water.

    Any type of massage is best done 30 minutes after taking expectorants.

    A contraindication to such a massage is an acute form of bronchitis. In addition, parents should remember that honey is a highly allergenic product, so it is worth doing an allergy test before using it.

    Breathing exercises

    In the fight against bronchitis, breathing exercises are very helpful. During the period of exacerbation, they should not be carried out, the child may cough. But on the 3-4 day of the disease, these exercises can and should be done.

    One of the most famous and most effective methods is Strelnikova's gymnastics. It consists of inhaling quickly through the nose and slowly exhaling through the mouth. Each inhalation-exhalation should last approximately 1 second. The exercise can be performed standing, sitting or lying down.

    1. The exercise is performed while standing. Feet shoulder width apart, arms relaxed. Inhalation should be short and sharp - through the nose, exhalation long - through the mouth. While inhaling, we clench our hands into fists, while exhaling we slowly relax our fingers. Take a break for a few seconds and repeat the exercise.
    2. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Hands are clenched into fists and lie on the waist. As you inhale, relax your arms and lower them down. As you exhale, return your hands to the starting position. It is recommended to perform the exercise 12 times.
    3. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered along the body. While inhaling, we lean forward, round our shoulders, while exhaling we return to the starting position. Perform 12 sets of 8 tilts with a break of 10 seconds.
    4. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. While inhaling, lean forward, bringing your hands in front of you to the level of your knees, while exhaling, rise. Slightly bend at the waist, putting your hands behind your back. Take a quick breath. Return to the starting position while exhaling air.
    5. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms relaxed, shoulders straightened, back straight, abdominal muscles tense. On inhalation, turn the head to the left side, on exhalation, return to the starting position. Inhale sharply and turn your head to the right, exhale calmly and take your starting position.

    It is best to do exercises in a playful way so that the child is interested.

    Performing a set of exercises - video

    Charging and exercise

    For a speedy recovery and strengthening the immune system of the child, it is necessary to perform a set of gymnastic exercises. The load must be calculated according to the age of the child. It is best to exercise in the morning.

    1. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms relaxed. We perform forward bends, arms and torso should be parallel to the floor. After 3 inclinations, we return to the starting position. Before the exercise, we take a breath, during the slopes we exhale 3 times.
    2. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist. We perform side bends. We raise one hand up and reach for the body. After 3 inclinations, we return to the starting position. Before the exercise, we take a breath, during the slopes we exhale 3 times.
    3. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist. We tilt the head forward, backward, left and right.
    4. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist. Describe the circle with the hips. 10 times one way, 10 times the other.
    5. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms relaxed. We pull each knee to the chest in turn.

    This list of exercises is relevant for children over two years old.

    Fitball exercises

    For kids under the age of two years, charging on a fitball is suitable. It can be purchased at any sports store. It is better to take the ball without handles - they are not needed for exercises with a child.

    1. Fitball jumping while standing. We hold the child by the armpits and let him jump on the ball on his own.
    2. We lay the child on the fitball with his stomach and roll the ball back and forth, supporting the baby.
    3. A similar exercise in the supine position.
    4. We put the child sideways on the fitball. With one hand we take the forearm, the second - for the outer part of the thigh. We roll the fitball in the direction from the child's head to his feet and back.
    5. We put the child on the fitball with his stomach, put toys in front of him, roll the ball back and forth and give the child the opportunity to grab the toy.
    6. We put the child on the floor and let him push the fitball with his hands. If the baby can stand on his own, you can roll the ball from yourself to the child and back.

    Such gymnastics can be carried out in combination with children's massage.

    It is very difficult to completely cure bronchitis in children without drug therapy. But when using medicines, one should not forget about additional measures that can significantly improve the patient's condition and speed up recovery. This fully applies to massage. This procedure does not require financial costs and can be done at home. The effect is felt after the first session.

    Massage for bronchitis in children

    Respiratory diseases in children are very common, because the immunity of babies is not mature enough, and some structural features of the respiratory organs predispose to inflammatory processes. Many parents have heard that at the final stage, when the acute period is left behind, the so-called drainage percussion massage helps children well. You will learn how to conduct it to a child from this material.

    Purpose and benefit

    Massage for bronchitis has a number of important goals - to improve blood circulation and increase blood flow to the respiratory organs, to increase their local immunity. But the main goal is to free the bronchi from the remnants of mucus - bronchial secretions. This mucus during the disease is formed in large quantities and partially departs during a cough - this is the so-called sputum among the people.

    The danger of respiratory diseases in general and bronchitis in particular lies in the fact that bronchial mucus can dry out or thicken excessively, its discharge will become difficult. Pathogenic microorganisms in a stagnant environment will begin to multiply at an unprecedented rate, since this environment is most favorable for them. As a result, bronchitis will have a severe and protracted course, and can also turn into pneumonia.

    Special therapeutic and therapeutic-prophylactic massage is designed to prevent such consequences. It is needed for sputum discharge, for the release of the bronchi and a speedy recovery without complications. It is permissible to conduct sessions for children of any age - both infants and schoolchildren. Children's vibration massage is easy to learn, it is easy to carry out at home. Such sessions do not require any special medical skills from parents.

    The benefits of such an impact are obvious - cough is relieved, breathing improves, blood supply to the lungs increases, lymph drains more efficiently, the child feels better and recovers much faster.

    Types of impact

    The best massage for bronchitis is combined, which includes elements of drainage, vibration and acupressure. Drainage effect contributes to the main goal - the release of the respiratory tract from mucus. In fact, this is massaging the back and chest in a position in which the baby's head is located below the level of his priests. Vibration exposure involves tapping of varying intensity in different parts of the chest and upper back. Point impact is an impact on certain bioactive points, which in the human body are responsible for the state of the respiratory system.

    Some supplement the massage program with banks. Cupping massage in children is a controversial issue, many pediatricians today advise categorically to refuse it, in any case, to avoid such exposure in carrying out procedures for children under one year old.

    Honey massage of the chest, which also proves to be a fairly effective measure for bronchitis, is not recommended for children under the age of 3 years, since bee products and honey are very allergenic and coughing can only intensify, since respiratory and contact allergic reactions will be added to its main cause. honey.

    Honey rubbing should be especially avoided in obstructive bronchitis.

    Execution technique

    Massage should begin from the back. Lay the child on your knees on a pillow so that the child's head is below the level of the buttocks. To do this, a sitting mother can put a small ottoman under one of her legs. A school-age child should be laid on his stomach across the bed, offering to hang his head off the bed and placing a pillow under the pelvis.

    The drainage part of the massage on the back is performed as follows:

    • with both hands, start "drawing" with a slight wave pressure from the bottom up to the right and left of the spine, avoid pressure on the vertebrae;
    • with your palms, rub the long muscles of the back from the bottom up, drawing straight lines to the right and left of the spinal column;
    • “draw” with pressure transverse lines to the right and left sides from the spine to the ribs;
    • put your palm on the ribs on the right, and then on the left and lightly press on it from above with the fingers of the other hand.

    Sit the baby up (if it's a baby, lift it to a vertical position and put it on your tummy) and lightly tap on the back and ribs with your fingertips so that the baby coughs. Move on to chest massage. It runs like this:

    • lay the child on his back so that the head is still below the level of the pelvis;
    • With open palms, lightly rub the chest in the direction from the center to the ribs;
    • rub with light pressure from the center of the chest up to the shoulders and collarbone;
    • lightly tap with your fingertips the intercostal space in the center of the chest and on the sides.

    Move the child to a sitting position, ask them to stretch their arms forward, bend over slightly (just put the baby in an upright position) and cough.

    Massage, breathing exercises and exercise therapy in the treatment of bronchitis in children

    Inflammation of the bronchial mucosa is a serious disease, but with accurate and competent treatment, it can be eliminated without consequences for the child's body. Depending on the form and severity of bronchitis, the doctor prescribes treatments that help eliminate the disease. It is important that the intervention is comprehensive and includes drug therapy, physiotherapy, massage, physiotherapy and breathing exercises.

    Principles of treatment of bronchitis in children

    The first thing parents should pay attention to is that you should not try to treat bronchitis in a child. In addition to the form of the disease and severity, the treatment options are affected by the age of the child, the cause that provoked the disease, as well as the characteristics of the course of the disease. Based on all these factors, the pediatrician will be able to determine the optimal and most effective method treatment of the child's body.

    Bronchitis is a pathological process in which the mucous membrane and walls of the bronchi become inflamed.

    With pronounced symptoms, the presence of signs of intoxication, an increase in temperature, the child is placed in a hospital, where he is under the constant supervision of doctors. With a milder course of the disease, treatment at home is possible, but always with the implementation of all the recommendations of a specialist.

    The main directions of treatment of bronchitis:

    • suppression of infection in the body;
    • cleansing the bronchi and lungs from mucus;
    • general therapy and strengthening of the body;
    • if necessary - antibiotic therapy.

    Taking antibiotics can affect the pathogens and for short term eliminate all existing symptoms of bronchitis. However, it is not always possible to choose the right drug the first time, so it is important to monitor the child and monitor the improvement in his condition.

    If you add breathing exercises, massage and therapeutic exercises to the right medicines, bronchitis will pass in 2-3 weeks.

    Massage in case of illness

    The main purpose of massage for children who suffer from bronchitis is to facilitate the removal of sputum from the body. This is especially true in advanced stages of the disease. It is important to remember that massage should be prescribed and performed by a doctor.

    Indications and contraindications

    Direct indications for the appointment of massage:

    • advanced stage of bronchitis;
    • frequent relapses of the disease (more than 3 times in six months)
    • failure of the main treatment.

    However, in some cases, massage can aggravate the condition of the child's body. This method of treatment should be abandoned if:

    • body temperature exceeds 37°C;
    • infant age up to 6 months;
    • bronchitis is in an acute stage;
    • have heart or lung problems.

    Types of massage: vibration and drainage

    The main purpose of massage for bronchitis in a child is to help remove excess liquid from the bronchi. For this, they can be used various methods depending on the course of the disease.

    Before the massage, it is necessary to place a roller or pillow under the baby's tummy

    Whatever baby massage technique the doctor prescribes, before carrying out manipulations, a small roller is placed under the baby’s stomach so that the upper body and head are below the level of the pelvis. This allows you to facilitate the discharge of sputum from the bronchi.

    1. Vibration massage is performed with a palm folded into a “boat”. The movements resemble light pats and are carried out along the spine from the thoracic region to the neck. For children aged 2-3 years, it will be enough to pat with two fingers of each hand. The total long “vibrations” are 3–5 minutes, after which the baby will want to clear his throat.
    2. Drainage massage involves pre-heating the back with stroking and light rubbing. After that, you need to perform a “wave” of pinching on the skin at a distance of 2-3 cm from the spine in both directions. In this case, light pressure should be applied, which, as it were, expels the liquid, brings it up. With the next approach, you need to retreat a few centimeters to the sides again. Repeat 2-3 “waves” on the left and right sides of the back.

    Massage facilitates the discharge of sputum from the bronchi

    If the massage is performed correctly, after a few days there will be noticeable improvement in breathing and significant coughing. And after 7-10 days - complete cleansing of the bronchi from sputum.

    Dr. Komarovsky about massage for bronchitis (video)

    Breathing exercises

    Another effective method of treating bronchitis in children is breathing exercises. It helps to remove sputum from the bronchi, alleviates the condition of the child and promotes a speedy recovery.

    Such gymnastics should be carried out in the form of a game, then the baby will become interested, and the breathing exercises themselves will be easy, but effective.

    To the most effective exercises include the following:

    1. "Stork" (in a standing position). Take a deep breath, spread your arms to the sides and raise one bent leg. Then exhale with a loud sound "Shhh!" and lower your arms and legs. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times depending on the age of the baby.
    2. "Crow" (sitting on a chair). While inhaling, raise both arms through the sides up. Exhale with the sound “Karrr!”, lower your hands. Repeat 3-5 times.
    3. "Crane" (in a standing position). Inhale - raise your hands up, exhale - lower them down. It is necessary to wave your arms with the widest possible amplitude. Repeat 5-6 times.
    4. "Geese" (sitting on a chair). The palms touch the shoulders. Lean forward and take a deep breath. As you exhale, return to the starting position with a loud “Ha!” sound.

    It is important that as you exhale, the child pronounces all the sounds loudly, helping to open and clear the bronchi.

    Turn breathing exercises into a game: fill a container with water and place a few rubber ducks on the surface. The kid must ensure that the ducks swim near the "opposite shore"

    A good element of breathing exercises that helps to develop the lungs is inflating soap bubbles, balloons and blowing small objects from the surface of the water.

    Breathing exercises for bronchitis (video)

    Therapeutic exercise and fitball exercises

    Exercise will help to alleviate the condition of the child and strengthen his immunity.

    Exercise therapy for children's bronchitis has many advantages:

    • helps to reduce inflammation in the airways;
    • helps improve drainage properties;
    • strengthens the body;
    • improves blood circulation.

    Physiotherapy exercises:

    1. Starting position - lying on your back, arms along the body, legs straight. While inhaling, raise your hands up, put them behind your head, stretch as much as possible. On exhalation, return to the starting position. Repeat 3-5 times.
    2. Starting position - lying on your back, arms along the body. Do the bike exercise. Duration - up to one minute.
    3. Starting position - lying on the stomach, hands in front of the face. On an inhale, rest on your hands and lift upper part torso. It is necessary that the child bends well in the lower back, opening the chest. On exhalation, return to the starting position.

    Fitball exercises

    Fitball allows you to diversify the conduct of exercise therapy. It is especially useful to use it for small children with whom it is difficult to carry out regular exercises.

    The use of a fitball during gymnastics increases the effectiveness of classes

    With the help of a fitball, you can perform the following exercises:

    1. Rocking on the stomach. The child can be held by the legs or pelvis. Carefully roll it 20-30 cm forward and then back. The gentle pressure of the ball on the chest will help expel mucus from the bronchi.
    2. The same swaying can be done on the back, thereby stretching the chest.
    3. Starting position - the child lies on his stomach. Tearing his legs off the floor and holding him behind his back, you need to make vibrational movements, shake them slightly.
    4. The starting position is the same. By increasing the swing amplitude, you need to ensure that the child touches the floor with his hands. It is important to hold him firmly by the ankles.

    During the exercise on the fitball, it is necessary to support and secure the child.

    Treatment of bronchitis is complex. Massage, breathing exercises and physiotherapy exercises help speed up the recovery of the baby. Within a few days after the start of the procedures, the first improvements will be noticeable. However, do not self-medicate. Be sure to consult with a specialist.

    Basic rules for performing massage for bronchitis in children

    Proper massage for bronchitis in children is effective auxiliary means therapy that facilitates breathing and facilitates the excretion of mucus. With bronchitis in a child, a large amount of sputum accumulates in the respiratory system, which is still very difficult for the baby to cough up on his own due to the weakness of reflexes.

    Children's massage for bronchitis has its own characteristics, so parents should first consult a pediatrician about the technique and nuances of performing techniques.

    General instructions

    Massage procedures to increase the effectiveness of bronchitis treatment should be carried out in compliance with a number of rules:

    • massage should be performed during wakefulness and at least two hours before bedtime;
    • the procedure should be performed no earlier than one hour after the baby wakes up and no later than two hours before falling asleep;
    • the room in which the massage is performed should be warm and bright. The air temperature should not be lower than 23 o and not higher than 25 o. Also, the bedding of the child and the hands of the massage therapist should be warm;
    • to increase the effectiveness of therapy, the child should be given an expectorant medicine prescribed by a doctor and drink water 20-30 minutes before the massage;
    • for children, all techniques should be carried out very carefully, given the increased fragility of bones and cartilage;
    • massage can be done up to three times a day for at least 5 days in a row;
    • to massage with bronchitis in infants, it is advisable to apply baby cream on his skin. Then the hands will pleasantly slide over the skin of the child, without causing negative emotions in him.

    To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, it is necessary to alternate massage movements with breathing exercises.

    Children under one year old may have a negative perception of medical techniques, therefore, in order to create conditions for complete comfort for the child during the procedure, the baby must always communicate with the baby in a quiet, gentle voice.

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    You lead the right lifestyle, and bronchitis does not threaten you

    You are a fairly active person who cares and thinks about your respiratory system and health in general, continue to play sports, healthy lifestyle life, and your body will delight you throughout your life, and no bronchitis will bother you. But do not forget to undergo examinations on time, maintain your immunity, this is very important, do not overcool, avoid severe physical and strong emotional overload.

    It's time to start thinking about what you're doing wrong...

    You are at risk, you should think about your lifestyle and start taking care of yourself. Physical education is obligatory, and even better, start playing sports, choose the sport that you like best and turn it into a hobby (dancing, cycling, gym or just try to walk more). Do not forget to treat colds and flu in time, they can lead to complications in the lungs. Be sure to work with your immunity, temper yourself, be in nature and fresh air as often as possible. Do not forget to undergo scheduled annual examinations, it is much easier to treat lung diseases in the initial stages than in a neglected form. Avoid emotional and physical overload, smoking or contact with smokers, if possible, exclude or minimize.

    It's time to sound the alarm! In your case, the probability of getting sick with bronchitis is huge!

    You are completely irresponsible about your health, thereby destroying the work of your lungs and bronchi, have pity on them! If you want to live long, you need to radically change your whole attitude towards the body. First of all, go through an examination by such specialists as a therapist and a pulmonologist, you need to take drastic measures, otherwise everything may end badly for you. Follow all the recommendations of doctors, radically change your life, it may be worth changing your job or even your place of residence, absolutely eliminate smoking and alcohol from your life, and keep contact with people who have such addictions to a minimum, harden, strengthen your immunity, as much as possible be outdoors more often. Avoid emotional and physical overload. Completely exclude all aggressive products from everyday use, replace them with natural, natural products. Do not forget to do wet cleaning and airing the room at home.

    Chronic bronchitis is an inflammation of the inner lining of the bronchi, which is manifested by a wet cough with sputum discharge and a feeling of lack of air. Exercise therapy is an effective treatment option for chronic bronchitis. used for diseases of the respiratory system, includes gymnastic and breathing exercises.

    Exercise therapy and chronic bronchitis

    Exercise therapy successfully complements the basic therapeutic methods for diseases of the respiratory system. The main effects of physical therapy are:

    • Improving gas exchange processes in;
    • Restoration of elasticity and resilience of the walls of the bronchial tree;
    • Regulation of the movements of the diaphragm, intercostal, dentate and other muscles that provide respiratory movements;
    • Improving the blood supply to the lung tissue, which helps to thin the sputum;
    • Reducing the risk of possible complications of bronchitis;
    • Slowing down the progression of the disease;
    • Increasing the availability of medications by stimulating blood flow;
    • General body toning, immunity training;
    • Acceleration of the processes of regeneration of the inner lining of the bronchi.

    Such tasks are set not only for physical exercises, for the purpose of therapeutic effects on the body, breathing exercises are also prescribed. However, it should be noted that there are a number of contraindications for conducting exercise therapy against the background of chronic bronchitis:

    • Purulent cavity (abscess) in the lung;
    • Hemoptysis or the risk of its development;
    • Collapse (atelectasis) of a large area of ​​the lung;
    • Accumulation of a large volume of inflammatory fluid in the pleural cavity surrounding the lungs;
    • The expressed insufficiency of respiratory function of the III degree.

    In acute bronchitis and during an exacerbation of chronic bronchitis against the background of a high temperature reaction and severe shortness of breath, gymnastics should not be done.

    Exercise therapy for children with bronchitis

    Due to the weakness of the respiratory muscles in children, the process of discharge of bronchial discharge is usually difficult, which can provoke the development of complications. Therefore, in childhood The main task of exercise therapy in the pathology of the respiratory system is to strengthen the muscles and improve the outflow of mucus from the bronchial tree.

    It can be difficult for young children to explain the need for classes, in which case gymnastics should be carried out in an entertaining way:

    • Blow soap bubbles;
    • Inflate balloons;
    • Control a boat made of paper in the water using directed breathing.

    Invite your child to perform some exercises from the yoga arsenal, they may seem interesting to him:

    1. Beetle: Sit on the floor, place your palms on your waist, turn your torso to the sides with each breath, while moving the arm of the same name back.
    2. Crane: Extend the handles in front of you. Inhale: raise them above the head, exhale: lower them, accompanying this with a lingering sound “uuu”.
    3. Flight: Run while flapping your arms. Gradually reduce the speed and go to the step.

    A set of yoga exercises should be repeated at least 5 times. The child will be more willing to engage if one of the adults is involved in this process.

    Exercise therapy for bronchitis for adults

    Therapeutic gymnastics in adults includes training that improves the general condition, activates blood circulation and reduces the viscosity of the bronchial discharge. bronchitis (accompanied by bronchospasm) helps to expand the lumen of the structures and restore their normal patency. Classes are recommended to be carried out twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.


    Evening training should be carried out no later than an hour before going to bed, so as not to provoke insomnia.

    An important condition for the effectiveness of classes is their conduct in a quiet, cool room. Optimum temperature is 10-18°C. It is best to do the exercises on an empty stomach.

    The combination of exercise therapy with aromatherapy will achieve the best results. Coniferous oils are suitable for this purpose - spruce, fir, juniper, cedar. They will allow you to solve such problems as removing sputum from the bronchi, expanding their lumen, and reducing inflammation. A few drops of oil drip into the aroma lamp and set it in the room where the training takes place. The only thing to consider is the individual susceptibility of the body to essential oils. Possible allergic reactions impose restrictions on their use.

    Useful video - 1 simple exercise with high efficiency

    Getting Started

    During the first few workouts, exercise should be carried out carefully, giving the body the opportunity to adapt to physical activity. It is better to repeat the whole complex in slow pace, first 5 times, then, gradually increasing the number of repetitions, bring them to 14.

    Performing special exercise therapy exercises for bronchitis is recommended to be preceded by percussion massage, which will increase the effectiveness of further exercises. However, if this option is not possible, then you need to conduct an initial warm-up, which will give impetus to the entire workout.

    Preliminary warm-up

    1. We press the nostrils with our fingers to the nasal septum to make breathing difficult. Within 3 minutes we breathe through the narrowed nasal passages.
    2. We fold the lips with the letter "O", leaving a small hole between them. Breathe through your mouth for 3 minutes.
    3. We take a nasal breath, exhale air through the same "surprised" lips. Then vice versa: inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nose.

    After each completed exercise, do not forget to take a 20-second pause - this is the time for even, deep breathing.

    Exercise therapy for chronic bronchitis, a set of exercises

    • Introduction
    1. We stretch our legs, sitting on a chair, put our hands to the shoulder girdle. We inhale deeply, take our hands to the sides, up, bend back. During an extended exhalation, we return to the previous position.
    2. In the same starting position, we carry out rotational movements in shoulder joints, 4 times forward and backward.
    3. Sitting with arms lowered on the sides of the body, while inhaling we stretch them up, during a long exhalation we lower them down.
    4. We sit on a chair with a back, place our palms on the waist. We turn the body alternately in different directions (3 times), reaching the back of the chair with the elbow joint.
    • Main part
    1. We sit on a chair, bend our arms at the elbow joints. When inhaling, we raise our elbows up, exhaling through the lips that form the letter “O”, lower them to the body, slightly squeezing the ribs from the sides.
    2. From the same position we take the upper limbs to the sides. While inhaling, we pull the bent leg to the chest, clasp it with our hands and do not press it very hard. The exhalation is accompanied by the sounds "pfff".
    3. Walking in place, raise your hands through the sides above your head by 2 steps during inhalation, while exhaling (4 steps) we lower them, pause in breathing - 4 steps.
    4. In a standing position, put your palms on the lower ribs from 2 sides. We inhale deeply. On the exhale, we imitate the sound “xha” and squeeze the chest.
    5. While inhaling, we stretch our arms through the sides above the head, while exhaling, we lean forward, we take out the floor with our fingertips. Exhalation is accompanied by the sound "pfff".
    6. I put my hands on my stomach. We train diaphragmatic breathing. Inhaling, we protrude the abdominal muscles forward, exhaling, we retract and press the anterior abdominal wall with the palms of our hands.
    7. We take gymnastic stick, get on your knees. Inhale: raise the stick above your head in straight arms. Exhale: sit down on your heels and lower the stick.
    8. In the same position, we raise the stick up while inhaling, while exhaling, we alternately sit down to the right, then to the left, while retracting the stick in the opposite direction.
    • Final part:
    1. Step in place, pull your hands up as you inhale, as you exhale, return down.
    2. Continue walking in place with your favorite breathing exercises.
    3. Standing alternately shake (shake) the legs, all muscle groups of which should be relaxed.

    Here is an example of simpler exercises for the lungs and bronchi, which are performed in a supine position:

    1. Inhale: move the upper limbs to different sides. Exhale: select bent legs to the anterior chest wall, "catching" them with your hands.
    2. The arms lie flat on the sides of the body. Inhale: stretch them up above the head. Exhale: return your hands to the bed, but raise one leg.
    3. Bend your legs at the knees and hip joints. Inhale: tear off the buttocks from the bed, leaning on the feet. Exhale: return the pelvis to the bed.
    4. Exhale: sit down from a lying position. Inhale: Lie back.

    Video - Strelnikova's breathing exercises. Full complex

    Breathing exercises for chronic bronchitis

    Breathing exercises for bronchitis are designed to solve several problems at once:

    • Regulate the function of the lungs and muscles that provide respiratory movements;
    • Improve blood circulation;
    • Stabilize metabolic processes;
    • Activate immune defense;
    • Reduce puffiness;
    • Bring the level of hemoglobin back to normal;
    • Facilitate the excretion of mucus.

    Classes are preferably carried out at least twice a day. The duration of the course of breathing exercises should be a little less than a month. Here is an indicative list of breathing exercises for the treatment of chronic bronchitis.

    • Introductory stage:
    1. 4 times slowly and deeply inhale and exhale alternately through the nose and mouth. The break between one breathing movement is 10 seconds.
    • Main part:
    1. Clasp your hands in a lock. Slowly inhaling, stretch, freeze for a couple of seconds, then exhale.
    2. We walk on the spot, trying to raise our knees higher, raising and lowering our hands, for 5 minutes. Breathing is full, even.
    3. Spread your legs shoulder width apart. While inhaling, we lean forward, stretching our arms horizontally. On the exhale, we straighten up, arch a little and put our hands back.
    4. Alternately, we swing our arms back and forth. Inhale through your mouth, exhale through your nose.
    • Final stage:
    1. To resume normal breathing, stand up straight, feet together, relax. Gently tilt the body alternately in different directions. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

    If there is no time

    For people who do not have the opportunity to allocate enough time to train the respiratory muscles, a simplified version of the exercises was developed:

    1. Inhale deeply through the nose, slightly closing the nasal passages on both sides, exhale through the mouth.
    2. Alternately breathe in one nostril, holding the other.
    3. Breathe through the lips forming the letter "O". At the height of inhalation, hold your breath for a couple of seconds.
    4. Inhale with a wide open mouth to lift the muscles abdominal wall. Exhale through the nose.
    5. Inflate the balloon, filling it with air as much as possible in one exhalation.

    What else can you do

    1. Walking. This is one of the options for exercise therapy, effective in chronic bronchitis. You need to walk in place, rhythmically, at a fast pace, if your health allows. If you feel short of breath, dizzy, weak, slow down and gradually stop exercising. Especially helpful. It should be practiced for about an hour every day.
    2. Massage. Percussion (percussion - see video) massage of the anterior chest wall helps to remove accumulations of bronchial discharge, prevents congestive processes in the lungs, and has a beneficial effect on the respiratory muscles. It is especially useful to carry it out before a session of exercise therapy.

    Regular systematic exercise therapy classes and breathing exercises for chronic bronchitis is the right way to defeat the disease. These techniques will help to stop the development of the disease, reduce the frequency of relapses and reduce the likelihood of complications.

    Useful video - Percussion massage for bronchitis

    The abbreviation "LFK" stands for "medical and physical education complex." Exercise therapy is a method of additional therapy for many diseases. Exercise therapy for bronchitis is one of the most effective methods by which you can defeat the disease.

    The main goal of exercise therapy in chronic bronchitis is the rehabilitation of the functioning of the bronchi. In addition, gymnastics has the following positive effect:

    • improves the supply of oxygen to the bronchi and lungs;
    • develops and strengthens the muscles of the respiratory system;
    • prevents possible pathological complications;
    • improves the process of blood flow to the pleural region, which contributes to better liquefaction and sputum withdrawal;
    • increases the absorption of drugs by the body;
    • promotes the regeneration of bronchial tissue.

    In addition, exercise therapy for bronchitis improves immunity. The body fights infection more effectively - the root cause of bronchitis.

    Features of exercise therapy for children and adults

    With bronchitis, a considerable amount of sputum masses accumulate in the bronchus cavity, which interferes with the normal breathing process. Often, spasms, edema are observed, ventilation of the lungs is disturbed. Exercise therapy is also effective in obstructive bronchitis. With the help of gymnastics, the following tasks are solved:

    • cleansing the bronchial cavity from sputum;
    • increased activity of breathing;
    • improved blood flow to the bronchi;
    • inhibition of inflammation.

    Exercise therapy is especially important for bronchitis in children, since they have insufficiently developed muscles of the respiratory organs, which makes the process of mucus discharge difficult. Exercise therapy helps to cope with this problem by stimulating muscle work.

    Attention! You can start exercise therapy for bronchitis only when the temperature has already subsided! The first few days, drug treatment is carried out, and only then exercise therapy is prescribed. For young children, compliance with this condition is mandatory!

    A set of exercises

    Performance exercise therapy complex in chronic bronchitis begins with a warm-up.

    It is best if it is a drainage massage. If classes are held at home, then first you need to do the following:

    1. Pinch your nose with your index fingers. Inhale and exhale deeply for 3 minutes.
    2. Lips make a "tube". Inhale and exhale air through the windpipe. Time - 3 minutes.
    3. Do not change the position of the lips. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. The next breath - on the contrary: through the mouth, exhalation - through the nose. Alternate 10-12 times.

    As soon as the warm-up is completed, the main stage of training begins. Standard set of exercises:

    1. Pose - lying on your back, arms along the body. Inhale and slowly raise the lower limbs, winding them behind the back of the head. Also slowly lower while exhaling.
    2. Take a supine position on your back. Put one hand under the head, and the other along the body. The rhythm of breathing should be accelerated and deep. Alternate (preferably quickly) the position of the hands in time with the breath.
    3. Bicycle exercise. Lying on your back, you need to raise your legs and begin to “twist” imaginary pedals with them in the air, as when riding a bicycle.
    4. Lie on your stomach, spread your arms and bend at the elbows, press your palms to the floor (in the area shoulder girdle). Inhale - tear off the torso from the floor, arch the lower back. Exhale - return to the previous position.
    5. Lie on your stomach, arms along the body. Inhale - raise your head and shoulders, trying to do it to the maximum. Exhalation - initial position.
    6. "Ball". Pose - on the stomach. Hands behind head. You need to try to reach the imaginary ball and hold it as long as possible. Breathing is free, the pace is rhythmic, inhalations and exhalations are deep.
    7. Lie on your left side, curling up a little. Inhale - raise the right hand up, straighten the spine and straighten. Exhalation - initial position.
    8. "Skiing". Get into a pose, as if on skis. Take imaginary sticks in your hands. Inhale - rise on toes, bend the body forward so that the knees touch the stomach, arms back. Exhale - starting position.
    9. "Woodcutter". Stand up, feet shoulder width apart. The hands are in an extended position, the fingers are interlaced in a "lock". Inhale - hands above your head, exhale - an energetic swing down, as if chopping firewood.

    Exercises are performed 10-12 times. The exception is the “bicycle”: it must be repeated as many times as there is enough strength.

    1. "Crane". Inhale - raise your arms up. Exhale - lower, at the same time pronounce the sound "ku" (drawn out).
    2. "Flight". Imitation of the flight of a bird in the form of flapping hands. First, the baby starts running, gradually moving to walking.
    3. "Bug". Sit on the floor, hands with fists rest against the sides along the line of the belt. Inhale - turn the body, the arm (depending on the direction, parallel to it) is retracted. Exhale - the former position.

    Repeat each exercise 5 times. So that the child does not act up, parents are advised to do the exercises with him.

    In a serious condition, when bed rest is prescribed: take a hose or tube, lower one end into a bowl of water, the other at the mouth. Sit down, inhale as deeply as possible. Exhale slowly, intermittently for 15 minutes, spitting mucus through a tube.

    Exercise rules

    In order for the result from the implementation of the exercise therapy complex for bronchitis to be maximum, it is necessary not to deviate from certain:

    • conduct classes in the morning and evening hours (60-90 minutes before going to bed);
    • pre-ventilate the room;
    • temperature in the room - + 10-18 0;
    • there should be no extraneous loud, annoying and interfering sounds;
    • do not eat before classes;
    • between exercises you need a break for half a minute;
    • Clothing should be comfortable and not hinder movement.

    Important! You can not start exercises at elevated temperature, general weakness and dizziness. With an exacerbation of the disease, when the patient cannot leave the bed, classes are held in a sparing mode for no longer than 4 minutes a day.

    Breathing exercises

    The basis of breathing exercises is inhalations and exhalations of different intensity.

    Exercise therapy for bronchitis - namely, a set of exercises for breathing - is performed in 3 stages:

    • elementary,
    • basic,
    • final.

    A warm-up is preliminarily performed: inhalation-exhalation is repeated 15 times through the mouth, then through the nose.

    If there is a constant triggering of the cough reflex, you first need to get rid of sputum. To do this, stand up, feet shoulder-width apart, neck muscles relaxed, head slightly lowered. With your fingers, lightly press in the navel area, while coughing up sputum. You can put a bowl of water underneath. A set of exercises:

    1. Stand up, feet shoulder width apart. Inhale - pull yourself up on your toes, hands up, above your head. Exhale - through the windpipe with the sound "u", hands down.
    2. Steps. Walk in place, spread your arms. When making a step - inhale, foot on the floor - exhale. Duration - 2 minutes.
    3. Lotus position. While inhaling, clench your palms into fists, arms up. Exhale without haste, with the sound "x", hands to their original place.
    4. Mahi hands. Breathing is deep, rhythmic, in time with movements.
    5. Legs together. Inhale - right hand up, left - parallel to the floor. Exhale slowly while changing hands.
    6. Tilts. Hands along the body. Inhale - tilt in one direction, exhale - in the opposite direction. Perform slowly, breathing measured.

    Mahi and steps to perform within 2 minutes. Perform the rest of the exercises 5-6 times. Extreme exercise - necessarily 6 times.

    Experts advise to combine a set of exercise therapy exercises for chronic bronchitis with drainage massage. The following order of classes is recommended: exercises, breathing exercises, massage.

    Aromatherapy is a great addition to gymnastics. Coniferous trees have excellent disinfecting properties. You can put a sprig of cedar, fir, pine, juniper in the room. It is also permissible to use the oils of these trees in aroma lamps.

    Attention! Before using essential oils, it is important to make sure that you are not allergic!

    Exercise therapy for bronchitis will not replace the main treatment - but it will significantly speed up the healing process. It has been established that those who adhere to the exercise, cope with the disease twice as fast as those who refused exercise therapy. Classes and after recovery will help to avoid recurrence of the disease and perfectly strengthen the general condition of the body.

    Application: Gymnastics Strelnikova

    Breathing exercises according to the method of A.N. Strelnikova as prevention of upper respiratory tract diseases in children with speech disorders.